What body care procedures are done in a beauty salon?

We continue the conversation started in the previous issue of the magazine about the procedures that salons and cosmetic clinics offer to solve aesthetic problems that darken the lives of women. So, today we will talk about body care. It should immediately be noted that during pregnancy, procedures for the face and body associated with exposure to current, ultrasound, temperature factors (both heat and cold), anesthesia, mechanical effects on the abdominal area, laser, and active chemicals are strictly contraindicated. Painful procedures are also best avoided.

But even if during pregnancy you are unable to do most of the procedures described here, you will have this opportunity after the birth of your baby. Therefore, let the information received in advance about the possibilities of modern cosmetology instill in you confidence in the future and optimism.

Effect of the procedure

A noticeable result is achieved after the first procedure. There is immediately less fat and it loses density. The final result will be visible in 2-3 weeks. If the client continues to control their weight, the effects of ulphite will last about two years. Most often, the doctor recommends a course of one to three procedures per problem area, with an interval of approximately three weeks between them. The cosmetologist will also recommend other body treatments that can be combined with ulphite and enhance its effect.

Thalisvelt Cellulite [3D] body treatment at Tori Aesthetic Clinic

Candice Swanepoel There are three types of cellulite: edematous (watery), deep (fatty) and fibrous (dense).
Some of them go away faster, some more slowly, but they still go away, the main thing is to know how to properly deal with each of them. A unique body procedure Thalisvelt Cellulite [3D] with the participation of products from the legendary Thalion brand and the professional hands of the Tori clinic will help you get rid of any type of orange peel as quickly as possible. The first step in the fight for perfect buttocks is a diagnosis and examination to determine the type of orange peel. This is followed by a cleansing stage (exfoliation) with a special peeling based on AHA acids, which prepares the skin for the application of care products and increasing their effectiveness. Of course, the products are selected depending on the type of cellulite (Thalion has its own for each type). Special massage techniques for detailed treatment of the necessary areas also depend on this. For example, for edematous cellulite, Aquasculpt concentrate with Thalasso Oligo sea water is used, for adipose cellulite, Liposculpt concentrate with Algoslim marine complex and kelp extract is used, and for fibrotic cellulite, Fibrosculpt concentrate with the patented active marine ingredient Algofibres and marine silicon is used. Separately, I would like to note that all products are applied to the skin according to the principle of a “layer cake” (non-greasy!), that is, you do not need to get up and wash anything off in the shower. If something needs to be removed, it is done by a specialist with a damp towel. But essentially, you lie down, and they massage you and constantly apply something: after peeling - a concentrate, and on top of it Resculpting massage wax, and they do an anti-cellulite 3D massage. And immediately after massaging the problem area, a Silhouette Resculpting Wax mask is distributed, which removes excess fluid from the body and removes swelling. The final chord of the procedure is the application of Cellulite Control [3D] gel, which helps reduce orange peel and increase skin elasticity. By the way, you will need to use this gel every day in the evenings at home while you are undergoing a course of Thalisvelt Cellulite [3D] treatments: this will help consolidate the effect and increase the elasticity and tone of the skin.

How is the procedure performed?

The non-traumatic Izojay hardware procedure strengthens the muscles of the face and body and eliminates swelling. Electrodes are attached to the body in the right places. They give impulses by tensing the muscles.

The essence of the procedure is the impact of electrical impulses on the muscles, each impulse causes muscle tension and subsequent relaxation. During the procedure, each individual muscle that is stimulated contracts evenly - such a static local load gives the best therapeutic result.


Hardware weight loss is a weight loss technique that affects the body and organism using various devices. Their functions are based on physical phenomena (most often): they can produce current, magnetic field, infrared or laser beams, steam, ultrasound. Chemistry is sometimes used: mesotherapy, for example, destroys fat deposits with beauty cocktails, which include various substances and compounds.

All hardware weight loss methods are quite effective. The largest scientists are engaged in their development and constant improvement. The devices used undergo a lot of testing and various certifications. However, patients who contact the salon must understand that without some effort on their part, money can be wasted. No amount of currents, ultrasounds or vacuums will make your figure slim if you simultaneously overeat on fast food and lead a sedentary lifestyle.

Hardware methods are most effective if two conditions are met:

  1. Proper nutrition. Diets are not at all necessary, but the list of harmful foods should be abandoned.
  2. Moderate exercise. There is no need to exhaust yourself on exercise machines; it is enough to perform daily sets of exercises.

Along the way, experts advise getting enough sleep, drinking a lot of clean water, trying not to get nervous, giving up bad habits, and using auxiliary methods of losing weight.

In addition, some hardware techniques require compliance with a number of rules during the rehabilitation period. Still, they involve serious interference in the functioning of the body at the biochemical level, so it is necessary to reduce stress for it as much as possible. Typically, within a week after the procedures you cannot:

  • sunbathe;
  • visit swimming pools, saunas, baths;
  • use aggressive cosmetics in areas exposed to the device;
  • engage in strength sports too intensely;
  • drink powerful medications.

Slimming salons offer hardware cosmetology and hardware invasion or surgery. The first most often affects the upper layers of the skin to get rid of cellulite and prevent stretch marks. The second involves deeper penetration and works directly with fat deposits (destroys them) and muscle fibers (strengthens and stimulates them).

Cosmetology is safer, has a minimum of contraindications, has low prices, but the result will be modest: mainly getting rid of orange peel, improving lymph flow and due to this, weight loss by 2-3 kg.

Invasive hardware techniques are more traumatic, require compliance with a large number of contraindications, and are expensive. Accordingly, the results are much more noticeable: fat deposits disappear, and along with them weight goes away and a beautiful, slender figure is formed.

Vela Shape: a warm welcome

Another hardware technique that can help those who did not manage to lose weight for the summer, wedding, date (underline as appropriate). A unique technique developed by American scientists is based on three components: massage, vacuum and infrared rays.

The thermal effect of RF rays emanating from the nozzle activates the metabolism, creating a false effect of hunger for the body. Thanks to this, the body begins to use up accumulated reserves at an accelerated rate. The result is at least minus one size and the opportunity to wear the same dress.

It is important to maintain the results from salon procedures with proper, healthy nutrition. In the “Spring of Health” store you can choose the food and drinks that suit you. A delicious protein shake will saturate your body with essential vitamins and minerals, and will stimulate metabolism, support the functioning of the digestive system, and improve the general condition of the body.

Protein shake “Chocolate”, price: from RUB 1,856, order:

+7 (800) 200-01-33

Con, price: RUB 1,744, order:

+7 (800) 200-01-33

All these techniques really work and help you achieve a slim and beautiful figure. Then the main thing is not to lose your temper! Better yet, complete one of the procedures as a full course to consolidate the results.

Methods of hardware cosmetology for weight loss

At our center we offer the following body contouring procedures:

  • LPG massage. A worthy and affordable alternative to injection liposuction. Helps remove fat from thighs, abdomen, buttocks and other problem areas. Attachments with rollers effectively “break” fat deposits and accelerate local blood flow and metabolism. The result after 12-15 sessions is smoothing of cellulite, reduction of subcutaneous fat, tightening and tightening of stretched and sagging skin after sudden weight loss or aging, elimination of swelling, appearance of lightness and relief of pain in strained legs due to the removal of stagnant slagged fluid, noticeable sculpting of the figure and discoloration of stretch marks.
  • RF therapy for cellulite. A popular hardware procedure for figure correction, in which the deep layers of skin and subcutaneous fat are heated. As a result, the latter breaks down into glycerol and acids and is excreted through the blood and lymphatic system. The result is weight loss, a beautiful contour of the hips and buttocks, a reduction in cellulite, and firmer skin.
  • Beautytech. A painless and effective procedure for body contouring. The Beautytek device affects skin cells, subcutaneous fat and muscles in the problem area and restores the bioelectric balance in the cells. The result is a flat stomach, smooth buttocks and thighs, lifting of out-of-shape breasts, cellulite reduction, rejuvenation and tissue tightening.
  • Lipomodeling. Injection dissolution of excess fat on the abdomen, widow’s hump, above the knees, above the elbows and in other “fat traps” that cannot be removed with diet or block exercise machines in the gym. Under the influence of the drug, fat dissolves and is excreted through the lymphatic system. The result is the resorption of fatty deposits and smooth skin in the treated areas.
  • Multi-injection liposuction. Injection of a mixture of ozone and oxygen into the upper layer of subcutaneous fat. Ozone “gets” to every cell, breaks down fat, which is subsequently excreted along with the lymph, and locally improves metabolic processes. The result is effective local weight loss, elimination of edema and cellulite.
  • Percutaneous cellulolipolysis. Impact on adipose tissue using electric current. This hardware procedure for weight loss is performed on the thighs, abdomen and buttocks. The result is elastic, smooth skin in problem areas.
  • ISOGEI (Izojei). Hardware treatment on the buttocks, hips, abdomen, chest and double chin to create a “Brazilian butt”, enlarge the breasts by 1 size due to muscles, create cubes on the stomach, eliminate local accumulations of fat. The VIP LineIsogei device causes fat cells to be destroyed due to intense muscle pumping. The result is an even oval face, noticeable weight loss and elastic skin, pumping up the target muscles.
  • Transition. Painless hardware sculpting of the figure and restoration of the tone of different muscle groups of the body, with pronounced results that cannot be achieved by doing fitness. The Tranzion device removes excess water from tissues, which causes swelling and retains toxins. The result is strengthening of the muscle corset, weight loss in problem areas and a reduction in volume by 1 size in 15 sessions.
  • Cavitation. Skin tightening, cellulite smoothing and destruction of local fat deposits under the influence of ultrasound. The result is improved silhouette contours, elimination of cellulite, scars, post-acne, and skin tightening.
  • Lifter. Highly focused ultrasound heats and destroys fat cells, and the fat layer is reduced. In addition, the procedure simultaneously visibly tightens the skin and tissue in any area.

The great advantage of Lifters is liposuction with simultaneous smas-lifting without a surgeon’s scalpel, without pain, without rehabilitation! This procedure is for those who are not ready to go under the surgeon’s knife or want to prolong and improve the results of the operation. The doctor acts precisely, at a given depth; such an effect cannot be achieved with injection lipolytics or other hardware methods. Therefore, the likelihood of fat tissue returning after the Lifter procedure is minimal.

To work on the body, sensors with tissue penetration of 13, 10 and 7 mm are used. This is necessary in order to reach the level of subcutaneous fat deposits.

Lifter is prescribed for the correction of local fat deposits and fat tightening. You can correct any areas of the face and body:

  • stomach, sides;
  • buttocks and subgluteal fold;
  • inner and back surface of the thigh, “ears”;
  • shoulders;
  • the area above the knees and at the armpits;
  • subscapular folds on the back and other areas.

If in any of these areas there is excess subcutaneous layer, fat traps, cellulite and sagging tissue, these are indications for the Lifter procedure.

And the best part is that, unlike other smas-lifting devices, procedures on the Lifter are painless.

Effective hardware weight loss may require a different number of procedures. The specialist will select the optimal course duration after the initial consultation.

Advantages of hardware cosmetology for weight loss

The listed types of procedures for body correction have a number of advantages over surgical methods:

  • There is no need to prepare for hardware procedures. If there are no obvious contraindications, you can begin hardware weight loss from your first visit to our clinic.
  • The rehabilitation period is short (half a day) or non-existent. During the course you continue to live your normal life.
  • It is not painful or tolerable. The effective hardware procedures for weight loss that we offer cause minimal discomfort. Some of them are pleasant: they tone or relax, improve blood flow and improve mood.
  • The effect is visible after 2-3 sessions. For example, the volume of the abdomen, waist and hips decreases from 1 to 3 cm in 1-3 visits. For lasting results, it is better to complete the entire course prescribed by the doctor at our center.
  • There is no need to sweat in the gym, straining your heart and joints, or go on strict diets. Both create stress for the body: extreme weight loss will not pass without a trace. Hardware procedures spare joints, blood vessels, ligaments and bones, and the results appear quickly.

To find out the price of hardware weight loss and make an appointment with the specialists of the S.Lux center, call us by phone or use the feedback form on our website.

Non-surgical ultrasonic liposuction - Cavitation

A set of individually selected hardware and injection techniques

Electric massage for weight loss

Professional electric massage for weight loss is called myostimulation. Special suction cups called electrodes are attached to the human body in the area where larger muscles are located. Microcurrents are applied through them, creating a load similar to that typical for training in the gym. This causes the muscles to contract, thereby burning calories (up to 2,000 per session) and burning fat. Myostimulation has a higher cost, but is one of the most effective. For good results, it is recommended to undergo 10 sessions. Prohibited during pregnancy, menstrual periods and tumors.

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