Ideal option: why women should do water aerobics

The benefits and main advantages of training in water

Water aerobics is a worthy alternative to regular fitness, since in this case you not only quickly burn calories, but also reduce the load on the body, especially on the joints (the risk of injury to them is reduced to zero, since there is no gravity in the water). This is a big plus for older people and people with spinal problems. In addition, during training, the work of the heart muscle is optimized, and water provides a good massage effect: it activates blood circulation and promotes the outflow of venous blood from the heart, preventing stagnation.

Weight correction

The majority of people choose water aerobics to lose weight.
By exercising 3 times a week, you can get a toned body without much effort, because aquafitness not only helps to normalize body weight, but also allows you to create an elegant silhouette and a slender figure:

  • during the exercises you have to overcome the resistance of the water and put in serious effort, so more calories are burned;
  • Due to the vibration of the water, a natural massage of the body occurs, which increases the elasticity and tone of the skin, increasing the chances of getting rid of cellulite and excess weight;
  • in cool water, the body spends more energy to warm the body;
  • metabolic processes are stimulated and cells are saturated with oxygen, which promotes effective fat burning.

The ability of water to make the human body much lighter allows you to easily perform exercises that require strength and energy on land. Due to the resulting massage effect, the level of lactic acid in the muscles decreases, which eliminates the appearance of muscle pain after training.

Let's lose weight with pleasure

Separately, it is worth mentioning the emotional component. Thus, group classes are conducted to the accompaniment of music, which creates a relaxed atmosphere and turns a standard workout into a pleasant aqua disco.

An important point regarding training in water is the comfortable depth of the pool.

Being in shoulder-deep water, overweight people will not feel embarrassed about the shortcomings of their figure, and those who cannot swim will be able to feel confident without the fear of going to the bottom.

It is known that just 1 hour of water aerobics allows you to burn about 700 Kcal, which is identical to speed skiing. Therefore, fitness in water is considered one of the fastest and most enjoyable ways to lose weight.

Water aerobics in combination with proper nutrition allows you to lose about 15-20 kg in 3 months.

Water aerobics pros and cons

Water aerobics is a type of physical activity on the body that has emerged recently. It has its positive aspects, which allow people of all ages to perform water exercises.

You can sign up for an aqua aerobic group in any modern fitness center and hall. There are also sections in water parks - in a big city it won’t be difficult for anyone to find a gymnastics group.

What is good about water aerobics?

The main advantages of water aerobics are that this gymnastics was developed recently. Taking into account new views on health, characteristics of the human body, age-related changes, etc.

Other significant advantages of water aerobics are as follows:

  • The classes are pleasant and interesting. The program has a lot of exciting exercises;
  • During the exercises, the spine and joints are not loaded - almost all people can exercise;
  • There is absolutely no risk of injury to tendons, muscles, ligaments, bones;
  • During a workout you can “burn” about 800 kcal;
  • Water aerobics is done in cool water, which has a positive effect on skin tone and strengthens the body;
  • The body does not produce sweat - it does not overheat;
  • Exercise helps strengthen muscles;
  • Sports are suitable for people losing weight;
  • Sleep is normalized, a person gets rid of stress and depression;
  • Each student is supervised by a trainer who monitors their well-being and distributes the load;
  • If necessary, increase the load with the help of additional equipment;
  • Even those who cannot swim can take classes.

The main feature of water aerobics is that there is no stress on the back and joints. Therefore, there are no age specific characteristics for those involved in water aerobics. Even pregnant women and people whose doctor has prohibited them from putting stress on their musculoskeletal system can attend classes.

But, if you have never done water aerobics before, be sure to consult your doctor. Especially if you have diseases of the genitourinary system, or you often suffer from colds.

Water aerobics: cons

The disadvantages of water activities include the risk of developing allergies. The water in the pool is chlorinated, and prolonged contact with this water may cause a rash, lacrimation, attacks of suffocation, etc. But! Today you can find a lot of swimming pools (usually in expensive and reputable fitness centers) where other disinfectants are used instead of chlorine.

Another disadvantage is the cost of classes. Water aerobics is a new type of fitness, and the price of classes is very different from a regular visit to the pool. The solution is to immediately purchase a subscription, rather than pay for each training session separately. And if you are not afraid of chlorine, look for small pools with private trainers, rather than visiting expensive fitness centers.

The professionalism of the coach plays an important role. The effectiveness of training depends on it. A properly selected program, intensity and type of load, the use of additional equipment and other activities - the coach is also responsible for all these factors. Therefore, it is better to first find out everything in detail about the trainer and the gym, and only then make a decision about attending classes.

If the goal of your training is to lose excess weight, then do not forget about the water temperature. In colder temperatures, the body gets rid of more fat deposits. In warm conditions, efficiency may decrease several times.

Equipment and accessories for classes

Complexes of aqua exercises for weight loss include the muscles of the abdomen, buttocks, thighs, arms and chest. To enhance the effect of training, it is recommended to use sports equipment that allows you to increase and evenly distribute the load.

Thus, with the help of special dumbbells (from 0.5 kg) and weights for the arms and legs, the work of the cardiovascular system is activated and the muscles are strengthened. Webbed gloves allow you to increase water resistance and work out your hand muscles well. And to strengthen the muscles of the shoulder girdle, back and chest, as well as to improve the abdominal press, expanders are provided.

In addition, during water aerobics classes, devices are used to make the training not only comfortable, but also as safe as possible:

  • aquabelt helps maintain balance;
  • a swim board helps keep the upper body afloat and increases resistance;
  • the step platform eliminates the possibility of slipping and the risk of injury;
  • A noodle (a flexible floating stick 1 m long and 10 cm in diameter) is more functional than a swimming board: it helps to stay on the water and perform a greater range of movements.

Accessories for exercises are necessary not only for beginners at the initial stage of training, but are also very effective when performing certain health-improving complexes.

Video - How to lose weight by summer. 6 effective aquafitness exercises

Completing training

After completing the main set of exercises, do not rush to get out of the water. The body that has received the load should relax. To do this, lie on your back and swim without using your arms and legs.

You can go to the handrails and, holding on to them, straighten your body in the water. You need to stay in this weightless position for at least 5 minutes.

Cheerful dancing in the water to dynamic music has helped many people lose weight. However, you shouldn’t expect miracles: to achieve lasting results in losing weight, you need long and hard training, combined with proper nutrition. And while waiting for the excess volume to be reduced, enjoy the process and enjoy the activities.

A set of exercises for weight loss

Exercises in the pool for weight loss should begin with a warm-up, which warms up the muscles well and helps prepare for the upcoming loads. This requires 3-5 minutes. run around the pool (at an average pace), actively working with your hands, and then without their help. Alternatively, try a few of your favorite dance moves. People who are skilled in martial arts can perform a couple of vigorous moves. Alternatively, you can simply jump for 3-4 minutes.

Leg workout

A set of exercises for training legs consists of the following elements:

  1. Lying on your stomach at the edge of the pool and holding the edge with your hands, you need to spread and close your legs 20-25 times, putting the main load on the inner thighs.
  2. Starting position – standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms extended forward. It is necessary to raise your right leg forward, trying to touch the fingers of your left hand, and then slowly lower it. Repeat the exercise 10-15 times, first with the right, then with the left foot.
  3. Standing straight with your arms outstretched in front of you, it is necessary for 10-20 minutes. Raise your knees high and slowly pull them towards your chest.
  4. Having assumed a vertical position, you should tense the muscles of your buttocks and, bending your knees, alternately move them back, trying to touch the buttocks. For each leg you need to perform 2 sets of 15-20 times.

Exercises for abdominal muscles

The following complex helps strengthen the abdominal muscles:

  1. Standing with your back to the side of the pool and holding it with your hands, you need to pull both legs 10 times, first to the chest, and then to the right and left sides, and then return to the starting position.
  2. Holding onto the edge of the pool, you need to imitate riding a bicycle, moving forward and backward for 5-10 minutes.
  3. Starting position – standing in water up to your shoulders and stretching your arms out in front of you. You should jump and pull your legs towards your stomach, and then relax your muscles, straighten your legs and stand up straight again. The exercise must be repeated 20 times, gradually complicating the movements: when returning to the starting position, the legs must be spread apart.
  4. Standing upright, you need to raise your right leg and for 5 minutes. perform several circular movements at an average pace. Next, perform the same manipulations with your left leg.

We train hips and buttocks

To train the muscles in the thighs and buttocks, exercises such as:

  1. Starting position – standing in water up to your neck, arms spread to the sides. The legs bent at the knees should be pulled back, trying to touch the buttocks with the heels. Repeat the exercise 20 times.
  2. Alternately lifting and bending your knees (20 times), you need to diligently “box” at an average pace.
  3. Using an inflatable pillow, you should lie on your back and “ride a bicycle” for 10 minutes.

Water aerobics at home

In the summer, you don’t have to go to the pool to practice water aerobics - you can do the exercises in any body of water.
During the cold season, the most affordable option is your own bath.

The main thing is that the water temperature does not exceed 33°C (otherwise there is a risk of increased stress on the heart). In addition, it is not advisable to use soap to avoid slipping and injury during home aqua fitness.

The set of exercises is a simplified version of professional training, which, however, if performed regularly, will provide the desired result.


Lying in a comfortable position and holding the sides with your hands, you need to raise your half-bent legs above the water, straighten them and make 15-20 crossing movements. In this case, you can pause, performing as many movements per approach as your level of physical fitness allows.

Exercise with a washcloth

Place a washcloth between your feet and apply pressure with your feet, tensing the muscles of your inner thighs. Next, you need to move away from the wall and, holding the edges of the bathtub with your hands, slowly raise and smoothly lower your legs 20 times, holding the washcloth. If you wish, you can hold on with just one hand, extending the other forward, which will additionally engage the oblique abdominal muscles. You should also remember about proper breathing: inhale as you lift your legs, and exhale as you lower them.

Emphasis on the sides

Leaning back and taking a comfortable position, you need to spread your legs and forcefully press your knees on the sides, tensing the muscles of your buttocks, then gradually relax and slowly bring your legs together. Do 20 approaches.

Walking on your buttocks

Starting position – sitting, trying to maintain your posture. Smoothly, slowly, you need to perform 20 “steps” on the buttocks, tensing and relaxing the muscles.

Palm massage

The palms must be placed at a distance of 1 cm from the right leg and move up and down, “driving” the water and providing hydromassage (it is important not to touch the skin with your hands). Do the same with the left leg, performing the element 20 times.

Before starting the exercises, you can rub your body with a hard washcloth and add a few drops of orange oil to the water. This will help you defeat cellulite faster, “revitalize” your skin and give you a boost of energy.

Ideal option: why women should do water aerobics

Water aerobics is one of the few sports where the risk of injury is minimized

Participants in the “Transformation 2:0” project experienced the benefits of water aerobics. The training took place in the fitness room.

Water aerobics is a set of exercises in water. Perhaps this sport is one of the few where the possibility of injury is almost completely excluded and there are very few contraindications. Ideal for those who want to lose weight or “dry” muscles.

Also, these workouts are recommended for people with a variety of health problems: from sore joints to a hernia in the spine.

“This is a young sport, it has progressed a lot over the last ten years. Now there is water aerobics for pregnant women, for children, for the elderly and for the young. For people with disabilities. For people who have had and still have spinal injuries. During classes, aerobic exercises, stretching and strength exercises are used. We use dumbbells of varying degrees of weight, leg weights and other equipment,” says fitness water aerobics trainer Victoria Galochkina.

Equa-aerobics classes at Nordic are held in mini-groups of four people. Therefore, we can almost talk about an individual training system: the instructor sees all the students and pays attention to each athlete.

“When a person comes for training, we always ask him about indications or contraindications and select a set of exercises that is right for him,” says Galochkina.

Water aerobics is suitable for those who want to lose excess weight - get in shape quickly, but most importantly - safely for health. People with excess body weight are recommended to exercise in water, as there is no stress on the joints.

“Water aerobics is indicated for people with heavy weight, more than 100 kg. Available for 150 kilograms. It is difficult for such people to come and get on the exercise machines. Water is more favorable for such people. All exercises in the pool are the same as in the gym, but they are much easier to handle. Water softens the load. After water aerobics, muscles do not hurt (or practically do not hurt), because the body works completely differently in water. Another good thing about water aerobics for overweight people is that due to the presence of hydromassage, there is an increased burning of fat,” explains the trainer.

Due to the fact that the classes are intense, you can achieve results quite quickly. Especially if you add nutrition correction. After six months of training, some girls lost 32 kilos of excess weight. If classes in the pool are not enough, then they can be combined with training in the gym at Nordic.

“Ours is already 15 years old. The hall is unique in that it is the first hall only for women in Barnaul. There were no analogues to him. In 2004, we were alone in the market. The advantages are that we have a cozy homely atmosphere, everyone is friendly and supports each other. They exercise positively, with joy,” says the director of the fitness center Andrey Vladimirov.

Project partners

Clothing stores PRIZ | | Socialist, 128, shopping center "Malina", Popova, 82, shopping center "Ogni", A. Petrova, 219b,
Chain of beauty salons and tanning studios "Shokolad'ka" | | | Shopping center "Universam", Malakhova, 62, +7 (3852) 44-01-06 Shopping center "Nord-West", Shopping center "Babylon", Shopping center "Malina", Shopping center "Europe" ,,
Manicure and pedicure studio “Twice two” | | Sovetskaya, 7,
Fitness- | | Lenina, 155, (right wing of the Nord-West shopping center), +7 (3852) 69-87-72 Sign up for water aerobics by phone
Individual EMS training studio My BodyTec | | Lenina, 35, Popova, 158,
Psychotherapist, hypnotherapist Dmitry Valerievich Titkov | +7
tvoikraski22 Astrologers, vastu, art coaches Svetlana Cheremisina and Goncharova Irina Pushkina, 66v,,
Master and director of the Beauty salon Shushanna Martirosyan shushanna055 Pavlovsky tract, 283,

In the area of ​​special attention

Like any type of physical activity, water aerobics has contraindications, so it is advisable to start training after consulting a doctor. The risk group includes people suffering from the following diseases:

  • cystitis;
  • asthma (water in the pool puts pressure on the body, including the chest, which can cause breathing problems);
  • osteochondrosis (dizziness and nausea are possible due to physical activity);
  • cardiovascular diseases (incorrectly selected and too intense cardio loads, instead of a positive result, can harm the body).

In addition, training should not be carried out if you have colds and viral diseases, including genital infections.

If you are prone to allergies, you should check in advance how your skin reacts to chlorinated pool water to prevent relapses.

Useful tips and tricks for beginners

It’s not for nothing that water aerobics is called a universal form of fitness - if there are no contraindications, you can start classes at any age, regardless of body size and swimming ability. Training is usually carried out at shallow depths.

People who cannot swim can use special belts or other inflatable accessories to help them float on the surface of the water.

To quickly get up to speed and shorten the adaptation process as much as possible, you need to take into account several nuances:

  • for classes you should purchase water goggles, a comfortable rubber cap and slippers with non-slip soles;
  • women are recommended to buy a one-piece swimsuit that provides maximum comfort and freedom of movement;
  • The success of training lies in regularity, so you need to exercise consistently for 30-40 minutes. 3-4 times a week;
  • the interval between classes and meals should be at least 1.5-2 hours;
  • Each workout should be preceded by a cool shower. You need to enter the water gradually, otherwise headaches, heartaches, and convulsions may occur due to temperature changes.

The best option for beginners would be classes in groups for beginners, where training is carried out in a gentle manner and lasts no more than 25 minutes. And after getting used to the loads, you can gradually increase the intensity and move on to exercises with weights.

Water aerobics is a real find for those who want to lose weight quickly. Overcoming the resistance of water, much more strength and calories are expended, and the load is felt to a lesser extent, because the body becomes lighter and remains in weightlessness. Aqua fitness classes in sea water are more effective than in fresh water, so pleasant and useful exercises can be carried out right on the coastal strip. It is important not to forget to combine training with proper nutrition and get double pleasure from each activity: for body and soul.

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