7 tips on how to look younger than your age: why we age and what helps to maintain youth

Good afternoon, dear readers!

At all times, people have been driven by a passionate goal - to preserve eternal youth and beauty. This dilemma has not lost its relevance to this day. Judge for yourself: at 30, 40, 50 years old, would you like to look, well... at least ten years younger? Of course!

Unfortunately, it is impossible to stop the physiological process of aging. But preserving youth, at least to a relative extent, is within the power of each of us. The main thing is not to be lazy and include new, healthy habits in your diet. Are you ready for dramatic changes in your usual diet, self-care, and pastime? If yes, then this article is just for you! Let's figure out what rules are very important to follow in order to preserve youth, health and beauty for a long time. Go!

Physical activity

Sport is not only the best cure for a bad mood, but also the most important component of a healthy lifestyle. Scientists say that by regularly devoting at least 30 minutes a day to physical exercise, you can protect yourself from obesity, cancer and arthritis. Physical activity reduces the likelihood of developing Alzheimer's disease by 50% and eliminates the manifestation of depression by approximately 47%.

Have you felt how insidious apathy has quietly crept up on you? immediately ! Well, or at least for an active walk. Just don’t mess around too much. Normally, a person should take at least 10 thousand steps a day. It would seem, so what’s so special about a walk... But you try to include it in your daily schedule as an integral procedure. In just a week, your emotional state will change for the better, your head will become fresh and light, and what can we say about toned legs and noticeable improvements on the scales.

Homemade face mask with olive oil

Add 5-10 drops of olive oil to a mixture containing 1 egg yolk, a teaspoon of honey and a few drops of lemon juice.
The resulting mask is applied to the skin of the face and décolleté after peeling, and after 15 minutes, washed off with warm water. After all procedures, it is useful to do a light massage, for example, stroking or tapping your face along the massage lines for several minutes, moving from bottom to top. This activates blood circulation, improves tone and prevents the appearance of facial wrinkles.

Proper nutrition

Alas, it’s not possible to eat hamburgers and maintain youth for many years. Scientists from gerontologists have found that by reducing daily calorie consumption by literally 30%, we significantly prevent the progression of the aging process , which means we preserve our youth and attractiveness. Moreover, people who watch their diet are more energetic and have virtually no health problems.

A properly formulated diet can prolong the life cycle, protect against the possible risk of cancer, increase brain activity and significantly improve our reactions. What secret products contribute to this? In fact, their list is simple: fresh fruits and vegetables, cereals and other foods enriched with living fibers and vitamins A, C, E. It is the latter that act as natural antioxidants that cleanse our body of harmful toxins. Also, nutritionists highlight a number of products that, in their opinion, are the treasured key to long-lasting youth and attractiveness.


Numerous clinical studies have revealed a very interesting fact: Japanese residents are least susceptible to developing cancer compared to other nations. This is due to their ardent love for seafood delicacies enriched with healthy omega acids. Especially, tuna, salmon and salmon are rightfully considered a storehouse of such.

Milk products

Calcium plays a key role in the proper formation of tissues and bones. Natural dairy products - cottage cheese, milk and sour cream - will help replenish its reserves in the body. As people age, some become lactose intolerant. In this case, you can pay attention to soy products . Soy contains no less useful substances. Regularly consuming delicacies based on it can significantly reduce blood cholesterol levels and even prevent the development of osteoporosis.


Have you ever wondered why Italians are always in a great mood? Simply, there is always a natural antidepressant on their table - tomatoes. This juicy vegetable is full of lycopene, which has a beneficial effect on the psyche and cardiovascular system, and also prevents the development of a number of malignant tumors.


Broccoli is high in sulforaphane, which is responsible for the production of enzymes that remove toxins from the body. Also, asparagus cabbage is saturated with a large amount of vitamin A , which is often called the beauty vitamin, because it is responsible for the strength of nails and hair strength.


The benefit of walnuts is their satiety. By eating five nuts with honey, you can satiate your stomach for a long time without harming your figure. Also, this product can reduce the risk of developing breast cancer. Doctors boldly include it in the menu of people suffering from diabetes and gastritis. Their oil has no less beneficial effects on the liver. To maintain youth and beauty, as well as improve your health, it is enough to treat yourself to a hearty treat once a day, in the form of a small snack (up to 50 g).


This sweet, crunchy fruit is enriched with a lot of useful vitamins and substances, in particular quercetin. The latter is found in abundance in apple peels and is highly valued in medicine. Quercetin is often included in a number of food and dietary supplements. Also, the substance acts as a powerful opponent of age-related diseases Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.

Green tea

The value of this drink has been known since time immemorial. Green tea actively removes waste and toxins from the body. Its regular use has a beneficial effect on the figure, calms the nervous system and improves heart function. The fair half should especially pay attention to it. Green tea reduces the circulation of estrogen in the body, which provokes the development of breast cancer.

Follow a diet

Eating the Mediterranean diet may lead to a longer life. , which will help slow down aging.

According to scientific data Global diets link environmental sustainability and human health. , the Mediterranean diet significantly slows down the aging process, and also reduces the likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes by 16%, cancer by 7%, and coronary heart disease by 26%.

The Mediterranean diet includes vegetables, beans, peas, fruits, olive oil, fish, poultry and nuts. This is a low-calorie and low-fat food, rich in dietary fiber, potassium, vitamins C and K. Another important component of the Mediterranean diet is wine, which contains a whole range of beneficial substances (catechins, resveratrol, quercetin) that improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Consumption of meat and fatty dairy products is kept to a minimum.

In 2014, the British Medical Journal published an article Mediterranean diet and telomere length in Nurses' Health Study: population based cohort study. , which states that healthy middle-aged women following a Mediterranean diet have slower shortening of the ends of chromosomes - telomeres. Telomere shortening is one of the powerful factors of aging, which is even called the cellular clock. This fact is proof that the Mediterranean diet really increases life expectancy and slows down the aging process.

Relief from stress

Of course, no one is immune from stressful situations in which it is difficult to control one’s nerves. But you can always look at any problem from a different perspective. Only a child does not know that nerve cells are not restored. So let's stop losing them over trifles. There are a number of simple recommendations that increase our resistance to stress and, as a result, help maintain youth:

  • stop pampering yourself with invigorating drinks, which excite the psyche and disrupt sleep patterns, which is fraught with periodic attacks of groundless anxiety;
  • Surprisingly, straight posture and resistance to stress are directly related to each other, so “keep your back straight and your nose high, gentlemen”;
  • give your brain a break from television and gadgets at least a couple of hours before bed. Read a fascinating novel, free your imagination from news feeds and notice for yourself how the quality of your night's rest has improved.

Exercises for various types of wrinkles

  • Place your index fingers above your eyebrows. Then begin to raise your eyebrows, and use your fingers to resist this movement - this is a technique for horizontal wrinkles on the forehead.
  • The following exercise helps with eyebrow wrinkles: move your eyebrows tightly together, while pressing them with your middle fingers, preventing the formation of a fold.
  • To prevent crow's feet, place your ring fingers on the outside of your eye socket. Close your eyes. To consolidate the result, clench your fists with your thumbs up, which you then apply to the outer corners of your eyes, pressing lightly. The gaze should be directed upward.

Body flexibility

There is a saying: “You are only as young as the flexibility of your spine.” Indeed, our youth directly depends on the flexibility of our body. If washing floors without a mop is a fabulous feat, then what kind of youth can we even talk about? The lack of physical mobility will certainly make itself felt by the age of 35. Muscles and ligaments will lose their elasticity, joints will begin to bend and unbend with the sound of a “country gate” and, therefore, gradually the scales will begin to please less and less often...

In order not to let the situation get to this point, to maintain youth and flexibility of the body, it is important to overcome laziness and take care of yourself. For these purposes, it is not necessary to join the ranks of bodybuilders. It is enough to include simple physical exercises such as yoga, stretching, Pilates and others in your daily diet. This kind of activity will restore elasticity to the muscles, improve blood circulation and even help relieve nervous tension. By regularly performing even light exercises, we already have a reason to be proud. Also, such a habit increases self-esteem, which is also an indisputable plus.

Tip two: movement is life

Youth and attractiveness are directly related to movement. And the category of movements can include not only walking, fitness classes or exercise machines, but also, for example, good regular sex.

By the way: special studies have been conducted, the conclusions of which convince us that if you have sex every day for 6 months, you can actually rejuvenate physically and look 5 years younger than you are.

In addition to the pleasant side described above, make it a rule to use public transport as little as possible, preferring to walk, do exercises at least three times a week, and ideally sign up for aerobics, dancing or swimming - the quality of your life will only improve, it will become much more more interesting and richer.

Sun protection

Long-term exposure to ultraviolet rays causes enormous damage to our skin: they destroy collagen and elastin, cause pigment spots and activate the premature aging process in its cells. What can we say about sunburn, excessive dryness and flaking?

Yes, the sun is certainly great. It lifts your mood, gives your skin a beautiful tan, and ultimately warms you up... But it is important not to overdo it with exposure to its hot rays and arm yourself with all the precautions: protective cream with UV filters, a hat, sunglasses. We especially do not neglect the latter. It’s clear that you want to fully enjoy the beauty of a sunny day! But long contemplation of the radiant sky is not very beneficial for our eyes. Moreover, it is fraught with cataracts! So, we stock up on anti-solar attributes and try to stay in the shade as long as possible in the first half of the day.

Tip four: Tibetan herbs and essential oils

It is not without reason that they say that Tibetan herbs and oils are the elixir of eternal youth, because in all Tibetan cosmetic recipes the main ingredients are natural products. Let us dwell on the most beneficial properties of popular herbs for our youth, beauty and longevity:

  • Ginseng is one of the most important and popular plants in Tibetan medical practice. Its composition is rich in essential oils, peptides and saccharides, which are simply irreplaceable when caring for aging skin that loses its elasticity. It has regenerating and tonic effects, ensures a normal level of water-salt balance, and promotes oxygen saturation of the skin and hair.
  • Saffron is a source of vitamins B and PP, essential fatty oils and phosphorus and potassium salts. It is used not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology. It is an excellent moisturizer for the skin, smoothes and soothes it, and helps increase its elasticity.
  • Honeysuckle is a storehouse of ascorbic acid and astringents. Strengthens blood vessels, actively tones and rejuvenates the skin.
  • Lofant is a plant that contains high concentrations of essential oils and tannins, vitamins, and various types of acids. It is actively used in cosmetology as part of masks to smooth the skin and maintain a long-lasting effect, as well as to nourish and strengthen hair.

Decoctions and infusions of these herbs and flowers can be used to regularly wipe your face or rinse your hair: their effect can compete with a set of medical procedures or the use of popular branded cosmetics to preserve youth.

Facial care

The skin of the face is extremely delicate and requires especially delicate care, because it is completely defenseless against the harmful effects of the environment. To protect and strengthen the skin, as well as preserve its youth for many years, it is important to follow all the rules of caring for it.

Cleansing with a special foam or gel should become a daily habit. It is carried out like brushing your teeth - twice a day: in the morning after waking up, and in the evening, a few hours before bedtime. Several times a week, use scrubs and peeling for deep cleansing, masks for intensive nutrition and skin regeneration.
Also, do not forget to use special creams according to your skin type. And remember: not only women should take care of their faces. This aspect also applies to men.

The benefits of yoga in rejuvenation

Considering the options for exercises in yoga, it becomes noticeable that many asanas are inverted. This is explained by Indian philosophy. It says that the chakra that emits lunar nectar, which prolongs life and rejuvenates the body, is located in the brain. Nectar should flow down the body, but the solar chakra, which is located in the solar plexus area, burns it, thereby shortening life expectancy.

To rejuvenate your body you just need to turn it upside down

This means that in order to prolong life, you need to take the upside down position more often . Then the nectar, necessary for a long life, will accumulate in the lunar chakra and will not burn. To do this, you need to master several exercises by watching a video or with the help of a trainer.

Video: yoga for beginners


How to breathe correctly

It would seem that there is nothing easier and more natural for a person than to breathe. However, not everyone understands that our state of health, as well as physical and intellectual development, depends on breathing technique.

It is better to do breathing exercises in the morning after waking up. Its goal is to cleanse the body of toxins that accumulate in cells during the night, improve blood circulation, and increase body tone. Indian sages believe that exhalation should be 3-4 times longer than inhalation, and the breathing rate should be reduced to 3-6 exhalations per minute. Moreover, you need to breathe only through your nose, because according to their beliefs, this organ is intended for breathing, and the mouth is for eating.

Walks in the open air

For optimal and vigorous well-being, a person needs about thirty cubic meters of fresh air per hour. Don’t be too lazy in the evening after work to walk a couple of stops. Unwind your head and replenish your body’s supply of fresh air. At home, even in winter, try to never close the windows. And in general: get out to the park more often, to picnics, to the dacha... All this will enrich you not only with oxygen, but also with a sea of ​​positive emotions!

Tip five: modern cosmetology

In the arsenal of modern cosmetology today there are many procedures and products that can help any of us in the fight for youth. You should not neglect them, but you should also approach the choice of rejuvenation methods selectively, relying solely on your own case. Let's name the most popular anti-aging cosmetic procedures today, which are performed in salons and medical centers:

  • Laser peeling – cleanses the skin of old cells, age spots and spider veins. The effect of the procedure can last for several years.
  • Mesotherapy or hyaluronic acid injections - wrinkles on the skin are filled with special cocktails of active drugs selected by a cosmetologist.
  • Photorejuvenation is effective for facial contour defects, decreased skin elasticity and pigmentation, and is performed using light flashes. The pain during the procedure is insignificant, the effect will last about a year.
  • Botulinum toxin (Botox) injections stop muscle function. As a result, fine wrinkles and “crow’s feet” around the eyes and on the forehead are smoothed out. The effect of the drug will last a year, but facial reactions will be significantly reduced.
  • Facial plastic surgery is performed primarily using hyaluronic acid injections. After this procedure, an immediate effect is noticeable and lasts about 6 months.

Minimum fried

Many people are ready to sell their souls for fried potatoes with a crispy crust, or a tasty sizzling steak fresh from the frying pan. But a momentary enjoyment of such delicacies causes disproportionate harm to the body. Protein and fat molecules damaged during frying are no longer responsible for the optimal performance of their functions. Now, these “cross-linked” carbohydrates pose a serious threat: diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, chronic kidney disease, Alzheimer's disease... These are just some of the options that lead to abuse of fried foods.

To preserve your outer youth, you first need to take care of your inner youth. Try replacing fried foods with boiled, stewed, or steamed ones. Also, reconsider your “savory” preferences. Now we are talking about seasonings and herbs. Some of them can stop the aging process: thyme, oregano, rosemary, basil, sage, tarragon, dill. They not only give food an amazing spicy aroma, but also prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases.

are considered excellent anti-aging agents . They contain the geroprotective substance curcumin, which slows down the progression of cell aging in the body.

Tip three: fasting days for weight loss

In order not to go on diets, but to always be in good physical shape, many women practice fasting days, and they do it right. By arranging such a day, you do not cause any significant harm to the body, while a long diet can hurt your metabolism. It is especially good to arrange fasting days after you had a hearty dinner the evening of the previous day and are afraid that excess weight will not slow down on your figure.

So, what is the best way to unload ? Try spending a whole day on one product, choosing from the following options:

  • water;
  • kefir or yogurt;
  • tea with milk;
  • apples;
  • cucumbers or green salad;
  • green tea with honey;
  • skim cheese.

Advice: falling asleep with a half-starved stomach for just a few days will help solve the problem of poor sleep and “getting off on the wrong foot” syndrome.

Getting rid of bad habits

Many people passionately talk about how much they long to preserve their youth for at least another ten years. But at the same time, these people do not think about the dangers of cigarettes and alcohol both for general health and for appearance. Smoking activates premature aging of the skin and significantly damages teeth.

American studies have proven that the mortality rate of smokers is three times higher than the mortality rate of non-smokers. At the same time, the list of cancer, respiratory and vascular diseases that cause death is truly frightening...

What should you protect your skin from?

The main enemy of female beauty is ultraviolet radiation. The sun's rays dry out the skin, and regular tanning (including in a solarium) can lead to early aging and wrinkles. Avoid overexposure to UV radiation and be sure to use sunscreen.

Our appearance also reflects the internal state of the body. Overwork, irritation, and nervous tension have a destructive effect on the functioning of absolutely all organs and systems, and sooner or later this will definitely affect the condition of the skin.

Try to maintain balance, avoid stress, get more rest and relaxation. And if you feel that the pace of life is becoming too tiring, take a break, spend the day in nature, or at least drink a soothing herbal tea with lemon balm.

Drinking clean water daily

Do you want to maintain youth and good health for a long time? Drink as much clean water as possible, 2 to 2.5 liters per day. We can talk endlessly about the beneficial properties of this universal solvent, but we will highlight a number of the main ones:

  • moisturizes and smoothes the skin;
  • removes waste and toxins from the body;
  • is directly involved in the formation of joint lubrication;
  • responsible for thermoregulation of the body;
  • promotes accelerated entry into the body of minerals, trace elements and vitamins absorbed from food;
  • speeds up metabolism;
  • promotes weight loss;
  • protects body cells from death and starvation by transporting nutrients to them.

Do not forget that we are talking about clean water; tea and coffee are not suitable in this case. If it is difficult to start drinking 2 liters of water a day, then start with at least 3 glasses a day: morning, afternoon and evening.

How to maintain youth and beauty

How to look younger than your age? This question has always worried women. Even over the years, we dream of elastic, fresh skin, a beautiful figure, and no gray hair. In our high-speed modern age, this problem remains relevant. Find out the secrets of beauty and youth from leading Runet experts.

After 35-40 years, women notice age-related skin changes. Bags under the eyes and wrinkles appear, the glow, freshness and elasticity of the skin disappear. Women, looking for the best ways to rejuvenate, run to plastic surgeons, sign up for expensive beauty injections, lifts and other modern procedures.

Today I will offer the fair half of humanity practical advice on rejuvenating the body. You will learn how you can stay young and attractive for many years.

It turns out that you don’t need to spend a lot of money to do this, you just need to work and take care of yourself regularly throughout your life. Only then will you maintain a blooming appearance at any age. Of course, you need to start taking care of preserving your youth from a young age, especially taking care of your skin while it is fresh and elastic.

But if you are late, and you are already over..., then even more so, without delay, start taking care of your beauty right now! Better late than never! I offer you 3 miracle massages that give results of myofascial treatment of the face, be beautiful!

Secrets of beauty and health


Let's figure out why a person ages and how to maintain youth? With age, the human body loses its important functions: cell regeneration slows down, the ability to reproduce slows down, and the immune system weakens. It becomes increasingly difficult for a person to resist negative external factors and cope with illnesses.

What affects aging? Let's consider the scientific data of gerontologists that answer this question.

Every person has their own biological clock. Nature contains a program in the genes of the body for destruction and withering at a certain time. That’s why the length of life’s journey is different for each person. Learn modern osteopathic techniques for express rejuvenation - “I am a sculptor of my body and face.”

Throughout life, various damages accumulate in the human body, which also cause aging. Poisoning of the body with its own toxins and wastes, intestinal poisons formed as a result of the constant work of the intestines is another reason for approaching old age, which affects life expectancy.

Factors that reveal age

The body ages with age, this is inevitable. Metabolism gradually decreases, diseases set in, and tissue regeneration decreases. Everyone struggles with these symptoms differently. Nobody wants to grow old, and everyone dreams of learning the secret of youth.

Women who dream of beauty go to great lengths: they undergo plastic surgery, expensive beauty injections, and use a large amount of cosmetics and makeup. But you need to understand that no one can deceive age. Remember the factors that most reveal age and take timely measures.

  1. Early gray hair.
  2. Ungroomed hands.
  3. Incorrectly chosen clothes.
  4. Too bright makeup.
  5. Deep wrinkles.
  6. Flabby body.
  7. Tired, extinct look.
  8. Flabby facial skin.

Meanwhile, there are ladies who look gorgeous at 50-60 years old, and there are people who look like old people at 40-45 years old. Everyone ages differently, using their own beauty and health secrets. In order not to quickly lose your attractiveness, the prevention of premature aging is important.

Eating foods rich in antioxidants

There are a number of foods that, when we feast on them, we unknowingly protect ourselves from diseases, slow down the aging process in the body and help damaged cells return to optimal functioning. The fact is that these foods are enriched with high levels of antioxidants that perform all this magic inside us:

  • spinach;
  • pomegranate;
  • nuts;
  • blueberry;
  • dark grapes;
  • green tea.

By including these simple dishes in the daily menu, we are able to preserve our youth, beauty, optimal well-being and accompanying mood for many many years to come.

Methods of rejuvenation at the cellular level

Today, the fight against physiological exhaustion of the body is extremely popular. Scientific genetic research has led to a simple solution - it is necessary to maintain the youth of cells. There are many ways in which you can speed up metabolic processes in cells.

Rejuvenation at home

The easiest and most affordable option is to increase your intake of animal protein. The fact is that it can speed up metabolic processes by 40%. However, the efficiency of protein absorption is closely related to the amount of fluid consumed. To successfully remove the breakdown products of 1 gram of protein, the body requires 42 ml of fluid. That is, for 100 grams of meat or fish dish, a person needs to drink at least 420 ml of liquid.

Excessive consumption of protein without the required amount of fluid can lead to dysfunction of the kidneys, joints, exacerbation of chronic prostatitis or adenoma, mastopathy, etc.

Protein is the building material of the body

Another point of activation of metabolic processes will be the strengthening of carbohydrate metabolism through the liver, because the higher the proportion of carbohydrates in the body’s energy supply, the younger it is in general. To do this, you need to drink an “activating” drink on an empty stomach immediately after waking up: 200 ml of water with one tablespoon of honey and the same amount of lemon juice (cherries, lingonberries, cranberries) or apple cider vinegar. You can start breakfast in 15–20 minutes.

A honey-lemon drink on an empty stomach activates carbohydrate metabolism in the body

A unique method using stem cells

The rejuvenation procedure using stem cells is popular not only among women, but also among the stronger sex. The fact is that as a result of this method, rejuvenation occurs not only externally, but also from the inside - the patient feels a noticeable surge of strength and vigor, his skin becomes more elastic and firm. The hair is also transformed - gray hair disappears, shine and thickness appear.

This method of rejuvenation is not quick. It involves several procedures, each of which consists of several stages:

  1. First, the patient's blood is taken for analysis. This is done to determine possible contraindications.
  2. Under local anesthesia, adipose tissue is collected from the peri-umbilical area.
  3. After 2 weeks, the patient is injected intravenously with grown and purified mesenchymal stem cells.

From this moment the process of rejuvenation begins. After 60 days, the procedure is repeated. You can feel the results in 5–6 months.

Main types of aging

Many consider the most “attractive” type of aging in which the facial contour is well preserved and remains clear. In this case, even if small expression wrinkles appear on skin prone to dryness, the face still looks quite toned and does not lose structure. Such changes are characteristic of the finely wrinkled type.

Photo: istockphoto.com

Similar symptoms appear with the muscular type. But in this case, among other things, the pigmentation of the skin is disrupted, the nasolabial folds become more pronounced, the corners of the lips droop and the eyelids droop.

Among the features of the tired type are the following: skin tone decreases, it loses its radiance and becomes drier. Also, tear troughs and nasal folds are drawn more clearly, and wrinkles appear around the lips.

Proper nutrition can prolong youth. Foods that prevent aging

Touch your face with your hands less

Redness, irritation and other skin defects often occur due to contact with dirty hands. Throughout the day, a lot of bacteria accumulate on your hands, so antibacterial treatment is important. Marie Claire's fashion and beauty experts share their do's and don'ts:

  1. Avoid touching your face too often, especially with dirty hands.
  2. Disinfect items that come into contact with your facial skin (phones, glasses, etc.).
  3. Before touching up your makeup, wash your hands with antimicrobial soap.

Tip seven: cleansing the body

In order to stay young longer, we need to take care of the timely removal of harmful substances that accumulate throughout life and clog our body from the inside. Even if you eat right, you need to take measures to cleanse the body, especially the intestines. Several ways to naturally and regularly cleanse the body under normal conditions:

  • compliance with the correct drinking regime (you must drink at least 1.5-2 liters of clean water daily);
  • drinking freshly squeezed berry, fruit and vegetable juices (beetroot and carrot juice has a particularly strong effect);
  • herbal infusions will relieve you of toxins: herbs such as St. John's wort, chamomile, birch buds, and immortelle are especially useful;
  • cleansing with folk remedies. So, a paste made from 10 heads of garlic, 10 lemons and 1 liter of natural honey is very effective. Drink this “potion” on an empty stomach, 4 tsp each, until the remedy runs out;
  • cleansing and rejuvenation with tea made from strawberry, raspberry and rosehip leaves.

Consult your doctor!

Previously, we wrote about how to properly communicate with a doctor.

Against hypertension and hypotension

  • Sleep correctly

Scientists say that sleeping between 11 pm and 3 am helps the body absorb nutrients and is responsible for tissue regeneration and renewal. The ideal time to go to bed is 11 o'clock or a little earlier.

The amount of sleep directly affects the functioning of the brain, helping to maintain its youth and plasticity. Professor James Goodwin, a scientist from the British organization Age UK, notes that after a good sleep the brain becomes rested and ready for a new day:

The brain goes through a certain number of different levels of consciousness during the night in order to then restore its resources.

Experts say that an adult should sleep at least 7-8 hours, but there is another way to restore brain activity and help the body. Scientists from Harvard Medical School found that people who typically slept less than 7 hours but went to bed an hour earlier than usual showed positive changes in blood pressure. This had a beneficial effect on the entire body and helped reduce the risk of stroke and heart attack.

Also, try sleeping at work - as counterintuitive as it may sound, studies have shown that 15-20 minutes of sleep can boost energy, improve concentration and increase productivity. The leaders of the world's largest companies - Google, NASA, Apple - have already understood this and are introducing the practice of daytime sleep for their employees.

Gradually, this technique is coming to Russia: some organizations support the desire of workers to sleep and organize cozy places to relax, installing special capsules or soft sofas. If your office doesn't have a place to sleep, try napping in your car, an empty room, or right at your desk.

For hypertensive patients

  • Play some sports

It is not necessary to spend time in the gym: walking in the fresh air, cycling, jogging, yoga or swimming also have a positive effect on the body. Experts say that running and cycling can reduce blood pressure by 10 units. Even half an hour of exercise a day can help reduce blood pressure: according to a study in the journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, those who spend 28 minutes daily running, swimming, or walking have a 31% reduced risk of hypertension.

  • Watch your diet

Excessive amounts of salt retain fluid in the body, which leads to increased stress on blood vessels. The optimal amount of salt that an adult can consume per day is about 5-6 grams. Potassium helps to cope with the negative effects of salt on the body: it is found in bananas, tomato sauce, potatoes, and apricots.

For hypotensive patients

  • Wear compression stockings

Commonly used to reduce pain and swelling from varicose veins, these stockings can improve the functioning of the venous system, reducing swelling and enlarged veins. Compression stockings should be worn for as long as prescribed by your doctor. You should not wear such underwear without consulting a specialist: stockings fit tightly to the body and can injure the skin and blood vessels.

  • Eat right

To prevent a sudden drop in blood pressure after meals, eat small meals several times a day. Limit your consumption of foods high in carbohydrates: potatoes, rice, pasta, since a diet dominated by carbohydrates can lead to a sharp decrease in blood pressure.

Salt raises blood pressure, so you can eat pickled vegetables, cheeses, and herring two to three times a week. Pomegranate, nuts, buckwheat will help increase hemoglobin levels, and all kinds of spices - black pepper, rosemary, mustard, horseradish, ginger - will help increase blood pressure. Meat, fish, chocolate, coffee help increase blood pressure.

  • Listen to your body

Don't sit cross-legged. Before you get up in the morning, take a few deep breaths and then sit down slowly before standing up. Experts also advise slowly raising and lowering your feet several times to improve blood circulation.

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