Is it worth going to the gym - pros and cons

Training on simulators

Now there are gyms in almost every city, as the popularity of a healthy lifestyle and a beautiful body has grown greatly. Anyone can come to the establishment and sign up for regular training. The manual offers various practice methods. If you wish, you can hire a professional trainer who will draw up a training plan and diet. Some people use nutritional supplements to build muscle mass.

The set for going to the gym is almost the same for everyone:

  1. Sportswear and shoes.
  2. Drinking water.
  3. Headphones (if desired, listen to music during training).
  4. Subscription or pass.

Pros and cons of training at home

Home workouts have a huge number of benefits:

  • Saving money. You don't have to buy an expensive gym membership or spend money on gas/taxi/public transport.
  • Save time. You don't have to spend several hours on the road. You can train in the morning before work or in the evening after it.
  • Convenience. You don’t need to worry about your appearance, adjust to a certain time (if you want, you can study even at night), stand in line to get into the shower, etc.
  • Moral comfort. You don’t have to be ashamed of your figure or worry that you have a weak level of physical fitness.

Of course, you can perform the exercises without special equipment: https://bashtren.rf/magazin/folder/domashniye-1 . However, the most effective exercises will be on simulators. For example, on treadmills, ellipsoids, exercise bikes. You can view the full range here .

At first glance, this may seem like a disadvantage, as it will require investment. However, such a purchase will quickly pay for itself thanks to the savings on the subscription. In addition, not only you, but also the rest of the family will be able to exercise on the simulator.

The benefits of exercising on simulators

Increased physical fitness and endurance

Regular exercise helps you lose weight and gain muscle mass. The effect will appear if a person combines training with proper nutrition. It is better to hire an experienced trainer to create an individual program, since everyone has their own characteristics in physical development.

Improved health

In addition to a beautiful body, training helps improve the functioning of the body. After regular exercise, the following effects are observed:

  • Blood pressure and functioning of the cardiovascular system are normalized.
  • The immune system improves.
  • Metabolic processes in the body are accelerated.
  • Improves mood and well-being.
  • The functioning of the digestive system improves.

Increased performance

When a person is well developed physically, his activity increases. Everyday stress is much easier to bear. The body does not need to recover for a long time after carrying heavy loads or prolonged labor. As a result, a person completes all tasks in advance; in a day he is able to complete much more work than before training.

Individual approach

In sports sections, coaches rarely develop programs personally for each athlete. It is necessary to adapt to common methods that do not always suit them. Classes in the gym involve individual training. A professional develops a program for each student. This is much more effective than training in a sports section.

Variety of programs

Each sports complex has a standard set of equipment: exercise machines (treadmills, bicycles, for pumping a certain muscle group, etc.), dumbbells and weights of different weights, balls, hoops, gymnastic mats, etc. If the company’s staff allows it, it may have several sites . Depending on the level of the complex, there are other types of training in it, in addition to training on simulators:

  1. Swimming in the pool and water aerobics.
  2. Yoga.
  3. Martial arts.
  4. Pilates.

New acquaintances and support from others

People can be united by a common goal, for example, getting into shape. The gym is a public place where contact with other people is encouraged. The support of others is a great incentive to strive to achieve your goal. The acquaintance can be continued outside the gym.

Fighting depression and internal torment

Many psychologists recommend that patients engage in sports activities. When a person works physically, the brain does not work. The only mental activity is counting approaches. This helps to take your mind off problems and recover mentally.


This post is again for absolute beginners, in which I will also talk about my past mistakes. It's about the first time I went to the gym.

This happened in those great times, when I first did a few pull-ups on the horizontal bar and realized all my “power.” I realized that it was time to show the world all my strength, and I went to sign up for the gym. The only thing that makes me happy is that it was nearby and I had not yet spent on unnecessary transportation costs, and that I only bought a monthly subscription, because the memories are generally terrible.

So, briefly about the hall. It was great, a lot of exercise machines, all sorts of barbells and dumbbells, a lot of everything that I had never seen before and didn’t even understand how it worked. Now about the unpleasant thing... There were two trainers there. As expected, these guys squeeze onto the bus sideways, because their shoulders are so huge, and their bulging chest still allows them to walk sideways. Looking at these guys, I felt like a hungry hobbit. Naturally, this discouraged me somewhat, because I turned out to be not the greatest and most powerful there, and even their instructions for performing each exercise were simply infuriating. Because a real coach will always find that you are performing crookedly, that is too slow, where you do not maintain the angle and all that. Naturally, the weights I took were 400 times less than what these guys did. It’s not that this drives me to intensive training. On the contrary, it didn’t cause me anything other than a reluctance to appear there anymore.

But this was the first experience, where would we be without it. Now I don’t go to any gym, I work out on my own. As I see fit, as much as I see fit. The feeling of deciding for yourself what to do still makes itself felt. Perhaps I haven’t worked out enough in the gym to compare the effectiveness of classes there with classes on the street and at home, but one thing I’m sure of is that motivation is higher on the street. The only thing that motivates you to go to the gym is the lost money that everyone is now trying to earn back. Perhaps too harshly, but this is my formed opinion. But naturally, for many, the gym is the only possible way to lead a healthy lifestyle. Then this post will be useless to you.

Advice: if you are a complete beginner, then do not look for a gym where everyone will rub your nose in your inability to perform exercises. The most important motivator is observing your own growth and self-confidence, which cannot be developed in any gym. The gym is definitely needed to get acquainted with different loads, but nothing more. For maintaining a healthy lifestyle and exercise, home workouts are also quite suitable, or on the site in front of the house (depending on personal preferences). Go to the gym for a couple of classes, see what's what, take the equipment you need and work out yourself.

Series of messages “Reflections”:
Part 1 — About the diary Part 2 — About the training regime: how and when to exercise correctly, advice for beginners Part 3 — About sneakers: good sneakers are the key to successful training Part 4 — About buying sports equipment: worth it or not spend money on it? Part 5 - About gyms: pros and cons, advice for beginners Part 6 - About running: how to start and not quit, advice for beginners Part 7 - About diets and proper nutrition: when and how much you should eat so as not to lose/get in shape... Part 10 - About the correct goal setting: how to do more than you can Part 11 - About the correct assessment of your strengths: laziness versus willpower Part 12 - About the “second wind”: how to achieve it and use it for your own purposes

Disadvantages of going to the gym

  • High cost of classes . Some programs are very expensive, especially in large complexes. Many people cannot afford to go to gyms. It is much cheaper to go to a section where classes will be cheaper or even free. You can also purchase sports equipment at the store and practice at home for free. Although many complexes hold promotions and give discounts to regular customers, for example, paired hikes (classes with a friend will cost everyone less than individual training).
  • Lack of sports achievements . Working out in the gym will not give a person anything other than a beautiful figure. The result of all the work is the same - a slender, pumped-up body. Classes in the sports section are much more interesting. There, training develops a person as a professional. He receives awards, achievements and ranks. The desire to win is the main thing in sports activities.
  • Inconvenience of classes . People who have a lot of business or homework do not have time to visit the sports complex. It will be much more convenient to conduct training at home, where you can do housework and exercise physically.
  • Wasting time . If a person does not play sports professionally, then the time spent going to the gym will be pointlessly lost. It is more practical to create a daily routine, devoting time to more important matters. However, if a person develops in this area, earns money, and becomes a professional, then this, on the contrary, is beneficial.
  • All people are visible . It takes a long time to make friends at the gym. Beginners will feel uncomfortable among professionals during their first training sessions. Internal complexes give rise to fear of the public: just one glance is enough for a person to become insecure. If a beginner does not overcome this feeling, he may quit training altogether.

Pitfalls of homeschooling

Of course, practicing at home seems much easier and more profitable:

  • ? no need to spend money on purchasing a subscription and paying for classes with an individual trainer;
  • ? you can do the exercises at a time convenient for you;
  • ? After training, the shower is at your complete disposal, without fear of catching a fungal disease from other visitors.

However, getting yourself to start working out at home is often much more difficult than packing up and heading to the gym. There are always some important things that cannot be delayed - cooking, playing with the child, putting things in order, etc.

In addition, you may perform some exercises incorrectly and, therefore, harm your health. And, of course, you will have to purchase some equipment for homework. At a minimum - a training mat, dumbbells, a jump rope and an expander. The maximum is an elliptical, treadmill or exercise bike.

If you want to get your body into excellent physical shape, strengthen the cardiovascular system, increase the threshold of endurance and give your figure seductive curves, you will have to “push aside” laziness and engage in regular training.

To begin with, pay attention to breathing techniques, then add exercises in the gym, and then (if you so desire) replace them with home workouts.


1. The personal trainer, having determined the physical shape and condition, writes an individual plan and intensity of training. This will help achieve the desired results in the optimal time frame, and not cause harm to your health.

2. Select a set of exercises depending on the client’s goal - to lose weight, build muscle mass or improve general physical condition.

3. The trainer monitors the progress from physical activity and can always adjust or change the training plan, advise the diet and caloric intake.

4. Working out in the gym on their own, exhausting themselves with useless loads, people often do not achieve the desired result. The trainer monitors the correct execution of the exercises, prompts and corrects incorrect actions. Improper execution can lead, at best, to a lack of results, and at worst, to very serious injuries.

5. Classes under the guidance of a coach provide discipline. Modern life constantly introduces changes into our schedule, and it’s not uncommon that we succumb to the temptation to do something else instead of training. A paid personal trainer, and simply the responsibility to him for failure to train, motivates to strictly adhere to the training schedule.

6. During training, a personal trainer becomes a good acquaintance, and sometimes a friend. This creates additional emotional motivation. He will advise and support you at turning points of emotional decline and desire to quit training.

7. An experienced personal fitness trainer sees from the outside and will always determine when, having achieved certain successes, the client begins to relax. The trainer will find an approach and reasons to improve the client’s attitude towards training.

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