Chewing gum helps you lose weight: 5 scientific evidence

Chewing gum composition

Each manufacturer adds certain components to the chewing gum that are responsible for individual differences and give the product specific taste qualities. However, the main components of all chewing gum are the same.

Rubber base

The rubber base consists of:

  • Elastomer;
  • Smol;
  • Wax.

The hydrophobic food polymers included in the composition prevent the dissolution of chewing gum in the oral cavity. At the same time, this quality allows the chewing gum to come into contact with oily surfaces.


It is these components that are among the most controversial when it comes to the pros and cons of chewing gum and the dangers of chewing gum for children. In this regard, let us consider this component of the product in more detail.

Sorbitol (sorbitol)

In the composition, this component is also designated E420. Negative consequences for the body arise from abuse of sorbitol and include the development of:

  • Diarrhea;
  • Increased gas formation, and, as a result, irritable bowel syndrome;
  • Fructose malabsorption.


The second component designation is E965. In case of overdose, it can have a laxative effect. However, it is worth noting that this sweetener has lower calorie content than sugar and does not lead to the destruction of tooth enamel.


Refers to sugar alcohols and has the designation E421. It has a lower glycemic index than sucrose and poor absorption in the intestine. It may have a laxative effect and has a masking ability in relation to other drugs. Contraindicated in case of a history of heart failure.

Aspartame E951

As a sweetener it is 200 times superior to sugar. When ingested, it breaks down into methanol and amino acids, which, when consumed in large doses, can provoke negative consequences. Has contraindications.

Acesulfame E950

In its separate state it has a pronounced specific taste, which is why it is used as a combined additive.

Xylitol E967

It is a complete sugar substitute that does not have a negative effect on tooth enamel. It must be taken into account that when consumed in large quantities it can have a laxative effect. In addition to the listed components, or as an alternative to them, sugar and glucose syrup can be used.


This type of substance is necessary to create homogeneity and give the necessary viscosity to the product.

Glycerin (E422)

Not only provides viscosity, but also functions as a teeth-safe sweetener.

Lecithin (E322)

It is made from soybean oil and is considered a non-toxic substance that is easily excreted from the body. Essential to reduce viscosity, which prevents sticking.

Acidity regulators

Citric and malic acids are most often used for these purposes. As components of natural origin, they are considered harmless additives. It must be taken into account that in case of abuse, they can have an irritating effect, including the development of pain, coughing and vomiting with blood.


To give chewing gum the required color, calcium carbonate (E170) and titanium oxide (E171) are most often used. When consumed in small quantities, both components are considered safe for health. With significant overdoses, calcium carbonate can provoke the development of milk-alkali syndrome, which carries serious danger, including death.


To thicken the raw materials used in the manufacture of chewing gum, Arabian gum (E414) is used. It is a component of natural origin that is not harmful to health.

Glazing agents

Palm (carnauba) wax is used to give an aesthetically attractive coating to the surface of chewing pads. In the composition, this component may be designated E903. Non-toxic component of plant origin.


The substance hydroxyanisole (E320) used as a preservative is permissible for use only in extremely small quantities. Uncontrolled consumption in large quantities can lead to extremely negative consequences.

Having examined the composition of the product in more detail, you can answer questions about the advantages of chewing gum and the benefits of chewing gum for humans.

The benefits of chewing gum for humans

The benefits of chewing gum for humans, and in particular for teeth, are the following advantages:

Intense salivation

Human saliva has an alkaline composition that can neutralize the acidic environment that forms in the oral cavity. Increased salivation allows not only to restore the acid-base balance, but also to better eliminate food particles.

Cleansing effect for teeth

The benefit of chewing gum after eating lies in its ability to clean off accumulated plaque and pick up small particles of food. In cases where a toothbrush and dental floss are not available, chewing gum can partially perform their functions and provide at least minimal oral hygiene.

Effect of training

In the process of chewing gum, the ligamentous apparatus of the jaws is strengthened. In addition, chewing gum has a massaging effect on the gums, improving blood circulation.

Fighting seasickness

Many people suffer from poor travel tolerance, both by water transport and by all other means of transportation. One of the most unpleasant symptoms of such intolerance is stuffy ears and nausea. In many cases, chewing gum helps to minimize these unpleasant sensations, and sometimes completely eliminates them.

Relaxation effect

Neurologists have noted that chewing gum helps you relax, cope with obsessive thoughts and minimize the negative consequences of stressful situations;

Stimulation of gastric juice production

The benefit of chewing gum after eating also lies in the fact that the chewing process stimulates the secretory and motor functions of the intestines. In addition, the stomach produces gastric juice and enzymes more actively. In combination, these processes lead to better digestion of food and acceleration of metabolic processes.

Despite a fairly large number of positive aspects, the possible harm of chewing gum to humans .


— They freshen your breath qualitatively, thereby helping you out before an important meeting and in conditions where it is not possible to brush your teeth.

— Xylitol, found in some chewing gums, fights harmful bacteria in the mouth that cause tooth decay.

— Coping with stress, increases concentration, helps during the period of quitting smoking.

— Chewing gum gently removes soft plaque, while saliva “washes” it off the teeth. Thanks to this, you will be less susceptible to caries. Also, thanks to chewing, the acid-base balance in the oral cavity is normalized.

— The chewing process stimulates the secretion of gastric juice, resulting in improved digestion. If you have overeaten, use chewing gum to ease the heaviness in your stomach.

— Thanks to active chewing, a kind of massage of the gums occurs, blood circulation in them improves, and the chewing muscles are strengthened. Chewing gum helps improve diction. For example, if you are tired and you need to read a report.

Chewing gum is harmful to humans

The harm of chewing gum to the human body consists of the following disadvantages:

Development of dysfunction of the stomach and duodenum

Prolonged chewing of gum, especially if it occurs on an empty stomach, can lead to excessive production of gastric juice, which can trigger the development of a number of serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Periodontal depletion

Development of “fatigue” of the periodontium, which is not designed for constant loads;

Disruption of the normal functioning of the ligaments and muscles of the jaws

Overwork of the jaw muscles and ligaments occurs. The consequence of such overload of the ligamentous apparatus can be headaches.

Thinning tooth enamel

Continuous friction sooner or later leads to abrasion of the contacting surfaces.

Damage to dental structures and fillings

Chewing gum can cause damage to filling material and orthodontic structures (bridges, crowns, etc.), loosening them.

Visual facial changes

Frequent and prolonged chewing of gum can lead to disturbances in the proportions and symmetry of the face due to unilateral muscle enlargement. In addition, frequent chewing movements provoke the formation of wrinkles.

Negative effects on memory and ability to concentrate

Chewing stimulates the supply of brain signals aimed at functions associated with the digestion process, accordingly distracting the brain from other activities.

Ingestion of bacterial plaque accumulated on the surface of the chewing gum

This aspect can lead to diseases of the digestive system.

Special attention should be paid to the harmful effects on the human body caused by the components that make up chewing gum. Despite the fact that some components are recognized as safe, we must not forget that their overdose can lead to a number of negative consequences. Thus, the taste enhancers contained in sugar can provoke the development of caries, cause allergic reactions and provoke the development of a number of serious diseases.

Particular attention should be focused on the dangers of chewing gum for children . Chewing gum and blowing bubbles from it can lead to serious problems with your bite. And the components included in the composition have an extremely negative effect on the thin tooth enamel of children’s teeth and the digestive system as a whole.


— Chewing gum freshens breath for a fairly short period of time and does not solve the main causes of dental and gum diseases. In addition, according to etiquette, the use of chewing gum is considered indecent.

— Some components in the composition can cause unpleasant effects: hormonal imbalances, irritation of the gastric mucosa, as well as a laxative effect.

- Chewing gum for a very long time tires the jaws and can cause headaches.

- No amount of chewing gum can clean hard-to-reach areas.

— The stomach acid released during chewing can be harmful if you chew gum on an empty stomach. For this reason, heartburn, nausea, and stomach pain may begin. However, for some people, fresh mint gum helps relieve nausea!

— Of course, chewing gum is not toffee, but it can still damage the fillings. The fact is that when chewing, substances are released in the oral cavity that destroy fillings. Children love to blow bubbles, which sometimes leads to malocclusion. Children also often swallow chewing gum.

How long can you chew gum?

Dentists recommend chewing gum for no longer than 5 minutes and only after eating. It is worth noting that chewing gum cannot act as a full replacement for a toothbrush or floss (dental floss). It can have only a minimal cleansing effect and freshen breath. The last point deserves special attention. In most cases, chewing gum does not eliminate bad breath, but only masks it. The cause of odor is most often diseases of the teeth, ENT organs and digestive system. Only eliminating the causes that caused it can truly eliminate an unpleasant odor.

Are some types of gum healthier than others?

There are several varieties of chewing gum, including sugar and nicotine gum, sugar-free gum, and caffeine gum.

Some varieties are thought to help you lose more weight than others, even though studies comparing their effects are often lacking.

Chewing gum without sugar

Sugar is thought to be of no use when trying to lose weight or prevent weight gain. This is why chewing sugar-free gum is generally considered better than chewing gum that contains sugar.

However, regular gum contains 2 grams more calories than sugarless gum. Such a small difference is unlikely to help you lose weight. (, )

It's also worth keeping in mind that sugar-free gum often contains artificial sweeteners such as aspartame or sucralose, which have been linked to poor gut health, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and obesity. (, )

They may also contain sugar alcohols such as sorbitol, which are known to cause cramping, gas, bloating, and diarrhea, especially when consumed in amounts greater than 5–20 grams per day. ()

This is typically 4-16 chewing gums per day, depending on the brand of sugar-free gum.

Nicotine gum

Nicotine, a compound commonly found in cigarettes, reduces appetite, causing people to eat less. Additionally, nicotine may give your metabolism a slight boost, causing your body to burn a few extra calories per day. ()

This may explain why people who chew nicotine gum when trying to quit smoking often gain less weight than those who chew regular gum or don't chew gum at all. (, , )

However, nicotine is highly addictive and has various detrimental effects on your health. Therefore, unless you are trying to quit smoking, chewing nicotine gum in an attempt to lose weight is not recommended. ()

Caffeinated gum

Caffeine, a compound commonly found in coffee and tea, can also help you lose weight by increasing the number of calories and the amount of fat your body burns. (, )

One review of more than 600 participants suggests that higher caffeine intake may be associated with lower weight, fat mass, and body mass index (BMI). ()

Other studies show that caffeine helps you burn more fat both during rest and during exercise. (, )

So, weight loss supplements or gummies containing caffeine may help you lose some weight, at least initially. However, over time, your body becomes accustomed to regular caffeine consumption, which may reduce its effects. ()

Moreover, caffeine gummies typically contain 25–100 mg of caffeine per gummy.

Thus, chewing even a few pieces of gum a day can put you over the safe daily caffeine limit of 400 mg, especially if you also consume other caffeine-containing foods or drinks.

Too much caffeine can cause anxiety and sleep problems. In very high doses, it can also cause nausea, vomiting, extremely rapid heart rate, and even seizures. Therefore, excessive consumption of caffeine should be avoided. ()

What to remember

Chewing sugar-free gum may be difficult for some to tolerate and is unlikely to provide any additional weight loss benefits. Those who want to consume caffeinated gum should do so sparingly. Nicotine chewing gum should be avoided.

What can replace industrial chewing gum?


Resin is a natural substitute for chewing gum. The most commonly used resin is cherry and apple tree, which has a pleasant taste. Coniferous resin has a pleasant aroma, but can be noticeably bitter.


Extremely rich in useful microelements and vitamins. In addition, beeswax and beeswax have good disinfectant and wound-healing properties. However, it must be taken into account that bee products can be quite strong allergens.

Coffee beans

They have abrasive properties, have a slight antibacterial effect and mask many unpleasant odors well. In addition to the above, coffee has an invigorating and tonic effect.

Mint and parsley

Rich in essential oils and vitamins. They can not only eliminate unpleasant odor, but also give a temporary feeling of fullness.

Homemade chewing marmalade

It’s not difficult to prepare this healthy delicacy using fresh fruits and berries.

The benefits and harms of chewing gum: conclusion

Thus, having considered all the pros and cons of chewing gum , we can come to the conclusion that using it within reasonable limits and in accordance with the recommendations of doctors will not harm and can even bring some benefit. But do not forget about contraindications. When choosing chewing gum, you must give preference to reputable manufacturers and pay close attention to the composition of the product. Particular caution when using chewing gum should be exercised by people with diseases of the oral cavity and digestive system, pregnant and lactating women and children.

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