How to properly use chia seeds for weight loss, delicious recipes with kefir and other products

Chia seeds for weight loss have recently made a real splash in dietetics. Some people lose weight with their help, others consider them a panacea for most diseases, others consider the seeds as an inexhaustible source of energy. In order to dot all the i’s, we recommend reading this article, which answers the questions about the benefits and harms of chia seeds, how to take them for weight loss, and what reviews those losing weight leave about the effectiveness of this product.

Photo: smak

Chia seeds: what are the benefits?

Spanish sage seeds are unique in their composition. They:

  1. Provides a feeling of satiety. If taken with meals, a premature feeling of fullness will be ensured. You will eat much less at lunch, and accordingly, less and less calories will be absorbed every day. Also, miracle seeds slow down the absorption of carbohydrates.
  2. They charge with energy. This will give you extra strength for your workouts, which will allow you to burn more and more calories.
  3. Contains a lot of fiber. Fiber, like a brush, collects all toxins and removes them naturally. The stomach melts, the person loses weight. Two large spoons of seeds contain 40% of your daily fiber requirement.
  4. Contains a lot of protein. Protein is responsible for gaining muscle mass and creating a lean body. Protein foods reduce cravings to snack, especially at night.
  5. Cleanse the body. Contains antioxidants that help flush out toxins and waste.

Photo: hudeyko

Benefit in every seed

If we want to eat, we buy meat, vegetables, and cereals. If we want to improve our health, we buy superfoods. These little helpers work much better than synthetic vitamins and minerals from the pharmacy. And chia is no exception. She (written without error, this useful thing is feminine, like you and me) has a great influence on our health, body, and emotional background.

There is no secret - look at the ingredients

The benefits of any product depend on its composition. Otherwise, all words about value are empty words. Chia has a balanced set of nutrients. It has a lot of fiber, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, and protein. The seeds are also not deprived of vitamins and minerals. We have included the most significant elements of the composition in the table. The dosages are impressive.

VitaminsContent per 100 gMacronutrientsContent per 100 gMicroelementsContent per 100 g
Thiamine0.63 mgMagnesium338 mgZinc4.6 mg
Ascorbic acid1.6 mgCalcium632 mgCopper0.93 mcg
Riboflavin0.18 mgPotassium408 mgManganese2.8 mg
Niacin8.8 mgSodium16 mgIron7.7 mg
Alpha tocopherol0.5 mgPhosphorus865 mgSelenium55 mcg

100 grams of seeds contain 470 kcal, 15 g of protein, 30 g of fat, 35 g of carbohydrates, more than 34 g of dietary fiber (fiber).

Are you worried about the energy value?

There is no need to be afraid of these calories. The daily norm is only 15-20 grams of chia. Plus, the seeds actively absorb moisture, swell, perfectly satisfy hunger and fight overeating. They make cool dietary desserts that will help you lose weight.

General beneficial properties

Are you still chasing red fish and caviar? Chia has more omega fatty acids than salmon. Do you drink milk every day? Its seeds are superior in calcium content. The superfood also contains almost a record amount of iron, which is so necessary to maintain and increase hemoglobin. This substance is responsible for the internal transport of oxygen, so it is extremely important to avoid deficiency.

What happens if you eat chia every day:

  • the functioning of the stomach and intestines is normalized. The seeds improve digestion. A product rich in fiber stimulates intestinal motility, cleanses it of feces, removes waste, toxins, allergens and other debris;
  • cholesterol levels will decrease. At the same time, the elasticity of blood vessels will increase. Physiological method of preventing heart disease;
  • metabolic processes will improve, including metabolism (the same one that we kill with diets and improper weight loss);
  • Sugar levels are normalized. Chia seeds can and should even be consumed for diabetes;
  • immunity will increase, it will be easier for the body to cope with viruses, bacteria, and resist fungal infections;
  • Bones, teeth, hair will become stronger.

Chia contains substances that stimulate cell regeneration. The product is also rich in natural antioxidants. All this helps to maintain youth and health. But there is one condition: you need to consume superfood on an ongoing basis.

Benefits for women

Chia seeds are especially beneficial for women (they are also “girls”). And again we return to the composition. In addition to vitamins and minerals, the superfood is rich in omega fatty acids. They are simply necessary to maintain hormonal levels. Needless to say, your mood, the regularity of your cycle, the condition of your skin, hair, nails, and even the amount of fat at your waist depend on it.

Benefits of regular consumption of chia:

  • beauty from within. The skin glows, nails and hair become stronger. Believe me, not a single super-expensive cream is capable of this. However, like vitamins from the pharmacy;
  • slimness. We'll talk more about using superfoods for weight loss. It really helps get rid of subcutaneous and internal (visceral) fat that envelops important organs;
  • Eases periods of PMS and menstruation. Are you also ready to shoot everyone these very days? Chia relieves pain, discomfort, helps get rid of irritability, and also quickly restores blood loss;
  • improves reproductive functions. Again we are talking about hormones, they can play tricks or help. Chia for the second option. It is useful for future parents to use (yes, this also applies to men).

Nerves to the limit? Or suffer from insomnia? Chia will help you with this too! With her, you will forget about constant irritability, tearfulness, and turn into a staunch soldier. Restoring strength will take much less time, you will have energy and more time for yourself.

How to eat seeds for weight loss?

There are many ways to use chia seeds for weight loss. The most basic: soak for several hours and eat with food. Grains soaked in water can be added to baked goods, drinks, juices, smoothies, yoghurts, soups and cereals.

Sprouted seeds are also useful, especially in the morning. They are washed down with water and after half an hour have breakfast.

You can cook porridge from grains if you put them in hot milk and wait for them to swell.

In order to lose weight, it is enough to take the seeds every morning. Taking it in the early hours will provide the body with a feeling of fullness, this will give strength, energy and will completely discourage the desire to snack in the following hours.

Before eating, the grains are soaked in water. This makes them easier to swallow and better absorbed. In addition, when soaked, they lower bad cholesterol and sugar levels.

The seeds are soaked like this. Pour water into the jar and add a few tablespoons. Shake the container and refrigerate overnight or for a couple of hours.

Rules for product selection and storage

Before looking for an answer to the question of how to use chia seeds for weight loss, you need to understand the rules for choosing a quality ingredient. If you take into account simple tips, you can get the maximum benefit from using it.

Such products are sold in pharmacies, health food stores and on Internet sites. But it is better to purchase it offline, since you will have the opportunity to evaluate the main properties of the proposed product. Seeds of high quality must have the following characteristics:

  • color – the ingredient is unevenly colored. On its surface you can see patterns and various inclusions, shades of brown. But there are also white seeds on sale, which are also considered a quality product;
  • taste – the seeds have an unexpressed taste, which is similar to the taste of walnuts;
  • shape and size – the product size is not too large. It has a round shape, so it resembles miniature quail eggs;
  • smell - usually high-quality products are distinguished by the absence of aroma. But you can feel subtle notes of grains or flour;
  • documents - every seller who offers buyers such products must have documents on hand to verify the origin and quality of chia.

When you bring the seeds home, pour them into a jar with an airtight lid. The product must be stored in a dark place where direct rays of the sun do not penetrate. The optimal temperature for storing it is 25 degrees. It is necessary to protect the seeds from exposure to moisture, as they will deteriorate and swell. Direct sunlight causes beneficial components to gradually degrade.

How to take chia seeds for weight loss and how many times a day?

Chia seeds for weight loss are the best assistant in the fight against excess weight. Grains contain fiber and a lot of mucilage. They quickly fill you up and prevent overeating, save you from sagging skin, stretch marks and other troubles associated with weight loss. Therefore, you can lose weight and not worry about the quality of your skin.

Photo: hudeyko

How to use chia seeds for weight loss:

  1. Dry seeds are eaten a tablespoon before each meal half an hour. All this is washed down with water.
  2. You can make jelly. Two spoons of seeds are poured with water and allowed to swell for an hour. Drink half an hour before meals at least three times.
  3. Instead of water, you can infuse the seeds with kefir. The usage pattern is the same.
  4. Can be consumed as porridge. One spoon of grains is mixed with oatmeal and poured with boiling water. Porridge is eaten for breakfast.

To cleanse the intestines

Chia seeds help cleanse the intestines, normalize stool, improve peristalsis and the internal microflora of this organ. Mucus protects the walls. Usually the course of treatment lasts 2-3 weeks.

Regardless of the recipe, it is again important to drink plenty of water.

Recipe with kefir

You will need: a tablespoon of seeds, 200 ml of kefir, honey to taste.

Combine kefir with ground or whole chia seeds and let steep for at least two hours. Add 1-2 tablespoons of honey to taste, stir until it dissolves. You need to drink the product an hour before meals. Can be prepared in the evening and consumed on an empty stomach. The course of treatment is three weeks .

Another valuable recipe – “Flax seeds with kefir for colon cleansing”

Cleansing cocktail

Helps cleanse the intestines and fights constipation.

You need to take a tablespoon of honey and chia seeds, 200 ml of water, 1-2 tablespoons of lemon juice, 4 prunes.

Pour the washed seeds with water in the evening and leave them to swell. In the morning, add the remaining ingredients and blend with a blender. Take on an empty stomach, have breakfast two hours later. Can be used for a single dose or a course of two weeks.

The product is very useful for lowering cholesterol, as well as for the treatment and prevention of diabetes. In these cases, the seeds can be prepared and used in any way, to make porridge or jelly. You can also add them to regular food. Divide a tablespoon of the product into 3-5 parts depending on how many times a day you eat, and add it to each dish, both cold and hot.

Chia seeds for weight loss: how to take with kefir?

In order for weight loss to be effective, you can arrange one fasting day weekly. To do this, pour a tablespoon of grains with kefir and put it in the refrigerator to swell. Eat 200 grams of this mixture every two and a half hours. Between meals, drink two liters of pure water without gas.

Photo: bvk

Healing tea with chia

If the body is in dire need of additional nutrition, chia must be consumed every day. To do this, simply add 1 tsp. seeds per 250 ml of tea and enjoy a healthy cocktail. If desired, you can use Matcha green tea and milk to create a smooth latte pudding that goes great with fresh berries!

Chia seeds: recipes for weight loss

Many healthy dishes have been created based on black sesame seeds. Hot main courses, sweet desserts, baked goods - all this includes precious grains and benefits the body. What’s especially pleasing is that you don’t even need to switch to a special diet; you just need to include the seeds in your usual dishes.

Photo: bvk

Chia seeds for weight loss for breakfast

Breakfast is considered the most productive meal of the day because what you eat the next morning fuels your body throughout the day. Therefore, the morning meal should be correct and energetically valuable. Grains eaten at breakfast can replenish energy reserves and provide the body with the required nutrients without excess calories.

Egg breakfast

The chicken egg needs to be shaken with one spoon of milk. Next, put a spoonful of grains and wait for swelling.

At this time, chop the onion and fry it in oil. Add onion, spinach to the egg and stir until combined. Place in a frying pan with a lid and bake over low heat. You can add spices if desired.

Oatmeal with chia and currants

Soak the seeds in a glass of water overnight. The next morning they prepare porridge: boil two glasses of milk and add oatmeal. After the porridge begins to stick, water-soaked grains are added to it. Fresh black currants in crushed form are also added there.

Smoothie “Super Mix”

In a blender, beat two cups of fresh spinach with two cups of water and a couple of spoons of chia seeds. Peel one orange there, throw in a glass of strawberries and blueberries. Mix everything and serve.

Photo: meditation-journal

Ginger chia drink

The seeds are soaked overnight. The next morning they are mixed with the juice of one squeezed lemon and one tablespoon of ginger. You can also add lemon zest, as it has a lot of useful properties. They drink according to the following scheme:

  • one third of a glass for breakfast;
  • one third of a glass before lunch;
  • one third of a glass before dinner.

In this way, the course is maintained for 15 days, repeated once every three months.

Vegetable dish with chia seeds

To prepare the dish, take several types of vegetables that you like best. This could be broccoli, radishes, cucumbers, green peas, beans, sweet peppers, potatoes. You should prepare a dressing for them. To do this, you need to mix olive and sesame oils and fry 4 cloves of garlic, pre-chopped, half an onion and one tablespoon of ginger root. Add a little soy sauce and half a glass of water to this. Fry everything for 4 minutes.

After this, pour 4 large spoons of black sesame into the frying pan and add chopped vegetables. Add a little salt and simmer for 10 minutes.

Photo: bon-aventura

Broccoli soup with chia seeds

Chop the onion and garlic, peel the broccoli florets. Almonds are fried in a dry frying pan.

Heat sunflower oil in a large saucepan. There they put onions, garlic for frying, salt and pepper. Stir and wait for the onion to brown. Add broccoli, a liter of vegetable broth, a liter of coconut water and wait for it to boil. When the vegetable stems become soft, add half a kilo of frozen peas, almonds and two tablespoons of black sesame seeds. Boil for 4 minutes, pour everything into a blender and puree. When serving, garnish with mint leaves and add another tablespoon of grains.

Salmon with chia seeds

Fry a mixture of white and black sesame seeds in a dry frying pan and sprinkle on the salmon fillet. Add salt and spices. The fish is placed on a roasting rack and baked at moderate temperature. Each side takes approximately 12 minutes. Flaky rice or boiled spinach are suitable as a side dish.

Rolls with chia seeds

The washed rice is placed in water 1:2 and cooked under the lid for about 10 minutes. Next, the seasoning is prepared. The salmon fillet is cut into strips, the carrots are boiled, the avocado and bell pepper are chopped.

Add no more than 3 tablespoons of washed and fried chia seeds to the cooked and cooled rice. Now you need to start forming the rolls.

Place a sushi mat on the working surface of the table, and sheets of nori on it, glossy side down. The rice mixture is laid out on the seaweed, followed by pieces of carrots, avocado and pepper. The rolls are rolled up and released from the mat. Next, traditionally, they are cut and served with wasabi, ginger and soy sauce.

Photo: vesdoloi

Energy chia drink

2 tablespoons of seeds are soaked in water and left untouched until the morning. By morning you will have jelly, to which add 2 tablespoons of lime juice and 4 tablespoons of honey. Everything is mixed in a blender.

Miracle yogurt for weight loss

To prepare a low-calorie breakfast, you need to mix a glass of milk, half a glass of plain yogurt, 2 tablespoons of oatmeal, 1 tablespoon of black grains, crushed banana, 2 tablespoons of strawberries. Everything is mixed and left for several hours. Before eating, stir the yogurt again.

Banana and chia drink

Two tablespoons of black seeds are poured into a bowl, poured with almond milk and waited for 10 minutes. Place half a banana in a blender, add 100 grams of frozen berries, one teaspoon of spinach and pour in a glass of yogurt. Before whisking everything, add two teaspoons of honey. After cooking, add the swollen chia seeds and serve.

Photo: fit4health

Tropical pudding with chia seeds

Mix 2 tablespoons of chia seeds, a tablespoon of almond milk, a tablespoon of coconut milk, the same amount of grated coconut pulp, and the same amount of mango. Place everything in a large bowl and refrigerate until morning. If desired, add honey.

Blueberry jelly

You need to take two glasses of blueberries and add some syrup to it. Add a couple of teaspoons of black beans and lemon juice to this mixture. Mix everything and wait for the grains to swell. You will get a tasty and healthy jelly.

Crackers "Health"

One glass of chia is soaked in water and waited for several hours. As soon as they swell, you can start making cookies. To do this, add half a glass of dried tomatoes, two tablespoons of basil, the same amount of lemon juice and honey to the chia. Everything is put into a food processor and ground. Next, this mixture is applied thinly to sheets and dried for a day. After this, you get a very tasty and healthy cracker.

Release forms

The grains can be added to food or used to make pudding. But this product is also available in other forms. Each has its own pros, cons, and application features.

Table 1 – Forms of release of chia seeds

FormsMethods of useprosMinuses
Whole seedsCan be eaten neat or added to drinksWhen they enter the stomach, grains swell, so a feeling of fullness quickly appears.Neutral taste
Powders (flour)They can be added to dough, main dishes, salads, side dishesThe taste is not felt in the dishes, but the benefits of chia seeds for weight loss remainIn people prone to flatulence, powders or flour can cause gas formation
Meal is the cake that remains after squeezing out the oil.Products can be added to salads, hot dishes, mixed with drinksContains many nutrients and fiberDue to the large size of the particles, the meal does not mix well with dough and salads
Oils – seed extractsThey can be mixed with cosmetics, added to salads, dishesThe oils contain all the vitamins, microelements and fatty acids that are present in the seedsAfter squeezing, there is almost no fiber left in vegetable oil

Seeds, meal or flour are best suited for weight loss. The first two products swell well in the stomach and reduce food cravings.

Chia seeds with kefir at night

Chia seeds with kefir for weight loss have a powerful cleansing effect and can rid your figure of those annoying kilograms within a few weeks of use. Seeds with kefir are especially useful: eaten for dinner, they will bring a minimum of calories and by the morning will give the effect of a mild laxative.

Chopped fruits are placed in kefir. It could be strawberries, cherries, bananas, kiwis, apples. A tablespoon of chia is poured in there and everything is whipped in a blender. You need to drink a glass at night no later than an hour before bedtime.

Photo: nakormi

Eat, drink, chew - all the ways to use chia

It is very important for us girls to eat delicious food every day. Without them, the sky immediately becomes gloomy and lightning flies. So let sweets work for the benefit of your figure and health. You can simply eat chia, grind it, add it to ready-made dishes. But it's so boring! There are tons of cool ways you can consume chia seeds.

Why is it better to cook:

  1. The seeds will cure sugar addiction, love for rolls, and relieve the passion for chocolates. Chia itself does not have a distinct taste; it is similar to nuts, but you can add the brightest shades with the help of additional ingredients. The results are real masterpieces.
  2. Seeds can easily replace a full meal. You can even take the dishes with you on the road, to work, or do something in advance. They will help you calmly pass by a cookery or a shawarma stall.
  3. This is useful. An ideal source of nutrients, an easy way to fill deficiencies, as well as avoid harmful substances.

What’s remarkable is that you don’t need to take culinary courses to prepare dishes and drinks with chia. The less we process a superfood, the more benefits it retains. Therefore, outrageously simple recipes are most often used. Let's share the main ideas.

Does chia have any contraindications?

Amazing puddings

This is something you simply cannot pass by. Perhaps chia gained such popularity thanks to photographs on social networks. Glasses with original “balls” attract attention. I immediately want to do something and try it. What’s remarkable is that you can mix everything in advance. This is even better, the chia will swell, release mucus, be easier to digest, and will kill merciless hunger.

Basic cooking rules:

  • add a lot of liquid. The seeds should swell. We use juices, regular or plant milk, kefir, yoghurts, whatever your heart desires. Desperate fitness girls even make puddings with green tea (it's not very tasty);
  • we introduce additional components. Chia has a weak taste and needs supplements. Usually they use fruits, berries, puree, you can add nuts, throw in a spoonful of peanut butter;
  • The highlight is the amplifiers. No, we are not talking about glutamate now. And not even about salt and sugar. Natural flavor and aroma enhancers - carob, cinnamon, honey, vanilla, ginger and other natural spices. You can use sugar substitutes, but only with a safe composition. For example, fit-parade or various other stevia-based analogues.

The unspoken rule is the beauty of presentation. You can mix all the ingredients in a bowl. But it’s better to lay it out in layers in a transparent glass. Or decorate on top. This dessert will delight not only the stomach.

Quick smoothies

Puddings are delicious and cool. There are only downsides - you need to wait for the seeds to swell (at least half an hour), and you have to eat them with a spoon. If you need to take a snack with you or just don’t have time, then prepare a smoothie!

Everything is the same, the only differences are more liquid and blending with a blender. Then the chia will be ready to eat in just a minute. You can pour it into a bottle or shaker, take it with you, and drink it on the way. However, it is not difficult to find other use cases.

Healthy baked goods and all kinds of desserts

Chia absorbs moisture quickly. Therefore, it is an excellent substitute for flour. The calorie content is no less, but the benefits from such baking are much greater. The seeds can be added directly to the dough, added to the filling, and they will not mind grinding in a coffee grinder. By the way, there is no need to rinse the superfood in advance.

Where to add:

  • casseroles;
  • syrniki;
  • pancakes, pancakes;
  • pies, pizza, biscuits, cupcakes (let’s not stop the imagination, let’s continue).

Chia also fits well into cold desserts such as Bird's Milk. Easy to add to curd, fruit and berry masses. For stability, gelatin, pectin, and agar-agar are introduced.

Why only sweets?

We have already talked about the unobtrusive and neutral taste with nutty notes. And it goes well with vegetables, eggs, and meat products. Therefore, chia will find its place in salads, all kinds of dressings, and can be used simply to decorate dishes.

By the way, chia is often prepared with boiled quinoa, another cool superfood. If you add tomatoes, cucumbers, avocados, and various greens, you’ll get a great salad. To prepare sauces, chia is most often combined with olive oil, lemon juice, you can add garlic and pepper - all at your discretion. The seeds are added to the sauce, so 1-2 teaspoons are enough.

Contraindications for use

Unfortunately, chia seeds can be not only beneficial, but also harmful if consumed contrary to contraindications. The contraindications are as follows:

  • increased flatulence, frequent bloating. Since chia contains fiber, it will aggravate unpleasant symptoms;
  • allergy to sesame;
  • parallel treatment with acetylsalicylic acid;
  • chronic hypertension;
  • chronic or acute diarrhea;
  • gastrointestinal diseases: gastritis, stomach ulcers, colitis;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • age up to 7 years.

The benefits of advertised Chia seeds - Top 6 benefits

1. Amazing nutritional value with low calories

  • 1 tablespoon of seeds - about 70 calories.
  • The grains are tiny (smaller than sesame).
  • They vary in color and can be dark, gray, brown or white.
  • Coloring does not affect their nutritional value.
  • Gluten free.
  • High amounts of protein make up for the deficiency in any diet.

With a standard serving of 28 grams you will get:

  • 11 g fiber,
  • 9 g fat (5 of which are Omega-3),
  • 4 g protein
  • vitamins and minerals.

Almost all of the carbohydrates in chia seeds are fiber.

Of the 12 g of carbohydrates, there are 11 fibers, which means that they improve digestion and are 100 percent absorbed by the body.

Prevent diabetes

Seed fiber does not raise blood sugar levels because it passes through the digestive system without being absorbed, which:

  • Slows down the conversion of carbohydrates to sugar,
  • Sudden surges in glucose levels are leveled out, stabilizing the metabolism.

Increases vitality and energy much like an energy drink

Fight dehydration

Soaked grains absorb 10 times their weight in water and increase in volume 30 times. They form a gel that slows down the digestive process that converts carbohydrate content into simple sugars for energy.

Entering the body in the form of a gel-like substance, they regulate fluid levels and preserve electrolytes.

Increases endurance during long-term training at high air temperatures and humidity. For athletes, it is recommended to add Chia to protein shakes.

Reduce inflammation and joint pain

Omega-3 essential fatty acids (like those in fish oil) have proven anti-inflammatory properties. The Aztecs themselves ate the seeds to relieve joint pain.

Omega-3 is also shown:

  • For skin problems,
  • brain,
  • symptoms of ADHD (hyperactivity),
  • hypertension.

Chia seeds for weight loss: reviews

According to numerous reviews, losing weight with the help of grains is quite possible. Within a month, the first result is visible: the abdomen is reduced, obvious fat folds disappear, while the skin remains smooth, without stretch marks and flabby fragments.

With further use of chia seeds for weight loss, weight continues to decrease, provided that the person losing weight does not abuse fatty and sweet foods during the day.

Thus, without special diets and overloads, you can lose up to 10–15 kilograms in a few months if you consume the seeds daily.

Chia seeds are an excellent product with which you can not only lose weight in a relatively short time, but also improve your body health. Regular consumption of grains will minimize the development of age-related diseases and will please you with a slim figure.

IMPORTANT ! Informational article! Before use, you should consult a specialist.

Watermelon smoothie made with chia seeds

Watermelon is a powerful antioxidant and time-tested cleanser that can help detoxify the body. With the help of watermelon cocktails, you can overcome excess weight and maintain good health.


  • Watermelon pulp (400 g);
  • 1/2 pineapple;
  • Chia seeds (2 tbsp);
  • Sugar or honey (2 tbsp).


Mix all ingredients in a blender and add chia seeds to the finished mixture. Infuse the cocktail for 20 minutes. Can be drunk chilled.

Drink recipes

Now let's study recipes for drinks made from chia seeds for weight loss. You can make a flavorful cocktail, smoothie, fresh juice or lemonade. Such refreshing drinks are relevant in the summer and are great for morning meals.

Mint Chia Lemonade

You will need:

  • Apple juice – 250 ml.
  • Chia – 1 tbsp.
  • Ice – 2 cu.
  • Mint (leaves) – 3 pcs.
  • Lemon juice – 15 ml.


  1. Soak the seeds in fruit juice for about 20 minutes.
  2. Pour in lemon juice, mix well.
  3. Add ice and mint leaves. Serve aromatic lemonade to the table.

Cocktail with watermelon


  • Watermelon – 380 g.
  • Pineapple – 300 g.
  • Seeds – 2 tbsp.
  • Honey – 1.5 tbsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Chop the pineapple and watermelon pulp. Grind in a kitchen machine.
  2. Add the seeds to the puree and leave for 20-25 minutes.
  3. Add honey to taste, stir and drink. Watermelon has an excellent diuretic effect, and in combination with chia it burns fat perfectly.

Banana smoothie


  • Chia – 2 tbsp.
  • Banana – 80 g.
  • Raspberry – 90 g.
  • Yogurt – 0.7 tbsp.
  • Honey – 1 tsp.
  • Milk – 200 ml.


  1. Pour milk over chia grains for 11 minutes.
  2. Puree peeled banana and raspberries, add honey.
  3. Add yogurt and seeds to the fruit and berry mixture. The drink is ready, you can drink it.

The use of chia seeds in home cosmetology

Many reviews on websites dedicated to weight loss say that this product can be used not only for weight loss and treatment, but also in home cosmetology. You can use them to make masks and facial scrubs. Here are some recipes for effective cosmetics.

Mask recipe

Pour 3 large spoons of 100 milliliters of water, let them brew for about 25-30 minutes. Add honey to the steamed seeds, apply the mask all over your face, leaving for about 10 minutes. With regular use, girls note that the skin becomes smooth and the oval of the face becomes clearer.

Scrub recipe

To prepare the scrub you will need: 2 large spoons of seeds, half an apple crushed in a blender. Then everything is mixed with 2 tablespoons of honey, and water can be added to give the desired consistency. Apply the scrub and massage your face along the massage lines in a circular motion.

Salad Recipes

Chia seeds go well with vegetables and fruits. Let's pay attention to recipes for making salads for weight loss. The composition must contain products with minimal calorie content.

Avocado salad


  • Chia seeds (swollen) – 2 tbsp.
  • Kiwi – 150 g.
  • Avocado – 220 g.
  • Lemon juice – 20 ml.
  • Ginger – 10 g.
  • Spinach - to taste.

How to do:

  1. Peel the kiwi and cut into cubes.
  2. Chop the ginger root and avocado into small pieces.
  3. Using a knife, chop the spinach.
  4. Pour the chopped ingredients into a plate and stir. Scatter the seeds on top and sprinkle with lemon juice.

Salmon salad


  • Salmon fillet – 150 g.
  • Quail eggs – 6 pcs.
  • Small tomatoes – 10 pcs.
  • Chia – 1 tbsp.
  • Lemon juice – 15 ml.
  • Olive oil – 3 tbsp.
  • Greens - to taste.
  • Salt pepper.


  1. Finely chop the greens and distribute on a flat plate.
  2. Cut the boiled fish into cubes.
  3. Cut the boiled quail eggs into 4-6 pieces.
  4. Cut the cherry tomatoes into two halves. Mix the products, add chia. The seeds will swell due to vegetable juice.
  5. Prepare a dressing from lemon juice, oil, pepper and salt. Pour the sauce into the salad and stir. Place the mixture in a heap on a plate with greens.
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