Amino acids for weight loss: review and rating of supplements, including BCAAs

What are amino acids

Almost all processes in the body occur with the participation of proteins. They form internal organs, ligaments, muscles, glands, nails and hair. Protein compounds are contained in the structure of bone tissue and fluid. They are even part of hormones and enzymes.

The structural chemical particles directly involved in the construction of proteins are amino acids. In the body, each protein is unique in its own way, as it is created for specific purposes.

Proteins are present in the organs and tissues of the body. Some compounds function as neurotransmitters. Their task is to transmit nerve impulses from one nerve cell to another. This suggests that amino acids are important for normal brain function.

Other functions of amino acids include:

  • increased concentration, improved nervous system condition;
  • activation of the regeneration process;
  • normalization of metabolism;
  • immune support;
  • formation of muscle tissue;
  • restoration of energy balance;
  • strengthening the structure of hair, skin, nails.

When losing weight, amino acids curb appetite, which makes the transition to diet easier. Weight loss is also promoted by: accelerated metabolism, fat burning effect, regulation of the hormone insulin in the blood.

Nutrients are equally important for both men and women. They help representatives of the stronger sex build muscle mass. The female half of the amino acid gets rid of excess adipose tissue.

With a lack of amino acids, there is a decrease in physical activity and an increased risk of injury.

What amino acids are involved in fat burning?

Lipid deposits are destroyed by such organic molecules by accelerating metabolic processes.

Rating of the importance of amino acids for weight loss:

  1. Tyrosine. Suppresses hunger and speeds up metabolism.
  2. BCAAs. Prevents the breakdown of muscle fibers and their replacement by fatty tissues.
  3. Leucine. Participates in enzymatic and digestive processes, structures muscular anatomy.
  4. L-carnitine. Destroys adipocyte cells that make up lipid tissues;
  5. Tryptophan. Suppresses appetite, has sedative properties, regulates the production of hormones and enzymes.
  6. Glutamine. Burns fat and improves immune status.
  7. Arginine – is involved in the secretion of growth hormone, accelerates the body’s recovery after injuries, nervous and physical exhaustion.

These substances facilitate therapeutic fasting and the period of dietary nutrition.

What are the amino acids?

Amino acids are classified into different groups, forms and types. All of them are organic compounds.

Amino acid groups

ReplaceableSynthesized in the body.Glutamine, cysteine, alanine, glycine, taurine, hydroxyproline, ornithine, asparagine, proline, citrulline, serine.
Conditionally replaceableThey are synthesized in the body, but in small quantities.Tyrosine, arginine, cystine, histidine.
IrreplaceableThey are not synthesized in the body; the main supplier is food.Leucine, tryptophan, valine, threonine, isoleucine, methionine, lysine, phenylalanine.

When losing weight, essential amino acids are key.

  1. Leucine - reduces the breakdown of muscle protein, charges the body with energy, and is a muscle builder.
  2. Valine – normalizes nitrogen metabolism, improves muscle coordination, and restores muscles.
  3. Tryptophan – stabilizes the psycho-emotional background, increases the pain threshold, promotes the production of serotonin.
  4. Threonine – strengthens immune function, activates the liver cleansing process.
  5. Lysine – enhances the effect of arginine, takes part in the production of carnitine.
  6. Phenylalanine – is involved in the production of norepinephrine, which improves signal transmission from nerve cells to the brain and forms cartilage tissue.
  7. Isoleucine – participates in the production of hemoglobin, fills cells with energy, and prevents a decrease in muscle mass.
  8. Methionine – restores damaged liver and kidney tissues, promotes protein synthesis in cells.

Amino acid forms

Form namePeculiaritiesNuances
FreeSuch substances are absorbed quickly, without breakdown. Ideal for the restoration and growth of muscle tissue. There are no connections with other molecules. High price.
HydrolyzedThe connection between molecules in the form of a chain, which is destroyed during splitting.
Affordable price.
Substances take longer to absorb.
Di- and tripeptideSome peptides are absorbed almost instantly. The other half needs splitting. Such amino acids are rare.

Classification by type:

  1. Individual amino acids - this includes certain substances or a whole group that is characterized by the same properties. The task of this species is to regulate individual biochemical processes. Thanks to this, it becomes possible to influence endurance, muscle growth, and the intensity of fat burning.
  2. BCAA are substances that have a branched side chain. It includes 3 essential acids: leucine, valine, isoleucine. The key task of this species is to build muscle tissue. The main area of ​​application is bodybuilding. The benefits of amino acids are: protection of muscles from destruction, strength indicators, increase in lean muscle mass. The only drawback is the high price.

How to take for women and men

There are several ways to take chemical compounds, each of which has its own advantages:

  • If you take the complex before breakfast, you can increase the level of growth hormone. This works no matter when a person exercises.
  • Consuming BCAA before training helps prevent muscle pain the next day after exercise.
  • During the workout itself, the intake of protein helps muscle fibers not only be damaged less, but also grow much faster and more efficiently.
  • L-carnitine after physical activity increases the level of the hormone testosterone, which promotes increased fat burning and rapid muscle growth.

The result of using amino acids for weight loss

How to take it correctly

Amino acids should be taken according to instructions. But the most important techniques are:

  1. After waking up (in the morning there is an increase in cortisol levels in the body, a dose of amino acids will help stabilize it).
  2. After training (the substance will help restore physical and energy forces spent on sports).

The dose per dose is determined individually. On average, it is 5-10 g. When losing weight, the serving amount is slightly increased by introducing an additional dose between breakfast and lunch. It suppresses appetite and increases metabolism.

It is not difficult to calculate the daily dosage; you just need to take into account the intensity of physical activity and body weight. The maximum value should not exceed 1.7 g per kilogram of weight. If food is chosen as a source of amino acids, preference is given to plant foods. During heat treatment, glutamine, leucine and other nutrients break down. Based on this, experts advise using them raw.

The rate of absorption of amino acids depends on the form in which they are produced.

  1. Powder – characterized by slight bitterness and rapid absorption. One of the disadvantages is the need to dilute the product in water. Dissolution does not occur as quickly as we would like. Experts recommend choosing the finest grinding additive. From an economic point of view, powder products last longer, which helps save money.
  2. Capsules and tablets have a neutral taste and a convenient method of administration and storage. The only drawback of this form is the low concentration of active components in one pill. As a result, you will have to take several tablets at a time. From an economic point of view, the product is not cheap.
  3. Liquid – there are no problems with absorption and method of administration. However, this form is not easy to store. The product is available in monodoses and concentrate. In the first case, the liquid is ready for use, in the second, preliminary preparation is required (dissolution in water, juice, cocktail). Supplement prices are mid-range between powder and tablets.

In order to minimize discomfort while taking the supplement, it is recommended to immediately after putting a dose of the product in your mouth, wash it down with water (200-250 ml). You can also purchase fruit-flavored BCAA powders.

How to take amino acids when losing weight

Amino acids are available in capsules, powder and liquid form. When taking them, you need to follow the dosage and timing of use so as not to harm your health. Required time of administration: morning and evening (before bed), further use and dose depend on body parameters and the number of workouts. The amino acid intake scheme is as follows:

  • liquid - drink up to 5 times a day, 3 g;
  • powder – dilute 5 g with water, consume within 15-20 minutes. before and after sports, 30 minutes. before bedtime;
  • in capsules (tablets) – 1-2 capsules 3-5 times a day, for 20 minutes. before training, the same amount after it. The last dose is 30 minutes before bedtime.

Benefits and harms of losing weight

To remove excess fat, you should burn more calories than you consume. To do this, physical exercise is combined with a low-calorie diet. You shouldn’t take your training to the point of fanaticism, just like you shouldn’t go hungry for quick weight loss. Meals should be balanced and regular. When creating a menu, the emphasis is on proteins.

Amino acids are obtained through food or sports nutrition. The second option is preferable, since the composition contains already purified substances that are better absorbed by the body.

To lose extra pounds, women have to work hard. Amino acids increase endurance and give energy, which is important for regular exercise in the gym. After training, strength is quickly restored, muscle pain goes away.

The introduction of amino acids into the diet helps burn fat deposits. Nutrients speed up metabolism and enrich the body with useful substances. The transition to a healthy diet is stress-free due to the absence of an obsessive feeling of hunger.

There are plenty of myths about the dangers of amino acids online. The vast majority of them are groundless. However, women need to take into account some nuances before using this or that sports nutrition.

  • Arginine can activate the Herpes virus.
  • People with unstable mental health are prohibited from consuming foods with histidine and methionine.
  • When consuming L-Histidine in an amount of 4 g, there is a risk of premature onset of menstruation. To prevent cycle disruption, women are advised to take a reduced dose.
  • A genetic disease – phenylketonuria – is considered a direct contraindication to the use of amino acids.

Substances in weight loss products

Amino acids enter the body with food. For those who do not accept the use of synthetic additives, there is a list of foods rich in proteins and, accordingly, substances necessary for weight loss.

Soya beans

This product contains nine essential compounds and contains almost no fat, but it is prohibited to replace all your usual food with it: such changes can stimulate the occurrence of malignant tumors in people who are at risk of developing cancer.


Meat is rich in both complete protein and saturated fat. That is why, among pork, chicken, beef and turkey, it is better to choose a bird whose muscle tissue contains nothing but the required element.


The choice of this food will affect not only the loss of extra centimeters, but also the cardiovascular system: unsaturated fats strengthen its functioning and help prevent the occurrence of diseases associated with the heart and blood vessels. Salmon, tuna and mackerel are the lowest-fat species, but, like other representatives, they have a full list of necessary compounds in their composition.


One large egg contains about 6.3 grams of protein, which is about 1/10 of the daily value for an adult. The product contains all 9 essential compounds, so it is recommended for use during intense training in the gym.

Contents in products

When developing a menu during a period of weight loss, it is worth including in your diet foods enriched with amino acids that are valuable for a woman’s body.

Amino acids in foods

ValinPeanuts, dairy products, grains, mushrooms, meat, soybeans.
ThreonineNuts, eggs, beans, dairy products.
MethionineEggs, milk, beans, lentils, meat, soy, fish.
LysineDairy products, meat, fish, nuts, wheat.
IsoleucineChicken meat, soy, rye seeds, liver, cashews, lentils, fish, eggs, chickpeas.
PhenylalanineSoybeans, beef, eggs, cottage cheese, chicken, fish.
LeucineNuts, meat, seeds, brown rice, fish, meat.
TryptophanSesame, meat, cottage cheese, fish, yogurt, milk, oats, dried dates, pine nuts.

What products contain

It is not always necessary to use amino acids in the form of dietary supplements to lose weight. Most of them are found in foods that need to be included in the diet more often.

If during weight loss there is no goal to gain muscle mass, to make the body sculpted, and the workouts are not intense and regular, there is no point in additionally consuming amino acids in the form of dietary supplements. Nutritionists advise focusing instead on the foods listed in this table. If they are constantly present in the diet, there will be no problems with a lack of AMK in the body (and therefore with weight gain).

Amino acids in foods and supplements (equivalent content)

Popular dietary supplements

Ami-NO Xpress (Scitec Nutrition) - amino acid powder

The product is designed specifically for women. The manufacturer guarantees the following effect:

  • muscle growth;
  • increasing endurance;
  • pumping effect;
  • a surge of energy;
  • normalization of metabolism;
  • improvement of physical condition.

The complex includes the following active compounds: betaine, citrulline, arginine, beta-alanine, malic acid, B vitamins, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and other beneficial substances.

Admission rules:

  • single dose – 22 g of powder + 400-500 ml of still water;
  • The time to drink the cocktail is before and during training.

Cost – 1390 rub.

Amino Gold (Ultimate Nutrition) - Tablets

The product is developed on the basis of 17 BCAA amino acids. Release form: tablets. The use of the product restores primary biological functions. The composition also includes: magnesium stearate, gelatin, digested whey protein isolate.

Admission rules:

  • single dose – 3 tablets;
  • frequency of use – 3 rubles. in a day;
  • daily norm – 9 tables.

The supplement is consumed between main meals.

Cost – 1100 rub.

Amino Power Liquid (Weider) - liquid

The product release form is liquid. Purpose – restoration of muscle tissue. The complex effectively resists the destruction of muscle structure and promotes the production of protein in the body. The supply of the product in free form ensures rapid absorption of the additive.

The supplement contains:

  • 8 amino acids;
  • lemon acid;
  • hydrolyzed collagen protein;
  • fructose;
  • potassium sorbate;
  • whey protein hydrolyzate and other substances.


  • one serving half an hour before training;
  • 2 servings immediately after completing your workout.

Cost – 1869 rubles.

Country Life, Max-Amino Capsules, Vitamin B6, 180 Vegetarian Capsules

The product formula is based on 16 different amino acids. The form of the substances is free, which implies rapid absorption of the supplement. The dietary supplement is used to support muscle tissue after training. The composition contains vitamins B6, which provide gentle cleansing.

The manufacturer guarantees the authenticity of amino acids. The quality certificate indicates the absence of gluten.

Features of administration: you need to take 4 capsules after training.

Cost – 4270 rub.

Choosing the right amino acids for weight loss

“Pharmaceutical” or artificially synthesized amino acids are quickly included in internal processes in the body, since there is no need for splitting: they come in their pure form. Many people use ready-made mixtures that are used in sports nutrition. In combination with a little physical activity, they give an excellent effect, creating a slender silhouette. It is more convenient to purchase amino acids consumed for weight loss in a complex. The same BCAAs will replenish the supply of necessary components.

The form of release of amino additives is different:

  • solutions and drinks are quickly absorbed and are convenient to take for training;
  • powders are diluted with water exactly according to the instructions, observing the dosage;
  • tablets and capsules are designed to be taken between meals;
  • intravenous injections are used extremely rarely due to various complications.

Important! You should consult a nutritionist to determine whether you need to take specific amino acids to burn fat. Usually, their choice and reception characteristics are individual, so consultation with a specialist is necessary.

Selection of amino additives

To prevent expensive dietary supplements from causing harm, you need to use high-quality, modern products. The highest quality amino acids for weight loss are created by American and German companies. The average price tag is $30-45 and above. It depends on the country of origin, brand, release form.

Individual amino acids are purchased at the pharmacy: glycine, methionine, carnitine, glutamine at budget prices. But pharmaceutical drugs are often aimed at restoring the body, rather than at losing weight.

Amino supplements for men

Men have their own weight loss program, which includes, along with taking dietary supplements, increased physical activity. Amino acids for weight loss for men are primarily BCAAs. The amino acid triad is produced from protein hydrolysate. She helps the stronger sex:

  • quickly restore and strengthen muscle mass;
  • accelerate its growth;
  • “dry” the body.

BCAA is 35% of amino acids from the total requirement of muscle tissue. In addition to this complex, the diet includes foods with amino acids.

Amino supplements for women

Why does a woman need amino acids in the process of losing weight? The fair sex does not strive to build muscle mass. They set themselves a different task - maintaining a slim silhouette and beautiful appearance. Amino acids for weight loss are recommended for women of any body type for the purpose of:

  • restoration of reproductive function;
  • eliminating problems with menstrual irregularities;
  • giving strength to nails and hair;
  • maintaining skin elasticity;
  • figure restoration.

Amino supplements relieve depression and bad mood, “break up” fat mass in places where it is deposited, and normalize hormonal levels. Amino acids are most important for weight loss for women over 40 years of age. During this period, it is dangerous to “go on a diet” and increase physical activity: the wrong age and hormonal background. Taking additional amino acids will help you lose weight with little physical activity or vigorous walking.

Amine supplements bring more benefits to young women than diets. With prolonged restriction in food intake or the use of a mono-diet, problems with health and appearance arise: the skin becomes dull, the hair and nail plates become brittle, the figure “sags”. Dietary supplements will help to properly distribute muscle mass, tighten your butt and chest, and create a proportional figure. There are special lines of products for girls, for example, FitMiss.

Note: According to reviews from women, among amino acids for weight loss they choose the Amino Collagen brand, which is produced by leading brands. The dietary supplement helps you lose excess weight and at the same time tightens the skin without stretch marks so that it does not sag. This process controls the collagen in the composition.

How to speed up metabolism for women after 40 years old

With age, every woman notices that her metabolism slows down. Over the course of a year, if you follow the principles of a healthy diet, you gain an average of 200-300 g of excess weight. By the age of 50, the excess is already 16 or more kilograms.

You can speed up your metabolism at any age. If you follow simple rules, your metabolism will work as before in a couple of weeks. And a month later, when taking control measurements, it turns out that the figure has become at least one size smaller.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Eat enough – don’t put stress on your body, the results will not last long, and the kilograms will come back in abundance. The daily diet is divided into 4-5 meals. It is better to eat at the same hours.
  2. Breakfast should be hearty. Calories received in the first half of the day are burned faster, converted into energy. The absence of hunger eliminates cravings for junk food.
  3. Frequent consumption of tea or coffee (3-4 rubles per day). Metabolism works 5-8% faster when drinking plenty of fluids.
  4. Compliance with drinking regime. To replenish lost fluid, it is recommended to drink clean water up to 2 liters per day.
  5. Daily consumption of foods enriched with proteins. A protein diet speeds up metabolism by up to 35%.
  6. Obtaining vitamin D. In addition to sunlight, you can find useful substances in fish, eggs, seafood, and dairy products. With a lack of vitamin, metabolism slows down.
  7. Inclusion of milk in the menu. Lack of calcium slows down metabolism. Milk fats are necessary to restore metabolic functions.

Physical activity is suggested as a useful addition to these rules. You don't have to go to the gym for this. It is enough to do exercises every morning, and spend the weekend outdoors in active recreation.

Reviews from doctors

Borisova M. A., nutritionist

Due to workload, not all women can adhere to a balanced diet. This does not produce results in losing weight, even if the program includes physical activity. The situation is corrected by amino acid supplements. They are perfectly absorbed by the body and easy to use. The cost is affordable, the effect is noted after a month of use.

Valedov I.P., therapist

High success in losing weight is achieved through a balanced diet and an active lifestyle. If it’s easier to decide on physical activity, then you’ll have to tinker with preparing healthy dishes. The rules are not always followed, so getting rid of extra pounds is difficult. For training to be beneficial, the participation of amino acids is necessary. The source of active compounds is sports nutrition - dietary supplements.

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