Diet and training Jennifer Aniston - the secrets of the actress

Jennifer Aniston has an excellent figure, despite her no longer young age. Want to know her secret? Read about Jennifer Aniston's diet in our article!

Jennifer Aniston's training and diet secrets have not left any girl indifferent for several generations. We'll tell you what techniques help the star of the television series "Friends", adored by millions of fans, stay in great shape.

Jennifer Aniston gained her popularity precisely thanks to this project, and therefore today, seeing the famous actress, many immediately remember Rachel Green. And this despite the fact that more than a dozen years have passed and Jennifer has long become much older than her heroine - she is now almost 50 years old.

Agree, looking at a star, it is impossible to name its exact age. The maximum you can give her is 40. And this is indisputable proof that Jennifer Aniston knows the secret that allows her to always stay in shape.

Jennifer Aniston Diet

The actress admits that the key to her good figure is diet. She did not invent anything new, but only used one of the existing systems called No White Food Diet.

The most interesting thing is that this nutrition system gained popularity precisely thanks to the star of the television series “Friends” and became known as the Jennifer Aniston diet.

What is the essence of Aniston's diet?

It consists of giving up harmful white foods. These include all flour, sugar, white rice, pasta, potatoes and, in general, all products made from premium and first-grade flour.

At the same time, it is not prohibited to eat healthy foods of the same color, for example, lean fish, dietary chicken, milk, kefir (naturally, low in fat), cabbage and onions.

The essence of the diet is to saturate the body with simple carbohydrates. As a result, blood sugar levels are normalized, and fiber from vegetables (which Jennifer eats in large quantities) promotes good digestion and maintains a feeling of fullness for a long time.

If you are a lover of sweets and starchy foods, switching to Jennifer Aniston's diet will not be easy. And in this case, the replacement principle is perfect for you.

Let's take a closer look at the star's diet together with guru Denis Semenikhin.

The principle of replacement in Jennifer Aniston's diet

Jennifer Aniston's diet contains no foods that are harmful to her figure. But not for the reason that she eliminated their species completely, but because she replaced them with harmless analogues. So instead of white rice, she uses brown rice, and cane sugar has replaced standard sugar.

You can use this idea too. It's much easier to eat sweet potatoes instead of potatoes and noodles instead of pasta than it is to just munch on vegetables and fruits all day.

  • Firstly, the feeling of hunger if you completely give up certain foods will become almost uncontrollable, which means that at any moment there will be a risk that you will break down.
  • And, secondly, an unaccustomed body may begin to resist, especially the stomach.

Nutrition rules during Aniston's diet

Speaking about the diet of the famous actress, we can draw the following conclusions.

You can and should eat:

Vegetables, fruits and berries, whole grain bread, wild and brown rice, buckwheat, lentils, dietary meat and fish - chicken, turkey, halibut, etc., nuts and honey.

The enemies of diet and a beautiful figure are:

Sugar and all confectionery products, yoghurts and ice cream, of course, fast food, pasta and potatoes, cheese and butter, sweet soda.

The “right” foods should be eaten at least three times a day. Ideally, according to the star, you need to eat 5 times: three meals should be the main ones, and two should be secondary.

Who is Aniston and what is the essence of her diet?

Many people probably remember the always young and fit beauty from the movie “Friends”. It is by looking at her slim figure that many women want to know the secret of her weight loss.

Jennifer herself claims that she doesn’t have any special problems with her figure; in order to keep her figure normal, she resorts to simple rules.

She also claims that she was never involved in building nutrition systems or diets; simply, women, with the help of journalists, brought all of Aniston’s recommendations into a single system and named her after her.

The essence of this diet is fully consistent with the rules of rational nutrition. If you add sports to the menu, the results will not take long to appear and soon the hated folds at the waist will dissolve.

Moreover, it is not necessary to spend 3 hours in the gym; it is enough to regularly perform simple exercises on problem areas of the body. The key to a good result is regularity.

The actress herself admits her unhealthy gastronomic cravings for fast food and sweet soda. Sometimes, she admits that there is nothing better than a chilled glass of cola.

In such situations, Jennifer allows her weakness to take over her, but the very next day the actress will eat healthy and wholesome food.


The essence of the actress’s diet is as follows:

  • you need to eat often and in small portions;
  • drink enough clean water;
  • completely eliminate some white foods (sugar, flour, rice, dairy products).

Interesting! This diet can also be found online under the name “No white food!” The authorship of this weight loss technique is unknown, but it was Aniston who made it popular when she said in an interview that this diet helps not only to quickly lose a couple of extra pounds, but also reduces the need for sleep.

This fact can be explained by the fact that the body does not expend energy on digesting high-calorie foods and all organs, including the gastrointestinal tract, rest at night. Therefore, in the morning the body is rested, the mood is good, and the skin glows with health.

Advantages of the diet

As you know, in any diet, what is valued is how quickly it starts to work and how effective the result is. But at the same time, everyone knows that weight in the process of losing weight must go away gradually - otherwise it will return along with other kilograms.

Jennifer Aniston's diet is a great way to gradually get rid of those extra pounds... forever. In the first couple of weeks, 2-3 kilograms are lost. And although the figure is not so impressive, the result is amazing - swelling subsides, and the skin is tightened and smoothed.

On average, 4 kilograms are lost per month of the diet. At the same time, you don’t need to exhaust yourself with hunger and be exhausted from a lack of vitamins for weight loss and energy. And most importantly, you can follow the nutrition rules until you achieve the desired result.

Disadvantages of baby food diet

Before mindlessly following the examples of Hollywood celebrities, you need to consult a nutritionist. The technique has the following disadvantages:

  1. It is considered quite strict, therefore it is contraindicated for people suffering from anemia, hypertension and diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  2. Due to the limited caloric content and nutritional value, this method of losing weight is not recommended for people with increased physical and mental activity. You should not exercise while dieting.
  3. You can't follow Jennifer Aniston's baby food diet for very long. The optimal period is a week. It will be possible to repeat the scheme in six months.
  4. The taste of the dishes leaves much to be desired, since neither sugar nor salt are added to them.
  5. Baby food does not contain coarse fiber, which can cause constipation for an adult.
  6. This diet is poor in proteins, so the body may lack some amino acids.
  7. Since food does not need to be chewed, there will be virtually no feeling of satiety.
  8. The products are relatively expensive.

Important! This diet is considered by some to be the most dangerous methods of losing weight, since the lack of the need to chew food has a bad effect on the functioning of the jaw apparatus and digestive tract.

Diet and training

Jennifer has made healthy eating part of her lifestyle. However, she understands perfectly well that the key to beauty is not only diet, but also training.

The star plays sports 6 times a week, and she does this strictly following the regime. The actress is sure that missing at least one workout will lead to changes in her figure, naturally, not for the better.

Aniston's workouts

Aniston does both strength and cardio training. Of the latter, she prefers exercise on an exercise bike. In addition, she is often seen riding a regular bicycle. When it comes to strength exercises, Jennifer chooses those that allow her to work all her muscles at once.

The famous actress also keeps her body in shape thanks to yoga. She regularly works on a relaxing program that allows her to maintain both her figure and peace of mind. In addition, during classes she does stretching exercises.

You can see Jennifer's favorite exercises, which she revealed for Glamor magazine below.

And here's her yoga workout.

As Jennifer Aniston says, diet and exercise are the best means for a beautiful body.


Anna: “I am delighted with Aniston’s diet, the reviews did not deceive me. The waist noticeably decreased on the fourth day, so with Jennifer Aniston’s diet, weight loss is possible. I am very pleased with the condition of my skin - it has improved noticeably this week. I followed all the recommendations, except one - I couldn’t force myself to eat cottage cheese for breakfast. I haven't liked him since childhood. In total, within a week of dieting, with the help of the right way out, I lost 7 kilograms.”

Mila: “I didn’t even expect such results from this diet. Of course, I saw positive reviews about Jennifer Aniston’s diet on the Internet, but along with them there were also warnings for those who have stomach problems. Since I don’t suffer from such diseases, I still decided to try it. In 12 days I lost three kilograms. This is quite a big result for me, so I’m happy with the diet.”

Elvira: “What makes me very happy about this system is that you don’t need to overload yourself with sports; Jennifer Aniston’s diet is based on a special menu. Besides this, I like the taste of baby puree, so taste flaws are not a problem for me. Oddly enough, I don’t feel particularly hungry either. In 4 days I have already lost 2 kilograms. So for now, my path to slimness is the Jennifer Aniston diet. I will continue."

Figure like a star

The star's lifestyle had a positive impact on her appearance. Recently the film “We Are the Millers” was released, where the actress played one of the main roles. And since the comedy included a moment with the heroine’s striptease, more than one country saw the figure of the then 44-year-old Jennifer. And believe me, many girls younger than Aniston have experienced feelings of envy.

Do you also envy the stars and want to have the same perfect body as the best screen divas? Don't waste your energy on negative emotions!

Better spend it on self-control and motivation.

  • Take advantage of Jennifer Aniston's diet: limit your consumption of unhealthy foods and give preference to healthy and low-calorie foods.
  • Start your workout and yoga practice.
  • And don't forget to drink 3 liters of water a day.

In just a couple of weeks you will notice an improvement in your well-being and appearance, and in another month you will admire yourself in the mirror and be proud of yourself!

Several different menu options

Depending on the expected result, several types of baby food diet are used.

Three-day unloading of the body

With this option you can lose up to 3 kilograms of excess weight. The bottom line is that during the day, a person losing weight is allowed to consume 10 jars containing 100 g of vegetable or fruit baby puree without added sugar or sweeteners. You are allowed to drink only clean water or tea, also without sugar.

The essence of the first method is that all baby food, juices, mixtures, purees, etc. are allowed to be consumed. But the calorie content of food eaten during the day should not exceed 1200 kcal. In this case, it comes to the rescue that manufacturers are required to indicate the calorie content in products, so calculating them will not be difficult.

It is advisable to eat every 3-4 hours. Since the energy value of food is reduced, with this method of losing weight you should refrain from physical or excessive mental stress.

Diet for 5-7 days

With their help you can get rid of about 5 kilograms of weight.

The second diet option involves the following diet:

  1. During the week, for breakfast you need to eat a jar of fruit puree or instant porridge and 100 g of baby cottage cheese. You can wash it down with a cup of green tea, but without sugar.
  2. Meat or vegetable puree is allowed for lunch. You can eat a vegetable salad, but you can only season it with olive oil or lemon juice.
  3. For an afternoon snack, fruit puree and baby cookies would be appropriate. You can drink it with green tea or baby juice.
  4. For dinner, a jar of vegetable puree (from different vegetables) and the same jar of fruit will be enough. For dessert, children's cottage cheese (100 g) and tea without sweeteners are suitable.

If the feeling of hunger does not disappear, you can have snacks consisting of milk and fruit shakes. The basis of such mixtures will be baby milk. There should be little fresh fruit added to the cocktail.

For a week, it is recommended to drink only still mineral water, tea or herbal infusion without sugar and unsweetened children's juices.

Two-week menu

Since the diet gives tangible results, many decide to extend it for a few more days. In two weeks you can lose up to 10 kilograms of excess weight.

All children's food is allowed, including children's cookies, but the daily calorie intake should not exceed 1200. You can drink mineral water between meals.

During the day you need to eat:

  1. Breakfast is light, consisting of fruit puree (an alternative is 100 g of porridge, the same amount of baby cottage cheese and unsweetened tea).
  2. For lunch, the same cottage cheese or fruit puree would be an excellent choice.
  3. For lunch, pureed meat will be appropriate (in extreme cases, you can eat boiled meat or fish with vegetables). You can drink it with baby juice without adding sweeteners.
  4. For an afternoon snack, cottage cheese or fruit puree will again be suitable. You can add a couple of baby cookies to a cup of green tea.
  5. For dinner, two jars of puree to choose from - vegetable, fruit or meat. For dessert, a portion of children's cottage cheese and a glass of unsweetened tea.

If you feel hungry again before going to bed, you can eat a jar of fruit or vegetable puree. A herbal decoction without sugar would be appropriate.

You can eat not 5, but 3 times a day, while condensing the menu. But at the same time, you cannot combine meat purees and vegetable purees from potatoes, as well as fruit purees from bananas.

Important! You can include green vegetables or lettuce in your long-term diet menu. They contain coarse dietary fiber and will help avoid digestive problems.

To prevent the lost kilos from returning, it is recommended to stop adding sugar, salt and other spices to your food at the end of the diet. In addition, at first it is better to replace evening meals with already familiar jars of baby puree.

Sample menu

Jennifer eats fractionally during the diet: five meals in small portions.

  1. Morning: first breakfast - oatmeal with milk diluted with water with cinnamon-honey topping. The second breakfast in a couple of hours is fresh carrot (another vegetable).
  2. Day: For lunch, the actress eats a bowl of boiled red beans, seasoned with coriander and a salad of raw green vegetables. Aniston's afternoon snack is a toasted slice of whole grain bread or cracker with a layer of natural jam with stevia.
  3. Evening: thick soup with seafood.

Be sure to read: Effective ways and techniques to combat belly fat for women over 40 years old

Disadvantages of the No White Foods Diet by Jennifer Aniston

  • White foods are a source of not only a large amount of carbohydrates, but also protein, which should not be deprived for a long time. Therefore, losing weight this way should not last long. The actress “sits” on it for no more than a week.
  • The No White Food Diet is not suitable for professional athletes.
  • People with chronic diseases of internal organs are also better off looking for other ways to lose weight.

The specifics of this Aniston diet require consultation with doctors - a therapist and a nutritionist.

If the process is organized correctly, you can easily repeat Jennifer’s results and lose 5-6 kilograms per week. Another diet that the actress sometimes resorts to, following the example of many Hollywood stars, gives a similar result - 4-5 kg. It is based on canned food for babies and involves a course of 5 days.

About fast food for the “No White Food Diet”: Aniston’s weight loss story

Young Jen had to master diet courses in her early youth. This is where her journey into cinema began: for a long time there was no place for the fat woman on the set. After all, the actress, by her own admission, was a typical American teenager, fed on hamburgers and other fast food dishes that were clearly not conducive to slimness.

However, the wording of the refusal “too well-fed” became the main incentive to begin radical weight loss measures. To begin with, the girl stopped eating French fries and even gave up her favorite milkshakes.

So, Jen’s first steps towards slimness consisted of a complete revision of the range of foods she ate and active exercise. Then professional nutritionists appeared in her life (already in the stellar period after the series “Friends”).

Now her main consultants are the famous Elmore sisters, star experts on healthy lifestyle and slimness. They also advised Aniston to use a unique development called “No White Food Diet”.

Be sure to read: How to lose weight effectively and without harm to your health for a teenager?

Now, no matter what role Aniston appears on the screen, she is always slim and gorgeous. She was even suspected of being overly addicted to strict weight loss systems. But in fact, the actress has learned to eat properly and control it, and she resorts to dieting when she wants to lose a little weight quickly and a little.


Jennifer Aniston's baby food diet really produces impressive results. This is confirmed by the positive reviews of Hollywood celebrities who have chosen this technique for themselves. The duration of the diet determines the number of kilograms lost - from 2 to 10. This is an impressive achievement for a short-term diet that can be achieved. But you need to follow Jennifer Aniston’s diet menu on baby food as closely as possible, as well as all the recommendations and useful tips.

Reader’s story “How I lost 18 kg in 2.5 months” I’ve been fat all my life and suffered from excess weight. In clothing stores I chose size L, which by the age of 25 turned into XL and continued to grow. I can tell you for a long time how I tried to fight my 30-35 extra pounds: diets, hunger strike, physical activity, even pills and some kind of conspiracies. The effect was short-lived or absent altogether. In short, despair, depression and almost resignation to one’s enormous weight. But one day I came across... a chocolate bar that helps you lose weight! It didn’t cost me anything to try it - I love chocolates. I ordered it and ate it. And the weight crept down!! It seems like mysticism, but it's true. I began to study the issue and realized how it all works. Girls, try it! I have already lost 18 kg in 2.5 months. And I continue. It's up to you, but you don't lose anything except weight, of course. Try Choco Burn chocolate for weight loss for 147 rubles.

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