How to remove stretch marks after childbirth?

From this article you will learn:

  • how to get rid of stretch marks after childbirth,
  • stretch marks on the body in teenagers – causes, photos,
  • how to remove stretch marks on the stomach after childbirth using a laser.

Stretch marks (medically called stretch marks) are long, narrow stripes, grooves or lines that appear on the surface of the skin. They are most often seen on women after childbirth, however, they are also not uncommon on the back of teenagers. They are not dangerous at all; Over time they usually become less noticeable.

When a stretch mark (striae) first appears, it has a red or purple color that gradually fades. And thus, over time, the stretch marks acquire a final silvery-white color. If you press on the stretch marks with your fingers, you can feel either a small depression in the skin, or less often, a small bulge (like a ridge). Sometimes stretch marks can cause temporary itching or pain.

Stretch marks during pregnancy: photo

Where do stretch marks most often occur?

They can appear on any part of the body where the skin is stretched. Their most common location is

  • stretch marks on the stomach,
  • stretch marks on the butt and thighs,
  • stretch marks on the chest,
  • on the back of teenage boys (Fig. 9-10),
  • stretch marks on the shoulders of bodybuilders (Fig. 11).

Stretch marks on the body: causes of appearance

Stretch marks on the body are the result of sudden stretching of the skin due to sudden growth, weight gain, or pregnancy. Our skin is made up of several layers: the superficial layer of skin (epidermis) and the underlying dermal layer (dermis). The latter consists of collagen and elastin fibers, which give our skin firmness and elasticity. With strong stretching, collagen fibers may not withstand the load, and then the dermis may rupture (while the integrity of the epidermis is not compromised).

The site of the intradermal rupture is quickly filled with young granulation tissue, in which there are many, many small blood capillaries. This is why stretch marks initially appear red or purple (Fig. 7). Loose, capillary-rich granulation tissue is gradually replaced by capillary-poor dense connective tissue - as a result of which the stretch marks acquire a silvery-white color (Fig. 8).

How stretch marks on the abdomen change color during pregnancy: photo

The dermis may stretch in the following cases

  • during pregnancy,
  • as a result of rapid weight gain,
  • sudden growth spurt during puberty
  • as a result of taking corticosteroids,
  • hereditary factors
  • diseases of the adrenal glands (Marfan syndrome, Cushing syndrome, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, etc.), which lead to an excess of the hormone “cortisone” in the blood, which makes the skin fragile and less elastic.

Stretch marks on the body in adolescents: causes... stretch marks on the back in adolescents have exclusively physiological causes due to puberty, when the body grows and changes very quickly, often in bursts. Girls most often have stretch marks - on the hips, butt and chest. In boys, they most often occur on the back (perpendicular to the spine), and look like steps on a ladder (Fig. 9-10).

Jock bodybuilders also earn stretch marks on their bodies, usually due to a sharp increase in muscle size. With a sharp increase in weight over a short period of time, the skin may not withstand the tensile load and simply rupture (Fig. 11).

Corticosteroid medications – If corticosteroid hormones in tablets, creams or ointments (used to treat skin conditions) are used incorrectly or over a long period of time, stretch marks may also appear. Corticosteroids work the same way as the hormone cortisone, which is naturally produced by the body. However, cortisone tends to reduce the amount of collagen in the skin, that is, it makes the skin less elastic and flexible, which increases the risk of stretch marks.

Not all people are prone to developing stretch marks -

Not every person under the same conditions will have stretch marks. Our skin contains a special protein - collagen, which is responsible for the firmness and elasticity of the skin. The more collagen in the skin, the less likely it is that stretch marks will form on the skin. However, if collagen is not produced in sufficient quantities, then when the skin is stretched, tears in its middle layers (dermis) may occur.

The moment when stretch marks are about to appear on the body can usually be noticed. The skin in this area becomes thin, pink, and begins to itch and itch. Then the stretch marks themselves gradually begin to appear - in the form of red or purple lines. At first, these lines may be slightly raised above the skin level and appear slightly wrinkled. But then they gradually flatten and turn pale, turning into narrow white or silvery grooves.

Stretch marks during pregnancy -

According to statistics, 8 out of 10 pregnant women suffer from stretch marks. Pregnancy stretch marks most often appear late in pregnancy. Thus, in 90% of pregnant women, stretch marks appear in the sixth or seventh month of pregnancy (according to the Academy of Dermatology).

Stretch marks on the abdomen during pregnancy appear as the baby grows and the skin on the abdomen stretches. Stretch marks also often appear on the breasts during pregnancy, which is associated with a strong increase in its volume. Lastly, stretch marks on the butt and thighs are added.

Important : but not only an increase in the size of the abdomen, breasts and butts leads to stretch marks! During pregnancy, a woman's body produces hormones that soften the ligaments in the pelvic area so that they are more elastic during childbirth. However, these same hormones also soften the collagen fibers in the skin, making it more prone to stretch marks. Therefore, it is very important to prevent the appearance of stretch marks.

How to get rid of stretch marks after childbirth -

Most stretch marks are not particularly noticeable and disappear over time. However, if they are large and not very aesthetically pleasing, then there are methods that will make them less noticeable. Unfortunately, today there is not a single way to get rid of stretch marks for good. All solution methods only help to reduce their manifestations or veil the color.

Below, you can find a comprehensive list of how to get rid of stretch marks on your butt or how to remove stretch marks on your chest and stomach...

Camouflage –

Cosmetic camouflage (make-up) can be used on small areas of skin that have suffered from stretch marks. Some cosmetics (such as concealers) are waterproof and can remain on the skin for two to three days. The main component of mineral cosmetics for camouflaging stretch marks is titanium dioxide, which perfectly fills cavities and can be layered.

Self-tanners will also help match the color of your stretch marks with the color of your underlying skin. Keep in mind that all these camouflage products do not solve the problem of how to get rid of stretch marks after childbirth for good, but they are great at helping to visually remove stretch marks in visible places.

Examples of products for cosmetic camouflage (see video) –

  • "MAC face and body foundation"
  • "Vichy Dermablend Fluid Corrective Foundation" (with SPF 35),
  • "Dermacolor camouflage".

Creams, gels and lotions for stretch marks –

Manufacturers of various creams and gels often claim that they are almost the only ones who know the secret - how to get rid of stretch marks on the chest or how to remove stretch marks on the stomach after childbirth. All these products contain only strong skin moisturizers, and therefore they can only improve the condition of the skin, but not reduce stretch marks, much less get rid of them.

Such funds should be used only in two cases. Firstly, to prevent the appearance of stretch marks. We have already written that before their appearance, the skin becomes thin, pink, and begins to itch and itch. It is during this period that you should use these products, which will reduce the risk of stretch marks or reduce their size.

Secondly, when stretch marks appear, they are red or purple in color. When choosing a good cream for stretch marks, the latter will quickly change their color from purple to flesh-colored, which will make them much less noticeable (

Laser stretch mark removal –

Removal of stretch marks with laser - reviews confirm that the length, depth and color of stretch marks after laser treatment improve by 20-50%. This difference in results depends on the type of laser used, because... One type of laser is better at normalizing the color of a stretch mark, while another type makes it less deep. In any case, keep in mind that laser stretch mark removal cannot remove them completely, but it does reduce them, making them less noticeable.

Laser stretch mark removal: video (with results before and after treatment)

Several different types of lasers are used for these purposes.

  • Pulsed Dye Laser – This type of laser is especially effective in the early stages of stretch mark formation, when they are still red or purple in color.
    The light energy from this laser is absorbed by the blood capillaries, which show through the fresh stretch marks, giving them a reddish-purple color. The capillaries are destroyed under the influence of laser light, which leads to the paleness of the stretch marks, and they become barely noticeable. An analogue of this type of laser will be IPL devices, which, although not lasers, also work using high-frequency light pulses and cause exactly the same effects.
  • Fractional type laser (Fig. 13-18) - treatment of stretch marks with a fractional laser also allows you to improve the color of stretch marks, but most importantly, it stimulates the synthesis of collagen in the dermis, which will even out the surface of the skin and improve its appearance. Treatment with this laser will be even more effective if you combine it with the plasma lifting procedure.
  • Excimer laser – stimulates the production of melanin, which is responsible for skin color. Thus, you can achieve an effect where the color of stretch marks matches the surrounding skin tissue, which will visually remove them.

Thus, laser resurfacing of stretch marks can help you reduce their visibility by half. Typically, several procedures (3 to 5) are required to obtain good results.

Stretch marks after childbirth: photos before and after fractional laser treatment

Fractional mesotherapy –

This relatively new method resembles the effect of fractional lasers on the skin, but in this case controlled damage to the skin occurs mechanically - using a special attachment with microneedles that perform reciprocating movements. In response to pinpoint microdamage, the skin reacts with regeneration and collagen synthesis, which leads to a noticeable decrease in the visibility of stretch marks.

Of course, lasers will be more effective, but the Dermapen fractional mesotherapy device can be used even at home. The cost of such a device will start from 6,500 rubles. The device cannot be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Also quite effective are very budget mesoscooters for the body, which are used together with special serums (meso-cocktails).

→ Fractional mesotherapy procedures at home → Mesoscooters for face and body

Microdermabrasion technique –

Professional microdermabrasion is the process of polishing the skin with tiny crystals of abrasives, which act on the skin while in a stream of strong air flow, which is created by a special apparatus (Fig. 19). As a result, the superficial dead layer of skin peels off. The microdermabrasion technique helps to slightly improve the appearance of old stretch marks.

In general, the method cannot be considered highly effective. Studies have shown that even in the process of very aggressive treatment (5 sessions of microdermabrasion per week for 12 weeks), although the improvements were noticeable, they were quite modest. The main improvement was that the red-purple stretch marks became white and less noticeable.

Microdermabrasion, various abrasive scrubs, as well as superficial chemical peeling products are often positioned in advertising as ways to get rid of stretch marks at home. They all work on approximately the same principle: they remove exactly the surface layer of dead cells without affecting the deeper layers of the skin.

Medium chemical peeling technique –

Chemical peels, such as those based on 20% trichloroacetic acid, improve the overall appearance of stretch marks. The medium chemical peeling technique allows not only to peel off the superficial dead layer of skin, but also to act on the upper layers of the dermis, thereby promoting the production of new collagen and elastin (Fig. 19). It is important to note that even average chemical peels do not completely remove stretch marks, but the treatment results in smoother, more even skin.

Unlike superficial peeling, medium-depth peeling can only be done by a professional cosmetologist or dermatologist. Attempts on your own may result in burns if you incorrectly calculate the application time and the concentration of acid in the product.

Cosmetic surgery –

Cosmetic surgery is the most radical and expensive way to remove stretch marks on the stomach or other parts of the body. This operation is called abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) and is performed when the patient has large stretch marks on the abdomen. It is important to understand that there are risks associated with this surgery and may result in significant scarring after surgery.

Effective ways to treat stretch marks and scars at the effi clinic

  1. Body mesotherapy. This is an injection method of skin rejuvenation. A special preparation containing microelements, vitamins, enzymes is injected under the skin into problem areas of the body. The drug penetrates deep into the tissue, improves blood circulation, which affects the process of tissue regeneration, and brings the structure of stretch marks closer to a healthy skin condition.
  2. Dermabrasion is skin resurfacing. Thanks to the penetration of a special attachment into the deep layers of the skin, damage is removed, and renewed cells appear in place of injured tissue. Peeling can be gentle, deep or diamond. The latter is carried out using a special attachment made of diamond dust. Which type of resurfacing is right for you depends on your skin type and the depth of the damage.
  3. Laser resurfacing. The light pulse affects the damaged layer of the epidermis, triggers the recovery process and the production of new building protein. The laser affects the deep layers of the dermis, increasing the number of collagen and elastic fibers. As a result, the stretch marks are renewed and become almost invisible.
  4. Photothermolysis. Fractional laser affects the skin with a unique grid of rays. Microscopic thermal damage to tissues occurs. Cells divide, the mechanism of natural tissue repair is launched with the formation of new collagen. The thermal energy of the laser is dissipated in the upper layers of the skin. Thanks to this, there is no overheating or burns on the skin. As a result, the skin color is evened out, it becomes more elastic, and stretch marks disappear.
  5. Chemical peeling. A special composition is injected under the skin with massage movements. The acids in the peeling trigger the production of fibroblasts, which thicken the skin. Bacteria that contribute to the development of inflammation are killed. The composition stimulates protein production and skin renewal.
  6. Wraps. The body wrap includes a scrub/peeling to exfoliate, applying masks and oils to the entire body. With the additional use of a thermal blanket, heat acts specifically on subcutaneous fat and dilates blood vessels. The tissues relax and receive increased nutrition.

How to avoid stretch marks during pregnancy -

How to prevent, how to avoid stretch marks during pregnancy... Unfortunately, there is not a single remedy that would 100% help prevent the appearance of stretch marks. Manufacturers who claim that their “remedies for pregnancy stretch marks” are guaranteed to prevent them are not true.

However, knowing a few general recommendations on how to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy can significantly reduce the risk of their occurrence...

Skin moisturizers -

Be sure to moisturize your skin with various creams and any cosmetics that will constantly keep your skin hydrated. This will help reduce itching and also increase the elasticity of the skin on your belly as your belly grows. Remember that all creams for stretch marks are effective only for preventing their appearance, but not for treating them.

If you feel that the skin in some areas has become thin, reddened, and itching and scabies have also appeared, these are the first signs that stretch marks (striae) are about to appear. This means that the skin in these areas urgently needs to be moisturized, and preferably with creams with low molecular weight hyaluronic acid, because They are the ones who best moisturize the dermis, which is subject to rupture during stretch marks.

When the dermis is saturated with moisture, the collagen fibers become more elastic (due to an increase in their hydration), which means they can withstand a greater tensile load. Most skin moisturizing products, including products with high molecular weight hyaluronic acid, only moisturize the epidermis (the surface layer of the skin), and therefore these products do not protect the dermis from stretch marks.

Weight gain control –

The most important thing in preventing stretch marks in both pregnant and non-pregnant women is a normal weight and a healthy diet. Rapid weight gain over a short period of time is one of the most common causes of stretch marks. Constant diets that lead to weight fluctuations - either a sharp decrease or a sharp weight gain - will inevitably lead to a person developing stretch marks.

Hormonal changes that occur in the body affect the condition of the skin and are very often the reason when stretch marks appear during pregnancy. During pregnancy, a woman steadily gains weight - this is normal. However, the old myth that “you need to eat for two” leads to the fact that a woman gains excess weight, which neither she nor her child needs at all. It is the excess weight gained during pregnancy that, more than other reasons, leads to stretch marks.

To avoid stretch marks during pregnancy, you need to ensure that weight gain is smooth, slow and gradual. This also requires eating a balanced, varied diet rich in whole carbohydrates, vegetables and fruits. Experts say that a normal, healthy weight gain during pregnancy should be 11-16 kilograms, and gained smoothly, evenly, without jumps.

Why do stretch marks appear?

In this article we will talk about such a problem as stretch marks, what remedies for stretch marks can be used at home.

Stretch marks are the colloquial name for stretch marks, microscopic tears in the dermis.

Source Wikipedia

They are small scars that are white, red, and sometimes purple. They are not dangerous to health, but represent a purely cosmetic defect.

Any woman probably faces problems with stretch marks. The main reasons for their appearance are:

  • Pregnancy . Stretch marks appear in the abdomen, thighs, chest, buttocks due to fetal development;
  • Hormonal disbalance . Stretch marks appear due to problems with the thyroid gland;
  • Hereditary predisposition . Some people have thin skin and, if not taken care of, stretch marks appear on their own;
  • Change in body weight . This problem occurs in people who suddenly lose weight or, conversely, gain excess weight. With rapid weight gain, the skin does not have time to quickly stretch, in certain places it becomes thinner and stretch marks appear. When you lose weight, stretch marks appear due to a deterioration in the blood supply to the epidermis;
  • Long-term use of medications such as prednisolone, dexamethasone;
  • High physical activity . In athletes who play sports and take special sports nutrition, muscle growth can cause stretch marks;
  • Sedentary lifestyle . Due to decreased muscle and skin tone and insufficient blood supply, stretch marks may appear.
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