Proven ways to quickly and permanently remove odor from shoes at home


Date of: 24.08.2017

A fifth of the European population suffers from mycosis of the feet. This is data from the Achilles study, conducted in all European countries, including ours. Fungus on the feet most often begins with interdigital folds, for the following reasons: - vascular diseases of the legs (21%); — obesity (17%); - foot pathology - narrow spaces between the toes, diabetic foot, flat feet (15%); - trauma to the skin, nails and fingers due to tight shoes, sports injuries, trimmed pedicure.

The favorite place for mycosis of the feet to occur is the closest spaces between the 3rd, 4th, 5th toes. From there, the fungus affects all interdigital folds, the skin of the sole with the lateral edges, the back of the foot, and nails

What is sweat

Sweating is a natural physiological mechanism for cooling the body and releasing fluid containing salt and organic matter from our body. They are removed from the body through special microscopic glands with which our body is strewn: from the head to the feet. It is impossible to stop sweating. This is an important process of thermoregulation. Sweat also allows the transfer of pheromones and many biologically active substances necessary for human interaction at the physiological level.

Where does sweat smell from?

It's all about our microbiome, the bacteria that live both inside and outside the body. One of the main culprits of our “fragrance” is a bacterium of the staphylococcal family Staphylococcus hominis. When it reacts with sweat molecules, it forms thioalcohol, an organic sulfur compound with a hint of sulfur, onion and meat combined. There are countless bacteria in the armpits. Scientists claim that there are more of them than people on our planet.

What affects body odor and sweat

The freshly produced liquid has no odor. It appears after a period of time during which bacteria multiply in the places where it is released. But in addition to the pathogenic flora that everyone normally has, body aroma is affected by diet. Indeed, we are what we eat.

Foods that affect body odor

  • Tomatoes contain substances - carotenoids and terpenes, which change the smell of sweat. And the more tomatoes you eat, the stronger the smell. But 1-2 pieces will not cause drastic changes.
  • Red meat takes a long time to digest, and if consumed daily, it can cause stagnation in the body. The long process of decomposition of meat fibers will make itself felt with an unpleasant trail from the body.
  • Cabbage itself has a specific aroma in any form. Due to the fact that it is rich in sulfur, the aroma can easily transfer to someone who eats it a lot and often. This happens as a result of the fact that sulfur, after entering the body, is broken down into substances that emit an unpleasant odor. The main thing is control.
  • Spices - for those who like spicy and hot things, be careful. Such as chili pepper, cumin, curry, cumin can give the body a not very pleasant aroma.

How to recognize mycosis of the foot? Symptoms of toe fungus

  • A crack or funnel appears between the toes, the edges of which are covered with whitish or greenish squamous (flaky) skin;
  • The crack may be weeping with the release of exudate;
  • Circular diaper rash with peeling skin appears under and between the fingers (intertriginous symptoms);
  • When the flow between the toes is erased, the cracks are hardly noticeable, but the peeling takes on a flour-like character (the skin looks as if it was sprinkled with flour - these are its affected scales). Symptoms are especially common in children;
  • There is a slight itch between the fingers, but there is no great discomfort.

In a “dormant”, erased state, the fungus between the toes can remain indefinitely, hiding the symptoms. But the processes will increase. Gradually, the skin looks increasingly dry, rough, rough, flaky, acquires a dirty yellow-gray color, becomes horny to the point of calluses, and cracks in especially rough areas.

Simultaneously or sequentially, the stage of onychomycosis occurs - lesions of the nails that change color, thicken, peel and crumble. This ending is reached in the later stages, when the symptoms clearly indicate long-term neglect of health.

The second way of developing fungus between the fingers is more rare (about 8%). This is a “wet”, vesicular or exudative fungus, which causes bursting vesicles and ulcerations after them. Such wet mycosis between the toes affects people under severe stress, during long hikes, wearing poor, tight, non-ventilated shoes, with improper treatment of the fungus, with self-medication with antimycoses and corticosteroids.

If you sabotage the treatment of the fungus between the fingers, 80-100% of patients will have their toenails affected, and 20% will have their fingernails affected. The appearance is sad and repulsive; the nail looks like crumbling dust or laundry soap. It can also take on the appearance of a “vulture’s claw” or grow in. And an ingrown toenail is also a painful treatment.

The best remedies for sweat and odor

Of course, the first thing you can and should do to get rid of the unpleasant sensations of a sweaty body is to carry out hygiene procedures. However, dermatologists do not recommend getting too carried away with showers and gels. In order not to become sterile and vulnerable, natural microflora, which is natural in nature, must remain on the skin. But you can maintain cleanliness and freshness, and prevent the proliferation of pathogenic microbes in a humid environment, using special means, the range of which is varied.

Underarm products

If you think that deodorant and antiperspirant are the same thing, we hasten to answer - no. These are different products with different tasks.


They only have a deodorizing effect. They are able to overcome hygienic imperfections, preventing the proliferation of bacteria during sweat, but they are not able to get rid of it.

Deodorant is suitable when body odor and sweat are insignificant. But if a person sweats a lot and also smells strongly, then sweat mixed with deodorant can cause the opposite effect. It is important to apply deodorant to a clean, dry skin surface.

Rexona spray

Rexona spray is easy to use, does not leave a white residue on the skin and clothes, effectively eliminates odor due to antibacterial components, and contains additional caring substances to soften and protect the skin. Rexona has a line of deodorants with motionsense technology. Due to special microparticles, the anti-sweat product works according to the principle - more movement, higher protection.

The most famous brand in Russia with an optimal price-quality ratio.

Nivea with kaolin powder

Good composition with natural kaolin powder. Kaolin is a white clay based on the mineral kaolinite. Due to this component, the deodorant dries very quickly on the body, without a sticky feeling. Keeps skin velvety and soft. Contains an antibacterial complex that blocks odor for a long time. Nivea deodorant with kaolin powder has a subtle and unobtrusive aroma that does not mix with perfumes.

Lady speed stick aloe

Due to the content of aloe alcohol in the Lady Speedstick deodorant, it has a good drying effect, reliably protecting against the growth of bacteria and the appearance of an unpleasant trail. And aloe extract, penetrating the epidermis, provides softness and saturates it with vitamins, minerals and oxygen. Does not clog pores, allowing the body to breathe.

La Roshe Posay roll-on deodorant Physiologique

La roche pose deodorant is an excellent product with an excellent formula. Its basis is the natural adsorbent mineral perlite. Effectively and delicately fights excess sweating, is suitable for sensitive skin and does not clog the sweat glands. The zinc gluconate included in the composition provides an antibacterial effect, and allantoin soothes, moisturizes and restores the epidermis.


Antiperspirant differs from deodorant in that the former blocks the action of the sweat glands, eliminating the process of sweating. For this reason, it is not suitable as a regular care product. If deodorant can be used several times a day, then antiperspirant is recommended to be applied to clean and dry armpits once every 3-5 days. Since it contains aluminum salts, it is better to use antiperspirant not more often.

Vichy Homme deodorant 50ml for excessive sweating

Men's deodorant with a neutral aroma. The enhanced formula is tailored specifically to the characteristics of male sweating. The antibacterial component in Vichy ohm antiperspirant is witch hazel extract, which eliminates unpleasant odor without masking it. Does not leave white marks.

Vichy Transpiration intense deodorant roll-on

Vichy Deodorant Transpiration intense antiperspirant deodorant limits sweating for 48 hours, dries out the skin and prevents the appearance of unpleasant odors. In clothes without wet spots in the armpits, you feel complete comfort and confidence. Vichy Roll-on Deodorant does not contain ethyl alcohol and parabens, therefore it is suitable for sensitive skin. It forms a film on the surface of the skin that allows you to breathe, protects the skin from drying out and makes it smooth and silky.

Dry Dry product

One of the most effective and popular remedies for sweat and odor. Unlike previous antiperspirants, this one is able to block sweat production for 3 to 7 days. In the Dry Dry lines there is a product with a classic composition, the main substance in which is aluminum chloride hydrate and alcohol. Dry dry for sensitive skin is gentler and retains its effect for up to 3 days. The effectiveness of Dry Dry lies in the fact that the product affects the sweat glands, thereby regulating the process of sweating. Suitable for eliminating hyperhidrosis.


All Deonic products do not contain alcohol or parabens. The Nature Protection line of antiperspirants does not contain aluminum chlorohydrate. The main active ingredient is the natural mineral alunite. Does not cause irritation and allows the skin to breathe. Does not leave marks on clothes. And the DEONICA PRO line has the main active ingredient - thermally activated aluminum chlorohydrate. It differs from ordinary aluminum salts in particle size. These particles penetrate the pores more easily and intensively without clogging them, providing freshness and comfort for a long time. The products are created using Swiss technology using components that are the basis for pharmaceuticals.

Both deodorants and antiperspirants are available in the form of sprays and aerosols, gels, sticks, mineral crystals, and rollers with a liquid creamy product. The price range of deodorants and antiperspirants is also wide. This is due to the composition, quality of raw materials and production technologies.

Products for palms and feet

Teymurova cream paste

Stata Teymurova is a long-proven remedy that can overcome profuse sweating of the feet and cope with an unpleasant odor. A working product with a complex of active cream-paste components has a drying, exfoliating and mild deodorizing effect.

Mozolin spray-tonic

From sweat, odor, fungus - normalizes sweating and prevents the appearance of unpleasant odors, the spray blocks the development of microbial flora, leaves a fresh and pleasant aroma, softness.

Foot cream “5 days”

This cream softens dry and rough feet. Has disinfecting, drying and mild deodorizing effects. Does not irritate the skin.

Antiperspirant deodorant “Miko-stop”

Improves blood and lymph circulation and helps get rid of unpleasant plume. The cosmetic product can be used several times a day. Antiperspirant deodorant for feet inhibits the growth of bacteria and fungi and is suitable for the prevention of fungal diseases.

Foot cream “Natural formula”

Cream “Natural Formula” Removes calluses and corns; softens the feet, has an antibacterial effect, inhibits the proliferation of unwanted microflora and the appearance of an unpleasant trail from the feet;

Foot deodorant “Green Pharmacy”

Toning foot product “Green Pharmacy” is effective against odor, refreshes, cools and disinfects, and produces an antifungal effect.

Spray “Dry Dry”

Dry dry is one of the most popular means. Used in the armpits, palms of the hands and soles of the feet. The effect lasts up to 7 days. Does not interfere with the sweating process. Suitable for the treatment of hyperhidrosis.

Why do men and girls' feet stink?

The amount of sweat secreted by the sweat glands varies from person to person, as does its composition. Sweat is 99% water, and the remaining 1% is salts, ammonia and acids. If the concentration of any of the components (except water) increases, then the sweat acquires an unpleasant odor.

Fig. 1 - shoes smell bad after wearing

To the main cause of foul odor, you can add several more:

  • intensely produced sweat is a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria. The stench is formed due to waste products;
  • synthetic socks and poorly ventilated shoes have low breathability and moisture absorption, and a warm and humid environment is an ideal place for microorganisms to live;
  • if you wash your feet once a day, the smell soon appears again;
  • Fans of hot, spiced foods may also notice an increase in unpleasant odors.

Some diseases can also cause stinky feet. These include:

  1. Diseases of the endocrine system (this disease affects women more often than men). The developing disease disrupts the composition of the secreted sweat and its quantity, hence the pungent specific odor appears.
  2. Fungal infection. Mycosis can be contracted in a sauna, steam bath or swimming pool, wearing someone else's slippers or using a towel, as well as during a manicure or pedicure. The disease is accompanied by itching and burning of the feet and spaces between the toes, increased sweating and an unpleasant odor.
  3. Hormonal changes in the body. If there is a hormonal imbalance or during menopause, a woman experiences increased sweating, which entails an increase in the number of bacteria and an unpleasant odor.
  4. Lack of zinc. The lack of this element in the body threatens with an unpleasant odor from the body, feet and mouth.

About people:

In the human body, there are about 4 million sweat glands in the outer layer of the epidermis. A person has the most sweat glands on the palms - up to 2500 per square centimeter, in the armpits, on the feet, in the groin area. Genetically, representatives of Asian blood have fewer pores compared to others. Women have much more sweat glands than men. But in the latter they are most active. A person sweats always and constantly. Even at normal room temperature, the body secretes 400-600 ml of sweat per day. If you add heat and physical activity, the volume of fluid excreted through the sweat glands will already be 1-1.2 liters per day! If there is no sweat even during physical exertion and high temperatures, there is a reason to immediately visit an endocrinologist. This won’t make life easier, but it could easily be a dangerous wake-up call. To remove a liter of sweat from the body, the body needs to spend 540 kilocalories.

What can you do at home if your feet smell?

At home, you can use inexpensive pharmaceutical drugs to combat excessive sweating. One of the most effective remedies is birch tar-based paste and tar soap. Some manufacturers add tea tree oil to the paste, which has disinfectant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Some proven antiseptics and products with salicylic acid have proven themselves well, such as Borozin , Formidron , Drisol , Teymurova paste . These drugs are time-tested and recommended by many dermatologists.

Boric acid is especially worth noting - it effectively fights sweating and fungal infections of the feet. Boric acid powder can be added to foot baths or applied to problem areas of the body. A 2-week course of treatment will provide a long-lasting effect of up to six months.

You can try a new product - socks that reduce the amount of sweat produced. They are made from natural materials and have a special antiseptic impregnation. The manufacturer assures that the product is completely hypoallergenic and can be used for varicose veins.

Use medications with caution. Any drug used to combat excessive sweating dries out the skin and can cause individual intolerance or an allergic reaction.

Additional tips on how to get rid of sweaty feet at home

To prevent the appearance of bad foot odor, you should use the following recommendations:

  1. Try to avoid shoes made from synthetic fabrics. It is the least comfortable for the feet, and therefore sweating increases significantly.
  2. Always try to dry your shoes to prevent them from retaining moisture. Bacteria develop most actively in a humid environment, so you should avoid this.
  3. If you have an unpleasant foot odor, you should consult a dermatologist before starting treatment. It will help determine the causes of the strong odor.
  4. Maintain good foot hygiene. Every day you need to wash your feet thoroughly using antibacterial cleansers. Also, try to keep your feet dry at all times.
  5. Give preference to hosiery made from natural fabrics, in particular cotton and linen.

What do pharmacies offer FOR FOOT ODOR?

Pasta Teymurova

– a strong remedy, course of treatment – ​​5 days, against strong sweat and odor.

Formagel product

Designed for those who frequently visit the sauna, bathhouse, and swimming pool.

Pharmacies offer a very wide range of drugs ; you can purchase them individually; instructions are included.

Fungal diseases of the feet

When infected with nail or foot fungus, the disease does not always develop. If an organism with a strong immune system , it protects against the development of the disease. But if the immune response is weak, then when infected, the fungus actively spreads, and subsequently it is very difficult to fight it.

If you suspect a fungal infection, you should contact a specialist. Initially, the doctor must assess the patient’s condition and, depending on the type of fungus and the severity of the patient’s condition, prescribe a treatment regimen. In such a situation, the following means are used:

  • antifungal tablets ( Itraconazole , Ketoconazole , Fluconazole );
  • antifungal sprays ( Lamisil , Terbix );
  • antifungal cream ( Zalain , Nizoral );
  • nail polishes with antifungal action ( Demikten , Lotseril , Batrafen ).

If the patient strictly follows the doctor’s recommendations and follows the instructions for using the prescribed medications, then he will be able to get rid of the unpleasant disease. In this case, you must carefully follow all the rules of foot hygiene. Antifungal treatment of shoes and socks and disinfection of linen will also help overcome bad odors.

Oil mixture

An excellent folk remedy for sweaty feet is an oil mixture that can be prepared from two ingredients. To do this, combine cold-pressed olive oil and tea tree oil in a 1:1 ratio in one container, then mix and, after slightly heating the product in a water bath, apply it to clean skin in the problem area, rubbing it in.

It is recommended to use this composition twice a day, morning and evening. After application, you should wait until the products are completely absorbed, after which you can go about your business or go to bed.

As practice shows, by carrying out such a procedure daily, you can observe a positive effect after just a couple of weeks of using such a folk remedy. Once the result is obtained, it is recommended to carry out this procedure a couple of times a week to consolidate it.

An excellent alternative to the indicated composition is a mass made from tea tree oil and aloe vera gel mixed in a 3:1 ratio. You will have to rub in this product for quite a long time - for a couple of months, but this composition is most effective. In addition, it is ideal for particularly problematic skin on the feet. Practice shows that with long-term use of such a folk remedy for foot sweat and unpleasant odor, some cosmetic defects of the feet can be eliminated.

We fight with folk remedies

If you love traditional medicine, then stock up on ingredients and prepare miracle mixtures. But before you try this or that recipe, wash your feet thoroughly, trim your toenails, and dry your feet thoroughly.

Recipe with soda

What will you need?

  • dried chamomile (3 tbsp);
  • soda (1 tbsp);
  • water (1 l.).

How to prepare and use?

First, you need to pour hot water over the chamomile and let it brew for about 1 hour. Then add the specified amount of soda to the composition. You need to rub your feet with the resulting mixture.

Infusion with vinegar

The recipe is suitable for those who suffer from unpleasant foot odor due to fungus. To enhance the effect of the infusion, you can also add carrot juice.

What will you need?

  • butter (200 g);
  • vinegar (100 g);
  • egg (1 pc.).

How to prepare and use?

Mix all the components suggested above together, adding the egg along with the crushed shell. The resulting mixture should be infused in a glass jar in the refrigerator for one week. This composition must be lubricated every day in the areas affected by the fungus for 2 weeks.

Bath with oak bark

This tincture will narrow the sweat glands and dry the skin due to the inclusion of tannins in its main component.

What will you need?

  • oak bark (2 tbsp);
  • water (1 l.).

How to prepare and use?

Pour boiling water over the oak bark and let it brew for about 20 minutes. Add the resulting infusion to the foot bath. The procedure must be carried out every evening for 10 minutes.

A few more recommendations can be heard from Elena Malysheva in the next video.


When taking on shoe processing, it is recommended to use the following tips:

  1. Before eliminating an unpleasant odor, shoes must be cleaned and dirt removed.

  2. Processing of the inside must be carried out carefully, covering the entire surface.
  3. It is recommended to carry out the care procedure with rubber gloves and good ventilation.
  4. If there is a danger that the shoe storage room may be damp, you can put 1-2 tablets of activated carbon in the shoe box. Being a sorbent, coal will absorb excess moisture and prevent mold from appearing.

If you are unable to remove the smell on your own, you can seek help from a special shoe cleaning service.

You will find a lot of useful and important information about removing various unpleasant odors from objects and surfaces in this section.

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