Dishes with cod caviar: gastronomic pleasure guaranteed

Fish delicacies are not only tasty and nutritious, they are a source of Omega-3 amino acids that are beneficial for the human body; with constant consumption, immunity increases, the quality and life expectancy increases.
These products include cod caviar, the calorie content of canned is 179 kcal, raw - 115 kcal per 100 grams. It is used to prepare various dishes, from simple sandwiches to soups and casseroles. What fish do you use to make soups?

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Impact on the body

The high calorie content of the product helps increase energy for everyday life, easily digestible protein will quickly fill you up, fatty acids will protect the cardiovascular system and relieve depression. What other benefits does eating cod roe bring?

5 incredible properties:

  1. Improves vision - eyes are organs given in order to see and experience the world around us. This function is very important for life; you need to take care of their health from birth. Research by medical scientists has proven that cod fish caviar has a beneficial effect on vision when consumed regularly by adults and children, as well as for pregnant women in the first semester.
  2. Maintains constant blood pressure - this indicator in the body can increase and is called hypertension, it causes dizziness and complications in the patient, and can lead to death. Low is also not good, because a person can lose consciousness at any moment. Solve the problems of high and low blood pressure by possibly including cod caviar in your diet. Amino acids protect the vascular system from the formation of cholesterol plaques and blood clots, clean blood vessels mean a healthy heart, normal blood pressure.
  3. Prevention of Alzheimer's Disease - The next good news about the product's property is that it prevents dementia. This disease is a symptom that affects many older people. A person begins to experience difficulties communicating with others, and the quality of his life sharply decreases.
  4. Healthy bones and teeth - the vitamin D content allows you to maintain beautiful teeth and non-brittle bones even in old age, if caviar is present in the menu 2-3 times a week.
  5. Help in the fight against cancer - colon, prostate, breast cancer can be avoided or completely cured in the initial stages if, in addition to medications, you add the constant consumption of cod caviar prepared independently or purchased from trusted well-known manufacturers.

This product will cause harm: through abuse, personal intolerance (allergic reactions), to people suffering from chronic diseases of the kidneys, genitourinary system, biliary tract. Be careful when introducing it into the diet of children after 3 years of age; you can try 1 egg from six months to increase hemoglobin (after consultation with a pediatrician!), the same applies to diabetics and pregnant women.

Benefits of cod caviar for the body

A distinctive feature of the product is the absence of carbohydrates in it. This allows people prone to obesity to take it. It is acceptable to introduce it into the diet of preschool children after consultation with a pediatrician. It contains vitamin C, which is useful for strengthening the immune system and helping to suppress the proliferation of bacteria and viruses.

The iodine contained in the composition has a positive effect on the thyroid gland. Retinol is useful for people prone to depression.

With regular consumption, a person receives:

  • improving the condition of hair, skin and nails;
  • normalization of the thyroid gland;
  • improvement of reproductive function;
  • strengthening the skeletal system;
  • increasing the body's resistance and tone;
  • improved mood;
  • normalization of the circulatory system.

For adults

The presence of many vitamins and microelements important for the body has a beneficial effect on many organs. The content of iodine and iron allows normalizing the activity of the thyroid gland, and also benefits reproductive function in men and women. Iron content is beneficial for iron deficiency anemia. Vitamin C is very useful not only during the cold season, but also for the prevention of viral infections. Regular use will help avoid vision problems and cure existing pathologies.

It is considered a product for prolonging youth. In terms of its qualities and properties, it is no worse than red and black caviar.

For children

Children can start taking it from the age of three after consultation with a pediatrician. For the proper functioning of the skeletal, nervous, and digestive systems, the product contains all the necessary microelements. The rich properties of cod caviar will support the child’s immune defense, as well as heart function. Protein is good for muscle growth.

The product has low calorie content, so it will not harm children who are prone to gaining excess weight. You should not give children canned cod caviar, as they contain significant amounts of salt, vegetable oil and sugar, the properties of these ingredients can be harmful to the growing body.

For the elderly


  • improves the functioning of the body and many organs;
  • slows down aging;
  • improves the activity of the visual system;
  • helps with myopia;
  • has a beneficial effect on joint tissue;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • improves the properties of bone tissue;
  • improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Classic Taramasalat

100 g of product contains: proteins – 4 g; fats – 37.4; carbohydrates – 7.6, energy value – 383.9 kcal.

Preparation – 0 minutes.

Cooking time – 10 minutes.

Number of servings – 6.


  • Cod caviar (ideally smoked, but can be replaced with salted) – 200 g.
  • White bread used for toast - 3 slices.
  • Lemon juice – 90 ml.
  • Olive oil – 160 g.
  • Nut butter – 160 g.
  • Milk – 100 g.
  • Garlic – 1 clove.
  • Parsley – 3 sprigs.
  • Olives for decoration – 6-8 pcs.


  1. Cut the crust off the bread, soak it in milk for a short time, quickly squeeze it out and put it in a blender.
  2. Add smoked or salted caviar, doused with boiling water and well washed, softened with a fork, to the bread, turn on the equipment at medium speed and gradually pour in lemon juice.
  3. Without ceasing to beat, add first the olive oil and then the nut oil.
  4. When the mixture becomes completely homogeneous, add finely chopped herbs and garlic.
  5. When serving, garnish with olives and parsley sprigs.

In a simplified version, oils are replaced with one - sunflower, and bread with boiled potatoes. After standing for a while, the sauce will thicken and become like a pate. Suitable for both a morning or evening snack, and as a holiday dish. Found commercially and produced on an industrial scale.


This tasty ingredient will be a good addition to any salad; it promotes mental health, the formation of red blood cells, their regeneration and division, and the reduction of fatigue. What to combine it with, rice or potatoes, vegetables or exotic fruits, is each person’s personal preference. In the East, they like to eat caviar and fish with chicken; in Sweden, dried cod with peas and bacon is popular; in Italy, with ravioli.

Layered salad with cod roe, shrimp and cheese

100 grams of the finished product contains: proteins - 16 g, fats - 11 g, carbohydrates 1 g, nutritional value - 169 kcal.

Preparation – 10 min.

Cooking will take 20-30 minutes.

Number of servings – 6-8.


  • Eggs – 3 pcs.
  • Olives – 15 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise – 4 tbsp.
  • Cod eggs (or liver) – 50 g.
  • King prawns – 100 g.
  • Squid carcass – 2 pcs.
  • Crab meat (can be replaced with sticks) – 170 g.
  • Hard cheese – 100 g.
  • Greens to taste.


  1. The first layer is boiled eggs grated on a fine grater, greased with a mayonnaise mesh.
  2. Olives cut into circles are placed on top of the eggs.
  3. Grate the crab sticks and place in a third layer, grease with mayonnaise.
  4. Finely chop the dill and parsley and add the 4th layer.
  5. The cheese is grated and laid out on greens, covered with mayonnaise.
  6. Pre-cleaned squids are boiled in boiling water for no more than 2 minutes and cut into small pieces, topped with dressing.
  7. Boil the shrimp for a couple of minutes, remove the shell and esophagus, and place on the sixth layer.
  8. Place caviar on top over the entire area between the shrimp.

The ability to give this exquisite dish any shape makes it universal for celebrations. Low calorie content and extraordinary taste will definitely appeal to the stronger and weaker sex. By changing the arrangement of layers and making the top out of greenery, you can get a New Year's version of this delicacy.

Soup with caviar

Knowing interesting recipes, you can prepare unusual first courses. They are very different from the popular borscht, fish soup, cabbage soup and vegetable soups, but the ease of preparation and the desire to surprise loved ones will force readers to cook up this simple soup.

Fish kalia with cod eggs

100 grams of product contains: protein – 5.4, fats – 0.9, carbohydrates – 1, nutritional value – 33.9 kcal.

Preparation – 15 min.

Preparation – 1 hour.

Number of servings – 3-4.


  • Water – 900 grams.
  • Fresh halibut – 0.5 kg.
  • Caviar – 100 gr.
  • Onions – 2 pcs.
  • Pickled cucumbers – 2-3 pcs.
  • Cucumber brine – 600 g.
  • Black pepper – 3 grams.
  • Green onions – 3 bunches.
  • Fresh dill - three sprigs.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Boil the cleaned fish (any fatty fish) for 20-30 minutes in salted water.
  2. Separate the cooled fish from all bones and divide into small pieces.
  3. Peel the onions and cucumbers, cut into rings and small cubes.
  4. Strain the fish broth, add fish and crushed caviar, brine, pickles, thin onion rings, season with black pepper to taste and cook for another half hour. When serving, sprinkle with herbs.

The soup is a little like pickle soup, but much softer and tastier. During Lent, this dish is in great demand, it has almost no calories, and the nutritious cod roe and fatty fish will replenish the body with the necessary vitamins.

Benefits of cod caviar

It is worth noting that the unique benefits of cod caviar lie in the fact that the composition of the product is enriched with Omega-3 amino acids, essential for the human body. In addition, cod caviar is an effective natural antioxidant. Regular consumption of cod caviar increases immunity and improves the condition of the skin and teeth.

Cod caviar helps normalize metabolic and digestive processes. In addition, cod caviar is considered an effective remedy for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system. Cod caviar has a beneficial effect on the entire human body as a whole. In addition, cod caviar strengthens the vascular system of the human body and also has a positive effect on the thyroid gland.

The calorie content of cod caviar is 179 kcal, which is per 100 grams of product. It is worth emphasizing that the caloric content of cod caviar is not at all an obstacle to classifying the product as dietary. The whole point is that the composition of cod caviar is enriched with easily digestible proteins and fats of natural origin.

However, in addition to the benefits, there is information about the harm of cod caviar for the human body. True, in fairness it is worth noting that cod caviar can cause harm in the event of uncontrolled consumption of the product in large quantities. In addition, cod caviar can cause harm to people suffering from individual intolerance to the product.

Doctors and nutritionists strongly recommend including cod caviar in the diet of people of different ages, since the product really has a beneficial effect on the entire human body as a whole. In addition, caviar is not only healthy and nutritious, but also a tasty food product that is widely used in modern culinary tradition.

Cauliflower Casserole

This delicious harmonious combination will be appreciated by gourmets and lovers of healthy food. You can eat it both hot and cold. Another secret - in this dish you can use white cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and Kohlrabi cabbage or a mixture of them.

100 grams contain: protein - 9.2, fats - 9, carbohydrates - 3.3, energy value - 127.5 kcal.

Preparatory work – 20 minutes.

Cooking – 40 min.

Servings – 6.


  • Cod caviar – 150 grams.
  • Cabbage or mixed vegetables – 500 gr.
  • Egg – 1 pc.
  • Dutch cheese (any hard) – 150 grams.
  • Sour cream 20% – 160 g.
  • Freshly ground black pepper, nutmeg, salt - a pinch.
  • Butter or margarine for greasing the mold.


  1. Disassemble the cabbage into inflorescences and boil in salted water until half cooked.
  2. Beat sour cream, egg and spices with a whisk until smooth.
  3. Add cod delicacy and cheese 50 g, grated on a fine grater, mix well.
  4. Grease the mold, lay out the inflorescences, and pour the prepared dressing on top.
  5. Sprinkle with 100 grams of grated remaining cheese, cover with foil and place in the oven (temperature 170-180 degrees) for 30 minutes. Then remove the foil and bake for another 10 minutes.

The dish is simple to prepare, the ingredients for it are affordable, guests and family will be delighted with it. Hearty, but at the same time not burdening the stomach, it is suitable for dinner, lunch and breakfast.


This delicacy is prepared not only in cans, it is frozen, salted and smoked. The most delicious way to freshly frozen product is not just to fry it in batter in a frying pan, but to fry it into delicious pancakes. Before frying, salted cod eggs should be dipped in a paper towel.

Fried cod roe fritters

Ingredients FOR 2-4 SERVINGS:

100 grams of the finished product contains: proteins - 16 g, fats - 13.2 g, carbohydrates 3.8 g, nutritional value - 199.1 kcal.

Preparation – depends on freezing.

Cooking time – half an hour.

  • 450 g of fresh raw meat.
  • 2 tablespoons flour.
  • 1 egg, beaten.
  • 2-3 tablespoons of oil.
  • 1 lemon.


  1. Leave the frozen yogurt in the refrigerator overnight; if it is large, leave it on the kitchen counter as it will take quite a long time to defrost.
  2. Place the raw material in a pan of salted water and bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for 20 minutes. Then take it out, let it cool, no more salt is needed.
  3. Cut the yastyki into slices about 1 cm thick and roll in flour.
  4. Make the batter by dipping the pieces into the egg, then back into the flour, and set aside.
  5. Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the cod fritters on both sides until golden brown.
  6. Serve with crusty toasted bread, salad and lemon wedges.
  7. When frying in batter, you can use breadcrumbs.

Recipe Fried cod roe. Calorie, chemical composition and nutritional value.

Nutritional value and chemical composition of “Fried cod roe”.

The table shows the nutritional content (calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals) per 100 grams of edible portion.

NutrientQuantityNorm**% of the norm in 100 g% of the norm in 100 kcal100% normal
Calorie content152 kcal1684 kcal9%5.9%1108 g
Squirrels22.5 g76 g29.6%19.5%338 g
Fats2.5 g56 g4.5%3%2240 g
Carbohydrates5.9 g219 g2.7%1.8%3712 g
Alimentary fiber0.3 g20 g1.5%1%6667 g
Ash0.488 g~
Vitamin B1, thiamine0.014 mg1.5 mg0.9%0.6%10714 g
Vitamin B2, riboflavin0.003 mg1.8 mg0.2%0.1%60000 g
Vitamin B4, choline4.42 mg500 mg0.9%0.6%11312 g
Vitamin B5, pantothenic0.025 mg5 mg0.5%0.3%20000 g
Vitamin B6, pyridoxine0.014 mg2 mg0.7%0.5%14286 g
Vitamin B9, folates2.301 mcg400 mcg0.6%0.4%17384 g
Vitamin E, alpha tocopherol, TE1.111 mg15 mg7.4%4.9%1350 g
Vitamin H, biotin0.17 mcg50 mcg0.3%0.2%29412 g
Vitamin RR, NE0.2547 mg20 mg1.3%0.9%7852 g
Niacin0.102 mg~
Potassium, K10.4 mg2500 mg0.4%0.3%24038 g
Calcium, Ca3.17 mg1000 mg0.3%0.2%31546 g
Silicon, Si0.34 mg30 mg1.1%0.7%8824 g
Magnesium, Mg1.46 mg400 mg0.4%0.3%27397 g
Sodium, Na173.26 mg1300 mg13.3%8.8%750 g
Sera, S6.75 mg1000 mg0.7%0.5%14815 g
Phosphorus, P7.7 mg800 mg1%0.7%10390 g
Chlorine, Cl268.47 mg2300 mg11.7%7.7%857 g
Aluminium, Al89.2 mcg~
Bor, B3.1 mcg~
Vanadium, V7.64 mcg~
Iron, Fe0.115 mg18 mg0.6%0.4%15652 g
Yod, I0.13 mcg150 mcg0.1%0.1%115385 g
Cobalt, Co0.203 mcg10 mcg2%1.3%4926 g
Manganese, Mn0.0495 mg2 mg2.5%1.6%4040 g
Copper, Cu9.7 mcg1000 mcg1%0.7%10309 g
Molybdenum, Mo1.553 mcg70 mcg2.2%1.4%4507 g
Nickel, Ni0.187 mcg~
Tin, Sn0.44 mcg~
Selenium, Se0.509 mcg55 mcg0.9%0.6%10806 g
Titanium, Ti0.93 mcg~
Fluorine, F1.87 mcg4000 mcg213904 g
Chromium, Cr0.19 mcg50 mcg0.4%0.3%26316 g
Zinc, Zn0.0621 mg12 mg0.5%0.3%19324 g
Digestible carbohydrates
Starch and dextrins5.766 g~
Mono- and disaccharides (sugars)0.1 gmax 100 g
Sterols (sterols)
beta sitosterol4.469 mg~
Saturated fatty acids
Saturated fatty acids0.3 gmax 18.7 g
16:0 Palmitinaya0.139 g~
18:0 Stearic0.092 g~
20:0 Arakhinovaya0.007 g~
22:0 Begenovaya0.016 g~
Monounsaturated fatty acids0.532 gmin 16.8 g3.2%2.1%
18:1 Oleic (omega-9)0.53 g~
Polyunsaturated fatty acids1.336 gfrom 11.2 to 20.6 g11.9%7.8%
18:2 Linolevaya1.336 g~

The energy value of fried cod roe is 152 kcal.

Primary Source: Created in the application by the user. Read more.

** This table shows the average levels of vitamins and minerals for an adult. If you want to know the norms taking into account your gender, age and other factors, then use the “My Healthy Diet” application.


This delicacy has long been known in Russian cuisine, but is most widespread in Mediterranean countries. Its long shelf life, nutritional value and taste were liked by travelers and traders. Dried, it could be preserved for a long time without losing its beneficial properties. Small pieced caviar located in eggs is dried. Preparing the product at home is not at all difficult; first, fresh or thawed oysters are salted, then placed under a press and dried in the fresh air. There are recipes where the product is immersed in dry salt and salted for 1-2 weeks, and then dried for up to six months so that it does not spoil in a marine climate. 100 grams of the finished product contains: proteins - 33.75 g, fats - 4.75 g , carbohydrates 0 g, nutritional value – 177.75 kcal.


Cod caviar is considered a low-calorie dish, and therefore it is often an ingredient for dietary nutrition. Used for preparing various salads, stuffing eggs, sandwiches and in canned goods.

In Mediterranean countries, cod roe is fried in flour in the form of sausages with the addition of herbs to the dish, which adds aroma and pleasant taste. They also prepare cutlets, in the preparation of which it is advisable to use fresh caviar, but canned caviar will not spoil the dish either. It is advisable to rinse canned food in cold water before cooking, thus ridding it of excess salt.

Although cod caviar is more beneficial for the human body, there is a certain group of people who are not recommended to eat this product. These are people suffering from diabetes, atherosclerosis, kidney and stomach problems.

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Before appearing on supermarket shelves in frozen or canned form, cod travels a long way from the Baltic Sea and Atlantic to fish processing factories and warehouses. Caviar found in mature eggs is suitable for salting; by freeing the eggs, you can get breakout cod caviar. To properly salt, salt will require 10-12% of the weight of the raw material, for lightly salted 7-8%.

At home, it is better to pickle it in a ceramic bowl, which is placed in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. After the expiration date, the delicacy is ready, it can be placed in sterilized jars and rolled up.

Caviar "Fur Seal"

The composition of this fish product includes only natural substances, except for the main raw material, it contains sunflower oil, potato starch, water, 100 grams - 120 kcal. They make it in Murmansk, the shelf life is 2 years when unopened. It looks normal in consistency and color; according to customer reviews, it has a delicate taste, is not too salty, and spreads well on bread. There are no cases of expired products. Recommended by 84% of people.

BZHU and KBZHU caviar per 100 grams

Nutritionists consider fish caviar a valuable dietary product. Due to its composition, where 100 grams of product contains about 30 g of “light” protein, valuable microelements, poly-unsaturated acids, it is used as a medicine in folk medicine, as a cosmetic raw material.

Red and black

Delicious granular caviar is obtained from salmon fish. Red caviar KBZHU - more than 30% easily digestible protein, vitamin complex, fatty acids, minerals.

Sturgeon fish produce black caviar.

Depending on the cooking method, there are three types:

  • granular - eggs are spherical, not connected to each other;
  • pressed - eggs are flattened, dense;
  • yastyk - raw caviar is salted in a film (yastyk).

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with BZHU cherries

The product is dietary, rich in proteins, microelements, and contains many vitamins. It has a rejuvenating effect, as it activates the production of collagen, a protein responsible for the renewal and strength of the skin.


Refers to white caviar. Rich in vitamins and microelements, with easily digestible protein, it is not dietary due to the high glycemic index. It can be salted and fried without oil.

crucian carp

A product of river fish, it belongs to white caviar. Use salted and fried.

Pink salmon

The fish belongs to the salmon family, the caviar is orange, granular eggs Ø 5 mm. Used in salted form.


The product is dietary. High in fatty acids (omega-3),


Due to its composition, the dietary product is recommended for people with skin pathologies or aging skin, problems with nails and hair, in case of nervous disorders, etc.


The product is not a delicacy - it is salted, fried, cooked in the oven. It is rich in poly-unsaturated acids and microelements.

Chum salmon

Caviar is yellow-orange in color with large round eggs Ø 8 mm, it is a premium class delicacy. Red caviar BJU - more than 30% complete light protein, fatty acids, iron, lecithin.


Caviar is white, dietary, large, granular. It is used for sandwiches and snacks.


Delicious, medium-sized red caviar with a dense shell, eggs Ø 3 mm. Contains more high-value protein, minerals and vitamins.

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with turkey BZHU


Refers to white caviar, it is small, dense, and has a specific taste. Recommended for recovery after muscle strain, as a remedy for rickets.


The caviar is white, quite small and dense. Due to its low calorie content, it is considered a dietary product and is most often salted.

river fish

The product is dietary and belongs to white caviar. Due to its composition, it is used in therapeutic diets.

The most popular caviar is pike and crucian carp.


Dietary product, rich in vitamins, folic acid. Eaten salted and fried.


A common and inexpensive very fine (looks like pasty) white caviar with a bitter taste and a strong fishy odor.

Its nutritional properties are not inferior to gourmet varieties.


Unpresentable in appearance, perch caviar is in no way inferior to noble fish in terms of the content of useful substances. It is salted, fried, baked.

Capelin Santa Bremor

The product made from salted capelin caviar is not dietary. It contains vegetable oil, stabilizers, sugar, regulators, flavorings, preservatives.


It is a medium-calorie product and has a high content of lecithin.

Silver carp

Small transparent caviar with a rich elemental composition is useful for diabetes, diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

sea ​​urchin

The sea urchin is a bottom-dwelling animal. Caviar contains active substances that prevent the formation of excess free radicals, prostaglandins, carotenoids, etc.

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the BZHU of cabbage


Light beige, watery, low-calorie, is a dietary product

Flying fish (tobiko)

Small, orange, low-calorie, it is a dietary product. The Japanese widely use tobiko:

  • in sushi;
  • into rolls;
  • in salads.

Chemical composition and calorie content

Cod eggs are especially rich in B vitamins and also contain significant amounts of vitamin C. The high content of vitamins A and D in cod liver is well known and has been valued for years. It contains a lot of iodine, sodium, zinc, phosphorus, and cod liver contains 66% fish oil. Calorie content depends on the cooking method, the most nutritious is fresh, fried - 202 kcal, salted, sterilized and canned - 179 kcal.

The fresh delicacy is a seasonal luxury, as it is only available in the spring when the fish spawn. During the rest of the year, for people who do not live on the Baltic or Atlantic coasts, you need to find a suitable brand that provides a product prepared in various ways (usually pickling, smoking, freezing) to preserve it. Fried cod roe, as well as steamed cod roe, can be safely eaten; helminth larvae die in it during heat treatment. The benefits of cod eggs have been proven, but they will cause harm only in cases of obesity or people suffering from edema from a large amount of the delicacy eaten.

Composition and calorie content of cod caviar

It contains Omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins A, C, D, E, B, PP, potassium, magnesium, chlorine, iron, iodine, sulfur, phosphorus, zinc, calcium. With regular use, you can improve the condition of the skeletal system and support the nervous system. It also contains a large amount of protein, which is responsible for gaining muscle mass and metabolism.

There are differences in calorie content:

  • The calorie content of cod caviar per 100 g of fresh is 129 kcal.
  • Canned cod roe - 179 kcal.
  • The calorie content of fried cod roe is 200 kcal.
  • Sterilized - 153 kcal.
  • Salty - 88 kcal.

The product has a low glycemic index, which allows it to be consumed by people with diabetes. It is slowly absorbed, and this contributes to a long-term lack of hunger.

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