Fats and oils. Table of caloric content and chemical composition of food products.

What is the calorie content of oil

Oils contain a lot of calories, because they contain practically only pure fat. For those who monitor their diet and figure and control their daily calorie intake, the question of the calorie content of oil may arise, for example, when dressing salads with oil or adding it to other dishes .
Which oil has the least calories, which oil is the healthiest and which, on the contrary, is the most harmful, how many calories are in a spoonful of oil and other questions arise for people watching their diet. We will try to answer them. Information on the calorie content of oils is contained in special tables. We offer you a table showing the calorie content of the most popular oils.

Vegetable oil production method

The most valuable are unrefined, cold-pressed vegetable oils. They retain all valuable vitamins, essential amino acids, minerals, polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega-3 and omega-6), etc. These oils are obtained by pressing at low temperatures without the use of chemicals for purification, preservation, or adding color and smell. Cold pressing is the most gentle method. All biologically valuable and active components of the grain or fruit are “squeezed out” along with vegetable oil. In the resulting press cake, for the most part, only fiber remains. Most of the vitamins and other biologically active substances “flow” into the oil.

Now let's look at refined oils. In modern industry, there are two methods of refining: physical and chemical. The physical method uses adsorbents. And the chemical one consists of using alkalis. Due to the simplicity of the method, the chemical method is most often used. Everyone knows that refined fats are harmful to the body. Therefore, you should not get carried away with them. In addition, refined fats, or more precisely, calories from oil, are almost not absorbed by our body.

Oil calorie table

This table shows the energy value of the most commonly used oils.

Calorie content of vegetable oils (per 100 g of product):

  • The calorie content of corn oil is 900 kcal;
  • The calorie content of olive oil is 824 kcal;
  • The calorie content of sunflower oil is 900 kcal;
  • The calorie content of vegetable soybean oil is 900 kcal;
  • The calorie content of nut oil is 570 kcal;
  • The calorie content of palm oil is 884 kcal.

The calorie content of butter (per 100 g of product) is 750 kcal;

The calorie content of ghee (per 100 g of product) is 885 kcal.

Calorie content of oil: nutritional and energy value of the product

The calorie content of the oil is quite high, but this does not prevent the widespread use of this product in cooking, dietetics and cosmetology.

The nutritional value and calorie content of oil per 100 g, depending on the type, is:

  • Butter: fat – 72.11 g, saturated fat – 51.368 g, polyunsaturated fat – 3.043 g, monounsaturated fat – 21.021 g, cholesterol – 180 mg, sodium – 11 mg, potassium – 24 mg, carbohydrates – 1.2 g, sugar – 0.06 g, proteins – 0.85 g, water – 25 g, vitamin PP – 0.6 mg, beta-carotene – 0.3 mg, vitamin B2 – 0.12 mg, vitamin E – 1 mg, vitamin B5 – 0.05 mg, thiamine – 0.01 mg, calcium – 24 mg, phosphorus – 30 mg, magnesium – 0.4 mg, iron – 0.2 mg, sulfur – 8 mg, copper – 2.5 mcg , zinc – 0.1 mg, manganese – 0.002 mg and vitamin A – 0.6 mg. The calorie content of butter is 670 kcal;
  • Sunflower oil: fat – 99.9 g, water – 0.1 g, saturated fatty acids – 12.5 g, unsaturated fatty acids – 65 g, vitamin E – 44 mg and phosphorus – 2 mg. The calorie content of sunflower oil is 899 kcal;
  • Palm oil: fat - 99.9 g, water - 0.1 g, saturated fatty acids - 48 g, unsaturated fatty acids - 10 g, vitamin E - 33.1 mg and phosphorus - 2 mg. The calorie content of palm oil is 899 kcal;
  • Olive oil: fat - 99.8 g, water - 0.2 g, saturated fatty acids - 16.8 g, unsaturated fatty acids - 13.2 g, vitamin E - 12.1 mg, phosphorus - 2 mg and iron - 0.4 mg. The calorie content of olive oil is 898 kcal;
  • Rapeseed oil: fat – 99.9 g, water – 0.1 g, saturated fatty acids – 10 g, unsaturated fatty acids – 33 g, vitamin E – 18.9 mg and phosphorus – 2 mg. The calorie content of rapeseed oil is 899 kcal;
  • Flaxseed oil: fat - 99.8 g, water - 0.2 g, saturated fatty acids - 9.6 g, unsaturated fatty acids - 67.7 g, vitamin E - 2.1 mg and phosphorus - 2 mg. The calorie content of flaxseed oil is 898 kcal;
  • Sesame oil: fat - 99.9 g, water - 0.1 g, saturated fatty acids - 14.2 g, unsaturated fatty acids - 42.5 g and vitamin E - 8.1 mg. The calorie content of sesame oil is 899 kcal;
  • Hemp oil: fat - 99.9 g, water - 0.1 g, saturated fatty acids - 9.5 g, unsaturated fatty acids - 79 g and vitamin E - 5.7 mg. The calorie content of hemp oil is 899 kcal;
  • Soybean oil: fats – 99.9 g, water – 0.1 g, saturated fatty acids – 16 g, unsaturated fatty acids – 60 g, vitamin E – 17.1 mg, phosphorus – 2 mg, iron – 0.05 mg and zinc – 0.01 mg. The calorie content of soybean oil is 899 kcal;
  • Mustard oil: fats – 99.8 g, water – 0.2 g, saturated fatty acids – 6.1 g, unsaturated fatty acids – 31.5 g, vitamin A – 0.2 mg, beta-carotene – 0.15 mg, vitamin E – 17.1 mg, vitamin A (VE) – 25 mcg, vitamin E (TE) – 9.2 mg and phosphorus – 2 mg. The calorie content of mustard oil is 898 kcal;
  • Peanut butter: fat - 99.9 g, water - 0.1 g, saturated fatty acids - 22.2 g, unsaturated fatty acids - 29 g, vitamin E (TE) - 16 mg and phosphorus - 2 mg. The calorie content of peanut butter is 899 kcal;
  • In order to calculate how many calories are in a spoonful of butter, you need to determine how many ml are contained in the spoon. So, the volume is 1 tbsp. ranges from 12 to 17 g, and the calorie content of vegetable oil is, on average, 900 kcal. Accordingly, the calorie content of 1 tbsp. vegetable oil will range from 108 to 153 kcal. Volume 1 tsp. is 5 g, and the calorie content of vegetable oil is 1 tsp. will be 45 kcal.
  • In order to calculate how many calories are in a spoon of butter or any other, it is enough to know the calorie content of 100 g of product and the volume of 1 tsp. and 1 tbsp.

Palm oil in nutrition

In recent years, palm oil has regularly become a topic around which serious passions flare up. Adding it to food makes it cheap but hazardous to health. What are the features of palm oil?

The composition and physicochemical properties of palm oil make it, the only vegetable oil, an almost complete analogue of animal fats. It is semi-solid with a high melting point. It is used for the preparation of various food products (mayonnaise, margarine, confectionery fats, soup mixtures, confectionery glazes, dairy products, baked goods, etc.) and as a frying fat. It can extend the shelf life of products and also reduce the cost of their production.

Why is palm oil harmful in the diet? After all, it contains the same fatty acids and vitamins that are found in other vegetable oils, and its calorie content is even lower than, for example, the calorie content of sunflower oil (although higher than the calorie content of butter or nut oil). It contains both microelements and beneficial substances, such as squalene, phospholipids, magnesium, phytosterols, coenzyme Q10, etc.

The harm of palm oil is that, due to its refractory structure, it is very difficult to absorb in the body. Its melting point is higher than body temperature - that is, the body cannot digest and process it, which can lead to digestive problems - palm oil envelops the walls of the stomach and intestines, preventing the absorption of beneficial substances from food. In addition to antioxidants, palm oil also contains carcinogens, that is, it promotes the development of cancer, and it also contains cholesterol and leads to atherosclerosis. The presence of palm oil in the diet of children is especially dangerous, as it impairs the nutrition of the child’s body and, consequently, disrupts the child’s development, which can lead to very bad consequences.

How to use vegetable oils correctly

It should be remembered that not all oils are equally beneficial for our health.

When making your choice, give preference to manufacturers:

  • Unrefined oils.
    Since refined oils contain a significantly smaller amount of different benefits and generally do not have a very healthy effect on our health.
  • Organic oils.
    Since the amount of vitamins and minerals in a product is determined by their level in the soil in which the plant was grown and by management methods. Improper care of plants can lead to the composition of such oil being significantly worse.
  • Cold pressed oils.
    It is this method of squeezing that allows you to keep all the beneficial substances and vitamins alive and unharmed. It is better that oils are processed at a temperature no higher than 40-45 degrees.

If there is one more condition that we would like to remind you about. Vegetable oils are best consumed regularly, not occasionally. It is then that they will truly help the body work and protect it. This is especially true for those who prefer a vegetarian, vegan and raw food diet.

Remember that per day we need to consume at least 15-20 grams of any type of raw (that is, unrefined) vegetable oil.

Of course, it is best to have several bottles with different types of oils in your arsenal. Combining them will not only diversify your diet and make it richer, but will also take care of your health as effectively as possible.

Now let's talk about each type of oil in more detail and choose our favorites:

Diet oil

Due to the high calorie content of oil, it is often thoughtlessly excluded from the diet during diets . In fact, a person needs oil - after all, without fats in the body, many processes simply cannot occur. Therefore, you should not completely give up eating fats. But you need to replace harmful oils and fats in your diet with healthy ones. Refractory animal fats and trans fats (margarine) should be excluded from the diet, and healthy vegetable oils and fish oil should be left. These oils not only contain many vitamins and antioxidants, but also promote weight loss by speeding up metabolism and cleansing the body of waste and toxins; They also remove excess sugar from the blood and bad cholesterol, improve the condition of hair, nails and skin and strengthen the nervous system.

Which vegetable oil is healthier?

“Which vegetable oil is healthier?” Tatyana Stepanovna, Minsk.

There are about 40 types of oils from a variety of seeds and nuts: olive, flaxseed, camelina, mustard, walnut oil and grape seed oil, coconut, pumpkin... Each is attractive in its own way - both in taste and beneficial properties.

The maximum amount of useful substances remains in unrefined sunflower oil: it contains fat-soluble vitamins A (for vision), D (ensures the absorption of calcium), E (antioxidant), K (for blood clotting) and F (reduces “bad” cholesterol), as well as Omega-6 acids. For example, there is 4 times more linoleic acid, which regulates metabolism, in sunflower oil than in olive oil. It is also the best source of lecithin, which forms the children's nervous system, activates mental activity in adults, and restores strength in cases of anemia and stress. Refined oil is guaranteed to contain no harmful substances, such as pesticides or heavy metals, that could be present in the raw materials. Unrefined oil is only suitable for cold dishes, while refined oil can be used for frying.

photo pixabay.com

Experts consider olive oil to be the most balanced. It contains the optimal content of various fatty acids, is well absorbed, and has a variety of beneficial properties. This oil contains the largest amount of oleic acid, which improves the elasticity of blood vessels, fights inflammation and the development of cancer. Olive oil is included in the Mediterranean diet, prevents diseases of the cardiovascular system, has a good effect on digestion, and helps reduce excess weight. When heated, it practically does not form harmful carcinogens, unlike many other unrefined vegetable oils. To check the quality of cold-pressed oil, you need to place it in the freezer: the real thing will freeze. But olive oil cannot be stored in the refrigerator for a long time; it must be kept in a cool, dark place.

Corn oil regulates cholesterol better than any vegetable oil and contains twice as much vitamin E as olive or sunflower oil. It is a strong antioxidant that increases a woman's fertility (the ability to conceive and bear a child). Corn oil also contains phosphorus derivatives, which are very beneficial for the brain, as well as nicotinic acid (vitamin PP), which regulates heart rate.

Sesame oil is a champion in calcium content and has a good effect on the endocrine and reproductive systems. The phospholipids and magnesium it contains help get rid of irritability, depression, insomnia and fatigue. But sesame enhances blood clotting, so those suffering from varicose veins and heart disease should use it carefully.

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