Modern fitness. Types and features. Advantages and disadvantages

Exercising with weights allows you to build an ideal body with pronounced relief, which all modern boys and girls dream of. But there are also pitfalls to weight training that you should be aware of when planning to join a gym. Let's find out what the pros and cons of working out in the gym are to determine whether this type of exercise is right for you. And if you are looking for a good gym for regular exercise, then come to the Multisport club, where you will find the best conditions for training.

Features of training in the gym

Classes in the gym involve performing weight-bearing exercises on different muscle groups. Weights can be in the form of free weights (barbells and dumbbells) or placed on exercise machines. Beginners are advised to start with machines, as free weights require a certain level of training in order to perform the exercises correctly.

Classes in the gym begin with a joint warm-up and a short cardio session on a treadmill, elliptical or exercise bike. This will prepare your body for stress and prevent injury. Then you can move on to the simulators. For beginners, at the first stage, the full-body format is recommended for harmonious pumping of all major muscle groups. Advanced athletes divide their weekly workouts into splits, during which they specifically target specific muscle groups.

Classes in the gym are aimed at developing the physical strength of the body. This is where a strong muscle frame is built, which in the future will turn into a beautiful relief that you can show off on the beach.

The key advantage of the gym is the ability to build your dream figure and maintain it for a long time. But if you are a beginner, it is recommended to exercise under the supervision of a personal trainer. Exercising on your own without experience can be harmful, as you will not know how to perform the exercises correctly, which can lead to injury. After training with a trainer for some time, you can begin independent training, in which the main thing is regularity.

At the Multisport club you can sign up for individual training with a personal trainer who will help you achieve the best results in strength training.

Why do girls swing?

Many girls, due to completely absurd stereotypes, believe that training in the gym is a male prerogative. I often hear people’s bewilderment: why do girls go to the gym? They say girls working out in the gym is not normal. Women, they say, are only suitable for various types of fitness, such as shaping or aerobics.

I hasten to make a statement : this is an extremely erroneous theory and it is popular only among people who know about an athletic body only from banners “how to pump up a huge mass in three hours.” In reality, there is no better way to tighten your body, to get rid of excess subcutaneous fat, to tone the whole body than the gym. A slim body without destructive diets, toned muscles, good health - all these are the consequences of weight training!

Most girls, when they hear the phrase “gym,” immediately imagine masculine women from bodybuilding magazines. It’s clear that there are few people who want to become like these almost men in thongs. I just assure you that if you don’t devote your entire life to this, you will never become like them (and thank God


Professional athletes, firstly, exercise very often (sometimes several times a day), secondly, they eat quite heavily, and thirdly, they take a variety of pharmacological drugs, without which it is simply impossible for a woman to develop huge muscles. The female body practically does not produce the growth hormone testosterone (also known as the male hormone). And without it it is impossible to become the owner of enormous muscles. Accordingly, professionals introduce it into their bodies artificially with the help of chemicals, which, in turn, block the release of the female hormone - estrogen.

This is where these monsters from women's bodybuilding competitions appear. In general, there are a number of stupid myths around such a sport as bodybuilding, you can read the myth regarding bodybuilding and girls. Working out in the gym even five times a week, without appropriate anabolic support, will never make you Schwarzenegger in a skirt.

And you don’t need to be scared when your muscles “puff up” during exercise . This is not at all an increase in muscle mass, as some people think. Simply as a result of training, microtraumas appear in the muscle fibers, which causes muscle pain. To quickly heal these injuries, the body fills the muscles with lactic acid. Fluid accumulates in the muscles, and visually the muscles become larger. Don't be afraid: the next morning there will be no trace of this “muscle mass” left in the mirror.

Benefits of the gym

Strength training is the most effective way to strengthen muscles and get a beautiful figure. Cardio exercise, including running and aerobics, primarily strengthens the cardiovascular system and makes the body more resilient. But don't be surprised if problem areas remain the same after long periods of cardio.

Only in the gym will you really be able to get rid of the “sides”, “breeches” on the hips, “orange peel” or tummy. This happens because during strength or anaerobic training, muscles are strengthened and metabolism is accelerated. For example, this is the main advantage of circuit training in the gym.

The acceleration of metabolism continues the next day after training, which does not happen when jogging. This means that from strength training you will lose extra pounds some time after exercise, which is very beneficial. But this is not the only advantage of the gym. Strength training with weights brings enormous benefits to the body. Let's look at what other advantages of training in the gym:

  • Strengthening the muscle frame;
  • Increased strength and development of physical abilities of the body;
  • Acceleration of metabolism and improvement of blood circulation in tissues;
  • Stimulation of collagen synthesis, which prevents premature aging;
  • Strengthening immunity and supporting health;
  • Relief from back pain through the development of spinal stabilizer muscles;
  • Losing weight and working on problem areas;
  • Psychological relief and mental relaxation.

In addition, in the gym you will meet like-minded people, learn new things and get a great fitness hobby for life.

Fitness benefits for the figure. What benefits do regular fitness classes give a woman?

Maybe in order to lose a couple of kilograms, you don’t have to force yourself to go to the gym. But fitness classes give us much more than just a slim body. After all, fitness is a whole range of measures to keep your body in shape. The term “fitness” comes from the English “to be fit,” which means “to be in shape.” Doing fitness means eating right, rationally, cleansing the body, performing individually selected physical exercises, and also keeping the body in good shape using various types of massage and SPA treatments.

While you can still make friends with nutrition and cleansing and care procedures, the need to go to the gym and play sports causes horror for many, similar to what a prisoner experiences before visiting a torture chamber. But without physical activity, compliance with other fitness requirements will not be effective enough.

So what does regular physical activity do for a woman?

1. Regular gym sessions help you lose extra pounds. If you do strength exercises, your muscles will gradually become stronger and more developed. The more muscles there are in the body, the more developed they are, the more energy the body needs to “maintain” them. In order to “maintain” fat, the body needs much less energy. The stronger the muscles, the less fat!

Aerobic training also promotes fat burning - during heavy exercise, the body requires more energy, and if there is nowhere to get it from, you have to use reserves - deposited fat that will melt before your eyes.

2. Fitness classes will help you correct your figure - make your waist thinner, your arms more prominent, your legs more graceful, and your butt rounder. A properly selected individual program of physical activity will help a woman get rid of figure flaws. Women who regularly engage in fitness have elastic and toned bodies, with virtually no cellulite.

3. Physical condition improves: endurance is trained, cardiac activity improves, muscles are strengthened and their volume increases, physical strength and coordination of movements are developed, flexibility, mobility and “cat’s grace” appear, speed and the ability to perform fast movements are developed, etc.

4. Sexual desire increases. After intense training, hormonal levels change, the body learns to relax, and this has a positive effect on the quality of sex.

5. Fitness before and during pregnancy, as well as after the birth of the baby, helps a woman stay in great shape.

6. Complexes about an imperfect figure go away. At first, many women suffering from excess weight and complexes about an imperfect body are afraid to go to the gym, because they believe that only ladies with model appearance go to the gym. But when she comes to the hall, the woman will find that there are a lot of people like her. A woman will understand that they go to the gym in order to correct their own shortcomings, and not in order to pay attention to the shortcomings of others.

7. Training relieves the effects of stress, relieves irritation and tension. Intense exercise can cure depression.

Do not forget that the first results will appear no earlier than after two months of training. Losing weight will be problematic for those women who cannot refrain from overeating before and after training. If one of the main goals of working out in the gym is to lose excess weight, then without following the principles of a healthy diet this is unlikely to happen. Do not forget also that if you have had or still have health problems, you should consult your doctor before starting exercise. This is especially true for women with cardiovascular diseases and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It is also better to coordinate training during pregnancy with your doctor.

I wish everyone who is involved in or has decided to start doing fitness to lose excess weight, become healthy and beautiful!

Are there any downsides to weight training?

Despite the huge number of advantages of strength training, there are also disadvantages that those who are planning to join a gym should remember:

  • You will have to exercise regularly, otherwise you will not see changes in your body;
  • It is necessary to monitor your diet, otherwise you may gain weight;
  • You should acquire powerful motivation, because the process of building a beautiful body is not quick;
  • There are contraindications (problems with the spine, heart, diseases of internal organs, obesity, pregnancy and others).

In general, there are much fewer disadvantages than advantages, so feel free to sign up for a gym and start working on yourself.

Workouts at home (Video)

In sociological surveys, it was found that there are as many people who exercise at home as there are people who train in the gym, because fitness at home has now become very popular.

To start exercising at home, you don’t need to buy a lot of sports equipment and training discs from Olympic champions, you just need to learn simple exercises and basic programs that are aimed at normalizing weight and maintaining a beautiful figure.

The best exercises to do at home are aerobics, running, walking, jumping jacks, strength exercises, jumping and flexibility exercises performed to music. All this will contribute to overall health and improved physical fitness.

Almost every person spends an average of 2-4 hours a day in front of the TV, and you can use this time profitably; just get up during the commercial break and do a small set of simple exercises - and in a few weeks you will already see and feel the result.

You can do fitness at home

The main disadvantage of doing fitness at home is the lack of control on the part of the trainer . A person himself needs to convince himself of the need to increase the load during exercise and do it daily, and this requires great willpower. But in the gym you can follow the example of those around you, and working out in a group is always much easier.

The main reason why preference is given to home fitness is the lack of time to visit the gym and saving money. But wherever you exercise, remember that to achieve a positive result, training must be regular.

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