Workout for the inner thigh: 20 exercises + plan for 20-30 minutes

Exercises for the inner thighs at home will help you get rid of fat deposits in this problem area, develop an aesthetically pleasing shape of the lower extremities, and also gain sculpted and toned leg muscles.

We offer you a ready-made workout for the inner thigh: 20 exercises + plan for 20-30 minutes. The program consists of four laps without jumps. You will find two circles in a standing position, two circles on the floor.

  • For a long ~30 minute workout: Do all four circuits on the same day. Repeat the program once a week.
  • For a short workout of ~15 minutes: perform the first and third circuits on one day, and the second and fourth circuits on another day. Repeat the program 2 times a week for 15 minutes.
  • Rest between exercises 15 seconds, rest between circles 1 minute.
  • To increase your workout time, you can repeat each circuit twice.

Inner thigh workout (first round)

The first round of inner thigh workout at home consists of exercises performed while standing. Exercises involve several muscle groups at once, which will help not only tighten muscles, but also burn fat deposits in problem areas.

Before training, be sure to do a WHOLE BODY WARM-UP or LEG WARM-UP.

Wide squats with leg abduction

The legs are spread wide, the hands are clasped near the chest. As you exhale, we perform a standard squat, reaching a right angle in the bend of the knee joints. Next, we rise and abduct the left leg in the opposite direction diagonally. Now we do a squat again, after which we move our right limb to the left. The legs alternate for each new repetition. The exercise has an accentuated effect on the adductor muscles, eliminating flabbiness on the inner thigh. Additionally, the buttocks and thigh muscles in general are tightened.

How much to do: 20 squats total.

Side Lunges with Pulse

Place your feet close to each other, hands clasped near your chest. Take a long step to the left and do a deep side lunge. At the bottom point, you need to pulsate on a one-two count, and then rise to the starting position. Do the desired number of repetitions on one leg, then switch sides. Throughout the entire amplitude, make sure that your back does not slouch, your knee does not go beyond your toes, and your body does not lean forward too much. An exercise for sagging inner thighs helps to specifically work each leg individually.

How much to do: a total of 15 lunges, first on one leg, then 15 lunges on the other leg.

Squat plie with toe raise

Spread your legs significantly wider than your shoulders, and turn your toes in different directions from each other. Hands are brought together near the chest. Now do a squat while lifting up on your right toe. At the peak point, the bend angle of the knee joints should reach 90 degrees. This will help relieve tension in your knees. Plie squats are aimed at working the adductor muscles, so this exercise is great for drying the inner thighs, as well as creating slender legs in general.

How much to do: 20 squats total.

Swing your leg to the side

Place your feet slightly narrower than your shoulders and shift your body weight to your right side. The arms are brought together in front of you at chest level in a longitudinal position. The forearms form parallel to the floor as the elbows are straightened away from each other. With your left foot we lift to the side, trying to reach parallel to the floor. At the peak point, make short delays, then return the limb back. Once you have completed the required number of repetitions, switch sides. This exercise will not only tighten the inner thigh, but also get rid of the riding breeches area.

How much to do: a total of 20 lifts, first on one leg, then 20 lifts on the other leg.

Plie squat calf raises

We again place our feet wider than shoulder-width apart, and then turn our toes in opposite directions from each other. Do a squat and lock at the bottom point. The angle of bend of the knee joints should be straight. Never bring your knees past your toes, as otherwise you will overload them. Do not tilt your body forward, pick up your pelvis. In the accepted position, begin to rise on your toes one by one - first with one leg, then with the other. An element of training for the inner thigh at home puts an accentuated load on problem areas of the legs.

How much to do: 20 calf raises on both legs.

Effective exercises for the inner thighs

The complex is designed for beginners and girls with little physical training. It can be done at home, no need to buy a gym membership or group classes. It will take 15-30 minutes a day to complete - work at a comfortable pace; if it becomes too difficult, you can skip one exercise or reduce the number of repetitions in the approach.

Exercises for the inner thighs are performed on a flat, hard surface; you can use a yoga mat. Some exercises require additional weights and sports equipment - rings, expanders, but you can do without them. Athletic girls with already developed muscles can be advised to use a Martens bandage, dumbbells or special rubber bands.

Spreading your legs to the sides

There are two movement options: lying and standing. Let's look at the first one:

  • Lie with your back on the floor, stretch your arms along your body;
  • Raise your straight legs approximately 45° relative to the floor - this is the starting position;
  • Spread your legs to the sides and bring them back, while trying not to bend your knees;
  • Try to spread your legs as wide as possible, this will not only strengthen your inner thighs, but also make them elastic.

Perform the movement 10-15 times - this is one circle. You need to do 2-3 circles, resting between them for 30 seconds. If you don’t have time to recover, you can take a break of 45-60 seconds. Rest 2-3 minutes before performing the next exercise.

Standing flyes are simply swinging your legs to the sides. While standing, you transfer your weight to one leg, stretching the other as far as possible to the side and up. Unlike the first option, this movement does not put stress on the abs and can be difficult for those who have problems with the structure of the hip joints.

Lying hip adduction

Lie on the floor on your right side. The right leg lies completely on the floor, the left foot is near the knee of the right leg and takes on the weight of the body. The body rests on the right forearm. When performing the task, you do not need to lift your pelvis from the floor.

  • The right leg (which lies on the floor) needs to be raised as high as possible;
  • During the ascent, the weight of the lower body is transferred to the left foot;
  • For the first time, it is enough to lift your leg 10-15 cm from the floor and hold the position for 5-7 seconds;
  • Repeat the exercise with your right leg about 15 times and switch sides.

If it is difficult to perform the movement with a straight body, bend your body slightly at the pelvis.

"Butterfly" from a lying position

This exercise is similar to the first one on the list, but it is technically and physically more difficult, as it works all the muscles of the inner thigh and requires high concentration during the execution process.

  • Take the starting position - lie on your back on the floor, stretch your legs, place your arms freely along your body;
  • Raise your legs to a level of 45° relative to the floor and begin to describe circles with them;
  • The right leg moves clockwise, the left leg moves simultaneously with the right, but counterclockwise;
  • Make 7-10 circles in the indicated directions, stop in the starting position.;
  • Without a break, raise your legs again and continue making circles;
  • Now the right leg moves counterclockwise, and the left leg moves clockwise.

This exercise will not only help tighten your inner thighs, but will also work your lower abs and obliques.

Reduction of legs lying or standing

This exercise has many variations, let's look at the simplest one - flattening while lying on the floor.

  • Lie on a flat surface, bend your knees so that your heels are 25-30 cm from your buttocks;
  • The feet are shoulder-width apart or slightly wider;
  • Bring your knees together, if it’s hard to do this, just try to bring them together as much as possible, over time everything will work out.

The video shows a more complicated example - reduction in combination with a gluteal bridge. The movement can be repeated 7-15 times; for beginners, one approach is enough.

Lunges left and right

The second name of the exercise is lateral lunges. They work your legs completely and work your inner thighs, but it's important to use proper technique.

  • Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, feet parallel to each other. Your hands can be clasped behind your head or extended in front of you.
  • Take a wide step to the side with your right leg and squat down on your right leg - make sure that your back is not rounded and that the squat is not too deep.
  • Push your foot off the floor and return to the starting position.

Repeat the movement 10-15 times and do the same, but on the other leg. More details about the technique:

Cross lunges

The set of movements not only loads the quadriceps, inner thighs and calves, but also, at a high tempo, allows you to give a good cardio workout.

  • Take the starting position: stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart or narrower, hands on your waist or behind your head.
  • Take a wide step back with your right foot and cross it behind your left leg. As a result, the feet should be on the same imaginary line.
  • Place the bulk of your body weight on your front left leg and squat down with a straight back.
  • Slowly rise up, pushing your feet off the floor, and repeat the squat.

Do 7-10 squats and change legs. If you are uncomfortable doing this exercise, exclude it from your workout. The movement is not recommended for those who have knee problems or joint pain.

Sumo squats

The simplest technique and most effective calorie burning exercise. It is useful for all leg muscles; with the correct technique, it trains the abdominal and back muscles.

  • Stand straight, place your feet much wider than your shoulders - the distance between your feet should be such that you do not feel the stretching of the muscle tissue.
  • Start squatting - first of all, a tilt is created in the hip area, the buttocks are pulled back.
  • The body leans forward slightly to maintain balance, but the back does not need to be rounded or arched.
  • Look straight ahead and squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor.
  • Slowly return to the starting position and repeat the squat 15-20 times.

The exercise is convenient because it trains both legs at once, which means it takes less time.

Plie jumps

The exercise is similar to the previous one, but it is more difficult to perform and puts increased stress on the leg muscles.

  • Stand straight, place your feet wider than your hips, and turn your toes outward by 40-45°.
  • Do a standard sumo squat with proper technique and hold at the bottom.
  • Instead of smoothly rising to the starting position, jump up.
  • There is no need to make a strong push, just jump 10-15 cm above the floor.

The video uses weights, but beginners can do the exercise without additional equipment.

Inner thigh workout (second circle)

The following 5 exercises for the inner thigh at home will also be done while standing and will perfectly complement the previous exercises. With their help, you will make your legs and buttocks sculpted and toned without problem areas on the inner and outer thighs.

See also:

  • Light training program for women over 40 years old (3 days)
  • Leg weight loss program for pears (3 days)

Squat + leg abduction

Spread your legs wider than your shoulders, and fix your forearms at chest level, placing one on top of the other. The essence of the element is to perform squats, after which you need to alternately move your legs to the sides. After doing a squat, rise up with effort and move your left leg, trying to reach parallel to the floor. After the next repetition, do the same work with your right limb, and so on. The exercise not only tightens the thigh muscles, but also specifically “dries” the inner and outer thigh area, getting rid of cellulite and breeches.

How much to do: 20 squats total.

Cross lunges

We stand up straight, fix our legs vertically with our shoulders. Place your palms on your waist, then slightly lean your chest forward and take a wide step back with your left leg, lowering your knee to the floor. The left knee stands behind the heel of the supporting limb. The shin of the right leg is in a strictly perpendicular position to the floor, and the bend in the knee forms a right angle. Carefully rise to the starting position. For each repetition we change sides. Great exercise for girls, your glutes and inner thighs will burn!

How much to do: 10 lunges on each leg.

Cross leg swings in front of you

We place our legs closer to each other, and fix our palms on our belts. We shift the weight of the body to the right leg, and turn the toe of the left foot to the side by 45 degrees. After this, we raise the limb in front of us, moving it crosswise to the right leg. The range of movement is not very deep, so you need to constantly maintain it in weight, keeping the adductor muscles tense. Work at a medium pace. The result is high-quality drying of the inner thigh, eliminating sagging.

How much to do: a total of 20 lifts, first on one leg, then 20 lifts on the other leg.

Static side lunges

Place your feet wide in a pyramid position. Bend your arms at the elbow and clasp them together in front of you. Gently lower your body weight onto your right leg into a static lunge. At the lowest point, the knee should not extend beyond the toe, and the angle of bend of the knee joint should be 90 degrees. After completing the prescribed number of repetitions, switch sides. Lateral lunges work the quadriceps from different angles, make the adductor muscles more elastic, and symmetrically develop the volume of the legs without overloading the joints. One of the best exercises for the inner thigh.

How much to do: a total of 20 lunges, first on one leg, then 20 lunges on the other leg.

Pulsation in plie squat

The legs stand wide and the arms are clasped in front of you. Turn your toes in opposite directions and squat into a plié, fixing the position at the lowest point. Traditionally, we maintain a right angle in the bend of the knees, so as not to overload the joints. The specificity of the exercise is to perform pulsating movements that maintain a constant load in the thigh muscles, burn excess fat in the inner sides, and also generally make the legs more prominent.

How much to do: 30 pulsations in total.

Inner thigh workout (third circle)

The following exercises for sagging inner thighs are performed in a lying position. To ensure the greatest comfort during the training process, it is recommended to exercise on a gymnastics mat. Such exercises are suitable even for those who do not want to do squats and lunges due to joint problems.

You can perform all 5 exercises first on one side, then on the other. But you can alternate sides to give the muscles of the working leg a rest.

See also:

  • Top 10 Inner Thigh Exercises Without Squats
  • Top 10 Exercises for the Outer Thigh Without Squats

Seashell lying on its side

We lie down on our right side and support our head with our right hand. The left palm rests on the floor, giving the body better stabilization. Legs are bent at the knees and lie on top of each other. We begin to lift the left knee until the shin is perpendicular to the floor. Work at a moderate pace, avoid jerking and throwing your knee. The presented exercise for the inner thigh at home additionally loads the abductor muscles and buttocks, visually lifting them and eliminating excess fat deposits.

How much to do: 20 repetitions first on one leg, then 20 repetitions on the other leg.

Shell lying on her side + leg swing

The presented element is almost identical to the previous one. It is performed in the same position and with a similar range of motion. Its only difference is the need to straighten the leg at the peak point. Thus, having raised your knee, you need to stretch your leg, pause for a second, then put your foot back in place and return to the starting position. On the next approach, the sides change. The abductor/adductor muscles and gluteal muscles are subject to load. Work is underway not only to eliminate the problem area on the inner thigh, but also to improve the shape of the buttocks.

How much to do: 20 repetitions first on one leg, then 20 repetitions on the other leg.

Leg adduction while lying on your side

Without changing the position from the previous exercise, extend the lower leg, and place the upper one forward on the full foot, having first bent at the knee. Your task is to raise and lower the extended limb, thereby placing an isolated load on the inner thigh. At the peak point, be sure to pause to emphasize the tension in the target muscle group. This is an effective exercise for the inner thighs that will help you achieve an aesthetically pleasing leg shape and burn excess fat from your thighs.

How much to do: 20 repetitions first on one leg, then 20 repetitions on the other leg.

Side-lying leg adduction with pulsation

The presented exercise almost completely repeats the previous one. We are working in the same position and along a similar trajectory. In this case, the work is performed with pulsating movements in a short amplitude, and not with strict raising and lowering of the limb. Pulsation is aimed at maintaining permanent tension in the target muscles and finishing off the problem area.

How much to do: 30 pulsations first on one leg, then 30 pulsations on the other leg.

Raising the lower leg while holding the upper leg

We work again in the already familiar position lying on our side. Now you need to stretch both legs, and raise the upper one and fix it parallel to the floor. The lower limb alternately rises and falls, due to which the adductor and abductor muscles are worked out. When starting a new approach, switch sides. An element of training for the inner thigh at home in a particular case puts stress on both legs at once, but one does static work, and the other does dynamic work.

How much to do: 20 repetitions first on one leg, then 20 repetitions on the other leg.

Safe exercises for coxarthrosis

1. Lying on your stomach.

Extend your arms along the length of your torso and slowly lift your legs up one at a time, holding them in the maximum position for 10-20 seconds. This exercise creates quite a large load on the hips and buttocks, so you should not get carried away with it - it is performed once per complex.

Another option for performing this exercise is to bend one leg at the knee, leaving the other straight, and fix this body position for 15 seconds. If you have not yet been prescribed treatment for advanced stage arthrosis, perform these movements dynamically.

2. Lying on your side.

Bend one leg at the knee, leave the other straight, lift it up and hold in this position for a few seconds until painful sensations appear. Repeat the pattern for the second leg.

3. Sitting on a flat surface, such as a rug.

Straighten your legs forward and try to reach your toes smoothly, in several approaches, so as not to damage the muscles with sudden movements.

4. Sitting on a chair.

Spread your legs slightly, lean forward slightly and place your hands on your hips. Swing in different directions for 15-20 seconds. It is recommended to do 4 such approaches per complex.

5. In a standing position.

The optimal physical activity in a standing position with coxarthrosis is moderate walking. It may seem like it puts a lot of stress on the hip joint, but complete immobilization will lead to the permanent loss of synovial fluid and mobility in the joint, and eventually to disability. Walking at a slow pace increases blood circulation and improves muscle tone.

There are many techniques developed for people with coxarthrosis. Gitta gymnastics, for example, consists of safe, low-amplitude movements and is recommended even for grade 3 coxarthrosis:

Inner thigh workout (fourth circle)

Let's move on to the final list of exercises for the inner thigh at home. The final circuit will finally load the target muscle groups, helping to achieve tremendous productivity from the workout done. Some of these exercises will help tighten not only the inner thigh, but also the lower abdomen, which is no less problematic for girls.

We recommend performing the last two exercises in the circle first on one side, then on the other.

See also:

  • Leg training for girls with dumbbells at home
  • How to pump up your buttocks at home: plan with dumbbells for 3 days

Leg raises while sitting on the buttocks

Sit on the floor, slightly tilt your body back and place your palms on the floor, keeping your arms parallel to each other. Bend your legs and place them on the outside of your feet. For convenience, close your feet close to each other. Next, lift your right limb, and then your left. Switch sides for each new repetition. Make sure that at the top point the shin forms a parallel with the floor. The exercise will help you focus maximum load on the adductor muscles while simultaneously working your lower abs.

How much to do: 20 raises on both legs.

Raising your knees to your chest while lying on your back

Lie on your back and extend your arms along your body. Press your legs close to each other, then lift them at an angle of 45 degrees. Make sure that the insides of your feet are closed. After this, we lift our knees to chest level, while simultaneously spreading our knees in opposite directions (the feet do not open). Exercise for sagging inner thighs not only perfectly “dries out” the adductor muscles, but also burns fat in the waist area, strengthening the lower abs.

How much to do: 20 repetitions.

Scissors + leg spread

While lying on your back, extend your arms along the body and fix them on your full palm. Raise your legs so that they are perpendicular to the floor. The first movement is spreading your legs in different directions. Achieve the maximum without overt adductor pain. After this, carefully bring your legs together and make two cross movements similar to scissors. This is a super-effective exercise for slender legs. Drying the inner thighs is complemented by increased elasticity and stretching, which will allow you to form a beautiful leg shape.

How much to do: 20 leg raises in total.

Lower leg raise while lying on your side

Lie on your side and support your head with your hand. The lower leg should be fully extended, and the upper leg should be placed fully behind the lower leg. We did a similar exercise in the third round of training, only this time the lower leg is located in front. We need to alternately raise and lower the extended limb, focusing on the inner side of the thigh. Try to work at an average pace, avoiding jerking and throwing your legs to the floor. This is the only way you can increase the load in the target muscles, giving them the desired relief.

How much to do: 20 repetitions first on one leg, then 20 repetitions on the other leg.

Side-lying lower leg rotation

We do not change the position of the previous exercise. A significant difference in the presented training element is that the lower leg performs rotational movements, describing a circle like a compass. Rotate clockwise and counterclockwise. After completing the required number of repetitions, switch sides. When rotating, the leg muscles are in constant tension. Thanks to this load, the inner thigh gets rid of subcutaneous fat more intensively, becomes tighter and more prominent visually.

How much to perform: 15 forward rotations and 15 backward rotations, first on one leg, then the same on the other leg.

Ready-made programs for girls (without equipment):

  • Program “for the lazy”: light workouts on the floor (for 5 days)
  • Workouts for beginner girls (5 day plan)
  • General home programs: 100 exercises + 4 ready-made plans
  • Express training for 10-15 minutes without jumping (for 5 days)
  • Program for Brazilian buttocks without jumping (3 days)

Top 7 exercises

After you have warmed up thoroughly, you can proceed directly to training. We present to your attention the best exercises for the inner thigh. Perform 3-4 exercises in one workout. The number of required approaches and repetitions is indicated for each option separately.

Lying leg extensions to the sides

The load in this exercise is on the area we need, the adductor muscles of the thigh, while the lower part of the abs is perfectly used. Excellent for removing fat between the legs. Difficulty - medium, can be complicated with weights if necessary. Good for stretching. It has a beneficial effect on the reproductive system, creating a rush of blood to the groin area.


  1. Starting position - lie on the mat on your back, arms are located near the body, legs are extended and raised up 90 degrees relative to the floor;
  2. Inhaling deeply, slowly spread your legs to the sides to the point that is most comfortable for you, hold for a few seconds ;
  3. As you exhale, slowly return to the starting point.

Watch the video for more details:

Breeding should begin from 15-20 times in 2-3 approaches, gradually increasing the load.

At the end of doing the spread, it would be a good idea to linger in the spread-legs position for 20-30 seconds , and then spring the muscles a little.
Carefully! The main thing in breeding is accuracy and unhurriedness; actions with excessive zeal can lead to sprain of the ligament.

Plie squat

Squats are a toned lower body's best friend. For the area we are interested in, plie squats are suitable. In addition to the inside of the thighs, the gluteal muscles, quadriceps and calves are also strengthened. High difficulty exercise. Squats with dumbbells, barbells and other weights are very effective.

Also check out our 30-day squat challenge to help you lose fat from your thighs too.

Read more about the effects of squats on your hips here.

  1. Starting position – feet wider than shoulder width, toes pointing to the sides, back straight, arched in the lower back, gaze directed straight ahead;
  2. As you inhale, slowly lower yourself down until it is parallel to the floor. We freeze for a few seconds;
  3. As you exhale, we slowly return to the starting position.

It is recommended to do squats 10 to 12 times in 2-3 approaches.
Note! This squat will become multifunctional and effective if you rise on your toes at the lowest point. The effort to maintain coordination increases, and the calves are also perfectly loaded.

"Bow and arrow" - side lunges

An exercise that perfectly stretches the ligaments and affects the inner thighs. Not difficult, made more difficult by holding dumbbells in your hand. It affects not only the area we need, lunges perfectly tighten the gluteal muscles.

In the ranking of the TOP 10 exercises for the hips, such lunges take 3rd place.

  1. Legs wider than shoulder width, back straight, abs tense, hands on your belt or in front of you, look forward;
  2. Inhaling, we land in a squat on the right leg, bring the knee to 90 degrees, the left leg is straight, the foot is pressed firmly to the floor. Let's pause for a second;
  3. We return to the starting position and lunge in the other direction.

Lunges should be used 12-15 times in each direction for 2-3 approaches.
Important! Warm up the pelvic ligaments well before lunges. Otherwise, a sprain (and in the worst case, even a tear) of the ligaments is possible.

Ball pinching

A static exercise, the basis of which is muscle contraction and retention in this state. In addition to the area we need, the muscles of the buttocks are tensed. The difficulty is low, aimed at concentration and endurance. A good static exercise for the legs, inferior in effectiveness to the “Chair”.


  1. Starting position - lying on your back, knees bent, feet pressed firmly to the floor. Place a ball (from a small rubber to a medium-sized fitball) between your legs in the area of ​​your knees;
  2. As you inhale, squeeze the ball with force and hold in this state for a couple of seconds;
  3. As you exhale, relax your legs, but the ball should not fall.

You need to repeat such actions 10-15 times in 3-4 approaches.
Note! Clutching the ball can also be performed while sitting on a chair, sofa, armchair. The execution rules are the same. Only when performing while sitting do you need to monitor the arch of your back - straight with your lower back tucked inward.

Swing your legs while lying on your side

There are several types of swings. Below we will look at 3 types. Each is unique in the amplitude of its action, the strength of its complexity. All of them perfectly work the inner thigh, while connecting the buttocks, outer and back of the thighs. They help get rid of riding breeches.

Option one


  1. Starting position – lying on your side, fixation on your elbows or on your side, legs straight, one placed on top of the other;
  2. As you inhale, raise your upper leg as high as possible and hold the pose for a few seconds;
  3. As you exhale, return to the starting position. After performing a certain number of times on one leg, we turn over to the other side and perform the swings in the same way.

Option two


  1. Starting position – lie on your side, fixation on the forearm, lower leg straightened along the body, upper leg bent at the knee and lying on the lower one;
  2. As you inhale, push the knee of the bent leg forward;
  3. As you exhale, return to the starting position. At the end of the execution on one leg, we turn over and do it on the other.

Option three


  1. Starting position - lie on your side, lower leg straight, bend the upper leg at the knee and place it in front of the body, its foot pressed firmly to the floor;
  2. As you inhale, lift your straightened leg off the floor;
  3. As you exhale, lower your leg to the floor. We repeat this exercise on the other leg.

You can include several variations of swings in your training, or choose one that you like best.

You need to perform 12-15 swings on one side in 3-4 approaches. You can make it more difficult by attaching weights to your legs.

In the first embodiment, you can use a gymnastic tape by attaching it around the feet.

Leg swings while standing

To implement these swings, you may need support. A chair, the back of a sofa, an armchair, a door or just a wall will do. You can perform this movement without support. The swing itself can be done in two directions - back and forth or sideways . In the first option, the front and rear surfaces of the bottom of the body are also loaded, and in the second - the outer surface. The execution rules are the same.


  1. Starting position – sideways to the support, placing your hand on it, back straight;
  2. As you inhale, move your leg forward/to the side;
  3. As we exhale we go back.

The actions should be performed rhythmically so that the muscles contract as often as possible, which will result in the result. A more complex exercise can be made using a gymnastic tape. It has good resistance, which will add additional resistance to the lower body.


Actions that tone not only the hips, but also the abs. Difficulty of execution – medium, endurance.


  1. Lying on your back, straight legs extended, arms along the body;
  2. After inhaling, we raise our legs 45 degrees to the floor and swing our legs, imitating the action of scissors to failure;
  3. After some time, exhale and lower your legs to the floor.

About the 5 difficulty levels of “Scissors”, see here.

It is advisable to start performing scissors with one minute in 2-3 approaches, gradually increasing the delay time.

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