Cindy Crawford and 6 other beauties with perfect bodies who created their own way not to gain weight

Cindy Crawford

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photo: Still from video

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photo: Still from the video Cindy became the first supermodel who decided to share the secrets of her excellent physical shape and, by the way, earn very good money from it.
In 1992, she released a series of video tutorials, “Cindy Crawford: Shape Your Body,” developed together with famous celebrity trainer Radu. The video complex was a resounding success. Not only housewives, but also many celebrities became fans of shaping with Cindy Crawford. Despite the fact that the program has long celebrated its 20th anniversary, it is still just as popular. The complex from Cindy attracts with its simplicity and gentle exercises. At the beginning of the course, Cindy advises viewing the entire program from beginning to end, getting acquainted with the glossary (at the end of the lessons, coach Radu explains how to correctly perform particularly complex exercises). According to the supermodel, she never chased thinness and did not want to be a fragile and defenseless girl. A firm, toned, athletic body with good shape is what a girl should strive for, says Crawford.

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You will need a minimum of sports equipment: comfortable clothes, a pair of dumbbells up to 2 kg each, a mat and a chair. The complex includes various elements of several types of fitness - aerobics, Pilates, callanetics. The program is divided into three parts: the first two last 45 minutes each and represent full-fledged workouts, and the third part is, so to speak, an express workout in 10 minutes. You can choose any of the three workouts or alternate.

After the resounding success of her first fitness program, the supermodel released two more video courses. The “How to Achieve Perfection” shaping program is more intense and a little more complex than the first one. The same beautiful background and pleasant music, but the workout lasts 70 minutes, and when performing even simple exercises you will need weights.

But Cindy prepared the “New Dimension” program for young mothers with special tenderness and care! Three short sets of exercises are suitable for mothers who do not have special sports training, time, and are simply too lazy to sweat in the gym. Such easy aerobics for tired moms!

Cindy Crawford's Tips for Postpartum Recovery

  • Be sure to consult with your doctor before starting training: you should be sure that your physical condition after childbirth allows for fitness activities. Neglecting this advice can cause serious harm to the body.
  • Listen to your feelings: perform the exercises at a pace that is comfortable for you, do not try to keep up with the score heard in the video.
  • Take your time and don't overload yourself. This is a very important point. In pursuit of the ideal figure, you can quickly “run out of steam” and give up.
  • Remember that the biggest influence on the size of your waist and hips is not physical activity, but nutrition. Don't expect your workout to burn calories no matter how many muffins you eat. You don’t need to go on a diet, but you do need to control your appetite. Carefully select foods to eat, choosing the most healthy and natural ones - especially if you are breastfeeding your baby!
  • Perform exercises of complexes B and C in sneakers, otherwise you risk damaging your joints.

Claudia Schiffer

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Another world super-beauty could not resist the temptation to show off her thin waist and perfect shape. Especially if your main competitor and friend already has successful experience. Therefore, the German beauty Claudia Schiffer, without a twinge of conscience, practically repeated Cindy’s program. But Crawford apparently wasn’t offended. And what was the point if the program from Schiffer did not cause a stir, and everyone was waving their legs and pumping their abs in unison with Cindy.

The video course from Schiffer was released three years after Cindy’s fitness debut. In 1995, Claudia Schiffer and her personal trainer Katti Kahler proudly introduced the world to the Claudia Schiffer Super Fitness: Strengthen Your Muscle program. The lessons are divided into two parts, but in some strange way. In the first part, the exercises are aimed at pumping up the arms, chest, abs and back, and the second - at the legs, hips and buttocks. That is, one day you pump one muscle group, and the second - another. The exercises are easy to perform and are suitable for beginners, as well as those who prefer lighter workouts.

A complex approach

There are very few women whose only problem area after childbirth is the stomach. In most cases, the entire body needs to be restored and toned. This means that you need to deal with postpartum problems comprehensively, that is, perform a variety of exercises and use all parts of the body.

If you are breastfeeding, it is better to exercise after feeding. For classes you will need comfortable clothes, a small pillow and a cheerful mood. All movements during gymnastics must be performed smoothly and carefully.

Exercises to prevent the consequences of varicose veins

Exercise 3

We take a lying position, face up. Legs should be bent at the knees, feet should be brought together and pressed firmly to the floor. We stretch our arms along the body, palms turned down. We straighten our legs without separating our knees, and squeeze our toes 10 times with force (as if we were retracting our claws). Then we return the legs to their previous position.

Exercise 4

Without changing the position, we lift one leg up, completely straightening it at the knee, and pull the toe towards us and away from us. Foot movements must be performed 10 times and with a large amplitude. Then we perform the same actions with the other leg.

Abdominal muscle training exercises

Exercise 5

We lie on our backs, bend our knees, spread our feet slightly, and place our hands, palms down, on our stomachs. We take a slow breath, then exhale just as calmly, as if pronouncing the sound “haaaaaa”. As you exhale, draw your stomach in, helping a little with your hands. There is no need to press with your hands, it should be stroking in the direction from the pubis to the navel. The exercise must be repeated 10 times. (Picture from exercise 1)

Exercise 6

Now we lie down on our side. In order not to waste your attention on discomfort and inconvenience, you can place a small pillow under your neck. Apart from the starting position, this exercise is no different from the previous one: we also draw in the stomach as we exhale with the sound “haaaaa” and help with our hands. We do the exercise on each side, performing 10 repetitions.

Exercise 7

We roll over onto our stomach, place a small pillow under our lower abdomen, and support our body on our elbows. We inhale, and as we exhale we move our pelvis forward. As you inhale, return to the original position. The exercise is performed 10-12 times. During the exercise, it is important not to put pressure on the chest so that the chest itself does not become full.

Watch a video about how to restore your belly after childbirth

Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the perineum

Exercise 8

Starting position – sitting or lying down. We try to tense the muscles of the vagina and anus in turn. This exercise requires practice, because every time it seems that the same muscles are contracting. When the separation is clear, you can try to carry out a “wave” of contractions from the anus to the pubis. Relaxing your lips and mouth muscles and controlling your breathing will help you perform this exercise correctly.

This exercise is very reminiscent of the well-known Kegel exercises, which consist precisely in contracting the muscles of the perineum at different rates. Such gymnastics will be useful both before and after childbirth.

Video: Kegel exercises to strengthen the pelvic muscles

Exercise 9

We lie on our sides. The head, shoulders and pelvis form a straight line, legs are bent at the knees. The lower arm should be placed under the head, the upper arm bent and resting on the surface with a fist or palm in the navel area. While in this position, as you exhale, raise your pelvis (support on your upper arm), and as you inhale, lower it. Repeat 8-10 times on both sides.

Exercise 10

We take a lying position, face up, bend our knees, feet rest on the floor, arms lie along the body. As you exhale, pull your socks towards you and try to reach your left foot with your left hand, inhale - we return to the starting position, exhale - repeat the exercise, but now reach with your right hand to your right foot. We do 5-6 repetitions on the right and left sides.

Exercise 11

We get on all fours. The head, shoulders and pelvis are at the same height, knees are spaced approximately shoulder width apart. We exhale, draw in our stomach and lift our left palm and right leg from the surface, inhale – we return to the starting position, exhale – we repeat the exercise, changing the “diagonal”. We perform 10-12 times.

Exercise 12

We continue to practice standing on all fours. This time, rest on your palms and lift your feet. As you exhale, raise your pelvis, straightening your knees and distributing the weight on your palms and insteps. As you inhale, return to the original position. We perform 10-12 repetitions.

Exercise 13

We lie down on our side again. The lower arm is straightened and located at right angles to the body, resting on the palm. The upper arm is extended along the body. As you exhale, lift your pelvis off the surface and rise slightly. As you inhale, take the initial pose. We perform 8-10 repetitions on each side.

Exercise for the back and abdominal muscles

Exercise 14

We stand facing the wall. We rest our palms and forearms against the wall, legs slightly bent and shoulder-width apart. We contract the abdominal muscles, as if we are trying to bring the right elbow closer to the opposite knee, and then, on the contrary, the left elbow to the right knee. In fact, this movement is not performed; only the abdominal muscles are tensed.

Saying goodbye to extra pounds

Alas, the weight of a pregnant woman increases not only due to the growth of the fetus, placenta, amniotic fluid and the increased volume of circulating blood. The extra pounds that have appeared during pregnancy “stick” to the new mother and remain with her after childbirth. Since you cannot severely limit yourself in nutrition after childbirth, the best option is gymnastics for weight loss.

Cindy Crawford Method

Cindy Crawford's exercises after childbirth are very popular for this purpose. This set of exercises was developed based on personal experience and includes three groups of exercises: A – basic exercises that can be performed anywhere and at any time, B – exercises aimed specifically at strengthening muscles, C – intense exercises for burning fat. Video training can be found in the public domain, they are also known as the “New Dimension” set of exercises. Working out with a virtual trainer is very convenient. With regular exercise, results are visible within 2 weeks.

Video by Cindy Crawford. New dimension. Complex C

Cindy Crawford - perfect body in 10 minutes

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Elle Macpherson

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The owner of an impeccable figure and ideal forms proudly bears the nickname Body. And looking at El, you understand that this nickname is more than justified. By the way, the supermodel has reached her sixth (!) decade, and still looks as perfect as in her youth. As the beauty admits, everything should be thanked not to genes, but to passion for sports and surfing. Therefore, in 2003, Elle Macpherson and her coach Karen Voight created their own course of sports lessons, “The Body Workout.” If this was Elle’s debut, then Karen already had several releases of her fitness programs behind her. It cannot be said that “The Body Workout” from McPherson differs in anything special from similar programs. But it should be noted that, unlike Cindy Crawford, Elle prefers to train with weights (albeit medium weight, but still the effect of training is more significant and noticeable).

Necessary sports equipment

  1. You will need a gymnastics mat (or, in extreme cases, a large towel), since most exercises are performed on the floor.
  2. Fitness programs are rarely complete without dumbbells To start, dumbbells of 0.5 kg are optimal. It is advisable to increase this weight over time - you will definitely feel when small dumbbells no longer provide the necessary load on your arms. By the way, in order to save money, you can just as easily use half-liter water bottles (plastic, of course).
  3. The fashion model's favorite attribute in all workouts is the chair . Not a stool, but a chair, since its back is used as a support for push-ups, exercises for the legs, buttocks and abs.
  4. The most unusual element of this program is playing cards . You'll need them in the B complex for particularly rough squats where one leg lifts card after card.

Read also: Plie squat: technique and tips

Adriana Lima

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The Victoria's Secret Angel, who spends most of her work half-naked, simply has to look stunning. Otherwise, the model can literally lose its job. Of course, now Adriana doesn’t have to worry too much - she has already earned her millions and can afford to relax.

One of the highest paid models has repeatedly admitted that her toned and slender body is the result of constant training. Adriana more than once had to get her figure in full order in the shortest possible time. The model is already a mother twice! Which, by the way, did not stop her from going on the podium literally a month after giving birth.

On the official Victoria's Secret YouTube channel you can watch workouts from the brand's leading models - “Train Like An Angel” with Lily Aldridge, Alessandra Ambrosio, Candice Swanepoel. Personal trainer Justin Gelband works with the girls. And, despite the beauty and star status of the models, Justin does not feel sorry for them at all and loads them with training to the fullest. For example, Andriana Lima trains every day for 1.5 hours. And sometimes 2 times a day! Also included in the sports “diet” is a jump rope and... boxing. If you are ready to train with Adriana, then get ready for maximum loads!

“New Transformation” technique from Cindy Crawford

The technique is designed for a gentle and careful approach to the figure after childbirth. After the serious stress that the body has experienced during the entire period of pregnancy and childbirth, you need to gradually return to the usual rut of life. Cindy has developed a method for effective weight loss after bearing and giving birth to a child using her own experience using a gentle scheme that will help you create a slim and beautiful figure and introduce yourself to a sporting life.

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Carmen Electra

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The actress, model, dancer and star of the series “Baywatch” is the first and only famous beauty who did not hesitate to record lessons... in striptease. Her "Aerobic Striptease" is excellent material and teacher for both beginners and advanced dancers and striptease fans. The program is divided into four parts: a beginner's course, an advanced course, a short hip-hop workout, and Carmen's talk about the objects used in striptease. The program ends with a choreographed dance in the form of a teacher, which the beauty offers to learn to dance on her own. Despite the rather frivolous steps, you will not find any obscenities in the program. By the way, Electra released a whole series of five DVDs “Carmen Electra Aerobic Striptease”.

Carmen is first and foremost a professional dancer, as she has been dancing since she was 9 years old. Don’t try to keep up with the flexible beauty, much less repeat her stretching from the first lessons. Take care of your ligaments and muscles!

Complex for weight loss after childbirth

Cindy Crawford has always taken care of her figure, paying attention to daily workouts. She did not leave the sport even after the birth of her children. The model has developed a set of exercises especially for young mothers. Cindy Crawford suggests losing weight after giving birth by doing 3 consecutive workouts.

Complex A is first in the row and takes only 10 minutes. The exercises are carried out slowly, most of them are aimed at stretching. The only equipment young mothers will need is a rug. Cindy Crawford suggests starting a recovery program within a week after giving birth. The model recommends training according to the first video lesson for 14 days.

Then you can move on to complex B. It takes 15 minutes and includes more intense loads. The program includes cardio and strength exercises. The model recommends repeating this complex for 3 weeks. When it becomes very easy, you can use the exercises from the first video lesson.

The last part of the training for young mothers is called “Complex C” and is the most difficult. Thanks to the first two video lessons, the body was prepared for serious loads. The last complex is aimed at working all muscle groups. You can perform the exercises of the third video lesson separately or combined with the first two workouts.

We recommend reading the article about the model diet. From it you will learn about the nutritional system for 3 and 7 days, the effectiveness of the blitz diet and others, as well as the rules for quitting model diets. And here is more information about Madonna's diet.

Cindy Crawford, at 52, still looks the same slender beauty. The whole secret of the model's excellent figure lies in regular training and proper nutrition. Cindy shared her experience by recording a series of video tutorials that allow you to get into shape at home. If you are not lazy and exercise, you can easily achieve the same parameters as one of the most attractive women in the world.

Anna Kournikova

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One of the most beautiful athletes in the world, at the peak of her career, released a home version of a sports video. In 2001, 20-year-old Anna Kournikova invested a lot of effort and money in the fitness complex, expecting a successful start from it. But, unfortunately, the project turned out to be not very popular among sports fans, but it was wildly popular among men - fans of the spectacular blonde.

Undoubtedly, the program was filmed very beautifully and professionally, the exercises were prepared by eminent trainers, and Kournikova herself is simply irresistible. But the complex includes many complex elements, in addition, you will need extra sports equipment (mini-barbell, fitball) and even a partner with whom you must perform a number of exercises. The training may be effective, but it is very troublesome.

Losing weight after childbirth gradually

For every woman who has recently become a mother, the main thing is to understand that not everyone can quickly return to their former shape; many have to put in a lot of effort and time to achieve the required result. Of course, when it comes to losing weight after childbirth, the main thing is gradualism.

Pregnancy is a great stress for a woman’s body, during which time it loses a lot of strength, nutrients, vitamins and minerals that are necessary for normal functioning. The recovery period after childbirth should be at least nine months, and it is also worth remembering that sudden weight loss can negatively affect the general condition of the body and the condition of a woman’s skin.

In addition, when doing fitness and losing weight after childbirth, the main thing is to ensure that these processes do not affect the lactation process, metabolism or disrupt them, because breastfeeding is very important for your baby in the first months of life.

When starting to engage in fitness, observe a gradual increase in loads. To begin with, you can start with simple walks with your baby in the fresh air. And then consistently increase the pace and time of walking - this is a very simple, but quite effective way to activate metabolic processes in the body and get on the path to losing weight and regaining your figure. By the way, it is worth noting that walking with a regular stroller can burn much more calories than race walking! Therefore, first of all, make it a rule to walk with your child every day - this will benefit both of you: it will strengthen the baby’s immunity and help you in the fight against excess weight, strengthen muscles and tighten the skin.

Geri Halliwell

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photo: Still from video

photo: Still from the video clip

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During the time of the Spice Girls, the red-haired “peppercorn” was not particularly thin. After the breakup of the group, Geri decided to work not only on her solo career, but also on her own body. The first video of the ex-peppercorn “It's Raining Men” simply shocked the audience. The once luscious Geri showed off her stunning, toned body. By the way, many even doubted Geri’s authenticity - they say that the most effective plans are the work of a stunt double. But envious people immediately bit their tongues as soon as all the glossy magazines were filled with photographs of Geri, and the girl happily talked about her fitness program in the video courses “Geri Yoga” and “Geribody Yoga”. Of course, this could not have happened without the help of a professional expert. Famous yoga trainer Katie Appleton, together with Halliwell, will warm up with you, give you the necessary instructions, and tell you about the most popular mistakes of beginners.

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