alpha lipoic acid benefits and harms for the human body

For what?

The properties of lipoic acid and its effects on the body are extensive.
This acid is best known for its antioxidant effects. Scientists from Moscow State University have proven that alpha-lipoic acid can increase the resistance of nerve cells to neurodegenerative disorders. The study was published in the journal Frontiers in Neuroscience.1 Its results may help in the development of drugs to treat diseases associated with disorders of the nervous tissue. Some studies have confirmed the effect of lipoic acid on increasing blood circulation.2

In terms of weight loss, studies conducted with obese people have seen weight loss in those who took 1800 mg of lipoic acid,3 but more research is needed to confidently claim that this supplement promotes weight loss. It slows down the accumulation of fat deposits, but you need to understand that if you want to lose weight, you cannot rely only on supplements. This drug can only be considered as an addition to exercise and diet.

It is also used to prevent and protect against infections and viruses. It takes part in many biochemical processes occurring in the body: it regulates fat and carbohydrate metabolism, promotes detoxification of the body after drinking alcohol, from toxic substances and heavy metals.

It is often prescribed as an additional means to reduce the side effects of basic drugs in the treatment of various diseases.

The supplement has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and reduces emotional stress.

This acid plays a critical role in the process of converting glucose into energy.

Alpha lipoic acid is a universal antioxidant because it dissolves not only in water, but also in fat. Thanks to this property, it copes well with intracellular protection. In addition, it combines well with other antioxidants, such as vitamin C, glutathione, vitamin E, enhancing their effects. Science has also proven the effectiveness of lipoic acid for memory problems.

Benefits for weight loss

Alpha lipoic acid has wonderful properties that will be useful for anyone who is trying to reduce body fat and reduce their weight. It is involved in the process of fat burning and promotes more active breakdown of fat cells during physical activity. In addition, when entering the body, lipoic acid enhances protein metabolism, due to which a person receives the necessary amount of energy. However, you must follow a strict diet.

To lose weight, lipoic acid should be consumed in the morning before the first meal, after training or at dinner. It is good to combine a portion of the supplement with carbohydrate foods.

To achieve maximum effect, you should strictly monitor your basic diet. It should be balanced and fully meet your daily needs for proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Avoid increasing feelings of hunger.

Helps maintain muscle mass while dieting

Another potential benefit of CLA is its ability to preserve muscle mass while dieting. The best way to maintain muscle mass during a long-term calorie-restricted diet is to consume adequate protein (1.6 g/kg+) with regular resistance training. However, supplementing with CLA can help improve your results.

The study, which lasted two years, looked at the body composition of overweight adults. Those who received 4.5 g of CLA showed a decrease in fat mass and preservation of muscle mass.4 However, it is worth noting that this two-year period did not include monitoring of diet and exercise. And when it comes to maintaining muscle while losing weight, these factors are important.

Supplement for athletes

Every athlete knows that during training, one of the main tasks in building a beautiful body is proper muscle recovery. Lipoic acid acts as an antioxidant and enhances human potential. When consumed, the production of heavy radicals decreases as a result of intense exercise in the gym. This allows the body to fully rest and grow. Regular use of lipoic acid will increase physical activity without losing performance. It also acts as an anti-catabolic, that is, it prevents proteins from being destroyed, which will have a beneficial effect on the effectiveness of your training process.

Application in cosmetology

Lipoic acid is actively used externally as a cosmetic product. In most compositions of anti-aging creams, it comes first. Lipoic acid gives the skin a healthy appearance, helps maintain its tone and reduces the negative effects of long exposure to the sun. It can be useful for skin diseases: dandruff and acne, as it narrows pores and reduces inflammation. A double-blind study of forty participants found a noticeable reduction in signs of skin aging after six months of supplementation.5

Who should take alpha lipoic acid?

Taking ALA is divided into two categories - for a specific purpose and for general health promotion. Doctors and nutritionists identify a number of main indications for the use of vitamin N:

  • To prevent age-related changes - the most widespread indication that affects almost all aspects of health: from strengthening the immune system to reducing the risk of developing cancer;
  • For endocrine disorders, to increase the synthesis of thyroid hormones;
  • Improving memory, reducing the risk of Alzheimer's disease;
  • Gastrointestinal disorders and diseases - the substance normalizes digestion, improves liver function;
  • While taking medications or in any cases where a hepatoprotective effect is necessary;
  • For central nervous system disorders, insomnia, depression and other psycho-emotional disorders;
  • For rejuvenation of skin and other tissues;
  • Strengthening the cardiovascular system, preventing heart attack and other diseases;
  • To support the body with diabetes, reduce the risk of developing concomitant diseases.

The use of ALA for weight loss

Alpha lipoic acid is often prescribed for weight loss. It is not a direct fat burner, but can help accelerate weight loss during dieting and active physical activity. Reduction of body fat mass occurs due to:

  • Decreased appetite and the ability to better tolerate hunger;
  • Acceleration of metabolic processes, better consumption of calories by the body;
  • Increased sensitivity to insulin;
  • Improves liver function, prevents fatty hepatosis.

The use of alpha lipoic acid in sports

In sports, alpha lipoic acid is used not only for weight loss. The substance increases protein synthesis, which directly affects muscle growth and recovery. This makes alpha lipoic acid effective in any discipline: strength, aerobic, cyclic and other sports.

Another important effect due to which ALA is highly valued in sports (especially in strength sports) is its antioxidant effect. Any physical activity is stressful for the body, and when it accumulates, various malfunctions in the body can occur. Reducing oxidative stress can enhance not only physical regeneration, but also enhance the restorative abilities of the central nervous system and endocrine systems. The use of ALA allows you to train more often without loss of efficiency, maintain muscle volume, strength, and endurance levels.

What products does it contain?

The main sources of lipoic acid are animal products - heart, kidneys and liver. It is also found in large quantities in various legumes: lentils, peas, beans. Small amounts of acid can be obtained from bananas, mushrooms, yeast, rice, spinach, cabbage and dairy products.

The human body is capable of producing lipoic acid on its own. But even taking into account the amount that can be obtained from food, the level of its content will be insufficient for the healthy functioning of the body. Therefore, doctors advise paying attention to additional intake of alpha lipoic acid in the form of a supplement. It is available in several forms: in the form of capsules, powder and ampoules for intravenous injection.

Natural Sources of CLA

  • Grass-fed beef - 433 mg per serving
  • Cheese from grass-fed cows - 180-270 mg
  • Whole milk from grass-fed cows - 160-240 mg
  • Lamb - 148 mg
  • Whole milk - 44 mg
  • Regular yogurt - 43 mg
  • Butter - 54 mg
  • Cottage cheese - 22 mg
  • 2% milk - 20 mg

Best Alpha Lipoic Acid Supplements

Almost all major manufacturers make ALA supplements. Some of the best alpha lipoic acid supplements include:

  • Alpha Lipoic Acid from NOW is the optimal choice in terms of quality, price and bioavailability. The manufacturer produces up to 10 variations with different dosages and packaging. The most profitable packaging is considered to be 120 capsules, with dosages of 600 mg. This is the standard daily value for most uses;
  • Alpha Lipoic Acid California Gold Nutrition is NOW's main competitor. It is of the same high quality; some forms of release have a more favorable price. It is also recommended to pack with 120 capsules of 600 mg per package;
  • Doctor's Best Alpha-Lipoic Acid is one of the most beneficial options for therapeutic use. Each capsule contains 150 mg of the substance;
  • Natrol's Alpha Lipoic Acid is the best supplement for diabetics or when you need a slow release and gradual absorption of the substance. ALA from this manufacturer is distinguished by a slow release system, which ensures a long and gradual release of the substance into the blood. Another benefit is 600 mg per tablet;
  • Solgar's Alpha Lipoic Acid is simply a good supplement from one of the world's most famous brands. It has high quality, but loses to competitors in terms of price;
  • Life Extension's Super R-Lipoic Acid is the most expensive, low-dose supplement available. A package of 60 capsules of 240 mg costs almost twice as much as analogues of 120 capsules of 600 mg. However, its main advantage is the highest bioavailability, which is achieved through the use of a special form.

How to take it correctly?

Like other vitamin-like substances, lipoic acid has its own consumption standards. They will be different depending on age. Children under 15 years of age are recommended to take 12-25 mg per day, for adults - about 25-50 mg. During periods of intense physical or emotional stress, it is worth increasing your lipoic acid intake to 75 mg. If lipoic acid is part of a complex treatment program for any disease, then its dosage can be significantly increased.

Please note that while taking lipoic acid you must avoid drinking alcohol.

Side effects

When studying the effects of lipoic acid on the human body, no significant negative consequences were identified. Even when combined with other antioxidants: vitamins A or C, L-carnitine or green tea extract. However, if the recommended dosages are exceeded excessively, side effects may occur. Always consult your doctor before taking any supplements.


Alpha lipoic acid is a universal antioxidant that, by fighting antioxidants, slows down the aging process. It enhances the effect of many vitamins, helping to strengthen the immune system and improve overall health, and regulates metabolism. For athletes, it may be of particular interest, as it helps maintain muscle mass and increase physical performance when losing weight. It also prevents the destruction of proteins. Taking alpha lipoic acid will not only help replenish the lack of substance in the body, but will also affect the effectiveness of training.

Articles on our website are presented for educational and informational purposes only. We do not recommend using article materials as medical advice. If you decide to take dietary supplements or make fundamental changes to your diet, first consult with a specialist.

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