Rating of the best lipotropic fat burners

How do lipolytics work?

In our body, the processes of production of any substances and the processes of their decay are balanced. With poor nutrition, stress, thyroid dysfunction and other reasons, disruptions occur. As a result, synthesis occurs faster, which leads to an increase in the volume of subcutaneous fat.

Correction with lipolytics is the use of natural enzymes and other substances that are injected with thin needles into problem areas and break down fat. The drugs are essentially a form of phosphatidylcholine, which is produced by the liver to ensure fat metabolism. If there is little of this enzyme in the body, then the metabolism slows down. Lipolitics raise the level of phosphatidylcholine and help correct the situation.

Note: the drugs were originally developed to eliminate cholesterol plaques. Already during the application, doctors noticed that there was a fat burning effect at the injection sites. Now injections have been modernized and are successfully used in cosmetology.

The main advantages of lipolytics:

  • Quick effect in the form of normalization of blood flow, restoration of metabolism and lipid metabolism.
  • The ability to correct individual small areas, such as a double chin.
  • The procedures allow you to get rid of cellulite, reduce the fat layer by 5-6 cm, and improve the condition of the skin.
  • With the help of lipolytics, you can reduce the volume of the abdomen, remove folds on the sides, and outline the waist.
  • Minimal rehabilitation period, no need to leave your usual life for a long time.

The disadvantages are pain and the possibility of bruising.

Important! Lipolitics are not intended for general, but for local weight loss.

Lipolitics can be direct or indirect, that is, they differ in their principle of action.

Direct lipolytics contain substances that help destroy fat cells. These substances include sodium deoxycholate and phosphatidylcholine. The first destroys the membrane of the fat cell, and the second destroys its contents. That is, fat literally “dissolves”, and breakdown products leave the body naturally.

Lipolitics with indirect action indirectly affect the fat burning process without destroying fat cells. They speed up metabolism, improve microcirculation, and provide lymphatic drainage. Such lipolytics are most often injected into the facial area and others where the volume of fat is small. Their results are similar to natural weight loss.

What are fat burners in sports nutrition, and how do they help achieve our goals?

Fat burners are one of the most common types of sports nutrition for both professional athletes and amateurs. Its main property is the reduction of fat deposits, that is, in simple terms, provoking fat-burning processes in the human body, followed by a decrease in body weight.

These drugs are used in combination with regular physical activity, without which the effect of the drugs is noticeably weakened. Therefore, if you are planning to get rid of extra pounds without making any effort, then relying on fat burners is unlikely to justify itself. This category of sports nutrition is ideal for people involved in strength sports, and who set the goal of reducing the level of body fat as much as possible and making the muscle relief more pronounced.

There are different types of fat burners that affect our body in different ways. They can speed up metabolism, reduce hunger, block the synthesis of adipose tissue cells, reduce the digestibility of fats and carbohydrates, and also remove excess fluid from the body.

In fact, most dietary supplements with claimed fat-burning properties are not such. They do not burn fat in the literal sense of the word, but rather help you avoid gaining extra pounds and make it easier to stick to your diet.

Fat burners for weight loss used in sports nutrition are a completely different matter. They have a powerful, effective effect, and when combined with intense physical activity, they actually destroy fat cells, converting them into additional energy.

There are several main types of natural fat burners, which differ radically in operating principles, composition and functions. The main ones are:

  • Thermogenics - work by increasing the body's energy expenditure. Body temperature rises by 1-2 degrees, due to which appetite decreases and physical activity increases, as a result fat-burning processes are launched. This type of drug is considered one of the most effective in the ranking of the best fat burners, but their disadvantage is that they have the most pronounced negative consequences for the body.
  • Lipotropics are rather mild supplements compared to thermogenics. They have a less pronounced fat burning effect, but have no side effects, and are even beneficial for the body. Their function is to increase the speed of metabolic processes during which fats are broken down

Other types: diuretics, diuretics, blockers, anoretic drugs, appetite suppressants, have an even weaker effect, and, at the same time, are not without side effects. Therefore, when choosing an effective fat burner, focus primarily on these two types - thermogenics and lipotropics.

To enhance the effect, all types can be combined with each other. Basically, products produced by leaders in sports nutrition have a complex effect, using different types of substances and types of fat burners in their composition. Thanks to this, certain brands of fat burners have a more noticeable effect, since different substances find different points of contact in the body, thereby increasing the fat-burning properties of a particular drug.

Now that we are done with the theory and understand the properties and types of fat burners, we will present our top fat burning supplements, which, in our opinion, are the best in their category.

In what parts of the body are lipolytics injected?

Lipolitics allow you to correct almost any area:

  • Face. Usually 4-5 procedures are enough. As a result, the face becomes thinner, younger, skin elasticity increases, the facial contour is tightened, and the nasolabial furrow is reduced. The double chin is corrected.
  • Stomach. Lipolitics tighten the silhouette, narrow the waist, and correct protruding sides. It is important to adhere to the right lifestyle after the procedure, because even a slight weight gain will negate the entire result.
  • Legs. It is advisable to correct the legs from all sides – comprehensively. However, it is possible to remove local defects - an overhanging fold above the knees, excessively full calves. Lipolitics allow you to straighten your thighs - both from the outside (remove the “breeches”) and from the inside (to achieve the “correct” distance between the legs), as well as eliminate cellulite from them.
  • Hands. With the help of lipolytics, the neck-shoulder girdle, shoulders, forearms are corrected, and excess fat is removed from the back of the hands.
  • Buttocks. Lipolitics make the buttocks elastic and toned, the skin becomes denser, cellulite disappears, and the silhouette of the figure improves.
  • Neck and décolleté area. Little fat usually accumulates here, so injections into these areas are rarely done.
  • Back. The method of administering lipolytics allows you to remove fat deposits from the lower back, overhanging folds on the shoulder blades, and correct the sides.

Similar effective procedures

Lipolytic injections are often confused with lipolytic mesotherapy. However, these are not the same procedures.

For mesotherapy, the puncture depth is up to 6 mm. This is enough to reach the adipose tissue, but not sink into it, so the effect is superficial. For lipolysis, the needle is inserted to a depth of 3 cm.

In this case, the same drugs for lipolysis and mesotherapy can even be used, for example, Revital Celluform. However, the key factor is the depth of insertion. Even a very strong lipolytic will not be able to eliminate cellulite and extra pounds if it is injected to a depth of 6 mm.

How is rehabilitation after the procedure?

After the procedure, at first there may be bruises, swelling, and a local increase in body temperature. The recovery period takes 2-3 days. During rehabilitation, you should not sunbathe, overheat, or visit the sauna or bathhouse. In order not to slow down the process of removing fat cell breakdown products, you need to give up alcohol. To increase the effectiveness of lipolysis, thermolifting, pressotherapy, and LPG massage are recommended.

To maintain results for a long time, you need to exercise three times a week and eat right.

What can and cannot be done after lipolytic injections?

  • For a week, you need to drink 2-2.5 liters of water every day to maintain water balance in the body.
  • In the first 2-3 days you should not drink alcohol.
  • To reduce swelling, you can apply dry cold compresses.
  • If the procedures were carried out on the face, then you need to use sunscreen before each exit from the house.
  • If lipolytics were introduced in winter, you should not stay in the cold for a long time.
  • On the first day, it is recommended to avoid decorative cosmetics in the areas where the drugs are administered.

Types of lipolytics for weight loss


Lipolytic creams are the only external means that help you lose weight. In addition to lipolytics, they contain vitamins and other substances that restore balance and consolidate the result. Creams remove impurities and toxins from the skin, making it more elastic and renewed. You should not expect to lose many kilograms, because creams do not penetrate as deeply as lipolytics in injections. However, with constant use for 3 months, they can reduce the appearance of cellulite and remove 1-2 cm from the waist.

Cocktails to drink

Such cocktails containing lipolytics can be purchased at a pharmacy or sports nutrition store. The second option is preferable, because a professional in this field will tell you which is better and what properties this or that drink has. In addition, sports nutrition stores usually have a larger selection of flavors. Cocktails are included in the daily diet and must be combined with training and proper nutrition.

Capsules and tablets

Capsules and tablets also need to be combined with physical activity, otherwise the result will not be as pronounced as we would like. They are also sold in pharmacies and sports nutrition stores, in the second case there is more choice. The drugs have a good effect on the skin, normalizing its appearance and elasticity. However, this can be achieved if the skin condition is not critical, that is, there are no serious sagging or other cosmetic defects. The composition contains additional substances that have a beneficial effect on the body and increase the effectiveness of fat-burning workouts. Weight loss is not as fast as when using injection technology, the full course is 3 months.


The most effective way is to administer lipolytics by injection. Injections provide quick and pronounced results, similar to liposuction, but not as radical. Some patients complain that the injections are painful, but this can be reduced by applying a numbing cream. Also, some lipolytics contain procaine or lidocaine, which immediately have an analgesic effect at the time of injection.

Who is suitable for lipotropics?

Lipotropic fat burners are suitable for people who exercise regularly and want to reduce fat mass. If the intake of fat-burning dietary supplements is not combined with sports and diet, there will be no effect or it will be significantly reduced. With a sedentary lifestyle and poor nutrition, there is no point in using lipotropics.

Athletes should pay attention to products containing:

  • Coenzyme Q10 - it has more pronounced antioxidant properties than vitamin C. Ubiquinone (Q10) stimulates protein synthesis and oxygenation - the delivery of oxygen to the heart and muscles in general.
  • Methionine is an essential amino acid that affects the rate of mass gain and lipolysis.
  • B vitamins are primarily inositol (B8) and choline (B4). The first accelerates lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, the second helps the liver process fats.

Male athletes can take complex lipotropics with substances that have a thermogenic effect. Products from well-known brands are functional, safe, do not contain prohibited substances and are suitable for regular use.

Names and descriptions of lipolytic drugs

The table presents only certified drugs approved for use in the Russian Federation.

Drug nameCharacteristic
"Aqualyx"The drug is known for the fact that today it is the only one that eliminates fat without damaging the muscles and upper layers of the skin. Suitable for correcting any areas, eliminating lipomas, gynecomastia, and “buffalo hump.” The result is a reduction in body fat by 25-35%, the effect increases within 3 weeks, the course of procedures is from 2 to 5 with a break of 3-4 weeks. If you lead a healthy lifestyle, the result lasts for life without additional correction. Aqualix is ​​officially registered by Roszdrav and has a European CE quality certificate. He underwent 7 years of clinical tests, which showed the absence of intoxication from its use.
"Revital Celluform" A complex preparation containing components for mesotherapy: amino acids, arnica extract, antioxidants, vitamins, etc. The course consists of 5-6 procedures with a break of 7 days. To consolidate the results, it is recommended to repeat the course twice a year. This drug is used not only for lipolysis, but also for mesotherapy.
"Dermaheal LL" (Dermaheal LL) The composition contains phosphatidylcholine, which dissolves fat, stomatomedin - an active peptide, the most important intermediary in the work of growth hormone, stimulating blood flow and activating the breakdown of fat, carnitine - it removes the breakdown products of fat cells from the body. Dermahil also contains hyaluronic acid and amino acids - they have a good effect on the skin, moisturize, give a beautiful appearance, and rejuvenate. Other useful substances in the composition are a complex of vitamins. The drug is effective for cellulite of any severity.
"Triad" It contains three enzymes that actively act on problem areas. Lipase eliminates fat layers, hyaluronidase removes cellulite and removes excess water, collagenase stimulates collagen production. Also, these enzymes regulate a large number of processes - mineral metabolism, skin condition and pH, micronutrient exchange, etc. The course should consist of at least two procedures. As a result, cellulite is eliminated, including old cellulite, the “orange peel” is removed, good drainage is ensured, the general condition of the skin is improved and metabolic processes at the level of the skin and hypodermis are normalized.
"Dermastabilon" It consists of bile salts that destroy fat cells and phosphatidylcholine, which turns fat into a gel substance. The pronounced effect is noticeable after 10 procedures, which need to be done every 8-10 days. Injections are made to a depth of 1 cm.


Thermogenics and lipotropics differ not only in their principle of action, but also in their component composition, which is logical. Both types of fat burning products help control weight and lose weight, but the principle of their work is radically different.

  • Thermogenic supplements raise body temperature and speed up metabolism. A striking example of a thermogenic is Animal Cuts from UN, based on diuretics, raspberry ketone and caffeine from coffee, guarana, Kola nut, mate and several types of tea.
  • Lipotropic fat burners do not affect thermogenesis, but affect liver function. As a result, liver cells intensively break down fat molecules instead of synthesizing them and sending them to depot.

The most famous lipotropic is L-carnitine. Levocarnitine releases fats from adipocytes and transports them to cell energy stations (mitochondria), where fat molecules are oxidized to release energy. Carnitine supplements protect against fat formation, burn existing fat deposits, and provide energy. L-carnitine has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart and brain.

In addition to L-carnitine, lipotropic may contain:

  • Omega 3-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids. PNNZh normalize metabolic processes, reduce the thickness of the fat layer, and lower cholesterol levels in the blood.
  • Chromium picolinate – suppresses appetite, increases motivation, accelerates the increase in lean muscle mass.
  • Chitosan is a substance isolated from the chitin of insects and crustaceans. At a dosage of over 1000 mg, it is able to bind fat particles in the digestive tract and prevent their absorption (absorption). Chitosan is often added to weight loss medications.
  • Bromelain is an enzyme from pineapples that activates metabolism and fat burning.
  • Betaine – affects the rate of fat oxidation.
  • Choline (B4) is a strong hepatoprotector and regulator of carbohydrate metabolism.

Other components of lipotropics and thermogenics include a vitamin-mineral complex, proteins, and amino acids. Vitamins and minerals support metabolic processes and help the body process carbohydrates and fats. Proteins provide nutrients and increase energy. Amino acids, with a minimum calorie content, act in a targeted and effective manner - they build muscles, accelerate recovery, and prevent catabolic breakdown.

The best fat burner supplements use only natural ingredients and herbal substances approved for use in sports.

What are the dangers of lipolytics: benefits and harms, possible side effects

Lipolitics have a fat-burning effect and allow local removal of layers of fat up to 5-6 cm thick. Digested fat is eliminated from the body naturally, and new fat cells do not form in place of old ones. However, you need to adhere to a healthy lifestyle and exercise. Any weight gain neutralizes the result, especially for the face, which can “swim” again, even if a person gains only a couple of kilograms.

To reduce the risk of complications, you should carefully choose a clinic and a doctor in particular.

The following lead to complications and poor results:

  • violation of the lipolytic administration technique;
  • incorrect drug formula;
  • injection into the skin or muscles - in this case an abscess is possible.

In our clinic, only proven and certified drugs are used for intralipotherapy, and consultations are carried out by highly qualified doctors with medical education.

The maximum effect depends on the characteristics of the patients. The injection technique is well suited for those who are slightly overweight. Lipolysis will not help people with obesity. In addition, the result is affected by age, this primarily concerns the condition of the skin, which, with deep wrinkles, creases and sagging, will not become young and radiant again. But at the age of 50 you can achieve good results, especially on the face.

All components that are present in the drugs are approved and tested, but the specific formula, method of administration and dosage are of great importance.

Main side effects

As a reaction to the main components, bruises, hematomas, redness, swelling, and a local increase in body temperature appear. These are typical consequences that disappear completely after 1-2 weeks.

In more rare cases, painful lumps appear at the injection sites, itching, and pain. These are symptoms of an allergy to the components of the drug. If your general body temperature rises, there may be an infection - you should consult a doctor.

Due to the low qualifications of the doctor, there is a risk of fibrosis when injected into the muscle.


How to inject lipolytics and is it possible to do it yourself?

Nowadays you can find drugs based on phosphatidylcholine on the open market and even in online stores, look up dosages and administration regimens on the Internet. However, this is very dangerous and under no circumstances should you inject yourself. Firstly, it is painful and instinctively you can simply “not press”, that is, inject the drug not into the fat, but into the skin, which will cause an abscess. Secondly, you can get into the muscle, which can lead to fibrosis. Thirdly, the process should be monitored by a specialist. For example, sometimes you need to lower the dosage during the course so that the skin has time to shrink, or, conversely, increase it, carefully calculating the consequences. In addition, unsterile conditions can lead to infection.

Is it harmful to take lipolytics for weight loss?

Many athletes and people far from sports take lipolytics without any negative effects. Complications are possible due to individual intolerance to the components. This could be an allergic reaction, for example, which is treated symptomatically.

How much does the procedure cost?

The cost of the procedure depends on many factors - the desired result, the size of the defect, the condition of the adipose tissue, skin, general health and age of the patient. The exact price for the course will be announced by a specialist after a face-to-face consultation.

How do lipolytics work?

There are direct and indirect acting lipolytics. In the first case, special substances - sodium deoxycholate and phosphatidylcholine - destroy fat cells along with membranes. Fat actually dissolves, and its breakdown products are eliminated naturally. Indirect lipolytics affect the fat burning process indirectly, that is, they do not destroy fat cells directly. It creates conditions for volume loss - accelerates metabolism, improves microcirculation, and provides lymphatic drainage.

How many procedures are needed to get visible results?

This depends on the drug, dosage and area being treated. Sometimes the result is visible after the first procedure, but on average, to achieve a visible effect you need from 3 to 8 sessions with a break of 8-21 days.

Do you need any preparation for the procedure?

No special preparation required.

How long does the result last?

If you lead a healthy lifestyle - don’t overeat, exercise - the results will last a lifetime.


By choosing the right sports nutrition, you can lose weight without harm to your health, improve your definition, and get dry. If you want to achieve a venous appearance, you should use lipotropic burners and arginine, a NO precursor with a pumping effect. Arginine dilates blood vessels, improves the delivery of nutrients to muscle tissue, and in combination with creatine allows you to train more intensely and longer - which in itself is useful for weight loss. Beta-alanine is another ally of those who choose to use lipotropic drugs.

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