Slim or sick? Why Angelina Jolie lost weight up to 35 kg

The most charming and attractive

Twice Oscar winner, American actress, director and producer Angelina Jolie is an endless topic for the tabloids, and her films and roles are not always discussed. Her children (natural and adopted), relationship with Brad Pitt, her lips, bust, tattoos, health, appearances on the red carpet.

Her constant presence in various tops of “the sexiest, most desirable, beautiful, influential people on the planet”, her tireless humanitarian work, for which she even received an Oscar - all this is constantly exaggerated in the press.

The topic of her weight loss is also among the leaders; the actress created such an attractive image that all the ladies want to be like her.

Meanwhile, her figure changes from “the sexiest in the world” to so thin that it causes slight panic among fans of her talent. So what is Jolie's secret to losing weight? In fact, there are many of them.


Angelina Jolie's diet is low-carbohydrate and can therefore cause nausea, dizziness, deterioration in general well-being and even short-term loss of consciousness. This can happen if the method in question is not suitable for losing weight. Weight loss using the Jolie method cannot be carried out for the following diseases:

  • diabetes mellitus and other diseases of the endocrine system;
  • chronic kidney and liver diseases;
  • severe pathologies of the cardiovascular system, even those in long-term remission;
  • pathological disorders of the psycho-emotional background - depression, stress.

Naturally, the strict diet of the world-famous actress is prohibited for pregnant and lactating women.

What's on the star's menu

Having started searching for her diet, I was faced with the fact that there is a lot of information about this, but it is almost impossible to single out the truth among it. The star always remains true to herself - her life, despite the fact that it passes in full view of millions of fans, is always a little hidden from prying eyes.

And Angie reveals only what she considers necessary to show to the world. I believe this is the right approach - everyone has the right to personal space and their own secrets, stars are the same people, and they also need privacy. What does all this mean in our case?

Only that many websites, both Russian-language and foreign, write about Jolie’s dietary habits, but how reliable the information about what diet the artist is on is for you to judge, my dear readers. So let's get started.

Stellar parameters - from normal to extreme

At different periods of the actress’s life, a variety of information appeared about her diet, and at the same time her parameters also changed. With a height of 170 cm, she looked close to ideal when she weighed 54 kg, and at a time when the artist was losing weight sharply, her weight dropped to a critical 34 kg, or even lower.

She also always preferred to lose weight in different ways. I have collected the most popular ways to lose weight by Angelina Jolie.

Tosca Diet Reno

The wife of the famous American publisher Bob Kennedy, until the age of 40, led the usual lifestyle of a wealthy housewife, became very plump and did not take care of herself. Deciding to change herself, she went in for sports and went on a diet, which she calls Eat Clean and considers not a diet, but a way of life.

A fan of organic food, she explains that “it's not about depriving yourself of food, or giving up one food group or another. The key is to consume it clean to give your body what it needs to thrive.”

In 2008, after the birth of her twins, Angie reportedly gained a little weight and also felt tired and depressed. After trying the Tosca Rino method, she regained her former great shape.

Since she has always been a fan of healthy eating, it was not difficult for the artist to take Rino's advice. All you have to do every day is adhere to the Eat-Clean principles.

The basics are that you eat a combination of animal protein, such as chicken or fish, complex carbohydrates, such as brown rice, at each meal, with plenty of fruits and vegetables. For dessert, you can have organic dark chocolate.

You should also drink two to three liters of water daily and set yourself 6 small meals.

And here I had a question: Angelina is a vegetarian (you can learn about this from my article “Vegetarians among celebrity personalities”), then how could she eat “animal protein”?

Cereal diet

In 2014, reports appeared that Jolie took Mayan food as the basis for her diet - buckwheat, millet and quinoa grains, as well as pumpkin and flax seeds.

It was also reported that she started the morning with a spoonful of coconut oil and a handful of grains, might skip lunch altogether or eat a few almonds, and for dinner she would sometimes allow herself a piece of lean steak, a few vegetables and a glass of wine.

As a result, her calorie intake dropped to 600 per day, and the artist herself looked painfully thin, which raised questions about whether she was sick. I don’t think that such exhaustion (if it actually occurred) is beneficial for the body, is it?

Liquid diet

As the name suggests, its essence lies in the large consumption of water - broth soups, fruit juices, tea, coffee. Some options also include oatmeal, milk, honey and a number of other foods. Sitting on soups alone for a long time is still difficult and harmful to the body.

As for Angie, she reportedly used her own personal version - a mixture of cayenne pepper, lemon juice and maple syrup. She did not use this method for long, only to quickly lose weight for her role in the film “Salt.”

Raw diet

Raw food diet is one of the fashionable Hollywood trends, and a number of publications claim that it was Jolie who introduced it into fashion. They say that in an interview with one of the magazines, the movie star said that it was this method that allowed her to stay in good shape.

The essence of this method speaks for itself - most foods should be consumed raw, without heat treatment. Thus, all their nutrients and beneficial properties are preserved, and in addition, they are better absorbed by the body.

The menu includes a variety of vegetables and fruits, nuts, dried fruits, seeds, sprouted grains, and herbs. In addition, you can use cereals (we remember that the artist at one time almost completely switched to cereals), including oats and buckwheat; they can simply be steamed and soaked in honey.

Jolie advised those who decided to switch to a raw food diet not to get carried away with this process right away, but to try, say, eating raw food only once a day, for breakfast or dinner. In addition, you can organize days of fasting on vegetables and fruits, and gradually move on to a raw diet.

Vegetarian diet of Angelina Jolie

For a very long time, the star was a vegetarian for supposedly moral and ethical reasons. During this time, she ate mostly vegetables and tofu. The “vegetarian” era in Jolie’s diet gave the world a series of photographs of a transparently thin Angelina, and a bunch of rumors regarding anorexia, drugs and other unhealthy things. In an interview, Angelina admitted that vegetarianism almost killed her; she constantly felt unwell and fainted. So I had to add meat to my diet just to maintain my quality of life.

Sample vegetarian diet

Breakfast: sprouted wheat, grapefruit.

Snack: 50 g tofu.

Lunch: tofu with steamed vegetables.

Snack: Soy protein shake.

Dinner: green salad.

The calorie content of this diet does not exceed 1000 kcal, so it should be followed with caution and, if possible, combined with the intake of vitamins, amino acids and BCAAs.

For a slim figure - go to the gym

Without physical activity, as you know, losing weight is hardly possible. Therefore, the Hollywood prima does not forget about playing sports. She was rumored to have trained with celebrity trainer Gunnar Peterson at one time.

Gunnar recommended Angie a training program consisting of several schemes. Part of it consisted of exercises on simulators aimed at working out various muscles, and part of it consisted of aerobics and cardio exercises.

This is the picture that emerges. In general, as you can see, the star does not adhere to any one diet and does not follow the principles accepted once and for all, right?

That this is exactly the case is evidenced by her appearance, which changes from year to year, either for the better or for the worse. The actress herself states that the most important thing for her is always to listen to her body.

She simply closes her eyes and asks her stomach and her body what they want - grains, soup, vegetables or fruits. And this allows her to eat with pleasure.

What to remember

To look like Jolie, you'll have to take the tabloids at their word and follow these guidelines:

  • Drink more water.
  • Eat fractionally 5-6 times a day.
  • Choose organic food, products without nitrates, pesticides and food additives.
  • Sometimes change your diet depending on your mood, or rather, on the preferences of your own stomach.
  • Exercise.

What do you think about Angelina’s slimming principles? Share your opinion in the comments. Well, I say goodbye to you for now, see you again in new articles on my blog!

Sports for those who want to lose weight

Angelina Jolie's diet will be much more effective if you exercise. The actress herself jogs and trains in the gym (cardio) every day. This approach allows you to speed up the process of burning internal fat and prevent the appearance of stretch marks on the skin.

What you should pay attention to is your health after training. A low-carbohydrate diet combined with exercise can lead to weakness, dizziness, and nausea. To prevent this from happening, Angelina allows herself to consume 2 teaspoons of honey per day. These carbohydrates will be enough to replenish energy and restore strength.

We recommend reading about a meat-free diet for weight loss. You will learn about whether it is possible to lose weight without meat, the disadvantages and advantages of the diet, menus, recipes, weight loss results. And here is more information about pumpkin for weight loss.

Angelina Jolie's diet is strict, has several contraindications and therefore is not suitable for everyone. Gastronomic breakdowns often occur on it, which returns the weight to its previous limits and even increases it.

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