Chocolate Alenka: composition, calorie content, types

Chocolate "Alenka": brand history

In the 60s of the last century, the USSR government, when adopting a food program, introduced a clause on the creation of a new milk chocolate, which must be tasty and different from others. A competition was announced, as a result of which the confectionery factory, now known in many countries - “Red October” was declared the winner. It was she who had to fulfill the government order.

In addition to the individual recipe, there were requirements to create a bright and recognizable wrapper. Artists tried different images. There were ideas to make Alenka with carnations, to portray her as the Snow Maiden, to draw her with pigtails.

They also proposed to present on the wrapper the famous painting “Alyonushka”, painted by Vasnetsov. But “at the top” this idea was criticized. After all, the country has a happy childhood, and the girl on the canvas has bare feet.

The first "Alenka" did not have a permanent design. Chocolate was produced with different images and shades of wrapper. The first chocolate bar from the Babaevskaya factory depicted a girl in a blue scarf on the wrapper. And Rot-Frontovsky Chocolate released two images for sale: with a watering can and a girl depicted with a dog and a bunny.

Initially, the chocolate was released in the traditional commemorative design in honor of Labor Day and March 8, but it was also released without an image at all.

But in 1964 it was decided to use it in permanent design.

Chocolate "Alenka": history of creation

Until 1960, the USSR produced mainly healthy, but not very tasty dark chocolate. The new food program adopted during these years required confectioners to create a new recipe for a dairy treat. With a mild taste, high quality and low price for consumers.

Confectionery factories have begun experiments in preparing milk chocolate bars with a variety of ingredients.

1964 marked the beginning of the history of Alenka chocolate. Employees of the Moscow factory “Red October” have created the “ideal” recipe for a delicious delicacy with the desired taste.

Initially it was planned to name the chocolate “Alyonushka”. Vasnetsov's painting of the same name was offered as a wrapper. But the confectioners’ idea was rejected by the country’s leadership - a sad and barefoot girl from a canvas could not become a symbol of joy.

Painting by V. Vasnetsov. “Alyonushka”, which they wanted to use for chocolate packaging

Then “Red October” came up with a proposal to give the delicacy the name Alenka. A diminutive derivative of the most common name at that time, Elena.

By the way! According to an alternative version, it is believed that the name of the confectionery product was given in honor of the daughters of Yuri Gagarin and Valentina Tereshkova, whose names were Elena.

At first, the chocolate bar was produced with different wrappers. There were tiles decorated for May Day and New Year, with a girl with a bunny and a dog.

Alenka chocolate wrappers in 1967-1989. The packaging design was changed for the holidays.

Delicious chocolate needed a beautiful, recognizable wrapper. Therefore, in 1965, the board of the confectionery factory announced a competition for photographs of girls in the printed publication “Evening Moscow”. The organizers promised to place the photo of the winner on the wrapper of the Alenka milk chocolate bar.

The prototype of the picture known today was a photograph of 8-month-old Elena Gerinas. The artist-designer of the factory redrew the baby from the photo with some changes - changed the eye color to blue, painted rosy cheeks and plump lips.

Elena Gerinaz - the girl depicted on the Alenka wrapper

The first batch of chocolate in new packaging left the factory in 1966. Since then, the chocolate wrapper has not changed. And the image of the blue-eyed girl is known not only in Russia, but also abroad.

This is interesting! In 2000, Elena Gerinas, whose photo became the prototype for the brand’s wrapper, went to court demanding to recover 5 million rubles from the confectionery factory for using her image. The proceedings lasted 2 years. As a result, Elena was refused. The image of “Alenka” was recognized as a collective one.

Soviet chocolate "Alenka" was also produced at other factories - "RotFront", "Babaevsky". There are about 50 varieties in total. Soon, Red October patented the product recipe, and all rights to the brand were transferred to this factory.

Who is pictured on the packaging of Alenka chocolate?

The factory announced a competition for a photograph of a girl to be depicted on a chocolate wrapper. Gerinas's wife remembered the photograph that was published in Health magazine in 1962. Her daughter was 8 months old at that time. As a result, it was decided to take this image as the basis.

For the wrapper, the girl was painted on and her facial features were slightly changed. The brown color of the eyes turned blue, the face became longer, the cheeks were rosy, the lips were swollen, and the gaze was drawn in the other direction. Since 1966, this image has helped to become a famous brand not only in the USSR, but also far beyond its borders.

In 2000, Elena Gerasimova sued Red October because the factory had used her image for many years. The investigations continued over many years, and as a result of many examinations, it was recognized that the image reflected a new independent image.

There are legends that chocolate received its name in honor of Tereshkova’s daughter Valentina, while others claim that Gagarin’s daughter received this honor. But in fact, the choice fell on a name that was common, popular and evoked fairy-tale heroines.

Composition, calorie content and BJU of sweets

Alenka milk chocolate is a delicacy made from cocoa fruits. The product has a homogeneous structure with a delicate aroma and sweet taste.

The sweet is prepared from grated cocoa beans. Additionally, add cocoa butter, powdered sugar, milk powder or cream. Also, Alenka chocolate contains emulsifiers and flavorings.

Due to its nutritional and taste qualities, sweetness is widely used in cooking.

If we consider the composition of 100 g of product, then the carbohydrate content is 53.23 g, protein – 8.9 g, and fat 33.71 g. Calorie content is 544.07 kcal.

In the USSR, “Alenka” enjoyed enormous success. The famous tile was a must-have attribute not only for children's gifts, but also for adult gifts.

Calorie content and composition

“Alenka” is made from grated cocoa beans. Thanks to their high content, the product is sweet, uniform in structure, with a subtle chocolate aroma. It is often used in cooking.

The composition of Alenka chocolate has been supplemented:

  • cocoa butter;
  • powdered sugar;
  • cream or powdered milk;
  • emulsifiers and dyes.

One treat bar (100 g) contains:

  • proteins – 8.9 g;
  • fat – 33.71 g;
  • carbohydrates – 53.23 g.

The calorie content of Alenka chocolate is 554.07 kcal per 100 g of product.

Types of chocolate "Alenka"

Since 1966, chocolate began to be produced in our usual form by different chocolate factories, but in the end, “Red October” finally secured the brand for itself.

Big chocolate: assortment

The bars are produced in weights of 100, 200 and 60 g. Traditionally, the first bars were produced only in milk flavor without additional additives.

In 2000, it was decided to diversify the assortment and chocolates appeared on sale:

  • with almonds;
  • with hazelnuts;
  • with raisins and hazelnuts;
  • with a high milk content.

Since then, the packaging method has changed. The first chocolates were inserted into a wrapper, now they are wrapped.

Nowadays you can buy not only chocolate bars, but also candies. The wrapper is decorated in the usual way for us.

Small chocolate

Small bars, which can be called portioned, are produced weighing 20 and 15 g. This is ordinary milk chocolate without various additives.

Light weight tiles are still released inserted into the package.

The benefits and harms of Alenka chocolate

Eating sweets is good for adults and children, but in moderation.

  1. The substances that make up cocoa have a beneficial effect on the nervous system. With moderate consumption, you will feel a surge of positive emotions and your mood will lift.
  2. Chocolate helps to cope more easily with depression, irritability, stress, and apathy.
  3. Stimulates the cardiovascular system. Improves blood microcirculation.
  4. If you suffer from increased fatigue and lethargy, chocolate can quickly raise your vitality and saturate your body with strength and energy.
  5. With small consumption, testosterone production is stimulated in men, which is beneficial for their health.
  6. The musculoskeletal system, as well as teeth and bones, are strengthened.

Harmful properties:

  1. May cause allergic reactions. If during or after consumption redness appears on the body or you feel itching, you should subsequently completely exclude the product from your diet.
  2. Due to its high calorie content, consumption by overweight people and diabetics is prohibited.
  3. It has a harmful effect on teeth and provokes the development of caries.

The product should not be used by people with diseases:

  • pancreatitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • intestinal ulcer;
  • with a tendency to flatulence and constipation;
  • with bloating.

It is recommended to exclude the delicacy completely during pregnancy and breastfeeding and for children under three years of age.

Why does it burn

After watching various videos on the Internet, many are shocked by the sight of burning chocolate.

Let's figure out why chocolate burns. The tile, most of it, consists of oil. And as everyone knows, oil burns. Cocoa butter, which is part of the chocolate bar, is also flammable. A burning match or a flame from a stove has a high temperature, at which the chocolate does not have time to melt and begins to burn.

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