Oatmeal and boiling water Recipe for steamed oatmeal for weight loss and health for breakfast

Steamed oatmeal recipe

If you do not cook the oatmeal, but pour boiling water over it, then it is better to do this in the evening.

  1. Take 100* grams of oatmeal, rinse 2-3 times with warm boiled water, remove any floating debris.
  2. Place the cereal in a cup. You can take a glass jar or enamel bowl.
  3. Pour boiling water over it. But, it’s better not steep, but 70-80 degrees. It is necessary that the water covers the flakes by a few millimeters**. Cover with a saucer.
  4. In the morning, reheat in the microwave. Or put it in hot water. You can add a little salt.
  5. Oatmeal steamed with boiling water is ready. Have a nice breakfast.

* 100 grams of oatmeal can be either a lot or a little for you. Next time you will know exactly how many grams you need.

**Even flakes of the same brand, but from different batches, can swell differently. Approximately 250 - 350 ml. water

Delicious oatmeal for breakfast

Many people prefer to cook porridge for breakfast. It charges you with energy and allows you to “survive” until lunch. The recipe for a delicious breakfast is simple. For it you will need:

  • 1 glass of water;
  • ¼ cup oatmeal or cereal;
  • sugar to taste.

It is recommended to prepare oatmeal flakes in advance. For this:

  • Place the cereal in a clean container;
  • fill with cold water;
  • leave for a period of 2 to 12 hours. Ideally left overnight.

The longer oatmeal flakes soak, the lower the final glycemic index. During this process, the cereal loses some of its starch substances. The structure becomes softer. Therefore, you no longer have to cook it.

If you need to prepare breakfast quickly, you can stock up on cereal for the week ahead. Only soaked flakes should be kept in the refrigerator.

A recipe for those with a sweet tooth involves including fruits or their dried versions in the dish:

  • 4 tbsp. l. oatmeal;
  • 2 pcs. dried apricots;
  • 40 gr. raisins

Pour the ingredients with warm water and let it brew for 30–60 minutes. You can prepare a more satisfying version if you add whipped cream or warm milk to this porridge that does not need to be cooked. The glycemic index will immediately increase, so this option is not suitable for diabetics. If the finished product lacks sweetness, you can add a little sugar or berries.

Those who want to improve their mood are allowed to experiment. A recipe for oatmeal with banana is suitable for this. The calorie content of porridge increases sharply, but you can be sure of a great mood for the whole day. It will turn out nourishing, tasty and moderately sweet.

How long to steam oatmeal with boiling water?

In this case, 10-20 minutes will be enough, depending on the type of rolled oatmeal. So, about 20 minutes before breakfast, steam the oatmeal and cover it with a saucer, you can also cover it with a towel on top.

Oatmeal and phytic acid

But still, it’s better to steam the cereal in the evening. The fact is that in this case it is possible to reduce the amount of phytic acid in the porridge. Phytic acid is an antinutrient that is present in cereals, legumes, and seeds. With its help, they accumulate minerals and protect themselves. When ingested, phytic acid binds with calcium and significantly reduces the percentage of absorption of zinc, magnesium, and iron. Phytic acid has a negative effect on enzymes such as pepsin and trypsin, which are responsible for the digestion of proteins, as well as amylase, which is responsible for the breakdown of complex carbohydrates into sugars.

Oatmeal and phytase

But there is also good news. Also, nature “stored” phytase in the grains, an enzyme that, when soaked for a long time, largely neutralizes the negative effects of phytic acid.

In addition, ascorbic acid, vitamin A and beta-carotene reduce the activity of phytic acid. Thus, if you snack on vitamin C-rich kale or carrots before breakfast, you will also reduce the activity of phytic acid.

In small quantities, periodic consumption of phytic acid also has a positive effect, because it can act as an antioxidant in the body. And also, prevent the deposition of calcium in blood vessels and joints, kidney stones and the appearance of excess iron in the body.

However, it is better not to offer steamed oatmeal to children to avoid mineral deficiency.

Oatmeal for weight loss

Oatmeal without cooking is becoming a favorite dish of those who decide to lose weight. It goes well with many products. Some even add vegetables to it.

A recipe with cinnamon has fat-burning properties:

  • grind the cinnamon stick in a blender;
  • add the resulting powder to 3 tbsp. l. oatmeal;
  • pour a glass of water;
  • let sit for 15 minutes.

Oatmeal flakes will not be soft enough, but for weight loss this is how it should be. The body will spend more calories on the digestion process. Cinnamon will increase your metabolic rate. Regular consumption of this porridge, which does not require long cooking, will allow you to see excellent results.

Before a fat-burning workout, you need to eat well. In this case, you can use the recipe for making lazy oatmeal:

  • Place 80–100 g in a clean 0.5 liter jar with a lid. cereal;
  • fill them with 200 ml of liquid;
  • add a few berries of your choice or slices of low-calorie fruit;
  • mix thoroughly and leave overnight in the refrigerator.

Overnight, the oatmeal will become saturated with water and fruit acids, which will enhance its flavor. A change in the composition of the type of fruit or berry will give a feeling of novelty.

It is not recommended to add citrus fruits. They can give a bitter taste to the finished product. Then you will want to add sugar, which will immediately make the dish less healthy. In this case, you can use various substitutes - for example, honey. The glycemic index of this dish is high. This is good for healthy people, because energy will be needed during training.

Oatmeal recipes can be easily adjusted in proportions. This is influenced by individual preferences for the thickness of the finished dish and the body’s ability to digest cereals. Eating oatmeal will allow you to achieve the desired results, because it not only fills the body with nutrients, but also gives a lot of energy.

Expert opinion

Oatmeal has been familiar to us since childhood, and it is a truly healthy porridge. However, as the article correctly states, not every recipe will be beneficial. Try to avoid adding regular sugar to your porridge. For this reason, ready-made bags for instant cooking are immediately excluded. But at the same time, there is still a lot of room for imagination. For example, try making diet cookies, it's very simple. Take 1-2 bananas, a glass of oatmeal, a handful of flax seeds and any dried fruits. Mash the banana with a fork, mix thoroughly with the cereal, add chopped dried fruits and seeds. Now shape the cookies and bake them on parchment paper until done. All! It will turn out delicious - you can treat yourself for breakfast or dessert.

Alina Semenova, nutritionist

Oatmeal pp. The benefits of oatmeal steamed with boiling water

Oatmeal with water provides the body with:

  • vitamins and minerals;
  • energy;
  • protein;
  • fiber;
  • normal metabolism;
  • protection of the stomach and intestines from diseases.


  • vitamins: B1, B2, PP, E;
  • minerals:
  • potassium - lowers blood pressure;
  • magnesium - strengthens the cardiovascular system;
  • phosphorus - improves biochemical processes in the brain;
  • iron - stimulates the process of hematopoiesis;
  • calcium - participates in the formation of the structure of bone tissue and teeth.

“Hercules” oatmeal is rich in dietary fiber, which plays a major positive role in the health of the body:

  • slow down the flow of glucose into the blood;
  • reduce cholesterol levels;
  • absorb and remove toxins;
  • satiate for a long time; are responsible for a long feeling of satiety;
  • strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
  • support immunity;
  • maintain a healthy intestinal bacterial environment.

How often can you eat oatmeal?

Any mono-diet, even the most healthy one, can cause damage to the body. Alternate with protein breakfasts of eggs, vegetables and meat, eating oatmeal 2-3 times a week.

If you are in weight correction mode, you can alternate with buckwheat and kefir. Another healthy porridge to include in your breakfast menu is millet porridge. But be sure to soak the millet at least overnight, changing the water 1-2 times. The same problem with phytic acid.

And don’t forget about “golden milk”, which you can season with either cow’s milk (there is enough calcium to neutralize phytic acid) or oat milk, which you can prepare yourself.

Oatmeal with fruit in a jar

You can add any fruit to the lazy oatmeal starter kit; in the summer - peaches, pears, plums, apricots, apples and berries. In winter and all year round, overnight porridge is delicious soaked with banana and citrus fruits: orange, tangerine.


  • oatmeal – 2 tbsp;
  • natural yogurt – 3 tbsp;
  • milk - half a cup;
  • orange jam (jam) – 1 tbsp;
  • tangerines – 1 pc.


  1. Add oatmeal, milk, yogurt, and orange jam to the jar.
  2. Close the lid and shake the jar until the ingredients are combined.
  3. Open, add tangerine slices cut into two parts, mix with a spoon.
  4. Cover the jar with a lid and place in a cool place overnight.

Store for up to 3 days. Eat oatmeal chilled

Oatmeal, Ser.

By the way, the British do not have oatmeal as their main breakfast dish. In first place are chicken eggs, in various versions, plus bacon. And oatmeal is usually a second breakfast. There is a rational grain in this, since for many it is better to consume carbohydrates after 10 am. But on the other hand, this is already a snack, and they are not very useful for normal digestion and calorie control (QC calculators). You can read about the dangers of snacking in this article.

Lazy oatmeal with apple and cinnamon

Apple and cinnamon are two components that complement each other; they are used to prepare aromatic apple fillings for sweet pies, and make fruit desserts with ground cinnamon. Lazy oatmeal with apple is a tender, fragrant delicacy plus a delicious, quick breakfast in a jar.

Will need

  • oatmeal – 2 tbsp;
  • small apple - half;
  • applesauce – 2 tbsp;
  • ground cinnamon - half a teaspoon;
  • natural yogurt – 3 tbsp;
  • flower honey – 1 tsp.


  1. Place oatmeal, milk, yogurt, cinnamon and honey in a jar.
  2. Close the lid and shake until the ingredients are mixed together.
  3. Open, add applesauce and apple pieces and mix gently.
  4. Cover the jar with a lid and put it in the refrigerator overnight.

Store for 2 days and eat oatmeal chilled.

Oatmeal, I am the best porridge.

There is no arguing about tastes, but in my opinion, “oatmeal” is the best porridge, both for the health of women and men, and for giving strength during fitness and sports, both for losing weight and gaining muscle mass.

Oatmeal with water is perfect, together with sauerkraut without salt, for a fasting day, and to be the basis for maintaining health. “Three main sources of health” “Fasting day, the most effective options”

Oatmeal in a jar with kefir

Lazy oatmeal in a jar according to this recipe using kefir is prepared as in the previous or basic recipe. To prepare it, you need to buy in advance or have fermented milk products at home - kefir with cottage cheese. Lazy oatmeal with cottage cheese goes deliciously with strawberries; juice and orange slices make the dish juicier and more tender, saturating it with citrus aroma.


  • oatmeal – 4 tbsp;
  • kefir – half a cup;
  • cottage cheese - half a pack;
  • orange - a few slices;
  • flax seeds – 1 tsp;
  • strawberries - 4-5 berries.


  1. Pour flakes and flax seed into a jar and mix with a spoon.
  2. Add chopped strawberries.
  3. Add cottage cheese and orange slices.
  4. Pour in kefir. Close the jar.
  5. Place in a cool place until morning.

Store for up to 2 days, eat oatmeal chilled.

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