Diet for blood type 1 positive: table with products, menu

Interesting Facts

This method of losing weight and improving health was developed by the American doctor P. D'Adamo. It is based on the theory that from the very beginning of their development, people had one blood group - 1st (0). Other groups formed depending on the area of ​​residence and food.

P. D'Adamo

Nutrition according to 1 positive blood group (0 Rh+) ​​is based on the fact of different tolerance to foods. Dr. D'Adamo determined which foods were and were not appropriate for these people. Despite the use of the term "diet", we are not talking about short-term restrictions. Nutrition for the first blood group with positive Rh is rather a gradual change in lifestyle.

Although people who follow the P. D'Adamo regimen do lose weight, there is no scientific evidence of its effectiveness. Charlie Seltzer, a Harvard physician, says there is no obvious connection between blood type and digestion. His colleague Laurie Thomas even warns that this type of diet can be dangerous due to the presence of large amounts of meat and fatty foods in the diet, which leads to an increased risk of developing diabetes, stroke, and heart attack.

Basic recommendations

What tips should you follow to ensure you are pleased with the results?

  • Priority is given to foods high in protein;
  • try to minimize processing of products. Supplement meat or fish with fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • change your lifestyle. Make someone active from being sedentary, include sports and physical education in their lives;
  • try not to overeat.

If you do not follow these recommendations, the result will be as follows:

  • excess weight gain;
  • change in metabolic rate;
  • frequent constipation;
  • accumulation of excess fat;
  • bad feeling.

As a rule, those with blood type 1 have approximately the same diseases, which have been caused by their diet since ancient times.

  1. Often there is increased acidity of the stomach, since it has the function of digesting raw vegetables and coarse fibers.
  2. The gastrointestinal tract absorbs meat and fish perfectly, but when using steamed and crushed products, health problems will begin.
  3. Immunity in these people depends on changes in diet or lifestyle. Allergic manifestations due to such changes are not uncommon.
  4. This blood group is characterized by gastritis and ulcers, since gastric juice has high acidity.
  5. Joint diseases (usually inflammatory) also accompany those with blood type 1.
  6. Metabolism slows down due to lifestyle changes. This is how fat tissue accumulates.

The video talks about the features of the first blood group from a medical point of view:

Purpose of P. D'Adamo's scheme

Blood contains genetic information about the food of our ancestors, despite the large time gap. This is the key to immunity, controlling viruses, bacteria, infections that threaten the body.

The diet for the first positive blood group is based on the tolerance of each type, Rhesus, to different foods. Basically, its goal is to restore genetic rhythms; weight loss is just one of the “side effects.”

Nutritionists recognize the significant benefits of this regimen for human health. But at the same time they warn: this method should not be perceived only as a way to lose weight, but as a guide on the basis of which you can create a healthy diet. Doctors say that you should not give up all foods that are beneficial to the human body and eat only recommended foods.

Interesting recipes

Despite the fact that at first glance, preparing dietary dishes may seem complicated, it is not. Everything is prepared quite simply and quickly. Let's look at a few of them.


Required ingredients:

  • Tomato – 4 pcs.
  • Rice – 100 g.
  • Dried peas – 200 g.
  • Zucchini – 2 pcs.
  • Onions, carrots - 1 pc.
  • Cabbage – ½ pc.
  • Beans – 200 g.
  • Olive oil – 3 tbsp. l.
  • Water – 2.5 liters
  • Spices to taste.

Preparation progress:

  • To prepare, you need to chop the cabbage, finely chop the zucchini, carrots and tomatoes.
  • Fry the onion in olive oil.
  • Place vegetables in boiling water and simmer for an hour.
  • After a while, add rice and peas to the broth.
  • Cook until done.

Baked lamb with prunes

Required ingredients:

  • Lamb – 500 g.
  • Carrot – 1 pc.
  • Prunes – 200 g.
  • Raisins – 100 g.
  • Salt and pepper to taste.

Preparation progress:

  • Rub salt and pepper into the meat, make small cuts, and place small slices of carrots in them.
  • Place the well-washed prune meat on the foil and the raisins on it.
  • Then wrap the foil tightly and place it in an oven preheated to 160°C for 60 minutes.

Baked apples

Required ingredients:

  • Large apples – 4 pcs.
  • Raisins – 200 g.
  • Butter – 90 g.
  • Sugar – 4 tsp.
  • Walnuts and caraway seeds.

Preparation progress:

  • Wash the apples and cut out the core.
  • Place on a baking sheet.
  • In a separate container, mix raisins, cumin, sugar and sprinkle with a little lemon juice.
  • Place the resulting mass into the centers of the apples and place them in an oven preheated to 180°C for an hour.

There are many different diet options and each can affect people differently.

So, for example, one person is able to lose up to 10 kg of weight by following a certain diet, while another person’s weight loss is only 1-2 kg. First of all, such results depend on the fact that the human body reacts differently to dietary restrictions.

In some cases, by eating the same foods, one person can gain weight and another can lose weight, and all this is a consequence of genetics.

Diet or lifestyle?

You cannot expect that fat deposits will disappear immediately after eliminating inappropriate foods from your diet. For the most part, this is not about a diet that leads to weight loss, but about a method that promotes healthy weight loss.

It is necessary to take into account the amount of food consumed and its energy value. In addition, in order to prevent the “yo-yo” effect, it is advisable to adopt nutrition according to the first positive blood group as a way of life, i.e. comply with its principles for a long time (ideally, for life).

Principle of diet for blood group 1

The correct diet that people with the first blood group must follow is to exclude from the daily menu all foods that are harmful to the intestinal and stomach microflora. It is important to note that each blood group has its own characteristic list of permitted foods that ensure optimal metabolic rates. And accelerated metabolism, in turn, contributes to the activation of processes for the intensive breakdown of fat deposits.

Please note: But it is worth noting that the dietary diet should consist not only of meat dishes, but also of products of plant origin, ensuring the replenishment of the human body with useful vitamin complexes and mineral compounds, as well as improving the performance of the endocrine system of organs.

For all owners of the first group, an important advantage of this diet is the daily consumption of meat products, which consist of the following types of meat:

  • mutton;
  • chicken or turkey;
  • beef.

Pig meat is not recommended for people with blood group O, since it contains a large number of fat cells that have a negative effect on the human body. Prohibited foods include all dishes that contain wheat and oatmeal, which contribute to a negative effect on the human body.

Moreover, the diet must necessarily include foods such as legumes and buckwheat, which ensure the normalization of the digestive tract. The developed diet plan for each day of the week for those with the first blood group and a positive Rh factor can be used for people with a negative Rh factor, since the Rh value does not affect the diet.

Please note: An equally important aspect for people with the first blood group is not only a proper diet, but also an active lifestyle with physical exercise.

In the modern world, more than 32% of the total population of the country have the first GC. Dr. D'Adamo classifies the owners of the first group as the hunting type, since in ancient times such people were predominantly engaged only in meat production.

What do Rh+ owners “love” in their diet?

Main characteristics: meat eaters with stable digestion, overactive immunity. They do not adapt well to a new diet or environmental changes. They respond best to stress through physical activity; They need an efficient metabolism to stay lean and energetic.

P. D'Adamo considers this group to be the oldest and most original. Recommends a high-protein diet, plenty of movement, and vigorous activity. Seafood (including seaweed), red meat, cabbage, and spinach contribute to weight loss.

Rules of observance, prohibited and recommended foods

During the period of the emergence of 1 blood group, the diet consisted of animal meat, because hunting prevailed. Therefore, consumption of animal products and meat is suitable for this group. On the contrary, you should avoid grain products and milk. In particular, weight gain is caused by excessive consumption of gluten.

ProductsSuitablekcal/100 gNot suitableNeutralkcal/100 g
MeatBeef, lamb180-200Goose, porkChicken, duck, rabbit, turkey100
SeafoodMackerel, cod, herring90-160Catfish, smoked salmon, caviar, mussels, squidTuna, shellfish, oysters, lobster, carp, trout90-160
Dairy products, eggsCamembert, kefirButter, soy milk, goat cheese, tofu, mozzarella cheese, yogurt70-320
FatsWalnuts, pumpkin seeds, flaxseed and olive oil810Steam, cashew, poppy, pistachioSesame oil, pecans, almonds, chestnuts, sunflowers700-800
LegumesSpotted beans, peas35Lentils, blue beansGreen, red beans, bean pods, soybeans35-40
CerealsOatmeal, wheat flourBrown, wild rice, buckwheat, rice, rye flour50-90
Vegetables, mushroomsLeafy vegetables15Potatoes, cauliflower, mushroomsAsparagus, green onions, radishes25
FruitsFigs, plums30-50Blackberries, bananas, melon, tangerinesCoconut, strawberry35
SpicesTurmeric, carob, curry, cayenne pepper5Vanilla, white and black pepper, cinnamonCardamom, chili pepper, rosemary5

Drinking regime

As for liquids, you should avoid coffee, black tea, and juices with high sugar content. Vegetable juices, mineral water, tea with mint or rosehip are suitable. Beer and wine can be consumed (in moderation).

Products for the first blood group are Rh positive in the tables:

Nutrition according to blood group 1 negative: decoding of the food table

Meat is the basis of the diet of a person of the first blood group. For one meal you need no more than 170 g of product, according to Dr. D'Adamo. High acid levels in the blood make protein easier to digest, and the amount of protein in the diet increases with exercise. Fresh fruits and vegetables help balance the protein diet, preventing excess acidification in the body, which results in irritation of the gastric mucosa and the development of ulcers.

  • Healthy foods : beef, lamb, offal, veal, venison.
  • Neutral : chicken, duck, pheasant, quail, turkey, rabbit.
  • Prohibited : bacon, goose, pork.

Seafood is necessary for carriers of the first blood group because of vitamin K, which helps improve clotting. Iodine in their composition regulates the function of the thyroid gland. Therefore, the diet for blood type 1 negative should include more seafood than meat:

  • Useful to eat: hake, halibut, mackerel, perch, trout, salmon, sardine, sturgeon.
  • Neutral in composition: anchovy, shellfish, crabs, crayfish, herring, flounder, lobster, mussels, oysters, shrimp, squid.
  • Avoid: caviar, smoked salmon, octopus.

Dairy products and eggs are not recommended to be added to the diet of those with negative blood group, but soy milk and cheeses are acceptable. Neutral foods include feta cheese, goat's milk cheeses, and mozzarella. Strictly avoid cottage cheese, curdled milk, brie, gouda, soft cheeses, ice cream, and yoghurts.

Oils and fats are useful for people with blood type O, especially flaxseed and olive oil. You can use rapeseed and sesame seeds, take fish oil. Avoid corn, sunflower and peanut products.

Nuts and seeds are essential for the nervous system . Nut butters are more easily absorbed by the digestive tract of people with Rh negative than regular nuts. It is useful to eat pumpkin seeds and walnuts, sometimes allow yourself almonds and almond oil, hazelnuts, pecans, cedar, sesame seeds, tahini and sunflower seeds. Avoid Brazil nuts, cashews, peanuts (including butter), pistachios and poppy seeds.

Legumes and legumes. Moderating your bean intake is the best solution . The weakly acidic muscle tissue of people with a negative blood type is aimed at rapid fat burning, and legumes add alkaline lectins to the environment, slowing down the process. However, they strengthen the gastrointestinal tract and reduce acidity. You can consume black and variegated beans, and chickpeas, green peas, and beans in limited quantities. Avoid white beans, lentils, soy.

Cereals, due to their gluten content, are dangerous for people with negative blood group O, as they provoke weight gain. Lectins interfere with the absorption of nutrients and slow down metabolism. Therefore, all cereals are neutral (used no more than four times a week): barley, buckwheat, oatmeal, millet, rice bran. You will have to give up corn, muesli of all stripes, wheat bran and cereals.

Bakery products themselves are a poor choice for Rh negative because they are wheat-based. Genes are not able to cope with grains, so you should pay attention to gluten-free, rice and rye bread, crackers, and use soy flour. Products made from corn, pasta, and semolina are strictly not suitable.

Vegetables contain vitamin K, so herbs take the lead: dandelion greens, escarole lettuce, garlic, beet leaves and broccoli, artichokes, kale, kohlrabi, leeks, parsley, red peppers, pumpkin, spinach and seaweed. Sometimes you can eat beets, carrots, celery, endive, zucchini, cucumber, fennel, ginger, olives, iceberg lettuce, radishes, tomatoes and tofu. Avoid eggplants, white and red cabbage, mustard, olives, potatoes, and corn.

Fruits are a significant part of the diet for negative blood group 1, as they alkalize the blood. You can eat figs, plums and prunes first, then apricots, bananas, apples, currants, cherries, gooseberries, grapefruit, grapes, kiwi, mango, nectarine, pineapple, pomegranate, raisins, watermelons. It is forbidden to eat blackberries, coconut, melon, oranges, tangerines and drink juices based on them. To reduce acidity, you should drink pineapple, cherry and plum juices, and give up apple and orange.

Carob and cayenne pepper, turmeric are suitable as spices. But in cooking you can use almost everything except cinnamon, nutmeg, ground black pepper, vinegar and vanilla. You can dress salads with mustard, but avoid ketchup and mayonnaise.

It is useful to drink herbal teas based on mint and rose hips, and alkaline mineral water. It is better to remove coffee, sweet sodas and tea from the menu.

Features for children, elderly, pregnant women

At any age, the body has special nutritional requirements. Therefore, if parents who follow the principles of nutrition according to the first blood group switch a child who needs more protein to it, this will be wrong.

An incorrectly designed diet is dangerous for all groups of people. In particular, it is important for children and pregnant women to keep in mind that for the proper functioning of the body, both proteins and carbohydrates, fats, and sufficient energy are needed. Therefore, before starting to follow Dr. D'Adamo's regimen, it is recommended that you create a menu in collaboration with an expert.

P. D'Adamo's food regimen is theoretically suitable for everyone. But it is to be expected that weight loss can be an uncertain and very lengthy process.

Advantages and disadvantages

The blood type diet (1 positive) for weight loss has a number of disadvantages and advantages. In addition to triggering the processes of releasing fat cells from the subcutaneous layer, the technique allows you to restore metabolism and maintain muscle mass even with significant fat loss. You can eat not only permitted, but also neutral foods. This allows you to prepare a wide variety of dishes. The likelihood of a breakdown decreases due to the lack of hunger in the person losing weight.

The benefits include the ability to stick to the diet for 7, 14 or 28 days. The food is quickly digested and a person does not experience digestive problems.

The risk of developing constipation, diarrhea and other dyspeptic disorders is low. Possible disadvantages include contraindications and slow weight loss. A person must also exercise control over the number of servings consumed. It is necessary to purchase electronic scales in advance in order to be able to weigh the finished dish.

Facts and myths

There is a lot of available information, “guaranteed” advice on how to lose weight by consuming foods of 1 positive blood type. Often people adhere to them, follow them, believe that they are doing better for themselves. But it often happens the other way around: instead of getting closer to your dream figure, it causes harm to your health. How to navigate a large number of facts, half-truths and myths?

Any sweetness will disrupt the entire weight loss process, you will have to start all over again

A little quality chocolate or a glass of dry wine will not negate your efforts. But it is important not to indulge in sweets often.

Drinking white wine daily can help you lose weight

Drinking alcohol while losing weight is not recommended. If you really want to, drink a glass of dry wine followed by unsweetened, non-carbonated water to avoid dehydration.

Movement is the basis for success in losing weight

For weight loss, the most important thing is a thoughtful menu and a good selection of nutritional supplements. Another 30% of success is movement. The ideal option is daily 30-minute walks, taking the stairs instead of the elevator. Of course, this depends on your current state of health and physical capabilities.

Tips for improving results

You should consume less energy (this can be done by reducing fat in your diet). Eat lean meats that are cooked or baked without fat, never fried.

Red meat is allowed, but smoked meats are limited. On the other hand, meat can be a problem for a number of people, for example, athletes, vegetarians, vegans. It can be replaced with acceptable grains, legumes, and soy. In addition, it is advisable to use enzymes and other special additives containing amino acids and minerals, in particular iron and zinc.

Dairy products are not among the main products in the list of foods for blood group 1. But, again, limiting dairy products is a common problem for athletes involved in strength sports. It can be replaced with suitable nutritional supplements.

Sample menu for 1 day

An example of a one-day menu from which you can base your diet:

  1. Breakfast : whole grain rye bread + goat cheese + a few lettuce leaves.
  2. Afternoon snack No. 1 : fruit smoothie.
  3. Lunch : beef roast beef + millet + cucumber.
  4. Afternoon snack No. 2 : salad with Feta cheese.
  5. Dinner : fish + grilled vegetables.

Menu for the week: video recipes

The weekly menu is more extensive; you can combine it with food for a longer period. The menu is approximate, i.e. Products and dishes can be replaced and combined in different ways.

1 day:

  1. Breakfast: 2 slices of rye bread with butter + pear + mint tea.
  2. Lunch: veal + vegetable salad + mineral water.
  3. Afternoon snack: 100 g dried figs + apple + herbal tea.
  4. Dinner: chicken breast with curry.

Day 2:

  1. Breakfast: a piece of rye bread with apricot jam + herbal tea.
  2. Lunch: salad with asparagus + rye bread + mineral water or white wine.
  3. Afternoon snack: puffed rice + white yogurt.
  4. Dinner: fruit (pineapple + grapefruit).

Day 3:

  1. Breakfast: 2 slices of gluten-free bread + soft egg + apple + fruit tea.
  2. Lunch: beef steak + grilled vegetables.
  3. Afternoon snack: fruit salad.
  4. Dinner: vegetable salad with tuna.

Day 4:

  1. Breakfast: 2 slices of rye bread + apple + mint tea.
  2. Lunch: asparagus + rye bread + mineral water or white wine.
  3. Afternoon snack: vegetable salad.
  4. Dinner: chicken breast.

Day 5:

  1. Breakfast: 1 slice of rye bread + apricot jam + herbal tea.
  2. Lunch: veal, vegetable salad, mineral water.
  3. Snack: yogurt.
  4. Dinner: vegetable salad with tuna.

Day 6:

  1. Breakfast: 2 slices of gluten-free bread + egg + apple + herbal or fruit tea.
  2. Lunch: beef steak, vegetables.
  3. Afternoon snack: 100 g dried figs + pear + herbal tea.
  4. Dinner: fruit.

Day 7:

  1. Breakfast: 1 slice of rye bread + apple jam + herbal tea.
  2. Lunch: veal, vegetable salad, mineral water.
  3. Snack: yogurt.
  4. Dinner: fish + grilled vegetables.

Diet menu for a week for people with blood type O

Below is a table containing an approximate menu plan for 7 days for representatives with the first blood group, promoting weight loss and normalizing general well-being:

Days of the weekMealsMenu
MondayBreakfastTea without sugar, pineapple, after 3 hours you can drink 200 ml cherry juice.
DinnerFish soup
DinnerRye bread and a piece of liver
TuesdayBreakfastChamomile tea and plums, and as an afternoon snack 200 ml. pineapple juice
DinnerVegetable soup and chicken meat with buckwheat porridge
DinnerSteamed fish and seaweed salad
WednesdayBreakfastChamomile tea with pineapple
DinnerPotatoes with broth and boiled chicken 200 g, salad with cucumbers
DinnerFried zucchini with shrimp
ThursdayBreakfastA glass of milk and a banana, and raspberry tea for a snack
DinnerVegetable soup
DinnerCarrot salad and a piece of baked meat, hawthorn tea
FridayBreakfastTea and plums
DinnerPumpkin soup and boiled shrimp + fresh salad with tomatoes
DinnerBeetroot salad with baked fish
SaturdayBreakfastA piece of black bread, a glass of green tea, a boiled egg
DinnerVegetable soup
DinnerBoiled chicken meat with pineapple
SundayBreakfastFresh berries
DinnerVegetable salad with liver
DinnerTomato salad and chicken stew

Maintaining water balance remains a very important aspect, so it is recommended that, regardless of how many juices you drink and soups you eat throughout the day, you also drink at least 2 liters of clean water.

Such a diet for owners of the first GK will help get rid of extra pounds and restore good health. And if you diversify the diet with swimming, running or simple push-ups on the floor, the result will be much more effective by 2-3 times. Let's consider reviews from real users of this weight loss technique.

Price of food for a week

ProductsCost per week, rub.
Fish: cod, herring, mackerel500
Meat: lamb, beef, chicken600
Oils and fats400
Nuts and seeds200
Fruits: figs, apples, plums, strawberries, grapefruits300
Vegetables: leafy vegetables, asparagus300
Cereals and pasta200
Legumes: beans, peas100
Additional costs (eg spices)150

The cost of a weekly diet, subject to P. D'Adamo's scheme, does not in any way exceed the cost of regular food. Therefore, if you wish, you can adhere to it without fear of destroying the family budget.

Point of view

Reviews from people who have tried the diet for the first blood group are mostly positive. First of all, they indicate its effectiveness and balance.

The principle of nutrition is quite rational. Much healthier than various “miracle” pills.


This is my favorite diet. Along with providing the desired weight loss, it does not harm the body.


I have been following this diet plan for a year now. My health and sleep have improved significantly. In addition, I lost 3 kg in a few months.


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