Blood type 2 diet is positive: menu, products, reviews

The Blood Type 2 Positive Diet is an eating plan based on your blood type. This type of diet became popular after the publication of Peter D'Adamo's book Eat Right 4 Your Type. The book became a bestseller; its author claims that diet is not only about weight loss, it can help with allergies, increase resistance to infections, and improve overall health.

Interesting Facts

A new look at the connection between nutrition and health was proposed by the American physician Dr. P. J. D'Adamo, who put forward a completely new and revolutionary theory of nutrition. It is based on the correlation of food composition to individual blood groups. Basically, it is based on the individuality of each person, manifested, among other things, by attitude to nutrition and genetically determined congenital factors.

P. D'Adamo

P. J. D'Adamo continued his father's research, based on the proven fact that each blood type arose during a separate period of human development. Therefore, it can be assumed that it carries genetic information about the lifestyle and living conditions of that period. In their study, Dr. D'Adamo and his colleagues looked at hundreds of staple foods to find out how they stack up against red blood cells in particular.

The scientific basis for this nutritional principle

Modern research has demonstrated that carriers of certain blood types may have an increased or decreased risk of certain diseases. But there are no studies showing that diet influences these risks. A large-scale review study (Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Volume 98, Issue 1, July 1, 2013) that examined thousands of expert articles found no sufficiently robust work to support the dietary requirements proposed by Dr. D'Adamo . The result of the study was the statement that there was no evidence to support his theory. One of the works that found some connection even contradicts the recommendations of the author of the blood group diet.

Diet for blood group 2 positive

As can be seen from the table, many products familiar to the daily menu are completely excluded. For example, for a blood group 2 diet it is not recommended to consume:

  • Dairy products are prohibited almost completely, except for yogurt, kefir, sour cream, goat milk, sheep cheese and homemade cottage cheese. According to the author of blood group diets, dairy products in people with blood type 2 can cause abnormal reactions in the body that slow down metabolism. They also negatively affect the functioning of the heart.

  • Meat products, fatty and fried, which in principle is justified in any diet. The only exceptions are chicken and turkey.

The diet for 2 positive blood group involves using elements of vegetarianism. According to D'Adamo, this method of nutrition is best suited for people with the second blood group, since its carriers appeared during the period when humanity learned to cultivate the land. The abundance of agricultural crops suggests the possibility of feeding on them without the presence of meat in the diet.

Here is a short video that explains why animal protein is contraindicated for people with blood type 2:

How and why does it work?

The principle is very simple. According to experts and doctors, every person's immune system is able to detect whether a substance is negative or positive for the body. But for this identification, the body uses not one method, but several.

One of them is identification through chemical substances, antigens. They are present in the cells of absolutely all organisms, and one of their types is responsible for recognizing blood groups, each of which is distinguished by precisely this antigen and a different chemical structure.

How does this relate to nutrition? When the immune system detects a foreign antigen entering the body, it immediately creates antibodies to destroy it. It has been discovered that different foods contain different antigens that react negatively only with certain blood types. Therefore, what is suitable for one person may not be suitable for another.

Products that slow down the process of weight loss with positive blood type 2

Nutrition according to blood type (2 positive) also highlights a list of foods that can slow down the process of burning excess fat deposits. They do not carry any special nutritional value or harm to the body; they are more neutral. But their use inhibits the metabolic process in tissues.

The list of these products includes:


  • white meat chicken and turkey;

  • eggs and dishes made from them.

Marine products:

  • perch;
  • sturgeon;
  • seaweed;
  • pike and other river fish;
  • cod liver oil;
  • smelt.

Milk and its products:

  • processed cheese;
  • low-fat yogurt and sour cream;
  • low fat kefir;

  • goat milk;
  • low fat cottage cheese.

Vegetable oils:

  • sunflower;
  • soy.

Honey is also one of these products.


  • pearl barley;
  • corn;
  • millet;
  • barley


  • White wine;
  • champagne;
  • juices from neutral berries.


  • walnuts;
  • almond;
  • hazelnut;

  • cedar.


  • poppy;
  • sunflower.

Bean varieties:

  • green peas;
  • young beans in pods and white.

Vegetables and greens:

  • asparagus;
  • radish;
  • Brussels sprouts;
  • celery;
  • cucumbers;

  • zucchini


  • avocado;
  • grapes and raisins;
  • pear;
  • peach;
  • any dried fruits;
  • kiwi.


  • watermelon;
  • gooseberry;
  • raspberries.

Flour products:

  • oatmeal cookies;
  • products based on corn flour.


  • Bay leaf;
  • coriander;
  • parsley;

  • carnation;
  • paprika;
  • black pepper (ground and peppercorns);
  • nutmeg;
  • vanillin;
  • dill;
  • horseradish.

Sweet products:

  • jams;
  • jelly;
  • dark chocolate;
  • marshmallows

A list of these products can be included in the diet, but in small quantities.

What do representatives of this group “like” in nutrition?

Representatives of group 2 with positive Rh (A Rh+) ​​are the first vegetarians with a sensitive digestive tract, a stable immune system, good adaptation to new foods and environmental changes.

According to historical data, this blood type originated in Asia or the Middle East 25,000-15,000 years ago due to mutations in blood group 0 (1st). This was a reaction to changes in the environment associated with the transition to a culture based on agriculture and the domestication of animals.

For A Rh+ members, Dr. D'Adamo recommends vegetarian foods, preferably in their natural state, organically grown. Foods that promote weight loss include vegetable oils, soybeans, and pineapples, among others.

Permitted and prohibited products: table

Extracts of the studied food precipitated erythrocytes of individual blood groups. In accordance with these reactions, nutrition for positive blood group 2 (table below) is based on suitable and unsuitable foods.

SuitableAllowed in small quantitiesUnsuitable
Productcal/100 gProductkcal/100 g
Fish with dark meat (perch, cod, mackerel)80-100Olive and linseed oil810Meat from large animals
Garlic149Fermented dairy products70White meat fish (e.g. flounder)
Bird100-200Sugar400Whole milk
Green beans36Chocolate570Dairy products (except fermented)
Soybeans and products made from them280Molasses300Corn sprout oil
Peanut620Wheat products400Butter
Grapefruit41Seaweed extract84Melon
Green onions40Corn86White cabbage
Carrot42Rice120Sweet potato
wheat germ90Potato
A pineapple46

Detailed tables detailing prohibited and permitted foods for blood group 2:

Drinking regime

For people with positive blood type 2, herbal teas and herbal stimulating drinks are suitable. Recommended:

  • aloe;
  • echinacea;
  • alfalfa;
  • burdock;
  • hawthorn.

Good juices from the above types of fruits, red wine (no more than 1 glass daily), coffee, green tea.


  • black tea;
  • beer;
  • lemonades;
  • mineral waters;
  • strong alcoholic drinks.

Product table for men and women

All products useful for people with blood type 2 are listed in the table, which is very convenient to use. You can print it out and attach it to the refrigerator so that a list of healthy foods for weight loss is always at hand.

meatBeef, veal, lamb, pork, rabbit, goose, duck, lard, ham, bacon, ham, liver, heart, minced beefTurkey, chickens, chicks, eggs
fishCarp, fresh herring, salmon, trout, mackerel, pike perch, cod, mackerel, sardinesSalted herring, eel, catfish, halibut, shrimp, crayfish, lobster, lobster, catfish, squid, flounder, smoked salmon, caviarSmelt, seaweed, perch, sturgeon, pike, tuna
dairyWhole and skim milk, cream, ice cream, cow cheese and cheese, wheyYogurt, kefir, sour cream, goat milk, sheep cheese, processed cheese, homemade cottage cheese
fatsOlive, rapeseed and linseed oilPeanut, coconut, corn, cottonseed, butterMargarine, sunflower, soybean oil, cod liver oil
nuts, seedsPumpkin seeds, peanutsPistachiosWalnuts, almonds, pine nuts, hazelnuts, sunflower and poppy seeds
legumesSpotted beans and lentils; beans, milk and soy cheese, Other types of legumesGreen peas, in pods and white beans, asparagus
cerealsBuckwheat, rye, oatmeal (oatmeal), buckwheat and rye flourSemolina, pasta, muesli, wheat flakesBarley, pearl barley, corn, millet, corn and oat flakes, rice
bread, rollsRice wafers, rye breadBagels, buns, crackers, cookies made from wheat flour, rye gingerbread, wheat and wheat flakes, wholemeal grain bread, wheat flourOatmeal cookies, rye bread, corn starch
seasoningsmustardMayonnaise, ketchup, any vinegar, black pepperCloves, coriander, bay leaf, nutmeg, paprika, pepper, curry, cumin, dill, parsley, fennel, horseradish, vanillin
vegetablesBroccoli, kohlrabi, onions, parsnips, carrots, turnips, leeks, chard, pumpkin, Jerusalem artichoke, chicory, spinach, lettuce and kale oyster mushroomsSweet potatoes, white cabbage, red cabbage, Chinese cabbage, cauliflower, potatoes, hot and sweet peppers, tomatoes, champignons, rhubarb, olivesCucumbers, radishes, radishes, beets, celery, asparagus, rutabaga, Brussels sprouts, zucchini
fruits and berriesPineapple, apricots, lingonberries, cherries, grapefruit, blackberries, figs, cherry plums, blueberries, cranberries, lemon, plums, cherries, blueberries, apples, prunes, juices from these fruitsOranges, bananas, melons, tangerines, coconuts and juices from themAvocado, watermelon, grapes, pears, raisins, kiwi, strawberries, gooseberries, raspberries, nectarines, peach, currants, persimmons and juices from these fruits and berries
teasBurdock, chamomile, echinacea, rose hips, St. John's wort, ginseng, hawthorn, valerianStrawberries, linden, mint, dandelion, parsley, thyme, licorice root, yarrow
beveragesRed wine, green tea, black coffeeCoca and Pepsi-Cola, carbonated sweet drinks, black tea, beer, vodka, cognac, spirit liqueurs and tincturesWhite wine, champagne
sweetsFruit jam, jelly, marmalade, marshmallows, dark chocolate, granulated sugar

Nutritional features for children, the elderly, pregnant women

Although the assumptions and research results regarding the diet plan for people with A Rh+ are not scientifically based or proven, it is very popular. Maybe the reason for this is the “expert” sound of the name. But searching for a miraculous method of losing weight and improving your health is akin to searching for the holy grail or elixir of youth.

Due to sufficient diversity and relative balance, P. D'Adamo's nutritional principle is not contraindicated for children, the elderly, and pregnant women. It is important to simply find “your” products.

What is the diet with blood group 2: features

Women and men with A(II) have their own characteristics of structure, immunity, and ability to absorb certain foods. The author of the weight loss method took into account only the group, the Rh factor did not matter. The Rh factor is influenced by the presence of protein in the membranes of red blood cells. If it is absent, then Rhesus (Rh) is negative.

The carriers of the second group are called “farmers”. They are characterized by low stomach acidity, as a result of which proteins and fats are poorly absorbed. People are prone to hypercoagulation and the development of allergies. Improper nutrition leads to exacerbation of features, disruption of internal systems, weight gain, and development of diseases.

Women with negative Rh are more emotional and react violently to unusual phenomena. Lack of nutrients can cause stress. Girls with Rh(-) are not recommended to go on mono-diets.

Women with Rh(-) suffer from poor absorption of calcium and potassium. They should consume more foods containing these vitamins, as well as foods that contain micro- and macroelements that help absorb and retain K and Ca.

Quitting the diet

All diets have one thing in common – short duration. In a sense they are extreme. They cannot be followed for a long time. A person begins certain restrictions in the hope of improving his figure in a month.

But going back to regular food is the worst idea. If you really succeed in losing weight, returning to your previous diet is a guarantee of the “yo-yo” effect. Therefore, nutrition for weight loss involves adjusting your diet once and for all. Those. It's about consistent compliance with dietary rules.

Advantages and disadvantages

Benefits of the food plan:

  1. If the diet contains your favorite foods, the diet will be enjoyable.
  2. An opportunity to think about the food you consume in general.


  1. Based on unproven assumptions.
  2. The menu may be missing some important nutrients. Especially if you compile it yourself, without knowledge of the principles of a rational diet.
  3. Some allowed vs prohibited foods are controversial.

Facts and myths

The most common myths regarding the P. D'Adamo scheme.

Myth: Cereals and muesli for breakfast are what you need.

All dehydrated foods should be avoided in the diet regimen. To lose weight, you need to increase your intake of foods high in water. It provides food with juiciness and volume, as a result of which a person gets full much faster.

Myth: Light products help you lose weight

The “light” designation on the product packaging indicates that it has a lower energy value, mainly achieved by reducing the fat content. Light foods marketed as 0% fat often contain other ingredients that increase energy intake.

Myth: Fruits are healthy, so they can be consumed unlimitedly.

Fruits are sources of vitamins, minerals, other important substances, soluble and insoluble fiber. Everyone knows that they need to be consumed regularly. But with dietary restrictions in the diet, they should be present on the menu in reasonable quantities. In addition, suitable species must be given priority.

What are the dietary restrictions and why are they needed?

For many people, the concept of diet is associated with constant restrictions, fasting, and giving up favorite foods. But not everything is so sad, because a proper diet is a certain diet associated with minor restrictions.

They mainly concern reducing portion sizes and limiting the consumption of sweets. Often, such nutrition is prescribed by the attending physician for some diseases, but for the most part it is necessary for weight loss.

It is not recommended to fast. It is better to take proper nutrition as a basis and stick to it throughout your life. The basic rule of dietary nutrition: the number of calories burned should exceed the number consumed. But there are many nuances here too. Constant caloric restriction leads to the fact that the body begins to make “reserves”, and weight ceases to decrease. Therefore, it is very important to follow certain dietary principles.

Tips for improving results

Eating according to blood group 2 is not a diet as such. This is a healthy lifestyle. Once you begin to follow its principles, it is recommended to constantly adhere to them.

Weight loss doesn't have to be drastic. To start, simply reduce portions, choose foods carefully, but not at the expense of taste or variety. You can eliminate or replace some menu components.

Movement is also important. To maintain the effect on your figure and health, a daily one-hour walk is recommended.


Proper nutrition in groups involves not only adjusting the diet, but also drawing up a list of “acceptable” drinks. To lose weight quickly, drink more:

  • Sokov . If possible, use freshly squeezed drinks, because the amount of sugar in store-bought versions is off the charts;
  • Tea, preferably green . An infusion of leaves has a beneficial effect on well-being and appearance. If you can, drink the drink without sugar.
  • Coffee . This drink will give you a boost of energy and refresh your thoughts. Use this “battery” in the morning, but do not abuse it in the afternoon.

Black tea, soda and beer should be excluded from the diet. Among alcoholic drinks, give preference to red wine (in small quantities).

The given tips for organizing the menu do not provide for the constant maintenance of such a diet. If it is not possible to adhere to such a scheme for a long time, then periodic unloading will be optimal. You can arrange “correct” periods with any frequency: two weeks a month or several days a week.

Menu for the week: video recipes

The following menu example can be adjusted in accordance with personal preferences - otherwise, combine, exclude, add, replace products.

1 day:

  1. Breakfast: ham + vegetables + whole grain bread.
  2. Afternoon snack No. 1: chicken breast with butter.
  3. Lunch: trout, salad.
  4. Afternoon snack No. 2: ham.
  5. Dinner: smoked mackerel.

Day 2:

  1. Breakfast: ham, scrambled eggs.
  2. Afternoon snack No. 1: fish.
  3. Lunch: Grilled chicken strips.
  4. Afternoon snack No. 2: ham + vegetables.
  5. Dinner: Korean soy meat.

Day 3:

  1. Breakfast: fish pate, bread.
  2. Afternoon snack No. 1: ham + vegetables.
  3. Lunch: pork with curry.
  4. Afternoon snack No. 2: chicken.
  5. Dinner: turkey + rice.

Day 4:

  1. Breakfast: oatmeal with raisins, coffee.
  2. Snack #1: Greek yogurt.
  3. Lunch: carrot soup with chickpeas, whole grain bread.
  4. Afternoon snack No. 2: blueberries.
  5. Dinner: buckwheat with mushrooms, herbal tea.

Day 5:

  1. Breakfast: cucumber salad with egg, tea.
  2. Afternoon snack No. 1: plums.
  3. Lunch: steamed fish.
  4. Afternoon snack No. 2: prunes or nuts.
  5. Dinner: asparagus with tofu, herbal tea.

Day 6:

  1. Breakfast: vegetable salad.
  2. Afternoon snack No. 1: cottage cheese.
  3. Lunch: rice soup, whole grain bread.
  4. Afternoon snack No. 2: any suitable fruit.
  5. Dinner: fish, Brussels sprouts.

Day 7:

  1. Breakfast: oatmeal toast, coffee.
  2. Afternoon snack No. 1: grapefruit.
  3. Lunch: zucchini, sheep cheese.
  4. Afternoon snack No. 2: yogurt.
  5. Dinner: chicken, vegetable salad.

An example of a diet for the second blood group for a week


Breakfast: 150 g of cottage cheese with pieces of prunes; green tea. Snack: the pulp of one grapefruit. Lunch: a bowl of pumpkin puree soup and 150 g of grilled fish fillet. Afternoon snack: 50 g nuts. Dinner: buckwheat porridge (up to 200 g ready-made), as well as carrot and cabbage salad, lightly seasoned with vegetable oil and freshly squeezed lemon juice.


Breakfast: buckwheat porridge; Korean carrots and green tea. Snack: apple. Lunch: 150 g boiled chicken breast and 3 tbsp. l. boiled green beans; a couple of pieces of fresh pineapple. Afternoon snack: a few prunes. Dinner: salad of pineapple, grapes and pear (about 300 g).


Breakfast: buckwheat bread; a handful of dates; a glass of carrot juice or green tea. Snack: a couple of apricots. Lunch: 150 g of rice porridge and about 200 g of vegetable stew. Afternoon snack: a handful of dried fruits. Dinner: 200 g grilled fish; salad of fresh carrots and celery; a glass of kefir.


Breakfast: boiled buckwheat; grated carrots; a glass of cherry juice. Snack: 4 plums. Lunch: a few tablespoons of boiled brown rice plus a slice of baked lean fish; a glass of carrot juice. Afternoon snack: apple. Dinner: up to 200 g of low-fat cottage cheese with slices of fruit; cup of herbal tea.


Breakfast: cabbage and carrot salad; about 150 g of grapes and green tea. Snack: baked apple. Lunch: bowl of vegetable soup; 150 g boiled or grilled fish; a glass of grapefruit juice. Afternoon snack: a glass of kefir. Dinner: 150 g of cottage cheese with a couple of chopped prunes; Herb tea.


Breakfast: buckwheat toast and 50 g dates; coffee or tea. Snack: apple and plum salad. Lunch: boiled chicken breast (up to 150 g); 2 tbsp. l. boiled rice (preferably brown); shredded carrots. Afternoon snack: a couple of apricots. Dinner: grilled fish and fresh cucumber.


Breakfast: 2-3 rye bread and a glass of fresh carrot and apple juice. Snack: a couple of pineapple slices and a handful of blackberries. Lunch: a piece of steamed fish and vegetable stew; persimmon. Afternoon snack: baked apple. Dinner: steamed fish or lean meat, cooked without adding oil (about 150 g); greenery; tea or, if desired, a glass of dry red wine.

Price of food for a week

The cost of food given in the table is very approximate. It depends on the specific food consumed, its quantity, combinations and, of course, the place of purchase.

ProductsCost per week, rub.
Fish: carp, salmon, mackerel, perch, trout, sardines500
Milk, cheeses, eggs: soy milk, tofu300
Oils and fats: flaxseed oil, olive oil400
Nuts and seeds200
Fruits: pineapples, cranberries, figs, lemons, plums, blueberries, greens, apricots, raisins300
Vegetables: artichokes, broccoli, horseradish, garlic, carrots, pumpkin, leafy vegetables, spinach300
Cereals and pasta: wheat, rye, oat, buckwheat, rye flour, rice200
Legumes: red lentils100
Additional expenses150

As you can see, products for positive blood group 2 will not cost more than your usual diet. Therefore, its compliance will not affect the budget.

Menu options

The daily diet menu for 2 positive blood group should include 5-6 meals every 2-3 hours.

Here is one of the diet options:

  • in the morning they eat some oatmeal (with water), fruit and coffee;
  • after 3 hours you can have a snack with two hard-boiled eggs;
  • During the day you are allowed to eat a vegetable salad with Feta cheese and olive oil;
  • after another couple of hours you can eat 2-3 apples;
  • In the evening, carrot salad or boiled rice and green tea are allowed.

Another sample menu might include a breakfast of low-fat cottage cheese, eggs, banana, a slice of rye bread and coffee. Then follows a snack of a couple of apples, and for lunch - vegetable puree soup, buckwheat and a piece of boiled fish with black bread. For an afternoon snack, any fruit and juice are suitable, and for dinner you can eat rice, salad (fruit) and herbal decoction.

A good menu for the day might look like this:

  • for breakfast - an omelet with soy milk, juice, then some grated carrots with oil (vegetable);
  • During the day you can eat soup (from vegetables), cucumber salad and bread;
  • after 2 hours you can drink a glass of fresh juice;
  • in the evening you are allowed to eat some fish baked with vegetables.

The weight of all meals eaten per day must be calculated, which should not exceed 1 kg.

I have an opinion

Reviews about the diet for blood group 2 are very diverse. Many people find it very limited, while others follow it successfully for a long time.

I have been following this nutritional principle for several years. The result is excellent health.


An effective method of losing weight. I checked it personally.


I have blood type 2. I don't follow any restrictions. And there are no problems.


Allowed drinks

It can be supported by drinking different types of drinks, both a diet for blood group 2 positive and a diet for the second negative.

Allowed to drink:

  • juices (freshly squeezed or canned);
  • coffee (preferably brewed, as it is natural and will prevent the development of cancer cells in the body);
  • green tea (is an antioxidant that can remove substances harmful to the body).

Advice. Drinking juices will be beneficial for any person. The diet for blood group 2 is positive, as for any other group and rhesus, should include the intake of juices such as cherry, banana, grapefruit, and carrot.

You can drink red wine in moderation. Some experts recommend avoiding white. It is worth completely eliminating drinks such as black tea, soda or soda, and orange juice.

How to consolidate results

For the blood type diet to be effective, it must become a lifestyle. She is not radical, i.e. will not ensure getting rid of tens of kilograms in the shortest possible time. But with long-term adherence, a suitable combination of foods and the absence of overeating, success is guaranteed. Optimal weight loss is 0.5-1 kg per week.

People's attitudes to P. D'Adamo's principle of nutrition are different. But everyone can try it. But don't be tempted to test antigens! Based on an assessment of the blood picture, neither a doctor nor another expert will identify intolerance to certain foods.


Anastasia, 31 years old: At first, of course, it can be difficult to get used to a new diet, especially when eating habits differed from the principles of this diet. I am now 31 and for 3 years now I have been eating according to the principle described here. What can I say, it’s not possible to completely eliminate meat, but a big breakthrough for me was a complete rejection of fried, smoked and salty foods. The result suits me quite well, -15 kg for the entire time!

Venus, 28 years old: Giving up my favorite foods was beyond my strength, but I managed to eliminate fried foods, and I almost never consume sugar. I don’t even know how vegans live on vegetation alone, it’s too difficult for me. I’m glad that I can stick to the diet at least somewhat, it gives me results.

Olga, 21 years old: Girls, the diet for blood type 2 really works, I’ve seen it for myself. It's great that you don't have to starve, you just need to know what's right for you. It’s been a year now that I’ve been trying to stick to proper nutrition, I’ve developed a taste for this lifestyle and I intend to continue.

Blood type diet: 2 positive - we reveal secrets and give advice on

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