Drugs to strengthen the immune system

Indications for use of "Novopan-1":

Recommended for:

  • Excess weight, obesity, vitamin deficiency, fatigue, weakness of the body;
  • Inflammatory processes, malfunctions of the nervous, endocrine and immune systems;
  • Reduced lipid metabolism, skin diseases, rashes and skin irritation;
  • Deterioration of vision, brittle hair and nails, hormonal imbalances;
  • Prevention of cardiovascular diseases, urolithiasis, blood clots.

The biologically active drug Novopan-1 is used for weight loss, removing toxins and waste from the body. The medicinal properties of the dietary supplement include relieving inflammation, strengthening the heart and blood vessels, and activating human defense systems. Novopan-1 is a balanced source of protein. Amino acids contained in the meat of artiodactyl mammals are beneficial for the body. In folk medicine of China and Asian countries, maral substances are highly valued because they are a valuable medicinal component.

Novopan-1 does not contain artificial colors and is completely safe for humans. with deer meat powder is indispensable for diabetes and obesity; the medicinal properties of the drug include increasing the level of hemoglobin in the blood and stimulating the functioning of the human immune system. The high benefits of the active supplement help patients rehabilitate after surgery, reducing the risk of complications.

Novopan-1 is taken by athletes, active and physically developed people to restore energy and maintain the body's defenses.

The drug Novopan-1 is effective not only for weight loss, but also for normalizing intestinal function. Microcrystalline cellulose contained in the food additive absorbs and removes harmful substances. The cellular substance, like a sponge, cleanses the gastrointestinal tract without damaging the beneficial microflora. A natural neutralizer of harmful compounds is found in large quantities in vegetables and fruits.

Taking a drug based on MCC reduces the feeling of hunger and is an excellent prevention of gastroenterological diseases, diabetes and atherosclerosis. The benefits of cellulose cannot be overestimated; it is indispensable for the normal functioning of any organism. This substance does not dissolve in the stomach and has no contraindications. When taken in combination, Novopan-1 promotes weight loss and saturates the body with essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals.

In our online store “Russian Roots” you can buy “Novopan-1” and consult on its use. Our managers will be happy to answer all your questions regarding our products, they will tell you where to buy this dietary supplement and how much it costs. The large assortment and excellent prices of our online store will pleasantly surprise you.

Various dietary supplements can be purchased at a pharmacy in Moscow or in our online store, or ordered by mail. The price in pharmacies depends on the volume of the package. You will learn about the benefits of Novopan-1, what it treats, and how it is taken by visiting the page of our website.

What problems can novopan solve for weight loss?

Usually all diets “stop” at one point - the person feels too disgusting to continue. The following factors create a specific state of health:

  • carbohydrate swings or changes in blood sugar levels. If the caloric content of the diet is underestimated, and a person consumes a lot of simple carbohydrates (the “calorie is still a calorie” approach, low-calorie food, but full of sweets and other flavored curds), the differences between satiety and hunger will be significant. This condition is usually corrected by adding “pure” protein products, which slow down the absorption of food and soften the effect. But the best solution is still considered to be “assigning” curds and sweets to 1-2 meals a week, as a small permitted violation;
  • emotional factor - a person worries too much about the fact that he is once “not allowed” to do something there, while all other people are “allowed”. As a result, meals are “overgrown” with accompanying experiences, the mind itself concentrates on food and the process of eating it, and the person breaks off the diet, simply unable to withstand the pressure of circumstances;
  • the diet is objectively poor in vitamins and minerals. In fact, this is a philosophical question - it is possible to calculate exactly how many vitamins are consumed with food, and how many are missing, only in laboratory conditions. Doctors usually recommend taking preventive courses of vitamin and mineral complexes in order to feel better despite the diet. Following a diet low in vitamins and minerals for a long time can lead to health problems.

Novopan is offered to us as a source of vitamins B, E, iron and other minerals, as well as a full complex of amino acids. Let’s just say that it won’t be worse from dietary supplements and with such a composition on a diet, but you really shouldn’t expect any dramatic changes in terms of well-being and health.

In reality, the problems listed above are not corrected by dietary supplements. They are a direct result of too much energy restriction, and too drastic changes in lifestyle. It is quite difficult to prevent their occurrence with the help of dietary supplements. In practice, they proceed as follows:

At first, a person does not set himself the goal of losing weight, but sets the goal of eliminating sources of empty calories from the diet and replacing them with simple food rich in macronutrients and vitamins and minerals. When his diet takes the form of “porridge, vegetables, meat, dairy products, fish, fruits,” then calorie cutting and the stage of food diaries begin;

someone losing weight starts a diary, finds out how many calories he actually eats, calculates how many calories he should eat, and begins to follow the diet with minor restrictions, gradually adding physical activity.

If you set aside long, 12-week cycles for each stage, you can avoid feeling unwell and obsessing over the problem.

Method of preparation and use of "Novopan-1":

As a protein supplement for the diet, take 2 capsules of Novopan-1 three times a day before meals.

To reduce and correct weight, you should take 2-3 capsules of the dietary supplement instead of one meal (preferably dinner).


Reviews indicate that the results of such treatment provide remarkable results. You need to tune in to the treatment until you get the result and try not to interrupt the procedure. If you don’t know where to buy Novopan-1 in your region, contact our online store “Russian Roots”.

Novopan No. 1 - for weight loss and maintaining normal weight, package of 100 capsules

Ingredients: dry pantohematogen C, dry bergenia extract
Inside each capsule:

  • Vitamins: vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, E.
  • Amino acids: valine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, threonine, tryptophan, phenylalanine, histidine, alanine, arginine, proline, serine, glutamic acid.
  • Minerals: iron, zinc, potassium, copper, sodium, manganese, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus.


  • Low fat content and almost zero calorie content of the product will help you cope with extra pounds without harm to your health;
  • Altai deer meat is a source of complete protein of animal origin, which cannot be replaced with fats and carbohydrates. Protein gives the body additional energy, which intensively works with fat deposits on the waist and hips;
  • The rich biochemical composition of the product is the basis for a healthy balanced diet. The composition of deer meat contains a valuable complex of “live” vitamins, minerals and amino acids created by nature itself, which are highly soluble and easily absorbed by the body;
  • The product is recommended for all healthy people, as well as people at high risk of cardiovascular diseases caused by atherosclerosis. The optimal ratio of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids and unique omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, preserved in their original form and having anti-atherosclerotic and antithrombogenic activity, helps reduce the risk of developing many cardiovascular diseases;
  • The product helps remove heavy metals, free radicals, microbial toxins, breakdown products and other toxic substances that accumulate in fatty tissues from the body.

Directions for use: as an additional protein supplement and gradual weight loss: 2 capsules – 3 times a day, 30 minutes before meals. For accelerated weight loss: 2-3 capsules instead of dinner, washed down with water.

Contraindications: individual intolerance to the components, pregnancy, breastfeeding.

Contraindications for the use of "Novopan-1":

Individual intolerance to the components of the drug "Novopan-1", pregnancy, lactation. Do not take to children under 14 years of age.

Novopan-1 is available in Moscow pharmacies at an affordable price; the active supplement can be ordered by mail or courier. The main medicinal characteristics, benefits and harms of taking the drug are presented on the medicinal herbs website. Additionally, the client can get acquainted with the method of administration, how much it costs, where to buy, what it treats and how the selected drug is useful.

You can buy “Novopan-1” in our online store “Russian Roots”, and also order it by mail.

Release form:100 capsules.
Shelf life:1 year. Store in a cool dry place.
Manufacturer:Pantoproekt LLC, 659300, Russia, Altai Territory, Biysk, st. Lev Tolstoy, 150.

Attention! All materials published on our website are protected by copyright. When re-publishing, attribution and a link to the original source are required.

See also:

  • Vitamin C 900 capsules
  • Plantain seeds to normalize stool
  • Psyllium Husk for Sugar Control and Weight Loss

Methods of application

The first method of use (using Novopan No. 1 as a protein supplement to food): take 2 capsules of Novopan No. 1 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

The second method of use (for the purpose of weight correction), which involves two options for using Novopan No. 1:

The first option: take 2 capsules of Novopan No. 1 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Second option: replace dinner by taking 2-3 capsules of Novopan No. 1.

Indications for use of "Novopan-3":

Recommended for:

  • Excess weight, weak immunity, slow digestion;
  • Cough, cold, sputum, respiratory diseases;
  • Stomach colic, diarrhea, nausea, dizziness, frequent belching;
  • Vitamin deficiency, problems with the lymphatic system, reduced blood flow, diabetes mellitus;
  • Tumors and neoplasms (as a prophylactic agent).

Body weight control occurs by taking the dietary supplement Novopan-3. The composite combination of useful substances is effective for losing weight, increasing immunity, and getting rid of fatigue. The benefits of using the drug include regulating metabolic processes in the body, reducing appetite and normalizing a person’s weight.

The medicinal properties of ginger are expressed by powerful activating properties; the drug increases the intensity of metabolism and the production of red blood cells in the blood.

One of the main components of Novopan-3 is Altai deer meat powder. This is an excellent source of protein compounds, which is used separately during diets, effectively replacing products made from antlers of representatives of the Deer family.

The second component is ginger root, which has been used since ancient times to activate the immune system. In folk medicine, ginger is effective for weight loss, as it speeds up metabolism, increases blood flow and promotes the breakdown of fats. Ginger root is also useful for preventing colds.

The burdock extract included in the composition has a blood purifying effect, relieves pain, strengthens hair and stimulates its growth.

Novopan-3 is best taken in combination with other drugs for weight loss; also with ginger, it is an excellent prevention for cancer and chronic inflammatory processes. The medicinal properties of the drug include cleansing the body of toxins and reducing the severity of colds.

In our online store “Russian Roots” you can buy “Novopan-3” and consult on its use. Our managers will be happy to answer all your questions regarding our products, they will tell you where to buy this dietary supplement and how much it costs. The large assortment and excellent prices of our online store will pleasantly surprise you.

Various dietary supplements can be purchased at a pharmacy in Moscow or in our online store, or ordered by mail. The price of dietary supplements in pharmacies depends on the volume of the package. You will learn about the benefits of Novopan-3, what it treats, and how it is taken by visiting the page of our website.

Contraindications for the use of "Novopan-3":

Individual intolerance to the drug "Novopan-3 with ginger root", pregnancy, lactation, intestinal problems, ulcerative conditions, problems of the genitourinary system. Do not take to children under 14 years of age.

You can buy a medicinal product on the website or at a pharmacy in Moscow, order by mail or courier. Consumer reviews of ginger indicate the effectiveness of the drug in the fight against excess weight. On the pages of the online store of medicinal herbs you can find out the answers to many of your questions: what is useful, what cures, how to use, how much it costs and where to buy the chosen drug, what are the harms and benefits of taking powder mixtures.

You can buy “Novopan-3” in our online store “Russian Roots”, and also order by mail.

Release form:90 capsules.
Shelf life:1 year. Store in a cool dry place.
Manufacturer:Pantoproekt LLC, 659300, Russia, Altai Territory, Biysk, st. Lev Tolstoy, 150.

Attention! All materials published on our website are protected by copyright. When re-publishing, attribution and a link to the original source are required.

See also:

  • Teas for weight loss
  • Vitamins and supplements
  • Essential oils

Method of preparation and use of "Novopan-3":

Take 1 capsule of Novopan-3 three times a day before meals. The drug is taken in a course of 90 days; it is not a drug, but it effectively reduces weight and promotes fat burning in the human body.


Reviews indicate that the results of such treatment provide remarkable results. You need to tune in to the treatment until you get the result and try not to interrupt the procedure. If you don’t know where to buy Novopan-3 in your region, contact our online store “Russian Roots”.

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