6 cool cinnamon coffee recipes that will definitely boost your immunity

The benefits and harms of coffee with cinnamon

Cinnamon lowers blood glucose levels, which is why some women drink cinnamon coffee to lose weight. True, you should not count on a miracle and use this combination only as an aid.

The maximum dose of cinnamon per day for a healthy adult is 1 teaspoon, the recommended amount is half a teaspoon. Coffee with cinnamon is harmful for pregnant women and people with liver problems. Everyone else should adhere to the indicated dosage.

Turkish coffee recipe with spices and milk

Kitchen utensils: stove, mortar and pestle, Turk.


Fine ground coffee15-20 g
Milk 2.5%200 ml
Water5 ml
Sugar5 g
Cinnamon1/2 stick
Carnation2 pcs.
Nutmeg0.5-1 g
Black pepper2-4 pcs.

Step-by-step preparation

  1. Place spices in a mortar: 2-4 black peppercorns, 2 cloves, 0.5-1 g nutmeg powder and half a cinnamon stick.

  2. Pound and mix them with a pestle to release the aroma more clearly. It is not necessary to achieve a powdery state. It is enough to chop it properly.

  3. Pour the spicy mixture into a pot, add 5 ml of water (a teaspoon) and place on low heat. Bring the spices to a boil and add 16 g of coffee powder (2 heaped teaspoons). Shaking the Turk, distribute it over the bottom in an even layer. Place the Turk on the fire, let it stand for 10-15 seconds and pour in 200 ml of milk. Mix thoroughly with a spoon. During the entire preparation time, you need to stir the drink once, when the main liquid is introduced.

  4. We return the Turk to the stove and wait patiently for the coffee cap to start rising. As soon as there is movement in the Turk, we immediately remove it from the stove.
  5. Let the coffee rest for 30-40 seconds and put it back on the fire. We repeat the above procedure 3 times. It is very important that the drink only approaches the boiling point, but does not boil.

  6. We leave the noble drink alone for 2-3 minutes so that the grounds settle and it infuses a little, after which we pour it into cups.

Choosing the right ingredients

  • It is best to use freshly roasted beans, so you need to go to a specialty store to purchase. When choosing a variety, pay attention to Arabica, which has a special taste and aroma.
  • For strength, you can add robusta with a high caffeine content. Pay attention to the country of origin: the best coffee grows in South and Central America.
  • Now about the quality. The grains should be uniform in size and color, oily and aromatic. Take a closer look so that there is not even a hint of mold: it is quite common.
  • To prepare in a Turk, you need very finely ground coffee, and it is better to grind it immediately before cooking. If you do not have a coffee grinder or one that is unable to produce this type of grind, contact your specialty store and they will provide this service for you.
  • The water should be neutral: not too hard, but not completely soft, without foreign odors and raw, not boiled. Use bottled water or, as a last resort, purified water using a household filter.

Video recipe

Watch the video below on making coffee with a cinnamon stick and other spices to understand the details of the recipe.

Classic coffee with cinnamon in Turkish

Arabic cooking method. Thanks to the original brewing method, the coffee is very aromatic and tones well.


  • finely ground coffee – 1 teaspoon (heaped);
  • water – 100 ml;
  • ground cinnamon - half a teaspoon;
  • sugar (honey) - to taste.


1. Pour coffee and cinnamon into the pot. Lightly heat the mixture over the fire until the aroma appears.

2. Pour in water, cook until foam appears, then remove the Turk from the stove and pour half of the coffee into a serving cup.

3. Heat the second part of the coffee (in Turk) again until foam appears and pour into a cup.

4. Add sugar or honey to taste. Let sit for 1-2 minutes before serving.

It’s interesting that when they talk about coffee with cinnamon for weight loss, they mean this particular recipe. To reduce excess weight, drink this drink without sugar (honey) twice a day: in the morning and after lunch in the evening. The course of admission is up to 14 days.

Cinnamon Coffee Recipes

You can make cinnamon coffee in different ways. The basic recipe assumes no other additional additives. Depending on your preference, you can include milk, lemon, ginger and even black pepper in the drink.

The maximum dosage of cinnamon always remains stable. In the case of chopsticks, put 1 whole one. It can be added even at the stage of preparing the drink: in its unground form, the spice does not have time to release many active substances. In the form of pieces, no more than 2-4 pieces are added to the drink. Ground cinnamon is added in the amount of 0.25 tsp. for every 100 ml of coffee.

Basic recipe

To prepare 1 serving of the drink you will need:

  • 1.5 tsp. ground coffee beans;
  • 200 ml water;
  • cinnamon and sugar to taste.

If you have not drunk coffee with spices before, it is better to start with minimal dosages. Ground cinnamon is taken at the tip of a knife. If it is in sticks or pieces, then put no more than 1 piece. In the future, they try to balance the taste depending on their preferences.

To make coffee, put bean powder, sugar and cinnamon into a Turk. The mixture is poured with water. Place the turk on low heat and keep it on the stove until foam appears. They are filming. When the volume of foam decreases, the Turk is briefly returned to the fire. It is important not to let the foam rise high and remove the container from the stove in time. The procedure is repeated again: as a result, the liquid is brought to a boil three times. The drink is poured into a cup and served.

It is advisable not to leave the coffee for a long time: after 10-15 minutes, mucus will form at the bottom due to the cinnamon. It does not pose a health risk, but many people do not like the sediment in the cup.

Recipe with cinnamon and milk

The classic recipe for making coffee with cinnamon and milk almost completely repeats the basic one. However, water is removed from the list of ingredients. It is replaced with milk. If you need to reduce the calorie content of the finished drink, you can dilute the coffee by only half. In this case, take 100 ml of water and 100 ml of milk.

How you add milk depends on personal preference. If the drink is diluted, the liquid can be heated separately and poured into the coffee. It is allowed to add cold milk. When you beat the latter with a whisk, you get a latte. Using the coffee machine's steamer you can get thick foam. Sometimes condensed milk is added instead of classic milk.

When brewing coffee with pure or diluted milk in a Turk, you need to be careful. Even with constant stirring, marks remain on the walls. To prevent the Turk from spoiling, it must be washed immediately after preparing the drink. Cinnamon milk coffee is usually decorated with whipped cream.

Recipe with pepper and cinnamon

Coffee with pepper and cinnamon is popular among lovers of oriental drinks. This mixture is used to improve the health of the body. Hot spices increase blood circulation. When used in moderation, spices improve digestion. Hot peppers go well with caffeine. However, such a combination will provoke an exacerbation in people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system, therefore, in the presence of pathologies, it is better to prefer other variations of the drink.

Coffee is prepared according to the basic recipe, but more spices are added. It is customary to use black pepper in the form of peas. Ground will be too spicy, so not everyone will like the drink. Black pepper can be replaced with allspice, white or pink.

The coffee is finely ground to get a richer taste. Add less water: 130-170 ml is enough. The amount of sugar can be increased. This will balance out the spiciness. You can add milk: it slightly neutralizes the aggressive effects of pepper. A cup of water is served along with the rich drink.

Recipe with cinnamon and ginger

The combination of coffee, ginger and cinnamon is used for weight loss and cleansing the body. All components of the drink have a stimulating effect, increase metabolism, and force the body to break down fat cells. To improve the effect, it is recommended to exercise additionally: then it will be easier for the body to burn extra calories.

The classic recipe is used as a basis. Ginger is added along with cinnamon. In the case of powder, the amount on the tip of a spoon is sufficient. A piece 5-6 mm thick is cut from the fresh root, and the drink is brewed with it. If you want spicy coffee, increase the number of slices to 2-3. An alternative is to grate the ginger. Small pieces will release more active substances.

It is recommended to strain the ginger drink immediately after preparation. If you let it sit, it will become more spicy.

With cinnamon and lemon

Lemon provides a surge of energy, greatly invigorates and enhances the effect of the drink. Additionally, citrus relieves headaches and tones. It helps you concentrate, improves performance and improves intellectual abilities.

Lemon juice is added to ready-made coffee. It is prepared according to the basic recipe. The proportion of juice depends on taste preferences. Those who like sour add almost half a lemon. The drink should be small in volume, but concentrated.

You can add sugar, it will smooth out the acidity in the taste, but you should not pour in milk. It will curdle with lemon juice.

Coffee with cinnamon and milk

An original coffee and milk drink with notes of cinnamon.


  • coffee – 2 teaspoons;
  • water – 100 ml;
  • milk – 100 ml;
  • cinnamon – 1 stick;
  • sugar - to taste.


1. Pour milk into a saucepan, add cinnamon, cook over low heat for 5 minutes, without bringing to a boil.

2. Brew coffee in water using any method (preferably in a Turkish coffee pot) and strain the grounds if necessary.

3. Pour coffee into a serving cup, add sugar, stir.

4. Pour milk and cinnamon into the coffee. Stir and let sit for 1-2 minutes.

Honey and cinnamon are the perfect combination

The combination of coffee with honey and cinnamon is a classic. A drink prepared according to this recipe will equally well be included in the diet regardless of the time of year. For one serving, a teaspoon of natural ground grains, a pinch of cinnamon, a teaspoon of honey, milk, cream or ice cream to taste will be enough.

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A tasty, aromatic cocktail is obtained by brewing coffee according to a traditional recipe and adding honey and a scoop of ice cream after cooling to 40 degrees (can be replaced with milk, whipped cream or sour cream with powdered sugar). The fluffy milk foam is crushed with cinnamon and decorated with a natural stick.

Coffee with cinnamon and nutmeg

Spicy coffee with cinnamon-nutmeg notes and milky softness in taste.

Ingredients for 2 servings:

  • ground coffee – 3 teaspoons;
  • ground cinnamon – 0.2 teaspoons;
  • nutmeg – 1-2 pinches (to taste);
  • water – 200 ml;
  • milk – 100 ml;
  • sugar - to taste.


1. Bring water to a boil in a Turk and remove from heat.

2. Mix coffee with cinnamon, nutmeg and sugar.

3. Add the mixture to boiling water, stir and cover. Leave for 3-4 minutes.

4. Heat the milk to 60-70 °C and pour it into cups.

5. Carefully pour the coffee into the milk so that no suspension gets into the cup.

Traditional combination - classic recipe

Most often, coffee with cinnamon is prepared in a Turk on sand or on a stove if this is a natural option and by pouring boiling water if using instant coffee beans. The spice is also actively used in the form of powder and sticks.

Natural cinnamon sticks are more expensive than ground powder and can be used several times. The advantage of using them is the absence of sediment and aesthetic appearance. Most often, instant coffee is combined with cinnamon, preferring the powdered mass, while natural coffee is combined with sticks.

The drink is prepared simply. Coffee is brewed in a Turkish coffee pot using classical technology, without allowing it to boil, after which cinnamon is added to the cup. The soluble mixture is simply poured with boiling water, adding a pinch of spice at the final stage, or grinding the powder with coffee mass and water to obtain an aromatic foam.

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Instant coffee with cinnamon

Even the taste of instant coffee can be significantly improved with cinnamon. In this case, two brewing options are possible: with water or milk.


  • instant coffee – 2 teaspoons;
  • ground cinnamon - a third of a teaspoon;
  • water (milk) – 100 ml;
  • sugar - to taste.


1. Mix coffee, cinnamon and sugar in a serving cup.

2. Pour in boiling water (water or milk), stir.

3. Wait 2-3 minutes until the cinnamon settles to the bottom.

Coffee with cardamom against depression

With cardamom and cinnamon, the drink improves the nervous system and relieves depression, you need to take:

  • Ground Arabica beans – 10 gr.
  • Cardamom – 2 grains.
  • Cinnamon spice – 2 gr.
  • Water – 200 ml.
  • Sugar, milk optional

Mix cardamom with coffee, put in a copper jug, pour in water, stir a little with a spoon, add cinnamon. Place on low heat; when the foam rises, remove, then put back on, and so on twice.

Good to know! This drink helps with bronchitis, coughs, colds, and cardamom neutralizes the effects of caffeine.

Coffee with cinnamon and ginger

Another recipe for spicy coffee with a slightly hot taste.


  • coffee – 1 heaped teaspoon;
  • water – 150 ml;
  • cinnamon - a third of a teaspoon;
  • ginger root – 1 teaspoon;
  • sugar - to taste.


1. Cut the ginger root into 4 parts.

2. Add coffee, cinnamon and ginger to the Turk.

3. Pour in water, cook until foam appears and remove from heat.

4. Cover the Turk with a saucer and leave for 3-4 minutes.

5. Strain the coffee through a strainer into a serving cup.

How to add cinnamon to coffee

In general, there are no particularly strict standards here. You can use whole sticks, their parts, pieces, and even ground ones in powder form. And when to put it is not so important. All over the world, people use cinnamon every day as a seasoning for coffee: some put it in a coffee pot, others sprinkle it on their espresso from a coffee machine, and still others insert a stick into a cup of aromatic cappuccino and stir the drink with it. The method of application is not so important, and often depends on what exactly is available and what method of preparation is used; the main thing is that you like it.

There are two varieties of cinnamon:

  • The original, Ceylon, is made from the bark of the Cinnamomum tree. It is light brown, thinner, and more expensive, and is rarely sold here, usually in eco-friendly stores.
  • Cassia, Chinese cinnamon - what we used to call cinnamon - in sticks is coarser, red-brown, and this is what we usually have ground, found in most retail outlets.

Cassia is more aromatic, and, as a rule, recipes and recommendations refer to this particular variety.

How much cinnamon to add to coffee?

It all depends on the form in which you use it:

  • In the form of a stick - you can also use the whole one while the drink is brewing - it will not have time to give off too much flavor. The whole one can be put into a glass of iced coffee or cappuccino.
  • In the form of pieces - 2-4 pieces - it is quite possible to get by with just one if it is quite large. Again, the taste is unlikely to be strong.
  • Ground - for every 100 ml of drink, a quarter of a level teaspoon is more than enough, you can put less - on the tip of a spoon. Or, if you have the spice in a container with holes, lightly dust the surface of the drink.

Start with a small amount of ground cinnamon in your coffee, and if needed, add more directly to the cup. This way you will understand approximately how much you need for taste.

Other coffee drink options

  • The variety of Arabica and Robusta varieties, the less valuable Liberica and Excelsa, allow you to create a great variety of combinations of taste and strength. And if you take into account spices and different methods of preparation, then you can spend your whole life searching for the perfect drink on your own.
  • To begin with, you can master the intricacies of the ancient method of making Turkish coffee, which in our automated times is a special form of art.
  • Try coffee with cognac, which gives not only a boost of energy, but also a cheerful mood.
  • Airy, with a hint of vanilla, Raf coffee will give you incomparable pleasure.
  • There is no need to get dressed and trudge to a nearby coffee shop for a sip of energy, because you can prepare your favorite cappuccino at home.
  • For those who value speed of preparation, I recommend mixing instant coffee with cinnamon and creating your own individual recipe by selecting the desired proportion.

I hope you liked my version of the drink. I’ll be happy to try your recipes and use your recommendations for cooking methods if you write about them in the comments. I wish you to enjoy not only the result, but also the path to achieving it!

Cooking tips

  • Preparing a coffee drink is a very responsible process. Don't be distracted, otherwise you will not only spoil its taste, but also dirty the stove.
  • To speed up the settling of the grounds, you can add a little cold water to the finished coffee.
  • The amount of coffee prepared must correspond to the size of the Turk. The size is measured in cups and is indicated on the bottom of the container.
  • You can create a bouquet of spices yourself. I like coffee with ginger and cinnamon with milk, brewed as described in my recipe. You need to put 2 g of dried ground ginger, and cut a piece 1 cm long from the fresh root and grate it.

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