How to remove belly fat at home: 10 Bubnovsky exercises

We have already told and shown how to relieve back pain with the help of Bubnovsky exercises, and also demonstrated gymnastics for the knee joints. Today Dr. Bubnovsky will explain how to get rid of belly fat at home, and at the same time get rid of constipation, hemorrhoids, and pain in the lumbar spine.

Big belly

Indications: large or hanging belly for cosmetic correction purposes. Prolapse (ptosis) of internal organs, biliary dyskinesia, constipation, hemorrhoids, irritable bowel syndrome.

I.P. lying on your back, legs bent at the knee joints.

Retracting the abdomen towards the spine (you can hold the ball with your hands to visualize its lowering). The number of movements is at least 50.

It would seem like a simple exercise, but, as practice shows, most people have an inactivated diaphragm, and many find it difficult to understand and feel this exercise, since the abdominal muscles are also poorly developed. Think about the exercise, learn to feel a kind of “sticking” of the stomach to the spine, then the diseases described above will disappear without you noticing.

The ball helps at the first stage, since it should visibly “sink into the stomach” during a long exhalation.

Before performing the exercise, it is advisable to drink a glass of water (not in one gulp) or drink green tea. The gastrointestinal tract must, as they say, be rinsed before exercise.


Gymnastics for weight loss from Dr. Bubnovsky cannot be called an innovative proprietary development. He simply managed to combine kinesitherapy, yoga, Pilates, and aerobics. With proper and regular exercise, you can achieve impressive results:

  • losing weight;
  • figure correction;
  • relief from back and joint pain;
  • eliminating cellulite;
  • activation of metabolism;
  • normalization of blood circulation.

This gymnastics forms the basis of exercise therapy from Dr. Bubnovsky for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. He prescribes it to all patients with excess weight problems.

Abdominal massage with a round stick

I.P. sitting on the edge of a chair or even standing, bending your body forward, preferably after a shower (wet body), massage your stomach with a stick, holding it by the ends, from bottom to top. At the same time, you can massage your buttocks and lower back. From one to five minutes.

This massage can be classified as a hard kneading. In this case, fatty rolls are felt on the abdomen, they are painful when kneaded. There is no danger from such a massage. Overcome the pain, what can you do.

It is better to perform it after a shower or by rubbing any anti-cellulite cream into the skin of the abdomen. Combine this massage with the previous exercise and get rid of the “hanging” belly, or “mirror disease”.

Doctor Bubnovsky about losing weight

Let's deal with excess weight. Nutritionists call it obesity. A term that everyone understands, so it needs to be deciphered. Of course, it is not necessary to fight it because of the cosmetic effect, although for most women it is the cosmetic effect that is the most important in the fight against excess weight.

In order to get rid of excess weight, and with it the cellulite that so torments women, you need motivation. Everyone wants to live long and not get sick. But among centenarians there are more thin people than people with normal and increased body weight. According to WHO, 60% of obese and 90% of thin people live to age 60.

The first motivation is that only 60% of obese people have only 60 years of life. And there is little chance that you will be among them if you already have shortness of breath when going up to the second floor. Shortness of breath is followed by hypertension and type 2 diabetes.

On the one hand, adipose tissue fills the spaces between other tissues and helps maintain the normal position of organs. On the other hand, adipose tissue is the largest store of energy. And if this energy is not in demand, then the adipose tissue, which has a vascular network, begins to grow and fill all the voids in the body.

For example, in women they distinguish between pelvic obesity (hips, buttocks), and in men - abdominal obesity. But these are the initial forms of obesity up to 35-40 years of age. In women over 40, abdominal obesity begins to predominate. The reason for many is passive behavior during pregnancy. After giving birth, many women do not start physical activity for a long time, as a result of which fat first accumulates in the voids of the muscles - primarily on the buttocks and thighs.

The second motivation is - if you want to have a beautiful figure, start rebuilding your muscles! Eating in the morning leads to less weight gain than in the evening.

The third motivation is if you want to have a beautiful figure, change your lifestyle.

Lying crunches

I.P. lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, lying on a chair (sofa). The palms are pressed to the ears, the elbows are turned to the sides. Bend your torso while exhaling “Ha-a,” trying to touch your elbows to your knees. The minimum requirement is to lift your shoulder blades off the floor. From 20 to 50 repetitions in one series, more is possible.

The exercise is completely safe, but requires the synchronization of bending the torso and exhaling “Ha-a”. The effect becomes noticeable when you manage to do 50 repetitions in a row. A slight delay at full flexion enhances the effect of this exercise. At the same time, try to pull in your stomach.


Berdnikov Maxim Alexandrovich



Galetsky Vladimir Stanislavovich


Deputy Director for Medical Activities, kinesiotherapist, orthopedic traumatologist.

Tolkacheva Daria Evgenievna


Medical specialist

Ball ride

I.P. lying on the floor. Place a ball (basketball, football, volleyball) under your stomach. Roll on the ball clockwise (from right to left, from bottom to top), that is, over the entire surface of the abdomen - 5-10 circles. In the morning or evening, always on an empty stomach, after drinking at least a glass of water.

This is one of the best types of visceral massage for biliary dyskinesia, intestinal atony (Crohn's disease) and constipation. It has a good cosmetic effect for a large belly, toning the abdominal muscles.

It is not recommended for hemorrhoids and prolapse of internal organs and in the acute stage of pyelonephritis.

Contraindications: liver diseases in the acute and subacute stages (hepatitis, cirrhosis), conditions after appendectomy, cholecystectomy (first 6 months), urolithiasis and cholelithiasis in the acute and subacute stages.

This exercise can also be classified as a type of hard massage, or kneading, which is again quite painful, but safe.

Additional recommendations

If you want to get results from the exercises, you need to adhere to a number of recommendations from Dr. Bubnovsky:

  • Follow the principles of proper nutrition. Don't eat harmful foods.
  • Drink at least 1.5 liters of plain water daily.
  • Use contrast showers as often as possible. Especially for working out cellulite parts of the body.
  • Once a week, be sure to spend at least an hour in the bathhouse/sauna.
  • Temper yourself. For example, take a cold shower in the morning - every day.
  • Take walks daily.
  • Go swimming.
  • Walk barefoot as often as possible.

So, if you want to lose weight with the help of Dr. Bubnovsky’s exercises, you will have to change a lot in your lifestyle.


I.P. lying on your back, holding onto a stationary support with straight arms. Raising your legs (straight or slightly bent at the knees) to a level of 90° or more (towards the floor), trying to touch the fixed support with your feet. It is advisable not to touch the floor with your heels when lowering your legs.

Raising and lowering your legs while exhaling “Ha-a.” Breathe like a locomotive. Don't think about inhaling, it will happen automatically. Perform the exercise from 10 to 20 repetitions in one series. A larger number is allowed, but without fanaticism. The main indicator of the adequacy of the exercise is the appearance of a burning sensation in the abdominal muscles.

The main indication for this exercise is osteochondrosis of the spine, including those with herniated discs. Exercise improves intestinal motility and blood circulation in internal organs.

Absolute contraindications: hernia of the white line of the abdomen, umbilical or inguinal hernia.

Relative contraindications: acute pain in the lumbar spine, hemorrhoids in the acute or subacute stages, uterine prolapse.

The exercise requires increased effort when raising and lowering your legs. Without mastering this breathing, it is better to postpone the exercise.

S. Bubnovsky’s method for weight loss

One of women’s favorite topics is excess weight and diet for weight loss.
“Overweight” is a weight that you (and your heart) can’t handle and it’s starting to choke you! In the literal sense of the word. for example, when climbing to the second floor, you begin to choke and sweat a lot, not to mention tachycardia, your heart seems to jump out of your chest, when pain appears behind the sternum (from left to right and down), causing fear of myocardial infarction, although it is still just angina. I recently read the book by the famous doctor S. Bubnovsky “The Whole Truth about Women’s Health” and decided to share interesting fragments with you.

“The body will be crushed if you don’t take care of it,” the famous doctor S.M. Bubnovsky always repeats. If there is excess adipose tissue, it begins to envelop the blood vessels and organs, making it impossible to breathe. “A healthy body means a healthy weight!” There is no need to calculate calories using artificial formulas invented by nutritionists.

Pelvic twist

Exercise for the oblique abdominal muscles (waist). It is an excellent prevention of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine, as it improves the mobility of the spinal column in the lumbar region. Targeted at physically fit people. Performed at a slow pace.

I.P. lying on your back, arms to the sides, legs bent. Lower your legs left and right until your knees touch the floor. Try not to lift your palms and shoulder blades off the floor. 10 to 20 repetitions in each direction. Perform each movement while exhaling “Ha-a.” A cracking sound in the lumbar region during the first 3-4 movements is allowed.


  • liver diseases in the acute and subacute stages (hepatitis, cirrhosis), conditions after appendectomy, cholecystectomy (first 6 months), urolithiasis and cholelithiasis in the acute and subacute stages;
  • hernia (linea alba, umbilical or inguinal).



Well, and finally, a few exercises from the famous gymnastics for weight loss from Dr. Bubnovsky.

To eliminate a big belly

Lie on the floor on your back. Bend your legs at the knees. Place your palms on the abdominal cavity. Tighten your abdominal muscles as much as possible and pull it in, helping it slightly with your hands. Do 50 repetitions.

Abdominal massage

To perform the exercise you will need a small gymnastic stick with rounded ends. Sit on the edge of the chair. Bend the body slightly forward. Move the stick over the abdomen from bottom to top and back, massaging it with gentle pressing movements. Time - from 1 to 5 minutes.


Lie on the floor on your back. Bend your knees at an angle of 90°, place your feet on a nearby chair. Hands are locked behind the head. Tighten your abdominal muscles, lift your upper body, lifting your shoulder blades off the floor. It is advisable to touch your knees with your elbows. Performed from 20 to 50 times. You can do it in series with a short rest interval.


Lie on the floor on your back. Straighten your arms, throw them back, behind your head and clasp the table leg with them (hold on to it tightly). The legs are extended in one line. Tightening your abdominal muscles, lift them up to a right angle (90°) and lower them, but try not to touch your heels to the floor. 10-20 repetitions are performed.

What exercises helped you lose weight?



The exercise is aimed at physically fit people. Only complete synchronization of exhalation and lifting of the legs allows you to perform this exercise correctly. A very effective exercise that allows you to develop excellent control of the muscles of the entire torso.

I.P. lying on your back. Hands straight behind the head. As you exhale “Ha-a,” bend your torso, trying to touch your straight legs with your straight arms. Up to 20 repetitions.

Contraindications: hernias (linea alba, umbilical or inguinal), pelvic organ prolapse (ptosis).

Press traction

The exercise is complicated by the need to independently attach the simulator to the legs and a fixed support (FBS) and choose a suitable place in the house. Additional leg cuffs with a carabiner or rubber bandages are needed. The technique of performing the exercise itself is quite simple.

I.P. lying on the floor, holding the NOP with outstretched arms. Simultaneous thrust to the abdomen with the thighs of a simulator, one end attached to the lower third of the legs, the other to the upper point of the lower leg. Perform at least 20 repetitions

Perfectly tightens the lower abdomen. For osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine, it helps to get rid of acute and chronic back pain.

Exercises for weight loss from Dr. Bubnovsky

The name of Dr. Bubnovsky is known throughout Russia. Its centers operate in many large cities. Some criticize his methods of treating the musculoskeletal system. Someone expresses gratitude for getting rid of many years of severe pain. While developing effective methods for treating diseases that affect muscle and bone tissue, Sergei Mikhailovich came to the conclusion that one of the most common causes of their occurrence is excess body weight. Therefore, for therapy to be successful, you first need to get rid of excess weight. And then he began to offer his patients special exercises for losing weight.

Dossier. Sergei Mikhailovich Bubnovsky (1955) - doctor, candidate of medical sciences, founder of a center for the treatment of diseases of bones, muscles, joints and vertebrae using exercise therapy and without any drugs.

Video clip

When performing this exercise, the muscles of the upper limbs (shoulders, pectoral muscles) and, of course, the abdominal muscles are involved.

Exercise only for physically fit people. The main mistake is arching the lumbar spine when returning to IP. It is better to start with incomplete extension of the torso.

I.P. standing on your knees, resting your hands on the handles of the roller. Extension of the torso until the stomach touches the floor, arms straight, and full reverse bending until returning to the starting position. The number of repetitions is from 10 to 20, more is allowed. Two exhalations during the process of extension and flexion of the torso.

After performing the exercise for the first time or after a long break, you can feel a “sheet of plywood” in your stomach. This shouldn't be a deterrent. One of the best exercises for stretching the deep muscles of the spine.

Contraindications: hernias (linea alba, umbilical or inguinal), pelvic organ prolapse (ptosis), hemorrhoids in the acute or subacute phase.


Rocking chair

This exercise is aimed at physically trained athletes, as it requires great endurance from the abdominal muscles and good coordination.

Unlike previous exercises for the abdominal muscles, when performing this exercise there is almost no breathing (1 exhalation for 4-6 movements), which in itself is a difficult condition. At the same time, the oblique abdominal muscles (waist) are perfectly activated. In fact, this exercise refers to strength aerobics, since the effect is achieved only with a large number of repetitions of the movements performed in the same rhythm.

I.P. lying on the floor on your back. Palms pressed to ears. Alternately touching the elbows to the knees crosswise. In this case, the knee of the bent leg must be pressed as close as possible to the stomach, and the second leg must be simultaneously straightened along the floor, but without touching it. Perform 10–20 repetitions on each side

Main indications: all chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract from chronic gastroduodenitis to chronic colitis, biliary dyskinesia, decreased intestinal motility.

The exercise should be performed for osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine. The exercise is also useful for diseases of the pelvic floor (prostatitis in men, endometriosis in women).

Dr. Bubnovsky's advice for losing weight

What do you need to know and understand to successfully get rid of extra pounds?

1) If you want to live long and not get sick, include sufficient physical activity in your daily routine, thanks to which adipose tissue will “give itself”, since adipose tissue is the largest store of energy and most of it is located in muscle tissue. Energy must be expended. The best energy consumer is active physical activity, which can not only consume energy stored in adipose tissue, but also help restore beautiful body shape.

A woman’s body should remain beautiful and athletic both during and after weight loss activities. If muscle tissue pumps blood, helping the heart and blood vessels, then adipose tissue only stores blood, and therefore there are more blood vessels in it than in muscle tissue. The adipose tissue takes blood for its “life” from the organs that it surrounds, without returning it back. Over time, organs (liver, kidneys, heart) are also covered with a fatty capsule, as a result of which their functions are reduced and life is sharply shortened due to the occurrence of myocardial infarction, diabetes, and obesity.

Doctor Sergey Bubnovsky

2) It is necessary to change your daily routine so as to include physical exercises, for which you usually do not have enough time. Just don’t say that you don’t have any time! This is an excuse. You must understand that without active muscle work, fat will not disappear. If you analyze the day, you can find 2 hours of useless activities: a prolonged lunch, dinner, an unnecessary afternoon snack, watching empty television programs, hanging out on the Internet and, finally, getting up late, and the morning is the time to do health-improving exercises.

The human body produces night hormones. One of them is melatonin, which protects a person from disruption of the rhythms of all organs. It controls natural healthy sleep, and during sleep it is produced 10 times more than during the day. Studies have shown that people who watch late-night television programs are several times more likely to suffer from heart disease, and children who hang out on the Internet and gadgets “grow up” 2 times faster than their peers and look older than their age. Night owls are more likely to suffer from disordered eating.

3) If you want to have a beautiful figure, create the conditions for a normal and sufficient diet, and don’t go on a diet. But this rule has its own subtleties.

In fact, the body does not need a lot of food to satiate, so you need to learn to stop yourself at the first feeling of sufficiency. Typically, this is 1/3 or ½ of the amount of food you put on your plate. Everything else is “eaten” by the eyes, and this is called bulimia, gluttony. There is also a feeling of greed - if you put it on a plate, shouldn’t you throw it away? If you eat it, it’s too much.

It’s not bad if you eat slowly, don’t read, don’t watch TV and see what you eat! Food is pleasure. You get pleasure from the quality of the food prepared, and not from the quantity eaten. Do not rush to swallow food, chew thoroughly so that it mixes with saliva, this speeds up the process of satiety and prevents overeating.

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