Set of exercises: yoga for weight loss (PHOTO)

MAY 14, 2018
If you are looking for an affordable and easy weight loss technique for beginners, pay attention to yoga. It is this ancient philosophy that allows you to lose excess weight and gain a chiseled figure without unnecessary overload and exhausting workouts. In our article we will tell you which type of yoga is best suited for weight loss, what results it will achieve, as well as the rules for practicing yoga at home.

Is it possible to lose weight with yoga?

Yoga was once formed as a practice that promotes the harmonious coexistence of spirit and body. Through special postures, proper breathing and meditation, a person directed energy flows, developed willpower, and cultivated perseverance. Yoga classes for weight loss are just a kind of “side effect” of the direction.

It would seem, how can simple yoga exercises, performed at a calm pace and not involving intense stress, help in losing weight? The fact is that yoga exercises affect the body as a whole. Classes normalize metabolism, the functioning of the thyroid gland and pituitary gland; thanks to yoga, the functioning of all organs and systems, including the digestive system, improves, cholesterol levels decrease and blood pressure levels out.

Yoga affects the cause of excess weight, so the result is permanent, effectively eliminating fat deposits in the most problematic areas. Yoga is recommended for losing weight in the abdomen and thighs, where fat accumulates first and is difficult to lose.

What can you get as a result of yoga?

  • Correction of posture.
  • Flexibility and plasticity, graceful movements.
  • Getting rid of addiction to junk food without withdrawal symptoms.
  • Formation of a relief figure.
  • Strengthening the immune system.
  • Stress resistance, stable emotional state.

How does yoga protect against stress eating?

It's no secret that one of the reasons for the appearance of excess fat is the “eating” of stress. It leads to overeating, consuming too many calories and, consequently, excess weight.

Therefore, if a person manages to reduce the level of anxiety, then one of the factors influencing the appearance of excess weight will be eliminated. And in combination with moderate physical activity and a healthy diet, it will be possible to completely get rid of unwanted kilograms.

It should be noted that yoga is one of the most effective means of combating stress. Some researchers have devoted entire books to this topic.

For example, in 1978, the work “Stress and its management by yoga methods” by a doctor from the Hindu University in Benares, Katil Udupa, was published. There he describes the results of his many years of research and says that the practice of yoga can reduce high levels of hormones that arise as a reaction to stress.

This means that yoga practice will help combat anxiety and protect against stress-induced overeating. But the question still remains open: does yoga allow you to lose weight? To find the answer, you need to look at this topic from a different angle.

Types of yoga for weight loss

Yoga has many varieties, each of which fights excess weight in its own way. You can choose based on your preferences. If you are new to training, pay attention to yoga classes for beginners, then move on to more complex levels.

  • Hatha yoga. This is the most common type of yoga, which consists of performing static exercises. This variety is recommended for people who are very overweight.
  • Ashtanga yoga. During the lesson, you perform smoothly alternating exercises, flowing from one to another. More active yoga that requires proper breathing technique.
  • Iyengar Yoga. The same exercises are performed as in hatha yoga. Particular attention is paid to balance and correct body position. As a result, even those muscles that we do not use in everyday life are activated and worked out.
  • Kundalini yoga. The main emphasis is on breathing techniques and internal reconfiguration. In combination with physical exercise, much attention is paid to meditation.

Yoga can be practiced at any age; it has virtually no contraindications. However, in some cases, it is necessary to consult a doctor before starting classes. This:

  • diseases in the acute stage;
  • cardiovascular diseases, hypertension;
  • mental disorders;
  • more than 12 weeks of pregnancy;
  • oncological diseases;
  • hernias;
  • infectious diseases

It is also not recommended to exercise during menstruation and during the first year after a stroke or surgery.

Intensive yoga for weight loss: reality or fiction?

Slimness and health are what modern “yoga gurus”, such as former model, and now yoga instructor and author of the book “Slim Calm Sexy Yoga” Tyra Siles, promise their students as a result of practice; the author of the “hot” style of yoga, who claims that during a class using his method you can burn up to 1000 calories and become “supermen and superwomen” Bikram Choudhry; and the president of the International Association of Yoga Therapists, Larry Payne, who released a weight control course for obese people and stated that yoga can stimulate metabolism.

They are echoed by other teachers of “intensive” types of yoga: Ashtanga Vinyasa, Vinyasa Flow, power yoga, slim yoga and other sensational systems. They explain the possibility of losing weight by the miraculous effect of performing asanas, which supposedly have a special effect on the human body. But why did these teachers decide that the physical exercises of yoga give the desired slimness? And is there any evidence for this?

Maybe they found this information in ancient books?

Such statements by modern teachers are in no way confirmed by the classical texts of yoga: neither those in which the term “asana” was first used and explained (Yoga Sutra by Patanjali; estimated time of creation 2nd-4th century), nor those where the first asanas were described in detail (“Shiva Samhita,” dated to the 14th century; “Hatha Yoga Pradipika,” estimated to have been written in the 15th century; “Gheranda Samhita,” estimated to have been written in the 16th-17th centuries).

These treatises describe numerous beneficial effects of yoga practices, which included asanas. For example, the ability to relieve fatigue, improve digestion, and even achieve certain siddhis (supernatural abilities). However, in the “classical” treatises there is not a word about the fact that asanas can improve metabolism.

If ancient texts don't help answer the question of whether yoga practice can help you lose weight, let's look at modern research. We will consider works not only on this, but also on related topics. This will allow us to draw a legitimate conclusion about whether it is possible to lose weight by doing yoga.

Yoga for weight loss – does it help or not?

Yoga at home

Losing weight with yoga will be no less effective at home if you are organized and have all the opportunities for training. Within 2-3 months you will notice how your body is changing, and the extra pounds are leaving it.

  • Classes will be useful if you do them systematically. The ideal time to study is the morning, but many people find it more convenient to study in the evening, after work, which is also not forbidden. It is recommended to create a training schedule and stick to it. For example, every day for half an hour or every other day for an hour and a half. You can start with 15 minutes, gradually increasing to 30, 45 and 60 minutes.
  • It is better if, before practicing on your own, you attend at least 2-3 lessons with a trainer who will explain all the intricacies of doing the exercises and answer questions.
  • If this is not possible, be sure to watch several video lessons, listen to the mentor’s explanations, and study the theory. Set goals, decide on the result, select a set of exercises based on this.
  • It is not recommended to eat for three hours before class. 15 minutes before the start you can drink warm milk with honey. It is not recommended to drink water during class.
  • You should not start with too complex exercises; in yoga, a path from simple to complex is required. Do not neglect warming up; while doing exercises, listen to your body and its reaction. You should not feel pain or discomfort.
  • It is important to control your breathing, breathe evenly and calmly. If you can’t breathe from your chest, breathe from your stomach, don’t hold your breath.
  • For classes you will need a mat, loose and light clothes made from natural fabrics. You should practice in a well-ventilated area, avoid drafts, and the room should be warm. Ask your family not to make noise or distract you, and close the doors. Nothing should interfere with you.
  • Tune in to a positive mood - you will succeed. Try to enjoy the process.

Yoga classes for weight loss will bring ideal results if you combine the exercises with a healthy lifestyle, a complete rejection of bad habits, junk food, and an increase in general physical activity.

How to lose weight from yoga?

What happens if we study the potential of yoga for weight loss, guided by more than just the physical aspect? After all, full-fledged yoga is not only asanas, but a whole range of means (including pranayamas, concentration and meditation techniques). Perhaps then it will be possible to obtain more accurate and valid results?

It turns out that back in the 70s such a comprehensive study was conducted, dedicated, however, not to losing weight, but to improving the cardiovascular system.

In 1977, in Germany, scientists at the Hannover Medical University reported the results of an experiment that lasted 3 months. During this time, 100 people practiced asanas and meditation while eating vegetarian food. The meals were organized by the yoga school where this experiment took place.

From this we can conclude that the diet was healthy and balanced (that is, it was not excessive, but saturated the body with all the necessary elements). This study found that yoga has beneficial effects on the cardiovascular system. One of the “side” effects was that the subjects managed to lose weight.

A healthy diet will help you lose weight.

Despite the fact that this study devoted very little time to the problem of excess weight, this work perfectly demonstrated the relationship between yoga and weight loss. The experiment showed: moderate exercise, routine and healthy eating lead to weight loss.

And once again he confirmed the idea known to many: to lose weight, it is not enough to add or exclude one single element, an integrated approach is required .

Speaking of an integrated approach, you should not exclude yoga from your weight loss program completely.

The gymnastic component of yoga - asana - contains simple and effective strength exercises that will be very useful in your weight loss program. Include in your exercises strength training complexes for endurance and strength: Warrior III, Ardha Chandrasana, variations of Navasana, variations of Shalabhasana, variations of planks, Matsyabhedasana, Downward-facing Dog.

Matsyabhedasana - dolphin pose. Strength exercise for weight loss.

Navasana – boat pose. Strength exercise for weight loss.

Shalabhasana – locust pose. Strength exercise for weight loss.

And here's another! The practice of pranayama, which provides an increased flow of oxygen into the body, will shift energy production to lipolysis (fat burning) from glycogenolysis. So, be sure to include pranayama such as kapalabhati and bhastrika in your weight loss program.

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