All about the best side dish during a diet - funchozu noodles

Funchozu, or glass noodles, is a product originally from Asia.

Residents of this continent rarely suffer from excess weight.

Glass noodles contain starch and a lot of calories, but despite this, nutritionists recommend including them in your diet when losing weight.

This is explained by the fact that when properly prepared and combined with products, funchose does not provoke the accumulation of fats and has a positive effect on the entire body.

What it is

Funchozu is a noodle made from the starch of various Asian plants, which is used as a side dish. Externally, the product looks like long, thin, transparent threads twisted into rings.

It is believed that glass noodles speed up metabolic processes in the body. This is due to the composition of the product, which is 20% resistant starch. This component is practically not digested in the small intestine; it reaches the large intestine in a slightly changed form, where it demonstrates its beneficial properties.

After the product is broken down, the body is saturated with fatty acids, and calcium and magnesium are absorbed faster. It allows you to maintain stable blood sugar levels, reduce the content of “bad” cholesterol, and accelerate metabolic processes (metabolism).

Expert opinion

Evgeniy Kislitsa

Practicing surgeon. Certified massage master. Two-time vice-champion and heavyweight champion of regional kettlebell lifting competitions.

Funchozu noodles have a beneficial effect on intestinal function, largely due to the significant content of indigestible fiber. It is the latter that ensures stable functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and is able to normalize it in the presence of disorders. This is due to the fact that fiber stimulates peristaltic movements (rhythmic contractions) of the intestinal wall, which improves the passage of food through the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, where it is gradually digested without delay for a long time. Fiber also allows you to regulate the state of the intestinal microflora, especially its thick section, thereby preventing the development of digestive disorders and a wide range of diseases. Fiber also helps normalize the functioning of the immune system, largely due to its effect on the state of the intestinal microflora.

What are they made from?

There is an opinion that noodles are made from rice flour, but this assumption is incorrect. The product indeed resembles rice noodles, but it is based on the starch of mung yam beans, canna roots, cassava, and quinoa.

Important! Unscrupulous manufacturers often use rice, potato or corn starch instead of the components described above.

To understand whether you bought an original product or not, boil it. Real funchose becomes transparent after heat treatment, while fake funchose turns white. Fake noodles not only do not have the properties of the original ones, but they also contain a lot of calories; as a result of consuming such “funchose”, you can gain even more excess weight.

Benefits and harms

Some people regularly consume glass noodles, but do not know the benefits and harms of the product. It is rich in zinc, potassium, magnesium, B vitamins, tocopherol, calcium, selenium, copper, iron, etc. It contains fiber, healthy fatty acids, and amino acids.

Original funchose, if properly prepared, demonstrates the following properties:

  1. Improves the functions of the nervous system.
  2. Makes the skin more elastic, slows down the aging process.
  3. Reduces the concentration of glucose in the blood.
  4. Accelerates metabolic processes, activates intestinal motility, normalizes digestion.
  5. Strengthens bones.
  6. Restores water-salt balance.
  7. Reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
  8. Improves the functioning of the reproductive system.
  9. Improves the function of the urinary organs.
  10. Prevents the formation of edema.

The original product contains resistant starch, which is not converted into glucose, so it can be consumed even if you have diabetes. This substance settles in the colon, where it is processed by beneficial bacteria. During this process, the body is saturated with fatty acids, which strengthen the intestinal walls, preventing the formation of atypical cells. The dish quickly satisfies hunger, and with regular consumption, stool normalizes.

Attention! Despite all the positive properties of funchose, it is not recommended to get too carried away with it, as this can lead to constipation.

Only noodles made from potato, corn or rice starch are dangerous to health. In a cheap product you can find excessive zinc and aluminum content, which can cause the development of serious diseases.

The product is contraindicated in patients with allergies to its components, which is rare. If a person suffers from chronic constipation, then he should not consume noodles often. It’s better to give it up altogether, especially if the problem occurs in old age.

Funchoza can be dietary or not, it all depends on the method of preparation. It is not recommended to combine with fatty ingredients. But even if you follow the cooking rules, you should not overuse noodles, as this will increase the fat layer. After all, even though noodles contain a stable form of starch, funchose still contains a relatively high content of the substance in an unstable form, and this is a pure high-calorie carbohydrate.

The nutritional value

Bean noodles are considered a fairly nutritious and high-calorie product.

As mentioned earlier, it contains starch (which is carbohydrates) and water, which account for 50% of the total energy value.

The other half consists of proteins and fats.

The nutritional value of 100 g of product reaches 320 kcal.

KBJU 100 g raw glass noodles:

Squirrels 0,7
Fats 0,5
Carbohydrates 84
Calories 320

After cooking, the number of calories is reduced to 80 kcal per 100 g, as the product increases significantly in volume.

Nutritionists do not recommend combining the product with pork, lamb, fatty beef, or potatoes when on a diet, as the number of calories will increase. When losing weight, funchose can be combined with vegetables, soy sauce, lean fish, meat, etc.

Important! Nutritionists recommend consuming dishes with bean noodles before 14:00.

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Chemical composition and calorie content of funchose

Funchose contains starch from beans (mung, potato, yam, cassava and canna). Nowadays, corn starch is most often used to make glass noodles. At the same time, its replacement of more expensive components led to the fact that the Chinese government was forced to impose sanctions on such manufacturers.

The fact is that cornstarch does not impart the same taste as mung beans. This led to companies bleaching the product with lead. Thus, vermicelli from such raw materials was harmful to the health of consumers. It should be noted that the harmful noodles also spread outside the country.

Funchose calorie content per 100 grams is 320 kcal.

Compound Quantity
squirrels 0.3 g
fats 0.1 g
carbohydrates 25 g
water 0 g
alimentary fiber 0 g

Bean noodles do not contain gluten, so overweight people can add them to their diet. Bean noodles contain B vitamins, which have beneficial properties for the nervous system, PP, which benefit the hematopoietic system, as well as valuable minerals and trace elements.

We recommend reading: Gluten: what it is and why it is harmful, where it is found, symptoms of intolerance

How to cook

To preserve the beneficial properties of the product, you must follow the rules for its preparation. To do this, place dry vermicelli in water at room temperature to swell. This is necessary to speed up the cooking process and preserve starchy substances.

After 5-10 minutes, the noodles are sent to boiling water (without salt), where they are cooked for 4 minutes. Then it is thrown into a colander. The finished product can be served as a side dish or added to soups or salads.

There are many recipes based on boiled glass noodles that are suitable for the diet.

Diet salad

  1. Cook 150 g of broccoli and 120 g of green beans in salted boiling water for 4-5 minutes.
  2. Fry 100 g of chopped boiled chicken in olive oil for 1-3 minutes.
  3. Then add beans, broccoli (florets) to the frying pan, pour in 10 g of soy sauce, simmer for 2 minutes.
  4. Transfer the ingredients to a dish, add 100 g of boiled funchose, garnish with herbs.

Sea salad

  1. Cook 100 g chopped squid (without salt) for 1 minute.
  2. Mix 120 g of noodles, 50 g of seaweed, 20 g of corn, pour natural yoghurt (low fat content) over the ingredients, stir.
  3. Add squid fillet, 30 g chopped red onion, a little salt and pepper.
  4. Stir the salad and refrigerate for half an hour.

Noodles with mushrooms and vegetables

  1. Fry 120 g of champignons for 5 minutes over low heat.
  2. Then add 100 g of cauliflower, disassembled into florets, and 150 g of vermicelli to the pan, cook for 10 minutes.
  3. Before finishing cooking, add 15 g of chopped garlic, 30 g of peas, salt and pepper.

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Creamy noodle soup

  1. Grind 300 g of boiled broccoli using a blender, add 20 g of walnuts, and blend again.
  2. Pour the mixture into a saucepan and place over low heat to simmer for 5 minutes.
  3. Then add 100 g of boiled noodles, 50 g of chopped paprika, and cook for another 3 minutes.
  4. Remove from heat and after 15 minutes add soy sauce to taste.

To benefit from dishes containing bean starch, use a minimum amount of fat during cooking.


Korean-style salad with funchose and vegetables. Ingredients: 150 g noodles, 1 cucumber, 1 carrot, 2 cloves of garlic, 4 tbsp. olive oil, 15 ml apple cider vinegar, a bunch of parsley or dill. And also spices: red and black pepper, coriander. Soak the funchose in water, then boil in boiling water for 3 minutes. Chop all vegetables into thin long slices. Just chop the garlic and herbs finely. Prepare the dressing: combine vinegar, oil, spices. Mix all ingredients in a salad bowl and add dressing.

Dietary soup with chicken and funchose. What you need: 150 g chicken fillet, 100 g funchose, 1 carrot, 1 onion, 100 g Chinese cabbage. Wash the chicken fillet, add 1.5 liters of water and cook for half an hour. After this, take out the chicken and cut it into elongated pieces. Peel the vegetables and finely chop the onion. Cut carrots and cabbage as desired. Cook vegetables in chicken broth for 7 minutes. Add funchose and spices to the soup. Cook for another 7 minutes. Ready! Serve the soup with chicken pieces.

Interesting: PP recipes for weight loss

Now you know that funchose can be eaten when losing weight. A product with such a low calorie content and a lot of useful properties is a real find for any diet.

Do you like funchose?

Is there any when losing weight?

The question of whether funchose can be eaten on a diet is quite relevant. According to nutritionists, noodles can be eaten while losing weight, since after cooking their calorie content decreases, although the product itself is rich in minerals, vitamins, amino acids and fatty acids that are beneficial to the body.

The product can be used instead of potatoes or regular pasta.

With regular consumption, the product saturates the body with useful substances, accelerates metabolism, and starts the fat burning process.

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Useful properties of funchose

The benefits of legume funchose have been known for a long time:

  1. Scientists say that if you include bean noodles in your diet 2-3 times a week, this will contribute to a balanced diet and prevent damage that can be caused to the digestive system.
  2. Funchoza made from green beans is an alternative to pasta with health benefits, which has a lot of useful ingredients with unique properties.
  3. The absence of gluten in the product makes funchoza noodles a product that is beneficial and harmless for allergy sufferers.
  4. Vitamin E, which is contained in glass noodles, slows down the aging process and acts as a powerful antioxidant that neutralizes harm from environmental influences.
  5. Bean noodles contain a minimum amount of salt, which makes this product very useful for people suffering from kidney and liver diseases.
  6. For people with diabetes, bean vermicelli can also form part of the diet. Bean starch is able to slowly convert into glucose, so it will not harm diabetics.
  7. For the elderly, bean vermicelli will be of great benefit; it is quickly absorbed and saturates the body with useful vitamins and minerals.

Is the product useful for weight loss?

Glass noodles have a rich composition. Thanks to complex carbohydrates, the body's cells are saturated with energy for a long time, due to which the feeling of hunger disappears for a long time, and the blood sugar concentration is maintained at a stable level. Regular consumption of bean vermicelli reduces the amount of sugar and fatty foods in the diet. This is due to a change in eating habits due to the saturation of the body with nutrients and energy from a product rich in complex carbohydrates that can eliminate the feeling of hunger for a long time.

The product is used as a side dish in some diets. After only a week of consumption, a person notices the first changes in appearance, the body becomes slimmer, vigor and lightness appear.

Product advantages

This type of noodles has a completely positive effect on the human body due to the huge number of vitamins and beneficial components it contains. Asians call funchose an ideal product. It contains fiber, which improves digestion processes, removes harmful substances and toxins from the body, and with frequent consumption has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart and helps make blood vessels elastic. Glass noodles are an excellent remedy against depression; they rejuvenate body cells, improve brain function, and the condition of hair and nails. Funchose contains almost no protein and no gluten at all, so this dish is suitable even for those who are highly prone to allergies.

Is it possible to get better

To prevent the fat layer in the body from increasing, you need to consume a moderate amount of funchose. A single serving for weight loss – from 100 to 150 g in finished form.

To avoid the accumulation of fats, you need to combine the product correctly. It is recommended to eat the product with vegetables (fresh, pickled or stewed). During the diet, it is forbidden to consume fatty, spicy, salty foods, and confectionery products.

The diet should include vegetables, herbs, dietary meat, fish, low-fat dairy products, seafood, and herbs. You can make the dish more aromatic with the help of oriental spices. Some people who are losing weight like to combine vermicelli with ginger, sesame seeds, and honey.

Expert opinion

Evgeniy Kislitsa

Practicing surgeon. Certified massage master. Two-time vice-champion and heavyweight champion of regional kettlebell lifting competitions.

However, you should not use hot or too spicy foods for a long time as seasonings. The same goes for vegetables and sauces. Long-term consumption of such foods can lead to the development of inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract even in healthy people. And for those who suffer from such diseases in a chronic form, consumption of these products often leads to the transition of the disease to an acute form (its exacerbation). It is also not recommended to consume these products for those who suffer from metabolic diseases, such as gout. Such food leads to an exacerbation of the disease or aggravation of its course.

Harm of funchose glass noodles

Thin noodles have almost no smell or taste, this allows you to season dishes with fatty sauces, add plenty of spices, and spare no oil for your appetite. This is what chefs in restaurants and cafes do, which leads to an increase in calorie content and causes a set of extra pounds, and this is harmful to health. People who have problems with stool are not recommended to use funchose, since starch has binding properties, which can lead to constipation.

Dishes made from Asian vermicelli are excluded for people with diabetes. It will be harmful to use the product if you have an individual intolerance; an allergy to starch may occur, but this happens very rarely.

Eating high-quality funchose is harmless, but there are manufacturers who use cheap ingredients for greater profits. The use of low-quality starch containing gluten may have consequences for people with intolerance to cereal protein. It happens that lead is added to whiten noodles. Its content will cause great harm to health.

When the body is deprived of protein, vitamins, and microelements, it causes various diseases. You should not eat funchose often; it is recommended to eat it with vegetable salads. Excessive daily consumption can cause harm.

Diet option

There is a five-day diet based on funchose.


  1. Breakfast: noodles, 2 cucumbers, a slice of black bread.
  2. Lunch: glass vermicelli, 120 g of boiled fish.
  3. Dinner: vegetable salad.


  1. Citrus juice, 1 fruit.
  2. Noodles, 100 g Korean carrots, 90 g boiled turkey.
  3. 150 g funchose, a glass of tomato juice.


  1. Noodles, 1 piece of cheese.
  2. Bean vermicelli, 2 boiled eggs.
  3. A mixture of water and lemon juice.


  1. 1 apple, 1 orange.
  2. 100 g noodles with chicken broth.
  3. Vegetable salad and funchose.


  1. Vegetable soup, 100 g noodles.
  2. 150 g funchose, 90 g boiled fish.
  3. Tea with honey and lemon.

You can wash down your food with water, compotes, fruit drinks, you are allowed to drink unsweetened tea and coffee. As snacks you can use sour fruits, green vegetables, low-fat fermented milk products.

The diet helps to get rid of 3-5 kg ​​of excess weight. However, this style of nutrition is aggressive, so its duration should not exceed 5 days. Otherwise, the likelihood of exhaustion of the body, rapid weight gain, and deterioration of the skin condition increases.

Attention! A diet with funchose can be carried out once every 12 weeks, the rest of the time you should eat properly. Before resorting to this diet, it is strongly recommended to consult with your doctor. Indeed, due to its strictly limited composition, in some cases such a diet is contraindicated and can aggravate the course of many diseases.

Funchoza on a diet. General rules

Globalization processes contribute to the entry of various products into the market of CIS countries, including products from Eastern countries, which are widely used in cooking, including for the purpose of losing weight. One of these is funchoza. The basis of funchose in its classic version is mung bean starch. In its raw form, the product looks like thin white threads rolled into a ring, which become completely transparent during heat treatment, for which it is called “glass noodles.” You can often find rice noodles on sale under the guise of funchose. In reality, they are different foods with different nutritional values. The original natural product should contain only legume starch (mung, yam, cassava, canna).

Nutritional value is determined by its constituent complex carbohydrates, vitamins B, E, and microelements (potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, iron, manganese, selenium, copper). The calorie content of boiled funchose is only 79-82 kcal/100 grams. At the same time, the glycemic index of the product varies between 40–49 units depending on the type of raw material and growing conditions, which allows funchose to be widely used in the diet. The advantages of funchose include the absence of gluten in it, which allows it to be used in the diet of allergy sufferers.

Funchoza is an ideal product for the diet of vegetarians and people on fasting. The advantage of the product is its ability to absorb odors and tastes, and good compatibility with various products (seafood, vegetables, meat, fish). The neutral taste of funchose is well enriched by various spices and sauces, so it can be given the specific taste of Thai, Japanese, and Korean dishes. Funchoza is a universal product and is easy to prepare. There are a great variety of recipes for cooking dishes with funchose for every taste, which can be found on culinary websites. In addition, you can experiment with the composition of dishes, spices, sauces and seasonings, choosing them to suit your taste or give preference to some Asian cuisine.

The funchose diet is based on its consumption in combination with dietary products. That is, replacing all types of side dishes with funchose. Accordingly, the calorie content of dishes depends on the products with which funchose is served. Such products include mushrooms, lean poultry, lean fish, seafood, and various vegetables. Also, when preparing dishes with funchose, it is recommended to use a minimum of salt, giving preference to sauces and garden herbs. Preparing the noodles is quite simple: dry funchose is pre-soaked in water for 5-10 minutes, and then boiled in boiling water/broth until tender. You can also steam the noodles. However, it is not recommended to store cooked noodles in broth or water.

During the funchose diet, it is important to maintain sufficient water balance (1.5-2.0 l/day), giving preference to still mineral table water, rosehip decoction, herbal and green teas without sugar. Dietary nutrition involves excluding bread, flour products and baked goods, fried/smoked foods, various sweets, and alcohol-containing/carbonated drinks from the diet. It is also recommended to reduce the size of your usual portions.

Experts' opinions

Nutritionists have a positive attitude towards funchose during a diet. Many of them advise replacing higher-calorie side dishes with noodles. The main thing is to consume no more than 150 g of vermicelli at a time and not combine it with high-calorie foods.

Alexey Kovalkov, nutritionist

According to the leading nutritionist in Moscow, funchose is an excellent product for weight loss. It is easily digestible, relieves hunger, speeds up metabolism, and normalizes digestion.

With regular consumption, the functioning of the brain and cardiovascular system improves. It is useful for people who suffer from high blood pressure or diabetes.

It is best to combine bean noodles with dietary meat, mushrooms, and seafood, as it perfectly complements their taste.

Afterwards, the noodles absorb moisture, so their calorie content decreases. It cleanses the intestines of undigested food residues and stimulates rhythmic contractions of the intestinal wall.

Those losing weight are not recommended to supplement glass noodles with hot spices. Such seasonings increase appetite and provoke overeating.

Yulia Bastrygina, nutritionist

According to a nutrition specialist, salads based on funchose and vegetables are most suitable for the diet. Bean vermicelli goes well with paprika, carrots, garlic, and olive oil. The calorie content of this dish is about 90 kcal.

After eating funchose-based dishes, hunger quickly disappears, metabolic processes accelerate, and fats burn faster. After a month of regular consumption of such food, a person can lose 2-4 kg, provided that they follow the rules of proper nutrition.

Margarita Koroleva, nutritionist

Russia's leading nutritionist claims that funchose deserves the name “dietary product.” The combination of noodles with lean fish, meat, boiled shrimp, baked vegetables, and boiled liver is not only tasty, but also healthy. The main thing is not to combine bean vermicelli with foods rich in animal fats.

The product can be included in the daily diet or used as the main dish of the diet. This product is recommended to be consumed instead of high-calorie side dishes, which provoke an increase in body fat. If this style of eating is combined with physical activity, the body will become slim within 4 weeks.

Balanced diet

  • This dish is incredibly easy to prepare, it is quickly and easily absorbed by the body, and at the same time provides a lot of energy;
  • Remarkably saturates the body and removes all harmful substances from it;
  • Improves metabolism, as well as the general condition of bones, vision, skin, nails and hair.
  • Frequent consumption of the “glass” product has a good effect on potency, and also helps prevent thyroid diseases and the occurrence of cancer.

This side dish is perfect for fish and meat, salads and vegetables, since the noodles themselves are tasteless. Therefore, it perfectly complements the taste palette of other dishes. This dish will lower cholesterol levels, making it ideal for people with diabetes or blood pressure problems. It is important to prepare this dish correctly. To do this, you need to soak dry noodles in water for 15 minutes so that they swell a little, and then lower them into boiling water or even broth for 10 minutes.

general information

For reference. Funchoza is an oriental dish made from glass noodles with seasonings and vegetables. Used both hot and cold. Served with mushrooms or meat. Noodles are made from the starch of mung beans (more commonly known as mung beans). After cooking it becomes almost transparent.

Is it possible to eat funchose while losing weight? On the one hand, it looks like pasta. On the other hand, it is prepared using a special technology, from green beans, so it is considered a healthy product. Moreover, information about calorie content varies - it is not clear whether it is dietary or not. In fact, all these doubts can be resolved if you carefully study the nutritional value and chemical composition of glass noodles.

The nutritional value:

The uniqueness of glass noodles is that when cooked they lose their calorie content and become a dietary product. This allows you to eat funchose while losing weight, without fear that it will not fit into a particular diet.

The rich chemical composition will prevent depletion of the body:

  • vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9;
  • micro- and macroelements: starting with iron and ending with selenium.

The absence of gluten, which is found in most traditional pasta, guarantees that no allergic reactions will occur. With such a composition and nutritional value, there should be no doubt whether funchose can be eaten or not. The main thing is to follow the recommendations of nutritionists.

This is interesting. In Russia, bean noodles are often called rice noodles. However, the latter is made not from beans, but from rice flour and after cooking it becomes white, not transparent.

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