The best exercises with elastic bands for legs and buttocks: remove the “ears” and pump up the inner thighs

Training with fitness bands is one of the simplest to perform, but at the same time effective. They can provide both strength and cardio exercise. Elastic bands are also used in circuit training, which is aimed at drying the body (burning fat while maintaining muscle mass). Let's look at some of the most effective exercises with elastic bands for the muscles of the legs and buttocks. You can create your own program from them, including for circuit training.

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Exercises with an elastic band for the inner thighs

Leg raises and arm swings (Jumping Jack):

  1. Place the band under your knees or on your ankles, place your feet shoulder-width apart and bend slightly.
  2. As you inhale, jump up, at the same time moving your legs a little wider and swinging your arms up.
  3. As you exhale, jump again and simultaneously lower your arms and return your legs to the starting position.
  4. Perform at least 20-25 jumps.

To work out the inner thighs, it is useful to do exercises not only with elastic bands, but also with a “Butterfly” expander. The simplest option:

  1. Sit on a chair, hold the expander between your thighs, and grab the sides of the seat with your hands.
  2. As you exhale, bring your thighs as close to each other as possible and hold them for a couple of seconds.
  3. As you inhale, slowly relax and spread your hips to the sides.
  4. Do at least 20-30 repetitions.

We train leg muscles with a universal expander

There are many types of various exercises that can be performed with such a training accessory. We will focus only on a couple of truly effective movements that have ideal biomechanics and do not require long-term training in motor patterns.

  • Front squats with expander

Classic barbell squats require long and intense training. This is due to the fact that the weight (barbell) is held on the back, which is an unnatural movement for a person. Because of this factor, during a squat, the pelvis moves back with difficulty, and the back bends under the weight of the barbell.

To get rid of this lack of biomechanics, you just need to move the weight in your hands and thereby change the direction of the load vectors. Now the working plane is in front, making it easy to sit in a full squat without bending in the lumbar region. In addition, this option makes it easier to maintain the correct position of the feet and hands.

However, a front squat with a barbell on the chest is difficult to perform due to the awkward position of the apparatus and its holding, especially for girls. That is why the frontal version of this exercise is not popular at the amateur level.

All this can be easily changed with the help of a leg expander. Pay attention to the illustration. In the starting position, you need to stand on the expander with your feet, placing your feet slightly wider than your shoulders. The handles are held on bent and raised arms. The back is arched and the pelvis is tense.

Slowly lower yourself down until your thigh muscles touch your calves. Go upstairs immediately. Try to hold the resistance band so that the bands are perpendicular to the floor throughout the entire range of movement.

Unlike a barbell, you don't have to bend over to create support to hold the barbell on your chest. You can arch it naturally and focus on working your leg muscles.

  • Single leg press with expander

Surely you know the exercise - leg press. It is performed in a special simulator, which has a number of disadvantages. It does not take into account the individual body structure and the length of a person’s limbs, as a result of which the load vectors may differ from natural ones, which will negatively affect the effectiveness of the exercise.

In the version with expanders, there is no such drawback. Take the starting position shown in the illustration. Pay attention to how the handles are held.

The pressing movement should be accompanied by mental static tension of the gluteal muscle. At the end of the movement, you can raise your leg slightly in order to place more stress on the hamstrings.

An important nuance: the straightened leg and torso should form one single line.

Complete all reps with one leg, and then switch to the other. It is quite possible to perform such an exercise with similar training accessories, but it is more difficult and, less importantly, not as convenient.

Exercises with an elastic band for the buttocks

Side lunges. Depending on the stiffness of the elastic band, we do 20-30 repetitions of 2-3 approaches:

  1. Put on the elastic band, place it just above your knees, place your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. While inhaling, step to the side with your right leg and sit down on it until the right angle at the knee.
  3. As you exhale, return to the starting position.

It is allowed to lunge at first only on one leg or alternate between the right and left in one approach.

Deadlift. We perform 15-25 times per set (the stiffer the tape, the fewer repetitions):

  1. Stand up straight, step on the tape with your feet, place them shoulder-width apart.
  2. Wrap your hands around the other part of the ribbon.
  3. As you inhale, bend over and reach your hands towards your feet, but not all the way - approximately to the middle of your shins.
  4. As you exhale, straighten up. You should feel the tension in your buttocks here.

Squats with leg raises: buttocks, back and side of the thigh. We do 20-25 repetitions 2-3 approaches:

  1. Place the elastic band above your knees. Clasp your hands in front of you.
  2. As you inhale, squat down to a right angle at your knees, and as you exhale, rise up and simultaneously move one leg to the side.
  3. The next time you squat, raise the opposite leg - alternate throughout the entire approach.

Exercise with an expander. How to choose a tubular expander

A tubular rubber expander with handles is the simplest exercise machine.
It consists of two D-shaped (or V-shaped) handles and a tubular harness. The material may vary depending on the price and manufacturer, although wear-resistant latex is considered the most popular. Despite the simplicity of the design, choosing the right exercise machine is not so easy. Correct selection of the resistance of a tubular expander is a key point when choosing a simulator. Often, athletes overestimate (or underestimate) their capabilities and take equipment that does not correspond to their level of physical fitness. As a result, the training does not give the desired result and the only choice is to buy another simulator.

There is a universal gradation system. It is not observed by all manufacturers (each company tries to stand out and “surprise” with unusual colors, despite the classification), but in general they help you navigate when choosing. Load scale:

  1. Entry level or light – green, yellow or pink strands.
  2. Medium or medium - red tube.
  3. Strong or hard – blue.
  4. Professional or extra hard – purple or black tubes.

There are no universal tubular expanders, so choosing the weight is very important.

  1. For example, hard and extra hard harnesses are recommended for men who can bench press a weight of 80 to 100 kg (the same applies to squats and deadlifts). Despite the fact that they are designed for lighter loads, exercises for men with a tubular expander are performed in a high-repetition style. This should be taken into account.
  2. The same applies to exercises with a tubular expander for women. The weight is selected in such a way that you can perform up to 12-20 repetitions per set. Green, yellow and pink tubes work best for this.

Top 3 manufacturers

There are a huge number of models, from extremely cheap to expensive. Therefore, you can choose any simulator that suits a particular athlete. To practice with a tubular expander, you don’t have to buy expensive models. However, if you want to purchase the highest quality exercise machine, it is recommended to choose the most well-known manufacturers. Among them are:

  • Atemi Att03 is a good model that has the lowest price among quality exercise machines. A fairly reliable option with a simple design.

  • HouseFit 6981 is a device from a popular manufacturer of sports equipment. It has comfortable handles and a fairly durable design.

  • NIKE Accessories Universal is a premium category trainer. It has an incredibly strong cable, handles with special fixation and a soft non-slip coating.

Exercises with an expander for the arms. 3 training options with the apparatus

Let's take a closer look at exercises with an expander for the hands. Next you will learn what types of loads can be used and how to properly exercise this apparatus.

Compression followed by rest

The emphasis is on consistent, without rest, squeezing the expander. Speed ​​matters. You need to do it without sparing yourself, to the point of failure, so that it is difficult to move the brush. The wrists work, the fingers and forearm muscles are worked out perfectly.


  1. Take a comfortable position, take the expander in your hand;
  2. While inhaling deeply, begin to rhythmically squeeze the unit;
  3. You should perform about 90-100 compressions in 1-1.5 minutes, the last movements should be forced.

Perform one approach, relax your hand. After 5-6 minutes, proceed to the next approach. In total you need to do from 3 to 7 approaches, depending on your physical fitness.

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Compression followed by fixation

The fundamental difference between this version and the previous one is that after short rhythmic presses, you do not need to relax the hand, but rather plunge it into static tension. The hand and forearm areas are properly loaded.


  1. Fix the expander with your fingers in a comfortable position;
  2. Inhaling and exhaling, squeeze at the rate of 100 times for one and a half minutes;
  3. After the period has expired, squeeze the expander tightly and stay at this point for 1-2 minutes.

How to pump up your arms with an expander even more effectively? For better results, do not stop at one approach, improve, increase their number. It is preferable to start with three, gradually increasing to six or seven.

Fixation followed by compression

This time, we first statically load the finger area, and only then finish off the muscles with progressive compressions. Let’s not be lazy, we train our grip, which is helped by the developed muscles of the forearm and hand.


  1. Lying, sitting, standing - in any position we take the expander in our hands;
  2. Taking a deep breath, we squeeze the object with all our strength with our hand until our fingers begin to treacherously unbend;
  3. Then we begin to quickly compress and unclench, watching the tense muscles. Encourage yourself, motivate yourself with your own results. We continue for about 2 minutes.

We make 3 passes to begin with, each time increasing both the exposure time and the number of passes.

Exercises with a butterfly expander. Exercises with a butterfly expander for women

Do you want to tighten your bust line, strengthen your legs, pump up your buttocks, dry out your arms and achieve perfect abs with the help of exercise machines in the gym? “Butterfly expander” will help make your plans come true! We tell you how to use it and why.

Daria Kabatskis


Getty Images

In almost every gym you can find a wonderful and irreplaceable exercise machine with a beautiful name. The “butterfly” expander belongs to the group of strength training equipment; it is so named because during its use the movements resemble the wings of a butterfly. The “butterfly” is indispensable for women who want to work out the muscles of the chest area and achieve a beautiful bust line. You can also train your buttocks, legs, thighs, arms and even your abs on it. “Butterfly” will help strengthen both individual areas of the body with the help of isolated exercises, and the relief of the body as a whole.

Exercises on the “butterfly” expander for the hips, legs, buttocks

The butterfly expander is effective for training the lower body; its work is based on the principles of elastic deformation.

Exercises for the hips and inner legs

The most effective exercise for the inner thighs is bringing and spreading bent legs. There are not many exercises for this zone, and this is one of the most effective.


  • Sit on the machine like a chair, bend your knees.
  • The feet should be pressed firmly to the floor surface.
  • Bring your legs together and spread them, trying to stay at the maximum point for 3-5 seconds.
  • Do not make sudden movements: this can damage the ligaments.
  • Smoothly bring and spread your legs, keep your back straight.
  • Repeat the exercise 30 times in 3 sets. At first, use small weights, gradually increasing the load.


    Strength training program for women: exercises and recommendations

Exercises for the buttocks and inner legs

Using the “butterfly” you can effectively work out the gluteal relief; an exercise in a lying position is ideal for this.


  • Lie on your back, hold the expander between your thighs.
  • Slowly lift your pelvis up, squeezing the “butterfly”.
  • Stay at the top point for 3-5 seconds and slowly return down.
  • Repeat the exercise 50 times in 5 approaches.


  • Lie on your side, bend your knees.
  • Hold the expander between your legs and slowly open your knees.
  • Hold at the maximum point and keep your muscles tense.
  • Repeat 50 times in 5 sets.

Exercises for a flat stomach and strong abs with the butterfly exercise machine

Abdominal training with an expander brings excellent results if done correctly and regularly. Remember a few basic exercises.


  • Lie on the floor, bend your knees.
  • Clamp one handle of the expander between your legs, fix the second with your hands.
  • The head of the exercise machine should face up.
  • Raise your legs, squeezing the apparatus and tense your abs.
  • Repeat the exercise 40 times in 4 sets.


  • Attach the expander to the wall, turn your back to it and take it from above.
  • Sit on your knees and pull so that your elbows drop to your knees.
  • Having reached the lowest point, tense your abs and hold for 3-5 seconds.
  • Repeat the exercise 30 times for 3 approaches.


  • Attach the expander to the bottom of the wall.
  • Take a pen and stand sideways.
  • Step back a little and make a movement similar to chopping with an ax with a twist of your torso.
  • Repeat the exercise on the other side.
  • Do 40 repetitions of 4 sets, alternating sides.

Exercises for arms and chest on a butterfly expander

The simulator uses the pectoralis major muscle, clavicular region, anterior delta and short head of the biceps. This way you not only pump up your arms, but also tighten your chest.

The butterfly curl is a key movement for creating strong arms and a beautiful female bust line. To perform the exercises correctly, you need to adjust the simulator specifically for yourself. Set a comfortable degree of stretch for the pectoral muscles and a starting position for the arms. To do this, move the stick responsible for selecting the weight to the desired height on the adjustment scale.

Always sit on the machine upright, keep your back straight, and make sure your shoulders are parallel to the floor. Place your feet on the floor and look forward.

Recommendations for bringing your arms together on the butterfly machine

  1. Try not to straighten your arms completely, keep them slightly bent at the elbows.
  2. Stay at the point of contact, tense your pectoral muscles.
  3. Do not throw the weight, but slowly raise your arms, maintaining tension.
  4. Bring your hands together faster than you open them.
  5. Keep your shoulders parallel to the floor.
  6. If you have severe chest asymmetry, you can do a pinch with only one arm to pump up the muscles.
  7. The number of repetitions on each side should be the same if you do not have obvious asymmetry.
  8. Start with light weights, gradually increasing the load with each week of training.


  • Sit on the exercise machine, and as you exhale, begin to bring your arms together.
  • At the end point, bring your arms together so that your pectoral muscles contract, and stay in this position for a couple of seconds.
  • It is very important to maintain peak muscle contraction.
  • Perform abduction and extension of your arms 20 times in 4 approaches.
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