Nutrition according to blood type: what does 4 positive “like”?

People with the fourth blood group are a phenomenon, since it appeared as a result of the mixing of Mongoloids with Indo-Europeans. The first three blood groups were formed in a different way: during the adaptation of people to changes in their living conditions. That’s why nutrition according to blood group 4 requires a special approach!

Interestingly, there are only 5–7% of people with blood type IV on the entire planet. For comparison, about 40–50% have the first blood group, 30–40% have the second, and 10–20% have the third. These figures may vary slightly in one direction or another in individual countries.

Interesting Facts

The Blood Type Diet has only been around for a few years and was founded by Dr. Peter D'Adamo. As a result of a series of analyzes and studies, he discovered that different people react differently to certain foods, and these reactions are closely related to their blood groups. Dr. D'Adamo argued that each of the blood types arose in a different historical era when people ate a predominant type of food. But in this case, the term “diet” is somewhat misleading. This is not about a way to reduce body weight, but about how to find a food pattern that is most suitable for a particular person's digestion, optimizing the body.

P. D'Adamo

What kind of nutritional method is this?

The weight correction method, based on dividing people by blood type, was developed in the 20th century by American naturopathic doctor Peter D'Adamo.

occurs differently in people with different blood types . Peter D'Adamo linked the emergence of blood types to eras of human development.

In each historical period, people's diets contained a set of certain foods, and they remained the most favorable for representatives of different groups.

When consuming certain foods, a person with a certain blood type feels great both mentally and physically. Due to the frequent use of others, he becomes irritated, quickly gets tired and feels dissatisfied with life.

For each blood type, Peter D'Adamo divided foods into 3 classes:

  1. Useful. These are those from which all the necessary vitamins and minerals are maximally absorbed. At the same time, the overall health of the body occurs, the immune system is strengthened, mood and brain activity improves, metabolism is normalized, and extra pounds disappear.
  2. Harmful , in other words, “heavy”. For a certain blood group, they are harmful due to their toxicity, poor digestibility, difficulty of digestion, and the ability to provoke fat accumulation and weight gain.
  3. Neutral. There is no tangible benefit or great harm from these products. They simply allow you to diversify your diet.

The blood diet has gained immense popularity due to its effectiveness and simplicity. In addition, this diet does not imply counting calories and grams, or restrictions on the amount of food. The main thing is to choose products that are healthy for yourself.

The fourth blood group (AB) is very rare, and is found in only 2.5-8% of the world's population.

How and why does it work?

To lose weight with this diet, you should reduce the consumption of prohibited foods that the body does not fully use. The remaining energy from consumed food is stored, and body weight increases. These products act like poison on the body. In addition to junk food, there are 2 more types:

  • neutral food – satiating without causing harm;
  • healthy food – supposedly affects the body.

Weight loss is achieved by controlling nutrition and consuming smaller portions. It is also associated with improved general health.

On the other hand, the effectiveness of the diet has never been proven. All the positive aspects attributed to this food concept have no scientific basis.

The diet for positive blood group 4 does not require any special advice or recommendations. It is quite balanced and varied.

Afternoon snacks (afternoon snacks) have a positive effect on the digestion process. It is enough to eat fruits and vegetables.

What is good for people with blood type 4 to eat?

The good news is that representatives of this type can freely form their diet from foods included in the list of permitted ones. Each of them has a beneficial effect on the body, helping it cope with the problems facing the delicate digestive tract of people with blood type IV.

The list of healthy foods includes:

  • tofu and other soy-based products;
  • various types of fish;
  • low-fat dairy and fermented milk products;
  • green vegetables and fruits;
  • pineapples;
  • hard cheeses with low fat content;
  • olive oil;
  • walnuts;
  • cereals (oatmeal, millet, millet, yams);
  • green tea and herbal infusions.

Tofu and various soy-based products have a positive effect on the body when losing weight, as they are perfectly absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract and normalize metabolic processes in the body.

Since meat is considered difficult for people with blood type IV, they should eat fish and seafood every week. They are an alternative source for enriching the body with beneficial amino acids and minerals.

The following types of fish are recommended: trout, tuna, mackerel, salmon, sardine, sturgeon and sea bass. For seafood, focus on caviar and mussels.

It is very important for those with the fourth blood group to introduce low-fat dairy and fermented milk products into their daily diet. They not only help speed up metabolism, but also improve thyroid secretion and regulate the process of pancreatic insulin production.

It is recommended to eat enough fresh vegetables and fruits every day. Pay special attention to fruits such as pineapple, which is famous for its beneficial effects on the digestive system.

It is advisable that the daily volume of vegetables and fruits be about 400–500 grams. This amount should be divided into five meals so as not to “choke” on all the vegetables and fruits at one time.

Diet goal

Thanks to nutritional principles based on blood groups, many people have not only lost weight, but also gotten rid of a number of health problems, in particular psoriasis. Tara Nayak, an employee of diet author Peter D'Adam, recommends this regimen to her clients not as a "cure" but as a basis for developing healthier eating habits. Weight loss is not the end goal.

“I found that in most cases, the diet had a positive effect on people suffering from autoimmune disease,” says T. Nayak.

P. D'Adamo is working to create the concept of nutrition based on blood groups, not as a one-time way to lose weight, but as a method that involves a complete change in lifestyle and eating habits.

How is blood type inherited?

Blood consists of a liquid part - plasma and various blood cells (formed elements). Plasma contains proteins and minerals. Formed elements of blood - erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets. Blood volume is 6-8% of body weight - about 5 liters. Blood performs a number of important functions: transports oxygen, carbon dioxide and nutrients; distributes heat throughout the body; ensures water-salt metabolism; delivers hormones and other regulatory substances to various organs; has a protective (immune) function.

Differences between people in blood groups are differences in the composition of certain antigens and antibodies.

The existence of blood groups became known only at the beginning of the last century, in 1900-1902, when the Austrian scientist Karl Landsteiner discovered that when the blood of two different people is mixed, in some cases the red blood cells stick together, in others they do not. This means that not everyone has the same blood, and there are compatible and incompatible blood groups. This discovery was of great importance, as it suggested a method for safe blood transfusion: you just need to determine its compatibility.

More than 20 years later, it became known that blood groups are inherited and that inheritance occurs in strict accordance with the laws of genetics.

Any hereditary trait is controlled by at least a pair of genes, one of which the child receives from the mother, the other from the father. And in this case, too, parents pass on to the child not a “ready-made” blood type, but one gene responsible for its formation. The interaction of these genes determines what blood type the child will have: the same as the father, the same as the mother, or a third option will arise as a result of a combination of genes.

While studying the structure of red blood cells, Landsteiner discovered special substances. He divided them into two categories, A and B, highlighting a third, where he included cells in which they were not present. Later, his students discovered red blood cells containing A- and B-type markers simultaneously.

As a result of research, a system of division into blood groups emerged, which was called ABO (read a, b, zero), in which four groups are distinguished. We still use this system today.

  • I (0) – blood group is characterized by the absence of antigens A and B;
  • II (A) – established in the presence of antigen A;
  • III (B) – established in the presence of B antigens;
  • IV (AB) – established in the presence of antigens A and B.

Group I is called zero and is designated 00, which indicates the presence of two identical genes that determine the group trait - one zero received from the father, the other from the mother.

If a child is diagnosed with blood group I, this means that both the father and mother necessarily have gene 0, but this does not mean at all that they also have group I, since their second genes could be different.

The group II gene is designated by the letter A. And if a child receives such a gene from both parents, then he, of course, will have blood group II (AA). But he will have the same group even if he receives gene 0 from one of his parents and gene A from the other, since gene 0 has one feature - it cannot manifest itself in the presence of gene A.

The blood group III gene is designated by the letter B. This group is also formed in those who received from their parents two identical BB genes or two different ones - B and 0, because in this combination the 0 gene does not manifest itself.

What will happen if a child inherits gene A from one of the parents, and gene B from the other? They are tolerant of each other, one does not suppress the other, and their combination leads to the appearance of a new trait - blood group IV (AB).

Table of inheritance of a child's blood type depending on the blood groups of the father and mother

Mom + DadChild's blood type: Possible options (in%)
I+ II (100%)
I+III (50%)II (50%)
I+IIII (50%)III (50%)
I+IVII (50%)III (50%)
II+III (25%)II (75%)
II + IIII (25%)II (25%)III (25%)IV (25%)
II + IVII (50%)III (25%)IV (25%)
III+IIII (25%)III (75%)
III + IVII (25%)III (50%)IV (25%)
IV + IVII (25%)III (25%)IV (50%)

Rh factor inheritance

The birth of a child with a negative Rh factor in a family with Rh positive parents causes deep bewilderment at best, and mistrust at worst. Reproaches and doubts about the fidelity of the spouse. Oddly enough, there is nothing exceptional in this situation. There is a simple explanation for such a sensitive problem.

The Rh factor is an antigen (protein) that is found on the surface of red blood cells (erythrocytes). It was discovered in 1919 in the blood of monkeys, and later in humans. Approximately 80-85% of people have it and are therefore Rh positive. Those who do not have it (the remaining 15%) are Rh negative. It is also taken into account during blood transfusions.

These indicators are denoted by the Latin letters Rh with a plus or minus sign, respectively.

Inheritance of blood type and Rh factor occur independently of each other. If both parents are Rh positive, the child will be Rh positive. If both parents are negative. – the child inherits more often – negative. If one of the parents is Rh positive and the other is Rh negative, then the probability of the baby being Rh is determined to be 50% to 50%. There is a possibility of inheriting Rhesus after several generations (the case when the father and mother have positive Rhesus, and the born child has negative Rhesus). Therefore, when planning a family, compatibility testing of parents is mandatory - it is necessary to determine blood groups and Rh blood. Women with Rh-negative blood are a risk group.

A positive Rh factor in a woman and a negative Rh factor in a man do not represent any cause for concern. If a woman has Rh-negative blood, and her husband has Rh-positive blood, then during pregnancy a Rh conflict may develop, so the woman is recommended to do a blood test for antibodies to the Rh factor before pregnancy. The fact is that if a woman underwent surgery (including abortion) or blood transfusion before pregnancy, or if this is not her first pregnancy, then there is a possibility that specific antibodies will form in her blood. In a Rh-negative woman with a Rh-positive fetus, immune complications (hemolytic disease of the newborn, etc.) are possible, and especially from the second or third pregnancy. To prevent complications, anti-Rhesus gamma globulin is administered. It is necessary to regularly test the blood for Rh antibodies over time.

Inheritance of traits

For centuries, parents have only wondered what their child would be like. Today there is an opportunity to look into beauty far away. Thanks to ultrasound, you can find out the gender and some features of the anatomy and physiology of the baby.

Genetics allows us to determine the likely color of eyes and hair, and even whether a child has an ear for music. All these characteristics are inherited according to Mendelian laws and are divided into dominant and recessive. The dominant gene is designated by a capital letter of the Latin alphabet, and in its presence the recessive gene, as a rule, does not manifest its properties. A recessive gene is indicated by a capital letter of the Latin alphabet. If for some trait an organism contains two identical genes (two recessive or two dominant), then it is called homozygous for this trait. If an organism contains one dominant and one recessive gene, then it is called heterozygous for this trait, and at the same time those properties of the trait that are encoded by the dominant gene are manifested.

For example, A is a dominant gene that determines brown eye color and is a recessive gene that determines blue eye color. Possible genotype options: AA - homozygote, brown eyes Aa - heterozygote, brown eyes aa - homozygote, blue eyes

Brown eye color, hair with small curls and even the ability to curl the tongue are signs of dominance. Most likely, the child will inherit them.

Unfortunately, dominant signs also include a tendency to early baldness and graying, myopia and gaps between the front teeth.

Gray and blue eyes, straight hair, fair skin, and a mediocre ear for music are considered recessive. These signs are less likely to occur.

Blood type and risk of developing certain diseases

There is a pattern between blood type and the risk of developing certain diseases (predisposition). Australian scientists have found that people with blood type 0 (I) are much less likely to suffer from schizophrenia. Those with blood type B (III) have a higher risk than others of a severe nervous system disease - Parkinson's disease. Of course, the blood type itself does not mean that a person will necessarily suffer from a disease “characteristic” of it. There are many factors involved, and blood type is just one of them.

Blood type and human character

Blood type 0 (I). Energetic, sociable, good health, strong will. Desire for leadership. Fussy, ambitious.

Blood type A (II). Diligent and obligatory. They love harmony and order. Their weakness is stubbornness.

Blood type B (III). Delicate, impressionable, calm. Increased demands on yourself and others. Individualists. They adapt to everything easily. Powerful and creative personalities.

Blood type AB (IV). Emotions and feelings take precedence over common sense and calculation. They are thinkers. They have difficulty making decisions. Balanced, but sometimes harsh. Most of all they conflict with themselves.

You can take a blood test to determine your blood type and Rh factor around the clock. The laboratory of the American Medical Clinic will report the result on the same day.

For additional information, please call +7 (812) 740-20-90.

“Food preferences” of people with blood group 4

The main characteristics of 4 blood groups with positive Rhesus (AB Rh+): a modern combination of groups A and B, variable response to changes in the environment, nutritional conditions, sensitive digestive tract, strong immunity. The answer to stress is spiritual.

P. D'Adamo focuses on the fact that this group is the youngest, formed less than 1000 years ago. This is an intermediate group between II (A) and III (B). The diet of people with AB Rh+ is based on products from groups A and B.

It is advisable to include in the menu:

  • tofu;
  • seafood;
  • seaweed;
  • vegetables.

You need to give up:

  • red meat;
  • some legumes;
  • wheat;
  • buckwheat

Detailed tables detailing prohibited and permitted foods for blood group 4 Rh positive:

Recommendations and tips

For people with blood group 4, we can recommend:

  1. Try to be active in all areas of life.
  2. Relax and rest more often.
  3. Strive for a healthy lifestyle.
  4. Combine proper nutrition with physical activity.
  5. Set goals for yourself and achieve them.

Active sports are suitable for these people: aerobics and fitness, skating, skiing, cycling, swimming.

Rules of the food concept of P. D'Adamo, food table

As mentioned, group 4 is a combination of groups 2 and 3. Therefore, recommended and prohibited products are based on recommendations specifically for them. Of course, there are exceptions.

ProductsSuitablekcal/100 gNot suitableNeutralkcal/100 g
MeatLamb, rabbit, turkey100Red meat, chickenPheasant, liver90
SeafoodTuna, cod, salmon100-160Anchovies, lobsterCarp, catfish, herring90-150
Dairy products, eggsCottage cheese, kefir, mozzarella, ricotta80-120Blue cheeses, parmesanWhey, cheddar, eidam, soy milk and cheese100-160
FatsOlive oil, peanuts810SeedsRapeseed, linseed oil, pistachios, almonds600-800
LegumesBlue and red beans, green lentils35-40Black beansGreen beans, red lentils35-40
CerealsRice, oatmeal, flour, basmati50-90BuckwheatCouscous, wholemeal flour, white flour50-100
Vegetables, mushroomsCabbage, beets, celery, potatoes20-70Black olives, green peppers, cornCarrots, kohlrabi, horseradish, Chinese cabbage20-25
FruitsCherry, kiwi, fig, pineapple30-50Banana, coconut, pomegranateApples, apricots, watermelon20-50
SpicesCurry, miso5White and cayenne peppers, chiliBasil, rosemary, bay leaf5

Drinking regime

It is recommended to start the day with warm water and lemon juice. Carrot and grapefruit juice are suitable during the day. Green tea and herbal teas are suitable. Coffee is also not prohibited. Lemonades, orange juice, and black tea should be avoided.

Table of products for blood group IV

The table contains the most common and frequently consumed products that are intended to feed people with blood group 4.

Product categoriesHealthy foodsNeutral productsProhibited Products
MeatTender meat of rabbit, turkey, lamb, lamb (loin), eggsLiver, heart, offalBeef, veal, pork, chicken, duck, bacon, ham, smoked sausages
Seafood and fishSea and river fish (any except prohibited ones) red fish, sturgeon, cod and cod liver, seaweed, lobsters, sea snails, oysters, tuna, salmon, trout, mackerel, sardines, caviarshrimp, mussels, squid, carp filletherring in any form, flounder, halibut, hake, pangasius, anchovies, crabs, shellfish, crayfish, salted seafood and fish
Milk and dairy productskefir, homemade yogurt, fermented baked milk, low-fat cottage cheese and sour cream, goat cheese and milk, feta cheese, mozzarella, Tofu cheesebutter and processed cheese,whole milk, parmesan and brie cheeses
Fats and oilsOlive, flaxseed oil, fish oilVegetable oilsMargarine, cooking oil, any refractory fats, lard
Cerealsoatmeal, rice, millet, barley, soy flakes; yam, bran Wheat and wheat flour products, beans, beansbuckwheat and corn flakes
Vegetableseggplants, broccoli, cauliflower, onions and green onions, carrots, beets, cucumbers, celery, green vegetablesTomatoes, all types of cabbage, zucchini, pumpkin, avocadoall types of peppers, especially hot ones, potatoes, tomatoes, radishes, beans, corn, black olives, artichokes, radishes, radishes,
Fruitsgrapes, lemon, figs, cherries, grapefruit, kiwi, pineapples, plums, cherries, grapefruit, blackberries, any berriesEverything except the prohibited onesOranges, bananas, mangoes, persimmons
Bread and bakery productsRye bread, rice cakesEverything except the prohibited onesProducts made from corn, wheat, buckwheat flour
Juices, drinksGreen and ginger tea, grape, carrot, beet, cabbage, cherry, cranberry juices, weak coffee, pomegranate, orange juices, herbal infusions of ginseng, rose hips, echinacea, burdock, hawthorn, dry white wine and champagnecoltsfoot, black coffee, mint and chamomile tea, red wineLinden infusions, aloe, hay, coconut, banana, orange juices, sweet carbonated drinks
Seeds, nutsSunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, poppy seeds, walnuts, peanuts, flaxseeds, chestnuts, pine nutsEverything except the prohibited onesalmonds, pistachios, sunflower seeds
Seasonings, saucesMild seasonings: dill, cilantro, nutmeg, cinnamon, rosemary, curry, oregano, etc.Everything except the prohibited onesVinegar, ketchup, hot seasonings, mayonnaise, marinades, pickles

Example of a weekly menu: video recipes

Weekly menu consisting of products for blood group 4.

1 day:

  1. Breakfast: warm water with lemon, 200 ml grapefruit juice, 2 slices of rye bread.
  2. Lunch: lamb with potatoes, chamomile tea.
  3. Afternoon snack: yogurt with muesli.
  4. Dinner: fried rabbit, potatoes, red wine (200 ml - optional).

Day 2:

  1. Breakfast: warm water with lemon, 200 ml grapefruit juice, soy croissant with jam.
  2. Lunch: rice porridge with fruit.
  3. Afternoon snack: vegetable salad, coffee.
  4. Dinner: fruit salad with walnuts, green tea.

Day 3:

  1. Breakfast: two handfuls of oatmeal with fresh or dried fruit (optional with a small amount of milk), fruit tea.
  2. Lunch: pasta with salmon and vegetables.
  3. Afternoon snack: fermented milk drink.
  4. Dinner: vegetable salad with Balkan cheese, whole grain bread.

Day 4:

  1. Breakfast: whole grain croissant, tofu, radishes.
  2. Lunch: rabbit with potatoes, chamomile tea.
  3. Afternoon snack: vegetable salad, coffee.
  4. Dinner: Scrambled eggs, spelled bread, salad (leaf or vegetable).

Day 5:

  1. Breakfast: 2 handfuls of oatmeal with fruit, herbal or fruit tea.
  2. Lunch: rice with fruit.
  3. Afternoon snack: yogurt with muesli.
  4. Dinner: turkey, vegetable salad.

Day 6:

  1. Breakfast: warm water with lemon, 200 ml grapefruit juice, soy croissant with jam.
  2. Lunch: baked salmon, mashed potatoes, carrot salad.
  3. Afternoon snack: yogurt with fruit.
  4. Dinner: fried rabbit, potatoes, red wine (200 ml - optional).

Day 7:

  1. Breakfast: warm water with lemon, fruit juice, 2 slices of rye bread.
  2. Lunch: turkey, potatoes, chamomile tea.
  3. Afternoon snack: apple.
  4. Dinner: vegetable salad with Balkan cheese, whole grain bread.

Diet for blood type 4 positive: permitted lists

So, for the fourth, it is useful to eat:

  • from meat (as I already said) - turkey, everyone’s favorite rabbit and lamb;
  • from fish - tuna, herring, all kinds of trout and haddock with cod (you can add pollock, it is from the same series);
  • seafood allowed;
  • milk and sour milk, preferably from low-fat or goat milk;
  • from porridges - millet, oats and rice;
  • you can eat any sprouted grains;
  • all kinds of greens, any cabbage, and in general everything green like zucchini and cucumbers (eggplants and beets are also allowed, although they are not green);
  • non-acidic fruits like grapes, pineapple, gooseberries and cherries, and cranberries (as the most “non-acidic”);
  • bread made from rye, and all kinds of cereals, except wheat;
  • legumes, lentils and soybeans (they will definitely help a person with weak digestion, remaining like a stone in his stomach to repel the feeling of hunger);
  • all sorts of teas, especially herbal and rosehip teas to obtain vitamin C;
  • from oils - vegetable, raw pressed.

Chicken meat, liver, hard cheese, strawberries, potatoes, tomatoes, dates and a dozen other foods will not cause harm, although they will not add any benefit, according to D’Adamo.

Facts and myths

Diet is a word heard at almost every step. About various principles of nutrition, incl. Much has been written about the theory of P. D'Adamo, and no less is discussed. But do you know what is fact and what is just myth?

You can buy smaller clothes and lose weight to your desired size

A British study shows that almost 1/3 of women buy clothes 1-2 sizes smaller, which motivates them to lose extra pounds. On average, a woman has 2-3 such elements in her wardrobe. Most of them will go out of style before the wearer can wear them. The same strategy is used by 12% of men.

You can't gain weight by eating low-fat foods

Products labeled “low fat” or “low fat” are usually made with added sugar, starch, and salt. You end up eating at least the same number of calories as you would in the regular form of such food.

Ideal weight – 58 kg

Although being “slim” is popular today, it is not always a good thing. Especially if you use catwalk models as an example. Do you know what your ideal weight is? When losing weight, follow the formula:

  • for women: height (cm) – 110 (i.e. the ideal weight of a woman with a height of 165 cm = 55 kg);
  • for men: height (cm) – 100.


The diet for negative blood type 4 has very positive reviews, some of which are presented below.

Svetlana, 43 years old: “I liked losing weight on this diet. I lost 3 kg. At the same time, I ate well and did not feel hungry. Very good diet. I recommend her to anyone who wants to lose weight."

Marina, 26 years old: “I’ve never lost weight based on my blood type. A friend recommended this diet to me. I'm glad I chose this method. The menu is very well chosen. The food is complete and the dishes are delicious. I didn't feel like I was starving. I ate well and still lost weight. In 3 days of the diet I lost 3 kg. Excellent result. I will continue to lose weight in the future using this method.”

I have an opinion

Reviews about the diet plan for blood group 4 with positive Rh, as well as about other schemes by P. D'Adamo (,,), are positive with a hint of restrictions that are inconvenient for some.

When following this diet, there is no heaviness in the stomach in the morning, only lightness. Moreover, the diet is not particularly limited.


For the first time I learned about allowed and forbidden foods. Surprisingly, they coincided with my food preferences. Probably the body knows what it needs. It is important to listen to him.


I was on a blood group 4 diet (I also did morning exercises) and lost about 7 kg in a few months. True, after leaving it I recovered again.


The blood group 4 diet does not imply rapid weight loss. Optimal results – up to 1 kg in 1-2 weeks. Their consolidation consists in continuing to adhere to certain nutritional rules, in particular, limiting fats, sugar, and avoiding overeating.

Basic principles of nutrition and benefits of diet

The founder of the doctrine of dietary food based on blood type, Peter D'Adamo, claims that the genes of modern humans “remember” what the diet of his ancestors was like during different periods of evolution.

Carriers of blood type 2 ate mainly vegetables, since at that time the herds of animals had already left the places occupied by humans. The next 3rd group appeared during the development of new territories, the nutrition of its carriers became universal. People with group IV positive began to eat a mixed diet. It is reflected in modern diets that combine a rich variety of light foods and a minimum of animal products.

A specially designed diet takes into account the composition of the blood, improves the general condition of the body and corrects weight. Geneticists and their patients who use a similar diet system say that the diet lowers cholesterol levels, relieves arthritis pain and has a positive effect on curing long-term depression. The diet does not imply high calorie content and overeating. The functioning of internal organs while following a diet is normalized with sufficient water consumption. The daily drinking rate is 7 glasses.

In representatives with blood group IV, the acidity of gastric juice is reduced, which affects the digestion process. You can avoid unpleasant symptoms if you replace fatty meat with dietary varieties and introduce low-fat dairy products and nuts into your diet.

Light foods of plant origin should be rich in beneficial elements and vitamin C. Its source will be water with lemon juice (200–250 g), drunk in the morning. The drinking regime can be varied by consuming fresh juices from berries, grapes and carrot juice. Instead of table salt, use sea salt. Seasonings are classified as “reliable”, with the exception of pepper.

Price of food for a week

Will P. D'Adamo's nutrition concept turn out to be too expensive? Will compliance with it have a negative impact on the budget? The answer is in the table:

ProductsCost per week, rub.
Oils and fats400
Nuts and seeds200
Additional costs (herbs, spices)150

The table shows that changing the diet will not affect the budget. The cost of food is no higher than when buying unhealthy semi-finished products. The final cost of the menu will depend on the place of purchase, region and even district of the city.

Diet for blood type 4 positive: prohibited lists

The nutritionist categorically advises against eating:

  • red meat, fatty meat, especially goose and pig;
  • spotted and smooth beans, and all kinds of beans in general;
  • wheat in any form;
  • everything is spicy and salty;
  • seeds and nuts (maybe a little peanut);
  • smoked meats;
  • exotics in the form of persimmons, mangoes, avocados and bananas;
  • crabs with crayfish;
  • eels and hake (fish are generally expensive, the fewer species you eat, the better);
  • cow's butter, any mayonnaise and tomato sauces along with them;
  • black tea, citrus juice (nothing is said about sparkling water, probably you can have it).

Recommendations when choosing a sport: skating, swimming, aerobics, light running, walking and yoga (the latter is especially effective). And for the elderly - moderate walks for half an hour, three times a week. So as not to overwork.

By tradition, the table of products for women, as well as for men (and most of all - for clarity), is just below:

I, Andrey Eroshkin, will conduct mega interesting webinars for you, sign up and watch! Topics of upcoming webinars:

  • An effective method for cleansing the gastrointestinal tract and digestive system at home
  • How to lose weight without willpower and prevent the weight from coming back?
  • How to become healthy again without pills, the natural way?


Diet menu for 4 negative blood group


To prepare a milkshake we will need:

  • Milk. 200 grams
  • Strawberry. 6 tablespoons
  • Mint drops
  • Ice cream (cream or caramel). 1 glass

Cooking process:

  1. Cut strawberries into halves
  2. Add strawberry ice cream to blender and blend
  3. Add a few drops of mint, whisk again and let stand for 5 minutes.
  4. Add milk and beat again

Fish satsivi

To prepare this dish we will need:

  • Fish. 0.5 kilograms
  • Onion. 1 piece
  • Garlic. 1 piece
  • Walnuts and peanuts (50 grams each)
  • A set of spices (for example, a set of “12 spices”)
  • Dill and parsley. Taste

The process of preparing fish satsivi:

  1. Cut the fish into medium-sized pieces and cook in salted water until cooked
  2. Strain the broth and reserve 100-150 grams for preparing the sauce
  3. We remove the fish from skin and bones
  4. Finely chop the garlic and onions
  5. Grind the nuts in a blender. Add the remaining broth there
  6. Pour the resulting broth with nuts into a saucepan and add chopped onions and garlic there.
  7. Bring the pan to a boil and simmer over low heat for 5-10 minutes
  8. Add a set of spices to the pan and leave on the fire for another 5 minutes
  9. Pour the sauce over the previously prepared fish and decorate the top with finely chopped herbs.

Allowed foods

Products allowed for use in the diet:

  • lamb, turkey;
  • river fish, mackerel, trout, tuna, cod;
  • cottage cheese, low-fat sour cream, home-made cheese, goat milk, kefir, yogurt;
  • pineapples, grapefruit, lemon, kiwi, cherries, grapes;
  • cauliflower, cucumbers, celery, green lentils; eggplants, broccoli, beans, beans, greens;
  • oat and rice bran, oatmeal, millet;
  • Rye bread;
  • olive oil;
  • horseradish, garlic, curry.

Using the list of permitted products, you can create a varied menu for a long time. It is these foods that will cause the release of insulin in the body and speed up metabolism, which will begin the process of losing weight.

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