5 Easy, Healthy Avocado Breakfasts (5 Minutes to Prepare, 5 Ingredients or Less)

If you follow a healthy diet, then avocado is probably in your diet. This healthy fruit not only helps to perfectly diversify your diet menu and prepare a lot of healthy and tasty dishes for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Avocado contains a lot of polyunsaturated fats, which should definitely be included in your diet during a diet. It is also a source of antioxidants that fight free radicals.

A huge advantage of avocado is that you can make a large number of sandwiches with this fruit.

Despite the fact that it is a fruit and not a vegetable, as many people mistakenly believe, this fruit goes perfectly with a huge number of foods:

  • vegetables. Diet avocado sandwiches can be prepared with any vegetables. Both fresh and baked vegetables are suitable, and even dried. Cucumbers, tomatoes, grilled zucchini or eggplant are ideal for making sandwiches. Don't forget about sun-dried tomatoes, which, together with avocados, can become a real table decoration.
  • greenery. Another simple and ideal way to eat avocado for weight loss is to combine this fruit with plenty of greens. Spinach, arugula, dill, parsley - whatever you like can be safely added to an avocado sandwich and enjoy a light snack.
  • cream and curd cheeses. Since we will be preparing dietary sandwiches with avocado, we need to use low-fat cheeses. Low-fat Philadelphia, Ricotta cheese, Feta cheese, even Mozzarella cheese are ideal.
  • seafood. PP sandwiches with avocado can also be prepared using seafood. Shrimp and squid go well with the delicate taste of avocado. A huge plus of seafood is that it contains few calories, but is rich in protein.
  • lean meats. If you need to make a quick lunch or dinner, you can always make sandwiches with avocado and meat. This dish is quite filling, but at the same time low in calories, so you won’t break your diet in any way.
  • natural yogurt, low-fat sour cream. If we are talking about preparing pp paste for sandwiches, then you can safely combine this fruit with natural yogurt or low-fat sour cream. This pasta can be conveniently prepared for several days and stored in the refrigerator so that you always have it on hand.

Avocado paste for sandwiches

So, how to prepare a diet mass from avocado that could be spread on a sandwich instead of the usual butter?

To prevent the avocado from darkening, sprinkle it with lemon juice before preparing the paste.

  • avocado + natural yogurt + any greens + spices. This is the simplest and most dietary recipe. All you need is to simply grind all the ingredients in a blender until smooth and add your favorite spices.
  • avocado + low-fat cream cheese + cucumber + herbs + spices. Choose any low-fat cream cheese and grind all the ingredients in a blender.
  • avocado+curd cheese+tomatoes+spinach+spices.
  • avocado+boiled egg+natural yogurt+herbs+spices. Grind all ingredients in a blender. This version of avocado pasta is more filling, as it contains an egg. You can safely eat this pasta for breakfast along with whole grain bread or crispbread.
  • avocado + shrimp + cream cheese + spices. Mix avocado with shrimp and cheese, grind in a blender and add spices.
  • avocado+low-fat cottage cheese+greens+1 teaspoon olive oil. Mix avocado and cottage cheese in equal proportions, add herbs and chop. Be sure to add oil and spices.
  • avocado + pear + low-fat cottage cheese. An ideal breakfast cream if you follow a healthy diet. It turns out to be a real dietary dessert. Grind everything in a blender.
  • avocado+tuna+low-fat cream cheese+spices. Take tuna in its own juice, mix with one avocado, add a little cream cheese and spices. Beat in a blender.
  • avocado+tofu cheese+greens+1 teaspoon olive oil. This recipe is for those who follow a vegetarian diet. Use tofu cheese instead of dairy cheeses.
  • avocado + hummus + greens. Another vegan option for avocado pate is to make it with hummus and herbs.

Rules of use

To lose weight without harming your body, it is better to eat avocados in the morning rather than in the evening. Sweets and baked goods should be replaced with salads, and fruit should be consumed on fasting days.

See also

Planting and caring for indoor pomegranate at home for beginners


Choosing ripe fruit

When buying an avocado, you need to press it a little. If a depression forms on the peel when you touch it, it means the pulp is ripe. The absence of changes indicates that the tropical fruit was picked green.

Daily norm

Although the body needs minerals and vitamins, you should not overindulge in high-calorie foods - eating one or two avocados a day is enough.


The fruits, skin and leaves of the fruit contain not only useful, but also harmful substances. It is not recommended to use the product if you are sensitive to any of the components, if you are prone to allergies, or if there is an exacerbation of pathologies of the liver and gall bladder.

Excessive use

You should not eat fruits in large quantities. It is necessary to adhere to the recommended norm so as not to provoke an upset stomach, the appearance of a rash on the skin, or headaches.

Important! If you overindulge in high-calorie fruit, you may gain weight rather than lose weight.

How to cut an avocado for sandwiches

If you have already decided to make diet sandwiches with avocado, then the first thing you need to do is cut it correctly. In principle, this can be done in any way you like, but it is best for pp sandwiches to cut the avocado into slices or circles.

  • In order to cut an avocado into slices, you will need: an avocado, a knife, a tablespoon. First, cut the unpeeled avocado into two parts. Remove the bone using a knife. Then take a tablespoon and carefully grab the pulp from the narrow side of the fruit and move the spoon towards the wide part. Once the peel is removed, all you have to do is cut the avocado into slices.
  • If you want to cut the avocado into cute circles with a hole in the middle, you will again need a knife and an avocado. First, remove the peel from the avocado. We make four cuts along the entire length of the peel. Then remove the peel slices using a knife. Let's start with the wide part. You get a peeled whole avocado. Cut into circles, moving down the middle of the bone.

PP breakfast recipe

Those who carefully monitor their diet can prepare a PP - breakfast recipe - healthy pasta with spinach.

You will need:

  • avocado – 1 pc.;
  • fresh spinach – 1 bunch;
  • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • lime juice – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt pepper;
  • garlic – 1 clove;
  • water – 2 tbsp. l.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Wash the spinach, dry with a towel and remove the cuttings. Cut into strips.
  2. Peel the avocado.
  3. Chop the garlic.
  4. Place all ingredients in a bowl, add spices, juice and water. Grind. The pasta is ready.

Spread the paste on a piece of bread and you can start breakfast. A boiled egg will add satiety.

Avocado and egg sandwich

This sandwich will be an excellent breakfast if you are on a proper diet or diet. To prepare this sandwich we will use whole grain bread, you can also knit a whole grain bun.

  • whole grain bread + cottage cheese + greens + avocado slices + fried egg + spices. Spread cottage cheese on whole grain bread, sprinkle with herbs and place avocado slices, and a fried egg on top. Since the sandwich is dietary, fry the egg in a non-stick frying pan without vegetable oil.
  • whole grain bun + low-fat cream cheese + avocado + boiled egg + cucumber + greens. You can always take this avocado and egg sandwich with you and make it a snack. We cut the whole grain bun into two parts, grease one part with cream cheese, lay out slices of avocado, cucumber, slices of boiled egg on top, sprinkle with herbs and cover with the second part of the bun.
  • bread + avocado + boiled egg + natural yogurt + spices. In a blender, mix the egg with avocado and natural yogurt, beat, add spices and spread on bread.

Recipes for dietary PP burgers

Sandwich with avocado and poached egg

If you need an unusual breakfast that will not only be dietary, but also festive, then be sure to try making avocado with a poached egg. The hardest part of this recipe is making the poached egg. If you have never prepared this dish, then we offer two simple methods that you will definitely master:

  • you will need cling film, some vegetable oil and an egg. You will need to make an egg bag from cling film. Cut out a rectangular piece of film and place it in a container, grease the edges with oil and break an egg into it. You can add salt and pepper. We connect the edges of the film and get an egg in a bag. Now you need to put the bag in boiling water for 3 minutes.
  • for the second method you will need a ladle, a spoon, a tablespoon of vinegar and an egg. Break an egg into a ladle or small cup. Add vinegar to boiling water. Stir the water to form a whirlpool and immediately drop the egg into it. Cook for about 3 minutes.

For this healthy avocado sandwich you will need:

  • whole grain bread + avocado + egg + lemon juice + spices.

The bread needs to be toasted in a toaster or on a grill pan. We clean the avocado, cut it into slices and mash it with a fork, add a little lemon juice, salt, pepper and other favorite spices. Spread pasta on toasted toast and add poached egg.

PP sandwiches with avocado and red fish

If you are on a diet, then red fish is probably present in your diet. If you add avocado to this fish, you get excellent sandwiches. Many people are interested in which red fish is best to include in their diet. Salmon or trout - which is better? If we talk about calorie content, trout contains much less calories and fat than salmon. 100 grams of trout have only 153 calories, while salmon has about 220. So if you are counting calories, it is better to give preference to trout. If you’re just on a diet and you don’t have a goal to lose extra pounds, then you can take salmon. In any case, no matter what fish you choose, it is better to give preference to lightly salted fish so that there is no fluid retention in the body.

  • whole grain bread + ripe avocado + spices + salmon or trout + dill.

We will prepare delicious sandwiches on whole grain bread. Cut the avocado into pieces, mash with a fork and add your favorite spices. We will use this spread instead of butter, which is very high in calories! Spread avocado on bread, put red fish on top, wrap it in a roll and decorate with a small sprig of dill. Delicious avocado sandwiches are ready!

Composition of exotic fruit

The tree, which is now cultivated in South America, Israel, and Africa, bears up to 250 avocados every year. The weight of one oblong or pear-shaped fruit, covered with hard skin, reaches 1 kilogram.

The pulp of the ripe fruit has an oily consistency and is very nutritious.

The calorie content of an avocado, depending on the type of plant, ranges from 160 to 240 calories, more than a third are highly digestible fats. The fruits do not contain sugar, but contain various vitamins:

  1. Riboflavin – improves vision, prevents the development of cataracts, regulates metabolism.
  2. Thiamine – eliminates fatigue, restores appetite, normalizes digestion.
  3. Niacin – reduces cholesterol, relieves pain, restores joint mobility, calms the nervous system.
  4. Pyridoxine prevents cell degeneration, facilitates menstruation, and is involved in the production of red blood cells.
  5. Vitamin K strengthens bone tissue and improves blood clotting.

Among hundreds of varieties of exotic fruit, Hass is of particular value. When ripe, the skin of the Californian avocado becomes almost black in color; the oval fruits weigh 200-300 grams.

Interesting! The first Hass tree was created at the beginning of the 20th century by crossing 2 types of plants. The pulp of the pear-shaped fruit has a nutty aroma.

Monounsaturated fats

For people suffering from diabetes, residents of regions with poor ecology, and young children, doctors and nutritionists recommend including monounsaturated fats in their diet. Avocado contains 30% of omega 3 and 6 acids, which are involved in the functioning of the body:

  1. Reduces cholesterol levels.
  2. Strengthen the immune system.
  3. Promotes weight loss.

Monounsaturated fats slow down cell aging and improve the condition of nails and hair. The substances activate metabolic processes and reduce the risk of the formation of lipid plaques. No fruit other than avocado has significant amounts of healthy fats.


The fruits of the evergreen tree provide the body with a variety of substances that maintain health and strengthen the immune system. In addition to vitamins and fats, the nutrients in avocados include minerals and dietary fiber.

The pulp of the fruit is rich in:

  • magnesium and phosphorus;
  • calcium and iron;
  • fluorine and zinc.

See also

Description and cultivation of the 15 best cherry plum varieties for the Moscow region, planting and care rules


Selenium increases resistance to adverse factors. Potassium normalizes heart rate. Copper prolongs life and is involved in the production of collagen.

Dietary fiber and sterols

Antioxidants protect the body from the appearance of cancerous tumors. Dietary fiber reduces the amount of sugar in the blood and normalizes the intestinal microflora. The fruits of the tree contain sterols that enhance collagen production.

Sandwich with avocado and red caviar

Do you need a snack for the holiday table? There is nothing better than the combination of avocado and red caviar. Both products can be safely included in your diet. 100 grams of red caviar contain only about 260 calories, and one teaspoon contains only 18 calories, so such sandwiches are the best solution during the holidays for those who do not want to gain weight. And instead of the usual butter, we will use avocado paste!

  • bread+avocado+spices+lemon juice+red caviar.

These sandwiches can be prepared either from a whole grain baguette or from bread. Cut the ripe avocado into pieces and blend in a blender with lemon juice and spices. Spread the cream on the bread and put a teaspoon of caviar on top.

PP sandwiches with avocado and tuna

If you need dietary, but at the same time satisfying sandwiches that you can have for lunch or even breakfast, then it is better to add tuna to the avocado. To prepare this dish, it is better to use tuna in its own juice; the calorie content of this product ranges from 93 to 103 calories per 100 grams. We will be preparing a sandwich with avocado and tuna that you can easily take with you.

  • whole grain bread + ripe avocado + spices + iceberg salad + tuna in its own juice + tomatoes.

For this recipe, you can lightly brown the bread in a toaster or grill pan. Mash the avocado, add a little lemon juice and spices. On bread toast we put iceberg lettuce, tomato slices, avocado paste and tuna on top. Cover with the other half.

What do you need to make avocado toast?

In order to prepare such a delicious and healthy breakfast, you will need the following products:

  • ripe soft avocado
  • whole grain or toast bread (can be replaced with crispbread)
  • main filling (what it can be - we’ll talk further)
  • lemon juice to prevent the avocado from browning
  • some favorite spices for taste

Below we offer 7 ideas for a simple but very tasty snack - avocado toast with different combinations of toppings. For this healthy and easy breakfast, you only need to take three simple steps: fry, spread, eat (you can add one more - take a photo).

Sandwich with avocado and cheese from Pelageya

Even celebrities include avocado sandwiches in their healthy diet. You can safely include this simple recipe from Pelageya in your menu and pamper yourself and your loved ones.

Whole grain bread + cream cheese + avocado + lemon juice + spices + red fish.

The recipe itself is very simple. First, prepare the avocado pate - mash the fruit with a fork, add a little lemon juice and spices. Then brown the bread a little on a grill pan. Spread a layer of cream cheese on the bread, then a layer of avocado cream and place red fish on top. Let's pepper it.

Meat recipe with turkey and goat cheese

If you don’t like turkey meat or don’t have it on hand, you can safely replace this ingredient with ham. It will turn out no less tasty!

What you will need:

  • bread - a couple of slices,
  • avocado,
  • half a lemon,
  • 6 thin slices smoked turkey or ham,
  • goat cheese,
  • green onions.

Breakfast sandwiches should not only be filling and tasty, but also beautiful. It is precisely this type that includes prepared sandwiches from the ingredients that are written just above.

How to cook

Cut the bread into slices and brown on both sides. It is better to do this in a dry frying pan.

Peel the avocado, place the pulp in a bowl, sprinkle with lemon juice and chop well with a fork. You should get a homogeneous paste.

Spread the paste on the bread. Place three slices of meat or ham on top.

Crumble the cheese, combine with chopped onion and sprinkle on top.

Sandwich with avocado and cheese

A quick and easy recipe for making avocado sandwiches is to use cheese. But not every cheese can be included in your diet during a diet. During a diet, low-calorie cream and curd cheeses are best. Here's what you can include in your diet:

  • low-fat Philadelphia cheese. This variety can be safely included in the diet due to its low calorie content.
  • Ricotta cheese. A very delicate cheese that goes perfectly with equally delicate avocado.
  • Chees Feta. If you want something salty, you can safely make sandwiches with feta cheese. It can also be replaced with regular cheese.
  • cottage cheese. An excellent dietary product for those losing weight.

You can come up with your own versions of dishes with different cheeses. First, spread the bread with any cream cheese or butter, and then add either avocado slices or avocado mousse. Be sure to add your favorite vegetables and herbs.

Useful tips and tricks

For a tasty and healthy snack, you need to choose the right avocado. Hard and unripe fruits can spoil the taste of the dish, so they need additional ripening, for which they can be placed in a dark place, wrapped with an apple or banana in a paper bag for 2-3 days. A ripe, high-quality avocado has a soft, delicate texture with a nutty flavor. The skin of such a fruit should be smooth and whole, without visible spots or damage, and have a smooth shiny dark green surface or a dark almost black peel. Color and brightness may vary depending on the variety of fruit.

When pressing on the peel, a small dent should form, which quickly smoothes out due to the elasticity of the fresh fruit. The fatty light green pulp quickly oxidizes in air, acquiring an unpleasant brown color. To avoid this, you need to add natural acid to the dish in the form of lemon, lime juice or aromatic balsamic vinegar. You can prepare delicate cream cheese yourself by mixing high-quality fat cottage cheese with natural thick sour cream or cream in advance. It can also be replaced with any melted variety.

The greatest benefit will come from a sandwich with rye or whole grain bread, but in order for the dish not to lose its balanced taste, it is necessary to take neutral varieties without specific flavors. For more flavor, toast can be brushed with olive oil, garlic and salt. Sandwiches with soft curd cheese and buttery avocado are much healthier than their analogues with any sausages and popular mayonnaise, and in terms of nutritional value and feeling of fullness they are not inferior to them, so it is worth preparing them for family breakfasts and hearty snacks.

Sandwiches with avocado and tomatoes

If you decide to make a very simple recipe for a sandwich with tomatoes, then this option is suitable for you:

whole grain bread + avocado slices + tomato slices + a little olive oil + spices. Place avocado on bread, then tomatoes, sprinkle a little oil on top and add spices.

whole grain bread + avocado + sun-dried tomatoes. It is worth remembering that sun-dried tomatoes contain a decent amount of calories, so you do not need to use additional vegetable oil for this recipe. It would be a good idea to even remove the sun-dried tomatoes and place them on a paper napkin so that it absorbs excess oil. Spread the avocado, mashed with a fork, onto the bread, add salt and pepper and lay out the sun-dried tomatoes.

Chicken and avocado sandwich

Looking for a great dinner, but dreaming of a delicious sandwich yourself? Then you must simply make this recipe. In our sandwich we will use only dietary and healthy products. Let's take boiled chicken fillet. You can also use turkey fillet, it contains minimal calories. So, you will need:

  • whole grain bread + ripe avocado + tablespoon of natural yogurt + herbs + tomatoes + spices + lemon juice + boiled fillet.

First you need to mix avocado with yogurt and herbs and blend in a blender. Place the resulting mass on one part of the bun, with pieces of chicken and tomato slices on top. Cover with the second part and enjoy a hearty dinner.

Avocado with egg and herring for sandwiches

Do you like unusual recipes? Then this snack recipe will definitely suit you. You are already familiar with the combination of avocado and egg, and if you add a little herring here, you will get a hearty, unusual snack. You will need:

  • whole grain bread + ripe avocado + boiled egg + natural yogurt + greens + herring.

In a blender, grind avocado with egg and natural yogurt, add spices to taste. Brown the bread a little on a grill pan. Spread the avocado cream on the bread, put the herring on top and sprinkle with herbs.

Hot sandwiches with avocado in the oven

If you love hot sandwiches, then you can prepare this simple recipe. Instead of regular cheese we will use 45% mozzarella. 100 grams of this product contains about 240 calories. We will need:

whole grain bread + avocado + mozzarella + herbs + spices.

Slice the bread and place it in the pan. Top with avocado slices and mozzarella. Sprinkle with herbs and place in the oven for 15 minutes. Temperature 180 degrees.

As you can see, a diet sandwich with avocado is an excellent option for a meal, as well as for a snack. Be sure to include avocados in your diet and lose weight in a tasty and healthy way!

For those with a sweet tooth with pear, honey, nuts and blue cheese

Do you like nuts? Then this version of delicious and healthy sandwiches is created especially for you.

What you will need:

  • a handful of walnuts,
  • cinnamon - a pinch,
  • bread - 4 slices,
  • avocado – 2 pieces,
  • salt,
  • ground black pepper,
  • pear.
  • blue cheese,
  • liquid honey - a couple of tablespoons.

The most popular and widespread blue cheeses are Roquefort, Gorgonzola, Cambozola, Danablue, Fourme d'Ambert, Dorblu, Stilton, Saint-Agur, Parsifal, Bergader, and Bavarian blue cheese.

How to cook

The nuts must be chopped into large pieces. Pour into a frying pan, sprinkle with cinnamon and fry for 3 minutes over low heat.

In another frying pan, brown the bread without butter.

Place the avocado pulp in a bowl, season with salt and pepper and mash with a fork.

Cut the pear into thin long slices.

Spread the avocado mixture onto the bread. Place a pear on top. Next, crumbled cheese and nuts. Gently pour honey on top. Serve for breakfast.

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