Cardio equipment for home use: review, pros and cons, features


Despite the fact that cardio or aerobic exercise can be obtained by ordinary walking or running, specialized cardio machines are very popular. Each gym has an equipped area for aerobic training, where there are treadmills, orbit tracks and exercise bikes. Most manufacturers of sports equipment produce similar models for home use, which you can use to tone your figure and lose weight.

You can do cardio at home whenever you want, whereas going to the gym requires you to set aside time, and outdoor workouts depend on the vagaries of the weather.

Specialized cardio equipment is designed for aerobic exercise, which has a positive effect on the health of the heart and nervous system, helps burn fat, saturate the body with oxygen and speed up metabolism. The operating principle of each of them is based on reproducing natural human movements. Popular exercise machines for weight loss at home differ in design, which determines the type and degree of load on different muscle groups.

What are the benefits of cardio exercise:

  • quickly burn calories and speed up metabolism
  • strengthening the cardiovascular system and preventing heart diseases
  • muscle tone and improved body quality
  • development of endurance and functionality
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels and reducing cholesterol levels
  • activation of blood circulation and normalization of blood pressure
  • improved bone health and increased bone density
  • improving immunity and overall health of the body
  • improved mood and increased energy

There are several types of cardio equipment for home use, which differ in their effect on the body and functionality. Some of them are even suitable for those who are contraindicated from running for health reasons, for example, people with diseases of the joints and cardiovascular system.

The most popular cardio equipment for home are:

  1. Exercise bike
  2. Orbitrek (ellipsoid)
  3. Treadmill
  4. Stepper
  5. Rowing machine

Each type has its own characteristics and advantages, which determine the choice of exercise machine for home use.

What is the most effective cardio machine? Pros, cons and training programs

I remember well the words of my personal trainer - you can and should exercise on cardio equipment at least every day. The main thing is to choose the optimal load and training result for yourself: losing weight, strengthening the cardiovascular system or working on the body’s endurance.

cardio machines work ?
Cardio machines are smart machines. These are minicomputer centers that monitor heart rate readings using special touch sensors. The results obtained allow you to adjust the intensity and time of training, selecting the load zone necessary for the heart.

a Cardio Exercise Equipment
Exercises on cardio equipment activate the aerobic energy system, which supplies the entire body with oxygen, helps keep the body in good shape and, under intense conditions, perfectly loads the muscles. All you have to do is decide which simulator is right for you.


At my gym, treadmills are more popular than any female person. They are always busy, there are always queues for them. After all, everyone who comes to the gym begins their workout by warming up their muscles on the treadmill.


  • Increases overall endurance
  • Accelerates metabolic processes in the body, and energy consumption allows you to get rid of excess weight
  • Develops leg muscles
  • Improves breathing and strengthens the heart muscle


  • You can lose your step and fall off the treadmill
  • Increased stress on joints, knees and ankles


Heart rate is the main indicator of how much you need to run. Above 140 beats per minute is the limit for training. The best time for its duration is about 40 minutes. Running must alternate - intense load (no more than 10 minutes) - moderate pace.

Exercise bike

The exercise bike is recognized as the safest sports equipment. When performing exercises on it, the entire muscle group of the legs is involved. Suitable for those who do not accept too intense training.


  • Strengthens the cardiovascular system
  • Due to seated activities, suitable for people with back and knee injuries
  • Strengthens leg muscles


  • Less effective results due to constant sitting
  • Work only on the lower muscle group


In order to lose weight, you should devote time to the exercise bike 4-5 times a week. For the results to be effective, the duration of the workout should be at least an hour, since the fat burning process begins only after 40 minutes of pedaling. Alternating minimal/heavy loads is the best option.


This cardio machine simulates walking up stairs. It is especially popular among women due to working the muscles of the back of the thigh and buttocks.


  • Effective for strengthening the heart muscle
  • Loads the muscles of the legs and buttocks


  • Not very effective for weight loss
  • Small percentage of muscles used


Correct body position on this machine is very important. Stand straight with a slight bend forward, do not bend your back, keep your knees free. We combine slow walking with deep steps. The duration of the workout is 20-25 minutes at first, and up to an hour after.

Rowing machine

Completely simulates the conditions of real rowing on the water. Exercises on such a machine are considered particularly effective: all muscle groups are involved in the work - a symbiosis of cardio and strength training.


  • Increases cardiovascular endurance
  • Works the maximum number of muscles
  • Develops endurance and strength
  • Improves spine flexibility


  • Ineffective for weight loss
  • Contraindicated for people with back injuries


The rowing machine requires special skills before starting classes. It would be best to consult with a trainer. During the first classes, it is enough to spend 20–40 minutes on it with short pauses between approaches.

Elliptical trainer

The ellipsoid is a favorite of many trainers. This universal simulator is considered the most effective of the cardio group. The pedals of this exercise machine move along an elliptical path, reproducing the shape of an oval.


  • Effective for strengthening the cardiovascular system
  • Targeted effects on the muscles of the legs, thighs and buttocks
  • Effective for chest and arm muscles
  • Safe for joints and spine
  • Provides high intensity training


  • Less effective workout than a treadmill


The 20-minute classes are great for everyone to warm up before a general workout. In order to lose weight in the first 3 months, you should exercise on an elliptical trainer 3-4 times a week. Workouts should be 30 minutes or more. The tension on the simulator is 60-70 percent of the average heart rate. The approximate number of steps per minute is 50.

Good luck with your training!

Which cardio equipment is right for you?



An exercise bike is a type of cardio exercise machine for the home that simulates riding a bicycle. Thanks to its compact design, it is suitable for home use. The main load during training occurs on the lower part of the body: legs, hips, buttocks. The upper part is used minimally, and therefore an exercise bike cannot replace full-fledged training in the gym.

During exercise on an exercise bike, the body is in a sitting position, which minimizes the load on the knees and makes the exercise a suitable option for the elderly and people with significant excess weight. There are horizontal and vertical design options, which differ in size and degree of load on the target muscles. Horizontal ones are recommended as rehabilitation therapy, as they reduce the load on the spine, and vertical ones are excellent exercise machines for losing weight at home and keeping the body in shape.


  • compact design
  • ease of use
  • ability to customize workout difficulty
  • very affordable price
  • suitable for people with significant excess weight (up to 150 kg)
  • does not put stress on joints
  • suitable for rehabilitation therapy
  • works silently


  • upper body is not used
  • does not replace full-fledged training on a bicycle
  • the body quickly adapts to a monotonous load

Which muscles work the most: gluteals, biceps and quadriceps, calves, abs, back muscles.

Efficiency for weight loss: in an hour of training on an exercise bike, you can burn up to 500 kcal if you train at a fast pace or in increased difficulty mode. Regular workouts on a cardio machine for home will help you significantly lose weight, tone your figure and pump up your legs.

Who should buy it: people who are overweight, the elderly, those losing weight, those recovering from an illness, and anyone who does not have the opportunity to go to the gym, but wants to keep their figure in shape.

Feature: this is the best cardio exercise machine with an emphasis on the lower body, as it allows you to efficiently pump up the muscles of the legs and buttocks.

Types of cardio simulators. Use at home and in the fitness club.

Yes. It is indeed necessary to invest money in order to install cardio machines at home. Or as an alternative to working out at a fitness club.

But for many, the convenience and reliability of indoor aerobic training outweighs concerns. Here is a brief description of what types of simulators exist and their brief description:


Treadmills are the most popular type of aerobic exercise equipment both at home and in gyms.

Walking or running on a treadmill can strengthen your lower body and improve your cardiovascular health.

Many treadmills have monitors to monitor your blood pressure and heart rate.

You can also change the intensity of your workout by increasing the belt speed or increasing the incline angle.

They vary in appearance from the simplest with foot-operated rollers to electronic models that cost several thousand dollars. Such devices are supplied programmed for several speeds, various angles of inclination, and monitoring systems for multiple indicators. Down to how many calories you burn.


This equipment places less stress on the knee joints. Compared to climbing regular stairs.

But if you have any problems with your knees or hip joints, you are better off choosing a different exercise machine.

Also, steppers are quite complex and may not be suitable for beginners.

Exercise bike

Such simulators have a low impulse effect. And if, for example, you have arthritis and you cannot walk for a long time, then such aerobic equipment can be very useful.

It is also a good choice if you are overweight. The reason is that it gives your heart a workout without the stress on your back, hips and knees.

Like the treadmill, exercise bikes range from simple and inexpensive to expensive models that simulate different types of outdoor terrain.

Elliptical trainer

This equipment trains both the upper and lower body. At the same time, the cardiovascular system gets an excellent workout.

Characterized by low impact and smooth body movements. As with the stepper, these machines can be quite challenging for beginners.

Therefore, it is better to try training in the gym before buying for home use.

Rowing or skiing machines

Due to the fact that with such equipment you can simultaneously train the upper and lower body, you can burn a large number of calories. And also tone the main muscle groups and get an excellent workout for the cardiovascular system.

You will need excellent motor coordination to use it correctly.


An orbitrek or ellipsoid simulates climbing stairs or skiing. The mechanism of movement along an ellipsoid gives the name to a popular cardio exercise machine for home use or the gym. In terms of dimensions, the orbit track design exceeds the size of an exercise bike, but many manufacturers of sports equipment produce compact ellipses for home use.

When training on an orbit track, not only the muscles of the lower body are used, but also the arms, shoulders, and back, which makes the elliptical a more versatile option for training than an exercise bike. Orbitrek puts minimal stress on the knee joints, making it an excellent choice for overweight people.

Interval training on a weight loss machine at home will be an excellent option for serious exercise at home. On the simplest ellipse, you can select the difficulty level, which will allow you to increase the load to avoid muscle addiction. It is believed that the Orbitrek is a cardio simulator that best pumps up the gluteal muscles, which are difficult to work in isolation without involving the muscles of the hips and legs. Using the orbitrek, you can achieve high-quality development of the gluteal muscles, which helps fight cellulite and overall body tone. The ellipsoid also helps to work out the thighs and calf muscles, giving the legs a beautiful shape.


  • ease of learning
  • setting the difficulty level
  • acceptable price
  • minimal stress on joints
  • works well on the buttocks and legs
  • works silently.


  • range of motion differs from natural running or walking
  • the upper body is minimally involved.

Which muscles work the most: gluteals, biceps and quadriceps of the thighs, calves, abs, core muscles, back muscles, muscles of the shoulder girdle and arms.

Efficiency for weight loss: in an hour of training on the orbit track you can burn up to 600 kcal if you train in an increased difficulty mode or in the interval training format. Regular exercise on the elliptical will help you lose weight as quickly as possible, provided you periodically increase the load and follow a diet.

Who should buy: people who are overweight (up to 160 kg), those who want to get into shape, work out the gluteal muscles and give definition to their legs. Orbitrek is universally suitable for both men and women; even children can train on it, since the simulator is as safe as possible and has almost no contraindications.

Feature: This is the best cardio exercise machine for the whole family, as it can be used even by children, provided safety precautions are followed.


During the warm-up, the main warming up of the muscle fibers occurs. It also prevents oxygen debt in the muscles, which will allow you to exercise more efficiently and avoid acidification in the muscle fibers. In addition, warming up will prepare your nervous system for more productive work. In other words, the better you warm up, the safer your workout will be.

Warm up on cardio equipment

This warm-up should begin with the least amplitude muscle movements, after which the load should be gradually increased. The first part of the warm-up lasts 7–10 minutes.

It is important to choose a simulator taking into account your injuries and any contraindications you have. For injuries to the ankle, knees, hip joints or spine:

  • It is NOT recommended to start your warm-up on a treadmill.

Human joints are shock absorbers that absorb all kinds of shock. The area we step on on the path moves, and all the shock absorption will be transferred to the foot and knee, which is fraught with injury.

  • It is recommended to start your warm-up with the ellipse.

It is the safest exercise machine for warming up: there is no shock load at all.

So, exercise equipment suitable for warming up.


We stand on the machine, keep our head straight, and work directly with our muscles. It is important that the heel does not come off the machine.

There are two options for using the simulator:

  • Only the legs are involved.
  • Both legs and arms are involved.

The second option is considered more effective, as it allows you to use a larger number of muscle fibers. This way the body will warm up faster.


If you have no contraindications, then you can start your warm-up on a treadmill.

  • You need to be on the track without tilting your body, it should be kept perpendicular to the floor.
  • We start with low intensity, when the amplitude of the arms and legs is minimal.
  • Then we increase the speed of the step and, accordingly, the natural amplitude in the elbow joint - the movement of the arms.
  • Then, if desired, we gradually switch to running.

It is important to wear an emergency stop sensor to your T-shirt when running on a treadmill. If you feel ill during class and lose coordination of movements, the sensor will fall out and the treadmill will stop.


The stepper machine simulates climbing stairs.

  • If you have a knee injury, you should not use it during warm-up, as the load will be too high.
  • For healthy legs, the stepper helps strengthen the muscles of the lower leg, thighs and buttocks. You should start training on a stepper with a low speed and duration, gradually increasing the load.

Exercise bike

You can also use an exercise bike to warm up even with an injury.

  • It is important to consider the seat adjustment and resistance force. The main thing to pay attention to is the position of the knee joint: your leg should not be fully straightened.
  • An exercise bike perfectly develops endurance and the respiratory system, and is also actively used if you want to lose weight.


  • The next part of the warm-up is pre-stretch, or, in other words, stretching the muscle fibers that will be under load. It is important to do not only warm up the joints, but also stretch the muscles.
  • When stretching, you need to start with the neck muscles and smoothly move down, working all the other muscles of the body - arms, abdomen, back, legs.
  • You can see examples of stretching exercises for various muscle groups in the lesson.


The exercise machine is designed for full-fledged running or walking training in order to lose weight or keep the body in shape. The treadmill is considered the most effective option for weight loss compared to other types of cardio equipment for home use, as it burns the largest number of calories during the workout.

During exercise on the treadmill, the whole body works, which turns the machine into a universal option for cardio training in order to stay in shape. Movement on the treadmill is not limited by design features, unlike an exercise bike or orbitrack, which makes home workouts just as effective as full-fledged running workouts outdoors.

Thanks to varying load levels, the treadmill is suitable for most people, regardless of age and weight. Elderly people, heavier people, or patients undergoing rehabilitation therapy can choose a walking mode to increase the load as they get used to it, or use the exercise machine to maintain heart health and normalize blood pressure. Experienced athletes may run at high speed levels to keep their bodies in shape or to prepare for a running event.


  • best exercise machine for weight loss at home
  • setting speed selection and training mode
  • a complete replacement for running training during the cold season
  • during training the whole body is involved
  • suitable for beginners and experienced athletes


  • large dimensions (but now models with a folding design are available)
  • high price
  • noise during operation
  • has contraindications for people with heart disease
  • puts stress on the joints

Which muscles work the most: biceps and quadriceps of the thighs, gluteal muscles, calf muscles, calf muscles, foot muscles, rectus abdominis, intercostal, iliopsoas muscles, biceps and triceps of the arms.

Effective for weight loss: You can burn more than 600 kcal per hour on a treadmill if you train at an interval or fast pace. In walking mode, you can get rid of 300 kk per hour. Regular exercise on a cardio machine will help you lose weight quickly, especially if you combine it with a diet. The treadmill helps to improve your figure, achieve relief, pump up your buttocks and legs.

Who should buy it: actively losing weight, runners to prepare for races, athletes to stay in shape at home.

Feature: This is the best cardio machine for weight loss, as the workouts on it are comparable to real running workouts.

Cardio training for weight loss

Cardio can really help you lose weight. But this type of training is not effective. The main work of cardio is not aimed at burning excess calories and fat, but at rebuilding the body. With regular training, the body will store carbohydrates in the muscles in the form of glycogen, and not in the form of fat in problem areas. That's the whole point. It is worth remembering that excess sweets, such as sweet soda, will go away with the help of cardio only after 30 minutes of intense exercise. It’s better not to drink such a drink at all than to drink it later.

To effectively lose weight with cardio training, you need to:

  • stick to a diet;
  • start training hungry;
  • study for at least half an hour, but no more than an hour;
  • change the pace of the lesson frequently;
  • combine workouts and start some immediately after strength exercises.

For truly effective weight loss, you should combine cardio and strength training. Balance your diet. Only then, with comprehensive measures, will the results of the work be visible.

IMPORTANT! If you are overweight, you should run with caution to avoid damaging your joints and worsening your health.

Consult your doctor before starting to exercise on your own.

In order to lose weight, the following program is recommended:

  • minimum 2, maximum 4 sessions on a treadmill per week (or orbitrek, exercise bike);
  • The duration of one workout is 30-50 minutes.
  • keep your pulse within 120-130 beats/min.

If you combine such a program with a diet, you will lose up to 3 kg of weight in a month.


A compact and functional cardio exercise machine for home use, which has almost no contraindications. The stepper simulates walking or running up the stairs, and therefore is great for losing weight and staying in shape if you don’t have time to workout in the gym. The key feature of a weight loss machine at home is its compactness, which means you can exercise anywhere at any convenient time. Due to its lightness and small dimensions, the cost of the stepper also differs for the better from larger and more complex exercise machines.

On some types of stepper, you can perform exercises with loads for the back and abs. Such models are considered universal not only for losing weight, but also for correcting the figure and keeping the body in shape when it is not possible to fully engage in sports. On the stepper, you can set the load level that matches your physical shape and weight, which will allow you to train more effectively.

There are varieties of such cardio exercise equipment for home with handrails, handles or expanders for greater stability and increased load on different muscle groups. For beginners, it is recommended to choose models with handles that minimize the risk of injury. For experienced users, it is necessary to choose models with expanders to further pump up your arms and back.


  • compact dimensions
  • very low price
  • has no contraindications
  • effective for weight loss
  • helps fight cellulite
  • you can adjust the load level.


  • cannot be used by people who are overweight (more than 100 kg)
  • puts stress on the joints
  • most models do not pump up the upper body
  • If the exercise technique is incorrect, you can get injured.

Which muscles work the most: gluteal, biceps and quadriceps, calf and calf muscles.

Efficiency for weight loss: in an hour of training on a stepper you can burn up to 350 kcal if you train at an average pace. Regular exercise on the stepper helps to tighten your legs, pump up your buttocks and make your calves more prominent. To ensure you lose weight using a stepper, it is recommended to combine cardio exercises with home fitness.

Who should buy it: all women who want to keep their figure in shape at home and dream of pumping up their buttocks and legs.

Feature: This is the best cardio machine for those on a small budget and if you have limited space at home.

Fifth place stepper

As long as elastic, toned buttocks and flawlessly working elevators in our houses are in fashion, this exercise machine will not gather dust in the corner of your apartment - a step machine, also known as a stepper.
By the way, one ordinary American citizen, whose portrait adorns the 50 dollar bill, General Grand, understanding first-hand what a real army general should be, ordered not to build an elevator at his residence in New York in order to keep generals in shape. And who knows, maybe this is what our architects were guided by when they built dormitories and Khrushchev buildings for Soviet citizens...)))) The sixth place is occupied by a rare guest in our gyms and sports store windows, this is a ski simulator.

Its principle is to simulate the load when working with ski poles. By the way, it perfectly develops the shoulders, triceps, latissimus muscles, and it doesn’t take up much space and is not expensive, but there is a “BUT” without which it did not end up at the bottom of our rating, this is the technique of doing the exercises, working with it is like working with a kettlebell... this is already a sport .

Which cardio machine to choose

There are different models of cardio equipment available for training. If you want to lose weight quickly and maintain the results, pay attention not only to treadmills and exercise bikes, but also to the following options:

  • Ellipsoid. One of the best ways to get aerobic exercise. The simulator uses almost the entire body while fully maintaining the condition of the joints. A person’s feet are constantly on special pedals - any negative load on important areas is eliminated. The only negative is that it takes time to master the equipment (requires some coordination in space).
  • Rowing machine. The main competitor of ellipsoidal equipment. During the workout, the muscles of the arms, back, abdomen and legs are used. Maximum energy consumption is guaranteed. In addition to losing weight, it is possible to pump certain areas of the body well. The rowing machine also has a positive effect on the position of the spine - posture improves.
  • Stepper. The best way to get rid of extra centimeters in the hips and buttocks. During the training process, all leg muscles are used. When ordering this exercise machine, you need to understand that it is more designed to strengthen muscles. To lose kilos, you will have to exercise at a high pace.

Helpful advice. When choosing sports equipment for home training, be sure to take into account the number of athletes, maximum weight, functionality, size and manufacturer. Price is not the main indicator of a quality installation.

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