For lovers of exercise machines: a list of those that remove the stomach and sides

When playing sports, many girls pursue the goal of getting rid of unsightly sides in the abdominal area and making their waist slender, thin and feminine. Diet is not always enough to cope with this - we know that we cannot do without sports. All kinds of exercise machines for losing weight in the abdomen and sides will help increase the effectiveness of your training. Some of them are only available in the gym, while others can be successfully used at home (find out the best ones for home in the article). The main thing is to understand which of them are right for you.

How to quickly lose weight in the waist and stomach

Exercise machines for losing weight on the abdomen and sides

Modern manufacturers offer us a variety of exercise machines to remove the stomach and sides. To make the right choice, study the range and understand what will suit you. Not all equipment designed for the gym can be used at home. You also need to know that exercise machines are divided into strength and cardio.

Are belts beneficial for weight loss? Read here!

Cardio equipment is aimed at burning fat, losing weight quickly, and strengthening the heart. They create stress on each muscle group. Strength training equipment is aimed at developing and strengthening the area being worked on, gaining relief and increasing muscle mass.
In training, it is advisable to combine both exercise options - it is in combination that they give maximum results. As for exercise machines for losing weight on the sides, you need to consider each of the groups separately.


Aerobic outdoor cardio equipment


A stand equipped with a support at the top and a movable leg module at the bottom. The range of motion is limited by rubber bump stops. The stepper simulates walking on steps. Eliminates fat deposits in the hips and buttocks. Good for the abs and back muscles. Strengthens the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Provides gentle stress on joints.


Stepper variation. It consists of 2 racks connected by a common horizontal handrail. Equipped with non-slip footrests on which to place your feet. Imitation of walking, the pace of which is set by the participants themselves. Develops leg muscles, strengthens ankle, knee and hip joints. Provides gentle stress on the musculoskeletal system. Helps to draw beautiful contours of the buttocks and hips, and get rid of fat deposits in this part of the body.


A single frame with rotating roller tubes instead of a canvas, equipped with railings on both sides. Simulates a walking step, race walking, running at different speeds. The treadmill allows you to burn a lot of calories in one session. Strengthens the muscles of the legs, arms, back and vestibular apparatus. Improves blood circulation. It has an undeniable advantage over regular running: there are no holes, no dirt, you can’t fall and get injured.


This is a design that incorporates the features of a bicycle, a stepper and a rowing machine. The pedals are movable platform modules moving along an elliptical path and connected by a single mechanism with handles. The ellipsoid simulates both walking on steps and riding a bicycle. Perfectly works the buttocks, removes fat deposits in the abdomen and sides, makes the legs slimmer. Weight loss is achieved by burning calories. Increases stamina.

Exercise bike

May be of different models. There are very simple ones that are ideal for losing weight in old age. This is an axle dug into the ground next to the bench with pedals on the sides. You sit on a bench and spin the exercise machine. There are more complex designs, similar to those designed for indoor training: handles, seat, pedals. The exercise bike simulates riding a bicycle. In terms of weight loss, it is inferior to the treadmill, but also promotes intense calorie burning. Trains quadriceps, buttocks, lower back, calves. Strengthens the joints and ligaments of the legs.


Stand with two handles and a hanging swinging mechanism for the legs. The student stands on it and begins to swing the lower platforms with the weight of his own body, making pendulum movements. Perfectly pumps up the abs, removes fat from the waist, abdomen and sides.


A central stand equipped with a module with a disk rotating around an axis and paired handles. Reminds me of working with the Grazia home disk. The student stands on the platform and spins his body in different directions. There is a load on the oblique abdominal muscles. It is not surprising that this exercise machine is loved by all women, because it allows you to carve out a thin waist without a hint of fat folds.


Support stand with two parallel vertical lever-type systems, with footrests, and handles in the form of ski poles. Simulates skiing. Develops the muscles of the arms, legs, buttocks.

Outdoor strength training equipment

Horizontal bar

It is highly efficient and functional. Allows you to work different muscle groups. By performing various hanging exercises, you can get rid of fat deposits in the abdomen and sides.

Seated chest press

It is a seat with a backrest in reverse: the exercise machine is equipped with a support not for the back, but for the abdomen. It allows you to keep the body in the correct position and avoid overload. Some models are made in the classic version (i.e. the support is for the back). The main functional part is a lever mechanism driven by the exerciser’s own weight. Works the latissimus dorsi, deltoids, trapezius, and rhomboid muscles.

Standing press

A popular outdoor exercise machine among men. It consists of two vertical posts dug into the ground. Between them there is a barbell on special mounts. Its weight varies depending on the model from 25 to 50 kg. The most common option is 40 kg. The point is that the projectile can only be moved in one plane, which is limited by guides. Trains the muscles of the upper shoulder girdle and trapezius.

Leg press

It is a structure equipped with a seat at a short distance from the ground and wide platforms for legs located vertically. The practitioner sits down, bends his knees, rests his soles on the platforms and pushes off them as hard as he can, and then returns to the starting position. We are working with our own weight.

There are one-sided models (one person trains) and two-sided models (two people train). Suitable for both children and older generations. Advantages: minimal load on the spine, ease of execution, pumping of quadriceps and buttocks, strengthening of joints, safety.

Horizontal bench press

Variation of the street exercise machine “Standing Press”. It consists of the same vertical posts dug into the ground. Between them, on special mounts, lies a barbell (weighing about 40 kg), but it is located a little higher from the ground. Below it is a short horizontal bench. The practitioner lies down on it, resting his feet on the ground, and squeezes the projectile from the chest upward (it can also be moved only in one plane, limited by the guides). The exercise machine is equipped with rubber shock absorbers. First of all, it is recommended for men to pump up their pectoral muscles.

For hip flexion/extension

One of the few street strength training equipment that girls can include in their weight loss program. It is a seat with comfortable side handles. There is a lever with soft rollers. Equipped with small weights. Works by extending and flexing the hips. Trains quadriceps. Effectively eliminates cellulite.

Vertical/Top Pull

A stand with fixed movable arms. Equipped with a seat. The handles allow you to grasp them with a narrow or wide grip. Works the muscles of the chest, arms, and upper shoulder girdle. The practitioner sits facing the pull, with his back straight. He grabs the handles, pulls them all the way down, and returns them to their original position. A variation of the exercise is pulling a block behind your head.


It consists of 2 parallel horizontal beams located one above the other and connected by movable levers. The upper beam is equipped with a seat and foot rests. The handles are attached to the movable unit. Simulates rowing a boat. At the moment of straightening, the extensor muscles of the back work; at the moment of bending, the entire back muscles work. The chest, forearms, arms, abs, and thighs are also involved.


A stand with a platform for the legs and a comfortable support, which is located just below the abdomen, in the line of flexion of the torso. Under the weight of his own weight, the practitioner forces the structure, like a swing, to tilt down to a certain point that blocks the mechanism. An excellent exercise machine for those who want to pump up their abs. With its help, men can get the desired six-pack, and women can get a wasp waist. Weight loss in the abdomen and sides is guaranteed.

Outdoor exercise machines with variable load

It was said earlier that most street exercise machines involve working with your own weight. However, recently, manufacturers of such equipment have been puzzled by this problem: not everyone can do such training, especially teenagers, those losing weight and the elderly. Athletes, for example, on the contrary, do not have enough load. Therefore, recently they began to install similar structures. So far they are available only at well-equipped sports grounds and are in considerable demand.

They provide the opportunity to adjust the intensity of the impact on the muscles and change the training conditions. Most often, discs act as adjustable weights. This allows you to select the optimal load on the same machine for both a teenager and a professional weightlifter. These include:

  • all types of bench presses;
  • deadlift, vertical thrust;
  • workout;
  • standing hip abduction;
  • dumbbell rows;
  • rowing;
  • raider and many others.

For weight loss, training on exercise machines with variable loads is good because it allows you to gradually increase work on problem parts of the body, accelerating the process of fat burning and muscle building.

Cardio equipment for losing weight in the abdomen and sides

When it comes to the question of which exercise equipment will remove your belly and sides, you need to consider cardio equipment, without which you are unlikely to be able to lose weight. Burning fat is their main task.


When practicing on a stepper, we imitate the movement of stairs, thanks to which many muscles work. Find out more about the stepper here. You can strengthen your abs, work your thighs, calves and buttocks, and burn quite a lot of calories. Half an hour of training on such a simulator will help you get rid of about 270 kcal . One of the advantages of steppers is their affordable price and compact size, which makes them a great choice for home use.

We recommend that you read: exercises on a stepper for weight loss

Exercise bike

The exercise bike is great for working out your abs, buttocks and thighs. One of its advantages is that thanks to the sitting position, the knees do not receive unnecessary stress. At first it is recommended to practice for twenty minutes, and then gradually increase this duration, bringing it to an hour. To achieve maximum weight loss results, you can get up from your seat and pedal while standing.

Rowing machine

A very compact and affordable simulator, which, as the name implies, imitates movements similar to rowing. In the process of working with it, all muscle groups are tensed, and an hour of such medium-intensity training helps burn up to 550 kcal. At first, it is recommended to practice briefly - for five minutes, and increase this time over time. For those who want to improve their figure, this exercise machine can become an indispensable assistant.

Elliptical trainer

A great option for a comprehensive workout. It involves simulating sports or ski walking, thanks to which all muscles are used. The exercise machine is useful not only for losing weight, but also for developing joints.


One of the most popular exercise machines in any fitness center. Many people buy treadmills for home, but this requires a lot of space. You can regulate the load on the treadmill in two ways: by changing the speed or adjusting the degree of inclination. Read all about the benefits of a treadmill for weight loss, the rules for exercising on it, here.

It is not recommended to exercise on cardio equipment for more than an hour, but short workouts are not suitable for burning fat. It is recommended to start with a walking step on the track, which will give you the opportunity to smoothly stretch your muscles and prepare them for the upcoming loads. You should do cardio exercises about three times a week. While exercising, monitor your heart rate. Subtract your age from the number 220 - you will get the upper limit of your heart rate. During cardio training, the heart rate should be about 60-70% of the obtained value.

A set of exercises in the gym

Let's see what kind of exercise machine you can use to remove your belly in the gym. One type will not help, you need to work on all zones and draw up a program. This complex is designed to lose fat, create relief and a flat stomach.

  1. Start your warm-up on the treadmill. An excellent option for cardio exercise, as well as an exercise bike, to remove excess deposits. Duration – 5 minutes.
  2. Take an ab bench. This is a vertical or horizontal support for working with weights or your own weight. The exercises are performed with different levels of difficulty - simple body lifts or twisting. Do 15 reps of 4 sets. If you want to lose weight, rest for 40-60 seconds. For those who work on pumping muscles, it can be longer, but no more than 2.5 minutes.
  3. Take a hula hoop. This is a hoop with massage balls or weights. Regular workouts ensure a thin waist. There is a flexible model for working different muscle groups. Rotate for 15 minutes.
  4. Get on the exercise bike. The electric bike is easy to use and works on the buttocks and arms. The abdominal muscles rest here and are not used. Remember, you need to work your whole body at once, not just your abs.
  5. Take a fitball (fitness ball) and lie on it. Strengthen yourself so that you can maintain your balance. Keep your hands behind your head, but do not strain your neck. Do crunches, lifting your shoulder blades off the floor. Let beginners do 10x3 times, and experienced ones 20x4.
  6. Find the rotation roller disc. Stand up and start moving. The exercise gives you that treasured wasp waist. Spin as much as you can, but don't overexert yourself.
  7. Exercise with stairs (wall bars). Grab the side rails with your elbows bent. Raise your legs parallel to the floor; if it’s difficult, bend your knees. Do 10 reps.

Read more Let's pump up the butt together - the best exercises for pumping up the buttocks

After the main complex, do some stretching. At home, take a contrast shower and hot wraps to consolidate the results.

Strength training is contraindicated for people with spinal problems, frequent dizziness, and diseases of the cardiovascular system. It is not advisable for pregnant women to engage in any fitness activities without the approval of a doctor.

Strength training equipment for losing weight on the abdomen and sides

Various strength training equipment will help you get rid of your belly and sides in the gym. You should not think that those whose goal is to lose weight have no use for them - this is fundamentally not true, because the muscles must be strong and in good shape - then the processes of fat burning will proceed faster, and the appearance of the body will be much more aesthetically pleasing. Let's look at the most popular devices from this category.

Hula Hup

This is an ideal option for those who want to get rid of the sides and “shape” the waist. The hula hoop is very comfortable, as you can spin it while listening to music, watching a movie, or even taking it with you on a trip. That is why these are very popular home exercise machines for losing weight on the stomach and sides. There are different hoops from the simplest to weighted ones equipped with massage balls. By massaging the problem area, the hula hoop promotes active fat burning and fights cellulite. It is recommended to spin it for at least 15 minutes a day - this will help you stay in shape.


This huge ball is an excellent device for both strength and aerobic training. It can be used for abdominal pumping, push-ups, stretching, and so on. One of its advantages is that using it makes activities more fun and enjoyable. By jumping on a fitball, we seriously load the abs and actively lose weight. In fact, there are whole sets of exercises with this wonderful device, which are aimed at a variety of goals. Choose what is right for you and practice with benefit and pleasure.

Disc "Grace"

It is a rotating circle on which you need to stand and spin in different directions. When twisting the torso, the muscles tense, and it is the sides that actively go away. It is recommended to practice for at least 15-20 minutes . If you want to create a power load, choose a disk equipped with expanders. It perfectly helps to work both the abdominal muscles and the shoulder girdle.

Ab roller

Another simple exercise machine designed specifically for working the abdomen. You need to hold it with both hands and roll it along the floor in a plank position. At first glance it seems that everything is simple, but in fact the muscles work very, very actively during such an activity.

Abdominal bench

When choosing which exercise machine will help you remove your stomach and sides, do not forget to exercise on a bench designed specifically for this. It consists of a flat surface equipped with a foot mount. There are more complicated variations where the torso is twisted. They work out the stomach and back as much as possible. Thanks to regular exercise, you can tighten your figure and reduce your sides. It is better to start with simpler exercises and gradually increase their complexity.

Block simulator

It is a metal structure that allows you to perform exercises with lifting weights and adjust the degree of severity. There is a special handle or rope for the hands. The exercise machine effectively works the back and abdomen, and helps fight the sides . It is recommended to perform the exercises in several approaches with a break of about five minutes.

AB Circle Pro Trainer

Exercises on this machine involve twisting your torso in different directions while kneeling. There is nothing complicated about them, but the effect is wonderful.

As we have already said, it is recommended to combine strength and cardio equipment. If you have excess fat and only lift weights, you may gain muscle, but it won't be visible underneath the fat. In addition, the waist may increase in volume even more.

How to choose the best exercise machine for the abs and abdomen?

Easy to use

For starters, it should be something that's easy to use. Nobody wants to have something too complicated for daily use.

We've all been in a situation where we bought something only to never use it because it was too hard or too much of a hassle to use.

Think about your specific tasks

Another thing to look for is that it should be suitable for you.

  • Fitness equipment is not one size fits all.
  • You must tailor fitness to your individual needs.
  • What I do is not necessarily what is best for you.

Therefore, it is very important that you choose the best ab exercise machine that is right for you.

Whether you are a beginner or an expert, whether you have lower back problems and age can have a huge impact on which machine you should choose.

Another factor to consider is whether you want to work just your abs or whether you want to target other muscle groups as well.

You should also understand before you buy that these abdominal exercisers do not work miracles on their own.

You can't just put on some belt you saw on a late-night commercial and expect to lose all of your belly fat.

You need real gym equipment and you have to work hard and possibly change your diet to get the abs you want.

Vibration exercise machines for losing weight on the abdomen and sides

Vibrating massagers or vibration exercise machines for losing weight on the abdomen and sides are now popular. They have gained popularity due to the fact that they promise excellent results with a minimum of effort. But is everything really that good?

Vibration machines provide a massage effect, which improves blood circulation and accelerates fat burning processes. This also leads to the cleansing of body cells from toxins and various waste products and stimulation of the lymphatic system, which removes excess fluid. Thanks to this, the use of such simulators really produces results. But keep in mind that on their own they are not able to break down fat - they can complement your other efforts, but using them alone will not help you lose weight.

Which exercise equipment to choose for losing weight on your sides and abdomen is up to you to decide. Of course, if you work out at home, you have less choice than in the gym, but, nevertheless, it is possible to organize full-fledged effective training. Read how to choose a home exercise machine here. Remember that the key to success is to combine strength and cardio exercise. As for the newfangled vibrating massagers, they can be used as an addition to your program.

Elliptical trainer

This equipment allows you to pump up your muscles and lose weight well. The exercises consist of simulating running and walking. Since the simulator has handrails, from the outside it looks like you are skiing. This type of walking helps you lose weight in your legs and stomach. The elliptical machine provides a good cardio workout, which strengthens the heart and blood vessels.

You can lose up to 350 calories in thirty minutes of moderate exercise.

The undoubted advantage of this projectile is the low load on the joints. People with musculoskeletal problems can safely exercise on it.

The best equipment of this type can be found in the gym. For a home, such a simulator will be too big. And the unit is not cheap. To really conduct full-fledged training, I advise you to buy a machine from $500. If you are determined to practice at home, I recommend reading the article Ellipsoid for home.

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