Morning exercises for women over 40 years old, sets of exercises

Any woman, regardless of age group, strives to look her best. This is not only her desire, but most likely it is laid down at the genetic level. A set of daily exercises will help you remain attractive and charming.

With age, the body changes, and after 40 years, aging begins to appear at the physiological level: metabolic processes slow down, hormonal levels change, the body is no longer so mobile and flexible, what can we say about the body of women who are already over 60, for them there is a separate set of useful training. All this affects both physical and emotional well-being. Despite her age, a woman strives to be active and young. Morning exercises for women over 40 can prolong youth. This is what exactly gymnastic complexes need to be performed and will be discussed.

Morning exercises for women over 40

Most women are almost sure that exercise solves health problems, even those that depend on aging. Of course, no amount of gymnastics can stop the natural processes in the body, but physical activity will help slow down fading and prevent the development of many diseases associated with changes in the body that women think about after forty.

A set of exercises for women will only benefit a fading body if done correctly.

After 40, it is important not only to lead an active lifestyle, but also to carefully approach the loads that make up it.

Morning exercises for women over 40

The benefits of morning exercises

Regular morning exercises for women after 40 years will help stop the aging process, slow it down, keeping the body in good physical shape. There are other advantages:

  • Acceleration of metabolic metabolic processes.
  • Strengthening muscles and bone tissue.
  • Normalization of blood pressure and blood glucose levels.
  • Losing weight.
  • Increased endurance and overall performance.
  • Prevention of joint pain and headaches.

What are the features of exercise for women after 40

To correctly draw up a training plan and schedule, you need to take into account some features. First of all, because at this age there are usually already some health problems.

Women who have never exercised before or who only became interested in sports at a young age should consult their doctor before starting exercise.

Are there any contraindications

  • Colds and respiratory diseases.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Any inflammatory processes in the body.
  • Bleeding.
  • High or low blood pressure.
  • Oncology.
  • Injuries and fractures.

Where to start training

Before starting exercises for a woman over 40 years old, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the main recommendations of professional trainers and medical workers:

  • You should always monitor your breathing during exercise. It should be deep and even so as not to provoke pressure surges.
  • The complex should be composed in such a way as to competently work all muscle groups, increase joint mobility and elasticity of ligaments.
  • To avoid injury and sprains, you should not neglect both the preliminary warm-up and the cool-down after completing the complex.
  • By choosing the right weights for exercise, for example, dumbbells, you can further protect yourself.
  • You need to evaluate your strengths and capabilities objectively. It is advisable to have the load level selected by a professional.

It is very important to organize proper and balanced nutrition after forty years. Without this, all your efforts in the gym or at home may come to nothing. It is worth giving up excessively fatty, salty foods, processed foods, fast food, and limiting the consumption of sweets and baked goods.

The benefits of morning exercises

Gymnastics in the morning acts on women as a medicine against many diseases. Its essence is to normalize internal processes and improve the functioning of all organs and systems. It has a positive effect on:

  • musculoskeletal system;
  • accelerates metabolic processes;
  • promotes weight loss;
  • normalizes blood sugar and blood pressure (blood pressure);
  • increases performance and endurance.

And also for the purpose of prevention, they are prescribed by doctors for diseases of the joints and migraines, for osteochondrosis of the spine.

Yoga, once a week

According to John Hopkins Medicine, one of the leading US medical centers, women aged 45 to 64 years are at increased risk of depression.

While any type of exercise can help prevent anxiety and depression, growing scientific evidence suggests that yoga may be particularly beneficial for reducing stress and boosting mood. One study found that yoga increased GABA levels. Typically, people suffering from depression and anxiety are deficient in this mood-regulating neurotransmitter. Another study found that stress levels in women suffering from mental illness decreased after attending a yoga class for three months.

“We know that yoga is very effective in reducing stress, and we also know that there is a link between stress and mood disorders,” Perkins says. “What's more, some styles of yoga also improve strength and endurance and prevent cardiovascular disease, providing a versatile and effective health booster.”

Where to start training?

Before starting complex training, you should make sure that you:

  • you can allow yourself to perform certain exercises with increased loads under the supervision of a trainer;
  • you have no contraindications to training;
  • follow the correct diet, which is calculated based on your age and body characteristics;
  • choose the right tracksuit (does not restrict or restrict movement);
  • you have the opportunity to accurately follow the training regimen recommended by the trainer.

You also give up bad habits and try to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Preparation for training is an important factor, treat it responsibly.

Lifestyle of a woman after 40 years

Those who want to maintain youth and beauty should definitely take care of their physical health. To do this, you will have to change your lifestyle, pay attention to what previously seemed insignificant and not very important.

  • It is worth introducing a rule for yourself - visit your doctor and specialized specialists once every six months.
  • You'll have to pay attention to nutrition. After forty, it is advisable to monitor your diet, introduce more natural, healthy food into it, if possible excluding everything harmful.
  • It won’t hurt to get rid of bad habits, quit smoking, and limit alcohol consumption.
  • Keeping a daily routine becomes more and more desirable every year. Quality sleep in sufficient quantities will only benefit the body.
  • During menopause, many women “grow fat.” Therefore, it is important to devote enough time to physical training. Exercises should be chosen that are not too heavy and intense.

Training program

A set of exercises is developed according to the individual characteristics of the body. There are a large number of universal complexes that are aimed at solving any problems. For example, for weight loss, muscle building, general strengthening or aimed at a specific disease, such as intervertebral hernia.

General recommended exercises include the following types:

Running in place

Refers to a warm-up type. It also promotes warming, maintains the elasticity of the ligamentous apparatus, and has a positive effect on the joints and skeletal system. Exercises should begin with lightly kneading your feet in place, gradually increasing the pace to a fast one. This requires raising your knees high. When training, keep your back straight, arms bent at the elbow. The maximum speed should be maintained for at least 15 seconds.

An analogue of this complex can be a treadmill.

The back should be straight, there is no need to create additional tension in the lower back.

Lunges with weights

For this exercise, you need to prepare weights (dumbbells, plastic bottles filled with water or sand) weighing 0.5-1 kg.

Starting position: standing straight on a hard surface, arms with dumbbells lowered along the body. We perform a short lunge forward on the leg bent at the knee joint, trying to touch the chest while lifting. In this case, your arms should be straight and raised up. We return back to the original position. We do the same with the other leg.

The number of approaches is no more than 20.

Weights will help create additional stress and force you to put more effort into performing your usual movements.


Squat down, with your feet resting on your toes. Palms pressed to the floor. We perform a sharp jump back, without lifting our palms, so that your legs are stretched back, as in the classic push-up version.

Do one push-up from the floor. In the jump we return to the original position. From a squatting position, we jump up, while raising our arms to the top.

The number of approaches depends on your physical endurance. It is advisable to perform 10-15 times.

After several months of training, you can perform burpees with dumbbells in your hands, this way you will increase the load and quickly achieve the desired result.

Grand plié

The basis is an exercise from ballet. Starting position: keep your back straight, feet shoulder-width apart, toes pointing apart.

Take a weight in your hands. Perform squats, keeping your back straight and spreading your knees to the sides. We bend our arms at the elbow joint, while touching the deltoid muscle of the shoulder with weights.

We return to the original position.

The exercise is relevant for girls who want to pump up their buttocks without particularly increasing the massiveness of their legs.


Stretching is a set of exercises aimed at stretching ligaments and muscles, as well as increasing the flexibility of the body. Also, in addition to flexibility, during stretching, muscle tension is relieved, posture is corrected, and the functioning of the lymphatic and circulatory system is improved. Can be used as the final part of a workout.

Stretching includes several subtypes: for back stretching, dynamic, for weight loss, strength, for dancers and even for pregnant women.


Initial position: standing on a hard surface, keep the body straight, arms straight along the body. We swing one leg to the side, while bending the other slightly at the knee joint to maintain balance. At the highest point of the lift, fix the leg and hold it in this position for several seconds. We return to the starting position. We do the same with the second leg.

To make the exercise easier, you can hold onto a support (for example, the back of a chair).

The exercise is identical to the “pendulum” with minor changes.


Starting position: lying on your back on a hard surface. Raises your legs bent at the knees from the floor and begins to perform rotational movements, imitating riding a bicycle. We perform several rotations in one direction and then in the other direction.

In addition to the abs, the exercise also uses the muscles of the thighs, buttocks and back.

Leg Raise

Starting position: lying on your back on a hard surface. We begin to lift one leg up without bending our knees. We do the same with the other leg.

To complicate the exercise a little, you can change the straight leg lift to lifting the leg bent at the knee to the chest, or replace it with the “birch tree”, where you simultaneously lift both straight legs with a slight lift of the lower torso.

The exercise belongs to the class of isolating exercises with a pull type of force and has as its main goal working out the muscles of the “lower” press.


You can resort to Pilates, which includes a series of exercises aimed at developing all muscle groups, improving posture and coordination.

Classes include performing complexes with simultaneous deep breathing. Thanks to Pilates, you will tighten the abdominal muscles and the whole body, stabilize the spine, strengthen the muscles, and deep breathing will reduce anxiety, relieve depression and insomnia.

Most often, the Pilantes complex includes the following exercises: stretching one or both legs, boat, hundred, bridge, raising legs on the side and on all fours, rolling on the back, swimming and other complexes.

A ride on the bicycle

Cycling is not only a healthy activity, but also a great pastime. While cycling, the muscles of the back, hips, and buttocks are trained, blood circulation improves, oxygen saturation increases, metabolic processes accelerate, calories are burned, and mood improves. Cycling is considered a preventive measure that is aimed at reducing the development of varicose veins of the lower extremities.


This is a gymnastics complex that was developed by American Callan Pinkney. During training, almost all muscle groups are involved. All exercises are performed at a slow pace, which avoids injuries during training. A total of 29 exercises have been developed, performed in a static position. The results of correctly performed exercises are: correct posture, reduction of back pain, acceleration of metabolic processes, increased immunity, strengthened joints and increased body flexibility.

The purpose of callanetics exercises is to contract and stretch the muscles of the back, hips and abs.


Yoga includes a collection of spiritual, mental and physical practices. Of course, yoga is not only exercises for body flexibility, restoration of health and mental balance, but a whole system of self-improvement, starting with the physiological and ending with the spiritual component.

Physical exercises include the following poses: triangle, rocks, cobra, cat-cow and others.

Dance aerobics

Includes a whole range of exercises that are performed to music. Dance aerobics helps to get rid of excess fat, make muscles stronger, improve posture and coordination of movements, and normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Includes several areas; jazz, hip-hop, rock and roll and other musical styles.

A fun, dynamic activity that harmoniously combines warm-up, stretching exercises, acrobatic elements, lunges, waves, and swings.

Nordic walking

Refers to an amateur sport. During Nordic walking, the muscles of the abdomen, back and shoulder girdle are perfectly trained, there is also increased burning of fat deposits, the functioning of the heart muscle and intestines improves, cholesterol levels are reduced, metabolism is accelerated, and toxins are eliminated from the body faster. Generally speaking, the body is rejuvenated.

Morning home program after 40 years

This program is suitable for those girls who feel constant fatigue and lethargy throughout the day, feel pain in the back and legs due to a lifestyle sitting at the computer. The program is also suitable for obese women who want to speed up their metabolism and reduce body size without spending a lot of time and energy.

Head tilts

The neck is one of the most important parts of the body in warming up, which constantly suffers from computers and gadgets, receiving a huge load when tilting the head to the monitor or phone screens. Bends are performed smoothly from side to side, slowly stretching the lateral muscles of the neck. It is also necessary to tilt the head forward, stretching the back of the neck and trapezius, but it is important to be careful with bending backwards. The chin should point upward, slightly stretching the front of the neck.

Circular rotations with hands

We must not forget about the shoulder joints, which, along with the neck and thoracic region, become enslaved from a sedentary lifestyle. Perform circular movements with straight arms in one direction and the other the same number of times. Take your time, movements should be smooth. Do the exercise for one minute.

Palm pressure

This exercise will strengthen the muscles of the arms and chest without using special equipment. To do this, bring your palms together at chest level, spreading your elbows to the sides, and begin to press your palms hard against each other for a few seconds. Choose the time yourself: 5-15 seconds. Then pause for the same period of time. Do not hold your breath, take calm and deep breaths in and out.

Lateral bending of the torso

A great way to increase the flexibility of the torso, make your posture and waist more graceful - this will improve the elasticity of the side muscles, namely the oblique abdominal muscles. To perform this variation, raise one hand up and place the other on your belt. With your feet hip-width apart, perform several bends to one side and then to the other. 10-15 repetitions are enough.

Half squats

This is a simple but very effective exercise for the whole body. Firstly, it involves a large number of large muscles, and secondly, it speeds up metabolism and burns more calories. Due to the fact that the exercise is performed at half the amplitude, it is safe for the knee joints. Place your feet hip-width apart. Keep your hands in front of you. As you inhale, move your pelvis back, lowering to the lowest point, which is located above the knee joints. Perform 20-30 squats, if necessary, increase the number until slight fatigue appears in the muscles.

Swing your leg to the side

Swings are excellent at combating fat deposits in the riding breeches area in conjunction with other leg exercises. Stand at a support, first move one leg to the side, lifting it from the floor at approximately an angle of 50-60 degrees. Don't turn your pelvis or throw your leg too high. 10-20 repetitions are enough. Do the same on the other side.

Forward bends

With the help of bending, you can strengthen the muscles of the back surface of the body: buttocks, hamstrings and lower back, as well as increase the elasticity of the hamstrings, which will have a positive effect on the condition of the spine (and tight thigh muscles directly affect its health), as well as improving blood circulation in the spine. pelvis and lower extremities. Place your feet hip-width apart and place your palms on your waist. Pull your pelvis back and lean forward with your back straight as far as the hamstring muscles allow. Keep your knees straight. When bending over, do not round your back or jerk. Number of repetitions: 10-20 depending on the difficulty of execution.

Side bends with foot touching

And this exercise simultaneously develops the flexibility of the muscles of the back surface of the body, as well as the oblique abdominal muscles, which is facilitated by slight twisting of the spine. If you can’t reach your feet with your palms, just touch your shins or knees, gradually developing flexibility. Place your feet wider than your shoulders and extend your arms to the sides. Exhale as you bend over and touch your left foot with your right hand, turning your torso diagonally. As you inhale, straighten up and perform the movement in the other direction. Perform 10 to 20 crunches in each direction.

What are the workload characteristics for forty-year-olds?

Physical exercises must be performed regularly, only then will they be truly beneficial. Initially, choose the intensity, mode and time of training for yourself. However, it is better to perform the complexes in the morning. The total duration of classes should not be 1.5-2 hours a day. The optimal number of workouts is 2-3 per week.

Get into the habit of exercising to look and feel younger than your age.

During training, you must also follow your diet. Then the effect will be much better.

You should not do all the exercises in a row. Choose specific complexes and do them regularly. Choose the pace of training individually for yourself. Don't take too long breaks between classes.

Are there any contraindications?

The main contraindications are:

  • exacerbation of the disease;
  • hyperthermia;
  • mental disorders;
  • hypertension;
  • oncology;
  • blockage of blood vessels;
  • with severe pain.

To summarize, we can say that if women over 40 regularly perform morning exercises, they can not only improve their health, but also prolong their youth. Of course, you shouldn’t suddenly start intense training; it’s better to have a gradually increasing load on the body. And for those who are more physically prepared, a set of simple movements for the entire body is suitable. Physical exercise will help you achieve results that will have a beneficial effect on health and beauty, despite the years.

Training program for mature ladies

Sprint in place

Sprinting in place helps protect bones from weakening.

You need to start with a warm-up run, gradually increasing the speed and adding energetic arm movements. Raise your knees higher and higher too. For a beginner, 20 seconds of this exercise is enough; more prepared ones can run for 30 seconds.

You can perform this exercise both in the gym and on the treadmill.

Burpee with wiggle

This exercise speeds up a slow metabolism.

Squat down, then place your hands on the floor. Next, jump your feet back into a plank position. Push up and return to the starting position, and then jump up from the seated position as high as possible. Return to the starting position again, but with bends: first to the left, touching the floor with your hand, then to the right, also touching the floor with your palm. For a beginner, 8-10 repetitions of the exercise will be enough; a trained woman can afford 10-15 repetitions.

Reverse lunge and arm circle

With this exercise you can return your buttocks to their former appetizing shape.

Grab two lightly weighted dumbbells, step back with your right foot, and lower into a lunge. Return to the starting position. Then pull your right knee up toward your chest while raising your arms in an arc through your sides. A beginner can do 8-10 repetitions on each leg. For more prepared people, it is recommended to perform 10-15 repetitions.

Grand plié with arm extension

This exercise tightens the triceps and inner thighs.

Stand straight with your feet wider than your shoulders. Stretch your arms up, holding dumbbells in them. Stand up on your toes. Next, squat and bend your elbows at the same time, lowering the dumbbells behind your head. Extending your arms, return to the starting position. A beginner will need 1.5 kg dumbbells and 10-15 repetitions. Trained young ladies will have to take 2.5 kg dumbbells and perform 15-20 repetitions.


By performing this exercise, you increase blood flow and awaken muscles that have forgotten their workouts.

Stand up straight. To maintain balance, keep your hands close to your body. Swing your right leg to the side, while transferring your body weight to your left leg. Do the same, switching legs. On every third swing, hold your leg in the air for 1-2 seconds, raising it as high as possible. Bend the leg you are standing on slightly at the knee. A beginner should perform 8-10 repetitions, a trained fitness lady should perform 10-15 repetitions. Three swings are considered one repetition.

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