Lower pectoral muscles: how to pump as efficiently as possible? TOP 10 tips from bodybuilders

Well, what woman doesn’t love a beautiful male body? Especially the fair sex are crazy about inflated male breasts and sculpted abs that you can touch.

It is very important for a modern man to have excellent physical shape, because the demands of women of our time are great.

Everyone wants to meet a handsome man with a great body. Therefore, it’s time for all men and boys to act to start winning women’s hearts.

To pump up the chest and abs, training the lower part of the pectoral muscles is best suited.

Is it necessary to pump up the lower chest?

Before we try to answer this question, let's first get acquainted with the basic knowledge of medical anatomy, which will help us understand the structure of our body.

The first thing you need to know is that the chest consists of a major and a minor muscle.

Accordingly, we are interested in the small muscle; it is this muscle that bodybuilders try so hard to pump. It plays a very important role in our structure; it is this muscle that is the most important support for the chest, that is, directly its frame.

This muscle lends itself well to heavy physical activity and, if desired, it can be pumped up to a very large size, making it visibly noticeable.

Basic rules to get started

For beginning athletes who want to increase their muscle weight and get beautiful breasts and abs, the question is acute: how to pump up the lower pectoral muscles?

First of all, you need to start following proper nutrition and daily routine.

Nutrition will provide your body and muscles with nutrients, which are the building blocks for the whole body and its further development.

Exercises for the lower part of the pectoral muscles should not be started with heavy physical exertion; most likely, during the first workouts you will get a serious sprain, followed by a long recovery.

The lower part of the pectoral muscles can be loaded with heavy work after you have gained a certain mass, when you have a slight excess of subcutaneous fat in that area.

After this, you can start pumping these muscles. To get started, start following these tips, namely:

Start training hard on the uneven bars, do 3-4 sets of 10-12 times. This way you can start pumping up your chest and abdominal muscles, and also strengthen your back.

A great exercise is also the push-up. 5-6 sets of 20-25 push-ups will be enough to feel and see the result you want in the future.

Push-ups for the lower pectoral muscles are also an excellent exercise for arm strength and your endurance.

Train your lower regions first

Many chest workouts rightfully start with the bench press, but if your priority is a specific area, you should start your training day with exercises targeting that area while you're fresh, energized, and strong. In this case, perform lower chest exercises, such as incline bench presses, as soon as you step into the gym.

Do exercises for your lower chest while you are fresh, full of energy and strength

If you would normally perform an incline bench press at the end of your workout, you will immediately notice that you are significantly stronger when you do the exercise first. The point is to expose the target group to weights that they have not encountered before. Don't be afraid to perform fewer reps than usual, but with increased weight. If your standard set of incline presses was 10 reps, lift the weight and perform a set of 6-8 reps. The effect of new training stimuli on the target muscle should not be underestimated.

Types of push-ups

There are several types of push-ups in sports, which we will now tell you about in detail.

Push-ups are the most common push-ups, which give tangible results and pump up many muscles in the body. Girls can also use it.

To perform push-ups correctly, keep your head straight and spread your legs 14-15 centimeters apart. When performing the exercise, for it to be effective, do not arch your lower back, keep your back straight at all times.

Bench push-ups - take a bench and place your hands on it, then fix your body in a stationary position and start working. Bench push-ups differ from all others in their complexity.

Dips are an old and proven option that gives really good results with persistent and long-term training.

There are several nuances to it that you should be aware of. Always lean your torso forward slightly to ensure an even load on your body.

Push-ups on the horizontal bar - an untrained person is unlikely to be able to perform this exercise at least once.

First, place your hands above your head so that they are 20-25 centimeters apart from each other, secure the position of your body, do not let it sway. Then begin to smoothly pull your body up.

It is important that your chin is higher than the bar and also smoothly lower down.

To achieve results, do 3-5 sets of 7-10 pull-ups. After a month, your arms will become noticeably bigger and stronger, your chest will be more prominent and visually larger.

This way you can achieve significant results in pumping the lower pectoral muscles.

Lower chest exercises at home


The most accessible exercise that works many muscle groups. It is especially suitable for girls, as it requires minimal skills and its implementation is not too difficult.

To work the lower chest, you need to keep your head higher than your feet. To do this, you can use book stands, increasing their height over time. Place two stacks of books on the floor. Get into the starting position with your feet 15 cm apart, hands on books, palms inward.

You need to move down very slowly and as low as possible. Perform the training very carefully, as books can slip and you can easily injure yourself. You can also use special sports supports as a support; in this case, you can also attach weights.


Place your hands on the bench with your palms facing inward. Feet apart, back straight. Lower yourself down until your chest touches the bench. You can use a backpack on your back as a weighting device.


One of the most effective exercises for the lower chest. There are several nuances on how to move the load from your hands to the area you need. When doing push-ups, your torso should be slightly tilted forward and your elbows should be pulled out to the sides, not down.

As you move up, you don't need to straighten your arms all the way. Do the exercise at a measured pace. Over time, you can use weights on your legs.

Push-ups on the horizontal bar.

This load requires experience and skills in push-ups on the horizontal bar. If you are just starting to get acquainted with this equipment, it is better to use a low horizontal bar, approximately at the same level as your head. If you are already a professional, then a regular one will do.

Execution: Place your hands on the horizontal bar at a distance of approximately 25 cm from each other with an overhand grip. You need to forcefully press upward, jumping, and straighten your arms completely. In this case, the lower part of the body should rest against the crossbar. Then you should bend forward slightly and slowly move down, spreading your elbows to the sides. Go as low as possible and repeat.

Doing exercises at home

If you don't have the financial means to go to the gym, or you're a busy person whose every minute is scheduled, then lower pectoral exercises at home are the ideal solution for you.

These exercises can be performed at home without the supervision of a professional fitness trainer. The most basic exercises will be:

  • Different types of push-ups described above
  • Pull-up

Girls who care about their appearance and want to be slim can also do them at home without help.

Even if you do them as a small morning exercise, you will constantly maintain your physical shape.

Or if you have just started to actively engage in physical activity, you can build muscle mass. Afterwards you should have no questions about how to pump up the lower pectoral muscles at home

How to pump up your lower chest in the gym?

The gym has a bunch of exercise machines and other equipment to pump up the lower part of the pectoral muscles.

As I said above, you need exercises in which the direction of your arms will tend to be downward. Let's start with the basic, most difficult exercises and gradually move on to isolating exercises.

The top five truly great lower chest exercises are:

  • bench press with a negative incline;
  • dumbbell bench press with a negative incline;
  • negative hammer press;
  • dips;
  • fly with dumbbells on a bench with a negative slope.

These are incredible exercises that will make your lower pecs grow faster than store prices.

Especially dips, they are simply the king of the beasts in the world of lower chest exercises. If you also do it with additional weights, then this will be a strong claim to success.

Next, let's look at isolation exercises for the lower chest.:

  • bringing your hands together in a crossover below;
  • bringing your arms together in the butterfly machine with a negative angle.

These exercises are not entirely suitable for building mass, but they are excellent for detailed work and for learning to feel the desired part of the muscle.

Previously, I already talked about how to pump up your chest with dumbbells, as well as with push-ups.

Exercises in a professional gym

Of course, if you have money and time, then go to the gym. There you will be under the constant supervision of experienced instructors who will support you at any moment both physically and mentally, motivating you for further self-improvement.

The trainer will always give you the right recommendations, and in our case, he will tell you how to pump up the lower pectoral muscles.

Barbell bench press

Barbell press - it is important to know that beginners should not immediately take on heavy loads.

First, grab the bar with the correct grip. Hands should be 30 centimeters apart.

When performing the exercise, inhale as you lift the bar upward, and then exhale. For beginners, 3-4 sets of 10-15 reps are best.

Week schedule

It is not difficult to pump up the lower pectoral muscles if you approach this issue with all responsibility. There should be at least 3 workouts per week. If you can’t visit the gym, then you can use a scheme of exercises designed for practicing at home.

So, training at home may include:

warm-uprunning in place, jumping rope, just light exercise
pushing up from the supportsuitable bedside table, sofa chair
push-upsfor example, books
clap push-ups
dipsin this case it is better to go out into the yard
joggingyou can finish your workout outside by running around the house or along the football field

At home, you can diversify your workout by adding weights to the exercise, for example, by wearing a backpack containing books. The number of books can be changed, thus adjusting the weight.

A workout in the gym may consist of the following exercises:

  • jogging on a treadmill for 10 minutes;
  • dumbbell press with reverse rotation;
  • weighted parallel bars push-ups;
  • crossover exercise;
  • fastening: stretching on a mat.

Each exercise should consist of 3-4 approaches, each with 10-12 repetitions. There should be a short gap between approaches - 2-3 seconds. At the end of each workout, be sure to lightly stretch your chest muscles, which will ultimately allow you to recover faster and help stimulate the growth of muscle fibers.


To achieve a good result, first focus on those parts of the body and muscles that you want to pump up first, only after that start pumping up everything else. This method has already been proven in practice.

Vary your exercises. You don't need to do one exercise all the time, because eventually your progress will stop and your body will stop and you won't get any more results.

Perform insulating loads. This means that working with kettlebells and dumbbells at an incline will give tangible progress in the future.

Constantly add new loads to yourself. Train your body and spirit through pain. Each time, make it a priority to do more than you did yesterday, adding more weight to yourself.

After a hard workout, give your body a good rest. It is at the moment of complete relaxation that the muscles begin their accelerated recovery and begin to grow.

At the end of your workout, do a few sets of parallel bars. This way you can relieve the load from the remaining muscles and give the CNS (central nervous system) a rest.

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