Fractional meals against overeating. Grazing diet: menu and reviews

What is this method

Despite the fact that the term is new to most, it is difficult to call grazing a fashionable trend of our time. Its official scientific justification, formed by Japanese specialists, has existed for quite a long time.

During research, doctors noticed that as soon as the process of digesting food is completed, the body almost immediately begins to produce a peptide hormone. It is he who affects our feeling of hunger, and therefore is the main culprit of constant overeating.

After a series of tests, doctors determined that to maintain the feeling of hunger at an optimal level, split meals are necessary (eating frequently, but in small quantities). This is how the grazing diet appeared, the essence of which is short pauses between numerous snacks.

How it works

Digestion is a complex of biochemical processes. Some time ago, nutritionists discovered that the feeling of hunger is regulated by a special hormone - ghrelin. The more time passes from the moment food enters the stomach, the higher its amount in the body. But it can be difficult to tame a brutal appetite, and during rare meals a person almost always overeats. This happens due to the peculiarities of brain functions. The signal about saturation arrives 20 minutes after the start of the meal. During this time, the hasty jaws manage to “grind” food 1.5–2 times more than necessary.

Grazing helps eliminate the main problems of losing weight. A small amount of food entering the stomach regularly at short intervals normalizes the functioning of the gallbladder and mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. Juices and enzymes are released in the required quantities and do not stagnate, so all nutrients and useful substances are fully broken down. With this diet, fewer toxins are released and there is no indigestion. The walls of the stomach do not stretch during fractional meals, which allows you to be sated in small portions. And if you chew slowly, the body perceives even low-calorie foods as nutritious.

Another argument in favor of grazing is a slight increase in body temperature and active consumption of calories every time after eating. Fatigue, heaviness in the stomach and the desire to take a nap after eating are absent on such a diet. On the contrary, there is a surge of physical strength.

Differences in grazing

A significant part of modern diets is aimed at some kind of restrictions, despite the fact that “very thin” movie and show business stars will convince you of the opposite. Almost all nutritionists in the world agree that any diet is, first of all, a strict limit on food and drinks, sometimes implying exceptions to the rules.

Grazing is the opposite of classic diets, because it absolutely does not limit you either in food products or in the methods of their preparation, which is fully consistent with the rules of official dietetics.

How does this manifest itself in practice? In frequent meals, when instead of a 3-time (classic) daily diet, you switch to a 6-time diet. At the same time, a small limit in grazing (as in any medical nutrition) is set on the consumption of excessively fatty and fried foods, confectionery and fast food.

Advantages of the diet

The advantages of the method include:

  • Absolutely harmless.
  • Normalization of pressure.
  • Benefits for the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Elimination of overeating.
  • No heaviness in the stomach, drowsiness and feelings of hunger.
  • Maintaining stable blood sugar levels.
  • Accelerates metabolism and burns calories.
  • Gradual weight loss.
  • Compliance is possible throughout life.
  • Reducing stomach volume thanks to small portions.
  • Sound, healthy sleep due to a clear diet and no stomach overload before bed.
  • Cost-effective: you need no more than two thousand rubles a week for groceries.

The grazing diet has both advantages and disadvantages. For example, sticking to fractional meals is not easy for a working person: a busy work day, meetings and business trips make it practically impossible to organize proper nutrition. It is also difficult to constantly comply with restrictions, despite all the advantages of the diet. It is not recommended for those with impaired insulin resistance.

Essence and rules

In order to prevent the hormone ghrelin from being released in excess and to encourage us to eat as much as possible, meals are divided, as mentioned above, 6 times. At the same time, traditional breakfast, lunch and dinner will be full meals, and the other three times will be small snacks in small portions.

Like any other diet, grazing also implies certain rules:

  1. Leisurely eating. Prolonged digestion of food helps the body better distribute nutrients, which means there will be no accumulation of extra pounds.
  2. Snacks every 3 hours. This is the main principle of the grazing diet, which helps to “keep” the peptide hormone at an optimal level.
  3. The maximum number of kilocalories is 1800 per day. At the same time, 400 Kcal are allocated for breakfast, 200 Kcal for lunch and dinner, and the same amount for small snacks (lunches).

New in blogs

Fractional nutrition and fasting are at different poles. One system involves complete abstinence from food, while followers of the other, on the contrary, eat frequently, up to 6-7 times a day. How can you really lose weight without harming your health?

Treating excess weight by fasting would seem like an obvious solution. Fasting was practiced in Ancient Greece, Egypt, India, Tibet... At the beginning of the 20th century, fasting was recommended at the World Congress of Dietitians in the treatment of hypertension and obesity. The most brilliant preacher of therapeutic fasting was Paul Bragg, whose book “The Miracle of Fasting” became a real bestseller and is still wildly popular. The point of fasting is to put the body into a state of stress, activate its reserves and encourage it to use up internal reserves, primarily fat. The same Bragg recommended one-day hunger strikes once a week, week-long fasts once every three months, and 21-day fasts once a year.

Of course, fasting has its benefits, otherwise it would not be practiced by so many people for so long.


  1. The weight is really coming off. And the greater the initial weight, the faster the kilograms are lost. Then the process slows down.
  2. I don't feel like eating. After the first three days, the feeling of hunger dulls. On days 8-10, when fat oxidation products accumulate in the blood, you don’t even want to look at food.
  3. There is a feeling of lightness that turns into euphoria. A person often feels great, on the rise. There is an extraordinary lightness in the body, people with a history of hunger strike share their experience.


  1. The weight comes back quickly. Firstly, a cunning organism in extreme conditions begins to save on everything it can. An order of magnitude fewer calories are spent on basal metabolism than usual. And our body extracts part of the missing energy from its own muscles, thus devouring itself. Secondly, part of the kilograms during fasting is lost due to dehydration (sodium actively leaves, and with it water from the cells). As soon as the food supply is resumed, and with it sodium, the weight tends to return to its original position. In general, those who are trying to lose weight “according to Bragg” often do not pay attention to the words of the author himself, who formulated the main principle of his system this way: “If fasting is carried out correctly, by the time you come out of it, the weight should be restored to the original figures...”
  2. Vitamins and microelements are lost. Their deficiency, even with a careful approach to nutrition, is restored only 2-3 months after the end of fasting. And this means problems with hair and nails, skin, mucous membranes, the development of anemia is possible... There are even known cases of “hungry” myocardial infarction!
  3. Problems arise with the digestive organs. Ulcers, gastritis, colitis worsen. A hunger strike, which is promoted as a “rest” for the digestive system, turns out to be a serious test of strength for it.
  4. The concentration of urea in the blood increases. This increases the risk of gout and kidney stones.
  5. Dysbacteriosis develops. As soon as you start fasting, your intestinal microflora is disrupted.
  6. Prolonged fasting requires medical supervision. In general, you need to start with a full examination, which many do not do - and then they pay with their own health. That same “lightness” in the body can prevent you from realizing in time that it’s time to end your hunger strike...

The term “grazing” has recently come into use. Western experts unanimously assured that the new method of losing weight is extremely effective, physiological and at the same time comfortable. You need to eat at least 6 times a day, that is, approximately every two hours. Hence the term grazing itself, from the English “graze” - “graze”.

In fact, this is a long-known and well-proven fractional nutrition. Of course, this does not mean that you have been given an indulgence to chew everything around the clock. There are certain rules in grazing.

Ideal foods for snacking are fermented milk drinks, cottage cheese, slices of bran buns, grain breads, cereals, muesli. And no violence! It’s just that now snacks are added to your breakfast, lunch and dinner. For example, a second breakfast, an afternoon snack and a light snack one and a half to two hours before bedtime - now we have already reached the required 6 meals a day.


  1. The most important thing is that you don’t feel like eating. You are always “a little full.”
  2. The daily calorie content of the menu is reduced. By about 10-15%. When you eat often and don't give yourself hunger pangs, you won't be tempted to eat everything you can get your hands on when you finally sit down at the table.
  3. You are always on your toes. When there is no overeating, then there is no satiated drowsiness, in which the metabolism slows down, blood rushes to the stomach, limiting oxygen to the brain... In addition, when the body is in good shape, the process of burning fat accelerates.
  4. Good dream. You are not tormented by either hunger or heaviness in your stomach. You sleep well. And normal sleep is absolutely necessary for weight loss.
  5. The functioning of the stomach and intestines is normalized. Eating often, but little by little, is the best way to keep your stomach and intestines in good health, as well as cure existing problems.
  6. The functioning of the heart and blood vessels improves. We stop firing at our own body with volleys of copious portions of fatty and sweet foods - and in gratitude for this, the body begins to work like a clock, blood pressure does not fluctuate, atherosclerosis does not develop, and the aging process slows down.


  1. Binge eating. If we take the concept of “grazing” literally, then indeed, you can “graze” for days on end and not only not lose weight, but also gain weight. This is why it is so important to snack on the “right” foods.
  2. Caries. If we constantly chew, our teeth and mouth become home to a huge number of bacteria. In such a situation, it is necessary to brush your teeth more often than twice a day. Ideally, after every meal.
  3. Tight schedule. It is not always possible to eat properly several times a day. For example, if you work in a large office, where every sneeze is monitored, you will have to prepare food in advance and bring it with you.

Having considered all the pros and cons, we must admit that grazing defeated fasting by a landslide. It is simple, effective, reliable. It does not require constant medical supervision and does not complicate life for you or those around you. And, most importantly, it is absolutely harmless to health.

As for fasting, it is quite possible that it is suitable for spiritual practices and access to the astral plane. But practicing it for the sake of losing weight is, to put it mildly, a dubious idea...


If you have not encountered the grazing diet in the past, then for the first time it is preferable to choose a lighter diet, since you need to get used to the new regime.

Option #1

For breakfast: oatmeal with water and milk. To make the taste of the dish more pleasant and sweeter, you can add half a grated apple or pear.

Snack: 2 any exotic fruits (it is preferable to choose kiwi, since its juice and pulp have fat-burning properties).

For lunch: light salad with vegetables and boiled chicken. You can only season with lemon juice. Not a gram of vegetable oil, sour cream or mayonnaise!

Snack: 150 grams of steamed fish.

For dinner: boiled jacket potatoes and a vegetable salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers and onions. For a greater concentration of vitamins, it is recommended to add lettuce leaves.

Snack: natural yogurt with added fruit (optional).

Option No. 2

For the more advanced - those who are already accustomed to an unusual diet, a second version of the grazing diet menu is offered, which completely excludes traditional meals and is based exclusively on 6 snacks a day.

1 snack: white bread with a small piece of cheese.

2nd snack: oatmeal on water with the addition of fruits or berries.

3rd snack: 2 unsweetened cookies. For drinks, you can choose freshly squeezed vegetable or fruit juice or tea without sugar.

Snack 4: Steamed vegetables.

5 snack: cottage cheese.

6th snack: yogurt with a few pieces of dark chocolate.

7 snack: fruit and berry salad.

In order for the diet to be more effective, it is recommended to choose low-fat foods. You don’t have to limit yourself to drinks: any herbal teas, natural yoghurts, mineral water, fruit and vegetable juices - in a word, everything that you find tasty and suitable for the meal.

The benefits and harms of grazing

How is such a diet beneficial for the human body?

The clear advantages of the grazing diet include the following:

  • it is easily tolerated, since it completely eliminates fasting to the point of exhaustion and partial malnutrition, which are integral rules of many modern diets;
  • weight loss is much easier, since the body is not in a stressful situation, which means that the process of accumulating excess weight is reduced to zero;
  • the presence of a large number of vitamins and minerals in the menu has a positive effect on overall health: metabolism accelerates, harmful substances are eliminated, and good skin and hair condition is achieved.

The only disadvantage of the grazing diet is that it is not aimed at accelerating weight loss, which means it is not suitable for those who want to quickly and effectively lose 15 kilograms in a week. A balanced diet only helps you avoid gaining pounds, and in combination with exercise and sports, you achieve the maximum effect - an ideal figure and a healthy body.

Poor sleep and obesity.

overeating is to blame . During the working day, many of us do not have breakfast or lunch, and when we come home, we begin to eat everything that our eyes can see. And all this for the night . As a result, we don’t get enough sleep, and we also gain extra pounds . Melanin, which is produced during sleep, is responsible for this. It is what promotes the breakdown of fat . Poor sleep leads to weight gain. So think about it!


Inna Alexandrovna (36 years old):

“My weight began to rise rapidly immediately after the birth of my second child. Postponing a healthy lifestyle “for tomorrow,” I reached a record weight of 76 kilograms, while before pregnancy my weight was only 57 kilograms. Excess weight caused deterioration in my health, as a result of which I had to quit my job and was forced to become a housewife, which, frankly, I always feared. Having decided that it was time to take care of myself, I found a grazing diet on the Internet, which I decided to try. Of course, initially changing habits was difficult, but after a week I began to get used to the new diet and even noticed for myself that sticking to the diet became easier every day. I’m still on the diet and am very pleased with the result: I’ve lost 8 kilograms and I’m not going to stop there.”

Viktor Petrovich (72 years old):

“I faced the problem of obesity after retirement. A sedentary lifestyle and a wife who constantly pampers her with all sorts of goodies - as a result, 65 kilograms very quickly turned into 87! Shortness of breath, apathy, and unhealthy sleep appeared. After learning about the grazing diet, I decided to try it and did not regret it. Thanks to a perfectly balanced menu, I eat both tasty and varied. The kilograms are gradually disappearing, and health problems are no longer a concern.”

Grazing diet: reviews

Those few girls who have been following the grazing diet for several months claim that they have achieved excellent results. Most of them managed to lose at least five kilograms


Those who have already achieved some results were happy to state that they could even afford a cake or a chocolate bar as a snack without fear for their figure. And without exception, all adherents of fractional nutrition note a noticeable improvement in their well-being, a surge of vigor and excellent mood.

Therefore, the portal calls on all its readers: let's eat according to the grazing diet

, lose weight and look younger!

Author - Pelageja, portal about weight loss WE LOSE WEIGHT without problems!


Judging by the reviews, the grazing diet is not only easy to follow, but also has a positive effect on the body, cleansing and healing it.

You just have to make diet a part of your life, and the result in the form of a couple of kilograms per month will not take long. But it is small and gradual weight loss that is recognized by nutritionists as optimal and does not cause stress to the body, which is important for a stable result.

Reader’s story “How I lost 18 kg in 2.5 months” I’ve been fat all my life and suffered from excess weight. In clothing stores I chose size L, which by the age of 25 turned into XL and continued to grow. I can tell you for a long time how I tried to fight my 30-35 extra pounds: diets, hunger strike, physical activity, even pills and some kind of conspiracies. The effect was short-lived or absent altogether. In short, despair, depression and almost resignation to one’s enormous weight. But one day I came across... a chocolate bar that helps you lose weight! It didn’t cost me anything to try it - I love chocolates. I ordered it and ate it. And the weight crept down!! It seems like mysticism, but it's true. I began to study the issue and realized how it all works. Girls, try it! I have already lost 18 kg in 2.5 months. And I continue. It's up to you, but you don't lose anything except weight, of course. Try Choco Burn chocolate for weight loss for 147 rubles.

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