Fitbox in Moscow - fitbox training - fitness boxing

What is a fitbox?

  • This is a quick way to lose weight, burning up to 1000 calories per workout;
  • This is figure correction;
  • This is an opportunity to get all the benefits of boxing training without the sparring and bruising;
  • This is general physical development;
  • This is the development of endurance and increased tone;
  • This is a non-boring way to do fitness;
  • This is an opportunity to learn self-defense skills;
  • This is a way to release negative emotions and increase stress resistance;

FitBox training schedule at Alekseevskaya / VDNKh

18:00 – 19:15 Melnik O. Saukov A. Fitbox18:00 – 19:15 Melnik O. Saukov A. Fitbox12:00 - 13:15 Melnik O. Saukov A. Fitbox
19:15 – 20:30 Melnik O. Saukov A. Fitbox19:15 – 20:30 Melnik O. Saukov A. Fitbox

Thai boxing for girls

There is a preconceived idea that martial arts and the weaker sex are incompatible things. However, Muay Thai is so versatile and aesthetically pleasing that girls are happy to sign up for training. In addition, having acquired the skills, women acquire an athletic, toned figure and improve self-esteem, compete in competitions and win titles in world rings.

Muay Thai training not only improves physical qualities, it is a whole philosophy and ideology that develops:

  • determination;
  • creation, diligence;
  • discipline;
  • concentration;
  • courage;
  • self-esteem.

Anastasia Yankova (Russian champion in Thai boxing), Ekaterina Vandaryeva (World champion) are an example of the fact that girls achieve heights in Thai boxing while maintaining femininity and beauty.

So, what is fitboxing as a type of training?

Fitbox is a group fitness program based on combinations of blows accompanied by music.

The main difference between fitbox and classic boxing is that there is no sparring and the training takes place with virtually no rest stops. You will receive exercise in short intervals, aerobic work with a punching bag alternates with strength exercises. The work is based on constant footwork and delivering a large number of different strikes.

Boxing for weight loss. Will boxing help you lose weight?

Yes, boxing is a good medicine that will help you get rid of extra pounds.
But here it is important to emphasize that in this article we are looking at individual training. Having decided to take up boxing to set up a punch and to lose excess weight, you should definitely tell your mentor about this so that he takes this into account during the training process, focusing on special exercises. In fact, within the first 15-20 minutes of warm-up in the form of running, jumping rope and a set of various exercises, you will use up carbohydrate reserves and switch to burning the main fuel - fat. Boxing exercises help work all the muscles of the body, which will not only help you lose excess weight, but will also give your muscles elasticity.

During the training process, you will constantly be faced with various intense loads, some of which will be designed to explosively work your body, while others will help strengthen your endurance. Working with a trainer on your feet or in a pair will force your brain to work actively in a stressful situation, and as you know, brain work burns 25% of calories.

At the end, you will find a hard pumping of the press and a set of static, aerobic and stretching exercises. Moreover, a competent trainer will always help you calculate your “diet” or simply advise you on the necessary nutrition. Yes, this will not be any stellar diet, but believe me, the effect from it will be no less.

What are the advantages of a fitbox?

  • The most important thing that interests those who come to class is the number of calories. On average, 800-1100 calories are burned per workout, depending on the intensity and load.
  • Warm-up includes a variety of exercises that will help you understand that you don’t feel well in your body and have poor control over it. During training you will be able to gain general physical development, hone your coordination of movements, sense of rhythm, etc.
  • Exercises during training are aimed not only at burning fat deposits, but also at shaping the figure. Some of the exercises are aimed at building a precise, athletic figure.
  • Due to the pace and lack of breaks during training, the cardiovascular and respiratory systems are perfectly trained.
  • Living in a metropolis, most of us experience daily stress, which, in turn, affects our overall mental state and health.
  • Fitbox helps to unload the psyche and pour out all the negativity on a punching bag. Gain confidence in yourself and your abilities, learn to manage yourself and your emotions.
  • Another advantage of fitboxing in our club is that by regularly attending classes, you will be able to learn the correct striking technique, something that, as a rule, people in fitness areas turn a blind eye to. Our instructors are active boxers and pay great attention to teaching you not only how to strike correctly, but also how to defend yourself, which is very important in self-defense.

On average, a workout lasts 60 minutes.

Many of you will wonder: “How is it possible to jump and throw punches for so long without stopping?”

That's right, you shouldn't stop while training. Fitbox is a sports area, mainly intended for people who already have some kind of sports training. But no one has the task of driving you so that, sticking out your tongue, you strive to quickly crawl to the exit from the hall. If it becomes difficult, then you slow down the pace of movements, strikes, or stop hitting and move lightly on your feet.

Stopping abruptly, let alone sitting and lying down, can cause harm to your heart. But I won't intimidate you. The coach sees who is in what physical shape and will often tell you where to slow down.

Without physical training, you can safely come to classes. The training program is designed for people belonging to the general sports group. Therefore, the training is suitable for both beginners and people with sports experience. You will gradually gain momentum under the supervision of a coach. Still, be prepared for the fact that the first time will not be easy for you, but it will be worth it! After all, the road can be mastered only by those who walk!

I'm waiting for you at training! Boxing and fitbox trainer Oleg Melnik.

Muay Thai as a modern martial art

Until 1929, the fight had two ways to end - leave the ring with serious injuries or remain dead. The fight did not imply the possibility of surrender. There was no concept of the duration of the rounds. The score was kept by placing a coconut in water: the round ended when the fruit sank.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the duration of rounds was set at 3 minutes, a scoring system was created, and fights were moved to the ring. Previously, fights were held on the ground with an ambiguous value.

Once Muay Thai became competitive, the fights became more humane. The World Thai Boxing Federation has formed weight categories - from 45 kg to 104 kg.

Thai boxing has taken its rightful place among other martial arts. However, the long history and system of training boxers lags behind modern requirements. One of the reasons is that terminology and techniques are not summarized in a general classification. Therefore, the basics and training system are individual for each federation or school.

To better understand Thai boxing, we suggest you familiarize yourself with what strikes and techniques exist:

  • main sections - attack and defense techniques;
  • classification of sections – striking technique, technical work in gripping (clinching);
  • technical actions in grappling - throws, false actions, stalls;
  • striking technique – work in a standing position, strikes, feints.

Defense is carried out in stances, defense and counterattack are carried out.

The Thai boxing technique is based on hard, strong blows. In my home country, coaches often say that you first need to learn to hit hard, and then learn how to hit quickly. We recommend visiting a boxing supply store when planning your training.

How do Thai boxing classes work?

Thai boxing classes are dynamic and varied due to the lack of formal movements and complexes, as is the case in karate, etc. Instead, much attention is paid to practicing combinations and skills using additional equipment. The training process is divided into several blocks:

  • long warm-up, including cardio exercise and stretching;
  • a fight with a shadow;
  • work on “pads”, “paws”;
  • working with a bag;
  • skills training;
  • sparring;
  • cool down (stretching).

Training improves physical performance:

  • explosive power;
  • dexterity;
  • endurance;
  • flexibility;
  • coordination.

Muay Thai and modern fighting without rules

As part of the popularization of MMA, it is impossible to keep silent about the fact that Thai boxing and its powerful elbows and knees, low and high kicks (kicks) cause serious damage to opponents.

Muay Thai in a street fight

The variety of strikes and developed physical abilities make a Muay Thai fighter effective in self-defense on the street. The ability to stand up for yourself in a standing position or in a clinch, and numerous sparring sessions during the training process deprive the attacker of carrying out his insidious plans.


Muay Thai has unconditional advantages:

  • ease of technique - blows are applied with all limbs;
  • naturalness of movement - the fighting stance is considered a natural position for the body;
  • entertainment – ​​fights always attract a large audience, winning the hearts of spectators;
  • absence of established strikes - it is allowed to use any combinations and combinations of striking techniques that are convenient for the fighter;
  • highly focused on practice - at each training session, a series of strikes or defenses are practiced in pairs, and sparring is arranged. This prepares students in advance for performing in the ring, simulating the atmosphere of a fight;
  • use in self-defense - acquiring primary skills will allow you to stand up for yourself in the fight against an attacker;
  • working with a bag, paws - allows you to hone your skills and increase the power of your blows.


There is a flip side to the coin:

  1. the lack of wrestling elements is a minus for those who plan to use their skills in mixed martial arts in the future. The lack of skills in applying pressure to joints, painful and choking techniques makes the fighter defenseless when working on the ground;
  2. high risk of injury - short leverage (elbows, knees) deliver brutal, bloody blows that knock out opponents. This can cause serious damage;
  3. high intensity training - if you have problems with the heart muscle, it is recommended to undergo a medical examination with the permission of a doctor.

Advantages of the women's boxing school based on the Sprint sports complex

  • Our classes are taught by highly qualified professionals.
  • Each training participant receives a personal approach, taking into account their characteristics, capabilities and goals.
  • Subscription prices are affordable.
  • The training rooms are spacious, ventilated, and equipped with the necessary equipment for boxing.
  • The changing rooms are comfortable and convenient, the showers are clean.

Come to our sports and fitness complex. Make new acquaintances and have no doubt: after a few workouts YOU WILL BECOME AN EVEN STRONGER, SLIMMER AND ENDURANCE girl!


Boxing for weight loss for men. Efficiency

Boxing is effective for weight loss, as it involves both fairly powerful strength training and high-intensity cardio. Forces you to be on the move throughout the entire lesson. Increases heart rate and starts the fat burning process. Along the way it helps:

  • build muscle mass evenly throughout the body;
  • accelerate basal metabolism;
  • burn up to 500 kcal in 1 hour (with high activity);
  • remove visceral fat on the abdomen (especially important for women);
  • carve out a beautiful figure (pumping your hips, buttocks, abs and arms);
  • increase the production of endorphins, which eliminates stress, normalizes sleep, improves mood, and therefore does not suffer from psychogenic overeating.

Depending on the pattern and intensity of your training, weight loss results may vary. On average, 2-3 kg per week. This should not be surprising: fat that is fairly light in weight is replaced by heavy muscle tissue, so you shouldn’t expect fantastic numbers.

But from boxing you can get a lot of pleasant bonuses, in addition to losing weight:

  • improvement of physical indicators: strength, endurance, coordination;
  • simultaneous pumping of all muscle groups;
  • tone;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • optimization of heart and lung function;
  • feeling of self-confidence;
  • development of intelligence (boxing teaches you to think through your opponent’s moves and your own blows).

Another undeniable advantage of boxing is versatility. With its help, not only a man, but also any girl can achieve weight loss and a beautiful figure. These days this won’t surprise anyone.

Criteria for choosing a women's boxing section

The decision has been made, all that remains is to decide where to acquire new knowledge and skills. How not to make mistakes and make the right choice?

  1. You should not join groups in sports clubs and multidisciplinary centers. It is better to choose a specialized organization, a boxing club.
  1. The presence of group and personal classes indicates a serious approach to training.

  1. The qualifications and experience of the coaching staff guarantee that you will not waste your time and money on women's boxing classes. You need to study in detail the credentials and experience of the coach, even if you do not intend to become a professional.
  1. The gym must be equipped with a full set of equipment and equipment.


The contact and high intensity of this sport can negatively affect your health. It is necessary to refuse training if you have the following diseases: neurological, cardiovascular, genitourinary system, digestive organs, eyes.

Within the walls of the Boxing Academy, you can start training regardless of your initial level of physical fitness. A well-designed set of exercises will allow you to achieve your goals in the shortest possible time.

sign up for a training session

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