20 celebrities before and after drastic weight changes (21 photos)

Author: Felis Catus

01 July 2021 11:11

Tags: actors Libra weight gain weight loss  



Celebrities have very difficult lives for a number of reasons. One of these reasons is that they have money, but lack personal space. This is especially evident if a certain celebrity is prone to obesity: her struggle with excess weight or, conversely, extra pounds becomes public knowledge. Some stars lose weight for the sake of their roles and careers, others say, “I get the same fees as fat people,” and get fatter. 20 examples - in this post!



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Val Kilmer


What, what happened to the man who was cast as Batman in 1995? Did he realize that the Batmobile can get to any McDonald's? Anyway, in 2015 he tweeted: “Sorry to disappoint, but I now weigh 75kg.” He was already under pressure to lose weight when he played Mark Twain in 2014.

Polina Gagarina

Polina ranks top in all ratings. Of course, the singer lost more than 40 kg, which is about half of her former weight!

Hormonal imbalance and the birth of a child became the root cause of obesity. The weight loss process took about six months. Physical activity and alternating changes in mono-diet led to the desired result. A change of image, dramatic changes in appearance and a contract with Valery Meladze turned Polina into a real diva.

Of course, all these examples are motivating. But in any case, if you want to lose extra pounds, act consciously and do not resort to drastic measures that will only worsen the situation in the future. After all, there is now more than enough correct information about losing weight. Act smart!

Have you had any experience in losing weight? Share your story and tips.

Vince Vaughn


Vince Vaughn, one of Hollywood's funniest actors, starred in his first film in 1996, but as his popularity grew, so did his waistline. The photo of Vaughn above is not his best angle and appears to be from his fattest days. Fans of The Honest Detective know that Vaughn is not very active in his weight loss efforts.

Irina Pegova

“If your goal is to lose weight, then coffee and tea are not the best idea for this,” says the actress, “these drinks only dehydrate the body, and if you add sugar to them, and even candy, then you can’t even dream of a positive result.” Irina prefers to drink a lot of clean water, sometimes freshly squeezed juices.

Irina is against any grueling diets and hunger strikes, after which the lost kilograms are returned with interest. She advises doing more physical activity, which will burn off the calories you get during the day. Otherwise, the unspent “eaten” energy will certainly be deposited in fat reserves.

Elvis Presley


The idol of millions and the “king” of the music industry, Elvis is instantly recognizable by his luxurious hair and intriguing smile. However, at the end of his career and life, fame oppressed and suppressed him: eyewitnesses claimed that Elvis abused strong drugs, which is why he gained a lot of weight. Presley died in 1977, suffering from several different disorders and illnesses.

Kirstie Alley


Kirstie Alley is known not only for her roles in the sitcom Cheers and the film Look Who's Talking, but also for her endless weight problems. Her weight gain began in 1992 along with menopause. From 2004 to 2007, she was Jenny Craig's press secretary and lost weight, but already in 2009 she said that she had gained back more than 35 kg. In 2011, Ellie announced that she had lost almost 50kg using a new supplement and returned to Jenny Craig, apparently continuing to lose weight. Perhaps losing and gaining weight is the most interesting part of her career!


The motivation for achieving a sophisticated figure, namely 45 kg, for the singer Maxim was the filming of a video for her own song “Golden Fishes”, in which she plays the role of a ballerina. To get as close as possible to the ballet ideal, the girl had to lose about 7 kg.

Compliance with the rules of a strict diet and nutrition, regular choreography lessons, tennis and boxing helped to achieve an amazing result.

But only a compelling argument can cause such a dramatic weight loss. In ordinary life, you should not resort to drastic measures - this is very harmful to health, and the risk of returning extra pounds is very high!

Alec Baldwin


Yes, Baldwin once looked like the photo on the left! The actor has gone through several transformations throughout his career, and it's hard to deny that he hasn't been at his best for a long time. However, his weight gain stopped in 2012 when it was discovered that Baldwin had prediabetes and needed to watch his weight to stay healthy.

Randy Jackson


Chances are you know producer Randy Jackson from American Idol. His viewers jealously followed Randy's transformations. In 2003, he had stomach surgery and lost about 57 kg. However, in 2008 he was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, so he was unable to fully overcome his weight-related health problems.


Star producer Maxim Fadeev has been fighting excess weight for several years now. Several years ago, the musician lost noticeable weight: first he lost 23 kilograms, then the same amount, and by the end of 2018 the producer weighed 70 kilograms less. The public was shocked by such changes, but Fadeev’s latest transformation turned out to be even more incredible - Max lost 100 kg. Fans began to beg the musician to reveal the secret of magical weight loss. According to the producer, his method is quite simple: you need water at a certain temperature and the right foods that can be consumed without restrictions. Of course, first of all, Fadeev encourages everyone to take care of their hormonal levels, and then start losing weight. Perhaps soon the musician will give lectures for people addicted to food to teach them how to lose weight without nutritionists and harm to their health.

Photo: @fadeevmaxim

Steven Seagal


To be a sex symbol in the 1980s and 1990s, like Steven Seagal, you had to be thin - and he was: just watch the 1988 film Above the Law. However, over the years, the peak of Seagal’s career has passed, but the peak of his weight, judging by the trend, is quite possibly still ahead. Now Seagal is trying to lose weight for the upcoming filming in 2017.

Victoria Lopyreva

The famous model and TV presenter lost most of the excess weight some time ago. Taking an extremely healthy approach to losing weight accelerated the process in subsequent years. Accelerating metabolism is the first thing Victoria pays special attention to. Her morning begins with a glass of water, and throughout the day she only eats small meals. Plus, regular physical activity tones the body and helps burn fat.

John Travolta


Yes, John Travolta's body was once impressive! However, the actor is one of those who, as his career progressed, began to pay less and less attention to his waist. However, for the sake of the role, he can concentrate on working on himself: for the series “American Crime Story,” Travolta managed to lose everything that even remotely resembles fat.

Russell Crowe


Russell Crowe is one amazing example of how it's not fair to judge actors based on their weight without knowing their full story. Crowe was attacked by many when he appeared in public and it became clear that he had gained weight. He claimed to weigh 135 kg! However, in March of this year, he announced that he was losing weight and has already lost 25 kg, and the fact that he looks similar to his own roles (for example, in the movie Gladiator) confirms this!

Marlon Brando


The star of classic films such as The Godfather and Apocalypse Now, Marlon Brando is an audience favorite. And he himself seems to really love food! His wife was even forced to literally lock the refrigerator (however, this did not help - Marlon found where to get food). As a result of this, he has changed a lot over the years, to put it mildly.

Jon Favreau


Jon Favreau entered the film industry at the same time as Vince Vaughn with the body you see above on the left. Favreau is a truly talented actor, judging by his list of films (including Iron Man and The Jungle Book). Yes, over the years he has gained weight and does not look so impressive, but at 49 years old this is natural!

Al Roker


Al Roker's career began in 1996, and he has never denied that he is one of the "big" people. The rocker claims that at one stage he weighed 220kg! After stomach surgery in 2002, he lost weight and reached 95 kg. In 2008, when his mother was hospitalized, he gained 20 kg, but was unhappy with himself and quickly took control of the matter. His strategy, as he says, is “not to deprive myself of anything, but, unfortunately, not to eat as much as I like.” Al has come a long way in his healthy lifestyle!

Marina Afrikantova

Marina Afrikantova, a participant in the popular TV show “House 2,” lost significant weight, losing 10 kg. With a height of 177 cm, she weighs about 53 kg.

Through trial and error, having tried all sorts of diets and popular methods, she came to the only true and reliable method - a balanced healthy diet and exercise.

Jessica Simpson


When Jessica Simpson appeared on the Today show in 2015, she joked that she had tried on all clothing sizes over the course of her career. Simpson admitted that during the “hardest” times she weighed 105 kg! However, in the show studio she already looked quite slender and pretty. Yes, Simpson was a very sexy woman at 25, but now, as an accomplished mother of two, she's beautiful too!

Kelly Clarkson


Kelly Clarkson was only twenty years old when she won the first season of American Idol. Over the years, she began to gain weight and several media outlets, including Fox News, began making fun of her. “I wasn’t fat on American Idol, but they still called me fat, so who cares?” Clarkson retorted. People will always find something to criticize a celebrity for!


Singer Lolita Milyavskaya has no complexes - the star has always felt harmonious in a curvaceous body and has more than once spoken out against the standards of female beauty. Lolita loved to eat delicious food and never tormented herself with diets. But after her divorce from squash coach Dmitry Ivanov, the star rapidly lost weight. Fans wondered if it was nervous stress or illness? The singer melted before our eyes and lost almost 20 kilograms in record time. Lolita herself admitted that she began to look prettier during her marriage. And after a scandalous separation from her husband, she flew to Bulgaria, where she has a house. There, the singer walked a lot and ate almost nothing - the weight went away on its own. She didn't do anything special to lose weight. According to her, the doctor forbids her to even engage in sports. Lolita has become noticeably prettier and is going to keep in shape. The singer posts photos in tight swimsuits and bodysuits, which pleases fans.

Photo: @lolitamilyavskaya

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