Deadlift for women: technique for performing the exercise with a barbell

Girls have long ceased to be afraid to perform basic exercises and consider them traditionally masculine. The development of fitness and the popularization of bodybuilding have proven that performing complex multi-joint exercises with a barbell does not make girls masculine, but, on the contrary, gives the silhouette a sporty and feminine look. Of course, everything has its limits. One of the “three pillars” of the base is the deadlift, which came to the gym from weightlifting. As for the effect of cravings on the female body, let's take a closer look.

The benefits of deadlift exercise for girls

  • Like squats, deadlifts develop leg muscles, namely the glutes and quadriceps. Using the right weight and range of motion, you can give your buttocks and hips rounded and feminine shapes.
  • The deadlift is an energy-consuming exercise, as it involves most of the muscle groups of the body. Thanks to this, metabolism accelerates, more energy is consumed, the body becomes toned and more prominent.
  • Basic exercises strengthen muscles and ligaments, making other exercises easier to perform and the muscles respond better to the load.
  • The body as a whole becomes more resilient.

Classic deadlift or sumo - which exercise is better?

It is much easier for beginner athletes to perform classic deadlifts. This is due to the natural position of the joints. The exercise is great for short and overweight athletes. The sumo variety is more suitable for tall athletes, as they have the opportunity to reduce the range of motion and increase the amount of weight lifted.

This is not the only difference. The classic version allows you to work the gluteal muscles to a greater extent and the inner thigh to a lesser extent. Sumo works the other way around. The inner thighs are used to the maximum, and the buttocks receive minimal load. Therefore, the choice between these deadlift variations depends on which muscles require more work.

It is best, of course, to alternate options at different stages of training. Because when you fully master any program, there comes a moment of peculiar comfort. The athlete copes well with the exercises performed. Every movement is brought to automaticity, and the weight is easy to handle. On the one hand, this makes training easier, but on the other hand, it is not beneficial.

Changes to the training program are necessary. There are several reasons for this:

  1. The muscles should always be shocked during exercise. If tension and stress are absent, muscle groups adapt to the load. Volume growth slows down, and strength indicators stop increasing. Consequently, habitual movements no longer shock the muscles. They stop developing as the impact wears off. The athlete stops experiencing pain when waking up the next morning after training; strength indicators and muscle volumes do not increase, even if they train regularly. Abandoning familiar movements and adding new ones tones the muscles, since they are constantly tense, and, therefore, volume and strength begin to grow.
  2. New movements are important for the harmonious development of the body. Thanks to the variety of exercises, different muscles are involved, and, therefore, the muscles develop evenly.

It is not necessary to completely change your training program. Movement when changing the variation of traction means performing slightly different manipulations and loads. This is quite enough for the muscle fibers to begin to work differently, to adapt to new loads, and, therefore, to grow. The increase in volume comes with an increase in strength. This will be impossible to achieve when, when you come to the gym, you do the same exercises over and over again.

Without making adjustments to your own training program, progress cannot be made. Sooner or later there comes a time when you have to change exercises. Otherwise, the next goal will not be achieved. Therefore, deadlifts must be performed in various variations.

Disadvantages for girls

  1. In addition to the lower body, the deadlift primarily targets the latissimus dorsi muscles. When working with heavy weights, especially when the amplitude of movement is small - the pelvis at the lowest point is above the knees, the back works harder than the legs. Therefore, this fact is worth taking into account.
  2. The lower back is subjected to heavy load, which must be stabilized by the abdominal and back muscles. But, despite stabilization, the heavy weight of the load negatively affects the lumbar region, so over time pain may be felt and even spinal diseases may develop. And an athletic belt is not the answer.
  3. In addition to the back muscles, with a heavy load, the quadriceps develop greatly, and this can significantly affect the appearance. Sometimes, one basic exercise is not enough to work out the buttocks, so additional exercises come to the rescue. Or similar exercises are selected, but without emphasis on the latissimus muscles and quadriceps. We'll talk more about this below.
  4. The reproductive system is also at risk, which can negatively affect the functions of the pelvic organs. It is also not recommended to perform the exercise during menstruation.

What muscles work

When performing a classic deadlift, the load on the muscles is distributed as follows:

We recommend reading: Barbell exercises at home for men

Main working groups:

  • Back muscles. The main load falls on the extensors of the spine, especially their lumbar part. Also, part of the work goes to the latissimus dorsi muscles.
  • Legs and buttocks. The exercise makes the hamstrings, gluteus maximus and quadriceps muscles actively work. It’s worth saying here that the classic style of deadlifting puts less stress on the buttocks and the back of the thighs, so it is more suitable for men, but, for example, the Romanian deadlift and straight-legged deadlift are traditionally considered a more suitable option for women.

Additional load is received by:

  • Forearms and hands. Holding a heavy barbell is not the easiest task for your hands.
  • Trapezius muscles.
  • Abdominal muscles (rectus and obliques). They stabilize your core, helping you maintain proper, safe posture.
  • Calf muscles, inner thighs.

As you can see, almost the entire body is involved in this exercise.

Deadlift technique for girls

Let's consider a version of the classic deadlift with a barbell:

  1. Place the barbell on the floor. Place your feet in the center of the bar, hip-width apart, bend your knees, tilt your torso with your back straight, and grab the bar with an overhand grip, placing your palms shoulder-width apart.
  2. Next, lift the bar off the floor and rise up, straightening your knees and not rounding your spine.
  3. Starting position – standing, arms freely lowered with the barbell.
  4. Inhale: Bend your torso, pushing your pelvis back and bending your knees until the bar touches the floor. The body weight is transferred to the heels. Don’t try to squat as low as possible; the main movement here is tilting.
  5. Exhale: use the strength of your back muscles to lift the barbell off the floor and at the same time straighten your knees using the efforts of your extensor muscles. At the top point, fully straighten your joints without bending backwards.

Checklist about deadlifting for girls

But even when a coach gives you a technique, you need to be aware of what you are doing.

The classic deadlift is performed like this:

  • the assembled bar lies on the floor. If you are not using large weightlifting plates, but ordinary, black rubber ones - on plinths 10-15 cm high;
  • the athlete approaches the center of the apparatus, places her feet the width of the pelvic bones, draws in her stomach, turns her shoulders, brings her shoulder blades together and lowers them to the pelvis;
  • then, due to flexion at the hip and knee joints, the weight is tilted, the hands are placed on the bar in a position slightly wider than the hips;
  • then the pelvis should be slightly raised so that when the weight is lifted, the hips are parallel to the floor or slightly higher, this will avoid a “hump” in the lower back when the weight is lifted;
  • the chest seems to be pushed forward and upward, the chin can be slightly raised;
  • due to the extension of the hips, the lift along the body is carried out, the bar slides along the legs;
  • stop – on the midline of the thighs.

Further, if the weight is large and is lifted for 1-3 repetitions, it is simply dropped to the floor. If the deadlift is done for repetitions, the reverse movement occurs - bending at the knees and hip joints, sliding the bar along the thighs, shins, and lowering to the floor.

It is prohibited to: round your back in any part, “beat” the floor with pancakes, i.e. lose control of the apparatus completely, lower your chin to your chest, reach for the barbell, bringing it 30 cm from the body at the beginning of the exercise. At the start, we “step” under the bar so that it is projected onto the bend of the ankle joint, and not onto the toes. This is where you need to lower the barbell

The difference in the sumo deadlift technique is that the hands “stand” on the bar narrower than the position of the hips, and for the stand you need to find a comfortable turn of the feet, so that it does not “sway”.

The “Romanian” row or forward bend with a barbell is performed without bending the knee joint, but the bar is also carried along the body. At the start, the apparatus lies on low racks, the athlete takes it with a classic grip, collects her abs and back, removes it, steps back and performs flexion at the hip joint to a comfortable depth, and then lifts herself into the rack. There is also a “dead” row or straight-legged row, but it is not used in health fitness due to the unstable position of the apparatus and the need for very good stretching.

Deadlift technique options for girls

For those who have flexible muscles in the back of the thighs, you can perform deadlifts on a hill, thereby increasing the amplitude and lowering the thighs parallel to the floor. Therefore, the leg muscles will be the first to start working. This means that the buttocks will develop better from this exercise.

But not only the classic version will allow you to achieve beautiful shapes, let's look at some variations.

Romanian deadlift for girls

If you choose from the list of proposed exercises for girls, I would advise you to choose the Romanian deadlift for the reason that the exercise develops the back surface of the body, including the hamstrings and glutes, not including the quadriceps. This is a great exercise that harmonizes with squats and can be performed with either a barbell or dumbbells.

  1. Lift the barbell from the floor with a flat back or remove it from the racks, grasping the bar from above, shoulder width apart.
  2. Place your feet hip-width apart and hold the barbell loosely in straight arms.
  3. As you inhale, tilt your torso forward while simultaneously moving your pelvis back, slightly bending your knees. Place your body weight on your heels, feeling the stretch in your hamstrings. It is important not to confuse bending over with squats.
  4. As you exhale, use your buttocks and lower back to straighten your torso and straighten up completely.

Read more about the Romanian deadlift →

Dumbbell deadlift for women

This option is performed similarly to the barbell exercise. But the load with dumbbells significantly relieves the pressure on the lumbar region. The correct weight and amplitude will help strengthen the leg muscles without developing the lats as much as the barbell.

Read more about dumbbell deadlifts →

Sumo style deadlift

There is also a sumo-style option - wide foot placement. In this option, the adductor muscles of the thigh and gluteal muscles are subjected to the greatest load. Of course, every exercise has its disadvantages. It is this option that greatly develops the adductor surfaces of the thigh, and this is also undesirable for women. Therefore, it is best to alternate options.

Read more about sumo deadlifts →

Romanian single leg deadlift

Romanian deadlift on one leg - performance video for girls
In the video (from 04:50) you can watch the technique of the Romanian deadlift on one leg.

Correct technique

  • hold on to a support with your left hand (a wall or a power rack for squats, for example);
  • hold a dumbbell in your right hand, it will slide along your thigh and lower leg as you lower it down;
  • standing on your right leg, slowly lower yourself down, move the thigh of your left leg back and up to a position almost parallel to the floor;
  • do not round your back, keep it straight;
  • Concentrate on tensing your gluteal muscles during the exercise.

Recommendations: how to do deadlifts correctly for girls

  1. Select the weight of the load relative to your physical capabilities and goals. If you are not going to set a women's deadlift record, work with a light weight and with sufficient amplitude - lowering your pelvis to the level of your knees.
  2. Work in 12-15 repetitions for 3-4 sets.
  3. Alternate exercise options, for example, do the classic version one week, and sumo the second. This way the muscles will develop harmoniously, without “extra” accents.
  4. It is enough to perform the deadlift once a week, combining it with squats and other leg exercises. Read more about leg exercises for girls in the gym →
  5. If deadlifts cause discomfort in the lower back, replace the option with Romanian deadlifts with dumbbells.

Standing on straight legs

The so-called deadlift with dumbbells for girls is suitable for those who want to pump up the gluteus maximus muscle, as well as strengthen the torso muscles and give them relief. Gym instructors note that this type of exercise is recommended for men at the beginning of training, when it is contraindicated to use heavy weights at once.

Be careful, this movement is quite traumatic; if you are a beginner, we recommend that you start working on the back extensors and gluteal muscles with hyperextension, which can be done at home. It is performed with your own weight, and therefore the risk of injury is much less

Before training, it is recommended to warm up your lower back. This will warm up the target muscle groups and prepare them for more serious loads.

  1. We stand straight, legs slightly apart. You can shift from foot to foot to relax your leg muscles. Place your hands with dumbbells on the sides of your hips, or you can place the dumbbell behind your back
  2. We bend our back at the lower back. in such a way as not to disturb the natural curve of the spine.
  3. We lower the body forward without bending or bending the knees. The center of gravity naturally shifts forward. We compensate for this by moving our buttocks back. Place your hands with dumbbells freely exactly above your feet.
  4. Hands with dumbbells begin to slide down. without reaching the floor. Don't forget! We make an effort while exhaling! Next we return to the starting position

For the first time, it is enough to do, on average, ten repetitions at a slow pace, smoothly, slowly, feeling how the buttocks and back of the thigh tighten. In the future, when the muscles become stronger and the stretching is good enough, we increase the number to three to four sets of twelve exercises.

Important information before you begin

Before performing the above movement, be sure to read this information:

  • Load displacement. The peculiarity of this type of exercise is that when you bend your legs strongly, you will work out your gluteal muscles perfectly. If you straighten your legs more strongly, the load will go to the back of your thighs. Depending on your goal, you can shift the emphasis of the load on the muscles you are interested in in this way and achieve excellent training results.
  • Main mistake. A mistake when performing the Romanian deadlift is to fully extend the legs, as this can threaten to strain the tendons.
  • Helpful advice. When performing a “deadlift”, do not forget that the main load will fall on the lower back muscles, so before performing this exercise you need to do good stretches. Warm muscles work much more efficiently, and the risk of injury becomes minimal.
  • Is it possible to perform the movement after injury? You can resume exercises during the recovery period after any injuries using the smallest weights and only after consulting a doctor.

Carefully! If you came to the gym recently, then do not immediately pursue heavy loads - increase the weight of the dumbbells and the number of repetitions of the exercises gradually. The main injuries occur precisely for these reasons and discourage training with dumbbells in the future.

Basic recommendations for performing the exercise

Deadlifts will bring invaluable benefits if you follow some rules:

  • Do not perform the exercise if you have back problems (hernias, protrusions, etc.).
  • To better distribute the load and maintain balance, choose the right deadlift shoes. Shoes with low, hard soles (simple sneakers, wrestling shoes or weightlifting shoes) are best suited. Sneakers with soft soles are not the best option.
  • To avoid injury, use an athletic belt.
  • The key to success in this exercise is the correct technique, so we do not recommend that you immediately hang the heaviest weights in the gym on the barbell.
  • Since the exercise is technically difficult, do it at the beginning of the workout, when the muscles are not yet tired.
  • Before performing the exercise, do a warm-up; a good option would be the hyperextension exercise.
  • To avoid injuring your joints, use the pyramid principle - increase the weight of the projectile with each approach.
  • Perform four to six sets of eight to ten repetitions.
  • As you lift the weight off the floor, press your heels into the floor, straighten your hips and knees first, and then engage your back. This way you will avoid back injuries.
  • When you lower the barbell down, bend your hip joints first, when the barbell reaches your knees, begin to bend them until the plates touch the floor.
  • Do not hold your breath throughout the entire exercise; exhale with effort, that is, when you lift the weight upward.
  • Do not round your shoulder blades or lower back; this will shift the main load from your legs to your back, which can result in a new injury or aggravation of old ones. The most effective way is to look straight and slightly upward.
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