Bodyflex with Marina Korpan

How bodyflex came about with Marina Korpan

Marina Korpan tells her story in a book about bodyflex. Gymnastics was not her “most favorite activity since childhood.” On the contrary, the girl, losing weight in traditional ways, developed an eating disorder and came to breathing exercises as her last hope. Before bodyflex there were traditional aerobic exercises and a rather starvation diet with a pronounced withdrawal effect. In general, gymnastics based on holding your breath helped Marina herself. Somehow it happened that the girl began to study this issue more deeply, received a coaching education instead of basic economics, and opened a school. Apparently, as it is fashionable to say today, circumstances helped.

For Marina herself, bodyflex was an alternative to such simple and accessible actions that millions of good-looking people perform every day. It's about counting calories and macronutrients and doing strength training in the gym. You can talk for a long time about whether this is an alternative in reality or not, but here we have a case where a person preaches exactly what has personally helped him.

Marina became famous thanks to the first domestic fitness channel ZhiVi TV, on which a program about weight loss with Marina’s participation appeared. Gymnastics became popular quite quickly.

What is bodyflex and why should it help?

Let us immediately note that, if you believe normal sources on sports medicine, biology, and fitness, it should not help for particularly long. Bodyflex is gymnastics using your own body weight as a weight. We all know that such gymnastics are effective only as long as our body movements are so complex that we cannot remain under load for more than 40 seconds. There are a sufficient number of such gymnastics in the world that allow you to progress with body weight almost endlessly. The same workout and Ashtanga yoga, for example. But our bodyflex is designed for a completely different category of citizens.

All bodyflex gymnastics exercises are borrowed from Pilates, yoga and callanetics. Moreover, they were borrowed according to the principle “uncomplicated, accessible to everyone, works on women’s problem areas,” and not according to any other. Breathing was allegedly invented by American Greer Childers. But even Greer herself admits that she borrowed the breathing part of the gymnastics from another instructor, who, in turn, learned from yoga practitioners. In general, bodyflex is an exercise with your own body weight, performed while holding your breath. And the technique of delays is taken from yogic pranayamas.

How effective are simple bodyweight exercises? Considered from the point of view of fatigue, recovery and muscle growth, they are effective for a beginner who has not trained at all before, and for no more than 12-14 weeks. Further, the potential of trying to complicate the exercises in the series of “tighten the muscle harder” is lost, and you need to add weight training to progress. By the way, Greer Childers also writes about the benefits of strength training in his book.

How effective are bodyflex workouts for strengthening the cardiovascular system? Frankly speaking, there is no research on this topic, and the question remains open. Of course, both Greer and Marina write about the benefits, but do not provide any specific data. Based on general recommendations, to maintain a healthy cardiovascular system, you should add at least 30 minutes of light aerobic activity per day to your gymnastics.

It can be noted that gymnastics will be a good choice for those who need to improve coordination and flexibility, at least to a level that allows them to engage in regular types of fitness.


This is Marina Korpan’s first breathing exercises for weight loss, the improvement of which began in 2000. Suitable for those who move little, beginners in such techniques and advanced ones. People with a lot of weight. For those who are prohibited from physical activity due to health reasons. Despite its apparent harmlessness and ease, it is not suitable for everyone.


  • Stones in the gall bladder, kidneys;
  • Diabetes;
  • Ulcer;
  • Problems with the thyroid gland;
  • The period after operations;
  • Heart failure.

What is Bodyflex

Bodyflex is a special breathing exercise. It combines deep breathing (diaphragmatic) with exercises aimed at stretching. Breathing is delayed after a very deep breath, and the concentration of carbon dioxide in the body increases. The arteries dilate, and the cells can fully absorb oxygen.

Thanks to the influx of “extra” oxygen, the process of losing weight is underway, and your well-being improves.

Ideally, the lesson should be done in the morning on an empty stomach. If it doesn’t work out, then choose a time not immediately after eating. If it doesn’t work out at all, then you can even overnight (but this is a last resort). As Marina herself says, “The main thing is to find time for exercise. Daily".

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Principles of Bodyflex

  1. Everyday classes for a month and a half.
  2. Work out on an empty stomach in the morning. The author notes that during sleep at night, glycogen stores run out. Having received more oxygen, the body will be forced to take fat deposits in the form of energy.
  3. The workout is no more than 25 minutes. Too much oxygen can lead to dizziness and poor health.
  4. Eating 1 hour after class.
  5. Bodyflex cannot be combined with other types of sports activity. This complex will be enough for weight loss: optimal weight loss without harm to health.
  6. Try not to take medications or undergo cosmetic procedures.
  7. Do not change exercises frequently.

Correct breathing in Bodyflex

The most important part of this breathing exercise with Marina Korpan. Consists of 5 stages:

  1. Exhale calmly through your mouth. (Be sure to fold your lips into a “tube”). Completely expel the air from the lungs.
  2. With your mouth closed. Inhale through your nose. Quickly, abruptly, sharply. At the same time, inflate your stomach.
  3. Exhale sharply through your mouth: push out the air with the sound “Pa.”
  4. Pull your stomach in as much as possible.
  5. Do not breathe for 8-10 seconds.

It is important to perform it efficiently, to inhale and exhale with full force. At the same time, you need to perform simple stretching exercises. Each exercise must be repeated 3 times.

A set of exercises for doing Bodyflex

Marina Korpan suggests studying (or at least taking a few lessons) with a trainer who will show you the correct way to perform breathing and a set of exercises. But if it is not possible, then it is possible to train at home.

Lesson 1

  1. Place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders. Hands on hips. 10 seconds (when you don’t breathe) you need to clench your fists. Bring them together so that they are connected by the knuckles. Raise your arms to chest level so that your shoulders are parallel to the floor. Squeeze hard. Hands should not be pressed tightly to the chest.

(Note: To complete tasks without interruptions, it is good to practice in advance, without wasting time. This applies to each exercise).

  1. "Tree". Stand on your feet. Place the feet of the other leg on the supporting knee. The leg is turned clearly to the side. Connect your hands above your head. Reach up. Do the task in this position.
  2. Half squat. The knees do not extend beyond the toes. Pelvis back. Freeze. Complete all 5 steps.
  3. Lie down on the floor. Knees bent, feet on the floor. Arms are parallel to the body. 4 stages of breathing while lying down. Holding your breath, lift your shoulder blades off the floor and stretch your arms toward your legs.
  4. Position on all fours. Keep your back straight, do not bend in the lower back. Do 3 stages of breathing exercises. While holding your breath, pull your stomach in and relax quickly.

Lesson 2

  1. Same as exercise 1 in lesson 1, but do not clench your hands into fists. Put your palms together.
  2. Sit on the floor as in exercise 4 in lesson 1. Holding your breath, raise one leg as high as possible (ideally, if perpendicular to the floor). Keep the other leg suspended, but do not lift it high from the floor. Try to fix it parallel to the floor. Lift your shoulder blades off the floor and reach for your hands. Change leg positions.
  3. Lie on your side. Legs and torso straight in one line. Extend the arm from below in front of you perpendicularly. Raise your head, resting on your shoulder. While holding your breath, lift your shoulder off the floor. At the same time, slightly raise the leg and arm that are on top. Be careful not to lean forward or backward. Lift the limbs straight up.
  4. Stand up as in exercise 5 of the previous lesson. Carry out 4 stages of gymnastics. While holding your breath, round your back as much as possible. Try to pull it up.

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Lesson 3

  1. Legs wider than shoulders. Half squat. Place your hands on your hips. Breath. Then move your right leg to the left and back (so as not to lose your balance and stand confidently). The position of the hands is above the head. Then, without lowering your arms, tilt your body to the left. Freeze and not breathe for 10 seconds. Do the same in the other direction.
  2. Get on your knees. Sit with your buttocks on your heels. Holding your breath, turn your body strongly to the side. Alternate turns left and right. Hands on shoulders.
  3. Position on all fours. Move your hands slightly to the left. Holding your breath, raise your leg to the side. The thigh should be parallel to the floor. Fix. If it’s difficult, you can bend your leg, but keep your thigh parallel.
  4. Similar to the previous one, but at the moment of holding your breath, straighten the raised leg, take it back and return it. Make sure that the hip does not drop. There should be a parallel with the floor. 3 exercises for each leg.
  5. Lying with your back on the floor. Knees bent, feet pressed to the floor. Hands behind your head. Palms are connected. Keep your shoulders and shoulder blades suspended while holding your breath. Secure the torso.
  6. Lie down as in the previous exercise. Hands behind head. Lower your legs to the floor to one side. Try not to lift your shoulders. Raise your shoulders off the floor while holding. Do the exercise 3 times on each side.

Lesson 4

  1. Place your legs wider than your shoulders. A small squat. Hands just below the waist. While holding your breath, connect the tips of your fingers at chest level: little finger with little finger, ring finger with ring finger, etc. Palms do not touch. Press hard.
  2. The situation is the same. While holding, move your arms back as far as possible. Palms to the ceiling.
  3. Lie down on the floor. Bend your knees, feet on the floor. Hands lie along the body. In this position, breathe. Holding your breath, slowly rise up, rounding your back. Smoothly. You have to sit down in 10 seconds. Breathe in a sitting position, and while holding, carefully lower to a lying position.
  4. Sit on the floor. Bend your legs slightly, knees “look” up. Hands randomly. While holding your breath, tilt your body back a little and freeze. Feet on the floor. No need to lie down. Stretch your arms in front of you. For greater load, you can cross them over your chest.
  5. The original is similar to the previous one. When holding, lean your body back a little and raise your legs. Hands parallel to the floor.
  6. Do exercise 4 from the second lesson.

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The effect of Bodyflex

Losing weight is not the only advantage of performing Korpan breathing exercises. Positive effects (declared by the author of the technique):

  1. Massage of internal organs;
  2. Strengthening the deep-lying back muscles;
  3. Reduced stomach volume;
  4. Lightness of body and vigor;
  5. Lifting up the uterus;
  6. Removing toxins from the gastrointestinal tract and strengthening it;
  7. Rectal cleansing;
  8. Increased peristalsis (wave-like contraction of organs such as the esophagus, intestines, stomach);
  9. Strengthening and rejuvenation of the endocrine system of the peritoneum;
  10. Spinal traction (especially its lower part);
  11. Treatment of certain diseases of the stomach and other internal organs.

Why bodyflex is for weight loss

Bodyflex with Marina Korpan is recommended as gymnastics for “improving metabolism and losing weight.” Note that metabolism cannot be improved with the help of gymnastics. And in general, the term “improve” is quite difficult to apply to a simple mechanism for converting nutrients into energy. If there are too many substances, in any case, an excess of energy is obtained. It is more correct to talk about increasing calorie consumption.

This is where mysteries, myths and legends begin. Marina herself mentioned a couple of times that bodyflex burns up to 1000 kcal per hour. Then why does “another author” of gymnastics, Greer Childers, write that it is completely ineffective for fitness and bodybuilding enthusiasts with experience? So does it burn or not? Judging by the heart monitors and pulse readings, it’s unlikely. Most likely, depending on the intensity of the exercises themselves, something on the order of 200-350 kcal per hour.

“Delayed effect of burning calories” is also not about bodyflex. It is usually attributed to resistance training. There is also no evidence that body weight training in this style increases resting calorie expenditure.

And yet they lose weight from bodyflex. Why? There are several reasons:

  • the author of this type of gymnastics actively promotes dietary restrictions. True, in some rather strange style. Half of Marina Korpan’s book is dedicated to her own journey from diets and eating disorders to “normal eating.” Moreover, if you count the calories in Marina’s same published diets, you get a rather restrictive diet. By the way, the book does not contain any nutritional specifics. You will be offered more vegetables and fruits, less buns and sausages, and reduced portions, and also not eat without feeling hungry. It’s worth considering that intuitive eating in this style is not suitable for all people, and many will need additional knowledge on calorie calculations and diet planning in order to really lose weight;
  • Greer Childers, for those interested, accompanies his creativity with a diet of about 1500-1600 kcal, quite balanced, if not for one “but” - for some reason you can’t eat after 17.00. Those who read the original book and followed this diet write positive reviews about that diet;
  • many simply combine bodyflex with some alternative diet control technique.

There is a lot of controversy about whether bodyflex “reduces” or “does not reduce” the stomach. Marina Korpan herself mentioned this myth several times, but it is worth noting that nothing depends on the size of the stomach as such. The stomach is a hollow muscular organ, the muscles tend to contract, the stomach shrinks; if we eat, it stretches. In the end, what matters most is the caloric content of food, and not any other factors. Another thing is that warming up in the morning helps us feel energetic and healthy, and not overeat at breakfast. In addition, exercise in the morning has proven psychological benefits. Those who complete them tend to adhere more closely to dietary recommendations. Naturally, they are more likely to lose weight than those who stick to a diet somehow.

What bodyflex exactly does is allow you to “pump up” the transverse abdominal muscle and “draw in” the stomach, therefore it gives a quick visible effect of reducing the waist.


Marina Korpan is the name of a famous specialist in oxysize and bodyflex exercises. She also practices other breathing techniques for losing weight. In addition, Marina is the most popular instructor of the “Live” channel. The method she offers for weight loss cannot be fully called a diet, but this weight loss technique has proven its effectiveness. Specially designed breathing exercises have been used for weight loss since ancient times. They are based on yoga breathing practices.

But Marina Korpan managed to adapt them specifically for fitness. To be more precise, it was not she who did this personally, but Greer Childers. Thanks to this writer’s book “Lose Weight in 15 Minutes,” Marina was lucky enough to overcome her congenital obesity. Marina started doing the bodyflex complex, lost 25 kg in a fairly short time, after which she decided to help other people and teach this method of losing weight. Using this breathing exercise, thousands of people have managed to normalize their weight, while simultaneously strengthening their muscles and improving their health.

Losing weight with Marina Korpan

This description of the mechanism of action of her technique is given by Marina herself: “Breathing should be such that oxygen is delivered to those parts of the body where there is excess fat... It is impossible to destroy fat cells with wonderful creams, chocolate wraps and various teas for weight loss. They can burn during breathing exercises, that is, at the time when oxygen is delivered to them. You will have to breathe in a special way for 20 minutes in the morning, always on an empty stomach. A week of classes will pass, and you will be able to boast of the result - you will lose 5 cm of your waist.”

The breathing weight loss method has a fairly simple essence. Every morning on an empty stomach, drink a glass of purified water and do breathing exercises.

Exercises for weight loss using breathing from Marina Korpan:

1. You need to stand up straight, placing your right hand on your stomach. Inhale deeply and slowly through your nose, and exhale slowly through your mouth. At the same time, you need to try to ensure that the stomach participates more in the breathing process, and the chest - to a lesser extent. Experts call this type of breathing diaphragmatic. It fills with oxygen not only the tops of the lungs, but also their lower part. This breathing is repeated three times.

2. Also, slowly take a deep breath through your nose, plus sharply two short pre-inhalations (also through the nose) and exhale sharply through the nose with two short pre-exhalations. This breathing is also repeated three times.

3. Now start the cycle again - do normal breathing through your nose 3 times, exhaling through your mouth, and repeat the breathing technique with up-inhalations and up-exhalations 3 times.

If you do these breathing exercises in the morning for 15-20 minutes, you will reduce your waist by 10 cm in 10 days.

When using the Marina Korpan weight loss method, you will get more benefits if you follow small dietary restrictions. In principle, it is believed that with this method it is possible not to change the diet, but Korpan itself follows the following dietary rules:

Marina Korpan - rules for losing weight:

• Drink more clean water.

• Reduce food portions and eat with a teaspoon - this way you will be able to eat less and get full faster.

• More often choose boiled chicken, salads and fish - these dishes do not contain carbohydrates and promote weight loss.

• Always have breakfast.

• Eat more often, but in small portions.

• Replace harmful foods with healthy, healthy – natural ones.

It will also be more beneficial if, in addition to such breathing for weight loss, a set of “bodyflex” exercises is added. It's not complicated at all. Many exercises involve stretching and proper breathing. The most important thing is that you try to do all this every day and constantly. Only then will you be lucky enough to beat your own weight and acquire the same magnificent look as Marina Korpan.


What are the differences between bodyflex with Marina Korpan and other options?

Marina Korpan significantly modified and improved the original gymnastics:

  • classes with Marina follow the principle of load progression. The student progresses from simple to complex exercises from lesson to lesson, and this gives him the opportunity to progress a little longer than the classic 12 weeks;
  • classes with Marina Korpan also contain other exercises performed without breathing, which allows you to use target muscle groups more actively;
  • training with Marina Korpan is varied, this instructor has an express course and longer classes, everyone can choose something to their liking; Marina improved her breathing. Before taking a breath after holding your breath, she recommends using muscle force to “push away” the anterior abdominal wall, this allows you to get rid of increased pressure in the body cavity and reduces the load on the heart;
  • Those who wish can also do bodyflex for the face.

Otherwise there are almost no differences. You need to train the same way as with Greer, first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. True, unlike the American, the domestic instructor recommends abstaining from food for an hour after finishing the workout. Such recommendations are, of course, quite controversial, but many praise them as they help develop a sense of control.

You can advance from lesson to lesson as you master gymnastics. Marina herself first advises working out in complexes for the whole body, and then moving on to the so-called polishing of problem areas. She also recommends combining bodyflex exercises with oxysize, or rather, alternating both.

Oxysize with Marina Korpan: basic principles

Marina Korpan offers oxysize classes not according to the American version, but according to her own methodology, which she developed herself. It’s not difficult to explain how oxysize works. During exercise, due to special breathing techniques and exercises, body cells receive an increased amount of oxygen. Its excess turns on the oxidation mode, that is, fat burning, and speeds up metabolism.

Since tissues are better supplied with oxygen and you give the body gentle physical activity, which doctors advocate so much, oxysize helps not only to lose weight. It improves the condition of the body as a whole: it activates blood circulation, improves the functioning of the digestive and reproductive systems, tones the muscles of the whole body, develops flexibility, helps control appetite and resist stress.

The basic principle of oxysize is diaphragmatic breathing: it fully engages the lungs, abdominal cavity, and diaphragm. Your task is to breathe through your nose and stomach. For breathing techniques and exercises to work, you must follow the following important rules:

1. Exercise daily , in the morning on an empty stomach (if desired, you can repeat the lesson in the evening). No breaks - even a couple of “days off” can prevent you from achieving your goal.

2. Perform at least 30 oxysize breathing cycles every day (except for the first two days of the program). Without pause, one after another.

3. Exercise on an empty stomach or no earlier than three hours after a meal. After training, you can also eat not immediately, but at least an hour later.

Cons and contraindications of bodyflex gymnastics

It is commonly said that if bodyflex does not work for you, you are doing something wrong. Meanwhile, it is quite possible that your breathing technique is ideal, but your weight is just normal, and you cannot reduce it by doing gymnastics that does not contribute to creating a significant energy deficit. And in most cases, the problem lies not in the bodyflex itself, but in the fact that someone is doing it and is not following a diet that would contribute to weight loss.

Contraindications for gymnastics are pregnancy, the recovery period after childbirth, changes in intraocular pressure, high blood pressure, diseases of the heart, kidneys, blood vessels, and nervous system, as well as all diseases for which holding your breath is contraindicated.

In addition, it should be understood that bodyflex exercises can be an adequate solution only to the problem of “general weight loss”, but will in no way contribute to the “restructuring” of the figure. Moreover, they are not able to help you build muscle or gain athletic relief. Disappointed reviews of bodyflex are written by those who simply want to look like they are lifting weights, but at the same time make do with home gymnastics.

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