How to eat and what foods to eat on a diet for the second negative blood group?

History of people with the second blood group

Naturopath Peter D'adamo characterizes the modern life of carriers of the second blood type as difficult . Their ancestors evolved in a struggle to survive as Africa's wild animal herds dwindled and hunting fell into the background. In Europe and Asia, they began to grow crops and began to form stable communities instead of hunting tribes. Their body was rebuilt and learned to obtain energy from carbohydrates, which is reflected in the structure of digestion:

  1. Low stomach acid levels.
  2. High levels of enzymes that break down disaccharides in the intestines.
  3. Low intestinal alkaline phosphatase levels.

All these factors make it difficult to digest and absorb animal proteins. By giving up meat and dairy products, people with blood type O will experience increased productivity, mental clarity, vitality and increased longevity.

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People with blood type II usually have low acidity. And in order to digest meat, you need increased acidity of gastric juice. The diet for this blood type states that in such people, meat slows down the metabolism and accumulates fat deposits. Following a diet will help you gain strength and health, because your immune system will not be impaired due to poor nutrition.

What you can use:

  • Chicken's meat;
  • Turkey meat;
  • Kefir;
  • Cottage cheese;
  • Ryazhenka;
  • Brynza;
  • Eggs;
  • Soy products;
  • Beans;
  • Pumpkin seeds;
  • Cranberry;
  • Spinach;
  • Lemons;
  • Blueberry;
  • Peas;
  • Pineapples.

Among drinks , it is best to give preference to juices, such as: pineapple, grapefruit, cherry, carrot (in moderation), celery juice. You can drink any tea, except black, and high-quality coffee. As for alcohol, a glass of red wine from time to time will not be superfluous.

Features of the diet for blood group 2 negative

When discussing nutrition for blood type 2 negative, Dr. D'Adamo does not always talk about losing weight, but considers food for health. By giving up meat, people of this genetic type will gain more energy because they will eliminate toxins from their diet. Nutrition Strategy : Clean, fresh and organic foods that will help strengthen the immune system, reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer and diabetes.

But a complete refusal of meat in harsh continental and temperate climates can lead to anemia, problems with the nervous system, and immunity disorders. Therefore, you should think hundreds of times before excluding an entire group of foods from your diet.


  • Summarizing the information about healthy and prohibited foods for the diet, as well as recommendations for physical activity, we can draw several conclusions:
  • Engage in sports that do not require much physical exertion
  • Drink more juices. A person with the second negative group is shown fruit juices like no other
  • Eat more fruits and vegetables. Your diet can easily be based on vegetarianism. In this case, by adding yoga classes and morning jogging, you will achieve maximum results.
  • Eat seafood. It is also recommended that you only use iodized salt
  • Although fish is good for you, it should be consumed in acceptable quantities. Moreover, salted fish is contraindicated for you

Why should you eat often?

The dynamic modern world brings a lot of stress. People with blood type O produce high levels of the hormone cortisol in response to anxiety. The rhythm of cortisol secretion depends on time: the peak occurs in the early morning between six and eight in the morning with a gradual decrease throughout the day.

The tendency for cortisol levels to increase is manifested by several symptoms :

  • sleep disorders;
  • loss of clarity of thinking;
  • high blood viscosity;
  • loss of muscle mass;
  • accumulation of fat.

With chronic stress, people with blood type O are prone to developing insulin resistance, hypothyroidism and obsessive-compulsive disorder. To balance cortisol levels, Dr. D'Adamo recommends :

  1. Limit your intake of sugar, caffeine and alcohol.
  2. Don't skip meals, especially breakfast.
  3. Eat often, but in small portions, to stabilize glucose levels.

Stress factors for this genotype are: crowded crowds, loud noises, negative emotions, smoking, strong odors, overeating sugar, overwork at work, violence in TV shows, lack of sleep, heat and cold.

Therefore, calming exercises are an essential component for the health and well-being of people with type II blood. To recover from stress, you need to do hatha yoga, tai chi, meditation and breathing practices. During strength training, you should avoid overtraining, which increases cortisol levels.

Basic recommendations for life:

  1. Develop creative talents.
  2. Stick to a strict daily routine.
  3. Go to bed no later than 23:00 , sleep eight hours or more. Don't lie in bed for a long time in the morning.
  4. Take twenty-minute breaks during the workday to relax.
  5. Don't skip meals. Eat more protein foods at the beginning of the day.
  6. Avoid eating during times of stress and irritability.
  7. Do 30 minutes of relaxation exercises three times a week.
  8. Eat small and often. Chew food thoroughly for better digestion.

What is the difference between the diet for the second negative blood group?

Nutrition is aimed at reducing:

  • animal fats;
  • heavy protein foods;
  • simple carbohydrates;
  • gluten and lactose.

Therefore, it is recommended to switch to a vegetarian diet without chemicals and components that irritate the gastrointestinal tract:

  1. Cereals and whole grains are a typical source of energy in the diet of people of the second negative blood group. Buckwheat, rice, soy, oats, rye are the best options. You can include barley, coarse grains, quinoa, couscous, and most herbs and spices in your diet, although red pepper and cayenne pepper are not recommended. It is worth giving up wheat flour, starch and semolina.
  2. It is recommended to avoid beef, pork, lamb and game, and only occasionally include chicken or turkey in the diet. Four times a week you should eat fish and seafood: salmon, rainbow trout, cod, perch, sardines or mackerel. Sea bass, swordfish, and herring are considered less healthy. Clams, catfish, halibut, mussels, oysters, shrimp and squid are not considered healthy foods.
  3. Prefer plant sources of protein: nuts, seeds and legumes. Dairy products slow down nutrient metabolism, but soy milk and cheeses are acceptable. Pumpkin seeds, peanuts and peanut butter, lentils, green beans and black, speckled and red soybeans are the best dietary choices for blood type O people. Green beans and peas, poppy seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, almonds and walnuts are recommended less. Cashews, pistachios and beans should be avoided - they slow down metabolic processes.
  4. The diet for blood type 2 negative is based on the consumption of vegetables, which must be eaten in the amount of 2-6 servings per day raw, 1-6 servings boiled and 3-4 servings of fruit. Focus primarily on spinach, broccoli, carrots, cherries, blackberries, blueberries, figs, grapefruit, pineapple, onions and garlic. The following foods are allowed: cabbage, salads, asparagus, beets, sea vegetables, zucchini, apples, grapes, strawberries and watermelons. Avoid bananas, hot or sweet peppers, potatoes, eggplants, tomatoes and oranges.

When eating meat, people with blood type O experience lethargy because their stomachs produce little acid to digest it. As a result, the toxic load increases. But consumption of tofu has a beneficial effect on insulin levels. Some fermented dairy products, such as yoghurt, kefir, sour cream and cottage cheese, are tolerated by the body as the proteins are broken down during the fermentation process.

Table: menu for the week

Below is a table with a sample menu for each day.

Day of the weekBreakfastDinnerAfternoon snackDinner
Mondaykefir and buckwheat porridgefish baked with vegetables, such as carpgrapefruitvegetable salad and soy meat cutlets
Tuesdayfruit salad from allowed fruitsvegetable stew and grilled mackerelsome low-fat cheesesalad with bell pepper and barley porridge
Wednesdayomelettecream of mushroom soup, for example with champignonsglass of pineapple juiceboiled beans with chicken breast
Thursdaymuesli and allowed fruitgreen borscht with lean meatdried fruitsrainbow trout baked with vegetables
Fridaycottage cheese with herbs and low-fat yogurtlow-fat turkey brothany nutsGrilled broccoli and sardine
Saturdaybuckwheat flour pancakes with jamsteamed spinach and codglass of kefirpilaf with mushrooms and carrot salad
Sundaycasserole with cottage cheesecream of mushroom soup with broccolipumpkin seedsstewed asparagus and pineapple

By following the included diet, people with blood type II can lose 2-3 extra pounds in a week. Longer adherence to this diet should definitely be discussed with a doctor, as there are contraindications for this. You can stick to the diet as much as possible for 2 months.

Rh negative factor and nutrition

The blood type diet, despite mixed reviews, is proving to work. The only problem is taking into account the negative Rh factor. This species belongs to the Basque biotype, inheriting the genes of ancient ancestors in the Pyrenees mountains between France and Spain. The descendants of hunter-gatherers were accustomed to eating meat, poultry, seafood, root vegetables, tubers, fruits and vegetables growing in Europe, nuts and seeds.

For example, peanuts, native to North America, had never grown in Europe before their discovery in the United States. It is not surprising that the majority of American descendants are Rh positive, and it is those with Rh negative who are prone to allergic reactions to peanuts. A study of biotypes showed an increased amount of immunoglobulin E in the blood of people with negative Rhesus. Therefore, they react to nuts, beans, eggs, meat, gluten, and nightshades.

Neutral products

The following list of products for the second blood group with negative Rh refers to the list of neutral ingredients. They are allowed to be consumed, but this must be done in fairly small quantities, since they do not provide any benefit. These include:

  • fruits - melon, kiwi, pears, persimmons, strawberries, pomegranates;
  • whole grain breads and pastries;
  • vegetables - radishes, zucchini, garlic, lettuce, cucumbers;
  • It is not recommended to eat a lot of nuts and seeds (so you should limit pumpkin seeds, almonds and peanuts).

Diet for blood type 2 negative for women

A negative Rh factor, regardless of blood type, is a risk for miscarriage and also a factor in infertility. In some cases, a chemical reaction occurs between antigens in the blood and food, so the immune system begins to produce antibodies to it. Numerous reactions can weaken the immune system, increase inflammation, and disrupt digestion and metabolic balance. They can also be a factor in infertility or miscarriage if the mother and father have opposite blood types or the woman is carrying a fetus with the opposite type. In this case, it is better to avoid foods that cause antibody-antigen reactions.

Women during menopause and PMS are especially prone to inflammation and stress, so a diet for blood type 2 negative will ease irritability, help regulate the cycle and easily endure menopause without hormone replacement therapy.

Is a blood type 2 negative diet necessary for men?

People with the second blood type have an increased incidence of thyroid, biliary tract and esophageal cancer, stroke (women only, not men). People of Asian descent are more susceptible to tuberculosis.

It is known that men are less likely to follow proper nutrition, smoke more, drink more, abuse fast food and are prone to stomach diseases, so they will somehow feel better if they give up unhealthy foods. The recommendations mostly relate to lifestyle and boil down to eating more fresh, unprocessed and healthy food.

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