A set of exercises in the gym for men is the most powerful training program for the week! TOP 100 photos + video tutorials

More and more people in the modern world are beginning to think about their lifestyle, health, figure, and beauty. Few people naturally have ideal proportions.

Working out in the gym will correct all the shortcomings and help create a new body, although you will have to put a lot of effort into this.

Specially selected equipment and simulators will make this task easier.

Basic Rules

To achieve the desired results and form a beautiful relief figure, you need an integrated approach:

  • classes must be regular;
  • try not to violate the chosen training schedule, 3 times a week for 1.5 hours;
  • Keeping a personal diary helps to record all training parameters. Allows you to see dynamics and enhances motivation;
  • an increase in the amount of protein consumed in the diet of 1.5-2 grams per 1 kilogram of weight will be able to restore muscle fibers;
  • do not allow sudden surges in the pulse, breathing should be even, deep, without delays;
  • Don’t neglect warming up.

An integral part of the sports process is warming up. Its goal is to prepare the body for stress, improve the quality of exercise and protect against injury. A 10-minute brisk walk on a treadmill is enough.

An elliptical and an exercise bike can be a good alternative; unlike running, they reduce the impact on the knee joints.

Gym training program

Training in the gym 3 times a week involves dividing the body into segments that combine different muscle groups. On the first day of the program, chest, biceps and leg exercises are combined. Since chest work doesn't involve your lower body, the second part of the workout allows you to work your legs.

On the second day, the muscles of the upper body are combined - triceps, shoulders and trapezius, while the chest and legs worked in the previous workout receive recovery. On the third day of the gym, it is necessary to pump up your back and abs - when working the back muscles, the biceps are also involved, but a sufficient amount of time has passed since its last workout.

// Pros of 3 workouts per week:

  • develops mass and volume of the upper body
  • suitable for cycle training
  • great emphasis on the abs
  • Convenient schedule (Mon, Wed, Fri)

// Minuses:

  • reduced emphasis on leg muscles
  • not suitable for ectomorphs or beginners
  • implies a high level of load
  • may lead to overtraining

Training process

An exercise system for men starting to play sports will be aimed at losing weight by burning calories and gaining muscle mass.

The first days in the gym should consist of understanding the basic principles of bodybuilding, learning the technique and following a daily routine. Where nutrition plays an important role. Required:

  • split meals, from 5 to 7 times, in small portions, allows you to better control your appetite and does not overload the gastrointestinal tract;
  • a varied menu makes it possible to get the maximum amount of nutrients and balance the daily diet;
  • consumption of only healthy fats, in the form of vegetable oils, fatty fish, nuts;
  • Drink enough clean water daily. It normalizes metabolic processes, saturates cells with oxygen and cleanses the body of toxins;
  • carbohydrate consumption is allowed up to 18 hours;

Strict adherence to these principles guarantees 50% of all success.

For newbies

What training methods exist in the gym for beginners? The most common training system for regular gym goers is the three-day split. Its essence is to work out 2-3 muscle groups every other day. For example, on Monday an athlete trains chest and triceps; on Wednesday - back and biceps; on Friday - legs and shoulders. As practice shows, of all the methods of training in the gym for men for weight, this is the most suitable for those athletes who train without the use of anabolic steroids.

If you are a beginner who has set a goal to build decent muscle size, then this system may be suitable for you. We recommend that you watch the videos below, which show in detail the training methods in the gym for beginner athletes.

The first day. Chest and triceps workout:

Second day. Back and biceps workout:

Day three. Leg and shoulder workout:

Types of exercises

It is better to entrust drawing up a training plan to a professional gym instructor. He will select a set of basic exercises for men. Their action is aimed at working several joints at once, which involves the participation of more than one muscle group.

It is believed that they actively contribute to the formation of a strength “foundation” and prepare the body for a higher pace.


There are a number of training methods in the gym that fall into the category of supersets or, as they are also called, trisets. For example, Don Ross, winner of the Mr. America competition, has his own unique training scheme based on trisets. A famous bodybuilder performs 3 sets in a row for one muscle group, without resting between sets. In this case, the first and last approaches are the same in load, and the working weight is approximately 50-60% of the maximum.

The most popular training method in the gym for men is considered to be the 6-10-25 plan, created for those who want to specifically work out their arms. The lesson in this program is divided into blocks, each of which consists of three sets:

  • 6 repetitions in a stretched position;
  • 10 repetitions of a basic exercise for the arm muscles;
  • 25 repetitions on a machine with a small weight.

You need to rest for 2-3 minutes between blocks. To achieve maximum effect, experts recommend performing this triset 2-3 times.

Basic biceps exercises

Sculpted biceps mean a lot in any man’s figure. The following loads will help pump up the biceps muscle in the gym:

  • Reverse-grip pull-ups work your entire arm and upper back. Increases endurance;
  • The biceps curl is one of the most popular due to its versatility. Allows the use of implements and mechanisms, choosing the width of the grip involves different stabilizer muscles;
  • "hammer". Performed using dumbbells, the load is distributed over the entire shoulder joint.

How to train correctly in the gym for men

The famous male triangle with a narrow waist and broad shoulders is the merit of testosterone, without which even if you live in the gym, it will be of little use. For its natural production, in addition to proper nutrition, it is influenced by the performance of basic exercises; they must be present when a training program in the gym for men is carried out on an ongoing basis.

Of course, you shouldn’t eliminate cardio, because it’s a great way to train the heart and blood vessels. Use an orbitrack or a treadmill, which will simultaneously help you go through a period of adaptation to power loads.

There should be 3-4 workouts throughout the week; in most cases, 3 workouts are considered optimal, which will allow the body to fully recover after exercise.

Training planning should include the following:

♦ each training day consists of 6-7 exercises;

♦ each workout specifically works out 2 muscle groups, not counting the abs;

♦ At each training session, attention is paid to the abs, although some experts recommend training them once a week during heavy loads;

♦ it is necessary to use a varied range of repetitions: 4-6 for strength development, 8-10 for mass growth, 12-15 for improving definition, fat burning and endurance training.

This training scheme is the most common in the amateur field and is the start for the subsequent transition to professional activity.

Basic triceps exercises

It is the triceps that gives the arm volume. Even in a relaxed state, she looks sculpted. The training system will include various types of bench press:

  • French press, dumbbells are used as weights. In order not to overload the elbow joints, you should take a small load, but with a sufficient number of repetitions;
  • Push-ups from behind are best performed in the upper and lower positions.

Basic shoulder exercises

Broad shoulders, the dream of every man, are a sign of masculinity and reliability. The best exercises for the gym:

  • pulling the barbell to the chin gives a greater load to the rear and middle deltoids and works the triceps;
  • military overhead press, forces the middle delta to work. Due to the high risk of injury, they are performed in a Smith machine;
  • The dumbbell press is popular even among professional athletes, it loads all three deltoids and is not complicated in its technique.

Basic abdominal exercises

Beautiful, sculpted “cubes”, without a hint of fat, low-carb diets and regular exercise will help you cope with this:

  • crunches on a bench, best suited for the upper region, over time you can use weights;
  • lifting legs while hanging, effectively trains the lower abs; for beginners, lifting legs can be done in a bent state;
  • a bar that has become very popular recently due to its versatility. Strengthens the core muscles, increases endurance, develops a sense of balance, and allows you to maintain balance.

Basic chest exercises

You will have to spend a lot of time to feel the technique, the required range of movements and pump up the muscles of the chest:

  • bench press, one of the main strength exercises. Additionally develops the pleural girdle and triceps. Effective for gaining body weight. Can be performed on a horizontal or vertical bench. Requires mandatory insurance.
  • The dumbbell bench press, despite working with lighter weights, is effective due to its large amplitude.
  • Push-ups involve all the muscles, placing the main emphasis on the upper torso.

Basic leg exercises

One of the largest muscle groups, it is the most important stimulator of anabolic processes. By training it, the body speeds up metabolic processes:

  • squats in the machine, works quadriceps, buttocks, hamstrings;
  • deadlift is the basis of bodybuilding; due to a strong forward bend, the load is distributed on the back of the thigh, and the buttocks are tightened.
  • lunges, maximum effect is achieved with a deep squat and advancement;

Workouts for all muscle groups

As you can already understand, this system is radically different from split. Its essence is to perform exercises for all different groups in a circle, doing one approach at a time. After each lap you need to take a short break, and then repeat it again.

Example workout:

To begin with, a general warm-up is carried out. Then the first circle, in which, for example, the emphasis is on working the muscles of the arms, chest and legs. To do this, you need to choose exercises for your biceps, triceps, pectoral, front and back thighs and calf muscles. Each exercise must be performed approximately 15 times in one approach, after which you need to move on to another. And so on for 2-3 laps. After this, you should rest again, and then proceed to another complex in a circle, which is aimed at strengthening the muscles of the back and abs. For example, exercises are selected for the latissimus dorsi muscles and for all parts of the abdominal muscles. The scheme is the same.

Basic back exercises

A wide and sculpted back gives a man a beautiful aesthetic appearance and causes a lot of admiration. Exercises aimed at its formation are performed in the gym, where the necessary sports equipment is available for this.

Basic exercises, which are also suitable for beginners, strengthen the back muscles, promote weight loss, and also help cope with the problem of scoliosis:

  • Pull-ups become more effective if performed with a wide grip;
  • The deadlift, which is more difficult to perform, pumps up almost all the muscles. Strengthens the trapezius muscles and rectifiers. Performed with dumbbells, barbells and kettlebells. Weight is selected individually;
  • bent over barbell row. Like any other rod, it increases massiveness and sets visual volume.

To build up the latissimus muscles, they are also called “wings,” you should choose a machine with weights.

The traction of the upper block provides the necessary power loads. It can be performed in various variations: to the chest, lower back, behind the head.

Basic exercises in the gym for the back muscles

Well-developed back muscles are not only beautiful, but also an indicator of human health. After all, it is these muscles that hold the spine - the frame of the human body. A straight spine allows you to maintain internal organs in their places, avoids curvature in the body, and therefore plays a major role in preserving human life and health. It is on this basis that you should pay great attention to these workouts, consult an experienced trainer in order to avoid injuries and complications, and avoid lifting heavy weights or incorrect body position when performing exercises.

Basic exercises in the gym for the back muscles

For the back muscles, pull-ups on a horizontal bar (or bar) and various types of deadlifts are more often used.

Pull-ups for back muscles

The most effective is considered to be the bent-over dumbbell or barbell row and the classic weightlifting exercise - the deadlift . This is one of the complex, but very effective exercises, which can be mastered only after creating a sufficiently strong muscle corset.

Upper rows on the machine are also used . Such basic exercises in the gym are especially useful for men, since only after the muscles of the front surface of the chest and back have been sufficiently strengthened, work with large (effective) weights begins. To develop the delta, different types of bench press are also used - in particular, barbells from behind the chest (standing and sitting), which requires certain preparation, and dumbbells overhead. Lateral arm raises with dumbbells have worked well. They can be done both standing and sitting.

And, of course, you cannot ignore exercises that strengthen the biceps brachii muscle. First of all, these are different types of bending the arms at the elbow joints (standing with a barbell, both hands at the same time, and with dumbbells, each hand in turn).

of the French press and close-grip chest press are most often performed .

Exercises for back muscles on video (trainer Denis Semenikhin):

Daily exercise plan

To increase efficiency, only one muscle group is trained once a week, with a break between workouts of at least 48 hours. This time is necessary to restore and replenish energy reserves.

Monday (chest, triceps, abs):

  • push-ups;
  • dumbbell raises while sitting at an angle of 45 degrees;
  • dumbbell flyes in a lying position;
  • French press;
  • extension of the arms from behind the head;
  • plank

Wednesday (back, biceps, abs)

  • pull-up;
  • hyperesthesia;
  • Bent-over barbell row;
  • biceps curl;
  • crossover bending of arms;
  • twisting

Friday (legs, shoulders)

  • squatting in a machine;
  • deadlift;
  • lunges;
  • military press;
  • dumbbell press;
  • hanging leg raises.

Weights are selected individually, each approach must be performed the required number of times. To increase strength, the load should correspond to the number of repetitions from 7-10. For weight gain from 8-12. To lose weight and work out the relief at least 12-13 times.

The number of approaches is from 3 to 4, gives maximum tension. The duration of rest should not exceed 40-60 seconds. This time is enough to normalize the pulse; longer breaks will lead to a “cooling” of the muscles, and as a result, the impact on them will be reduced.

For those who are not in the gym for the first month

I hope you already know the technique of performing many exercises and have achieved some results, both in strength and external terms. Let your biceps increase by 1 cm compared to what it was - this is already a result.

Now you can set specific goals and train in the gym to gain muscle mass and increase strength.

A training option may look like this (if the number of approaches and repetitions is not indicated, do 2x10):

Day 1:

  1. Cardio 5-10 minutes (choice of exercise bike or treadmill).
  2. We bench press the barbell. We do 4 sets of 6–8 repetitions.
  3. We press dumbbells, lying at an angle of 30 degrees, 3 sets of 8 repetitions.
  4. Press the barbell upside down at a 30-degree incline for the same number of repetitions.
  5. Reduction of arms in a crossover (3x8).
  6. French bench press (3x8).
  7. Arm extension on a block (3x10).
  8. Any 2 abdominal exercises, 2 sets of 15 reps each.

Day 2:

  1. Cardio.
  2. We squat with a barbell for 4 sets of 6–8 repetitions (not counting warm-up approaches).
  3. Lunges with dumbbells.
  4. We extend our legs in the simulator.
  5. Calf exercises.
  6. Pull the lower block to the chin (or a barbell instead of a block).
  7. Arnold press with dumbbells.
  8. Lateral raises of dumbbells.

Day 3:

  1. Cardio.
  2. Hyperextension, do 2 sets, 15 repetitions each.
  3. Deadlift 4 sets of 6 reps.
  4. Hyperextension 15 times slowly with a delay at the top point.
  5. We pull the barbell in an inclined position (3x8).
  6. Pull the top block (3x8).
  7. Pull the bottom block (3x10).
  8. Biceps curl (3x8).
  9. Hammer or dumbbell curls (3x10).

This training plan is aimed at simultaneously gaining mass and increasing strength.

Lower back exercisers

The following will help strengthen the spine and increase its flexibility:

  • rowing machine Evens out posture and strengthens the muscle corset. Suitable as a cardio machine or can be included in a CrossFit program;
  • bench for hyperextension, reduces the load on the spine. At the same time, it allows you to perform a large range of movements.

CrossFit for men

This is a relatively young sport focused on developing endurance and strength. Exercises in such training are performed in a circle at high intensity and with minimal rest.

Despite their apparent simplicity, it is still better to do them in the gym. Since there is no single training scheme in CrossFit, the instructor will select it individually and monitor the execution technique.

The lesson plan will contain different types of disciplines: athletics, gymnastics, bodybuilding, functional training.

Frequency and duration of training

How often and for how long should you train to achieve your goal? This depends on the initial physical fitness of the man. The only condition is that the break between classes should be at least 24 hours (it is important for the muscles to “rest”, otherwise overwork occurs and the risk of injury increases). Beginners are recommended to exercise 3 times a week.

The duration of one workout is a maximum of 1.5 hours, where about 30 minutes are spent on warm-up (including breaks) and 60 minutes on the main training. Rest between sets should not exceed one and a half minutes.

Training program

Includes several repeating rounds from 3 for beginners to 5 for more experienced ones.

All work should be aimed at working different muscle groups in one training day. It is good to perform them in the gym, where there is all the necessary equipment.

List of exercises for men:

  1. squats;
  2. push ups;
  3. lunges;
  4. twisting;
  5. pulling up;
  6. run.

They can be performed both with and without weights, the main thing is the number of repetitions and the correct technique.

Approximate training plan, it is advisable to complete all points in 1 minute:

  1. push ups;
  2. upper block thrust;
  3. squats with a bar on a Smith machine;
  4. cardio 5 minutes - a short rest that restores breathing, but does not allow the heart rate to decrease;
  5. lunges, on each leg, separately;
  6. crossover bending of arms;
  7. press.

The number of approaches and rounds is selected individually.

Program for beginners

A gym workout plan can be very different for experienced men and complete beginners. If a person comes to the fitness center for the first time and doesn’t even know which side to approach the barbell from, an individual program is developed, taking into account the characteristics of the body and the person’s goals. At the same time, novice athletes are advised to pay attention to exercises that pump up the entire body (for the first time it is necessary to avoid working out the back)

Interesting fact. Before moving on to complex programs, beginners need to adapt their body to regular physical activity, increase muscle strength to a certain level and form a foundation that allows them to train in the future without harm to the body.

There are different program options for beginners. We bring to your attention a universal option for working in the gym for 2 months:

  • Warm up for 10-15 minutes.
  • Incline crunches
  • Hyperextension
  • Recumbent pullover with dumbbells.
  • Pull of the upper block behind the head.
  • Wrist flexion/extension while sitting with a barbell.
  • Cool down for 5 minutes.

Each exercise in the workout is performed in 3-4 sets of 10-15 repetitions each.

CrossFit Benefits

  • the new approach allows you to diversify the same type of highly specialized programs;
  • increases immunity, restores the body's protective functions;
  • strengthens the respiratory and cardiovascular system;
  • Intense exercise helps to get rid of fat deposits, consuming a large number of calories.

A properly structured order of exercises will lay a good foundation. Regular visits to the gym will give the desired results. And professional achievements will strengthen every man’s self-confidence.

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