The benefits of sour cream and how to prepare it at home

Chemical composition

Like most milk-based products, sour cream has a rich composition. It contains many essential substances for humans:

  • vitamins A, C, E, K, D;
  • B vitamins;
  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • zinc;
  • iron;
  • amino acids.

The combination of a high content of vitamin D and calcium promotes their fastest absorption by the body. This means that the positive effect on bone tissue, nails, hair and skin will also be maximum.

The benefits of sour cream for adults

  • Sour cream is a very nutritious and tasty product.
  • Easier to be absorbed by the body than milk and other dairy/fermented milk products.
  • Useful for people who have poor digestion or weak appetite.
  • Has a good effect on intestinal microflora.
  • Contains an impressive amount of useful vitamins and microelements.
  • Contains biotin (vitamin H), which is called the vitamin of youth and beauty.
  • It has a good effect on hormonal levels, which is especially important for women.
  • Thanks to its protein content, sour cream helps maintain muscle strength.
  • Sour cream is also useful for the male body: it helps maintain and increase potency.

Calorie content

Sour cream is based on dairy cream, which has a high fat content. Therefore, the number of calories in sour cream itself is also quite high.

As a rule, you can find this product with fat content on store shelves:

  • 10%: its calorie content is 115 kcal per 100 grams;
  • 15%: 160 kcal per 100 grams;
  • 20%: 200 kcal per 100 grams;
  • 30%: 290 kcal per 100 grams.

This calorie content means that, despite all the positive properties, moderation should be observed when consuming sour cream so as not to encounter unwanted weight gain.

Benefits for weight loss

Sour cream is a fairly high-calorie product, but it is often used in diet menus. The paradox is explained by the fact that this is an absolutely natural product, full of vitamins and substances necessary for humans. If you follow the recommended daily intake, it will not negatively affect your weight or figure.

Sour cream is perfect for dressing vegetable salads, making them a little lighter and more interesting in taste. In addition, it serves as a complete replacement for not very healthy mayonnaise.

At the same time, for the diet it is better to choose a product with 10-15% fat content and, of course, not combine it with sugar.

Beneficial features

Sour cream, like the milk from which it is produced, has a lot of healing properties for the human body:

  • improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • good functioning of the digestive system and increased appetite;
  • assistance in cleansing the body of toxins and waste;
  • normalization of hormonal levels;
  • reducing the impact of stress on our well-being;
  • increasing immunity;
  • improving the condition of skin, nails and hair.

Calcium and magnesium are responsible for normalizing blood pressure and should be included in the diet of older people.

Calcium and phosphorus help maintain healthy teeth and nails and the entire musculoskeletal system.

The benefits and harms of sour cream with beets and garlic

To understand the value of sour cream with beets and garlic for the human body, each of the products must be considered separately.

Useful properties of sour cream:

  • improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • increases immunity;
  • normalizes appetite;
  • strengthens memory;
  • normalizes metabolic processes.

Boiled beets are rich in B vitamins (necessary for our nervous system), folic acid, fiber, and iron.

The root vegetable, both fresh and boiled, contributes to:

  • removing toxins from the intestines;
  • combating fatty liver;
  • getting rid of bad cholesterol;
  • stimulates sexual activity in men;
  • relieves swelling, removing excess fluid from the body;
  • restores strength after physical activity.

Garlic is known for its antiseptic and antibacterial effects. It is often used to prevent diseases and parasites. For men, garlic is useful because it helps maintain the required level of testosterone and enhances potency.

Regular consumption of sour cream mixed with grated boiled beets and garlic will help strengthen the immune system and have a beneficial effect on intestinal function. This wonderful salad is rich in fiber and has mild cleansing properties, removing all toxins from the body.

When talking about the properties of sour cream with beets and garlic, we cannot mention contraindications. They are not recommended for those who suffer from diabetes, allergies and gastritis. For these diseases, consuming these products can dramatically worsen your health.

To strengthen the body and replenish the deficiency of vitamins and microelements, you need to eat no more than two tablespoons of sour cream per day. Remember that abuse of the product can lead to problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Benefits for women

Women have long appreciated the beneficial effects that sour cream can give to their health.

For example, during pregnancy, due to the content of B vitamins, this fermented milk product helps the fetus to form correctly and reduces the risk of miscarriage.

Sour cream will also be useful if a woman is taking birth control pills. After all, it contains choline, which improves mood and reduces the risk of depression.

Sour cream can improve the digestion process and relieve constipation, which is why women love to include it in their diet.

This product is also often used as a component of home beauty products - creams, face and body masks, because it strengthens hair and improves skin condition.

Is it possible during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, sour cream will provide the woman with the necessary support. It will make up for the lack of essential vitamins, give strength, and also replace those sauces that may be prohibited during this delicate period due to their not very natural composition.

Attention: the generally accepted amount of sour cream for an adult, including breastfeeding, is about 20 grams per day, that is, two tablespoons. Try to follow it so that your child does not develop an allergy to lactose.

Who and why should not eat dairy products?

Some people are not advised to consume milk for health reasons. These are the following categories:

  1. Allergy sufferers to lactose. When consuming any dairy product, an allergic skin rash, an asthmatic attack, or swelling of the mucous membranes may occur.
  2. For those who have problems digesting lactose. When consuming any dairy product, digestive upset, including severe, and skin rashes may occur.
  3. People prone to the formation of kidney stones. Regular consumption of dairy products in large quantities leads to an excessive increase in calcium levels in the body, which leads to the formation of kidney stones (stones are made of calcium salts).
  4. If the stomach is highly acidic, it is better to avoid kefir, as a sufficient amount can cause diarrhea and bloating.
  5. If you have kidney disease, it is better to reduce your consumption of dairy products . A high percentage of protein puts a lot of stress on the kidneys and can lead to malfunctions.
  6. You should not be overly fond of dairy products if you have vascular pathologies associated with their qualifications , that is, excessive deposition of calcium salts on the walls of blood vessels.

Benefits for men

Men can benefit from sour cream because it contains a lot of protein. This component can increase potency and libido, as well as increase testosterone levels.

Protein helps rapid muscle growth, which means this fermented milk cream will come in handy for those men who actively play sports and take care of their shape.

In general, regular consumption of sour cream has a positive effect on the male body:

  • promotes blood flow to the groin area;
  • protects the body from viruses and infections;
  • increases the production of male hormones;
  • improves hemoglobin levels.

Attention! Despite all these positive properties, I advise against eating fermented milk in too large quantities, as this can lead to undesirable results: weight gain and digestive problems.

The benefits of sour cream for losing weight

Nutritionists can talk for hours about the benefits of fermented milk products in general, and sour cream in particular.

Easily digestible, rich in vitamins and protein, organic acids, micro and macroelements such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, iron, phosphorus, chlorine and many others, restoring intestinal microflora and regulating digestion due to the high content of bifido and lactobacilli - these products are worthy in order to occupy an important place in the diet of a modern person who adheres to the principles of rational nutrition.

Sour cream can be either very fat, up to 58%, or practically fat-free.

The minimum fat content of sour cream is 10%, which makes it, contrary to popular belief, an excellent product for those who are watching their weight.

In addition, low-fat sour cream will not add centimeters to your waist; it will also bring considerable benefits to your body.

At what age can it be given to children?

Sour cream is made from milk, so it should not be given to children under one year of age. This is explained by the fact that their body is not yet ready to digest this product. To avoid colic, bloating or diarrhea, it is better to abstain from it.

Important! Milk and dairy products can adversely affect the gastrointestinal tract of a small child and harm the liver and pancreas. Consult your pediatrician before introducing them into your baby's diet.

If the child tolerates this product well and does not have allergies, then you can safely add sour cream to children's dishes 2-3 times a week.

What kind of sour cream can you eat while dieting?

If for a person who is not burdened with the problem of excess weight, the choice of sour cream lies mainly in the plane of taste preferences, then people who want to lose weight need to approach this issue more seriously.

  • Store-bought sour cream. As the basis of dietary nutrition, you should choose industrially produced sour cream, with strict control of fat content and the content of lactic acid bacteria, which the manufacturer indicates as an acceptable minimum at the end of the shelf life.
  • Homemade fat sour cream. Yes, sour cream, prepared by a grandmother in the village from homemade milk, is undoubtedly very tasty. But a product of such high fat content can only be afforded in the form of one spoon for borscht and, of course, not every day.
  • Sour cream product. However, in pursuit of reducing calories, one should not forget about the quality of the purchased product. For example, the so-called “sour cream product”, which is now widely represented on store shelves, although it has low fat content, does not have much in common with natural sour cream. Often the only advantage in favor of purchasing such products is their low price. But in this case, you should not expect the same benefits from consuming sour cream as from consuming natural fermented milk products.

In detail Functional foods - a smart move by the food industry or a necessity?

Application in home cosmetology

The benefits of sour cream when consumed internally are undeniable, but it can bring no less benefit when used in home cosmetology. Traditional medicine advises adding it to various face masks. This is explained by the fact that the fermented milk product is capable of:

  • rejuvenate the upper layers of the epidermis;
  • normalize blood circulation;
  • restore skin after negative environmental influences.

Anti-wrinkle mask

In order to get an effective homemade mask with a rejuvenating effect, just take:

  • 30 ml of village sour cream of maximum fat content;
  • 10 g blue clay powder;
  • 2 drops vitamin E.

Pour the clay into the sour cream and stir until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Then add the oil and gently apply the mixture to your skin. Leave on until the mask dries. Rinse with warm water, remove any remaining mask residue with a cotton pad soaked in natural toner, and apply your usual cream.

After the first use, you will see that the skin has become softer, a blush has appeared, and wrinkles are less noticeable. This mask can be made every day.

Features of use

The daily intake of sour cream for a person losing weight is no more than 50 g, provided there are no absolute contraindications. Preference should be given to fat content no higher than 15% to prevent excess weight gain. The combination of sour cream and honey is considered especially useful for those who adhere to a diet. At night it is recommended to combine 1 tbsp. l. each ingredient and eat before bed. This mixture will help activate fat burning processes during rest and avoid overeating in the morning.

It is worth noting that when using this composition on an ongoing basis, you can lose up to 3-4 kg in 4 weeks, even without significant dietary restrictions. People with an allergy to honey or severe diabetes should not use the recipe.

For a healthy adult, the product norm is up to 80 g per day. You should not choose the fattest option. 15-20% will be optimal. There are many sour cream products on store shelves, but it is better to give preference to natural sour cream made from milk. For a child from 1 to 3 years old, the norm per day is no more than 1 tsp. The maximum fat content is 15%. From 3 years of age, it is allowed to gradually increase the norm, taking into account the body’s reaction.

It is especially useful to consume 50 g of sour cream daily for women at the onset of menopause. This will help prevent the development of osteoporosis.

Harm and contraindications

Unfortunately, sour cream, like other dairy products, has contraindications. It is better to avoid it for those who are diagnosed with:

  • gastritis;
  • ulcer;
  • diseases of the gallbladder and liver.

Even if you do not suffer from any of these diseases, it is believed that it is better not to consume sour cream at night, as it can negatively affect the digestion process, lead to heaviness in the stomach and problems with sleep.

You can also learn about the characteristics of sour cream from the following video.


The benefits for the body when consuming sour cream are undeniable, but there are cases when it can be harmful to health. For this reason, before including the product in your diet, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the contraindications:

  • frequent loose stools of unspecified etiology;
  • individual sensitivity to the product or tendency to allergic manifestations;
  • lactose intolerance;
  • age up to 1 year;
  • serious disorders of the cardiovascular system, especially atherosclerosis;
  • severe liver damage or liver failure;
  • increased levels of calcium in the body;
  • recovery period after severe surgical interventions on the digestive system;
  • peptic ulcer in the acute stage with the threat of perforation of the stomach wall;
  • severe form of colitis or enteritis.

You should not consume sour cream in large quantities on a regular basis or regularly combine it with other dairy products, as this can cause indigestion, loose stools and heaviness in the stomach.

Allergies occur rarely and are accompanied by a rash, itching of the skin, hyperemia (redness) and irritation. If such symptoms occur, it is recommended to stop using it. This is usually enough to eliminate the reaction. Otherwise, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

How to choose and store correctly

In order not to make a mistake and choose the right sour cream in the store, just follow these simple tips:

  1. Read the ingredients carefully: a natural product contains only sourdough and cream.
  2. Natural fermented milk cream cannot be called a “sour cream product”: this only indicates that you are buying a product with a large number of additives. And these supplements are not always useful!
  3. High-quality sour cream should have a white color with a creamy tint.
  4. Good sour cream cannot have a long shelf life. The maximum for a quality product is 10-14 days.

If you do not want to buy a ready-made product, then on our website you can find a detailed recipe for making homemade sour cream with your own hands.

Sour cream is always stored in the refrigerator. Once you have opened the package, try to use it within 3-4 days. Otherwise, it will spoil and you risk getting poisoned.


Sour cream is a product of everyday demand. It is valued for its taste and is used for aromatic baked goods and as a sauce. But not everyone understands how it affects our body. The biochemical composition will help to understand this.

What vitamins are contained in sour cream?

  • Vitamin A. Provides visual acuity and strengthens the body.
  • Vitamin B2. The main advantage is active participation in hematopoiesis. The health of hair and nails largely depends on a sufficient amount of this element in the body.
  • Vitamin B3. With its participation, hemoglobin is formed in the blood.
  • Vitamin B4. Necessary for normal heart function. Effectively fights cholesterol plaques, improving blood flow and lowering blood pressure.
  • Vitamin B6. It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system and cleanses the liver.
  • Vitamin B7. Violations in the breakdown of fats lead to problems with digestion and other systems. Biotin is actively involved in this process, which makes it indispensable.
  • Vitamin B9. The absorption and effect of the element increases with simultaneous intake of B12. Regulates the development of new cells.
  • Vitamin B12. Reduces cholesterol levels, normalizes metabolism.
  • Vitamin C. Improves the body's protective functions and resists viruses.
  • Vitamin E. Indispensable for youthful skin and has a blood thinning effect.
  • Vitamin D. There are few foods that are rich in this element. It is especially important for children, as it prevents the occurrence of rickets.

This product is not deprived of minerals: there is calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium.

The beneficial substances in sour cream determine the beneficial effects of taking this product.

  1. Almost all fermented milk products improve the functioning of the digestive system. Improves intestinal microflora and relieves constipation.
  2. Excessive thinness occurs due to improper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, metabolic disorders or poor digestibility of food. The latter can be corrected by sour cream. This will help the body receive all the necessary vitamins and microelements.
  3. Cleansing the intestines is important not only for problems with difficult stools. Due to this action, the condition of the skin and immunity improves. This happens due to the removal of toxins and wastes that accumulate in the body.
  4. Improves the condition of nails, hair, skin. The calcium content provides a therapeutic effect.
  5. Maintaining hormonal levels.
  6. Improves mood, helps overcome depression.
  7. Increases the functioning of brain cells.
  8. Helps maintain vision.
  9. Masks used externally improve the condition of the skin. Taking it internally helps improve the body.

This is interesting

The therapeutic and preventive effect can be achieved only with regular use of the drug. At the same time, various ailments require a specific regimen and method of administration.

What is sour cream

The classic recipe for making sour cream, that is, which is not used in industrial enterprises, involves actually skimming the cream. The milk was left to settle until the cream rose, skimmed off and stored in a cool place.

Today, a separator is used for these purposes, then normalization technology is followed to obtain the desired degree of fat content of the product. Then all pathogenic microorganisms are destroyed and the starter is added.

After fermentation, it takes only 1 day to obtain sour cream.

Effect on the body

Individual characteristics of the body, gender differences, and age determine the difference in the effects of sour cream and its effectiveness. In addition to the general properties, the product has an effect unique to each category.

The benefits of sour cream for women

Representatives of the fair sex are more often susceptible to changes in hormonal levels: during pregnancy, during menopause, and when taking certain medications. It makes no sense to treat the symptoms - it is necessary to eliminate the root cause. Sour cream helps normalize hormonal levels. Of all the available means, this is perhaps the most pleasant and safe.

Women pay much more time and attention to their appearance. The natural product can replace many cosmetic products: acids have peeling properties and rejuvenate the skin. The low risk of allergic reactions, affordable price and mild action have provided the product with a large army of fans around the world. The rich mineral and vitamin composition can compete with cosmetic creams and masks designed to improve the condition of the skin.

Real ladies always take care of their figure. The use of mayonnaise is unacceptable. Light dietary sour cream will be an excellent substitute in salads and baked goods. In this case, the body is cleansed of toxins and cholesterol. Nutritionists do not prohibit the use of this fermented milk product even during diets. But it’s better to opt for a low-fat type.

For men

The most valuable action is associated with improving potency. The stresses inherent in the modern rhythm of life, poor ecology and poor nutrition affect this important function of men. This is not worth putting up with. Daily use of the product in question will calm the nerves and help restore sexual function. This happens by improving testosterone production. Protein, in turn, improves sperm quality and motility.

Professional athletes use sour cream to ensure normal muscle function. The latter must not only be loaded with physical exercises, but also helped to develop correctly. Milk protein (it is actively added to sports nutrition) and protein provide the necessary “building material”.

This is interesting

The following property is worth remembering for girls planning a romantic dinner with their boyfriend. It acts as a natural aphrodisiac. You shouldn't expect miracles, but a certain effect is still observed. So don't be surprised if sexual attraction manifests itself faster than you expected.

For children

Pancakes, cottage cheese casserole topped with sour cream, and tender cottage cheese - all these are dishes from our childhood. It’s not for nothing that our grandmothers and mothers actively feed their children this delicacy. Perhaps, without realizing all its properties, they ensure the normal development and growth of the child’s body.

Little fidgets are constantly on the move. It seems that their internal “batteries” never run out. This is wrong. Overwork may not be noticed immediately. The carbohydrates contained in sour cream provide the necessary energy supply.

Prevention and treatment of anemia and low hemoglobin levels is ensured by the iron content. Even if there is not as much of it as in liver or beef, the child also eats more than just sour cream.

Despite the abundance of beneficial properties, this product should not be offered to babies in their first year of life. Postpone introductions to him until he is two years old. By this time, the digestive system will be able to perceive and digest it.

How and how long can you store sour cream?

Sour cream should only be stored in the refrigerator, especially open.

Storage principles:

  • a temperature of 8 C allows you to maintain freshness for up to 10 days;
  • at 0 C the closed product is stored for 1 month;
  • an open container can be stored for no more than 3 days;
  • the benefits of village sour cream last for 3 days.

Important! You cannot eat expired sour cream under any circumstances. This can cause enormous harm to the body with serious consequences.

The harm of sour cream

Negative consequences are caused by systematically consuming excessive amounts of high-calorie foods. You can eat sour cream when losing weight if you consume it in moderation, and any harm to both your figure and the body is minimized.

You can eat sour cream while on a diet, following a few rules:

  1. Observe the appointment time. It is better to reschedule the intake to Pushcha for the first half of the day, especially if you love fattier types of fermented milk delicacies. If the rule is followed, the calories received are completely consumed.
  2. Remember the norm per day, which varies from one to two tablespoons.
  3. Combine correctly in a dish. It is better to add sour cream to or add to: carrots and herbs will perfectly combine into a healthy salad, and the sour cream contained in vegetables will balance out the fat content.
  4. Do not use in pure form. Still, this is not a product that should be eaten with a spoon. An exception may be a special diet for diabetes, but then the doctor will warn you about the need for consumption, as well as in case of a special type of diet.

Very popular is the use of fermented milk product with tomato juice and salt. The resulting drink will not only be low-calorie, but also beneficial, according to doctors, especially for the physiological health of men.

This type of weight loss is suitable for many, with the exception of those suffering from gastritis and other serious stomach problems. It is also not recommended to use if you have illnesses. or gender does not affect use and will benefit both men and women.

So, sour cream is a very healthy product, and even simply replacing mayonnaise with it, you can improve digestion and physical condition. However, when dieting, you should still limit yourself to less calorie foods so as not to harm the weight loss process.

The answer to the question “is it possible to eat sour cream while losing weight” depends on what product you choose and how much of it you eat. In the absence of dangerous diseases, you can safely include fermented milk products, including sour cream, in your diet.

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The use of sour cream in folk medicine

Before the advent of sunscreens, sour cream was used for sunburn. Due to its properties to moisturize affected skin and analgesic effect.

Healthy milk product is widely used in folk medicine to treat:

  • insufficient lactation in women during breastfeeding;
  • anemia;
  • flu;
  • radiculitis;
  • impotence;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • skin diseases;
  • acne;
  • abscesses.

Sour cream helps against burns of varying degrees (not only solar). Reduces pain and prevents the formation of a bubble at the site of the lesion.

Folk recipes

  • For sore throat and pharyngitis. Sour cream at room temperature (70 ml) should not only be eaten, but held in the mouth (sucked) for some time. The product will have a bactericidal effect, improve the condition of the mucous membranes and reduce pain. The procedure must be performed in the morning and evening until complete recovery.
  • With ARVI. Grate onions and add a small amount of sour cream to make a paste. Must be taken every 2.5 hours. It can be difficult to get children to eat onions in their pure form. Sour cream neutralizes the pungent taste and smell, while maintaining all the beneficial properties.
  • For radiculitis. Take horseradish and radish in equal parts, pass them through a fine grater, season with sour cream until a paste forms. It is better to use a product with a high fat content. This will make the mixture thicker. Apply the product as a compress at night. Apply to the lower back, apply polyethylene or compress paper and insulate with a woolen scarf. Hold until a strong burning sensation appears. Carry out the procedure every other day until pain symptoms subside.
  • For atherosclerosis. Mix sour cream and grated horseradish in equal proportions. You should not prepare a large amount of the mixture, as it may spoil. It is taken 2 tsp. while eating. The course lasts 29 days.
  • For erosive gastritis. A salad made from sour cream, chicken eggs and plantain leaves is taken in small portions between main meals. This composition envelops the walls of the stomach and improves peristalsis.


The sour cream diet belongs to the category of strict monocomponent methods of weight loss. Nutritionists do not recommend frequently exposing your body to such stress. Remember that at this time you do not receive the vitamins and microelements necessary for the normal functioning of systems and organs.

Method 1. The course should not exceed 7 days. It's better if you reduce it to 3-4. No matter how much you want to lose weight quickly, you need to think about health first. You are allowed to consume 500-600 grams of sour cream per day. Portions should be distributed over several meals. Rosehip decoction or green tea will help support the body.

Method 2. Here you are allowed to eat one selected vegetable. It could be beets, cabbage, carrots or cucumber. You will need to eat 4-5 times a day. In this case, the total volume of sour cream should not exceed 500 ml. Vegetables are low in calories, so you can choose their quantity at your own discretion. Can be made into a salad or eaten separately.

With any method, it is important to maintain a water-salt balance. Therefore, drink at least 1.5 liters of water daily. Tea and decoctions are not included in this standard.

Sour cream face masks

The milk product contains microelements that nourish the skin, which is why it is so often included in various masks. The benefits of sour cream for facial skin include:

  • rejuvenation and cell restoration;
  • improving blood circulation;
  • stimulation of protective functions from the negative influence of the external environment;
  • normalization of fat content.

The benefits of sour cream face masks in solving many skin problems, as well as getting rid of acne, pimples and other rashes.

Sour cream anti-wrinkle mask

For home lifting, choose full-fat sour cream. Its properties give elasticity to the skin and smooth out facial wrinkles.

To prepare a nourishing mask you will need:

  • sour cream 30 ml;
  • blue clay 15 g;
  • vitamin E.


  • clay is diluted with sour cream;
  • Vitamin E (2 capsules) is added to the resulting mass;
  • apply to the skin of the face and wait until it dries;
  • wash off and apply cream.

Sour cream on the face has the effect of maintaining youthful skin. The procedure can be performed daily.

Purifying mask for acne and blackheads

To get rid of rashes, you need to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.


  • cucumber – 1 pc.;
  • sour cream – 25 ml;
  • tincture of calendula.


  • the cucumber is peeled and chopped in a blender;
  • add sour cream and calendula tincture (2 drops) to the mixture;
  • Apply to the face and leave for 10 minutes.

The mask can be used at the first manifestations of rashes.

Nourishing mask of sour cream and honey

The benefits of sour cream with honey are universal. The two components have the properties to deeply nourish the skin and saturate it with important elements.


  • sour cream 25 ml;
  • honey 15 ml;
  • rice flour 15 g.


  • mix honey and sour cream into a homogeneous mass;
  • add flour for thickness;
  • Apply to the skin, leave for 5 minutes and rinse off.

Important! It is not recommended to use other skin care products for 24 hours after such a mask.

Whitening mask with lemon and sour cream

A vitamin mask with sour cream perfectly tones the face and gives a fresh, toned look.

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  • sour cream – 35 ml;
  • lemon juice – 5 ml;
  • black currant – 35 g;
  • orange essential oil – 2 drops;
  • white from 1 egg.


  • mix all ingredients until smooth;
  • Apply to face from bottom to top for 20 minutes.

After rinsing, the skin must be moisturized with cream.

Anti-inflammatory mask of cucumbers and sour cream

Helps get rid of inflammation and give dry skin a well-groomed appearance.


  • cucumber 1 pc.;
  • sour cream 2 tbsp. l.


  • grate the cucumber;
  • add sour cream and mix;
  • applied to the face and neck;
  • keep for 20 minutes and wash off.

After the mask, lubricate the skin with nourishing cream.

Is it possible to use sour cream for pancreatitis and diabetes?

In case of acute pancreatic pathologies, the use of sour cream is prohibited. An exception may be the chronic form of pancreatitis. Based on studies with good indications, the doctor may allow you to eat sour cream. But in limited quantities and under strict supervision.

Important! Introducing new dishes into the diet on your own is strictly prohibited. The diseased organ should not be overloaded with heavy and difficult to digest food.

For diabetic patients, there is no prohibition on consuming sour cream. But it is important to follow 3 main recommendations:

  • choose a product with low fat content;
  • eat no more than 2 tbsp. l. per day, for people taking insulin 3 tbsp. l. in Week;
  • observe the body’s reaction after the introduction of fermented milk food.

If your blood glucose level is not elevated, you can gradually introduce sour cream into your diet. If you deviate from normal values, you should discard the high-calorie product.

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