Morning exercises with Daria Lisichkina

Morning exercises with Daria Lisichkina

As a rule, each of us has a small amount of time, which most often remains unused. We are talking about the morning, which, as many opinion polls show, we give to sleep.

Instead of lying in bed in the morning, we suggest you make a little effort on yourself, for 15 minutes and no more.

Believe me, you will not regret it, as morning exercises from Daria Lisichkina can convince you of.

Each of us has no more time throughout the day to devote a little time to ourselves. Usually we owe something to someone, and morning time is almost the only moments that can be usefully spent on ourselves.

Principles of losing weight from Daria Lisichkina

Lisichkina Dasha has developed effective complexes that are aimed at developing different muscle groups. She combined effective exercises into small blocks that are very easy and simple to do at home.

The purpose of each of its blocks is: to give your body femininity, flexibility and fit. In complexes D.

Lisichkina you can find exercises for a flat tummy, slim waist, elastic butt, graceful hip lines and much more.

Their uniqueness is that any girl can choose her own mini-block, using which she will quickly achieve what she has been waiting for so long. This is what makes Dasha’s exercises popular.

So, in order for the weight loss process to go much faster, Daria advises following the rules of balanced nutrition:

  • the daily diet should not contain more than 20 grams of fat and 150 grams of protein;
  • Your daily menu should be dominated by stewed and fresh vegetables, light grain porridges and some fruits;
  • eat small portions, but often;
  • the daily intake of ordinary water without gas should be at least 1.5 liters;
  • If you have cellulite, you need to give up everything “harmful”, which, in turn, accumulates harmful substances and retains fluid.

If you follow these recommendations and systematically use mini-blocks, you will soon see that the scales show the desired numbers. And the best part: fat deposits will disappear from the “right” places, leaving, at the same time, graceful female forms, so your beauty will become even more noticeable.

Dasha Lisichkina’s classic exercise does not contain strength exercises for pumping muscle mass: it is an exclusively healthy load for strengthening and stretching them. Go?

Doing morning exercises with Daria Lisichkina

Classic exercises for weight loss from Dasha contain 13 exercises.

  1. We stretch the spine and get rid of mini-clamps. We stand up straight, lock the handles and understand ourselves. As you exhale, we stretch upward, feeling the back, and as we inhale, we return to the starting position. We do 2 repetitions.
  2. Aligning the internal organs after a long night's sleep. This exercise is very important for girls who have given birth, because after this wonderful process the internal organs do not “return” completely to their places. Raise your arms up and stretch first to the right side, then to the left. Number of repetitions – 8 times.
  3. Consolidating the results of the previous exercise. We stretch our arms up and tilt to the left, after which we relax and lean towards the right leg. The same is true vice versa. Number of repetitions – 4 times.
  4. Let's warm up the body. We place our arms to the sides, keeping them parallel to the floor. Now we make rotational movements with our hands in opposite directions, that is, we make a “mill”. Number of repetitions – 8 times.
  5. Warming up the joints. We place the legs shoulder-width apart and the arms at the waist. We roll our feet from heel to toe and vice versa. The number of repetitions is the same.
  6. Without changing the starting position, we roll our feet from right to left and vice versa. Number of repetitions – 8.
  7. We stretch the knee joint. We take our knees with our hands and make rotational movements to the right and left. Number of repetitions: 8 times for each leg.
  8. Warm up your thighs. We stand straight, hands on the waist, and legs bent at the knee joint. Now we straighten each knee, while making seductive movements with our hips. Number of repetitions – 16 times.
  9. We consolidate the result. We stand straight, “glue” our feet to the floor, keep our head and shoulders motionless. Then we swing our body to the sides. Number of repetitions – 8 times.
  10. We remain in the same position and move the body back and forth. The number of repetitions is the same.
  11. Let's continue. We make circular movements with our hips: first clockwise, then counterclockwise. Number of repetitions – 8 times.
  12. We open our lungs to the fullest. We bend forward, with our arms above our heads and also stretching forward. Watch the back, it should remain level. Number of repetitions – 5 times.
  13. We strengthen the back. We move our hands up and lock them into a lock. We take a deep breath, sticking the bust forward, and as we exhale, we round the back. Number of repetitions – 8 times.

That's all the morning exercises for weight loss from Daria Lisichkina, which will help bring your body and body into complete order.

Be healthy and beautiful!

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Doing morning exercises with Daria Lisichkina

Classic exercises for weight loss from Dasha contain 13 exercises.

  1. We stretch the spine and get rid of mini-clamps. We stand up straight, lock the handles and understand ourselves. As you exhale, we stretch upward, feeling the back, and as we inhale, we return to the starting position. We do 2 repetitions.
  2. Aligning the internal organs after a long night's sleep. This exercise is very important for girls who have given birth, because after this wonderful process the internal organs do not “return” completely to their places. Raise your arms up and stretch first to the right side, then to the left. Number of repetitions – 8 times.
  3. Consolidating the results of the previous exercise. We stretch our arms up and tilt to the left, after which we relax and lean towards the right leg. The same is true vice versa. Number of repetitions – 4 times.
  4. Let's warm up the body. We place our arms to the sides, keeping them parallel to the floor. Now we make rotational movements with our hands in opposite directions, that is, we make a “mill”. Number of repetitions – 8 times.
  5. Warming up the joints. We place the legs shoulder-width apart and the arms at the waist. We roll our feet from heel to toe and vice versa. The number of repetitions is the same.
  6. Without changing the starting position, we roll our feet from right to left and vice versa. Number of repetitions – 8.
  7. We stretch the knee joint. We take our knees with our hands and make rotational movements to the right and left. Number of repetitions: 8 times for each leg.
  8. Warm up your thighs. We stand straight, hands on the waist, and legs bent at the knee joint. Now we straighten each knee, while making seductive movements with our hips. Number of repetitions – 16 times.
  9. We consolidate the result. We stand straight, “glue” our feet to the floor, keep our head and shoulders motionless. Then we swing our body to the sides. Number of repetitions – 8 times.
  10. We remain in the same position and move the body back and forth. The number of repetitions is the same.
  11. Let's continue. We make circular movements with our hips: first clockwise, then counterclockwise. Number of repetitions – 8 times.
  12. We open our lungs to the fullest. We bend forward, with our arms above our heads and also stretching forward. Watch the back, it should remain level. Number of repetitions – 5 times.
  13. We strengthen the back. We move our hands up and lock them into a lock. We take a deep breath, sticking the bust forward, and as we exhale, we round the back. Number of repetitions – 8 times.

That's all the morning exercises for weight loss from Daria Lisichkina, which will help bring your body and body into complete order.

Be healthy and beautiful!

Morning exercises from Daria Lisichkina: for a beautiful figure and good mood

Morning exercises from Daria Lisichkina are an excellent choice for those who want to look good and keep their body in good shape. She has already won the hearts of many women who understand: a good figure and physical activity are inseparable from each other.

What is the secret of the popularity of this charger? It consists of several simple exercises and does not take much time. So in the morning, instead of lying in bed longer, try getting up and spending 15 minutes on this wonderful complex. Believe me, you won't regret it!

Who is this charger suitable for?

Morning exercises from Daria Lisichkina will be optimal for both trained people and those who are good at sports. It will help you not only get closer to your dream figure, but also charge your body with positivity for the whole day.

Daria included several types of exercises in her complex. Here are warming, strengthening, and restorative. It is recommended to perform them in the morning, since in the process the position of organs and muscles is aligned after sleep, they are charged with energy for a productive day. In addition, the trainer gives recommendations on proper breathing, which are also important to follow.

What is unique about the complex?

Dasha Lisichkina developed her exercises for adults taking into account the needs of the development of various muscle groups. The exercises here are combined into blocks that are as simple as possible to perform at home. The female body does not need forceful exercise, says Daria Lisichkina: classical exercises only contain exercises for strengthening and stretching muscles.

The goal of the complex is to bring your figure as close as possible to the ideal, give your body flexibility and improve your health. For this purpose, special exercises by Daria Lisichkina are offered: they will help to achieve a thin waist and seductive buttocks, a flat tummy and graceful curves in general. Depending on her goals, any woman will be able to choose her own mini-complex and perform it every day.

A set of exercises by Daria Lisichkina

Here are the basic exercises Daria Lisichkina suggests.

  1. Stand straight, hands clasped and above your head. Take a deep breath, and as you exhale, stretch upward, feeling your back muscles stretch. Inhale - return to the starting position.
  2. Raise your arms up and stretch left and right. Do 8 reps. This exercise perfectly aligns all internal organs after sleep.
  3. The exercise is similar to the previous one, only we do a full tilt to the left and right legs. To each - four times.
  4. Arms to the sides, strictly parallel to the floor. Rotate your hands alternately, making a “mill”.
  5. Hands on the waist, feet shoulder-width apart. Roll from heel to toe and back. This exercise warms up the leg joints well.
  6. A similar exercise, but do the foot rolls to the sides - from right to left and from left to right. You need to do eight repetitions in total.
  7. Grab your knee and rotate your leg left and right. Change your leg.
  8. Hands on the belt, legs slightly bent at the knees. Straighten each leg one at a time while elegantly swaying your hips like an oriental dancer.
  9. Circular movements of the pelvis - in one direction and then in the other direction.
  10. Bend forward with your arms above your head. The back should be straight.
  11. Hands clasped above your head, as in the first exercise. Take a deep breath, chest forward, back rounded. Perform eight repetitions. This exercise perfectly strengthens your back and trains your respiratory system.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated about morning exercises from Daria Lisichkina. It is suitable for any level of training and takes only 10-15 minutes.

Principles of nutrition

To make the weight loss process faster and more effective, it is recommended to supplement exercise for adults with a healthy diet. Here are its main principles:

  • Every day your diet should contain 150 g of protein and only 20 g of fat.
  • The predominant percentage of the daily menu should be vegetables - fresh and stewed. It's also good to include fruits and whole grain-based cereals.
  • Eat often and in small portions.
  • Try to drink at least one and a half liters of clean still water per day.
  • It is advisable to exclude smoked, carbonated, alcohol and other “harmful” foods from the menu. Especially if you have a little cellulite, this will further retain fluid in the body and disrupt metabolism.

Morning exercises from Daria Lisichkina plus simple nutritional recommendations - this is a short path to beauty and grace!

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