The best ways to quickly lose 10 kg in 10 days

The most important problem that arises when choosing a way to quickly lose weight at home is the harm that you don’t want to cause to your body.

To ensure that the kilograms that you get rid of in such a short period do not return, you should continue to follow the chosen method of combating excess weight and not stop there.

Among all the popular, as well as little-known ways to quickly lose weight at home, we suggest focusing on the ten most effective and safe ones - how to lose 10 kg in 10 days.

7th place. Meditation and hypnosis. We become food addicted and lose weight quickly

The complexity and ambiguity of this method (meditation or hypnosis) is that not every person can be influenced and helped to lose weight at home in 10 days. Someone is completely resistant to hypnosis, and therefore it is quite problematic to force him to suggest that he is losing weight or is already slim.

People with weaker psyches are easily “led” to such “programming” methods and get rid of food addiction for a short or longer period. After all, with the help of hypnosis you can reduce appetite and sharpen the human desire to look beautiful and presentable.

The session itself consists of two key stages - introduction to trance and removal from it. But before you “encode” yourself in this way and quickly lose weight, read reviews about the specialist to whom you are going to “entrust” your psyche. Or try to begin to control your consciousness on your own, without the intervention of a stranger.

If you don’t trust anyone, try meditating on your own at home. This will help you lose weight quickly in 10 days, and it certainly has never harmed anyone!

General rules

A diet for 10 days minus 10 kg is a real way to become slimmer in a short time. Many people want to cope with the problem of extra pounds once and for all, and in order to achieve an ideal weight, sometimes you only need to lose 5-10 kg. Of course, more serious stages of obesity require long-term complex treatment under the supervision of doctors and nutritionists, but still you should not give up, but you need to start at least small. It is only important to remember that to lose weight on a ten-day diet you need to:

  • “enter” correctly - a week before the start of the diet, try to give up bread, then sugar and salt, fried and fatty foods, spend several fasting days - drinking, fruit;
  • eat strictly according to the prescribed menu, controlling portion sizes and meal times;
  • give up alcohol, smoking and other bad habits;
  • maintain the body's water balance by replacing soda and coffee with pure natural water, teas and herbal infusions (it is recommended to drink about one cup of coffee in the morning - black natural coffee and without sweeteners);
  • You cannot go on a diet for more than 10 days, and after finishing, the body needs a proper “exit” and rest for 6 months.

6th place. Lose 10 kg in 10 days - group psychotherapy sessions

You've probably heard that there are various group trainings that make it possible to get rid of alcohol, drug or nicotine addiction.

Every year another type of struggle becomes more and more popular - the struggle with oneself for a slim figure. At the same time, if the courses are organized competently and professionally, then in addition to the result itself - rapid weight loss of 10 kg in 10 days, you will also get pleasure from the method of achieving it.

The high efficiency of the method follows from the fact that many components work for the result:

  • Collective impact;
  • Getting rid of stereotypes;
  • Increased physical activity;
  • Introduction to a low-calorie diet;
  • Overcoming fears and complexes;
  • Positive attitude for a successful result.

In addition, when we listen to the problems of others, we most often come to the conclusion that our own difficulties are very insignificant. Therefore, you should not be afraid of group trainings in order to easily lose 10 kilograms at home.

However, do not expect quick results. By attending classes, you are unlikely to be able to lose 5-7-10 kilograms in 10 days without any effort. But with the combination of several methods, you will definitely achieve your desired numbers on the scales.

Inpatient clinic – sanatorium for weight loss

The fight against excess weight in a clinic or sanatorium for weight loss is a complex treatment that is carried out under the supervision of specialists. The course is structured in such a way that during an inpatient stay in a country clinic or sanatorium, the patient undergoes procedures that have a drainage effect on the body and remove toxins.

During the therapy, he is charged with powerful energy, forgetting about fatigue and signs of aging. The patient's metabolism is stimulated, the tone of the skin and muscles improves, allowing them to quickly lose 10 kilograms in 10 days. Having immersed himself in the healing process in a weight loss sanatorium or an inpatient clinic, the patient follows a sleep schedule and a diet for quick weight loss. He is prescribed an individual diet or therapeutic fasting, and undergoes procedures that cleanse the body and intestines.

In a weight loss sanatorium, a sense of awareness of the client’s participation in the process of healing and weight loss is created during individual and group sessions with a psychologist, and the formation of positive thinking in him.

Also, the patient of a country clinic for weight loss is given a series of lymphatic drainage massages and hydromassages, which normalize the skin tone, tighten and cleanse it. At the end of the course of therapy, many patients return significantly thinner. However, sudden weight loss over such a period is not observed; rather, the effect is gradual, but lasts much longer than after extreme diets. For the effectiveness of health courses in a clinic or sanatorium for weight loss, you can give a solid four.

Contraindications for such therapy in a country clinic for weight loss are cancer, tuberculosis, pregnancy and lactation.

5th place. Let's say no to carbohydrates - a diet for quick weight loss!

At the beginning of the 21st century, this was one of the most popular diets for quick weight loss, which everyone was hooked on. And there was a logical justification for this, since it was the refusal of carbohydrates in food that brought people the desired weight loss of at least 10 kilograms per week.

The essence of the diet is to completely eliminate foods that contain large amounts of carbohydrates from your diet. After all, they are the cause of fat deposits and interfere with rapid weight loss.

Nutritionists include permitted foods (within this method of losing weight) meat, eggs and offal, fish, low-fat dairy products, fruits, vegetables and berries, as well as nuts and seeds.

The disadvantages of such a diet for quick weight loss is that the body receives an increased amount of foods containing protein, which results in metabolic disorders.

! When on a “carbohydrate-free” diet, doctors advise that you be sure to replenish the missing minerals and vitamins with dietary supplements.

4th place. Physical activity - easily lose 10 kg

The most proven and effective way, which makes it possible to maintain the achieved weight loss results for a long time, is physical activity. The main thing is that it should be constant, with a regular increase in the load itself.

There are a lot of sets of exercises for different muscle groups that effectively reduce weight and help you lose weight quickly at home. Experts include the following basic rules that should be followed:

  • Warm-up before performing the main load;
  • Increasing the amount of water consumed;
  • The number of calories burned per day should be greater than the number consumed in food;
  • Setting achievable goals.

In addition, encourage yourself and properly motivate yourself to lose 10 kg in 10 days. For example, if you lose five kilograms in a week, have a photo shoot and buy the dress you like two sizes smaller.

The stronger the motivation, the more impressive the result will be.

At home, you can do regular aerobic exercise or jogging. Cycling and swimming are good for these purposes.

! Remember that to burn fat as quickly as possible, you need daily workouts that involve intense loads of different directions - jumping, running, lunges, push-ups, etc.

Strict ten-day diets

Strict diets for 10 days involve a meager diet with extremely low calorie content, so using them for more than a specified period is not recommended due to potential health hazards. However, such courses allow you to lose weight up to 10 kilograms for a specific event or event, so they are actively practiced.


The diet menu for a quick diet for weight loss for 10 days, based on the consumption of potatoes, is quite meager. However, the root vegetable is quite nutritious and healthy; when consumed, it satisfies for a long time and does not cause discomfort. In addition, the diet itself will allow you to lose 5-10 kilograms over the entire course.

During a 10-day diet, you are allowed to consume no more than 700 grams of boiled jacket potatoes daily. It is allowed to enrich the menu only with celery and herbs to taste. Since the diet is extremely poorly balanced, repeating the course is allowed only after two months.


This weight loss diet is very extreme and is suitable only for people in good health. Before use, you should consult your doctor. Possible weight loss – up to ten kilograms.

The diet menu looks like it is compiled by day. The entire proposed diet must be divided into 4-6 meals. The meal plan looks like this:

  1. Only 5 boiled eggs are allowed. They can be boiled hard-boiled or soft-boiled to taste;
  2. Let's take half a kilogram of low-fat fish fillet. It can be cooked in the oven, it is allowed to prepare broth and eat it along with the main product;
  3. For the whole day - half a kilogram of boiled chicken breast;
  4. Prepare 5 jacket potatoes;
  5. Daily menu – 5 meals of 100 grams of boiled beef;
  6. 5 fruits of any fruit except bananas;
  7. Any low-calorie and starch-free vegetables are allowed. You can make the salad without oil;
  8. Low-fat cottage cheese no more than 500 grams;
  9. Kefir fat content no more than 2.5% - one liter;
  10. Only rosehip decoction in any quantity is allowed.

During the diet you need to rest more. It is best to avoid heavy physical and mental stress.


Like many 10-day diets in express format, buckwheat is one of the mono-diets. It is popular among those losing weight because it allows you to lose up to one kilogram of excess weight per day without much effort.

Be sure to read: How to quickly lose weight for the New Year - effective recipes and an example of a menu for one day

The disadvantage of the buckwheat porridge nutrition system is the meager diet, which can begin to cause disgust already on the third day of use. Therefore, not everyone is able to complete the ten-day course.

The daily menu looks quite simple: during the day you are allowed to consume only buckwheat porridge prepared according to a special recipe:

  • Rinse a glass of cereal and pour two glasses of boiling water over it;
  • Cover the product with a tight lid, wrap the container with a towel and leave for 3-4 hours;
  • Consume in pure form or with the addition of low-fat kefir.

No more than one glass of buckwheat is allowed per day (calculation of the product in dry form) and up to one liter of kefir with a fat content of no more than 2.5%.


The name of the diet comes from the principle of food intake. So, every day you are allowed to consume one specific product in the amount of two units (two pieces, two liters, 200 grams, etc.). In this regard, the diet turns out to be very modest and hungry, but it helps to lose up to 10 kilograms over the entire period.

Diet menu "Two":

  1. Only two medium apples are allowed;
  2. Two oranges;
  3. You are allowed to consume no more than 200 grams of boiled rice (ready);
  4. Only 200 grams of any cheese;
  5. A small pack of cottage cheese (200 grams);
  6. You are allowed to eat only two bananas during the day. It is best to choose unripe fruits;
  7. Hungry day on the water;
  8. Daily diet – 200 grams of low-fat yogurt without added sugar;
  9. Only two large cucumbers;
  10. Up to two liters of kefir (2.5% fat).

Physical activity is prohibited for the entire course.

Nourishing diets

Not always the most effective diets for 10 days cause a loss of strength and make you constantly feel hungry. More nutritious courses allow daily caloric intake up to 1200-1500 kilocalories per day and help you lose up to five kilograms of excess weight. At the same time, it is useful for a person losing weight to take physical activity at least three times a week. Additionally, it is recommended to walk more and sleep at least 8 hours a day.

Kate Moss diet

Often this 10-day diet helped the famous fashion model get in shape before a fashion show or photo shoot. Despite its effectiveness, the course has virtually no contraindications and does not cause hunger. The course menu looks the same for each of the ten days and its calorie content is 1000-1200 kilocalories.

Menu for the day:

  1. For breakfast - an omelet without oil based on spinach and three egg whites;
  2. A serving of vegetable stew or salad (200 grams) with the addition of a small amount of olive oil;
  3. Additionally – 100 grams of boiled or baked chicken;
  4. A small amount of non-starchy vegetables, salmon steak.

Be sure to read: How many kilograms can you lose in a month?

It is not recommended to stick to this menu for more than ten days. It is possible to replace chicken fillet with lean beef, salmon with pollock or other low-calorie fish.

If you experience a strong feeling of hunger, it is permissible to eat no more than two apples a day or drink herbal tea.


The diet is high-protein and is intended for lovers of fish and seafood. Frequent meals during the course speed up metabolism and help you quickly lose up to five kilograms of excess weight without much effort. The diet for every day looks the same, its calorie content is about 1200 kilocalories.

Menu for one day:

  1. 7:30 am. Drink a glass of water. After half an hour - two boiled chicken eggs, or a two-hundred-gram pack of low-fat cottage cheese.
  2. 10 hours. A small portion (up to 50 grams) of fish fillet, steamed or grilled.
  3. 11 o'clock. A small portion of vegetable stew, one unsweetened apple. Low-fat fish steak – 100 grams.
  4. 12:15. Drink two glasses of warm water. After 15 minutes - a portion of green vegetable salad, dressed with low-calorie yogurt, a two-hundred-gram pollock steak.
  5. 18 hours. A serving of fresh vegetable salad without oil, a glass of kefir, any seafood.

During the diet, it is recommended to drink more water. It is not recommended to swap the proposed meals.

3rd place. Procedures and hardware body contouring for weight loss

How can one explain the incredible popularity of this method of losing weight? It turns out that everything is quite simple. After all, there is no need to go on diets or regularly exhaust yourself with workouts. You just need to choose the right procedures with a cosmetologist and carry them out in a good medical center. And you can quickly lose 10 kg in 10 days!

There are many completely different programs. Each of them has its own advantages and contraindications. Therefore, you should always consult a specialist before making a choice. The essence of all these types of fight against excess weight is that they speed up metabolism, relieve stress, restore the top layer of skin (if you receive some kind of injury), after which regeneration processes are launched.

The most popular hardware methods that allow you to lose weight in 10 days or a week include:

  • Electrical stimulation;
  • Ozone therapy;
  • Vacuum massage or roller-vacuum;
  • Pressotherapy;
  • Myostimulation;
  • Eximia device.

By the way, for example, figure correction using the Italian Eximia device, according to many clients, gives significant results, since it effectively burns all fat deposits.

Depending on what is more important, you can choose a set of procedures that fights cellulite, or one that specifically corrects and reduces weight.

And what is best for you is better to discuss with specialists: exposure to laser, current, cold or light energy.

If you want to carry out procedures at home, you can buy special weight loss devices. Their principle is to massage problem areas of the skin, or to apply heat.

There are special muscle stimulants on sale that can tighten sagging skin and help you lose weight in 10 days. As well as various massagers in the form of a belt, shorts, etc. You can also use a proven cupping massage to get rid of cellulite.

It is quite difficult to list all the devices available for home use, since their variety is constantly changing and improving. But the effectiveness of most of them is confirmed by positive reviews and a long history of sales, helping to lose weight at home.

General recommendations for a 10-day weight loss diet

There are a large number of different diets designed for short-term use. However, they must be selected with extreme caution. The lowest calorie courses can cause loss of strength, deterioration in well-being, sagging skin and many other unpleasant complications. Therefore, any effective diet for 10 days should be balanced and comfortable.

Before starting a special diet, it is recommended to consult a doctor and undergo a full medical examination for contraindications. Effective 10-day diets for weight loss have a very low calorie content, therefore they are recommended for people with a body mass index exceeding 25 units.

In order for the course to be as safe and effective as possible, the following should be excluded from the daily diet:

  • Any sausages and semi-finished products;
  • Liver;
  • Canned food and marinades, especially those with high salt content;
  • Vegetables with a high starch content (potatoes, beets), sweet fruits (bananas, grapes) (if the diet is not based on the listed foods);
  • Carbonated drinks;
  • Any animal fats;
  • Fatty meat, poultry, dairy products;
  • Sweets and confectionery.

Extra pounds can quickly return after losing weight. Therefore, in order to prevent this effect, it is recommended to change eating habits and exclude (or reduce their amount to a minimum) all or part of the listed foods from the daily diet. Most of them are of no benefit to the body, as they are high in calories.

During diets, it is recommended to move and rest more. Sleep duration should be at least 8 hours. This is important for maintaining good health and reducing appetite.

In addition, you must follow the recommendations:

  1. Drink as much fluid as possible (water reduces appetite, improves metabolism and the processes of removing breakdown products of fats and proteins from the body, prevents constipation);
  2. Take your evening meal no later than three to four hours before going to bed;
  3. Take multivitamin complexes if the diet is not balanced enough;
  4. Take physical activity only if the caloric content of the diet is more than 1000 kilocalories;
  5. Use wrap courses to improve the structure of the skin and prevent stretch marks and sagging, go to saunas and steam baths to better remove toxic substances from the body;
  6. Eat at least four times a day;
  7. Choose the most varied and nutritious menu;
  8. Selecting only those weight loss programs that suit your taste preferences and habits will help you avoid breakdowns and make the process easier.

Be sure to read: Diet of Dr. Albert Simeon and Anat Stern - menu analysis

10 days is quite a long time. Therefore, it is recommended to choose a diet with less than 1200 kilocalories only if absolutely necessary.

2nd place. Inpatient help to lose weight in 10 days

To intensively reduce weight in a short time and quickly lose weight, you can contact the “Fat Prison” inpatient treatment facility.

The treatment itself involves many components that will lead to high-quality, safe and gradual weight loss. Often, inpatient therapy consists of:

  • Properly selected dietary food;
  • Physical activity;
  • Work with a psychologist.

This way of dealing with extra pounds is necessary for those who have obesity of the 3rd and 4th degrees. But people who want to quickly lose 10 kg in 10 days, correctly and under the supervision of doctors, nutritionists and psychologists, should turn to sanatoriums and other inpatient hospitals for help.

! Additionally, for rapid weight loss, doctors prescribe special treatment procedures, for example, contrast showers, Charcot showers, body wraps. The methods are not only effective, but also enjoyable, giving the skin a healthy and toned appearance.

In addition, spending a couple of weeks in a country institution, away from the bustle and problems of the city, will have a beneficial effect on both the nervous system and your appearance. And this is especially important on the eve of important events, holidays, New Year, Christmas or birthday.

The course involves 10 or 14 days, in conditions without fatty foods and other temptations that lead to weight gain.

Pharmacological preparations for rapid weight loss at home

Pharmacological drugs for weight loss and figure correction can be divided into several types:

  • psychostimulants - affecting the nervous system due to the psychotropic substances they contain, the effects of which suppress appetite and you can quickly lose weight in 10 days at home. In the process of consuming them, the nervous system is depleted and the functions of internal organs are disrupted. Such drugs can cause depression;
  • laxatives - basically, these are herbal teas for weight loss, which have a special composition, due to which the activity of the heart and pancreas is disrupted and potassium is washed out of the body. Such teas can even cause intestinal atony;
  • diuretics - diuretic teas, which also, if used for a long time, destroy the water-salt balance, cause dehydration of the body and wash out potassium;
  • peristalsis stimulants - act similarly to plant fiber: it causes a feeling of fullness due to swelling in the stomach, while simultaneously enhancing intestinal motility. Ultimately, the use of such drugs at home causes irritation of the intestinal walls and leads to the fact that the intestines stop working on their own;
  • fat burners - such drugs help food to be digested, but they have no effect on fats without parallel exercise; it makes no sense to use them on your own without physical activity.

Almost every pharmacological product has contraindications and side effects, which manufacturers do not always report. The weight does not really go away from them, and is gained again after stopping taking the drugs, and the results of body contouring at home are not visible. Therefore, they cannot be called a safe and effective means for losing weight; they receive only 2 points.

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