HGH for weight loss | Does it really help burn fat?

About growth hormone, weight loss and night eating

Somatotropic hormone (growth hormone) is a magical remedy that is produced by our pituitary gland and is regulated by the hypothalamus - level and production, and serves to launch protein synthesis processes for skin renewal, muscle growth, strengthening bones, strengthening internal organs (for example, liver, thyroid gland, thymus gland, gonads, adrenal glands, etc.).

In childhood, we grow thanks to this hormone, and in adulthood, when body growth stops, it helps restore and renew the body, causing the synthesis of new cells and an increase in their mass.

So, somatotropic hormone is a hormone that regulates the synthesis of new cells, increasing their number, their size, replacing damaged and spent cells (we remember that every 180 days our body is almost completely renewed). In order for these processes to go well and efficiently, this extraordinary hormone produces energy for itself, causing the mobilization of fat reserves and their combustion, and also stimulates the process of glucose formation from non-carbohydrate sources (glyconeogenesis).

Good news! Sufficient activity of somatotropic hormone allows you to lose weight and become younger!

What happens if we decide to add energy to the process through some fast carbohydrates (sweets, baked goods, etc.)? The relationship between growth hormone and carbohydrate load is as follows: a lot of glucose = a lot of insulin → the production and activity of growth hormone decreases sharply. Low glucose = low insulin → somatotropic hormone activity increases.

When is growth hormone produced? Firstly, the largest amount of it (up to 80%) is produced at night (remember, children grow at night!).

A person goes to bed on time, somatotropic hormone begins to be produced at night, and it is produced in sufficient quantities and for a long time, providing all the necessary processes. The second source of stimulation of growth hormone production is food, that is, peak increases in growth hormone production during meals. If for some reason a person does not sleep at night, then he thereby prevents the pituitary gland from secreting growth hormone during night sleep. And the body needs to maintain the level of somatotropic hormone, otherwise renewal and restoration processes will not occur. And, in order to make up for this deficiency, the body comes out of the situation by stimulating the appetite, as if saying - “since you’re not letting me sleep, then at least feed me!” And “night grazing” begins: a person wanted to eat at night, ate, the level of growth hormone peaked, and after some time fell, and again an acute desire to eat arises. And so on. Here is one explanation for the nightly “feasts”. Therefore, if you want your fat to burn at night, if you want the somatotropic hormone to provide all the necessary functions, you need to sleep at night! If you don’t sleep, your body will still stimulate the production of growth hormone, but only through eating at night, and this leads to weight gain.

Manifestations of acromegaly:

- increase in the size of the hands and feet. Old rings and gloves become small, shoes are tight.

- facial features become coarser and larger - the nose enlarges, the brow ridges become more pronounced, the lower jaw protrudes more forward, the lips thicken. The gap between the upper front teeth (diastema) widens.

- sweating,

- increased oily skin, thickening of the skin,

- joint pain,

- carpal tunnel syndrome often develops, manifested by numbness of several fingers on the hand, crawling, pain,

- nodes in the thyroid gland,

- increased blood sugar up to the development of diabetes mellitus,

- increased blood cholesterol due to “bad” cholesterol,

- secretion of drops of milk from the mammary glands,

- increased blood pressure,

- arrhythmia,

- sleep-disordered breathing (breathing pauses of varying duration)

- tumors of the intestines, stomach.

- headache,

- with large pituitary tumors, visual impairment may occur.

- in women - menstrual irregularities,

- fatigue, drowsiness.

If this disease develops in a child whose bones can still grow in length, gigantism (very tall growth) develops. If treatment is not started at this stage, then after the growth zones in the bones close, manifestations usual for adults begin to develop - enlargement of the hands and feet, and facial bones.

If a person has a combination of several of the symptoms listed above, then it is necessary to undergo examination!

First of all , you need to take a blood test for growth hormone and IGF-1 (this is a substance formed in the body under the influence of growth hormone). If they are normal, then the person does not have acromegaly. If at least one of the indicators is above normal, then an in-depth examination is needed:

  • test with 75 g glucose . This study is carried out as follows: in the morning on an empty stomach, the patient takes a blood test for growth hormone, then drinks a glass of water in which 75 g of glucose is dissolved. after 30 minutes, 1 hour, 1.5 hours and 2 hours, blood tests for growth hormone are taken. Normally, growth hormone in all 4 dimensions after taking glucose will be less than 1 ng/ml.
  • MRI of the pituitary gland allows you to see the tumor, assess its size and location.
  • thyroid hormones (TSH, fT4) , since with hypothyroidism there may be manifestations similar to acromegaly.

When the diagnosis of acromegaly is confirmed, the patient is usually offered hospitalization in an endocrinology hospital, during which he is examined for all possible manifestations of acromegaly and a decision is made on the method of treatment.

How growth hormone helps burn body fat

Somatotropin attaches to the receptors of adipose tissue, due to which it mobilizes fats and supports the processes of lipolysis (burning excess fat). As a result, the percentage of fatty tissue in the body decreases.

This effect of growth hormone is based on a complex mechanism for the breakdown of fatty acids in adipocytes. It occurs due to the enzyme lipase. The more active it is, the more intensely fats are burned.

Lipase is influenced by 2 hormones: insulin and adrenaline. Insulin suppresses the production of lipase, and adrenaline, on the contrary, enhances it. Adrenaline is produced during sports, which ensures the fat burning effect of physical activity. At the same time, growth hormone, like adrenaline, is also produced during physical activity and hunger.

From this it becomes clear that to further enhance fat burning, you need to influence insulin, forcing the body to produce it in smaller quantities. This explains the use of growth hormone for weight loss. Somatotropin reduces the level of insulin in the blood, thereby enhancing fat burning.

Growth hormone for weight loss in injections

But there is a more radical way to force growth hormone to be produced - medically. There are special drugs that contain somatotropin. By taking them, you get quick results, but everything has its price. By feeding your body with chemicals, you disrupt natural physiological processes, and this entails negative consequences: tumor processes, heart hypertrophy, enlargement of internal organs (liver, spleen), “tunnel” syndrome (numb fingers), production of antibodies to somatotropin in the body etc.

Plus, once you stop taking the “medicine,” the magic wears off and the hormone stops being produced.

We do not recommend this method for you. You cannot force the body to go against itself.

Rating for weight gain

Some supplements are also suitable for women to stimulate the production of growth hormone, one of the beneficial effects of which is an increase in muscle mass and improved athletic performance.

Number in the ratingAdditive nameAdvantagesFlawsPrice
1HGH-X2is a safe alternative to a medical injection drug, the effect appears very quicklydue to the speed of action, tingling and various unpleasant sensations may appear in the muscles6,500 rub.
2HyperGH14XHelps effectively increase muscle mass even without exerciseNumerous plant extracts in the composition may cause allergies7,900 rub.
3GenF20 Plusimproves and regulates many processes in the bodyintended to be taken in combination with regular exercise4,900 rub.
4Somatotropin tabletsProvides almost the same effects as a medical injection drug, and is available without a prescriptionhigh cost with a recommended course of treatment of 90 daysabout 60,000 rub. per package
5GenFX(TM)allows you to build muscle mass and get rid of fat reserves without exercise, increases energy levelsintended for consumers over 40-50 years old2,500 rub.


HGH-X2 is a supplement that is a safe alternative to growth hormone, the injectable form of growth hormone, and is suitable for medical use. The dietary supplement is available in capsules, and with its long-term use there is a significant increase in muscle mass and a decrease in the fat layer.

In addition, HGH-X2 reduces recovery time after exercise. It contains many amino acids and other nutrients that can act on the pituitary gland to produce growth hormone.


HyperGH14X uses a unique formula that the manufacturer claims effectively increases muscle size and mass while reducing body fat and reducing recovery time between gym sessions.

However, it can also be useful for people who do not exercise, but the effect in such cases will be less immediate and pronounced. HyperGH14X consists of 15 active components, each of which stimulates the body to independently produce growth hormone. Available in capsule and spray form.

GenF20 Plus

This supplement comes in capsule and oral spray form, both containing a variety of safe, natural ingredients. Each of the active ingredients has its own specialized role, and together they all improve the body's ability to produce growth hormone.

In addition, GenF20 Plus reduces fatigue and cholesterol levels, and also improves metabolism in the body, regulates sweating, digestion, muscle energy production, accelerates tissue repair, increases cognitive qualities and overall immunity.

Therefore, the supplement increases the energy level in the body and allows you to exercise longer, gradually increasing the intensity of the workout. Ultimately, strenuous exercise combined with high levels of growth hormone should stimulate muscle growth.

Somatotropin tablets

Somatotropin tablets are an improved mixture of synthetic HGH, L-Group amino acids and other compounds that can improve the body’s condition, appearance and mood.

The supplement is designed to provide all the benefits of injectable HGH. Somatotropin tablets are available without a prescription, and at the same time provide rapid muscle building and fat burning, increasing protein synthesis in the body to the maximum level.


The supplement consists of a mass of essential amino acids that gently stimulate the pituitary gland to produce more growth hormone, and also promote muscle growth and burn fat cells. Therefore, long-term use of GenFX(TM) allows you to improve your physique even without regular exercise.

In addition, the supplement contains ginseng powder and an extract of the anterior pituitary gland of cattle. These ingredients provide additional benefits such as improved circulation between neurons, decreased cholesterol levels, and increased energy levels.

( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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