10 most effective exercises for losing weight on thighs at home - what to do and how to remove fat from the hips, abdomen and sides


But first, since we love and cherish ourselves, and take care of ourselves in every possible way, I want to warn you that before starting any exercises, you must be aware of the state of your health. Namely, you cannot study if you:

  • pregnant
  • you have a fever
  • you have an injury
  • you have increased intracranial pressure
  • as well as any problems related to the heart

If you have the above problems, there are other safe methods to regulate your weight.

Causes of excess weight.


It's no secret that the older we get, the worse our body works. And our metabolism slows down. And if we take into account what we have, we continue at the same pace, and the movement in our lives becomes just less. As a result, we get the picture that we are overweight.


According to many studies, if you have obese parents in your family, then you are predisposed to excess weight. I want to emphasize that they are only predisposed. For the root of all problems is, as we know, in our heads.

Binge eating.

In Soviet books on health, it is very well described what a portion of food should be. A portion of food should be no more than you can scoop with one palm. Now remember how much you overeat.

Sedentary lifestyle.

Is it necessary to write about the fact that a sedentary lifestyle only aggravates the problem of excess weight? Muscles weaken and become flabby, and this is an excellent breeding ground for the appearance of visceral fat.

How to lose weight in the inner part of the thighs: cosmetic procedures

Some cosmetic procedures, such as body wraps, will also help you remove fat from the inside of your thighs. They help remove waste and toxins from the body, improve skin tone, and start the process of burning fat deposits. Wraps can be done both in the salon and at home. Its most popular types are coffee, honey, clay and many others.

If you are doing body wraps at home, first take a warm shower and use a scrub to warm up your skin. Then the prepared mixture is applied to the surface of the skin, the legs are covered with cling film and a blanket. The composition is aged for 30-50 minutes. Then you need to rinse it off with warm water and lubricate the skin with anti-cellulite cream. Wraps are done in a course of 10-15 procedures every 2-3 days.

For wrapping, you need to use fresh mixtures, so prepare them immediately before application.

Here are some good inner thigh wrap recipes:

  • Pour 100 grams of kelp with a liter of water and let it brew for half an hour. Take a shower with a scrub, apply the mixture all over your body and wrap your thighs with film, and put on warm pants. After an hour, take a shower and apply anti-cellulite cream to your legs.
  • You can use liquid honey. Heat 0.5 liters of honey product, add a pinch of dry mustard and ground red pepper. You can also add orange, lemon, grapefruit or rosemary essential oil. The wrap is applied in the same way as in the previous recipe.
  • You can also use only honey. Warm it up and apply it to your thighs. Then wrap them with film and put on warm, tight-fitting pants. Go to bed, and in the morning, wash off the remaining honey in a warm shower.

Another procedure that is useful in how to lose weight on the inside of the thighs is massage . It is best to do it in salons, but in principle it is also possible at home.

You can use a special massager or massage with your hands. Rub your thighs with vigorous movements, first with your palms and then with your fists in a clockwise direction. This will help warm up fat deposits well. After completing the procedure, hold the fat fold with one hand and perform “chopping” movements with the other. It is recommended to use special anti-cellulite products for massage. You can make them yourself by adding a few drops of aromatic oils with an anti-cellulite effect, for example, citrus fruits, to base vegetable oils.

Another procedure that will help remove the inside of the thighs quickly is scrubs . For example, you can use salt and kefir, mixing them in 2:1 proportions and applying to the problem area with massage movements. Scrubs can be made from salt, cinnamon, coffee, and vegetable oil. After using the scrub, pat your body dry with a towel and apply anti-cellulite gel to your thighs.

After you've had a scrub shower, you can treat yourself to a bath. Fill it with water, add a few drops of orange ether, 60 grams of sea salt, cream or milk. Stir the water well and take a bath in it for 20 minutes.

In addition to baths, it will be useful to visit the pool, sauna, bathhouse. Foot massage in water works well.

Although it is not so easy to remove the inside of the thighs, it is possible, but you need to work on yourself regularly. Proper nutrition and systematic training should not become a temporary measure, but a way of life. And even when you achieve the desired result, you will have to work to maintain it. It will take effort, but a beautiful, toned figure is worth it.

The best exercises for your thighs


Summo type squats. One of the top exercises that you can do both at home and in the gym. It works the entire quadriceps muscle well.

  1. You need to start without weight, then increase the weight with each approach.
  2. The number of repetitions must be at least ten and the number of approaches must be at least 4
  3. Keep your back straight, legs wider than your shoulders, squat slowly, and move your pelvis back. In this position, our hips should burn.


After squats to better work out the leg muscles. You need to do lunges, the exercise creates relief very well.

  1. We place our feet shoulder-width apart. We step forward with one leg, bending it at the knees.
  2. We do eight ten repetitions and three sets
  3. After lunging forward, we lunge to the side.
  4. The starting position is the same, only now we take a step to the side and bend our legs at the knees. We transfer the weight to the bent leg.
  5. Keep balance, repeat ten times and do the same three approaches.

More detailed effective exercises for the buttocks and thighs are written here

Exercises for losing weight on legs, thighs and thighs in a week

A week is a fairly short period of time, but even during this period you can correct the shape of your legs and hips. You need to train every day.

The main exercises will be : jumping rope, running, squats, leg swings, lunges.

  • First you need to warm up. Do your usual warm-up, just like in physical education classes at school.
  • Next, do 25 swings with each leg, 20 squats, 15 forward lunges. Repeat the program 3 times. The break between approaches is 1 minute.
  • After this, do 500 jumping ropes, possibly with short breaks. Do 20 more squats and 15 back lunges. Next, 5 minutes of quiet running. The training is over.
  • The next day, do the same program, just replace the jumping with a 15-minute run. And at the end of the workout, perform 200 jumps.
  • Alternate these two programs and the extra centimeters on your hips will begin to disappear.

Exercises for losing weight in the abdomen and sides for men and women.


One of the most popular exercises for losing weight on the abdomen and sides for men is crunches. Helps strengthen abdominal muscles.

  1. It's very easy to do. Lie on your back, bend your legs at the knees, put your hands behind your head and, as you exhale, gradually lift your back, starting from your head. As you inhale, you lower yourself.
  2. We do thirty forty repetitions of three or four approaches.


A more detailed set of exercises for men is described here

Lateral, oblique, reverse, with legs raised, as well as bicycle crunches.

These 5 exercises will transform your waist in just a week.


  • Starting position: lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, hands behind your head.
  • Without lifting your back, lower your bent knees to the floor
  • As you exhale, lift your back and reach towards your pelvis.
  • We repeat ten to fifteen times in three approaches.


  • Starting position: lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, hands behind your head.
  • As you exhale, lift your head and stretch your left elbow toward your right knee, while inhaling, lower yourself, and on the next exhalation, pull your right elbow toward your left knee.
  • We repeat ten to fifteen times in three approaches.


  • Starting position: lying on your back, legs straight, hands behind your head.
  • As we exhale, we raise our legs and try to lower them behind our head, doing everything very slowly.
  • We repeat ten to fifteen times in three approaches.

With your feet up

  • Starting position: lying on your back, legs straight, raised up, hands behind your head.
  • As you exhale, stretch your fingertips toward your toes.
  • We repeat ten to fifteen times in three approaches.


  • Starting position: lying on your back, legs straight, hands behind your head.
  • The principle is the same as when riding a bicycle. The bent arms at the elbows reach towards the legs, which alternately bend and unbend.
  • We repeat ten to fifteen times for each leg, three approaches.


Many initially underestimated this exercise, but the result speaks for itself. In addition, you don’t even have to be in good shape to do this exercise.

There are many varieties of this exercise, but I will describe it in the classical sense, and below I will give a link where an entire article is devoted to this exercise.

  • Starting position as for push-ups
  • You can perform this exercise with bent or straight arms.
  • If you perform with straight arms, then lift yourself off the floor from the starting position, only your legs and arms should have points of contact with the floor, your back should be straight, your stomach should be pulled in, your neck should be straight. You need to stand in this position for at least thirty seconds.
  • If you want a simplified version, then the emphasis is on the elbows and legs, the position of the back, neck and abdomen is the same as described above. It costs the same.
  • As you perform this exercise, you should increase the time by five to ten seconds.

The benefits and harms of planks are written here


In addition to the exercises described above, there are a number of other things that will help you achieve your goal.

Exercises for losing weight on legs: reviews

Svetlana, 27 years old, Nizhny Novgorod

After the second birth I gained a lot of weight, especially in the leg area. The body type is pear, so all the most “cherished” things are there. I started doing bodyflex for 15 minutes a day. The result appeared after 2 weeks. I continued to study. Then it got warmer outside and I started regularly going for a morning run. Thus, in 3 months I lost 10 kg. Now the shape of my legs suits me completely.

Maxim, 22 years old, Rostov-on-Don.

I had a problem that is not typical for men: full hips. I had a complex for a long time, but decided that this wouldn’t help matters and bought a gym membership. I worked out on simulators for six months. The muscles grew by leaps and bounds, which only made the legs bigger; there was a feeling that there was only fat in my legs. Then I added cardio training, and a miracle happened! My legs began to “dry” (this is an athletes’ term for loss of adipose tissue). After another 2 months of regular running and jumping rope, my legs began to look like the legs of an ordinary man.

Losing weight in your legs is easy for few people, but if you approach this issue wisely, following the recommendations of experienced specialists and athletes, the result will not be long in coming.

Water aerobics

Water aerobics for weight loss - you've heard about it, haven't you? This type of exercise is performed exclusively in water.

  • Once you are in the water. Stand with your feet wider than your shoulders, stretch your arms forward. And squat on one leg, stretch the other forward.
  • So for each leg, do ten squats.
  • Then spread your legs as wide as possible, when you feel that you are plunging headlong, push off with your legs and jump up, you need to do the same ten jumps.
  • Try to do the same balancing in the water, lie on your back and lift your legs up one at a time, trying not to drown and keep your balance.
  • You can also do reverse crunches in water. Starting position: lying on the water, arms at your sides, legs smoothly bent at the knees and pulled towards the chest, and then pulled back, trying to return to the starting position. You can do fifteen repetitions.


Bodyflex for losing weight on the stomach and sides should not be underestimated. Breathing exercises should not be underestimated. They help correct your figure no worse than physical exercise.

What is bodyflex?

Bodyflex is a breathing exercise involving stretching. You need to breathe correctly, namely with your stomach. This type of breathing has a number of advantages. Correct technique is half the result.

It is important not to do breathing exercises on a full stomach.


  • Inhale smoothly through the nose, first filling the stomach with air, and then part of the diaphragm.
  • Exhale quickly, while you should press your stomach in, many of the practitioners say “PHA” as you exhale.
  • Next comes holding your breath for five to ten seconds.
  • After relaxation


Bodyflex exercises

Let's look at the most common exercises:

The two techniques described below use what is called an abdominal vacuum.

1.Belly lock
  • You need to try to exhale all the air as much as possible and suck in your stomach; it is better to do this while lying on your back. Then hold the air for five seven seconds. Afterwards, relax and then repeat the whole process again.

2.Deepest breathing
  • This exercise can be performed in any position convenient for you. its essence is to give maximum amplitude to the abdominal muscles. As we exhale, we draw our stomach in as much as possible, and as we inhale, we protrude it out.

Belly breathing
  • The most difficult option, its essence is that when the abdominal muscles are as tense as possible, you exhale, and while resting, inhale.

Breathing exercises for losing weight on legs, thighs and thighs

No matter how strange it may sound, with the help of breathing exercises you can significantly reduce the volume of your hips and legs. There are two systems of breathing exercises that are very similar to each other, but have some differences: bodyflex and oxysize . The main difference is the breathing technique. The breathing technique in bodyflex is “noisy”, unlike oxysize. We must admit that bodyflex is quite traumatic and many people find it difficult to breathe correctly right away. In addition, bodyflex causes a sharp increase in blood pressure, so if you suffer from hypertension, it is better to choose an oxysize.

Japanese method

I would like to add that there are Japanese methods for eliminating the abdomen and sides. These methods were developed by a Japanese physiotherapist. He wrote that improper placement of bones contributes to the deposition of fat in the waist area. Therefore, he developed a set of exercises that are aimed at the correct position of the bones.

To perform this set of exercises, you will need a flat, hard floor and a towel. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the towel should be wide, so that when rolled, you get a fairly dense roll.

  • Lie down so that the towel roll is near your navel. Legs should be straight, toes together and heels apart.
  • Stretch your arms behind your head, turn your palms back up, little fingers touching each other.
  • You need to lie in this position for five minutes, then carefully stand up.

That's all, I hope this article was useful to you.

Exercise machines for losing weight on legs, thighs and thighs in the gym

  • There are a huge number of different exercise machines in the gym. But you don’t have to use all of them to lose weight on your legs. For aerobic exercise, the ideal options would be: a treadmill, an exercise bike, an elliptical, a stepper.
  • With anaerobic load the situation is almost the same. To lose weight in your legs, you can use regular dumbbells, which are available in every gym. You can do squats, lunges, deadlifts and many other exercises with dumbbells.

Simulator No. 1 : HAKK-simulator. There are two varieties of this machine: for squats and for bench press. In both cases, the lower back is fixed.

Exercise machine No. 2 : exercise machine for bringing the legs together. This exercise machine uses the inner thighs, which is why many girls love it very much.

Exercise machine No. 3 : seated leg curl machine. Ideal for those with weak hamstrings and calves.

Trainer No. 4 : Smith trainer. On this machine you can do not only squats, but also presses (sitting, lying), lunges, and calf raises. This simulator fixes the bar, reducing the load on the back.

Exercise machine No. 5 : power frame. This design will serve you well more than once if you plan to go to the gym.

Perhaps, these are all the main exercise machines that people who want to lose weight in their legs should pay attention to.

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