Essential and base oils for cellulite: subtleties of choice and application 

The most effective anti-cellulite oils

For massage, you can use some anti-cellulite oil bases in their pure form. They do not irritate the skin like essential oils, but activate blood circulation in the tissues, enhancing the effect of cosmetic procedures.

Preference should be given to ready-made cosmetic anti-cellulite products with natural additives of tea tree, juniper and rosemary.

Watch the video on how to clearly explain the mechanism of action of anti-cellulite essential oils:

The principle of action of anti-cellulite essential oils and contraindications

Cellulite is formed by fat cells located under the skin that retain fluid. They form clusters that compress small venous vessels, preventing blood circulation. Tissue nutrition suffers, metabolic processes in them slow down, and the utilization of fat deposits stops. This creates a kind of vicious circle that is quite difficult to break.

To eliminate this problem, anti-cellulite massage is used.

A mixture of essential oils and other active fat-burning components enhances the anti-cellulite effect. If you simultaneously establish proper nutrition and exercise, the severity of gynoid lipodystrophy will significantly decrease.

The complex use of anti-cellulite essential oils in a full course allows you to:

  • improves lymphatic drainage, reducing the amount of fluid in adipose tissue and reducing swelling of the subcutaneous layer;
  • promotes the removal of metabolic products, freeing cells from toxins and rejuvenating them;
  • causes dilation of microvasculature vessels that nourish the dermis.

Contraindications to the use of anti-cellulite oils:

  • pregnancy;
  • tendency to allergic reactions;
  • inflammation or damage to the skin. In these cases, it is better to use base oils, such as olive or linseed.

Basic anti-cellulite essential oils and their uses

Although the use of these remedies to combat cellulite is less popular than, for example, body wraps or special massages, they can be very useful in complex therapy.

  1. Tea tree. This is one of the best anti-cellulite substances. It is absorbed into the dermis and actively enhances blood microcirculation. This stops the accumulation of fat in the tissues of the thighs and buttocks.
  2. Juniper. The plant has been used in folk medicine for many centuries. Its diuretic and decongestant properties are known. Juniper cleanses and detoxifies tissues. Its essential component improves blood circulation, and in combination with other effects allows you to achieve good results in the fight against cellulite.
  3. Rosemary. It acts on the microvasculature, causing capillaries to open and more actively supply tissues with blood. Its additional effect is its effect on the venous walls, preventing heaviness and swelling of the legs.

How essential oils help fight cellulite

Essential oils are organic flavonoid substances that are extracted from flowers, fruits and leaves of various plants by extracting juice from the pulp. Essential substances have antibacterial, antioxidant, regenerating and regulating metabolic processes within cells.

The main features of essential oils in the fight against cellulite are:

  • improving blood microcirculation and lymph outflow in areas affected by cellulite;
  • normalization of lipid, protein and carbohydrate balance of the whole body;
  • elimination of edema and congestion;
  • increasing the elasticity of the skin;
  • acceleration of connective tissue regeneration processes.

Essential oils can act very quickly against cellulite. They penetrate through the pores of the skin into fat cells, promote the breakdown of fat, strengthen blood vessels and saturate the epidermis with essential amino acids.

Recipes for preparing anti-cellulite mixtures

Anti-cellulite recipe 1

In order to prepare the best cellulite remedy that is suitable for you yourself, you need to take:

  • 50 grams of finely crushed hazelnuts;
  • 50 grams of jojoba base oil;
  • 10 drops each of essential oils of cinnamon, juniper, rosemary, cypress and 5 drops of orange.

Anti-cellulite recipe 2

Also suitable:

  • 10 drops of cypress oil;
  • 8 drops each of grapefruit and cedar;
  • 5 drops each of orange, lemon and lime.

All ingredients are placed in a dark glass bottle and mixed well. This composition can be stored for six months in a cool, dark place, using if necessary. When using the second recipe, it is recommended to avoid direct sunlight on the skin, as the active substances of citrus fruits increase its sensitivity and can cause hyperpigmentation.

How to use this anti-cellulite mixture:

  • procedures can be performed daily;
  • take a warm shower first and then a cool shower;
  • Gently rub the legs with a sisal or other rough washcloth from bottom to top, buttocks, then other areas of fat deposits until the skin becomes red, avoiding areas with varicose veins;
  • Apply oil to problem areas and rub it in upward movements until completely absorbed.

Anti-cellulite baths

Baths with essential oils are taken to treat cellulite of the first or second degree after cleansing the skin in the shower and rubbing. To do this, select 3 - 4 anti-cellulite oils from the following:

  • lemon;
  • grapefruit;
  • orange;
  • juniper, cypress, lavender or rosemary.

Add 3 drops of each component to warm water; sea salt can also be dissolved here. You should take an anti-cellulite bath 1-2 times a week.

Watch the video about anti-cellulite essential oils:

Essential bath oils for weight loss

We found recipes with essential bath oils that you can prepare and use for weight loss at home on a regular basis.

Special anti-toxin bath mixture

Step #1 : Prepare a synergistic anti-cellulite blend from the following essential oils:

  • 10 drops lemon oil
  • 10 drops grapefruit oil
  • 8 drops basil oil
  • 6 drops juniper oil
  • 6 drops oregano oil

Step #2 : Place the following ingredients in the bath:

  • 2 handfuls of bitter salt (magnesium sulfate)
  • 1 handful of rock salt
  • 8 drops energy mixture (step #1)

Step #3 : Once the ingredients are added, take a dip in the bath and massage the cellulite areas while they are under water. Enjoy!

Alternative anti-cellulite bath mixtures

Here are a few more mixtures that can be used in place of the recipe in step #1 .

Below are the proportions that you can prepare in any desired volume.

Alternative Blend 1

  • 8 drops thyme oil
  • 4 drops lemon oil

Alternative Blend 2

  • 8 drops sage oil
  • 4 drops patchouli oil

Alternative Blend 3

  • 6 drops rosemary oil
  • 6 drops juniper oil

Anti-cellulite essential oil wraps

For the base, use a base oil, such as almond, coconut or castor. A few drops of essential oil (tangerine, lemon, cedar or others) are added to it.

The procedure is carried out 2 - 3 times a week for a month.

  • Apply the prepared mixture to cleansed skin.
  • The legs, buttocks, and abdomen are wrapped in plastic wrap in the direction from bottom to top.
  • Put on a warm suit or lie down under a blanket.
  • During the procedure, you can do homework and do gymnastic exercises - this will enhance the effect.
  • After 20 minutes, remove the film and take a warm shower.

It is useful to carry out a course of such wraps 2 times a year.

Wraps with essential oils

Anti-cellulite wraps are thermal procedures. They lead to the activation of blood flow, the breakdown of fat, and the removal of toxins from the subcutaneous layers.

The wrap is done after preliminary steaming and cleansing the skin with scrubs; this greatly increases the effect of essential oils on the dermis.

Wrap with cinnamon and orange aroma oil.

Required ingredients:

  • White or blue cosmetic clay;
  • Orange essential oil;
  • Ground cinnamon.

Three tablespoons of clay should be mixed with three tablespoons of dry cinnamon and three drops of orange oil.

This whole mixture is diluted with lukewarm water to a paste, then it is applied to problem areas.

Place thick cling film on top and wear tight-fitting clothes.

The procedure takes one hour, after which the skin is rinsed under a warm shower. The wrap is done every other day for two weeks.

Wrap with kelp and citrus aroma oil.

Required ingredients:

  • Lemon or orange essential oil;
  • Black clay;
  • Dry kelp.

Two tablespoons of cosmetic clay are mixed with two tablespoons of crushed kelp, five drops of orange or lemon oil are added to them.

The entire mass is diluted with water and distributed where there are cellulite deposits.

You need to put a film on top and wrap yourself in a blanket; the procedure takes half an hour.

After a shower you need to use anti-cellulite cream. Wrapping with this recipe is carried out once every two days for half a month.

All types of wraps cannot be used for hypertension, varicose veins, and severe pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

READ MORE: Algae for cellulite, wrap.

Main Base Components

Anti-cellulite mixtures for massage or wraps can be prepared based on the following base oils:

  • shea: softens the skin, moisturizes the surface layer of the epithelium, improves color, restores nutrition, promotes the formation of young cells;
  • cocoa: protects and restores the epidermis, promotes wound healing, eliminates inflammation and allergic manifestations;
  • peach: light, aromatic, can be used as a base for cosmetics, it activates metabolic processes in the skin, rejuvenates it, smoothes out unevenness, increases elasticity;
  • camphor: eliminates blemishes, improves the appearance of sagging and dull skin, has anti-inflammatory properties;
  • sea ​​buckthorn: hypoallergenic base for cosmetics, has a rejuvenating effect, quickly heals wounds due to increased metabolism in the skin.

You can add these substances to mixtures to combat cellulite, taking into account the characteristics of their action. All of them, except camphor, do not irritate the skin and can be used with virtually no restrictions.

Watch a video about the three most essential essential oils:

Benefits of using essential oils in the fight against cellulite

All essential oils are natural products, but each of them has its own effect on the skin. When choosing a fragrant product to combat cellulite, you should take into account that the wrapping procedure will be most effective at the early stage of the formation of the “orange peel”. If you don’t miss this moment, you will be able to prolong the youth of your body for a long time and remove all the bumps from the skin.

Advice : Never use a concentrated product for cellulite wrapping with essential oils. For cosmetic procedures they must be diluted. Basic fatty oil is used as a base: olive, peach, almond, grape seed. An aromatic substance is added to it in drops: 10-15 drops of essential oils per 30 ml of base.

The choice of essential oils to combat cellulite is not accidental:

  • rich in vitamins and fatty acids;
  • nourish the skin with microelements;
  • stimulate collagen production.

All this gave the right to cosmetics to take their rightful place on the shelves of those who care for their skin. From the huge list of jars and bottles available in stock, the most effective oils for wrapping against cellulite are recognized:

  • orange;
  • geranium;
  • lavender;
  • rosemary;
  • verbena;
  • lemon;
  • fennel;
  • bergamot;
  • juniper;
  • ginger;
  • jasmine;
  • grapefruit.

Cosmetic products for cellulite

Floresan Fitness body

This is a series that includes thermoactive massage oil for cellulite.

It contains mineral and soybean oil bases, propylene glycol, extracts of pepper, pineapple, citrus fruits, grapes, fir, bergamot, urea, vitamin E. Most of these components have proven themselves to be good fat burners. They accelerate blood supply to the skin and activate metabolic processes in it.

Birken Cellulite Ol Weleda

Birch oil for cellulite Weleda contains essential components of apricot, jojoba, wheat sprouts, rosemary, birch leaves and other active substances.

Under its action, blood circulation is activated in the skin. As a result, it becomes smoother and the appearance of cellulite is reduced. The manufacturer claims that the effect of regular use is clearly noticeable after a month of use. The product should be applied twice a day with massage movements.


Warming oil OLIO SNELLENTE, giving the skin elasticity.

The product stimulates cell restoration and renewal, reduces fat deposits, fights swelling, and helps prevent stretch marks and sagging skin. Belongs to a series of natural products made in Italy. It should be used daily, applying with soft circular movements to problem areas.

Active ingredients: basic (olive and almond), as well as essential (wintergreen, cinnamon, orange, rosemary, sage, thyme, marjoram, oregano, ginger) oils, wheat germ extract, chili pepper and vitamin E. As you can see, the composition Almost all of the most effective anti-cellulite substances are available.

Khadi Natural

Slimming Oil from a popular Indian brand, created to combat cellulite.

Stimulates metabolism, increasing the rate of fat breakdown. It is also a good pain reliever for muscles and joints. There is an anti-aging effect, the skin becomes smoother and more elastic.

Ingredients: mustard, sesame, cypress, calamus, black pepper, ginger, citrus fruits, turmeric, cinnamon, saffron, green tea, patchouli.

Grandma Agafya's recipes

This cosmetic series is suitable for adherents not of exotics, but of familiar herbs.

Anti-cellulite oil for figure correction “Schisandra Body Massage” is created on the basis of lemongrass, which grows in the northern and Far Eastern regions of Russia. Its significant advantage is low cost. “Schisandra massage” is one of the leaders in the rating of oil preparations against cellulite.


French brand. The composition contains anti-cellulite components such as grape, lemon peel, juniper, pelargonium, rosemary, cypress, sunflower oils, and caring substances.

The product should be applied to damp skin after a shower; it is quickly absorbed.

Arkhangelsk experimental algae plant

A Russian company presents a very interesting cosmetic product - brown algae oil (kelp and fucus).

These natural components not only perfectly stimulate metabolic processes in tissues, but also reduce venous and lymphatic walls, help eliminate swelling, restore the color of the skin and saturate it with beneficial iodine. The low cost and unique composition of the drug make it a good addition to anti-cellulite procedures


The series includes massage oil with a weight loss effect. The main effect is drainage. The composition contains oil extracts of immortelle, cedar, grapefruit, macadamia, ylang-ylang, sesame, hazelnut, cocoa, rosemary, cypress, sunflower.

The drug should be applied to the skin twice a day. Among its advantages is the absence of a sticky film and the need to wash off the product after use. Reviews indicate that the effect appears after 2 weeks, provided that it is used regularly in combination with physical exercise.

It is also worth adding the following products to the list of effective drugs for cellulite:

  • Massage oil “Citrus freshness” from Levrana;
  • Oil No. 15 – two-phase massage oil with anti-cellulite effect Zeytun;
  • Guarana Slim from Farmona;
  • Warming massage product “Ginger oil Tonus + Anti-cellulite” from the Beauty Style brand.
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