Especially for your body: diet for 1 negative blood group - menu and food table

It is important to remember that the 1 negative blood type diet alone will not help you lose weight. After all, any dietary restriction should be accompanied by moderate physical activity.

Another important point that must be taken into account when choosing a menu: people with blood group O are more likely to suffer from inflammatory processes and increased stomach acidity. Their distinguishing feature is active metabolism, so you don’t have to limit yourself too strictly.

Following such a diet will help reduce the risk of developing joint diseases, endocrine pathologies, liver and stomach diseases. In addition, eating according to your blood type means eating only those foods that are best absorbed by the body.

Attention! You need to switch to dietary nutrition gradually, eliminating harmful foods from your diet one by one.

Features of the body

The first group is considered the most ancient blood, from which all the others eventually descended. Those with such blood are usually called “hunters”, due to the fact that in primitive times, people only knew how to hunt and ate exclusively meat. The diet for 0(I)Rh- (first negative) is built on this principle.

People with this blood are distinguished by self-sufficiency and strong character. They have a very strong immune system and digestive tract, but an increased tendency to allergic reactions. In addition, it is very difficult for them to adapt to a change in diet and abandonment of their usual lifestyle.

Third blood group

20% of the planet's inhabitants who are lucky enough to be born with a third blood type are, by D'Adamo's definition, omnivores. This group appeared later than the first and second, during times of migration, and knows how to adapt to the situation. The ancient “nomads” ate what was at hand at the moment, and as a result of evolution they developed resistance to the harmful effects of any food.

The menu for this group is varied and rich in various products. Must be included:

  • meat and fish as sources of protein, in addition, fatty sea fish contains a large amount of valuable fatty acids;
  • eggs;
  • dairy products;
  • cereals and cereals;
  • vegetables and fruits.

Buckwheat and wheat cereals are not recommended; vegetables include corn and tomatoes, melons and watermelons. A negative effect will come from eating fatty pork, chicken, seafood, and olives. Alcohol is harmful to health.

Those in the third group can eat almost anything.

Overall, the system suggests that nomads are prone to autoimmune diseases. It is easy for them to lose weight, and following the principles of the diet will improve health and improve metabolism.

Why limit yourself to food at all?

Everyone wants to lose weight and look slim and fit, but not everyone knows how to do it correctly. There are a huge number of diets that are used not only for excess weight, but also for some chronic and acute diseases.

With the help of a special diet, you can not only get rid of extra pounds, but also strengthen your immune system and improve your overall well-being. The main condition is to give up sweets, flour and fast food. And the key to good health will be regular consumption of clean water (at least 1.5 liters per day).

The blood type diet is a test for suggestibility

— Please tell us how this problem became relevant to you?

— It is impossible to live in society and be free from society. Many of my friends turn to me for advice related to general medical practice. They also ask about blood type diets.

When this reached a certain critical level, I realized that I was ready to tell the public about it myself in order to close this issue forever.

“So at least it’s not so harmful that you’d be interested in it as a forensic scientist.”

— If a person can suffer from a blood type diet, it is mainly financially . For some this may be significant, but for others it’s just a little fun: you fasted according to one system, lost weight according to another, why not try according to your blood type?

By and large, the blood type diet is a test of suggestibility. There are people who claim that they lost weight this way, but this is exactly the kind of person that any diet would help if they believed in nutritional gurus.

You can lose weight by taking a tablespoon of water a day. The placebo effect has not been canceled.

As for this diet, it came to us from America. It was developed by two doctors, naturopathic doctors, father and son James D'Adamo and Peter D'Adamo. I will immediately make a reservation that such a medical specialty as a “naturopathic doctor” does not exist in our country.

Menu options

The diet menu for 1 negative blood group is quite extensive. You can prepare many different tasty and healthy dishes from permitted products. Let's consider 3 diet options.


  • For breakfast, it is advisable to eat a couple of apples and drink a glass of unsweetened tea, and a few hours later - a glass of fresh juice.
  • For lunch you can eat 200 g of boiled meat and vegetable soup with chicken.
  • For an afternoon snack - a herbal decoction, and in the evening - 200 g of baked fish, seaweed and compote.
  • Drink a glass of tea at night.


  • For breakfast, a boiled egg, beet salad and a piece of dry rye bread with tea.
  • Drink juice a little later.
  • For lunch, include vegetarian soup and some fried meat, stewed vegetables, cucumber salad and bread.
  • After lunch, it is recommended to drink a glass of juice.
  • For dinner, eat 100 g of shrimp with fried zucchini.


  • For breakfast, any fruit and juice.
  • Then you can drink a herbal decoction.
  • For lunch, eat fried liver with any porridge, a slice of bread and tomato salad.
  • For afternoon tea - tea.
  • In the evening - some squid and buckwheat.

Diet for people with blood group 3

More than 20% of people are carriers of blood group 3. The author associates its appearance with the period of development of the territories and calls this group “nomads.”

Features of the body:

  • the immune system is strong;
  • ability to quickly adapt;
  • strong central nervous system;
  • Malnutrition leads to the appearance of autoimmune processes.


  • meat should be in the diet 3 times a week;
  • eating fatty fish is the main source of essential fat;
  • you can eat in any portion;
  • the daily diet should include dairy and fermented milk products;
  • add spices to dishes that activate the production of gastric juice (parsley, ginger).

Rules and diet

People following this diet should not limit themselves in the frequency of meals. Also, do not give up eating meat, it is quickly absorbed.

Diet: 3-4 full meals and snacks. Nutrition should be balanced and correct.

Permitted and prohibited products

Authorized ProductsProhibited Products
Rabbit, lamb, chicken, beef, venison, eggs.Bacon, pork and lard, duck and goose, any types of sausages, offal.
Mackerel, salmon, cod, carp, pike perch, hake, pike.Seafood (shrimp, mussels), crustaceans, eel.
All dairy and fermented milk products.Ice cream, processed cheese.
Bakery products made from wheat, oat and rice flour.Rye and corn flour.
Rice, oats, millet, cereals and legumes.Lentils, corn.
Bananas, plums, pears, pineapple, grapes, cranberries.Avocado, persimmon, melon, pomegranate, olives.
Pepper, cabbage, beets, carrots.Potatoes, radishes, tomatoes, pumpkin.
Green tea, herbal infusions, pineapple and grape juice.Tomato juice.
Olive oil.Sunflower and coconut oil.

Sample menu for the week

1st day

  • Breakfast: green tea with lemon balm, oatmeal cookies.
  • Lunch: chicken chop and baked eggplant.
  • Dinner: boiled hake with salad of avocado, cheese, lettuce.

2nd day

  • Breakfast: a couple of crispbreads, mint tea.
  • Lunch: vinaigrette, steamed rabbit meat.
  • Dinner: Greek salad, pike baked in the oven.

3rd day

  • Breakfast: oatmeal with yogurt, pineapple juice.
  • Lunch: milk rice porridge, mint tea.
  • Dinner: baked pike perch, red pepper, cucumber and tomato salad.

4th day

  • Breakfast: oatmeal with milk, banana.
  • Lunch: noodle soup with chicken broth, Chinese cabbage and cucumber salad.
  • Dinner: baked pike perch, white cabbage salad with sour cream.


  • Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs, bread, grape juice.
  • Lunch: veal stewed with vegetables, banana.
  • Dinner: boiled trout, vinaigrette.

6th day

  • Breakfast: scrambled eggs, yogurt, apple.
  • Lunch: rice soup, rice cakes, grapes.
  • Dinner: Brown rice with steamed vegetables (broccoli, eggplant and bell peppers).

Day 7:

  • Breakfast: cheesecakes with cranberry syrup, orange juice.
  • Lunch: soup with meatballs, a sandwich of wheat bread and processed cheese.
  • Dinner: grilled vegetables and steamed hake.

Who is suitable and not suitable

A diet for 1 negative blood type should be followed by people who are prone to overeating, are obese, and do not move much. This is a good reason to change your eating habits, cleanse your body of toxins and improve your well-being.

Contraindications to such nutrition are:

  1. pregnancy and lactation;
  2. any infectious or viral diseases;
  3. diabetes;
  4. blood diseases;
  5. chronic pathologies of internal organs.

In any case, before following any diet, you must be examined by a doctor. And only after making sure that there are no direct contraindications can you switch to a dietary diet.

Diet menu for 1 negative blood group

We figured out the main useful products. Now let's move on to recipes that will be useful for 1 negative blood group.

Carrot puree.

To prepare carrot puree we will need:

  • Carrot. 200 grams
  • Milk. 50 grams
  • Flour. 1 tablespoon
  • Butter. 2 tablespoons
  • Salt
  • Sugar

Peel and boil the carrots until tender. Next, grind it in a blender. Mix flour with butter and add to carrots. Next add milk, salt and sugar. Place the resulting mixture on the fire and, stirring, cook until it boils.

Fish soup.

To prepare we will need:

  • Fish. 0.5 kilograms
  • Bulb onions. 1 piece
  • Green onion. Taste
  • Red pepper. 10-20 grams.

Clean the fish and separate it from the bones. Remove fish heads from eyes and gills. Make broth from the heads and fins. Cooking time is about 40 minutes. Add the red pepper and then the onion to the broth and cook until it is softened. Then strain the broth and add the fish cut into small pieces. Cook the broth for another 10 minutes. Add the green onions and cook for a couple more minutes.

What you can and cannot eat

An important aspect of the diet is the need for high protein intake. Any alcohol, coffee and strong tea, and baked goods made from wheat flour are completely excluded from the menu.

Below is a table of allowed, prohibited and neutral foods for the diet for 1 negative blood group.

Any meat and offal (except pork)Chicken, rabbit, eggsLard, pork
Sea fish and seafoodRiver fish, tuna, flounderCaviar, any salted or smoked fish
Soy milk, beansGoat cheese, cottage cheeseMilk, soft cheeses, kefir, sour cream
Rye bread (with and without bran)Bread (especially white), pasta, baked goods
RiceBuckwheat, pearl barleyOatmeal, wheat porridge
Broccoli, spinach, pumpkin, onion, turnip, parsleyCucumbers, bell peppers, tomatoes, beets, zucchini, carrots, dill, radishes, celeryAny cabbage, potatoes, corn, olives
Olive oilButter, sunflower oilSoybean and corn oil
Walnuts and dried fruitsAlmonds, hazelnutsPistachios, peanuts
Plums and applesCherry, banana and grapesCitrus fruits, strawberries, melon
Honey and chocolateSugar
Hot peppersCumin, horseradish, fennelVanilla and cinnamon
Pineapple, cherry juiceGreen teaApple and orange juice, alcohol, coffee, soda.

This diet will restore your metabolism and help you lose weight quickly. Dairy products are not on the permitted list, but if you really want to, you can afford a glass of low-fat kefir 1-2 times a week. Everything else is prohibited.

Neutral ones will not cause much harm to the body, but you will still have to limit their use, especially at the beginning of the diet. When the desired weight is reached, neutral foods can be gradually introduced into the diet.

First blood group

33% of people belong to the first blood group. According to D'Adamo and his predecessors, these are the descendants of hunters, leaders and providers. Their diet must include:

  • meat, preferably red, preferably beef and lamb;
  • offal: liver and kidneys;
  • fatty sea fish: salmon, sardines, halibut;
  • river fish: sturgeon, pike, perch;
  • seafood: mussels, oysters;
  • from vegetables, berries and fruits - broccoli, lettuce, figs, prunes.

From time to time it is worth adding seaweed, sprouted grains, and olive oil to the menu. The main rule is to provide the body with a sufficient amount of protein and microelements that help absorb it. For drinks, you should choose mint tea and rosehip infusion.

Meat is the basis of the diet of the first blood group.

“Hunters” with the first blood group tend to quickly gain weight due to a slow metabolism, which is aggravated if they abuse non-recommended foods. D'Adamo includes gluten products as such, especially baked goods, milk, cottage cheese, yoghurts, and kefir. The presence of corn, beans, lentils, and cauliflower in the menu has a negative effect.

People in this group should avoid excessive amounts of salt and apple juices. In general, the authors of the diet believe that “hunters” have good digestion and good health. But at the same time, they must adhere to a conservative line in eating behavior and try everything new with caution. Active physical activity is the key to health and well-being for this category.

Benefits and harms

The undoubted benefit of such a diet will be not only weight loss, but also the enrichment of the body with iron and protein. This will significantly improve your well-being, improve metabolic processes and strengthen your immune system.

As a rule, such nutrition does not have any harmful effects (provided that the person is absolutely healthy). But a significant drawback is the limited range of permitted products and an impressive list of prohibited ones. But they also contain many useful substances necessary for the proper functioning of the body.

To avoid the development of vitamin deficiency, it is important to ensure that the diet contains a sufficient amount of useful substances. Another drawback is that it is difficult to get used to the diet, but the result is worth it.

Product table

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the table below.


Group 1 is the most common and at the same time the oldest. It is believed that all people who appeared on Earth initially possessed it. There were no other groups then. Ancient people obtained their food mainly by hunting, and the owners of group 1 inherited a love of meat food.

A meat diet and limited consumption of cereals and vegetables have a positive effect on representatives of the first group today. Certain foods cleanse the body of toxins that have become attached to fatty tissues and enrich the body with necessary substances.

People with group 1 are active and purposeful, prefer intense physical activity. They are the winners. The basis of their nutritional system should be protein. With a balanced diet, these people quickly achieve their goals, but imbalance is fraught with inflammation.

To restore health and lose weight, it is recommended that representatives of “hunters” include in their diet:

  1. Artichokes, kale, spinach and broccoli. They regulate the digestive process and help improve metabolism.
  2. Red meat and liver. Eat beef, lamb, veal and lamb. They have a lot of iron, they are rich in vitamin B12 and protein, which normalize metabolism.
  3. Seafood and some freshwater fish. Give preference to salmon fish, mackerel, sturgeon, perch, cod, pike, anchovies, mussels, oysters, and shrimp. Love seaweed. Fish oil can improve blood clotting and help digest protein.
  4. Foods high in iodine. The same seaweed and seaweed, iodized salt, herbs and green vegetables will make up for the lack of iodine in the hunter’s body.
  5. Oils. Olive and flaxseed oils are most optimal for people of blood type 1. The rest are poorly absorbed.
  6. Beverages. Green tea and juices from pineapple, prunes, and plums are best absorbed. And to calm your nerves, you can drink a decoction of ginger, tea with rose hips, mint or linden.

In addition to this list of products, nuts (especially walnuts, 2-5 nuts daily), figs, and prunes are also useful for “hunters.” They replenish the body with microelements. And bread baked from sprouted seeds contains very little gluten, which is harmful for people with group “O”.

People with blood type 1 have good digestive and immune systems. Their problems are mainly related to a reduced metabolic rate.


If we talk about harmful foods in relation to nutrition according to blood type, then harm here does not mean dangerous. They are simply undesirable for the first group due to the structural features of the body’s cells.

An excess of these foods in the diet can cause diseases:

  • thyroid gland,
  • arthritis;
  • various allergies;
  • tendency to stroke, etc.

Junk foods can slow down your metabolism, which can lead to weight gain, so these foods can easily be put on your “black list.” It will include:

  1. Products high in gluten (gluten). They are made from grains such as wheat, rye, barley, and oats. Gluten helps slow down metabolic processes in the body.
  2. Foods that reduce the intensity of insulin action. These include corn, beans, beans, and lentils. As the intensity of insulin activity decreases, the metabolic rate also decreases.
  3. Vegetables that provoke hypothyroidism : cauliflower, white cabbage and Brussels sprouts. Vegetables of the nightshade family (potatoes, eggplants). They are dangerous because they reduce the function of the thyroid gland.
  4. Sour fruits. But pineapple, figs, plums or figs should not be neglected.
  5. High fat dairy products. Do not get carried away with butter, cheese, cream, cottage cheese and others. It is better to prefer low-fat fermented milk or soy substitutes. Dairy products are poorly digestible, but serve as a source of calcium.

However, you should not completely exclude all of these foods from your diet. You just need to minimize their consumption.

People with blood group 1 are 3 times more likely than others to have stomach ulcers.


Moderation has always been welcomed in any area of ​​life. Nutrition is no exception. In order for a representative of blood group 1 to feel comfortable, he requires not only meat and figs, but also other foods rich in vitamins and minerals. They complement and diversify the diet, and if consumed in small quantities, do not cause harm to the body. Among these foods, hunters should sometimes eat:

  1. Seafood : crustaceans, eel, flounder.
  2. Oil : from sunflower.
  3. Cereals : occasionally rice or buckwheat.
  4. Nuts and seeds : add chestnuts, almonds, sesame seeds, and hazelnuts to your food.
  5. Vegetables : dilute the diet with tomatoes, cucumbers, asparagus, olives, pumpkin dishes, radishes, dill.
  6. Fruits : do not forget about persimmons, raspberries, lemons, peaches, currants, cranberries, cherries, pears, bananas, watermelon.
  7. Drinks : fruit juices. Alcoholic drinks include red and white wine.
  8. Spices : add mint, bay leaf, marjoram, cloves, anise, bergamot, paprika, table salt, coriander to food in small quantities.


In general, people characterize this diet as an effective way to lose weight. Negative reviews are extremely rare, and this is only due to the fact that people who have direct contraindications (chronic diseases, diabetes, etc.) tried to follow such a diet.

Elena, 30 years old: “I tried to lose weight for a long time, tried a huge number of diets, but nothing worked. A friend advised me to try the blood diet (my first negative one). I was very pleased. The weight is gone, and I feel great.”

Irina, 25 years old: “The blood diet is what you need to lose weight. After all, it is the characteristics of each specific organism that are taken into account here. Now I always try to adhere to these rules, and I practically don’t consume harmful foods.”

Blood diets: do they work or not?

Nutrition systems, one way or another tied to blood, can be different: from a diet based on blood type to an individual diet based on a special analysis. Do they have any real meaning or did their authors just successfully catch the wave?

DECONSTRUCTION OF EVOLUTION Peter D'Adamo, an American naturopathic nutritionist, based his system on the idea that the 4 blood types emerged at different stages of human existence - they arose as a result of mutations as people populated the Earth and adapted to new foods. The food that the most ancient carriers of our blood type ate will be well digested. Here is the classification he proposed.

• First of all, of course, the first blood group (0) arose. Its bearers were primitive hunters. Therefore, even now, for those with blood type “0”, meat food is best suited, and they should exclude dairy products. • The second blood group (A) supposedly appeared in the Middle East along with the emergence of agriculture. Its carriers are “farmers”, so they need to be vegetarians and exclude milk and meat. • People with the third group (B) are “nomads”. It is better for them to give up most grains and focus on dairy products. • Representatives of the fourth group (AB) are “new people”. They mixed from different types during the era of the great migration of peoples. “New people” can combine foods recommended for other blood groups, but at the same time, they have the most sensitive stomachs and intestines.

If you analyze this theory from a scientific point of view, it immediately begins to crumble. “The central thesis about the emergence of human blood groups at various stages of his social (not even biological!) evolution is no longer correct,” explains anthropologist Andrei Kozlov. – Blood groups began to appear not 60 thousand years ago, as D’Adamo assures, but much earlier. They are present even in great apes. This one fact breaks the whole system.” HUNTERS AND FARMERS? There are other facts in the arsenal of geneticists that contradict such a “theory of evolution.” So, almost all American Indians have the first blood type. According to D'Adamo, this is a "hunting" group. Indeed, there are many hunters among the Indians, but not all of them. “The first blood group did not prevent the development of the most ancient agricultural civilizations in Central America - from California in the north to the Incas in the south,” comments population genetics specialist Oleg Balanovsky. If the Mayans, Aztecs and Incas, their supposedly “hunting” blood type did not interfere with the excellent absorption of plant foods, then why should it interfere with you and me? But among the indigenous population of Australia, the second, “agricultural” blood group is often found. “And this once again proves that this gene could not be associated with agriculture,” Oleg Balanovsky offers an additional argument. – Australia was inhabited 30–60 thousand years ago, and people “invented” agriculture much later – about 9 thousand years ago. The indigenous population of Australia did not know him, including carriers of the second blood group.”

THE WRONG GENE “The blood type is encoded by only one of tens of thousands of human genes,” notes Oleg Balanovsky. – It is not clear why suddenly this one gene should be assigned such an important role - determining optimal food products. In fact, every characteristic of an organism (including individual reactions to different foods) is determined by the combined action of dozens of genes.” Meanwhile, there are genes that are really important from a nutritional point of view. For example, the one that encodes lactase, an enzyme that breaks down milk sugar. If it is deficient, a person cannot digest whole milk. And here an interesting detail becomes clear. “Considering that the third blood group (B) is characteristic of nomadic pastoralists, D’Adamo recommends that its carriers drink milk more often,” notes Andrei Kozlov. – Meanwhile, deficiency of the lactase enzyme is a genetic trait characteristic of Mongoloids, among whom the third (B) blood group is most common. That is, D’Adamo’s advice is categorically not suitable for them.” DIETOLOGY AS ASTROLOGY Despite the obvious unscientific nature, there is nothing wrong with a diet based on blood types. If you follow D'Adamo's advice, you may even achieve some positive results. After all, the American doctor does not recommend eating fatty or fried foods, overeating on desserts or fast food, or consuming foods with artificial colors, flavors and flavorings for any of the blood groups. On the contrary, it is recommended to choose natural products and use gentle cooking methods. The blood type diet, like any other, requires a more attentive attitude to food and a conscious choice of foods. This alone may be enough to normalize weight and solve minor digestive problems. Not to mention that no one has canceled the placebo effect. Psychologists know: the more effort we put into working on ourselves, the greater our chances of achieving success. “D’Adamo’s advice is most reminiscent of harmless astrological forecasts,” notes Andrei Kozlov. - “Don’t engage in casual sexual relations this coming Tuesday” - of course, don’t, and on other days too. So, if you like, you can eat according to your blood type. Just don’t take this seriously.” WHAT ELSE DOES BLOOD TELL? Another approach with which “blood nutrition” is now associated is the identification of individual food intolerances using a blood test. Indeed, hidden allergies and food intolerances can seriously affect your health. These are erroneous reactions of the immune system to food products, when the latter are perceived as enemies. Unlike a regular allergic reaction, which is noticeable immediately after consuming a product, a hidden allergy is a real time bomb. It can provoke other diseases, including weight problems, gastrointestinal disorders, and chronic skin diseases. Normally, no immune reaction to foods should occur. During the digestion process, proteins from food must be completely broken down into amino acids, and these individual amino acids enter the blood. However, if the fermentation processes are disrupted, for example, there is chronic inflammation, then the intestinal walls become permeable and do not perform their protective functions. It is then that undigested food fragments – the so-called immunogenic proteins and macromolecules – enter the bloodstream. When this mechanism became clear, the idea was born to evaluate the reactions of the body's immune system to specific foods. The doctor takes a blood sample and studies the reaction to specially prepared product extracts. There are several methods.

* One system looks at ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate). Today this system is considered the most controversial: no one has yet proven the connection between erythrocyte sedimentation rate and allergic reactions. * Using another method, called chemiluminescence, the glow of neutrophil blood cells is studied (this is a type of leukocyte, they are responsible for phagocytosis - the capture and destruction of pathogens of infectious diseases and cellular “garbage”). * Finally, the third method is the most recognized; it measures the allergic reaction itself - the amount of antibodies in the blood, IgG4 and IgE immunoglobulins. But there are skeptics here too: many doctors argue that even the presence of antibodies does not mean intolerance or harmfulness of the product. Of course, tests for food intolerance have a much greater evidence base than a blood type diet. And yet they cannot be called accurate. The fact is that the reaction of the product and blood in a test tube may not coincide with what happens between them in the natural conditions of our body. Therefore, such tests cannot be treated as the ultimate truth. IS THE TRUTH IN THE GENES? The trend that commercial clinics have gotten right is that personalized, individualized medicine is definitely the future. It will be (and is already beginning to be) based precisely on the test results. And it doesn’t necessarily have to be blood. New branches of genetics that study the relationship between genes and nutrition - nutrigenetics and nutrigenomics - have enormous prospects. For genetic tests, not only blood from a vein is suitable, but also a sample of buccal epithelium (scraping from the inside of the cheek) or saliva. This is not important: every cell in our body carries identical genetic information. To build an individual diet, the laboratory analyzes more than 60 genes that control the main links in the metabolism of various food components, endocrine and enzymatic activity. It is on the basis of nutrigenome analysis that it is possible to determine which foods are beneficial and harmful to each of us at the genetic level. “The analysis reveals individual intolerance to certain foods and makes it possible, using food components, to influence the activity of certain genes for the prevention and prevention of hereditary diseases, as well as the treatment of chronic diseases. It is impossible to change the genome, but food components can either make genes more active or “turn them off,” says Vladislav Baranov.

It is important not only to get a decoding of your genome - for those who do not understand genetics, it still looks like a secret code. The results of the study will only be useful together with the interpretation and specific recommendations of the doctor. Therefore, it is very important to choose a laboratory and a competent specialist. If the doctor simply reports that the analysis shows, for example, a high risk of diabetes, such information is unlikely to make you happy (and someone would prefer not to know this at all and live in peace). But if the doctor explains that this is only a potential danger that can be avoided by following certain dietary and lifestyle recommendations, the person will be able to make his life long and healthy. Some laboratories are already offering nutrigenomic analysis. In the near future, it will cease to be exotic at all.

“HEALTH” CONCLUSIONS 1. The blood type diet belongs to the realm of science fiction. Eating according to a “blood map” is about the same as trusting astrological forecasts: not harmful, but not beneficial either. 2. Identifying individual food intolerances using a blood test is a more reasonable approach. But the blood reaction to a food extract in the laboratory may not coincide with what happens between them in the natural conditions of our body. 3.Today, the greatest hopes are placed on the analysis of the nutrigenome. It is the study of genes that most reliably shows which foods are beneficial and harmful to each of us.

Author: Daria Rybina Published: April 5, 2021

Tips and tricks

In order not to harm your health, you should not suddenly give up harmful foods. You need to gradually switch to eating only approved foods. When the desired weight is reached, you should not immediately pounce on flour and sweets, otherwise all your efforts to lose weight will be in vain. It is optimal to adhere to this diet constantly. You can make some concessions, but very rarely and little by little. Then your health will be fine, and the weight will not come back.


Before using any diet, it would be useful to undergo an examination with a doctor and consult with him about the advisability of such a diet. Do not take dietary restrictions to the point of absurdity. You can eat all permitted foods and neutral ones with restrictions.

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