Why does the belly grow in women after 50 years and how to remove it at home

Main causes of aging belly

Physiological hormonal changes

Menopause is a gradual decline in ovarian function, primarily in the production of estrogen. These are hormones – “fat burners”, responsible for metabolism, beauty, youth, and good libido. After menopause, women usually notice a slight weight gain. The average age at which menstruation ceases is 51 years.

Attention! Estrogens influence the distribution of body fat in women. Hips, buttocks, stomach - these are the “stubborn” areas. Adipose tissue itself produces estrogens. Therefore, during menopause, the body tries to accumulate fat to reduce hormone deficiency.

Interruptions in the functioning of the endocrine system

Not only estrogens regulate fat metabolism. Many other hormones influence the accumulation or breakdown of lipids. With age, the number of hormonal disorders does not decrease, and pre-existing diseases may progress. What endocrine reasons prevent women over 50 from reducing their belly fat:

  • – Insulin resistance is a “lifeline” at the waist level, when folds of fat hang over the jeans. In this state, enough insulin is produced, but the cells become less susceptible to it. Type 2 diabetes may then develop.

  • – Excess cortisol, saggy belly. It is a chronic stress hormone produced by the adrenal cortex. It distributes fat deposits in its own way, which is concentrated in the central part of the body, stomach and face. Even slender women under prolonged stress can grow a belly. There are a number of diseases for which you have to take medications - synthetic analogues of cortisol. There are diseases accompanied by increased production of this hormone. The appearance becomes typical (spider figure).

  • – Hypothyroidism swollen abdomen. A decrease in the production of iodine-containing thyroid hormones causes weight gain combined with a tendency to edema. A woman can exercise endlessly and actually follow a diet, but she will not achieve any effect.

Eating habits

Lack of breakfast with overeating during the day, high-calorie foods, fast food, sweet snacks - all this provokes the deposition of belly fat in women 50+. Alimentary obesity can stretch back to childhood. But with age, metabolism slows down. After 30, every ten years lived it decreases by 5%. It’s worth thinking about - the older you are, the harder you’ll have to work.

Sedentary lifestyle

How to spend the calories from food if the work is sedentary and physical activity is minimal. All excess will be deposited in the fat depot, on the stomach. If you don't start moving, it will continue to grow. Limiting yourself to just working on the abs is not enough. Only comprehensive physical activity will help reduce your belly fat.

Food addiction

Food helps relieve anxiety, stress, or simply improve your mood. You need to “seize the problem” and calm down. And sometimes you just want to “eat up the melancholy.” This is an emotional addiction with psychological roots. Simply “pull yourself together” and stop eating will not work. There will be a breakdown. Treatment should be comprehensive with the participation of a psychologist or psychotherapist.

Chronic diseases and bad habits

Throughout life, diseases appear that significantly limit physical activity (hypertension, coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis, etc.). Alcohol in any form increases appetite. It is a high-calorie product. Smoking predisposes to cellulite and does not prevent weight gain. The myth that “if you quit smoking, you will gain weight” is very common. In fact, they gain weight by moving from one addiction to another (from smoking to food).

Genetic predisposition

The tendency to be overweight is inherited. If in your youth you can still “hold the line,” then over the years it becomes more difficult to resist the kilograms and a big belly. Look at your parents, remember your grandmothers. If everyone had excess weight, a sagging belly, then it is worth thinking through an action plan in advance so as not to “inherit.”

It is rare that the cause of a condition is single; more often it is several factors. A large belly at 60 years old in a woman can be the result of a genetic predisposition to obesity, a consequence of menopause, the habit of eating sweets at night and a sedentary lifestyle. She may also suffer from diabetes or hypothyroidism.

How is belly fat distributed in women?

Two types of fat make the belly fat: subcutaneous and visceral. The first is located just under the skin, it can be touched and folded. It is quickly deposited and driven away. The second type is located inside the abdomen, behind the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall and is called the greater omentum. The fat inside it is visceral, protecting the internal organs. By function, this adipose tissue is an endocrine gland capable of producing many biologically active substances. If the proportion of such fat does not exceed 15% of all deposits, then there is no danger. When in excess, internal fat “compresses” organs, increasing the risk of atherosclerosis, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes and other endocrine disorders.

Attention! Excess visceral fat is dangerous. Its accumulation increases after 50 years. Even in the bellies of women with a normal body mass index there is a lot of internal fat (“skinny fat”). There is good news - the problem can be solved with proper nutrition and long-term low-intensity physical activity.

How to remove age-related belly fat

It is impossible to do this “with a click”. An integrated approach targeting the main causative factors will produce results. You'll have to change your lifestyle. So where to start:

1. Check your health, especially if you haven’t seen a doctor for a long time. Visit a therapist, gynecologist, undergo a laboratory examination (general and biochemical blood tests, general urinalysis), check the function of the thyroid gland (ultrasound, hormones). This will help identify possible health problems, including the causes of a large belly. In addition, based on the results of the examination, you can competently create a weight loss program without harm to your health.

2. Exercises and physical activity

Physical activity is needed at any age. Without this, the stomach will not go away. These tips will help you get started:

  • – It is unrealistic to make fat go away only in one specific area. Fat reserves will be lost entirely, in some places less, in others more.
  • – Choose the type of physical activity based on your fitness level and health status. Some are former athletes with a swollen tummy, while others, by the age of 50, have a “baggage” of illnesses that will go away a little and are already suffocating. But even in the latter case, there is a whole direction in medicine - physical therapy. Exercises can be performed for any illness, the main thing is to formulate the complex correctly.
  • – Any activity is preceded by a warm-up, and it’s best to end the workout with stretching. While performing the exercises, breathe correctly (while tense muscles - exhale, return to the starting position - inhale).

  • – Aerobic exercise is the best option for burning fat and losing weight. These are low and moderately intense long-term loads, accompanied by increased heart rate and breathing (walking, dancing, cycling, running). They are also called cardio training, because it is the cardiovascular system that will have to provide sufficient oxygen supply to the working muscles. The body should warm up and sweat.
  • – Keep your exercise intensity under control. If you decide to reduce your belly at age 60 by choosing to run, and after 500 m you begin to feel out of breath, and your heart seems to be “jumping out of your chest,” this can lead to dire consequences. There is an aerobic heart rate range. This is 60-70% of the maximum heart rate. To calculate MHR for women, you need to subtract age from 226. Let's say you are 56 years old, MHR will be 170 beats/min, and the aerobic heart rate range (fat burning) will be 110-120 beats/min. To control the frequency during training, you can use a fitness bracelet. There is a simpler method of control - a speech test (you can speak during exercise) or according to your own feelings.

  • – Cardio training for beginners, people with large masses or other health problems . It is not at all necessary to run or jump to lose weight and reduce your belly:
  • – Walking at home on a simulator. Wear comfortable shoes and compression stockings if you have varicose veins. Turn on a series, music or audiobook, prepare a bottle of drinking water and go! Start with 10-minute brisk workouts 2-3 times a week. Increase time to half an hour as tolerated.
  • – Walking in the fresh air, Nordic walking.
  • – Water aerobics (or simple swimming) is especially suitable for diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  • – Riding a bicycle (or an exercise bike).

  • – Add strength exercises to strengthen the muscles of the abdomen, back, buttocks, and thighs. However, without aerobic exercise you should not expect quick results: the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall will strengthen, but under the existing fat layer.
  • – A few simple exercises will help you strengthen your abdominal muscles and get rid of your belly after 50 years. There is no “lower” press from an anatomical point of view. This is one muscle, but there are accents in its work. Add the old method of lifting your torso completely off the floor to your black list, as well as lifting your legs off the floor or doing a plank. This way you will develop problems with your spine faster than a beautiful belly.
  • – Start with the “vacuum” exercise

Stand up straight and take a deep breath. Then exhale and, as far as possible, pull your stomach towards your spine. Hold in this position for 10 seconds. Bring your stomach to its normal position. Do 5 reps. Perform the exercise on an empty stomach.

  • – Abdominal training

Lie on the floor, bend your knees, place your hands behind your head. Raise your upper body from the floor 2-4 cm and return to the starting position. Do this 10-15 times. You can modify the exercise: while raising your upper body, touch your hand to the opposite knee.

  • – Exercise “bicycle” lying on the floor

Start with 30 seconds, gradually increasing the rotation time until you can comfortably tolerate it.

  • – Working out the “side” press

Starting position: lying on the floor with your knees bent. We raise our head and shoulders and, in turn, touch the heel with the hand of the same side.

  • Glute bridge exercise

Starting position as in the previous version. You need to lift your lower body, buttocks and hold for a few seconds. Straight arms create additional support. Repeat the “bridge” 10-15 times.

Attention! Abdominal training should not be frequent, otherwise you can get the opposite effect (the belly will increase even more due to the trained muscle under a layer of fat). The ideal option is in 2 days. After just 2 weeks of regular exercise, you can feel the result - you can easily increase the initial load.

3. Proper nutrition

Properly establishing a diet and sticking to it is the main task. You should not force your body with express diets or other weight loss diets. At 50+, the body especially loves to be treated with care. Effective balanced nutrition includes several principles:

  • – Fractional 5-course meal, which includes 3 main meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) and 2 additional snacks. The volume of the eaten portion should fill the stomach by 2/3, without stretching it. Last meal a couple of hours before bedtime.
  • – Refusal of baked goods, excess sweets, fatty foods, smoked foods, fast food and soda. This is unhealthy food that causes rapid weight gain and abdominal growth. The basis of the diet is whole grain porridge, vegetables, fruits, fish, lean meat, and dairy products.

  • - Avoid frying. Boil, stew and steam more.
  • – Using an online calculator, calculate your daily kcal intake, taking into account your height and weight. If you are used to eating in excess, then to gently get rid of fat deposits, create a small calorie deficit (no more than 20% of your usual daily caloric intake) by reducing the proportion of carbohydrates and fats. After a couple of months, when the body adapts, you can further reduce it by the same amount. And so on until you reach your normal.
  • – Maintain hydration. Drink 1.5-2 liters of clean non-carbonated water (juices and compotes do not count). Make it a rule to drink a glass of water 15 minutes before meals and during workouts.

How to get rid of extra pounds.

Losing belly fat and visceral fat is difficult. He leaves very badly. It is not enough to do light exercises, fast, or take massage treatments in separate courses. But it is still possible to achieve the effect. The main thing is to have patience and perseverance. To achieve the goal it is necessary

  • change the food system once and for all;
  • increase physical activity;
  • identify existing diseases and, if necessary, correct health problems.

So, you should be patient. You can’t lose weight and get rid of a bulging belly, relatively speaking, in a couple of days. This is especially true for women with complex diseases of the endocrine system. Such as diabetes mellitus.

In the case of chronic diseases, the process of fighting excess weight and acquiring a smooth, beautiful belly without excess fat can last several months. Unfortunately, getting rid of belly fat is not so easy. The main thing is not to stop losing weight, using different methods. And the result will meet your wildest expectations. Of course, this is not an easy task. And when losing excess weight, you need to focus on the following points.

  • If possible, you should consult with specialists (nutritionists, endocrinologists, and other doctors).
  • Undergo procedures to cleanse the body.
  • Develop and stick to a diet.
  • Increase physical activity whenever possible.
  • It is necessary to give up bad habits.

Consultation with specialists.

Before starting the weight loss process, it is best to consult a gynecologist and endocrinologist. After all, it happens that all methods of combating excess weight do not bring the desired result. The appearance of excess weight in older age is usually associated with the cessation of ovarian activity, metabolic disorders, and an imbalance of female and male sex hormones. Therefore, you should start the fight against excess weight according to all the rules.

Doctors of relevant specialties will conduct an examination, write out directions for hormonal tests, and, if necessary, prescribe hormonal therapy.

Therapeutic methods

  • will help balance the amount of female sex hormones;
  • will ease the course of the menopause;
  • will help you lose weight effectively.

Each organism is individual and has its own characteristics. Therefore, it is impossible to take, much less abuse, hormonal drugs uncontrollably. Only a doctor can prescribe appropriate therapy based on examinations and laboratory tests.

An important role in developing a set of weight loss measures is played by a doctor such as a nutritionist. Only a competent nutritionist can correctly:

  • calculate the ratio of fat, muscle, and bone mass of the body;
  • determine the type of obesity;
  • create the right diet;
  • recommend the type of food.

A well-designed diet will allow you to lose belly fat and get rid of excess fat seriously and for a long time. The extra pounds will never come back. But you need to adhere to this style of eating not just for two weeks, but throughout your life.

If you cannot use medications for some reason, then you can use products with natural estrogens. Such products include

  • sprouted wheat;
  • raspberries;
  • pomegranate;
  • products containing hop fruits (cones).

In general, nutrition in general is a separate article in the process of fighting excess weight.


The most important thing is to give up the habit of buying ready-made food, snacking in a cafe, or on the road. Prepared food, as a rule, contains the maximum amount of fat and carbohydrates. Food prepared with your own hands is much tastier and healthier. This is especially true for the fairly popular Mediterranean diet. It is not very strict, and contains healthy and tasty products. After all, under any regime, the body should under no circumstances suffer.

But before starting any diet, you need to create the right diet. After all, after forty years, metabolism decreases by almost half. Therefore, the caloric content of dishes present in the daily diet should be reduced by half. You can remove your belly and reduce your waist size if you adhere to the following nutritional rules.

  • Drink plenty of fluids. The first glass of water should be drunk in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • Elimination of fatty, sweet foods, and flour baked goods.
  • Replacing confectionery with fruit.
  • Consuming large amounts of fiber and fermented milk products.
  • Meat should not be fried, but stewed, boiled, or steamed.
  • You should eat small meals at least five times a day (three main meals and two snacks).
  • You can't eat three hours before bedtime.
  • It is necessary to establish a useful rule: arrange a fasting day once a week.
  • You can't eat quickly. The body must understand that it is being fed and feel full. Eating should take at least 20 minutes.
  • For easy digestion of food and proper functioning of the digestive system, it is necessary to chew each piece thoroughly.

Belly growth in adulthood can be caused by excess carbohydrates. Because it is not fats, but carbohydrates that lead to excess weight. Carbohydrates are converted into glycogens. After this, insulin is released. And it contributes to obesity.

Rejection of bad habits.

Giving up bad habits can quickly rid the body of depression, tone the body, and, as a result, reduce weight. Nicotine and alcohol have never benefited anyone.

Other methods of losing weight.

Daily walks give good results. You need to walk as much as possible. If possible, you should stop using public transport, and when going up to the desired floor, do not use the elevator. To increase the frequency of necessary walks, you can get a pet dog of any breed.

With the help of walking, you can effortlessly keep your muscles toned, gradually lose belly fat and lose weight. Hiking can be combined with household chores. You need to walk to shops, to the clinic, to various government or municipal institutions. In addition, walks in the fresh air improve your complexion and lift your mood.

In the process of losing weight, you should not give in to stress. But stressful situations are an integral part of the life of any person. And sometimes they cannot be avoided. You must learn to take any troubles for granted and treat them philosophically.

You need to be able to ignore stress, replacing it with pleasant experiences: going to the movies, the theater, meeting friends, relaxing and traveling. After all, the hormone released into the blood after stress promotes the accumulation of excess fat deposits. This hormone is cortisol.

Sleeping mode

Don't forget about your sleep schedule. It is better not to resort to daytime sleep unless absolutely necessary. Daytime naps disrupt the body's natural biorhythms and can reduce sleep at night. In addition, a short duration of night sleep reduces the production of hormones that stimulate the consumption of adipose tissue. It also leads to negative consequences for the liver. It begins to break down fats more slowly. And this also contributes to obesity.

If a woman sleeps poorly and sleeps little, then she looks bad. In addition, morning fatigue and bad mood also lead to stress for the body, and, as a result, to the accumulation of fat reserves. You can get rid of a depressed mood by

  • doing yoga;
  • taking medicinal herbal teas;
  • meditating;
  • listening to pleasant music;
  • bathing in warm baths with foam or essential oils

To reduce body volume, you can use cling film wraps with honey, mustard, or coffee grounds. They will not only reduce your waist size, but also tighten your skin. Wraps, massage, and contrast showers, carried out with particular regularity, can change your figure for the better.

Patience to you, and good luck losing weight!

How to remove belly fat for a woman over 50 at home

In addition to nutrition and physical activity, local exposure to the problem area will help reduce the belly. Several techniques have received good reviews:


3 simple steps will help remove the fatty apron and tone sagging skin: stroking, pinching, patting. The procedure is carried out on an empty stomach, on clean skin, clockwise. You can use an anti-cellulite product and additional devices (massager, brush, cups). Systematic procedures are necessary. It is good to have a massage before playing sports.


They complement the effectiveness of massage and can be alternated. A drainage composition (liquid honey with essential oils, cocoa, blue clay) is applied to the problem area, then the waist is wrapped in film and a blanket on top. So you need to wait an hour and wash everything off. The effect will be noticeable within 2 weeks. The skin becomes more elastic and the stomach tightens.

Hula Hup

This is a training hoop, but not the aluminum one that everyone remembers from childhood. It is better to use a massage hoop with internal rubber “spikes”. There are also weighted, magnetic and press flexors. In order not to hurt the skin, there should be clothes around the waist. Start with 10 minutes a day, 5 times a week, gradually increasing the time to half an hour. Massage hula hoop in the photo below.

Slimming Belt

This is an additional remedy in the fight against a sagging belly. There are several types: massage, myostimulating, with a sauna effect. Whatever type you choose, you will have to work with it.

How to remove belly fat after 50 years for a woman: what salons offer

There are many effective non-surgical techniques in the arsenal of modern cosmetology. All of them are quite expensive, but give good results:

  • – Hardware massage (vacuum, LPG, pressotherapy);
  • – Injection lipolysis (injections of fat-burning cocktails);
  • – Ultrasonic cavitation (effect after the first session);
  • – Laser and radio wave lipolysis;
  • – Myostimulation (for a flabby abdomen with a weak anterior abdominal wall).

In addition, the salons also provide professional manual massage, hot and cold wraps. The methods have contraindications. What to choose is decided in each case individually with the doctor.

Perfect abs in 10 minutes a day

How to lose belly fat at 60 years old for a woman without strength training, no method has yet been invented. After aerobic exercise, it is recommended to perform several exercises to strengthen the muscles of the abdominal walls. In the first weeks, one approach of 10–15 repetitions is enough. Over time, the load can be increased by 2–3 times.


To twist your stomach, you need to lie on your back. Put your hands behind your head, raise your legs 45° or a little higher. Movements should be performed using the lower abdominal muscles. It is recommended to adjust the amplitude depending on how you feel. You can strengthen the exercise by using a ring rubber expander.

Rock climber

The traditional “plank”, supplemented by leg movements, helps to remove a large belly in women aged 60. Take a lying position, leaning on your forearms and toes. Do not arch your back. The pelvis should be raised. Take steps with each foot in turn, bending your knees. The movements should imitate climbing the slope of a steep mountain.

Twisting the body on a fitball

Lie on the ball with your knees bent on the floor and your hands under your head. Leaning on the fitball with your buttocks, raise your body, trying to reach your knees with your elbows. This method of twisting relieves the load on the spine; the efforts are made by the abdominal muscles.

Who helped what: opinions and reviews

It is not so easy for a woman of advanced age to remove a sagging belly. However, there are quite a lot of success stories. Key points that helped different women become slimmer are collected here:

  • – “Nutrition is the main thing in the fight against excess weight after 50 years. Healthy eating, no experimenting with diets. The body needs vitamins, microelements, and protein more than ever. I completely eliminated flour, smoked, fried foods and limited animal fat. Porridge, vegetables, fruits, fish, lean meat, and dairy products became the basis of the diet. Do you want something sweet? Then choose healthy sweets! Dried fruits, marshmallows, honey, dark chocolate, macadamia nuts - the main thing is to use moderation. I managed to lose 17 kg in a year, adhering only to the principles of healthy eating. And my waist has also returned thanks to daily self-massage.”

  • “At the age of 60, belly fat accumulated over the years is very difficult to remove on your own. I was able to achieve good results thanks to sports. Need motivation. For some, this is a new love (all ages are submissive to it), for others, active grandchildren. I have a friend who introduced me to water aerobics. Exercising in water not only helped me lose weight, but also had a beneficial effect on my joints. I became less sick and tired"

  • “You can know the theory of how to lose weight, but if you are addicted to food, then everything will be in vain. For as long as I can remember, I constantly “ate” stress and loved to eat delicious food. As a result, by the age of 50 - obesity, diabetes, heart problems, arthrosis of the knee joints. It was late that I realized that the problem needed to be solved in my head, and not start struggling with its consequences. Only long work with a psychotherapist, drug therapy and correction of eating behavior bore fruit.”
  • “With the onset of menopause, my weight began to increase. The climacteric syndrome was very pronounced. I contacted a gynecologist-endocrinologist. It turned out that the thyroid gland was still not in order. They prescribed hormonal therapy, which made me feel much better. But I also reconsidered my lifestyle. More movement, massage, healthy eating - I think I’m falling in love with life again!”

Despite the complexity of the problem, there is always a solution. Share your experience in the comments. Let success stories motivate you on the path to health, slimness and love for life.

Author of the article Olga Stremitelnaya, especially for the website Style40plus.ru

One comment on “Why does the belly grow in women after 50 years and how to remove it at home”

  1. Lyudmila:

    02/17/2021 at 02:20

    I’m 55. A year ago, my weight increased so much that it became difficult to walk, I started eating healthy, ate small portions and did exercises for 30 minutes in the morning, as it should be, I taught myself to drink 2 glasses of water in the morning. The weight came off slowly, but in 2 months I lost 14!! kg. By spring I was in great shape. Over the summer the weight did not return, although I ate everything, but I developed a good habit, eating porridge in the morning and drinking 1.5 liters of water. 2 months ago the weight returned 3 kg. And now I’m back on the weight loss regimen, but I’ve already lost 3 kg of this weight. I’m moving on, at least 5 kg. I still want to lose it. That’s my story. Try to lose weight, my main desire!!!!!


Basic aspects of losing weight

It is possible to normalize your metabolism and quickly remove fat from your tummy, but you will have to try hard to do this. Proper weight loss is based on several principles:

  • consultation with a specialist about chronic diseases and preparation of a correct diet;
  • cleansing the body of waste and toxins;
  • adjusting the diet;
  • physical exercise;
  • if necessary, consultation with a psychologist and hormonal therapy.

Let's look at each aspect in more detail.

Consultation with a specialist

If you cannot get rid of excess weight, the fat layer does not disappear from the sides and waist, the reason may be a metabolic disorder. It is worth contacting a specialist to start fighting fat deposits correctly.

Since hormonal changes in women after 50 are caused by impaired ovarian function, it is worth contacting a gynecologist who will offer to donate blood and monitor the process of changes in the concentration of estrogen and progesterone. If one of your friends or acquaintances was prescribed hormonal medications and they helped correct the problem, this does not mean that the medicine is right for you. Only a doctor can decide exactly how to correct a hormonal disorder based on thorough examinations.

It would be a good idea to contact a nutritionist, since it is easy to read advice on proper nutrition, but not to create a diet yourself. Having determined the type of obesity and finding out the percentage of muscle and body fat, the nutritionist will choose a gentle but effective diet. It will not help you get rid of belly fat in 2 weeks; you need to switch to this type of diet for life, but the results in this case will last for a long time without the risk of the woman returning extra pounds again.

Slag removal

Some sincerely believe in the harm of toxins and in the fact that the remnants of digested food do not leave the body completely, being absorbed back into the intestines after some time and poisoning the body. Others believe that this is all a myth and that the gastrointestinal tract does an excellent job of cleaning and does not require additional “doping.” Whatever the truth, detox shakes and diets are extremely popular.

The following methods will help you cleanse your intestines and lose weight:

  1. Cleansing enemas with decoctions of medicinal plants. They cannot be done often, so as not to disturb the microflora, optimally once a week or a week and a half.
  2. Use mild laxatives, preferably herbal ones. Do not overuse medications; follow the rules of administration specified in the instructions.
  3. Consuming a mixture of ground dried fruits and honey, which has a mild laxative effect.
  4. Colon cleansing in medical institutions using special equipment.
  5. Eating vegetables rich in fiber (cabbage, carrots, beets), fermented milk products and citrus fruits.

Before starting a colon cleanse course, consult your doctor about the methods you choose. Based on the examination, the doctor will select the best options for gentle bowel cleansing.

Adjusting your diet

A flat tummy is unthinkable without proper nutrition. The more you load your stomach with harmful and high-calorie foods, the more your sides grow and your waist increases. After forty, the body begins to change; the usual diet can play a cruel joke. If at the age of 20 calories are consumed quickly, then with age you will need to reduce the caloric content of your diet by almost 2 times.

Fat will go away and your stomach will become flat if you eat according to the following principles:

  • we drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day, we drink a glass of liquid in the morning on an empty stomach;
  • remove fatty, sweet and starchy foods;
  • replace sweets with fruits;
  • eat more fiber;
  • don’t forget about dairy products;
  • We choose lean meat, do not fry, but boil, stew or steam;
  • We try to eat 5 times a day in small portions: breakfast, a small snack, lunch, another snack and dinner;
  • we start a useful habit of doing fasting days once a week;
  • do not eat 3 hours before bedtime;
  • We stretch out the eating process for 20 minutes so that the body has time to feel full;
  • Chew each piece thoroughly to make the food easier to digest.

The rules are simple, you just need to take it and learn to follow them every day. Sometimes you can allow yourself to eat a little of your favorite but unhealthy food. If you constantly keep a tight rein on yourself, this method of losing weight will not be effective either physically or psychologically.

Physical exercise

The diet has been adjusted, but the body has nowhere to put calories, which age-related changes in the body persistently turn into belly fat. If a woman has a sedentary job, then the situation can become catastrophic. To prevent the appearance of a saggy, flabby belly, you need to move and do exercises as much as possible. Even regular walks are enough. If your workplace is close to home, walk there. Many women after fifty years practice Nordic walking, lose weight and feel much better after training. Isn't this a reason to buy special poles and go to the park?

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