Tabata system: a set of exercises for men and women, the benefits of training

A common request among newcomers to sports clubs is the desire to lose weight and get in shape. At the same time, there is an opinion that in order to get rid of excess fat deposits, you need to exercise for a very long time. This is wrong.

Japanese scientists in the 90s of the last century developed a unique weight loss method - “Tabata”. This system allows you to lose excess weight in a short time. You need to exercise for half an hour a day, performing 4-minute blocks of simple exercises with rest intervals. Let's take a closer look at what mechanisms help you lose weight quickly, how many calories Tabata burns, and what are the advantages of this technique.

What is tabata

The emergence of fitness classes using this system is directly related to the name of the Japanese physiologist Izumi Tabata. A set of tasks is one of the types of interval or circular physical activity. It is based on the principle of 20/10 or 20/10/8, i.e. 20 seconds - work at a dynamic pace, 10 seconds to rest. Such blocks need to be done 8 times and in total a 4-minute training is obtained. All exercises must be strictly performed within a clearly designated time.

The history of the origin of the training method is connected with a scientific experiment that lasted a month and a half. Two groups of people were selected to participate. The first performed a training complex with moderate intensity five days a week for an hour. The second one worked out at full strength 4 times a week for 4 minutes.

The data obtained was surprising. Among the representatives of the average level, only aerobic indicators improved, while anaerobic (muscle condition) remained the same. The second group recorded positive results in the operation of both systems. It turned out that interval training promotes rapid weight loss, accelerates fat burning and allows you to maintain the effect for a long time. Initially, Tabata was actively used in professional sports to prepare speed skaters before the Olympic Games.

Tabata protocol for weight loss

Millions of girls around the world today use the Tabata protocol to lose weight. The effectiveness of this method has been scientifically proven. Once upon a time an experiment was conducted at the institute. One group of experienced athletes did cardio for an hour, 7 days a week. The other one worked 2 times a week according to the Tabata system for 4 minutes.

The results were shocking! Not only did the second group become stronger and more resilient than the first, but they also lost 9 times more subcutaneous fat. And the most amazing thing is that this happened even though the first group spent several times more calories per workout!

Tabata Protocol: the most important things

Now that we are convinced of the effectiveness of the method, we can talk about the main thing: what exactly is the Tabata protocol and why it is so good.

Its essence is simple: you only need 4 minutes for one lesson. During this time you should complete 8 sets of the exercise. You have 20 seconds for 1 approach, 10 seconds to rest after each approach.

The most important thing here is to work hard. In a third of a minute, you must perform the exercise as many times as possible, and then rest for exactly 10 seconds and no more. Therefore, if you are doing the Tabata protocol, a timer is a must.

During the break, you should not chat with friends, watch TV or do other activities. The only thing you can do is write down how many times you completed the exercise. As a result, you will get a certain digital group, for example, 19-15-13-10-10-8-7-6. The last number will be your indicator of the effectiveness of your studies.

As for the advantages of the Tabata protocol, there are quite a lot of them.

  • It does not require any special equipment as you perform standard exercises.
  • It takes very little time, which allows you to keep your body in shape without spending hours on it.
  • It is available to anyone because it does not require investment.
  • Almost everyone can do it - the exception is people with heart problems.
  • And, most importantly, it gives excellent results that cannot be achieved so quickly by any other means.

Who are the exercises suitable for?

Anyone who is physically fit enough and has no contraindications can do this kind of gymnastics. This is a great way to remove unnecessary pounds. The Tabata technique has become especially popular among yoga fans.

In addition to the main classes, practitioners attend classes as an additional discipline that helps improve and train the muscular system. Often people come to yoga classes with an insufficiently prepared body, which is an obstacle to performing complex asanas. Intense exercises help to put your figure in order in a short time - pump up muscles, train endurance.

Pros and cons of Tabata

The classes do not require special sports equipment (for example, like in CrossFit), take little time, and all blocks of exercises are extremely simple to perform. The main advantages of this technique:

  • development of performance;
  • working out all muscles;
  • skin tightening;
  • accelerated muscle growth;
  • high calorie consumption and rapid weight loss;
  • overcoming the plateau effect;
  • coordination correction.

It is worth knowing that, like any other technique, Tabata has several disadvantages. These include high physical impact and stress on the joints.

Pros and cons of the Tabata method

Tabata, like everything in this world, has positive and negative aspects. Let's take a closer look at them.


  • Comprehensive pumping of all muscle groups;
  • An effective option for fat burning;
  • Improves muscle and general endurance;
  • The workout lasts up to 20 minutes – you don’t need to allocate a lot of time;
  • No special equipment is required for training;
  • Much more effective than long-term cardio training;
  • People who simultaneously engage in strength and aerobic training can use the Tabata method as an additional load;


  • The Tabata method does not include a warm-up and cool-down during the training process. Therefore, before performing sets of exercises, warm up your muscles;
  • If you have a low level of physical fitness, then Tabata is unlikely to suit you.


When choosing a suitable fitness direction, you should not immediately start with Tabata; this system requires good training. If you have a history of health problems and the following conditions, classes are contraindicated:

  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels (atherosclerosis, heart attacks);
  • diabetes;
  • problems with the musculoskeletal system and joints;
  • dizziness;
  • hypertension;
  • obesity 2-3 degrees;
  • pregnancy;
  • low level of endurance.

Followers of mono and low-carbohydrate diets should also refrain from exercising. Separately, it must be said that Tabata is contraindicated in the presence of a spinal hernia. To restore the spinal column, other areas are suitable, for example, Pilates or exercises in the pool.

Contraindications to training

Training according to the Tabata protocol is, albeit short-term, but quite real, serious stress for the body. Consider your health status before starting exercise.

Contraindications for training using the Tabata method:

  • Cardiovascular diseases. If you have atherosclerosis, hypertension and other diseases of the heart and blood vessels, you should not engage in interval training. In this case, cardio equipment will be the best solution for you.
  • Diseases of the spine and joints.
  • Any warnings from doctors. If you have health problems, be sure to consult your doctor and only if there are no prohibitions from doctors, start exercising.
  • Absence of any sports activity for a long time.

Tabata is a super-intensive workout and an unprepared person will most likely not be able to perform the exercises at the required pace. Choose another type of fitness to start, running or swimming. This will make your muscles and cardiovascular system more prepared for interval training.


Beginners should start training using the Tabata system only two to three months after preparing the body in other fitness disciplines. In order to practice correctly and technically with the greatest efficiency, it is better to use the services of a professional trainer. At the La Salute fitness club, experienced instructors conduct Tabata classes for everyone. Gymnastics consists of plyometric loads, strength training with your own weight and weights (dumbbells). Everything must be done with maximum efficiency.

How to practice

You can do the exercises in any order:

  • change between 2 different ones;
  • Perform 2 exercises in pairs;
  • 4 approaches to do one thing, 4 - another;
  • Repeat 4 different elements one after another.

How long should classes last?

In Tabata, blocks of exercises must be repeated alternately for strictly 4 minutes with a rest interval of 2 minutes. In general, the entire workout lasts just over a quarter of an hour. If the body is sufficiently trained, then you can increase the time and exercise for 40-50 minutes. When the loads become higher, it makes sense to alternate blocks according to intensity. This approach allows you to even out your breathing so that you can give it your all in the next set of tasks.

How often should you go to the gym?

The frequency of classes depends on the task assigned. If the goal is to lose weight, then you need to train 3-4 times a week for 15–25 minutes or 2-3 times for 40–45 minutes. Do not overdo it, excessive loads are harmful to the body. Those who want to take Tabata lessons in a maintenance mode can attend classes several times a week for 15-30 minutes.

For the fat burning process, it does not matter when you exercise - in the morning or in the evening. It all depends on individual preferences and biorhythms. You should refrain from exercising before bedtime and on an empty stomach. After eating, 1 hour must pass before the start of the lesson. Tabata gymnastics is highly intense and requires a lot of strength. Until your body gets used to it, you will feel tired after exercise. This will pass as the body adapts to the stress.

Why do you need to change complexes and the order of their implementation?

It is important to remember that you need to alternate the exercises and their order. Otherwise, the body will get used to identical loads, and this will lead to a decrease in efficiency. Learned movements can be diluted with new ones. An indispensable condition is to perform all tasks for 20 seconds at the peak of your capabilities, then the training will become anaerobic. And also strive to complete more elements in a short period of time.

Exercise sets

Before the main workout, you need to do a short warm-up to warm up your muscles, joints and reduce the risk of injury. This exercise prepares the cardiovascular system for work. After classes, you need to do a short stretch. This will help relax the body and reduce pain in the following days. During the 10-second break, you should not sit or lie down. On the contrary, you need to walk a little to avoid dizziness.

Classes for 5 days:

  1. Working out the abdominal muscles.
  2. Low impact Tabata for the whole body.
  3. Leg training.
  4. Low-impact standing tabata.
  5. Full body workout.

Let's look at examples of protocols for beginner, advanced and intensive levels for 10 minutes. The exercise must be performed for 4 minutes.

1 level:

  • running in place with shin overlapping;
  • squats with leg straightening.

2 level:

  • squat jumps;
  • reverse plank.

3 level:

  • burpees;
  • lunges with alternating legs.

Abdominal muscle training

Suitable for those who want to adjust their waist, improve performance and strengthen their heart. Main quests:

  1. Burpee.
  2. "Jackknife". Raise both legs at the same time while lying on your back, try to touch your palms.
  3. Twisting. Press the lower spine to the floor. Bend your legs at the knees and place them on the floor. Do the exercise in different directions.

Hips and butt workout

Examples of activities:

  1. The “Skater” exercise helps to work out the thigh muscles well. Perform an oblique lunge with your leg backwards, focusing on one foot. At the same time, try to touch the floor with your hand.
  2. Squats + jump. While jumping, extend your body and connect your legs.
  3. Squats with twists. Do a squat, rising to the starting position and turn your body 90 degrees.

All exercises strengthen the muscles of the buttocks, thighs, legs, and lower spine.

Arm, shoulder and chest workout

Examples without weights:

  1. Walking hands in a plank.
  2. Alternating reverse push-ups with knee raises.
  3. Plank with alternating shoulder touches.

If the body is sufficiently trained, then you can exercise with weights:

  1. Squats with dumbbell lifts.
  2. Pull the projectile alternately to the chest in the plank.
  3. Lifting dumbbells from the floor with different hands.
  4. Bench press from the chest with alternate bending and straightening of the legs at the knees.

Ready set of exercises for beginners

4 minutes, 8 sets, 20/10:

  1. Charger.
  2. Burpees (push-ups, jumping jacks with arms raised to the head).
  3. Squat jumps.
  4. Classic squats with extended arms.
  5. Plank. Bend one leg, make swings, reach your knee to your shoulder. Do the exercise on both legs.

Rest and repeat again. Do all tasks to the limit of your capabilities, give your all. Otherwise, the desired effect will not be achieved.

Tabata exercises for weight loss for men:

Men especially appreciate the Tabata technique for its effectiveness and the ability to quickly get results, spending from four to thirty minutes on training.

Exercise for abdominal relief 4 minutes

Sculpted abs are especially important for men. It’s not for nothing that these muscles are called the levers of love.

  • Lying on the floor, hands behind your head. Legs raised vertically. Lift your shoulder blades off the floor. Keep your abs tense. Perform this exercise for 20 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds.
  • Also from a lying position on the floor. Press your lower back tightly to the floor and lift your shoulder blades and lock this position. Raise your legs to a 90 degree angle and lower them. Your legs can be slightly bent at the knees. 20/10.
  • While lying on your back, begin to “run”. Pull your knees towards your chest. Press your shoulder blades to the floor. 20/10.

Exercises for losing belly fat

A protruding belly is a very common problem among men. These exercises will help you cope with it.

  • Jump up, then get into a plank position and push up from the floor. And repeat the exercise again. Practice this workout 20 times, then rest for 10 seconds.
  • Fast push-ups. 20/10.
  • Lying on your back. Raise your arms and legs at the same time. As you contract your rectus abdominis, try to touch your toes with your fingertips. Do the exercise for 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds.

Waist exercises

Fat on the sides does not make a man look good at all. These Tabata exercises will help you slim your waist.

  • Do a squat and simultaneously rotate your body. When performing the exercise to the right, keep your left hand behind your back and press your right hand to your shoulder. Change sides. 20/10.
  • From a supine position. Focus on your feet and palms. Straighten your right and left legs alternately. Do the exercise for 20 seconds. 10 seconds rest.

Exercises for losing weight buttocks

The following exercises are for “steel” buttocks:

  • Lunges at a fast pace. Support is on the front leg. Tighten your buttocks. Change legs. Do the exercise for 20 seconds, then allow your body to rest for 10 seconds.
  • Place your palms and knees on the floor. Alternately pull your knees towards your chest. 20/10.
  • Lying on your back. Press your lower back firmly into the floor. Raise your legs to a 90 degree angle. Raise and lower your pelvis, tensing your buttocks. 20/10.

Hand exercise

Most often, men do exercises on their arms.

  • Pushups.
  • Lying on your back. In this case, you will need a special simulator. Grab the rings with your hands and do pull-ups.
  • Take a push-up position. With your left hand, grab your right armpit. Do push-ups with your right hand. Keep the body parallel to the floor. Change the position of your hands. Alternate push-ups with your right and left hands.
  • Each exercise is done for 20 seconds, followed by a 10-second break.

Leg exercise

The simplest exercises are given for the legs, but this does not make them any less effective.

  • Classic squats. 20/10.
  • While standing, place your feet wider than your shoulders. Do a deep squat, then lift your heels off the floor. Return to the starting position. Continue squatting, remembering to lift your heels and maintaining your balance. 20/10.
  • Perform swings alternately with your left and right legs. 20/10.

The effectiveness of Tabata for weight loss

The Tabata system helps you lose weight quickly. If you practice correctly and regularly, the results will appear within two weeks. The intense pace allows you to exert stress and burn a large number of calories in just 4 minutes. But all indicators are extremely individual, depending on the level of training, block of exercises, and initial weight. On average, about 150 kcal are spent in a 10-minute workout.

After finishing the session, the body continues to burn excess fat for 48 hours. It is worth keeping in mind that in the first week several kilograms of weight are lost mainly due to fluid loss. It is important to pay close attention to your diet and drinking regime. It is necessary to replenish the balance of electrolytes and essential substances. To do this, you can use the fitness bar or choose a diet.

How to track your progress

To complete the lessons comfortably and successfully, you will need a timer to count down the time. How to practice:

  1. Install the mobile application on your gadget. This is a convenient method, since it is possible to set or change the required number of intervals and adjust the time. The end of each block of classes will be accompanied by a signal.
  2. Practice using a YouTube video with a Tabata timer.
  3. Open a website with a timer program, specify the intervals and get to work.

Tabata training: how to do it?

Tabata is an energetic workout that will help you get in great shape at home without additional equipment. Thanks to Tabata, you can lose weight, improve body contour, get rid of problem areas, strengthen your heart, become stamina and stronger.

The exercises presented below help focus the work on the core and abdominal muscles (but in addition to this, the whole body is also included in the work). Fast interval pacing will burn calories and speed up your metabolism. A set of Tabata exercises for the abdomen not only helps you lose weight, but also helps straighten your posture, stimulates blood circulation, and improves the functioning of the digestive system.

Tabata program for 5 days:

  • Day 1: Tabata Ab Workout (suggested below)
  • Day 2: Low Impact Tabata Full Body
  • Day 3: Intensive Tabata for Legs and Buttocks
  • Day 4: Low Impact Full Standing Tabata
  • Day 5: Intense Tabata Full Body

7 reasons to do Tabata workouts:

  1. Tabata is ideal for training to burn fat.
  2. Tabata workouts help you lose weight without destroying your muscles.
  3. This is not a boring and varied type of training.
  4. This is a quick way to improve your physical endurance.
  5. This is high efficiency with low time consumption.
  6. No additional equipment is needed for training.
  7. The program is easy to follow, the interval diagram is convenient and clear.

Scheme for performing Tabata training for the abdomen:

  • The total duration of the workout is 30 minutes (excluding warm-up and cool-down).
  • The program consists of 6 Tabata rounds of 4 minutes each.
  • One Tabata round includes 8 approaches according to the scheme: 20 seconds work / 10 seconds rest.
  • In each Tabata round you will find 4 exercises, which are repeated in two approaches (ABCDABCD scheme).
  • Each exercise is respectively performed twice.
  • Between Tabata rounds you are supposed to rest for 1 minute.

What else is important to know:

  • Be sure to do a short warm-up before training. This will help warm up your joints and muscles, minimize the risk of injury, and prepare your cardiovascular system.
  • Be sure to do a short stretch after your workout. This will help you relax your body faster and also reduce the intensity of pain in the post-training days.
  • In any high-intensity training, the load is regulated by the pace of execution. Increase the speed of your exercises if you want to increase the load. Slow down the speed of your exercises if you want to reduce the load.
  • During the 10-second rest, do not stop. Try to walk in place to avoid unnecessary stress on the cardiac system and dizziness.
  • Each exercise in a Tabata round is performed twice. If the exercise is performed specifically on the right or left side, then the first time you perform it on one side, in the next approach - on the other side (when you return to this exercise again in the Tabata round).

Where to get a Tabata timer:

  • Download the timer for your mobile phone Tabata Timer [selection of applications for Android].
  • There are many videos on YouTube with ready-made Tabata timers.

Links to videos with Tabata timers:

  • Link to tabata timer without music
  • Link to tabata timer without music
  • Link to tabata timer with music
  • Link to tabata timer with music

How to make your workout easier:

  • If you are a beginner, then at first do only 3 of the suggested Tabata rounds (instead of 6). In this case, the duration of the training will be 15 minutes.
  • Perform simplified versions of the exercises suggested in the descriptions.
  • Slow down the speed of your exercises, trying to move at a moderate pace.
  • Increase the rest time between rounds to 2 minutes.

Increase the load gradually. There is no need to torture your body by trying to work super intensely without good physical preparation.

How to make your workout more challenging:

  • In Tabata, speed is everything. If you want to complicate the workout, then increase the pace of the exercises (but not at the expense of technique!).
  • You can increase the duration of the workout to 8 rounds by repeating any of the suggested rounds twice.
  • You can add an intensive 10-minute workout at the end of the training: this one.
  • You can add a 10-minute press session at the end of the training: this one.

Where is the best place to train?

All exercises according to the Izumi Tabata method are easy to perform. Classes do not require massive sports equipment, this makes it possible to conduct training at home. But the fitness direction is characterized by increased intensity, fast pace and requires initial physical preparation.

If you have no experience or are overcome by doubts about the degree of training, then you should go to a sports club. At the La Salute fitness club, trainers will be able to competently assess the physical capabilities of everyone who wants to train using the Tabata system. If your level of fitness is below average, then in the club you can try other fitness areas to work out your body, and only then try Tabata gymnastics.


The emergence of physical education according to this system today makes it possible to quickly cope with excess fat mass. The overwhelming majority of Tabata fans in their reviews say that only with the help of this approach was it possible to shift weight. Other fitness trends have not helped to cope with this problem.

After pregnancy, girls manage to regain a beautiful waist and skin elasticity, and tighten their body.

Some people fell in love with gymnastics for its simple exercises and the opportunity to practice for half an hour a day at home. Everyone who works according to this system notes that the training is excessively intense and requires dedication, but the results are not long in coming.

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